   < sem : liszt : lst : hd : plmod > = false
   < sem : liszt : lst : hd : quant > = true 
-> lex-plural .

   < sem : liszt : lst : hd : inst : qualia > = comestible

;;; test has to be on inst of rel rather than index, because
;;; index will not be linked at the point lex rule is applied

;;; ignore the orthography for now
;;; though accumulation of (derivational) affixes
;;; would seem to require some recursive mechanism
;;; and thus something like the semantic shift operation
;;; grinding-process 
;;; :shift metonymic
;;; lex-individ 
;;;   < sem : index : qualia > = physical
;;; -> lex-mass
;;;    < sem : liszt : lst : hd > = grind_rel
;;;   < sem : liszt : lst : hd : arg2 > =
;;;       < sem : liszt : lst : tl : hd : inst > .
;;; metonymic is a shifting operation which moves the
;;; semantics in the LISZT along one leaving an empty slot

;;; grind_rel would have to be a relational nominal
;;; not defined yet but
;;; [ grind_rel
;;;   INST : ref-ind ; coindexed with MRS INDEX
;;;   ARG2 : ref-ind ; coindexed with INST of another nom_rel ]
;;; note that sister etc would also be of this type