;;; Copyright (c) 1998--2003 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. (in-package :common-lisp-user) ;;; ;;; because ann used the term `type' the way she does well before it became a ;;; *censored* part of the *censored* common-lisp language |:-}. ;;; ;;; censorship by ann ... ;;; #+:allegro (setf excl:*enable-package-locked-errors* nil) #+:lispworks (setf hcl:*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* (loop with key = (find-package :common-lisp) for name in hcl:*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* for package = (find-package name) unless (eq key package) collect name)) #+:clisp (setf (ext:package-lock "LISP") nil) (defpackage :mrs (:use #+:lkb :lkb :common-lisp #-:ecl :make) (:export "*LNKP*" "OUTPUT-LNK" "PSOA-P" "PSOA-TOP-H" "PSOA-INDEX" "PSOA-LISZT" "PSOA-H-CONS" "REL-PRED" "REL-HANDEL" "REL-FLIST" "REL-EXTRA" "CHAR-REL-CFROM" "CHAR-REL-CTO" "FVPAIR-FEATURE" "FVPAIR-VALUE" "VAR-P" "VAR-TYPE" "VAR-EXTRA" "VAR-ID" "HCONS-SCARG" "HCONS-OUTSCPD" "HCONS-RELATION" "VSYM" "*MRS-PACKAGE*" "PATH-VALUE" "IS-VALID-FS" "FS-ARCS" "FS-TYPE" "IS-VALID-TYPE" "IS-TOP-TYPE" "EQUAL-OR-SUBTYPE" "COMPATIBLE-TYPES"))