1@1:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' ingénieur@
2@1:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3@1:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*pour l' ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
4@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*l' ingénieur@The preposition ``de'' is missing.
5@1:4@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à la question@
6@1:4@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*de la question@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``à''.
7@1:3@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*avec la question@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``à''.
8@1:3@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*la question@The preposition ``à'' is missing.
9@1:4@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@avec l' ingénieur@
10@1:4@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@*de l' ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``avec''. (cf. Input Comments)
11@1:4@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@*à l'ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``avec''.
12@1:3@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@*l' ingénieur@The preposition ``avec'' is missing.
13@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@pour l' ingénieur@
14@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@*de l' ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``pour''.
15@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``pour''.
16@1:3@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@*l' ingénieur@The preposition ``pour'' is missing.
17@@subcat@1(C_cpl(que))@@Mood of the verb depends on the adjectif.
17@1:5@comp@C_cpl(que)@que l' ingénieur vienne@
18@3:4@mood@subj@*vient@Mood of the verb is wrong. It should be subjunctive.
19@1:5@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si l' ingénieur vienne@The complementizer is wrong. It should be ``que''.
20@1:5@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si l' ingénieur vient@Complementizer and mood are wrong. (cf. Input Comments)
21@@subcat@1(p-obj(à)-inf)@@2 possibilities: ``difficile'' subcategorizes either for the preposition ``à'' or ``de''(4-4-3-1-2).
21@1:3@comp@p-obj(à)-inf@à comprendre@
22@@subcat@1(p-obj(de)-inf)@@2 possibilities: ``difficile'' subcategorizes either for the preposition ``à'' or ``de''(4-4-3-1-2).
22@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de comprendre@
23@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-inf/p-obj(à)-inf@*pour comprendre@The preposition is wrong. It should be either ``de'' or ``à''.
24@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-inf/p-obj(à)-inf@*comprendre@The preposition ``de'' or ``à'' is missing.
25@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de venir@
26@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à venir@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
27@1:3@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*pour venir@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
28@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*venir@Preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
29@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@pour l' entreprise@
29@4:6@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de comprendre@
30@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@*de l' entreprise@The first preposition is wrong. It should be ``pour''.
31@4:6@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*pour comprendre@The second preposition is wrong. (Cf. Input Comment)
32@1:4@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@*de l' entreprise@Both prepositions are wrong. The first should be ``pour'' and the second ``de''. (Mixture of to the previous items)
32@4:6@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*(pour comprendre)@
39@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*je@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-3
39@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*vient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-1
40@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*je@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-4
40@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*venons@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-1
41@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*je@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong. Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-5
41@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*venez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-1
42@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*tu@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-3
42@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*vient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-2
43@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*tu@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-5
43@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*venez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-2
44@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*tu@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-6
44@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viennent@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-2
45@0:1@pers-num@2-sg@*il@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-2
45@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viens@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-3
46@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*il@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-6
46@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viennent@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-3
47@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*il@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-4
47@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*venons@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-1-3
48@1:3@pers-num@1-sg@ai écouté@
49@1:3@pers-num@2-sg@as écouté@
50@1:3@pers-num@3-sg@a écouté@
51@1:3@pers-num@1-pl@avons écouté@
52@1:3@pers-num@2-pl@avez écouté@
53@1:3@pers-num@3-pl@ont écouté@
54@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*j'@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-3
54@1:3@pers-num@1-sg@*a écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-1
55@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*j'@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-4
55@1:3@pers-num@1-sg@*avons écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-1
56@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*j'@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-5
56@1:3@pers-num@1-sg@*avez écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-1
57@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*tu@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-3
57@1:3@pers-num@2-sg@*a écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-2
58@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*tu@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-5
58@1:3@pers-num@2-sg@*avez écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-2
59@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*tu@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-6
59@1:3@pers-num@2-sg@*ont écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-2
60@0:1@pers-num@1-sg@*il@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-1
60@1:3@pers-num@3-sg@*ai écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-3
61@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*il@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-6
61@1:3@pers-num@3-sg@*ont écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-3
62@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*il@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-4
62@1:3@pers-num@3-sg@*avons écouté@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-2-3
69@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*je@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-3
69@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*venait@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-1
70@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*je@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-4
70@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*venions@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-1
71@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*je@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-5
71@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*veniez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-1
72@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*tu@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-3
72@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*venait@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-2
73@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*tu@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-5
73@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*veniez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-2
74@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*tu@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-6
74@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*venaient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-2
75@0:1@pers-num@2-sg@*il@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-2
75@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*venais@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-3
76@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*il@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-6
76@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*venaient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-3
77@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*il@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-4
77@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*venions@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-3-3
84@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*je@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-3
84@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendra@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-1
85@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*je@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-4
85@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendrons@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-1
86@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*je@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-5
86@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendrez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-1
87@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*tu@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-3
87@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendra@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-2
88@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*tu@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-5
88@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendrez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-2
89@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*tu@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-6
89@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendront@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-2
90@0:1@pers-num@2-sg@*il@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-2
90@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendrai@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-3
91@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*il@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-6
91@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendront@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-3
92@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*il@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-4
92@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendrons@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-4-3
99@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*je@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-3
99@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendrait@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-1
100@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*je@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-4
100@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendrions@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-1
101@0:1@pers-num@2-pl@*je@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-5
101@1:2@pers-num@1-sg@*viendriez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-1
102@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@*tu@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-3
102@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendrait@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-2
103@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*tu@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-5
103@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendriez@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-2
104@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*tu@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-6
104@1:2@pers-num@2-sg@*viendraient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-2
105@0:1@pers-num@2-sg@*il@Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-2
105@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendrais@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-3
106@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*il@Number of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-6
106@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendraient@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-3
107@0:1@pers-num@1-pl@*il@Number and Person of either pronoun or verb is wrong.  Assumption that the pronoun is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-4
107@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*viendrions@Assumption that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-1-5-3
109@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*viens@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
110@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*viennent@Number of either NP or verb is wrong.  Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-1-1 .
110@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@*l'ingénieur@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-1-4 .
111@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@Les ingénieurs@cf. 2-6-2-1-1.
112@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@*les ingénieurs@Number of either NP or verb is wrong. Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-1-1 .
112@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Here we assume that the V is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-1-4 .
113@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*venons@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
114@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*viens@Person and number of verb is wrong. (Number and person of NP are assumed to be correct.)
116@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*venais@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
117@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*venaient@Number of either NP or verb is wrong.  Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-2-1 .
117@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*l'ingénieur@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-2-4 .
118@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@Les ingénieurs@cf. 2-6-2-2-1.
119@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@*les ingénieurs@Number of either NP or verb is wrong. Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-2-1 .
119@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*venait@Here we assume that the V is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-2-4 .
120@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*venions@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
121@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*venais@Person and number of verb is wrong. (Number and person of NP are assumed to be correct.)
123@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*viendrai@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
124@2:3@pers-num@3-sg@*viendront@Number of either NP or verb is wrong.  Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-3-1 .
124@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*l'ingénieur@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-3-4 .
125@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@Les ingénieurs@cf. 2-6-2-3-1.
126@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@*les ingénieurs@Number of either NP or verb is wrong. Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-3-1 .
126@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*viendra@Here we assume that the V is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-3-4 .
127@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*viendrons@Person of verb is wrong. (Person of NP is assumed to be correct.)
128@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@*viendrai@Person and number of verb is wrong. (Number and person of NP are assumed to be correct.)
129@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@les ingénieurs@
129@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@sont venus@
130@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*sont venu@Number of past participle is wrong. It should be (masculine) plural.
131@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*sont venues@Gender of past participle is wrong. It should be masculine (plural).
132@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*sont venue@Gender and number of past participle is wrong. It should be masculine plural.
133@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*est venus@Number of the auxiliary verb is wrong. It should be plural.
134@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*est venu@Number of either verb or NP is wrong. Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-4-1
134@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@*Les ingénieurs@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-4-7
134@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-masc@*est venu@Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-4-1
135@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@l'ingénieur@cf. 2-6-2-4-1
135@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-masc@est venu@
136@2:4@pers-num@3-sg@*sont venus@Number of either verb or NP is wrong Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-4-7
136@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*l'ingénieur@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-4-1
137@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-masc@*est venus@Number of past participle is wrong. It should be singular.
138@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-masc@*est venue@Gender of past participle is wrong. It should be feminine.
139@0:2@pers-num@3-pl@les femmes@
139@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@sont venues@
140@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@*sont venue@Number of past participle is wrong. It should be (feminine) plural.
141@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@*sont venus@Gender of past participle is wrong. It should be feminine (plural).
142@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@*sont venu@Gender and number of past participle is wrong. It should be feminine plural.
143@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@*est venues@Number of the auxiliary verb is wrong. It should be plural.
144@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-pl-fem@*est venue@Number of either verb or NP is wrong. Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-5-1
144@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@*Les femmes@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-5-7
145@0:2@pers-num@3-sg@la femme@cf. 2-6-2-5-1
145@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-fem@est venue@
146@2:4@pers-num@3-sg@*sont venues@Number of either verb or NP is wrong Here we assume that the verb is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-5-7
146@0:1@pers-num@3-pl@*la femme@Here we assume that the NP is wrong. Corresponding well-formed item: 2-6-2-5-1
147@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-fem@*est venues@Number of past participle is wrong. It should be singular.
148@2:4@pers-num-gen@3-sg-fem@*est venu@Gender of past participle is wrong. It should be feminine.
149@0:4@pers-num@3-sg@La plupart des ordinateurs@measure word in singular; counted objects in plural; semantic agreement
150@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*fonctionne@measure word in singular; counted objects in plural; syntactic agreement
151@0:4@pers-num@3-pl@Deux litres de lait@measure word in plural; counted object: mass; syntactic agreement
152@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*suffit@The number of the verb is wrong. It should be plural.
153@0:4@pers-num@3-pl@Deux kilos de sucre@measure word in plural; counted object: mass; syntactic agreement
154@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*suffit@The number of the verb is wrong. It should be plural.
155@0:4@pers-num@3-sg@La plupart d'entre nous@measure word in singular; complement: first person; semantic agreement (third person plural - more used than singular).
156@0:4@pers-num@3-sg@La plupart d'entre nous@measure word in singular; complement: first person; syntactic agreement (third person singular).
157@4:5@pers-num@3-pl/3-sg@*venons@Person of verb is wrong. It should be the third person (singular or plural).
158@0:4@pers-num@3-sg@La plupart d'entre vous@measure word in singular; complement: first person; semantic agreement (third person plural - more used than singular).
159@0:4@pers-num@3-sg@La plupart d'entre vous@measure word in singular; complement: first person; syntactic agreement (third person singular).
160@4:5@pers-num@3-pl/3-sg@*venez@Person of verb is wrong. It should be the third person (singular or plural).
161@0:3@pers-num@3-sg@Beaucoup d'entre vous@measure word in singular; complement: first person; semantic agreement (third person plural).
162@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Number of verb is wrong. It should be plural. Only the semantic agreement is possible
163@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*venez@Person of verb is wrong. It should be the third person plural.
164@0:3@pers-num@3-sg@Un des ingénieurs@measure word in singular; complement: plural; syntactical agreement (third person singular). Number of measure word ``un'' corresponds to the number of the complex NP.
164@3:4@pers-num@3-sg@travaille@measure word in singular; complement: plural; syntactical agreement (third person singular).
166@0:3@pers-num@1-pl@Toi et moi@coordinated subject with pronouns; if the subject is built of several pronouns the verb will be in plural; 1.person has priority.
167@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*venez@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
168@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
169@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Number of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
170@0:3@pers-num@1-pl@*vient@Number et person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
171@0:3@pers-num@1-pl@Lui et moi@coordinated subject with pronouns; First person has the priority .
172@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
173@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Number of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
174@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Number et person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
175@0:3@pers-num@2-pl@Toi et lui@coordinated subject with pronouns; Second person has the priority .
176@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the second person plural.
177@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*venons@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the second person plural.
178@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Number of the verb is wrong. It should be the second person plural.
179@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*vient@Number and person of the verb is wrong. It should be the second person plural.
180@0:3@pers-num@1-pl@*Nous et lui@coordinated subject with pronouns; First person has the priority .
181@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
182@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*vient@Number and person of the verb is wrong. It should be the first person plural.
183@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by `moi',its features agree to the impersonal pronoun.
184@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*suis@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular.
185@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by `toi',its features agree to the impersonal pronoun.
186@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*es@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular.
187@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by `nous',its features agree to the impersonal pronoun.
188@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*sommes@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular.
189@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by `vous',its features agree to the impersonal pronoun.
190@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*êtes@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular.
191@1:2@pers-num@3-sg@*est@The verb should be in the plural,but singular is accepted in spoken language.
191@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@eux@The verb can be either singular or plural (2-6-5-5-2)
192@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by `eux',it is better to use plural
192@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@eux@The verb can be either singular (2-6-5-5-1) or plural
193@1:2@pers-num@3-sg/3-pl@*sommes@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular or plural.
194@0:1@pers-num@3-sg@C'@If the verb is followed by a NP,the number of the verb is plural.
194@2:3@pers-num@3-pl@les hommes@
195@1:2@pers-num@3-pl@*est@Person of the verb is wrong. It should be third singular.
197@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*partie@Wrong gender.
198@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*partis@Wrong number.
199@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*parties@Wrong gender and number.
201@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*parti@Wrong gender.
202@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*parties@Wrong number.
203@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*partis@Wrong gender and number.
205@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptée@Wrong gender.
206@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptés@Wrong number.
207@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptées@Wrong gender and number.
209@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcée@Wrong gender.
210@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcés@Wrong number.
211@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcées@Wrong gender and number.
213@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcée@Wrong gender.
214@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcés@Wrong number.
215@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*prononcées@Wrong gender and number.
217@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*discutée@Wrong gender.
218@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*discutés@Wrong number.
219@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*discutées@Wrong gender and number.
221@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*durée@Wrong gender.
222@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*durés@Wrong number.
223@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*durées@Wrong gender and number.
225@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*faite@Wrong gender.
226@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*faits@Wrong number.
227@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*faites@Wrong gender and number.
229@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulue@Wrong gender.
230@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulus@Wrong number.
231@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulues@Wrong gender and number.
233@8:9@num-gen@sg-fem@*cru@Wrong gender.
234@8:9@num-gen@sg-fem@*crues@Wrong number.
235@8:9@num-gen@sg-fem@*crus@Wrong gender and number.
237@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*entendues@Wrong gender.
238@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*entendu@Wrong number.
239@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*entendue@Wrong gender and number.
241@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulue@Wrong gender.
242@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulus@Wrong number.
243@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*voulues@Wrong gender and number.
245@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*faite@Wrong gender.
246@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*faits@Wrong number.
247@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*faites@Wrong gender and number.
249@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*rencontrées@Wrong gender.
250@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*rencontré@Wrong number.
251@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*rencontrée@Wrong gender and number.
253@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*aperçues@Wrong gender.
254@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*aperçu@Wrong number.
255@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*aperçue@Wrong gender and number.
258@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptés@Wrong number.
259@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
263@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
265@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptée@Wrong gender.
266@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptés@Wrong number.
267@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptées@Wrong gender and number.
269@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*accepté@Wrong gender.
270@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*acceptés@Wrong gender and number.
271@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
274@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc/pl-fem@*accepté@Wrong number.
275@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc/pl-fem@*acceptée@Wrong number.
278@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@accepté@singular polite form
279@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@acceptée@singular polite feminine form
281@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*accepté@Wrong number.
282@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*acceptée@Wrong gender and number.
283@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*acceptés@Wrong gender.
285@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*acceptée@Wrong number.
286@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*accepté@Wrong gender and number.
287@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*acceptés@Wrong gender.
290@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptés@Wrong number.
291@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
295@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc/sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
297@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptée@Wrong gender.
298@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptés@Wrong number.
299@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*acceptées@Wrong gender and number.
301@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*accepté@Wrong gender.
302@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*acceptés@Wrong gender and number.
303@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*acceptées@Wrong number.
306@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc/pl-fem@*accepté@Wrong number.
307@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc/pl-fem@*acceptée@Wrong number.
310@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@accepté@Singular polite form.
311@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@acceptée@Singular polite feminine form.
313@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*accepté@Wrong number.
314@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*acceptée@Wrong gender and number.
315@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*acceptés@Wrong gender.
317@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*acceptée@Wrong number.
318@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*accepté@Wrong gender and number.
319@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*acceptés@Wrong gender.
321@0:2@comp@subj-impers@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
322@@comp@subj-impers@@The subject of the verb is missing.
323@0:3@comp@subj-impers@*à l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
324@2:4@comp@*obj@*l' entreprise@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
325@2:3@comp@*v-comp@*venir@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
327@0:2@comp@subj-impers@*la question@The subject of the verb must be impers.
328@@comp@subj-impers@@The subject of the verb is missing.
329@0:3@comp@subj-impers@*à la question@The subject of the verb must be impers.
330@2:4@comp@*obj@*la question@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
331@2:3@comp@*v-comp@*venir@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
332@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
333@0:3@comp@subj@*à l' ingénieur@The subject of the verb cannot be a prepositional phrase(PP).
334@@comp@subj@@The subject of the verb is missing.
335@3:5@comp@*obj@*(l' entreprise)@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
337@0:1@comp@subj@*je@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
338@0:1@comp@subj@*moi@The pronoun should be ``atonic''.
339@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
340@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
342@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
343@0:1@comp@subj@*toi@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
344@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
345@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
348@0:1@comp@subj@*le@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
349@0:1@comp@subj@*la@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
350@0:1@comp@subj@*lui@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
351@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
352@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
353@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
354@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
356@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
357@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
359@0:1@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
360@0:1@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
363@0:1@comp@subj@*les@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
364@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
365@0:1@comp@subj@*eux@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
366@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
367@1:2@comp@*obj@*le@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
368@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
369@1:2@comp@*p-obj@*lui@The verb only subcategorizes for a subject.
370@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
370@3:5@comp@obj@l' invitation@
371@0:3@comp@subj@*à l' invitation@The subject of the verb cannot be a prepositional phrase(PP).
372@@comp@subj@@The subject of the verb is missing.
373@3:6@comp@obj@*de l' invitation@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
374@3:5@comp@obj@*pour venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
375@3:4@comp@obj@*venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
376@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
376@3:5@comp@obj@la question@
377@0:3@comp@subj@*à la question@The subject of the verb cannot be a prepositional phrase(PP).
378@@comp@subj@@The subject of the verb is missing.
379@3:6@comp@obj@*de la question@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
380@3:5@comp@obj@*pour venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
381@3:4@comp@obj@*venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
382@3:4@comp@obj@*que l' ingénieur vient@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
388@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
389@0:1@comp@subj@*moi@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
390@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
391@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
392@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
392@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
393@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
393@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
399@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
400@0:1@comp@subj@*toi@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
401@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
402@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
403@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
403@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
404@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
404@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
411@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
412@0:1@comp@subj@*lui@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
413@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
414@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
415@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
415@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
416@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
416@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
423@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
424@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
425@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
426@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
426@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
427@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
427@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
433@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
434@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
440@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
441@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
448@0:1@comp@subj@*Leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
449@0:1@comp@subj@*eux@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
450@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
451@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
452@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
452@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
453@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
453@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
460@0:1@comp@subj@*Leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
461@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
462@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
463@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
463@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
464@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
464@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
465@2:4@comp@obj@un ingénieur@
466@0:2@comp@subj-impers@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
467@2:5@comp@obj@*pour un ingénieur@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
468@2:6@comp@obj@*si l' ingénieur vient@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
469@2:4@comp@obj@*de venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
470@2:3@comp@obj@*venu@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
471@0:2@comp@subj@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
471@3:6@comp@obj@*pour l' ingénieur@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
472@0:2@comp@subj@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
472@3:7@comp@obj@*si l' ingénieur vient@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
473@0:2@comp@subj@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
473@3:5@comp@obj@*de venir@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
474@0:2@comp@subj@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
474@3:4@comp@obj@*venu@The verb subcategorizes for a direct object.
474@@comp@obj@@The direct object of the verb is missing.
475@0:2@comp@subj@*l' entreprise@The subject of the verb must be impers.
475@@comp@obj@@The direct object of the verb is missing.
479@0:1@comp@subj-impers@*lui@The subject of the verb must be impers.
480@0:1@comp@subj-impers@*elle@The subject of the verb must be impers.
481@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
482@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
483@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
483@3:6@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' entreprise@
484@3:6@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*par l' entreprise@Preposition of the PP is wrong.
485@3:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*l' entreprise@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
486@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*venir@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
487@3:7@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*si la femme vient@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
488@3:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à venir@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
489@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
489@3:6@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l' entreprise@
490@3:6@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*de l' entreprise@Preposition of the PP is wrong.
491@3:5@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*l' entreprise@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
492@3:5@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*de venir@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
493@3:5@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*venu@The verb subcategorizes for a PP.
495@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
496@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
497@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
498@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
499@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
500@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
501@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
502@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
503@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
505@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
506@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
507@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
508@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
509@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
510@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
511@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
512@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
513@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
515@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
516@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
517@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
518@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
519@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
520@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
521@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
522@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
523@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
525@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
526@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
527@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
528@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
529@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
530@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
531@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
532@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
533@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
535@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
536@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
537@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
538@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
539@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
540@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
541@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
542@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
543@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
545@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The pronoun should be "en".
546@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The pronoun should be "en".
547@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*le@The pronoun should be "en".
548@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la@The pronoun should be "en".
549@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*les@The pronoun should be "en".
550@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The pronoun should be "en".
551@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The pronoun should be "en".
552@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The pronoun should be "en".
553@1:2@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The pronoun should be "en".
554@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
554@3:7@comp@C_cpl(que)@que l' ingénieur vient@
554@6:7@mood@ind@vient@Mood of the subordinate clause must be indicative .
555@3:7@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si l' ingénieur vient@The complementizer should be ``que''.
556@6:7@mood@ind@*vienne@Mood of the subordinate clause must be indicative .
557@3:5@comp@C_cpl(que)@*l'ingénieur@``Supposer'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
558@3:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*de l' ingénieur@``Supposer'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
559@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
559@3:7@comp@C_cpl(que)@que l'ingénieur vienne@
560@3:7@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si l'ingénieur vienne@The complementizer should be ``que''.
561@4:5@mood@subj@*vient@Mood of the subordinate clause must be subjunctive .
562@@comp@C_cpl(que)@@``Regretter'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
563@3:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*de l' ingénieur@``Regretter'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
564@3:4@comp@C_cpl(que)@*partir@``Regretter'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
565@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
565@4:8@comp@C_cpl(si)@si l'ingénieur vient@
566@4:8@comp@C_cpl(si)@*que l'ingénieur vient@The complementizer should be ``si''.
567@4:6@comp@C_cpl(si)@*l'ingénieur@``Se demander'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
568@4:7@comp@C_cpl(si)@*de l' ingénieur@``Se demander'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
569@4:5@comp@C_cpl(si)@*venir@``Se demander'' subcategorizes for a SBAR introduced by ``que''.
571@1:2@comp@obj@*te@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
572@1:2@comp@obj@*nous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
573@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
574@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
575@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
576@0:1@comp@subj@*moi@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
577@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
578@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
579@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
579@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
580@0:1@comp@subj@*me@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
580@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
582@1:2@comp@obj@*me@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
583@1:2@comp@obj@*nous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
584@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
585@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
586@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
587@0:1@comp@subj@*toi@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
588@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
589@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
590@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
590@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
591@0:1@comp@subj@*te@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
591@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
593@1:2@comp@obj@*me@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
594@1:2@comp@obj@*te@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
595@1:2@comp@obj@*nous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
596@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
597@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
598@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
599@0:1@comp@subj@*lui@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
600@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
601@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
602@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
602@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
603@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
603@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
605@1:2@comp@obj@*me@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
606@1:2@comp@obj@*te@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
607@1:2@comp@obj@*nous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
608@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
609@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
610@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
611@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
612@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
613@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
613@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
614@0:1@comp@subj@*se@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
614@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
616@1:2@comp@obj@*me@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
617@1:2@comp@obj@*te@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
618@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
619@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
620@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
621@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
627@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
628@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
630@1:2@comp@obj@*me@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
631@1:2@comp@obj@*te@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
632@1:2@comp@obj@*nous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
633@1:2@comp@obj@*vous@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
634@1:2@comp@obj@*les@``Supposer'' does subcategorize for an object,but only for a neutral pronoun.
635@0:1@comp@subj@*Leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
636@0:1@comp@subj@*eux@The pronoun should be ``atonique''.
637@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
638@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
639@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
639@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
640@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
640@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
647@0:1@comp@subj@*Leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
648@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
649@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
650@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
650@1:2@comp@obj@*lui@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
651@0:1@comp@subj@*leur@The case of the pronoun should be nominative.
651@1:2@comp@obj@*leur@The case of the clitic should be accusative.
652@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
652@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
653@3:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*l' entreprise@``Penser'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
654@3:7@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Penser'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
655@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de dirigé l'entreprise@``Penser'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
656@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l'entreprise@``Penser'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
657@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
657@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
658@3:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*l' entreprise@``Savoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
659@3:7@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Savoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
660@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de dirigé l'entreprise@``Savoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
661@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l'entreprise@``Savoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
662@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
662@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
663@3:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*l' entreprise@``Pouvoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
664@3:7@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Pouvoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
665@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de dirigé l'entreprise@``Pouvoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
666@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l'entreprise@``Pouvoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
667@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
667@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
668@3:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*l' entreprise@``Vouloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
669@3:7@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Vouloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
670@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de dirigé l'entreprise@``Vouloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
671@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l'entreprise@``Vouloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
672@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
672@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
673@3:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*l' entreprise@``Devoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
674@3:7@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Devoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
675@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de dirigé l'entreprise@``Devoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
676@3:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l'entreprise@``Devoir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
677@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
677@3:7@comp@p-obj(à)-inf@à diriger l'entreprise@
678@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
678@3:7@comp@p-obj(par)-inf@par diriger l' entreprise@
679@3:7@comp@p-obj(à)-inf/p-obj(par)-inf@*de diriger l'entreprise@``Commencer'' subcategorizes for the prepositions ``à'' or ``par''.
680@3:6@comp@p-obj(à)-inf/p-obj(par)-inf@*diriger l'entreprise@``Commencer'' subcategorizes for the prepositions ``à'' or ``par''.
681@3:7@comp@p-obj(à)-inf/p-obj(par)-inf@*qu'il dirige l' entreprise@``Commencer'' subcategorizes for the prepositions ``à'' or ``par''.
682@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
682@3:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de diriger l' entreprise@
683@3:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à diriger l' entreprise@``Décider'' subcategorizes for an infinitive introduced by the preposition ``de''.
684@3:6@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*diriger l'entreprise@``Décider'' subcategorizes for an infinitive introduced by the preposition ``de''.
685@3:5@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*l'entreprise@``Décider'' subcategorizes for an infinitive introduced by the preposition ``de''.
686@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
687@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
688@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
689@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
690@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
691@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
692@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
693@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
694@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
695@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*y@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
696@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*en@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
697@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
698@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
699@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
700@2:3@comp@VP_inf@la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le) if it replaces an infinitive,but "la" is possible if it replaces an object.
701@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
702@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
703@2:3@comp@VP_inf@les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le) if it replaces an infinitive,but "les" is possible if it replaces an object.
704@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
705@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
706@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*y@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
707@2:3@comp@VP_inf@en@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le) if it replaces an infinitive,but "en" is possible if it replaces an object.
708@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
709@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
710@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
711@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
712@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
713@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
714@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
715@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
716@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
717@2:3@comp@VP_inf@*y@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
718@2:3@comp@VP_inf@en@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le) if it replaces an infinitive,but "en" is possible if it replaces an object.
719@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
719@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
720@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
721@@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@@``Être'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
722@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*à un échec@``Être'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
723@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*pour venir@``Être'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
724@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Être'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
725@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
725@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
726@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
727@@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@@``Paraître'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
728@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*à un échec@``Paraître'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
729@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*de venir@``Paraître'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
730@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Paraître'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
731@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
731@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
732@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
733@@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@@``Rester'' subcategorizes for an attribute but it can also be an intransitive verb.
734@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*à un échec@``Rester'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
735@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*de venir@``Rester'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
736@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Rester'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
737@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
737@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
738@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
739@@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
740@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*à un échec@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
741@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*à venir@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
742@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n/subj-pred-adj@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
743@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
744@2:3@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
745@@comp@subj-pred-n@@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
746@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n@*à un échec@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
747@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@*à venir@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
748@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Devenir'' subcategorizes for an attribute.
749@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
749@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
750@3:4@comp@subj-pred-n@*grande@`Représenter'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
751@@comp@subj-pred-n@@``Représenter'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
752@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n@*à un échec@``Représenter'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
753@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@*à venir@``Représenter'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
754@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Représenter'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
755@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
755@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@un échec@
756@3:4@comp@subj-pred-n@*grande@`Constituer'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
757@@comp@subj-pred-n@@``Constituer'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
758@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n@*à un échec@``Constituer'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
759@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@*à venir@``Constituer'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
760@3:7@comp@subj-pred-n@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Constituer'' subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
761@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
762@3:5@comp@subj-pred-adj@*un échec@`Tomber'' subcategorizes for an ADJ-attribute.
763@@comp@subj-pred-adj@@``Tomber'' is also an intransitive verb.
764@3:6@comp@subj-pred-adj@*à un échec@``Tomber'' subcategorizes for an ADJ-attribute.
765@3:5@comp@subj-pred-adj@*à venir@``Tomber'' subcategorizes for an ADJ-attribute.
766@3:7@comp@subj-pred-adj@*que l' ingénieur vient@``Tomber'' subcategorizes for an ADJ-attribute.
767@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
767@3:6@comp@subj-pred-p@comme un spécialiste@
768@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
768@3:5@comp@subj-pred-p@comme ingénieux@
769@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
770@3:6@comp@subj-pred-p/subj-pred-adj@*pour un spécialiste@The preposition should be ``comme''.
771@3:5@comp@subj-pred-p/subj-pred-adj@*pour ingénieux@The preposition should be ``comme''.
772@3:4@comp@subj-pred-p/subj-pred-adj@*venir@``Apparaître'' subcategorizes for a ADJ- or a PP-attribute.
773@3:5@comp@subj-pred-p/subj-pred-adj@*comme venir@``Apparaître'' subcategorizes for a ADJ- or a PP-attribute.
774@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
774@3:5@comp@subj-pred-p@pour ingénieux@
775@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
775@3:6@comp@subj-pred-p@pour un spécialiste@
776@3:6@comp@subj-pred-p@qu' il vient@``Passer'' subcategorizes for a PP-attribute.
777@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
778@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*m'@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
779@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*t'@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
780@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
781@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
782@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
783@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
784@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
785@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
786@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
787@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
788@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
789@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
790@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
791@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
792@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
793@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
794@0:2@comp@subj@le professeur@
795@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
796@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
797@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
798@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
799@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
800@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
801@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
802@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
803@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*le@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
804@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
805@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
806@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
807@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
808@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
809@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
810@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
811@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
812@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*l'@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
813@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*m'@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
814@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*t'@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
815@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
816@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
817@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
818@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
819@2:3@comp@subj-pred@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le). A pronoun cannot stand for a PP-attribute or a ADJ-attribute.
820@2:6@comp@s-comp(C_cpl(que))@que l' ingénieur vienne@
821@2:6@comp@s-comp(C_cpl(que))@*que l'ingénieur vient@The mood of the subordinate clause should be subjunctive.
822@2:6@comp@s-comp(C_cpl(que))@*si l' ingénieur vient@The complementizer should be ``que'' and the mood of the subordinate clause should be subjunctive.
823@2:4@comp@s-comp(C_cpl(que))@*pour venir@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a clause introduced by ``que''.
824@2:4@comp@s-comp(C_cpl(que))@*venu@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a clause introduced by ``que''.
826@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
827@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
828@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
829@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
830@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
831@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
832@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
833@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
834@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*y@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
835@2:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@diriger l' entreprise@
836@2:6@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de diriger l' entreprise@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
837@2:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*de l' entreprise@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
838@2:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigé l' entreprise@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
839@2:5@comp@v-comp(VP_inf)@*dirigeant l' entreprise@``Falloir'' subcategorizes for a infinitive.
841@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*me@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
842@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*te@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
843@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*la@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
844@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*nous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
845@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*vous@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
846@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*les@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
847@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*lui@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
848@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*leur@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
849@1:2@comp@s-comp(C_cpl)@*y@The pronoun should be the neuter form (le).
851@0:2@comp@subj-impers@*l' entreprise@``Faire'' subcategorizes for a impersonal subject.
852@2:5@comp@subj-pred-adj@*à l' entreprise@``Faire'' subcategorizes for an AP-attribute.
853@2:6@comp@subj-pred-adj@*à diriger l' entreprise@``Faire'' subcategorizes for an AP-attribute.
854@2:5@comp@subj-pred-adj@*dirigé l' entreprise@``Faire'' subcategorizes for an AP-attribute.
855@3:5@comp@subj-pred-n@une femme@
856@3:6@comp@subj-pred-n@*à une femme@The verb subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
857@3:4@comp@subj-pred-n@*venir@The verb subcategorizes for an NP-attribute.
858@1:2@comp@subj-pred-n@*le@The neuter form (le) cannot replace an attribute/ real subject.
859@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
859@3:5@comp@obj@le livre@
859@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à la femme@
860@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*par la femme@The preposition of the indirect object should be ``à''.
861@5:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*la femme@The preposition of the indirect object is missing.
862@@comp@obj@@The direct object is missing.
863@3:5@comp@obj@*au livre@``Poser'' subcategorizes for a direct object.
863@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à la femme@
864@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
864@3:5@comp@obj@le vin@
864@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l' eau@
865@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*par l' eau@The preposition of the indirect object should be ``à''.
866@5:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*l' eau@The preposition of the indirect object is missing.
867@@comp@obj@@The direct object is missing.
868@3:5@comp@obj@*au vin@``Poser'' subcategorizes for a direct object.
868@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l' eau@
869@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
869@3:5@comp@obj@le problème@
869@5:8@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@avec l' entreprise@
870@5:8@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@*à l' entreprise@The preposition of the indirect object should be ``avec''.
871@5:7@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@*l' entreprise@The preposition of the indirect object is missing.
872@3:5@comp@obj@*au problème@``Poser'' subcategorizes for a direct object.
873@3:5@comp@obj@*du problème@``Poser'' subcategorizes for a direct object.
874@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
874@3:5@comp@obj@l' entreprise@
874@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@du soutien@
875@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
875@3:5@comp@obj@l' entreprise@
875@5:8@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP@pour le soutien@
876@5:7@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP/p-obj(de)-NP@*au soutien@The preposition should be ``de'' or ``pour''.
877@5:8@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP/p-obj(de)-NP@par le soutien@The preposition should be ``de'' or ``pour'' but ``par le soutien'' can be a modifier.
878@5:7@comp@p-obj(pour)-NP/p-obj(de)-NP@*le soutien@The preposition is missing. It should be ``de'' or ``pour''.
879@3:6@comp@obj@*de l' entreprise@`It should be a direct object.
880@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
880@3:5@comp@obj@le vin@
880@5:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l' eau@
881@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
881@3:5@comp@obj@le vin@
881@5:8@comp@p-obj(avec)-NP@avec l' eau@
882@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP/p-obj(avec)-NP@*contre l' eau@The preposition should be ``à'' or ``avec''.
883@3:5@comp@obj@au vin@It should be a direct object
884@0:2@comp@subj@l' entreprise@
884@3:5@comp@obj@l' ingénieur@
884@5:7@comp@p-obj(sur)-NP@sur sa vie@
885@5:7@comp@p-obj(sur)-NP@*à sa vie@The preposition should be ``sur''.
886@5:8@comp@p-obj(sur)-NP@*de raconter sa vie@The indirect object should be a PP.
887@3:6@comp@obj@*de l' ingénieur@It should be a direct object.
888@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
888@3:5@comp@obj@ce problème@
888@5:8@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de sa vie@
889@5:8@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à sa vie@The preposition should be ``de''.
890@5:8@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*contre sa vie@The preposition should be ``de''.
891@5:8@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*de venir@The indirect object should be a PP.
892@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
892@3:5@comp@obj@sa femme@
892@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
893@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*contre l'entreprise@The preposition should be ``à''.
894@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*à venir@The indirect object should be a PP.
895@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
895@3:5@comp@obj@*de sa femme@It should be a direct object.
896@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
896@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
897@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
897@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
898@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
898@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
899@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
899@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
900@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
900@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
901@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
901@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
902@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
902@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
903@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
903@4:7@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à l'entreprise@
904@2:3@comp@obj@*lui@The pronoun should be a direct object.
905@2:3@comp@obj@*leur@The pronoun should be a direct object.
906@2:3@comp@obj@en@The pronoun should be a direct object but ``en'' is possible if it replaces a prepositional phrase.
907@2:3@comp@obj@*y@The pronoun should be a direct object.
908@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
908@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
909@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
909@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
910@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
910@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
911@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
911@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
912@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
912@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
913@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
913@4:6@comp@obj@la femme@
918@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
919@2:3@comp@obj@*me@Pronoun should be third person.
920@2:3@comp@obj@*te@Pronoun should be third person.
921@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@Pronoun should be third person.
922@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@Pronoun should be third person.
923@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
924@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
925@2:3@comp@obj@*me@Pronoun should be third person.
926@2:3@comp@obj@*te@Pronoun should be third person.
927@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@Pronoun should be third person.
928@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@Pronoun should be third person.
929@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
930@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
931@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
932@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
933@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
934@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
935@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
936@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
937@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
938@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
939@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
940@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
941@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
942@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
943@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
943@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
944@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
944@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
945@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
945@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
946@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
946@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
947@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
947@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
948@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
948@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
949@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
949@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
950@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
950@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
951@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
951@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
952@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
953@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
953@2:3@comp@obj@le@The direct object is neuter
954@2:3@comp@obj@*me@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
955@2:3@comp@obj@*te@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
956@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
957@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
959@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
959@2:3@comp@obj@le@The direct object is neuter.
960@2:3@comp@obj@*me@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
961@2:3@comp@obj@*te@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
962@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
963@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
966@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
967@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
968@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
969@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
970@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
971@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
972@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
973@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
974@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person
974@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
975@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
975@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
976@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
976@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
977@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
977@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*t'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
978@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
978@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*t'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
979@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
979@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*t'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
980@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
980@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
981@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*t'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
981@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
982@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
982@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
983@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*m'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
983@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
984@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*t'@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
984@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
985@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
985@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(à)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two personal pronouns which are both first or second person.
986@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
987@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
988@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
989@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
990@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
991@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
992@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
993@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
994@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
995@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
996@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
997@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
998@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
999@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1000@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1001@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1002@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1003@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1004@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1005@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1006@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1007@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1008@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1009@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1010@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1011@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1012@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1013@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1014@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1015@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1016@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1017@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1017@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1018@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1018@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1019@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1019@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1020@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1020@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1021@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1021@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1022@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1022@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1023@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1023@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1024@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1024@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1025@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1025@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1026@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1026@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1027@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1027@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1028@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1028@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1029@0:2@comp@subj@l' ingénieur@
1030@2:3@comp@obj@*m'@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1031@2:3@comp@obj@t'@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1032@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1034@2:3@comp@obj@*les@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun (``les'' is possible if it is not human).
1035@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1036@2:3@comp@obj@*me@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1036@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1037@2:3@comp@obj@*te@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1037@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1038@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1038@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1039@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1039@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1040@2:3@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1040@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*lui@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1041@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1042@2:3@comp@obj@*me@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1042@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1043@2:3@comp@obj@*te@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1043@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1044@2:3@comp@obj@*nous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1044@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1045@2:3@comp@obj@*vous@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1045@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1046@2:3@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1046@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1047@2:3@comp@obj@*les@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun
1047@3:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*leur@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1048@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1049@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1050@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1051@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1052@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1052@3:4@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1053@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1053@3:4@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1054@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1054@3:4@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1055@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1055@3:4@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1056@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*me@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1056@3:4@comp@obj@*les@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1057@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*te@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1057@3:4@comp@obj@*la@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1058@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun
1058@3:4@comp@obj@*les@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1059@2:3@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@The indirect object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1059@3:4@comp@obj@*les@The direct object cannot be a personal pronoun.
1060@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1060@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1061@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1061@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1062@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1062@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1063@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1063@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1064@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1064@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1065@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1065@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1066@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1066@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1067@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1067@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1068@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1068@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1069@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*me@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1069@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1070@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*te@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1070@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1071@2:3@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*nous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1071@3:4@comp@obj/p-obj(de)-NP@*vous@It is not possible to have two pronouns which are both first or second person.
1072@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(C,C)@Il pleut,il neige@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:0)
1073@0:2@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*Il pleut@The second coordinated element is missing.
1074@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*il neige@(Dubious test item) The first coordinated element is missing.
1075@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' homme vient,la femme vient@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:1)
1076@0:3@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*L' homme vient@The second coordinated element is missing.
1077@1:4@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*la femme vient@(Dubious test item) The first coordinated element is missing.
1078@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(C,C)@Il pleut,l' ingénieur vient@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 0,valency of the second verb: 1)
1079@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*Il pleut,vient@It is not possible to have an elliptical C here (i.e. it is not possible to delete the subject).
1080@3:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(NP(obj),NP(obj))@l' invitation et le contrat@Coordinated NP which are objects.
1081@3:5@coord_cat@et(NP(obj),NP(obj))@*l' invitation et@The second coordinated element is missing.
1082@3:6@coord_cat@et(NP(obj),NP(obj))@*et le contrat@The first coordinated element is missing.
1083@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(NP(obj),NP(obj))@*l' invitation et contrat@The second coordinated element should be a NP.
1084@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,l' ingénieur signe le contrat@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1085@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(C,C)@Il pleut,l' ingénieur accepte l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 0,valency of the second verb: 2)
1086@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,il pleut@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 2,valency of the second verb: 0)
1087@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,l' ingénieur vient@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 2,valency of the second verb: 1)
1088@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur vient,l' ingénieur accepte l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 1,valency of the second verb: 2)
1089@0:6,7:13@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur rêve de l' entreprise,l' homme parle de l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 1,valency of the second verb: 2)
1090@0:6@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*L' ingénieur rêve de l' entreprise@The second coordinated element is missing.
1091@0:6,7:13@coord_cat@et(C,C)@*l' homme parle de l' invitation@(Dubious test item) The first coordinated element is missing.
1092@0:6,7:13@coord_cat@et(C,C)@L' ingénieur rêve de l' entreprise,l' homme pense à l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency,but their p-object does not have the same preposition.
1093@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@Il pleut,neige@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:0 - impersonal verbs)
1094@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*Il pleut,neige@It is not possible to delete the verb of the second coordinated element.
1095@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*Pleut,il neige@It is not possible to delete the subject of the first coordinated element.
1096@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*Il,il neige@It is not possible to delete the verb of the first coordinated element.
1097@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur vient,accepte@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:1)
1098@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur vient,l' ingénieur@It is not possible to delete the verb of the second coordinated element.
1099@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*Vient,l' ingénieur accepte@It is not possible to delete the subject of the first coordinated element.
1100@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,l'entreprise le contrat@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1101@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*L' ingénieur l' invitation,l' entreprise  accepte le contrat@It is not possible to delete the verb of the first coordinated element.
1102@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,signe le contrat@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1103@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*Accepte l' invitation,l' ingénieur signe le contrat@It is not possible to delete the subject of the first coordinated element.
1104@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,vient@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 2,valency of the second verb: 1 )
1105@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur accepte l' invitation,vient@The two coordinated verbs have not the same valency (valency of the first verb: 1,valency of the second verb: 2)
1106@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur reçoit,accepte l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1107@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur reçoit l' invitation,accepte@The second coordinated element is lacking the object.
1108@0:1,2:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj),C_elliptic(subj))@Reçoit,l' ingénieur accepte l' invitation@The first coordinated element is lacking the subject.
1109@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur reçoit,l' ingénieur accepte l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1110@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur reçoit,l'homme accepte l' invitation@It is not possible to delete the object in the first coordinated element if both elements do not have the same subject.
1111@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur rêve,parle de l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1112@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C)@L' ingénieur rêve,l' ingénieur parle de l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1113@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur rêve de l' entreprise,parle de l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1114@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur rêve  de l'entreprise,l'homme de l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1115@0:4,5:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*Rêve de l' entreprise,l' ingénieur parle de l' invitation@The first coordinated element is lacking the subject.
1116@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur pense,écrit à l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1117@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C)@L' ingénieur pense,l' ingénieur écrit à l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1118@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur pense à l' entreprise,écrit à l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1119@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur pense  à l'entreprise,l'homme à l' invitation@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:2)
1120@0:4,5:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*Pense à l' entreprise,l' ingénieur écrit à l' invitation@The first coordinated element is lacking the subject.
1121@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(NP of PP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur parle  de,pense à l' invitation@Dubious test item,but this might be a stylistic variation.
1122@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@Il faut que l' ingénieur vienne,que l' homme parte@Coordination of two subordinate clauses (subject: impers)
1123@0:6,7:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@*Il faut que l' ingénieur vienne,faut que l' homme parte@It is not possible to delete the impers subject of the second coordinated element.
1124@0:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@*Il faut que l' ingénieur vienne,l' homme parte@It is better to repeat the complementizer ``que''.
1125@0:7,8:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur regrette que l' ingénieur vienne,que l' homme parte@Coordination of two subordinate clauses (subject: NP)
1126@0:7,8:13@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur regrette que l' ingénieur vienne,espère que l' homme parte@It is possible to delete the subject of the second coordinated element (cf. 2-8-2-10-2)
1127@0:7,8:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur regrette que l' ingénieur vienne,l' homme parte@It is better to repeat the complementizer ``que''.
1128@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj-impers,V))@Il faut venir,partir@Coordination of VP-inf (subject:impers)
1129@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj-impers,V))@*Il faut venir,faut partir@It is not possible to delete the impers subject of the second coordinated element.
1130@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj-impers,V))@Il faut accepter,signer le contrat@Coordination of VP-inf which has an object .(subject:impers)
1131@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj-impers,V))@*Il faut accepter le contrat,signer@It is not possible to delete also the object of the VP-inf of the second coordinated element.
1132@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj-impers,V))@*Il faut accepter,faut signer le contrat@It is not possible to delete the impers subject of the second coordinated element.
1133@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur doit  accepter,signer le contrat@Coordination of VP-inf which has an object .(subject:NP)
1134@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur doit  accepter,veut signer le contrat@It is possible to delete the subject of the second coordinated element (cf. 2-8-2-10-2)
1135@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj of VP_inf),C_elliptic(subj,V))@*L' ingénieur doit  accepter le contrat,signer@It is not possible to delete also the object of the VP-inf of the second coordinated element.
1136@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur décide de venir,de partir@Coordination of PP-inf
1137@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur décide de venir,décide de partir@Coordination of PP-inf (with repetition of the verb (cf. 2-8-2-15-2)
1138@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur décide de venir,de partir@Coordination of PP-inf where there are two different prepositions
1139@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@*L' ingénieur décide de et commence à travailler .@Coordination of PP-inf where there are two different prepositions refering to the same verb (dubious test item,but possible in certain contexts).
1140@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(subj-pred-n),C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise est,reste un échec .@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a NP
1141@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(subj-pred-a)),C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise est,reste grande .@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a ADJ
1142@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise est,reste un échec .@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a NP
1143@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise est grande,reste excellente@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a ADJ
1144@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@L' entreprise un échec,une faillite@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a NP
1145@0:4,5:6@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@L' entreprise  reste grande,excellente@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a ADJ
1146@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise  est un échec,reste grande@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a ADJ and a N
1147@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise  est grande,reste un échec@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a ADJ and a N
1148@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*L' entreprise reste un échec,grande@It is not possible to coordinate a NP and a ADJ.
1149@0:4,5:6@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*L' entreprise reste grande,est@It is not possible to delete the subject and the predicative subject (ADJ)
1150@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@*L' entreprise reste un échec ,est@It is not possible to delete the subject and the predicative subject (NP)
1151@0:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula,Prep of subj-pred-p))@L' ingénieur passe pour un spécialiste,un connaisseur@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (without repetition of the preposition) (PP=Prep+NP)
1152@0:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula,Prep of subj-pred-p))@L' ingénieur passe pour un spécialiste,pour un connaisseur@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (with repetition of the preposition)  (PP=Prep+NP)
1153@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula,Prep of subj-pred-p))@L' ingénieur passe pour ingénieux,adroit@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (without repetition of the preposition)  (PP=Prep+ADJ)
1154@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@L' ingénieur passe pour ingénieux,pour adroit@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (with repetition of the preposition)  (PP=Prep+ADJ)
1155@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@L' ingénieur passe pour ingénieux,pour un spécialiste@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (first PP=Prep+ADJ,second PP=Prep+NP)
1156@0:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@L' ingénieur passe pour un spécialiste,pour ingénieux@Coordination of V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (first PP=Prep+NP,second PP=Prep+ADJ)
1157@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(NP of subj-pred-p),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur passe pour,apparaît comme un spécialiste@Coordination of two V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (PP=Prep+NP)
1158@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(ADJ of subj-pred-p),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur passe pour,apparaît comme ingénieux@Coordination of two V_copula subcategorizing for a PP (PP=Prep+ADJ)
1159@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(ADJ of subj-pred-p),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur passe pour ingénieux,apparaît comme@It is impossible to delete the ADJ/NP of the second coordinated element
1160@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@*L' ingénieur passe pour ingénieux,un spécialiste@It is impossible to coordinate an ADJ and a NP.
1161@0:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V-copula))@*L' ingénieur passe pour un spécialiste,ingénieux@It is impossible to coordinate a NP and an ADJ.
1162@0:8,9:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,obj))@L' ingénieur offre le livre à la femme,à l' homme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objs.
1163@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur offre le livre,le bouquet à la femme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the objects.
1164@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur montre,offre le livre à la femme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1165@0:8,9:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur offre le bouquet à la femme,montre le livre à l' homme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the VPs.
1166@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur offre le bouquet,montre le livre à l' femme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs and the objects.
1167@0:8,9:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur offre le bouquet à l' femme,l' entreprise le livre à l' homme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Ellipsis of the verb in the second coordinated element.
1168@0:8,9:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur offre le bouquet à l' femme,montre@It is not possible to delete the subject,the object and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1169@0:8,9:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur offre le bouquet à l' femme,le livre@It is not possible to delete the subject,the verb and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1170@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur offre à la femme,l' ingénieur montre le livre à l' homme .@It is not possible to delete the object of the first coordinated element.
1171@0:4,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur offre le bouquet,l' ingénieur montre le livre à l' homme .@It is not possible to delete the verb and the p-object of the first coordinated element.
1172@0:8,9:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,obj))@L' ingénieur remercie l' homme de l' aide,de la collaboration@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objs.
1173@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur remercie l' homme,la femme de l' aide@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the objects.
1174@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur remercie,congédie l' homme de l' aide@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1175@0:8,9:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur remercie la femme de l' aide,remercie l' homme de la collaboration@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the VPs.
1176@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur remercie la femme,remercie l' homme à l' femme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs and the objects.
1177@0:8,9:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur remercie la femme à l' femme,l' entreprise l' homme de la collaboration@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Ellipsis of the verb in the second coordinated element.
1178@0:8,9:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur remercie la femme à l' femme,remercie@It is not possible to delete the subject,the object and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1179@0:8,9:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur remercie la femme à l' femme,l' homme@It is not possible to delete the subject,the verb and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1180@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur remercie de l' aide,l' ingénieur remercie l' homme de la collaboration .@It is not possible to delete the object of the first coordinated element.
1181@0:4,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur remercie la femme,l' ingénieur remercie l' homme de la collaboration .@It is not possible to delete the verb and the p-object of the first coordinate element.
1182@0:8,9:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,obj))@L' ingénieur interroge l' homme sur l' entreprise,sur l' avenir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objs.
1183@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur interroge l' homme,la femme sur l' entreprise@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the objects.
1184@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur aborde,interroge l' homme sur l' entreprise@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1185@0:8,9:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur interroge la femme sur l' entreprise,interroge l' homme sur l' avenir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the VPs.
1186@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@L' ingénieur interroge la femme,interroge l' homme à l' femme@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs and the objects.
1187@0:8,9:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur interroge la femme sur l' entreprise,le spécialiste l' homme sur l' avenir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Ellipsis of the verb in the second coordinated element.
1188@0:8,9:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur interroge la femme sur l' entreprise,interroge@It is not possible to delete the subject,the object and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1189@0:8,9:11@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur interroge la femme sur l' entreprise,l' homme@It is not possible to delete the subject,the verb and the p-obj of the second coordinated element.
1190@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur interroge sur l' entreprise,l' ingénieur interroge l' homme sur l' avenir .@It is not possible to delete the object of the first coordinated element.
1191@0:4,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(sur)-NP),C_elliptic(subj))@*L' ingénieur interroge la femme,l' ingénieur interroge l' homme sur l' avenir .@It is not possible to delete the verb and the p-object of the first coordinated element.
1192@0:10,11:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' entreprise convainc le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,que l' ingénieur doit partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subordinate clauses.
1193@0:5,6:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise convainc le conseil,l' ingénieur  que le spécialiste doit venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the objects.
1194@0:3,4:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(obj,C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise persuade,convainc le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1195@0:3,4:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(V))@L' entreprise persuade le conseil,le directeur l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects.
1196@0:10,11:20@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' entreprise persuade le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,le directeur l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects and the subordinate clauses.
1197@0:10,11:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V,C_cpl(que)))@L' entreprise persuade le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,le directeur l' ingénieur@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects.
1198@0:10,11:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,Cpl of C_cpl(que)))@*L' entreprise persuade le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur doit partir@The complementizer of the second coordinated element has to be present (the verb is finite).
1199@0:10,11:13@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,Cpl of C_cpl(que)))@*L' entreprise persuade le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur@It is impossible to delete the subject,the verb and subordinate clause of the second coordinated element.
1200@0:10,11:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,Cpl of C_cpl(que)))@*L' entreprise persuade le conseil que le spécialiste doit venir,convainc@It is impossible to delete the subject,object and subordinate clause of the second coordinated element.
1201@0:10,12:17@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(à)-NP)@Le conseil dit à l' entreprise que l' ingénieur doit venir,que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subordinate clauses.
1202@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj,V))@Le conseil dit à l' entreprise,à l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objects.
1203@0:3,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP,C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj))@Le conseil suggère,dit à l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit partir .@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1204@0:3,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP,C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj,V,Prep of p-obj(à)-NP))@Le conseil dit à l' entreprise,l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the NPs out of the PPs.
1205@0:6,7:17@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(V))@Le conseil dit à l' entreprise ,l' ingénieur à l' homme que le spécialiste doit partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the p-objects.
1206@0:11,12:22@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@Le conseil dit à l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur à l' homme que le spécialiste doit partir .@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects and the subordi
1207@0:11,12:22@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*Le conseil dit à l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur à l' homme@(Dubious test item) The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects.
1208@0:11,12:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*Le conseil dit à l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur doit partir@The complementizer of the second coordinated element has to be present. (The verb is finite)
1209@0:11,12:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(à)-NP,V-fin of C_cpl))@*Le conseil dit à l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur partir@The complementizer of the second coordinated element has to be absent. (The verb is infinite)
1210@0:10,12:17@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(de)-NP)@Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise que l' ingénieur doit venir,que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subordinate clauses.
1211@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj,V))@Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objects.
1212@0:3,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj))@Le conseil requiert,requiert de l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit partir .@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1213@0:3,4:13@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(subj,V,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise,l' ingénieur que le spécialiste doit partir.@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the NPs out of the PPs.
1214@0:6,7:17@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C_elliptic(V))@Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise ,l' ingénieur de l' homme que le spécialiste doit partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the p-objects.
1215@0:11,12:22@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur de l' homme que le spécialiste doit partir .@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects and the subordi
1216@0:11,12:22@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur de l' homme@(Dubious test item) The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects and the objects.
1217@0:11,12:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur doit partir@The complementizer of the second coordinated element has to be present. (The verb is finite)
1218@0:11,12:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(de)-NP,V-fin of C_cpl))@*Le conseil requiert de l' entreprise que le spécialiste doit venir,l' ingénieur partir@The complementizer of the second coordinated element has to be absent. (The verb is infinite)
1219@0:8,9:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(à)-NP)@L' entreprise permet à l' ingénieur de venir,de partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the infinitive preceded by a prep.
1220@0:8,9:11@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,p-obj(à)-NP,Prep of p-obj(de)-inf))@L' entreprise permet à l' ingénieur de venir,partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the infinitive without repeating the prep.
1221@0:6,7:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' entreprise permet à l' ingénieur,à l' homme de venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objects.
1222@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP,p-obj(de)-inf),C_elliptic(subj))@L' entreprise permet,propose à l' ingénieur de venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the verbs.
1223@0:8,9:14@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' entreprise permet à l' ingénieur de venir,à l' homme de partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the p-objects and the infinitives.
1224@0:8,9:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' entreprise permet à l' ingénieur de venir,le conseil à l' homme de partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects,p-objects and the infinitives.
1225@0:8,9:16@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*L' entreprise à l' ingénieur de venir,le conseil permet à l' homme de partir@It is not possible to delete the verb of the first coordinated element.
1226@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@*Permet à l' ingénieur de venir,le conseil permet à l' homme de partir@It is not possible to delete the subject of the first coordinated element.
1227@0:6,7:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),C)@Le conseil permet à l'ingénieur,le conseil permet à l' homme de partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:3) Coordination of the subjects,the verbs and the p-objects.
1228@0:10,11:13@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,obj,p-obj(de)-NP))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord de l' entreprise pour venir,pour partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of infinitive (with repetition of the preposition).
1229@0:10,11:12@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V,obj,p-obj(de)-NP,Prep of p-obj(pour)-inf))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord de l' entreprise pour venir,partir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of infinitive (without repetition of the preposition).
1230@0:10,11:12@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(pour)-inf),C_elliptic(subj,V,obj))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord de l' entreprise et du conseil pour venir .@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the p-objects.
1231@0:5,6:14@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,p-obj(pour)-inf),C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord,la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the objects.
1232@0:5,6:15@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(pour)-inf),C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord du conseil,la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the objects and the p-objects.
1233@0:5,6:17@coord_cat@et(C_elliptic(p-obj(pour)-inf),C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord du conseil,l' homme la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the subjects,the objects and the p-objects.
1234@0:7,8:19@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord du conseil pour partir,l' homme la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the subjects,the objects,the p-objects and the infinitives.
1235@0:7,8:17@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord du conseil pour partir,la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the objects,the p-objects and the infinitives.
1236@0:5,6:15@coord_cat@et(C,C_elliptic(subj,V))@L' ingénieur obtient l' accord,l' homme la permission de l' entreprise pour venir@The two coordinated verbs have the same valency (valency:4) Coordination of the subjects and the objects.
1238@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1240@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1242@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1244@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1246@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1249@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1254@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1259@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1261@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1263@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1278@@@@@Missing comma.
1284@@@@@Missing comma.
1287@@@@@Missing comma.
1290@@@@@Missing comma.
1295@@@@@Missing comma.
1301@@@@@Missing comma.
1302@@@@@Missing comma.
1321@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1333@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1334@@@@@Missing comma.
1344@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1375@@@@@Missing comma.
1376@@@@@Missing comma.
1412@@@@@Missing comma.
1422@@@@@Missing comma.
1449@@@@@Missing comma.
1478@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1480@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1482@@@@@Wrong category: adjective.
1485@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1486@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1487@@@@@Missing comma.
1508@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1521@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1529@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1542@@@@@Missing comma.
1543@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1544@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1550@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1572@@@@@Missing comma.
1597@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1598@@@@@Missing comma.
1616@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1617@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1618@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1619@@@@@Missing comma.
1620@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1621@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1626@@@@@Wrong adverb placement.
1629@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_obj(NP)@voit pas l' ingénieur@
1630@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_obj(NP)@*voit l' ingénieur pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1631@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_obj(NP)@*pas voit l' ingénieur@Wrong placement of pas.
1632@2:5@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@le voit pas@
1633@2:5@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le pas voit@Wrong placement of pas.
1634@2:5@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas le voit@Wrong placement of pas.
1635@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@le lui donne pas@
1636@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le lui pas donne@Wrong placement of pas.
1637@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le pas lui donne@Wrong placement of pas.
1638@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas le lui donne@Wrong placement of pas.
1639@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@veut pas voir l' ingénieur@
1640@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*pas veut voir l' ingénieur@Wrong placement of pas.
1641@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*veut voir pas l' ingénieur@Wrong placement of pas.
1642@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*veut voir l' ingénieur pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1643@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@ne pas voir l' ingénieur@
1644@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*ne voir pas l' ingénieur@Wrong placement of pas.
1645@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*ne voir l' ingénieur pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1646@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@veut pas le voir@
1647@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@*veut le pas voir@Wrong placement of pas.
1648@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@*veut le voir pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1649@1:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@veut ne pas le voir@
1650@1:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@*veut ne le pas voir@Wrong placement of pas.
1651@1:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_PRON@*veut ne le voir pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1652@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@fait pas démarrer le moteur@
1653@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*pas fait démarrer le moteur@Wrong placement of pas.
1654@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*fait démarrer pas le moteur@Wrong placement of pas.
1655@2:7@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,ante_infinitive@*fait démarrer le moteur pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1656@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@le fait pas démarrer@
1657@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas le fait démarrer@Wrong placement of pas.
1658@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le pas fait démarrer@Wrong placement of pas.
1659@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le fait démarrer pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1660@2:9@position_NEG(pas)@ante_aux-infinitive,ante_ppast@ne pas avoir fait démarrer le moteur@
1661@2:9@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux-infinitive,ante_ppast@n' avoir pas fait démarrer le moteur@
1662@2:9@position_NEG(pas)@ante/post_aux-infinitive,ante_ppast@*n' avoir fait pas démarrer le moteur@Wrong placement of pas.
1663@2:9@position_NEG(pas)@ante/post_aux-infinitive,ante_ppast@*n' avoir fait démarrer pas le moteur@Wrong placement of pas.
1664@2:9@position_NEG(pas)@ante/post_aux-infinitive,ante_ppast@*n' avoir fait démarrer le moteur pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1665@2:8@position_NEG(pas)@ante_aux-infinitive+PRON,ante_ppast@ne pas l' avoir fait démarrer@
1666@2:8@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux-infinitive+PRON,ante_ppast@ne l' avoir pas fait démarrer@
1667@2:8@position_NEG(pas)@ante/post_aux-infinitive+PRON,ante_ppast@*ne l' avoir fait pas démarrer@Wrong placement of pas.
1668@2:8@position_NEG(pas)@ante/post_aux-infinitive+PRON,ante_ppast@*ne l' avoir fait démarrer pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1669@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux,ante_ppast@a pas été vu@
1670@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux,ante_ppast@*a été pas vu@Wrong placement of pas.
1671@2:6@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux,ante_ppast@*a été vu pas@Wrong placement of pas.
1673@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1675@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1676@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1678@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1679@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1681@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1683@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1685@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1686@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1689@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1690@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1692@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1693@@@@@Wrong placement of rien.
1695@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1698@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1700@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1701@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1703@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1705@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1706@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1708@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1709@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1710@@@@@Wrong placement of personne.
1712@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1713@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1715@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1716@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1718@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1719@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1720@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1722@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1723@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1724@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1726@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1727@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1729@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1730@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1732@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1733@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1735@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1736@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1737@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1739@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1740@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1741@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1744@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1745@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1746@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1749@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1750@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1752@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1753@@@@@Wrong placement of jamais.
1755@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1757@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1758@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1760@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1762@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1764@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1766@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1767@@@@@Wrong placement of ne.
1768@1:2@negation@(ne)@n'@With ``oser'',it is possible to only have the particle ``ne''.
1769@1:2,3:4@negation@(ne,pas)@n',pas@Presence of pas is possible.
1771@1:2,3:4@negation@(ne,pas)@ne,pas@Presence of pas is possible.
1773@1:2,3:4@negation@(ne,pas)@ne,pas@Presence of pas is possible.
1775@1:2@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@Absence of pas.
1776@2:3@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@``Ne'' is missing.
1778@2:3@negation@(ne,rien)@*rien@``Ne'' is missing.
1779@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,rien)@ne,pas,rien@Pas has to be absent.
1781@2:3@negation@(ne,personne)@*personne@``Ne'' is missing.
1782@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,personne)@ne,pas,personne@Pas has to be absent.
1784@2:3@negation@(ne,jamais)@*jamais@``Ne'' is missing.
1785@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,jamais)@ne,pas,jamais@Pas has to be absent.
1787@2:4@negation@(ne,jamais,personne)@*jamais,personne@``Ne'' is missing.
1788@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,jamais,personne)@*ne,toujours,personne@French has double negation: thus,``toujours'' should be ``jamais''.
1789@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,jamais,personne)@*ne,jamais,quelqu'un@French has double negation: thus,``quelqu'un'' should be ``personne''.
1790@1:2,3:5@negation@(ne,jamais,personne)@ne,toujours,quelqu'un@French has double negation: thus,``quelqu'un'' should be ``personne'' and ``toujours'' should be ``jamais''.
1791@1:2,3:6@negation@(ne,jamais,personne)@ne,pas,jamais,personne@Pas has to be absent.
1793@2:4@negation@(ne,jamais,rien)@*jamais,rien@``Ne'' is missing.
1794@1:2,3:6@negation@(ne,jamais,rien)@*ne,jamais,quelque chose@French has double negation: thus,``quelque chose'' should be ``rien''.
1795@1:2,3:6@negation@(ne,jamais,rien)@*ne,toujours,quelque chose@French has double negation: thus,``toujours'' should be ``jamais'' and  ``quelque chose'' should be ``rien''.
1796@1:2,3:6@negation@(ne,jamais,rien)@*ne,pas,jamais,rien@Pas has to be absent.
1798@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1800@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1802@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1804@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1806@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1808@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1810@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1812@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1814@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1816@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1818@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1819@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1821@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1822@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1824@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1826@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1828@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1830@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1832@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1834@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1836@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1838@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1840@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1842@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1844@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1846@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1851@@passivizability@no@@wrong passivized object
1853@@passivizability@no@@impersonal passive
1854@@passivizability@no@@subject missing, wrong word order
1856@@passivizability@no@@no impersonal passive possible
1857@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1859@@passivizability@no@@no passive possible
1866@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1867@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1870@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1871@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1874@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1875@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1878@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1879@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1882@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1885@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1888@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1891@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1894@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1897@@passivizability@no@@wrong word order
1913@@passivizability@no@@impersonal passive
1914@@passivizability@no@@subject missing, wrong word order
1916@@passivizability@no@@impersonal passive
1917@@passivizability@no@@subject missing, wrong word order
1919@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1921@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1923@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1925@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1927@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1929@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1931@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1933@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1935@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1937@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1939@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1941@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1943@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1945@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1947@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1949@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1951@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1953@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1955@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1957@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1959@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1961@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1963@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1965@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1967@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1969@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1971@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1973@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1975@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1977@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1979@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1981@@aux@être@@wrong auxiliary
1983@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1985@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1987@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1989@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1991@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1993@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1995@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1997@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
1999@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2001@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2003@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2005@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2007@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2009@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2011@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2013@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2015@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2017@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2019@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2021@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2023@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2025@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2027@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2029@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2031@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2033@@verbform@nfinite-ppast@@infinitive used instead of participle
2036@@@@@wrong type of object
2037@@@@@wrong type of subject
2040@@@@@wrong type of object
2041@@@@@wrong type of subject
2050@@@@@wrong type of object
2051@@@@@wrong type of subject
2072@@@@@wrong type of subject
2073@@@@@wrong type of subject
2076@@@@@wrong type of subject
2077@@@@@wrong type of subject
2080@@@@@wrong type of subject
2081@@@@@wrong type of subject
2088@@@@@wrong type of subject
2089@@@@@wrong type of subject
2096@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2097@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2098@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2103@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2104@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2105@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2110@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2111@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2112@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2117@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2118@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2119@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2124@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2125@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2126@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2131@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2132@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2133@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2138@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2139@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2140@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2145@1:2@verbform@finite@*travailler@The form of the verb should be finite.
2146@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2147@1:2@verbform@finite@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2152@1:2@verbform@finite@*neiger@The form of the verb should be finite.
2153@1:2@verbform@finite@*neigé@The form of the verb should be finite.
2154@1:2@verbform@finite@*neigeant@The form of the verb should be finite.
2156@1:2@aux@avoir@*suis@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2157@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2158@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2159@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2160@1:2@aux@avoir@*suis@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2160@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2161@1:2@aux@avoir@*suis@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2161@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2162@1:2@aux@avoir@*suis@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2162@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2164@1:2@aux@avoir@*es@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2165@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2166@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2167@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailles@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2168@1:2@aux@avoir@*es@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2168@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2169@1:2@aux@avoir@*es@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2169@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2170@1:2@aux@avoir@*es@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2170@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailles@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2172@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2173@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2174@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2175@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2176@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2176@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2177@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2177@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2178@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2178@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2180@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2181@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2182@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2183@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2184@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2184@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2185@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2185@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2186@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2186@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2188@1:2@aux@avoir@*sommes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2189@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2190@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2191@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillons@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2192@1:2@aux@avoir@*sommes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2192@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2193@1:2@aux@avoir@*sommes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2193@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2194@1:2@aux@avoir@*sommes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2194@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillons@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2196@1:2@aux@avoir@*êtes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2197@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2198@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2199@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillez@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2200@1:2@aux@avoir@*êtes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2200@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2201@1:2@aux@avoir@*êtes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2201@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2202@1:2@aux@avoir@*êtes@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2202@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillez@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2204@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2205@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2206@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2207@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2208@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2208@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2209@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2209@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2210@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2210@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2212@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2213@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2214@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2215@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2216@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2216@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2217@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2217@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2218@1:2@aux@avoir@*sont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2218@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2220@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2221@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neigeant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2222@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neiger@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2223@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neige@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2224@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2224@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neigeant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2225@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2225@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neiger@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2226@1:2@aux@avoir@*est@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2226@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neige@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2228@1:2@aux@être@*ai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2229@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2230@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2231@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viens@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2232@1:2@aux@être@*ai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2232@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2233@1:2@aux@être@*ai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2233@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2234@1:2@aux@être@*ai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2234@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viens@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2236@1:2@aux@être@*as@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2237@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2238@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2239@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennes@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2240@1:2@aux@être@*as@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2240@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2241@1:2@aux@être@*as@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2241@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2242@1:2@aux@être@*as@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2242@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennes@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2244@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2245@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2246@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2247@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2248@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2248@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2249@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2249@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2250@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2250@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2252@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2253@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2254@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2255@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2256@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2256@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2257@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2257@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2258@1:2@aux@être@*a@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2258@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2260@1:2@aux@être@*avons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2261@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2262@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2263@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venons@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2264@1:2@aux@être@*avons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2264@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2265@1:2@aux@être@*avons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2265@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2266@1:2@aux@être@*avons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2266@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venons@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2268@1:2@aux@être@*avez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2269@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2270@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2271@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venez@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2272@1:2@aux@être@*avez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2272@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2273@1:2@aux@être@*avez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2273@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2274@1:2@aux@être@*avez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2274@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venez@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2276@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2277@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2278@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2279@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2280@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2280@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2281@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2281@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2282@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2282@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2284@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2285@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2286@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2287@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2288@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2288@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2289@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2289@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2290@1:2@aux@être@*ont@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2290@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2292@1:2@aux@avoir@*serai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2293@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2294@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2295@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2296@1:2@aux@avoir@*serai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2296@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2297@1:2@aux@avoir@*serai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2297@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2298@1:2@aux@avoir@*serai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2298@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2300@1:2@aux@avoir@*seras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2301@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2302@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2303@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailles@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2304@1:2@aux@avoir@*seras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2304@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2305@1:2@aux@avoir@*seras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2305@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2306@1:2@aux@avoir@*seras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2306@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailles@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2308@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2309@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2310@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2311@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2312@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2312@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2313@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2313@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2314@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2314@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2316@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2317@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2318@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2319@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2320@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2320@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2321@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2321@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2322@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2322@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaille@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2324@1:2@aux@avoir@*serons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2325@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2326@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2327@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillons@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2328@1:2@aux@avoir@*serons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2328@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2329@1:2@aux@avoir@*serons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2329@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2330@1:2@aux@avoir@*serons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2330@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillons@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2332@1:2@aux@avoir@*serez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2333@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2334@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2335@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillez@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2336@1:2@aux@avoir@*serez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2336@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2337@1:2@aux@avoir@*serez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2337@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2338@1:2@aux@avoir@*serez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2338@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillez@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2340@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2341@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2342@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2343@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2344@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2344@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2345@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2345@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2346@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2346@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2348@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2349@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2350@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2351@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2352@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2352@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2353@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2353@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travailler@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2354@1:2@aux@avoir@*seront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2354@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*travaillent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2356@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2357@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neigeant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2358@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neiger@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2359@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neige@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2360@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2360@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neigeant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2361@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2361@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neiger@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2362@1:2@aux@avoir@*sera@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``avoir''.
2362@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*neige@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2364@1:2@aux@être@*aurai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2365@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2366@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2367@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viens@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2368@1:2@aux@être@*aurai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2368@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2369@1:2@aux@être@*aurai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2369@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2370@1:2@aux@être@*aurai@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2370@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viens@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2372@1:2@aux@être@*auras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2373@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2374@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2375@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennes@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2376@1:2@aux@être@*auras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2376@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2377@1:2@aux@être@*auras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2377@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2378@1:2@aux@être@*auras@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2378@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennes@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2380@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2381@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2382@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2383@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2384@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2384@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2385@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2385@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2386@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2386@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2388@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2389@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2390@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2391@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2392@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2392@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2393@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2393@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2394@1:2@aux@être@*aura@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2394@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*vient@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2396@1:2@aux@être@*aurons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2397@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2398@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2399@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venons@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2400@1:2@aux@être@*aurons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2400@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2401@1:2@aux@être@*aurons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2401@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2402@1:2@aux@être@*aurons@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2402@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venons@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2404@1:2@aux@être@*aurez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2405@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2406@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2407@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venez@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2408@1:2@aux@être@*aurez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2408@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2409@1:2@aux@être@*aurez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2409@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2410@1:2@aux@être@*aurez@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2410@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venez@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2412@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2413@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2414@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2415@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2416@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2416@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2417@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2417@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2418@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2418@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2420@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2421@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2422@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2423@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should be a past participle.
2424@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2424@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venant@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2425@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2425@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*venir@The form of the verb is indeed non finite,but it should be the past participle.
2426@1:2@aux@être@*auront@The auxiliary is wrong. It should be ``être''.
2426@2:3@verbform@nfinite-ppast@*viennent@The form of the verb should not be finite.
2428@1:3@tense_sem@present@*a travaillé@Semantical tense of the verb is actually wrong. But it might be considered as correct.
2428@1:3@tense_sem@present@*avait travaillé@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2429@1:2@tense_sem@present@*travailla@Semantical tense of the verb is actually wrong. But it might be considered as correct.
2430@1:2@tense_sem@present@travaillera@Semantical tense of the verb is correct.
2431@1:2@tense_sem@present@*travaillait@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2432@1:3@tense_sem@past@a travaillé@
2435@1:2@tense_sem@past@*travaille@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2434@1:2@tense_sem@past@*travaillera@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2435@1:3@tense_sem@past@*va travailler@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2437@1:2@tense_sem@future@travaille@Semantical tense of the verb is correct: The use of the present to express the future is correct.
2438@1:2@tense_sem@future@*a travaillé@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2439@1:2@tense_sem@future@*avait travaillé@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2440@1:2@tense_sem@future@*travaillait@Semantical tense of the verb is wrong.
2442@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@Gender of Det is wrong. It should be masculine.
2443@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@Number of Det or N is wrong.Here we assume that the number of Det is wrong. It should be singular. Corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-1-1.
2443@4:5@num@pl@*travail@Here we assume that the number of N is wrong. It should be plural. Corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-1-4.
2446@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@Gender of Det is wrong. It should be masculine.
2447@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@Number of Det is wrong. It should be singular.
2448@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@ce@demonstrative pronoun
2449@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@ces@demonstrative pronoun
2450@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*cette@demonstrative pronoun: wrong gender
2451@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*cet@demonstrative pronoun: wrong masculine form
2452@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*ces@demonstrative pronoun: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-1
2452@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-2
2453@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ce@demonstrative pronoun: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-1
2453@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-1
2454@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*cette@demonstrative pronoun: wrong number and gender (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct); corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-2
2455@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*cet@demonstrative pronoun: wrong number (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct); corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-3-2
2456@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular)
2457@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular)
2458@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-4-1
2459@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-4-1
2459@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-4-2
2460@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-4-1
2460@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-4-1
2461@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number and gender (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct); corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-4-2
2462@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular)
2463@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular)
2464@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-5-1
2465@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-5-1
2465@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-5-2
2466@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-5-1
2466@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-5-1
2467@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number and gender (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct); corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-5-2
2468@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@son@possessive pronoun (third person singular)
2469@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@ses@possessive pronoun (third person singular)
2470@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-1
2471@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*ses@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-1
2471@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-2
2472@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*son@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-2
2472@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-1
2473@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number and gender (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct); corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-6-2
2474@3:4@num@sg@notre@possessive pronoun (first person plural)
2475@3:4@num@pl@nos@possessive pronoun (first person plural)
2476@3:4@num@sg@*nos@possessive pronoun (first person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-7-1
2476@4:5@num@pl@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-2
2477@3:4@num@pl@*notre@possessive pronoun (first person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-7-2
2477@4:5@num@sg@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-7-1
2478@3:4@num@sg@votre@possessive pronoun (second person plural)
2479@3:4@num@pl@vos@possessive pronoun (second person plural)
2480@3:4@num@sg@*vos@possessive pronoun (second person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-8-1
2480@4:5@num@pl@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-2
2481@3:4@num@pl@*votre@possessive pronoun (second person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-8-2
2481@4:5@num@sg@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-8-1
2482@3:4@num@sg@leur@possessive pronoun (third person plural)
2483@3:4@num@pl@leurs@possessive pronoun (third person plural)
2484@3:4@num@sg@*leurs@possessive pronoun (third person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-9-1
2484@4:5@num@pl@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-6-2
2485@3:4@num@pl@*leur@possessive pronoun (third person plural): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-9-2
2485@4:5@num@sg@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-1-9-1
2486@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@un@indefinite article
2487@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@des@indefinite article
2488@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*une@indefinite article: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-1
2489@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*un@indefinite article: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-2
2489@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-1
2490@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*des@indefinite article: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-2
2490@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-2
2491@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@aucun@indefinite article (aucun is only used in the singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-10-2
2492@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*aucune@indefinite article (aucun is only used in the singular): wrong gender
2493@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@indefinite article (aucun is only used in the singular): wrong number ; aucun is only used in the singular.
2494@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*aucune@indefinite article (aucun is only used in the singular): wrong gender
2494@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; aucun is only used in the singular.
2495@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@nulle@indefinite article (nulle is only used in the singular)
2496@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*nul@indefinite article (nulle is only used in the singular)
2497@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*personnes@indefinite article (nulle is only used in the singular): wrong number ;
2498@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*personnes@indefinite article (nulle is only used in the singular): wrong number ;
2498@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*nul@Wrong gender
2498@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*personnes@Wrong number; nulle is only used in the singular.
2499@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@chaque@indefinite article (chaque is only used in the singular): wrong number ;
2500@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*personnes@indefinite article (chaque is only used in the singular): wrong number ;chaque is only used in the singular)
2501@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@chaque@indefinite article (chaque is only used in the singular): wrong number ;
2502@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@indefinite article (chaque is only used in the singular): wrong number ;chaque is only used in the singular)
2503@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@certaines@indefinite article (certain (as determinant) is only used in the plural)
2504@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*certains@indefinite article (certain (as determinant) is only used in the plural): wrong gender
2505@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*personne@indefinite article (certain (as determinant) is only used in the plural): wrong number ; certain is only used in the plural
2506@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*certains@indefinite determinant (certain (as determinant) is only used in the plural): wrong gender
2506@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*personne@Wrong number; certain is only used in the plural
2507@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@quel@interrogative determinant
2508@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@quels@interrogative determinant
2509@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*quelle@interrogative determinant: wrong gender
2510@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*quelles@interrogative determinant: wrong gender
2511@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*quel@interrogative determinant: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-2
2511@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-1
2512@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*quels@interrogative determinant: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-1
2512@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-2
2513@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*quelle@interrogative determinant: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-2 (we presuppose that `travaux' is correct.)
2514@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*quelles@interrogative determinant: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-16-1 (we presuppose that `travail' is correct.)
2515@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular)
2516@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular)
2517@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong gender
2518@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-17-2
2518@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-17-1
2519@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-17-2
2519@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décision@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-17-2
2520@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular): wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-17-2 (we presuppose that `décisions' is correct.)
2521@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `mon'.
2522@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular).
2523@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `mon'.The form of the possessive pronoun is wrong, since the noun starts with a vowel.
2524@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@possessive pronoun (first person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-2
2524@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*idées@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-1
2525@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*mes@possessive pronoun (first person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-2
2525@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-2
2526@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ma@possessive pronoun (first person singular).  The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `mon'.: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-2 (we presuppose that `idées' is correct.)
2526@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-18-2
2527@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular)
2528@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular)
2529@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong gender
2530@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-19-2
2530@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-19-1
2531@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-19-1
2531@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décision@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-19-2
2532@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular): wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-19-2 (we presuppose that `décisions' is correct.)
2533@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `ton'.
2534@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular).
2535@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `ton'.The form of the possessive pronoun is wrong, since the noun starts with a vowel.
2536@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ton@possessive pronoun (second person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-2
2536@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*idées@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-1
2537@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tes@possessive pronoun (second person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-1
2537@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-2
2538@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ta@possessive pronoun (second person singular).  The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `ton'.: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-2 (we presuppose that `idées' is correct.)
2538@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-20-2
2539@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular)
2540@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@ses@possessive pronoun (third person singular)
2541@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*son@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong gender
2542@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-21-2
2542@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-21-1
2543@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tes@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-21-1
2543@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décision@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-21-2
2544@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@possessive pronoun (third person singular): wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-21-2 (we presuppose that `décisions' is correct.)
2545@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@son@possessive pronoun (third person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `son'.
2546@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@ses@possessive pronoun (third person singular).
2547@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular). The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `son'.The form of the possessive pronoun is wrong, since the noun starts with a vowel.
2548@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@possessive pronoun (third person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-2
2548@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*idées@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-1
2549@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tes@possessive pronoun (third person singular).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-1
2549@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-2
2550@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*sa@possessive pronoun (third person singular).  The noun starts with a vowel, the pronoun has thus to be `son'.: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-2 (we presuppose that `idées' is correct.)
2550@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*idée@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-22-2
2551@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@notre@possessive pronoun (first person plural).
2552@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@nos@possessive pronoun (first person plural).
2553@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*notre@possessive pronoun (first person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-23-2
2553@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-23-1
2554@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*nos@possessive pronoun (first person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-23-2
2554@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-23-2
2555@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@votre@possessive pronoun (second person plural).
2556@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@vos@possessive pronoun (second person plural).
2557@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*votre@possessive pronoun (second person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-24-2
2557@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-24-1
2558@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*vos@possessive pronoun (second person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-24-2
2558@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-24-2
2559@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@leur@possessive pronoun (third person plural).
2560@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@leurs@possessive pronoun (third person plural).
2561@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*leur@possessive pronoun (third person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-25-2
2561@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-25-1
2562@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*leurs@possessive pronoun (third person plural).: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-25-2
2562@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*décisions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-1-25-2
2564@4:5@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2566@4:5@num@pl@*entreprise@quantifier: wrong number
2568@4:5@num@pl@*entreprise@quantifier: wrong number
2570@4:5@num@pl@*entreprise@quantifier: wrong number
2572@4:5@num@pl@*entreprise@quantifier: wrong number
2574@4:5@num@pl@*homme@quantifier: wrong number
2576@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@quantifier: wrong gender
2577@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*hommes@quantifier: wrong number ; (other possible well-formed item:  3-6-10-2-1)
2578@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@quantifier: wrong number ; (other possible well-formed item:  3-6-10-2-1)
2579@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@quantifier: wrong number and gender; (other possible well-formed item:  3-6-10-2-1)
2581@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@quantifier: wrong gender
2582@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@quantifier: wrong number ;
2583@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@quantifier: wrong number ; (other possible well-formed item:  3-6-10-3-2)
2584@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tous@quantifier: wrong number and gender; (other possible well-formed item:  3-6-10-3-2)
2585@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@du@article partitif (masculine: contracted form)
2586@3:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*de le@article partitif (masculine: contracted form)form should be contracted
2587@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*de la@article partitif (masculine: contracted form): wrong gender
2588@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*vins@article partitif (masculine: contracted form): wrong number
2589@3:5@num-gen@sg-fem@de la@article partitif
2590@3:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*de le@article partitif: wrong gender
2591@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*du@article partitif: wrong gender
2592@5:6@num@sg@*farines@article partitif: wrong number
2593@3:5@num@sg@de l'@article partitif (elision)
2594@3:5@num@sg@*de la@article partitif (elision)It should be an elided form.
2595@3:5@num@sg@*de le@article partitif (elision)Wrong gender and it should be an elided form
2596@5:6@num@sg@*huiles@article partitif (elision)Wrong number
2597@3:5@num@sg@la plupart@
2598@6:7@num@pl@*question@Number of `question' is wrong. It is always plural because of `la plupart'.
2599@5:6@num@pl@*de@Number of `de' is wrong. It should be plural.
2600@3:5@num@sg@un litre@quantifier
2601@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: number is wrong
2602@6:7@num@sg@vins@quantifier: number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it can also be taken as countable and then it is correct (e.g. Il apporte un litre de vins: un demi-litre de Beaujolais et un demi-litre de Bourgogne.)
2603@5:6@num@sg@des@quantifier: number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it can also be taken as countable and then it is correct
2603@6:7@num@sg@vins@number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2604@3:5@num@pl@deux litres@quantifier
2605@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: number is wrong
2606@6:7@num@sg@vins@quantifier: number is wrong  if the noun is taken as mass, but since it can also be taken as countable and then it is correct (e.g. Il apporte deux litres de vins: un litre de Beaujolais et un litre de Bourgogne.)
2607@5:6@num@sg@des@quantifier: number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it can also be taken as countable and then it is correct
2607@6:7@num@sg@vins@number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2608@3:5@num@pl@deux kilos@quantifier
2610@6:7@num@sg@farines@quantifier: number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2611@5:6@num@sg@des@quantifier: number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2611@6:7@num@sg@farines@number is wrong if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2612@3:5@num@sg@un bouquet@quantifier
2613@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: number is wrong
2614@6:7@num@pl@*fleur@quantifier: number is wrong
2615@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: number is wrong
2615@6:7@num@pl@*fleur@number is wrong
2616@3:5@num@sg@une foule@quantifier
2617@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2620@3:6@num@sg@un grand nombre@quantifier
2621@6:7@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2622@7:8@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2624@3:5@num@sg@une quantité@quantifier
2625@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2626@6:7@num@pl@*livre@quantifier: wrong number
2627@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2627@6:7@num@pl@*livre@Wrong number
2628@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@postposition of the adjective
2629@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@postposition of the adjective
2630@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2631@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2632@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2632@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2633@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2633@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2633@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2634@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2634@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2634@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2635@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2635@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2635@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2636@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2636@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2636@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2637@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2637@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2637@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2638@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2638@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2638@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2639@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2639@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2639@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2639@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2640@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2640@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2640@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2640@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2641@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2641@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2641@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2641@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2641@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2642@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2642@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2642@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2642@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2643@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2643@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2643@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2643@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2644@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles@postposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2644@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2644@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2644@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2645@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2645@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-1
2645@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2645@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-1-2
2646@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@la@postposition of the adjective
2647@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@postposition of the adjective
2648@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2649@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2650@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2650@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2651@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2651@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2651@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2652@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2652@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2652@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2653@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2653@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2653@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2654@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2654@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2654@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2655@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2655@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2655@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2656@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2656@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2656@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2657@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2657@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2657@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2657@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2658@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2658@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2658@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2658@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2659@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2659@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2659@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2659@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2659@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2660@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2660@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2660@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2660@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2661@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2661@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2661@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2661@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2662@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels@postposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2662@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2662@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2662@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2663@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2663@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-1
2663@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2663@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-3-2-2
2664@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2664@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@le plus habituel@
2665@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2665@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@les plus habituels@
2666@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2667@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*la plus habituelle@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2668@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2668@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*la plus habituelle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2669@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2669@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2669@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*le plus habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2670@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2670@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2670@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*le plus habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2671@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2671@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2671@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2672@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2672@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2672@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2673@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2673@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2673@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2674@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2674@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2674@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*le plus habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2675@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*les plus habituelles@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2676@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2676@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituelles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2676@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2676@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*les plus habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2677@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2677@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*la plus habituelle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2677@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2677@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*la plus habituelle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2678@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2678@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituelles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2678@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2678@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*les plus habituelles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2679@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2679@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*la plus habituelle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2679@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2679@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*la plus habituelle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2680@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2680@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2680@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2680@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*le plus habituel@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2681@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2681@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*les plus habituels@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-1
2681@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2681@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-1-2
2682@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2682@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@la plus habituelle@
2683@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2683@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@les plus habituelles@
2684@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2685@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*le plus habituel@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2686@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2686@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*le plus habituel@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2687@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2687@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2687@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*la plus habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2688@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2688@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2688@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*la plus habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2689@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2689@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2689@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2690@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2690@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2690@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2691@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2691@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2691@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2692@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2692@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2692@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*la plus habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2693@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*les plus habituels@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2694@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2694@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituels@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2694@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2694@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*les plus habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2695@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2695@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*le plus habituel@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2695@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2695@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*le plus habituel@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2696@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2696@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituels@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2696@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2696@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*les plus habituels@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2697@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2697@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*le plus habituel@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2697@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2697@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*le plus habituel@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2698@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2698@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2698@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2698@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*la plus habituelle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2699@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@postposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2699@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*les plus habituelles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-1
2699@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2699@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-4-2-2
2700@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@anteposition of the adjective
2701@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@anteposition of the adjective
2702@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2703@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonne@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2704@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2704@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonne@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2705@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2705@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bon@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2705@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2706@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2706@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bon@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2706@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2707@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2707@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2707@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2708@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2708@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2708@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2709@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2709@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2709@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2710@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2710@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bon@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2710@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2711@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2711@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2711@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2711@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2712@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonnes@anteposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2712@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2712@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2712@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bonnes@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2713@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2713@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonnes@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2713@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2713@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2713@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bonnes@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2714@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2714@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2714@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2714@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2715@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2715@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2715@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2715@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2716@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonnes@anteposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2716@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2716@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bonnes@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2716@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2717@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2717@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*bonnes@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-1
2717@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bonnes@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2717@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-1-2
2718@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@la@anteposition of the adjective
2719@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@anteposition of the adjective
2720@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2721@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bon@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2722@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2722@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bon@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2723@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2723@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bonne@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2723@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2724@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2724@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bonne@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2724@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2725@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2725@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2725@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2726@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2726@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2726@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2727@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2727@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2727@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2728@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2728@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bonne@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2728@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2729@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2729@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2729@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2729@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2730@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bons@anteposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2730@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2730@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2730@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bons@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2731@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2731@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bons@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2731@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2731@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2731@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*bons@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2732@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2732@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2732@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2732@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2733@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjectivegender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2733@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bonnes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2733@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2733@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2734@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bons@anteposition of the adjectivenumber and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2734@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2734@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bons@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2734@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2735@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjectivenumber is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2735@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*bons@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-1
2735@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*bons@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2735@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-5-2-2
2736@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@habituel et intelligent@
2737@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@habituels et intelligents@
2738@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2739@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2740@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2740@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2741@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles et intelligentes@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2742@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2742@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2742@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel et intelligent@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2743@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2743@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2743@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel et intelligent@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2744@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2744@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2744@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2745@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2745@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2745@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2746@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2746@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2746@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2747@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2747@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2747@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel et intelligent@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2748@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2748@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2748@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2748@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2749@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2749@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2749@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2749@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituel et intelligent@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2750@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2750@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2750@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2750@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2751@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2751@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2751@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2751@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelle et intelligente@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2752@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2752@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles et intelligentes@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2752@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2752@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2753@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2753@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*habituelles et intelligentes@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-1
2753@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2753@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-1-2
2754@5:8@num-gen@sg-masc@habituelle et intelligente@
2755@5:8@num-gen@pl-masc@habituelles et intelligentes@
2756@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel et intelligent@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2757@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2758@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2758@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel et intelligent@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2759@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels et intelligents@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2760@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2760@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2760@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle et intelligente@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2761@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2761@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2761@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle et intelligente@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2762@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2762@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2762@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2763@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2763@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2763@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2764@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2764@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2764@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2765@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2765@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2765@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle et intelligente@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2766@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2766@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituelles et intelligentes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2766@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2766@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2767@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2767@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2767@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2767@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituelle et intelligente@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2768@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2768@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel et intelligent@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2768@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2768@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituel et intelligent@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2769@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2769@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituel et intelligent@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2769@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2769@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituel et intelligent@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2770@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2770@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels et intelligents@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2770@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2770@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2771@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@Adjective phrase is in the singular. Literary style (Mérimée: Vénus d'Ille)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2771@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*habituels et intelligents@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-1
2771@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2771@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*habituels et intelligents@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-6-2-2
2772@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@civiles et religieuses@
2773@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@cérémonies@Adjective phrase is in the singular. Literary style (Barrès: L'appel au soldat)
2773@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@civile et religieuse@
2774@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@juives et protestantes@
2775@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@minorités@Adjective phrase is in the singular. Literary style (Duhamel: Refuges de la lecture)
2775@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@juive et protestante@
2776@5:8@num-gen@pl-fem@françaises et italiennes@
2777@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@littératures@Person of the V is wrong. It should be the third person.
2777@5:8@num-gen@sg-fem@française et italienne@
2778@3:5@pers-num@3-sg@la question@Number of the V (or of the NP) is wrong. Here we assume that V is : wrong (cf. 3-6-7-1-4)since the NP contains a verb, the relevant parameters are `number' and `person'
2779@6:7@pers-num@3-sg@*provoques@Number of the NP (or of the V) is wrong. Here we assume that NP is : wrong (cf. 3-6-7-2-1)
2780@6:7@pers-num@3-sg@*provoquent@Cf. with  test set 3-6-7-1. Same input except for the number feature (agreement)
2781@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*la question@Person of V is wrong. It should be third person.
2782@3:5@pers-num@3-pl@les questions@Number of the V(or of the NP) is wrong. Here we assume that V is : wrong (cf. 3-6-7-2-4)
2783@6:7@pers-num@3-pl@*provoquons@Number of the NP (or of the V) is wrong. Here we assume that NP is : wrong (cf. 3-6-7-1-1)
2785@4:5@num@sg@*les questions@We assume that the number of the V is wrong. It should be singular
2786@3:5@num-gen@sg-fem@la question@Number of Adj is wrong. It should be singular.All three Agreement features (person, number, gender) have to be in the parameters.
2788@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*intelligentes@Joint mistakes of both 3-6-8-1-3 and 3-6-8-1-4.
2789@6:7@pers-num@3-sg@*es@We assume here that the verb and the adjectif are correct. It could also be that the NP is correct, thus this item is related to 3-6-8-2-1.
2790@6:7@pers-num@3-sg@*es@Closely related to input of 3-6-8-1-1, only the number(plural) is different.
2791@3:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*les questions@Number of Verb is wrong. It should be plural.
2792@3:5@num-gen@pl-fem@les questions@Person of Verb is wrong. It should be the third person.
2793@6:7@pers-num@3-pl@*est@Person and Number of V are wrong. It should be the third person plural. (`Mixture' of 3-6-8-2-2 and 3-6-8-2-2-3)
2794@6:7@pers-num@3-pl@*êtes@Number of Adj is wrong. It should be plural.
2795@6:7@pers-num@3-pl@*es@Gender of Adj is wrong. It should be feminine.
2796@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*intelligente@Gender and Number of Adj are wrong. It should be the feminine and plural. (`Mixture' of 3-6-8-2-4 and 3-6-8-2-2-5)
2797@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*intelligents@Here we assume that the number of both V and Adj are wrong. But the mistake could also concern the number of NP. (cf.3-6-8-1-1)
2798@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*intelligent@Number of Verb and gender of Adj are wrong. V should be plural and Adj feminine. (`Mixture' of 3-6-8-2-4 and 3-6-8-2-2-6)
2802@5:6@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2803@6:7@num@sg@*vins@quantifier: wrong number
2806@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2807@5:6@num@sg@vins@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2808@4:5@num@sg@des@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2808@5:6@num@sg@vins@Wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2810@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2811@5:6@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2812@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2812@5:6@num@pl@*personne@Wrong number
2814@4:5@num@sg@des@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2815@5:6@num@sg@vins@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2816@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2816@5:6@num@sg@*vins@Wrong numbers
2818@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2819@5:6@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2820@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2820@5:6@num@pl@*personne@Wrong number
2822@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2823@5:6@num@sg@vins@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2824@4:5@num@sg@des@quantifier: wrong number if the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2824@5:6@num@sg@vins@Wrong numberif the noun is taken as mass, but since it may also be taken as countable and then it may be correct.
2826@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2827@5:6@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2828@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2828@5:6@num@pl@*personne@Wrong number
2830@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2831@5:6@num@sg@*vins@quantifier: wrong number
2832@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2832@5:6@num@sg@*vins@Wrong number
2834@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2835@5:6@num@pl@*personne@quantifier: wrong number
2836@4:5@num@sg@*des@quantifier: wrong number
2836@5:6@num@pl@*personne@Wrong number
2838@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2839@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2840@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@quantifier: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2841@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2842@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2843@5:6@num@sg@*vins@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2844@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2844@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2845@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2845@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2845@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*vin@Wrong number; ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-10
2847@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@quantifier: wrong number and gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2847@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2847@5:6@num@pl@*vin@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-10
2848@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2848@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2849@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2849@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed test items: 3-6-10-1-1
2851@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@quantifier: wrong gender
2852@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@quantifier: wrong number
2853@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toute@quantifier: wrong number and gender
2854@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@quantifier: wrong number
2855@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@quantifier: wrong number and gender
2858@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2859@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2860@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2861@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@quantifier: wrong number ; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2862@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@quantifier: wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2862@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2863@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-2
2863@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*les@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-2
2864@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-2
2864@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-2
2864@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item: 3-6-10-3-1
2866@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2867@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@Wrong number
2868@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@Wrong gender and number
2869@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@Wrong number
2869@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2870@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@Wrong gender and number
2870@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2872@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2873@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ce@Wrong number
2874@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@cet@Wrong number
2875@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*cette@Wrong gender and number
2876@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*ce@Wrong number
2876@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2877@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*cet@Wrong number
2877@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2878@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*cette@Wrong gender and number
2878@5:6@num@pl@*homme@Wrong number
2880@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ma@Wrong number
2881@4:5@num@pl@*quelque@Wrong number
2882@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2883@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong gender and number
2884@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*ma@Wrong number
2884@4:5@num@pl@*quelque@Wrong number
2885@4:5@num@pl@*quelque@Wrong number
2885@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2886@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong number
2886@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2888@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@Wrong number
2889@4:5@num@pl@*quelque@Wrong number
2890@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2891@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@Wrong gender and number
2892@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@Wrong number
2893@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@Wrong number
2893@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2894@4:5@num@pl@*quelque@Wrong number
2894@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number
2897@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2898@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2899@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2899@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ces@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2899@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2900@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2900@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*cette@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2900@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2901@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2901@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ces@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2901@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2902@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2902@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*cette@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2902@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2903@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2903@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ces@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2903@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2904@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2904@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*cette@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2904@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2905@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*cet@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2906@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ce@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2907@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2908@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2908@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2908@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tout@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2908@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*cette@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2909@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tous@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2909@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*cet@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-2
2909@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2909@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*cet@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2909@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-8-1
2912@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2913@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2914@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2914@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*mes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2914@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2915@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2915@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2915@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2916@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2916@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*mes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2916@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2917@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2917@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2917@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2918@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2918@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*mes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2918@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2919@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2919@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2919@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2920@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ma@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2921@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2921@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ma@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2922@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2922@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2922@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tout@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2922@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*mon@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2923@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tous@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2923@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ma@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-2
2923@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2923@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*ma@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2923@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-9-1
2926@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2927@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2928@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2928@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*tes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2928@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2929@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2929@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*ton@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2929@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2930@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2930@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*tes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2930@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2931@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2931@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*ton@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2931@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2932@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2932@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*tes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2932@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2933@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2933@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*ton@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2933@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2934@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*ta@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2935@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2935@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*ta@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2936@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2936@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2936@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toute@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2936@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*ton@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2937@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2937@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*ta@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-2
2937@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2937@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*ta@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2937@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-10-1
2940@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2941@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2942@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2942@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ses@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2942@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2943@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2943@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2943@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2944@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2944@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ses@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2944@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2945@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*toutes@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2945@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2945@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2946@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2946@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*ses@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2946@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2947@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*toute@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2947@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2947@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2948@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*sa@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2949@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2949@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*sa@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2950@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tout@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2950@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*entreprises@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2950@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tout@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2950@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*son@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2951@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*tous@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2951@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*sa@Wrong form; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2951@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*tous@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2951@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*sa@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2951@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*entreprise@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2954@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2955@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2956@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2956@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*nos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2956@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2957@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2957@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*notre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2957@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2958@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2958@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*nos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2958@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2959@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2959@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*notre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2959@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2960@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2960@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*nos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2960@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2961@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2961@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*notre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2961@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2962@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2962@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2962@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toute@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2962@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*notre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2963@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2963@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*nos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-2
2963@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2963@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-12-1
2966@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2967@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2968@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2968@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*vos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2968@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2969@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2969@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*votre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2969@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2970@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2970@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*vos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2970@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2971@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2971@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*votre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2971@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2972@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2972@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*vos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2972@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2973@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2973@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*votre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2973@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2974@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2974@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2974@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toute@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2974@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*votre@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2975@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2975@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*vos@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-2
2975@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2975@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-13-1
2978@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2979@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2980@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2980@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*leurs@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2980@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2981@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2981@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*leur@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-1
2981@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-11-2
2982@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2982@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*leurs@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2982@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2983@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*tous@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2983@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*leur@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2983@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2984@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2984@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*leurs@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2984@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2985@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*tout@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2985@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*leur@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2985@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2986@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toute@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative): wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2986@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2986@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toute@Wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2986@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*leur@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2987@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*toutes@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative): wrong gender and number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2987@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*leurs@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-2
2987@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*toutes@Wrong gender; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2987@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@Wrong number; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-10-14-1
2988@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2988@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@plus beau@
2989@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
2989@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@plus beaux@
2990@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2991@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belle@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2992@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2992@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2993@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2993@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2993@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2994@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2994@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2994@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2995@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2995@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2995@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2996@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2996@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2996@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2997@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2997@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2997@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2998@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
2998@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2998@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2999@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus belles@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
2999@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3000@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3000@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3000@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus belle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3000@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3001@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3001@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3001@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus belle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3001@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3002@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belles@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3002@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3002@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus belles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3003@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus belle@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3003@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3003@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3003@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus belle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3004@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3004@6:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*livres@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3004@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3004@4:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*plus beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3005@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3005@4:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*plus beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-1
3005@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3005@6:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*livre@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-1-2
3006@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
3006@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@plus belle@
3007@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)
3007@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@plus belles@
3008@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3009@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beau@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3010@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3010@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3011@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3011@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3011@6:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3012@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3012@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3012@6:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3013@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3013@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3013@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3014@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3014@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3014@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3015@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3015@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3015@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3016@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3016@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3016@6:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3017@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus beaux@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3017@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3018@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3018@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3018@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus beau@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3018@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3019@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3019@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3019@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus beau@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3019@6:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3020@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beaux@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3020@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3020@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus beaux@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3021@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus beau@anteposition of the adjective phrase (superlative)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3021@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3021@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3021@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus beau@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3022@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3022@6:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*femmes@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3022@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3022@4:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*plus belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3023@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3023@4:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*plus belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3023@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3023@6:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*femme@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3024@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3025@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3026@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3027@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleure@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3028@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3028@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleure@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3029@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*meilleures@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3030@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3030@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleurs@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3030@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3031@3:4@num-gen@*sg-masc@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3031@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*meilleur@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3031@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3032@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3032@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleurs@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3032@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3033@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3033@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*meilleur@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3033@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3034@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3034@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleurs@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3034@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3035@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3035@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*meilleur@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-2
3035@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3036@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleure@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3037@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*meilleures@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3038@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3039@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3040@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3041@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-3-1
3042@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3043@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3044@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3045@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3045@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3045@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-
3046@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3046@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3046@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3047@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3047@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3047@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3048@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3048@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3048@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3049@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3049@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3049@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3050@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3050@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3050@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3051@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3051@5:6@num-gen@sg-masc@*travaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3051@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3051@4:5@num-gen@pl-masc@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3052@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3052@4:5@num-gen@sg-masc@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-1
3052@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3052@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*travail@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-4-2
3053@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3054@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3055@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3056@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleur@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3057@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3057@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleur@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3058@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*meilleurs@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3059@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3059@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleures@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3059@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3060@3:4@num-gen@*sg-fem@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3060@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*meilleure@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-1
3060@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3061@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3061@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleures@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3061@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3062@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3062@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*meilleure@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3062@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3063@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-2-2
3063@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleures@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3063@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3064@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3064@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*meilleure@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-2
3064@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3065@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleur@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3066@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*meilleurs@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3067@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3068@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3069@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3070@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-5-1
3071@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3072@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)
3073@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3074@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3074@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3074@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3075@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3075@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3075@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3076@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3076@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3076@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3077@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*x1@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3077@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3077@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3078@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3078@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3078@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3079@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@anteposition of the adjective phrase (irregular adjective)number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3079@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3079@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3080@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3080@5:6@num-gen@sg-fem@*questions@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3080@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3080@4:5@num-gen@pl-fem@*pire@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3081@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3081@4:5@num-gen@sg-fem@*pires@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-1
3081@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3081@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*question@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-11-6-2
3082@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@grande et belle@
3083@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@grandes et belles@
3084@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grand et beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3085@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3086@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3086@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grand et beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3087@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grandes et beaux@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3088@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-
3088@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grande et belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3088@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3089@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3089@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grande et belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3089@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3090@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3090@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3090@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3091@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3091@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3091@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3092@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3092@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3092@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3093@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3093@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grande et belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3093@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3094@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3094@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3094@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3094@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3095@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*le@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3095@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3095@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3095@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grande et belle@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3096@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grand et beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3096@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3096@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3096@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grandela et beau@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3097@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3097@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grand et beau@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3097@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grand et beau@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3097@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3098@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et beaux@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3098@7:8@num-gen@sg-fem@*maisons@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3098@3:4@num-gen@pl-fem@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3098@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grandes et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3099@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3099@4:7@num-gen@sg-fem@*grandes et beaux@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3099@4:7@num-gen@pl-fem@*grandes et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3099@7:8@num-gen@pl-fem@*maison@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3100@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@grand et beau@
3101@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@grandes et beaux@
3102@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grande et belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3103@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3104@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3104@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grande et belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3105@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grandes et belles@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3106@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-
3106@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grand et beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3106@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3107@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3107@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grand et beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3107@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3108@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3108@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grands et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3108@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3109@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3109@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grands et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3109@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3110@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3110@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grands et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3110@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3111@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3111@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grand et beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3111@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3111@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3111@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grands et beaux@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3111@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3111@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3112@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*la@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3112@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3112@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3112@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grand et beau@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3113@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grande et belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3113@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3113@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*la@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3113@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grandle et belle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3114@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3114@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grande et belle@gender is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3114@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grande et belle@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3114@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3115@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grandes et belles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3115@7:8@num-gen@sg-masc@*bâtiments@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3115@3:4@num-gen@pl-masc@*le@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3115@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3116@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*les@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3116@4:7@num-gen@sg-masc@*grandes et belles@number and gender are wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-1
3116@4:7@num-gen@pl-masc@*grandes et belles@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3116@7:8@num-gen@pl-masc@*bâtiment@number is wrong; corresponding well-formed item 3-6-12-1-2
3117@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de la rupture@
3118@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à la rupture@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3119@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la rupture@Preposition ``de'' is missing.
3120@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' entreprise@
3121@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' entreprise@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3122@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*l' entreprise@Preposition ``de'' is missing.
3123@@subcat@1(p-obj(de)-inf)@@``la crainte'' subcategorizes for a p-obj(de)-NP + an infinitive.
3123@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de combattre@
3124@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à combattre@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3125@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*combattre@The preposition ``de'' is missing.
3126@@subcat@1(C_cpl(que))@@NP decides over the mood of the verb.
3126@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@que la femme vienne@
3127@5:6@mood@subj@*vient@The mood of the verb is wrong. It should be subjunctive.
3128@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si la femme vienne@The complementizer is wrong. It should be ``que''.
3129@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si la femme vient@The complementizer and the mood of the verb are wrong. The complementizer should be ``que'' and the mood subj. (Mixture of 3-4-3-1-2 and 3-4-3-1-2)
3129@4:5@mood@subj@*vient@The mood of the verb is wrong. It should be subjunctive.
3130@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l'ingénieur@
3130@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à la négociation@
3131@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*de la négociation@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``à''.(cf. Input Comments)
3132@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@The preposition if wrong. It should be ``de''.
3133@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' ingénieur@
3133@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de venir@
3134@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''. (cf. Input Comments)
3135@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à venir@The second preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3136@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@Both prepositions are wrong. Both should be ``de''.(Mixture of 3-4-5-1-2 and 3-4-5-1-3)
3136@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à venir@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3137@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de la rupture@
3138@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à la rupture@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3139@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*la rupture@Preposition ``de'' is missing.
3140@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' entreprise@
3141@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' entreprise@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3142@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*l' entreprise@Preposition ``de'' is missing.
3143@@subcat@1(p-obj(de)-inf)@@``la crainte'' subcategorizes for a p-obj(de)-NP + an infinitive.
3143@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de combattre@
3144@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à combattre@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3145@2:4@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*combattre@The preposition ``de'' is missing.
3146@@subcat@1(C_cpl(que))@@NP decides over the mood of the verb.
3146@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@que la femme vienne@
3147@5:6@mood@subj@*vient@The mood of the verb is wrong. It should be subjunctive.
3148@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si la femme vienne@The complementizer is wrong. It should be ``que''.
3149@2:6@comp@C_cpl(que)@*si la femme vient@The complementizer and the mood of the verb are wrong. The complementizer should be ``que'' and the mood subj. (Mixture of 3-4-3-2-2 and 3-4-3-2-2)
3149@4:5@mood@subj@*vient@The mood of the verb is wrong. It should be subjunctive.
3150@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l'ingénieur@
3150@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@à la négociation@
3151@5:8@comp@p-obj(à)-NP@*de la négociation@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``à''.(cf. Input Comments)
3152@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@The preposition if wrong. It should be ``de''.
3153@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@de l' ingénieur@
3153@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@de venir@
3154@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''. (cf. Input Comments)
3155@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à venir@The second preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3156@2:5@comp@p-obj(de)-NP@*à l' ingénieur@Both prepositions are wrong. Both should be ``de''.(Mixture of 3-4-5-2-2 and 3-4-5-2-3)
3156@5:7@comp@p-obj(de)-inf@*à venir@The preposition is wrong. It should be ``de''.
3158@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Toi,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3159@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Tu,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3160@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Tu,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3162@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Lui,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3163@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3164@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3166@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3167@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3168@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3170@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3172@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3174@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3176@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Lui,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3177@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,toi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3178@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,tu@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3180@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3181@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,toi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3182@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,tu@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3184@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3186@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3188@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3190@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3191@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,lui@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3192@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,il@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3194@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3196@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3198@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3200@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3202@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3204@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3206@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Toi,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3207@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Tu,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3208@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Tu,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3210@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Lui,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3211@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3212@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3214@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3215@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,moi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3216@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,je@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3218@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3220@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3222@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,je@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3224@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Lui,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3225@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,toi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3226@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Il,tu@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3228@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3229@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,toi@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3230@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,tu@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3232@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3234@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3236@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,tu@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3238@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Eux,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3239@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,lui@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3240@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Ils,il@Two weak pronouns (clitics) cannot be coordinated.
3242@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3244@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3246@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,il@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3248@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elle,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3250@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Vous,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3252@0:1,2:3@coord_cat@et(PRON_ton,PRON_ton)@*Elles,ils@A weak pronoun (clitic) cannot be coordinated.
3253@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' homme,la femme@
3254@0:2@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' homme@The second coordinated element is missing.
3255@1:3@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@la femme@(Dubious test item) The first coordinated element is missing.
3256@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' homme,femme@The second coordinated element should be a NP.
3257@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' homme,la@The second coordinated element should be a NP.
3258@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Homme,la femme@The first coordinated element should be a NP.
3259@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Le,la femme@The first coordinated element should be a NP. It is impossible to coordinate two determiner.
3260@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' homme,la femme@
3261@0:2@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*L' homme@The second coordinated element is missing.
3262@1:3@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*la femme@(Dubious test item) The first coordinated element is missing.
3263@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*L' homme,femme@The second coordinated element should be a NP.
3264@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*L' homme,la@The second coordinated element should be a NP.
3265@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Homme,la femme@The first coordinated element should be a NP.
3266@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Le,la femme@The first coordinated element should be a NP.
3267@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,ton travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3268@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,son travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3269@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,votre travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3270@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,leur travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3271@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Mon,votre travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners
3272@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Mon travail,votre@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3273@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,ton travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3274@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,son travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3275@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,votre travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3276@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Mon travail,leur travail@Coordination of NPs with possessive determiners.
3277@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Mon,votre travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners
3278@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Mon travail,votre@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3279@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Un certain travail,chaque travail@Coordination of NPs with quantified determiners.
3280@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Un certain travail,chaque@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3281@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Un certain,chaque travail@It is not possible to coordinate two quantifiers.
3282@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Un certain travail,chaque travail@Coordination of NPs with quantified determiners.
3283@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Un certain travail,chaque@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3284@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Un certain,chaque travail@It is not possible to coordinate two quantifiers.
3285@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Plusieurs travaux,quelques travaux@Coordination of NPs with quantified determiners.
3286@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Plusieurs travaux,quelques@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3287@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Plusieurs travaux,quelques travaux@Coordination of NPs with quantified determiners.
3288@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@*Plusieurs travaux,quelques@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3289@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Du vin,du lait@Coordination of NPs with partitive articles.
3290@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Du,votre vin@It is not possible to coordinate two partitive articles
3291@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Du vin,du@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3292@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Du vin,du lait@Coordination of NPs with partitive articles.
3293@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Du,du vin@It is not possible to coordinate two partitive articles
3294@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Du vin,du@The second coordinated element should be an NP.
3295@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Un litre de vin,deux litres de lait@Coordination of quantified NPs.
3296@0:4,5:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Une quantité de livres,un grand nombre de personnes@Coordination of quantified NPs.
3297@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP)@Un litre de vin,deux litres de lait@Coordination of quantified NPs.
3298@0:4,5:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Une quantité de livres,un grand nombre de personnes@Coordination of quantified NPs.
3299@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@n travail habituel et une question intelligente@Coordination of NPs (DET + N + ADJ)
3300@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Un bon travail,une grande entreprise@Coordination of NPs (DET + ADJ + N)
3301@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@n travail habituel et une question intelligente@Coordination of NPs (DET + N + ADJ)
3302@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Un bon travail,une grande entreprise@Coordination of NPs (DET + ADJ + N)
3303@0:4,5:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La question qui provoque,la question qui est intelligente@Coordination of NPs modified by a Relativ Clause.
3304@0:4,5:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La question qui provoque,la question qui est intelligente@Coordination of NPs modified by a Relativ Clause.
3305@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Un peu de lait,beaucoup de vin@Coordination of NPs containing quantifiers
3306@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Un peu de lait,beaucoup de vin@Coordination of NPs containing quantifiers
3307@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Tout son travail,toute mon entreprise@Coordination of NPs containing quantifiers + possessive determiners
3308@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Tout son, mon travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners
3309@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Tout son,tout mon travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners with its quantifiers
3310@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@Tout son travail,toute mon entreprise@Coordination of NPs containing quantifiers + possessive determiners
3311@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Tout son, mon travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners
3312@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@*Tout son,tout mon travail@It is not possible to coordinate two possessive determiners with its quantifiers
3313@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La cause de la crainte,la détermination de la rupture@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3314@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La crainte de venir,la détermination de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: p-obj(de)-inf)
3315@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La cause de la rupture,la détermination de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: ,p-obj(de)-NP; p-obj(de)-inf)
3316@0:6,7:13@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' espoir que la femme vienne,le regret que l' homme parte@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: subordinate clause (C_cpl(que))
3317@0:8,9:17@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la consultation@Coordination of two NPs with two complements (complements: 1. p-obj(de)-NP; 2. p-obj(à)-NP )
3318@0:7,8:15@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with two complements (complements: 1. p-obj(de)-NP; 2. p-obj(de)-inf)
3319@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La cause de la crainte,la détermination de la rupture@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3320@0:4,5:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La crainte de venir,la détermination de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: p-obj(de)-inf)
3321@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La cause de la rupture,la détermination de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: ,p-obj(de)-NP; p-obj(de)-inf)
3322@0:6,7:13@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' espoir que la femme vienne,le regret que l' homme parte@Coordination of two NPs with one complement (complement: subordinate clause (C_cpl(que))
3323@0:8,9:17@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la consultation@Coordination of two NPs with two complements (complements: 1. p-obj(de)-NP; 2. p-obj(à)-NP )
3318@0:7,8:15@coord_cat@et(NP,NP)@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de combattre@Coordination of two NPs with two complements (complements: 1. p-obj(de)-NP; 2. p-obj(de)-inf)
3324@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un litre,deux litres de vin@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two NP-quantifier )
3325@0:1,2:6@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un,deux litres de vin@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two cardinal numbers )
3326@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*Un litre de,deux litres de vin@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs-quantifier + DetPrep
3327@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un litre,deux litres de vin@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two NP-quantifier )
3328@0:1,2:6@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un,deux litres de vin@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two cardinal numbers )
3329@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*Un litre de,deux litres de vin@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs-quantifier + DetPrep
3330@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Une foule,un nombre de personnes@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two NP-quantifier )
3331@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*Une foule de,un nombre de personnes@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs-quantifier + DetPrep
3332@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Une foule,un nombre de personnes@Coordination of two NPs (Coordination of two NP-quantifier )
3333@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(NP,p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*Une foule de,un nombre de personnes@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs-quantifier + DetPrep
3334@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(ADJ),NP)@Le travail,l' ingénieur habituels@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ
3335@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(ADJ),NP)@Le travail,l' ingénieurles plus habituels@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (superlative)
3336@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N,ADJ))@Le travail habituel,intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives)
3337@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@Le travail le plus habituel,le plus intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3338@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,DET + COMP of ADJ_sup))@Le travail le plus habituel,le intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative - only the adjective)
3339@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@*Le plus habituel,le travail le plus intelligent@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs (including an adjective-superlative) where the first coordinated element is only the adjective superlative
3340@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP)@La grande,la belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives and the determiner)
3341@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP_elliptic(DET))@La grande,belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives)
3342@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP_elliptic(DET))@La plus grande,plus  belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3342@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,DET + COMP of ADJ_sup))@Le travail le plus habituel,le intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative - only the adjective)
3343@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP)@La plus grande,la plus  belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3344@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@La plus grande entreprise,la plus  belle@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3345@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@*La plus grande entreprise,plus  belle@It is not possible to coordinate an NP (including a adjective_superlative) and and adjective-superlative without the determiner.
3346@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(ADJ),NP)@Le travail,l' ingénieur habituels@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ
3347@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(ADJ),NP)@Le travail,l' ingénieurles plus habituels@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (superlative)
3348@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N,ADJ))@Le travail habituel,intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives)
3349@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@Le travail le plus habituel,le plus intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3350@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,DET + COMP of ADJ_sup))@Le travail le plus habituel,le intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative - only the adjective)
3351@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@*Le plus habituel,le travail le plus intelligent@It is not possible to coordinate two NPs (including an adjective-superlative) where the first coordinated element is only the adjective superlative
3352@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP)@La grande,la belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives and the determiner)
3353@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP_elliptic(DET))@La grande,belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives)
3354@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP_elliptic(DET))@La plus grande,plus  belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3354@0:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,DET + COMP of ADJ_sup))@Le travail le plus habituel,le intelligent@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative - only the adjective)
3355@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(N),NP)@La plus grande,la plus  belle entreprise@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3356@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@La plus grande entreprise,la plus  belle@Coordination of two NPs including an ADJ (coordination of the adjectives-superlative)
3357@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@*La plus grande entreprise,plus  belle@It is not possible to coordinate an NP (including a adjective_superlative) and and adjective-superlative without the determiner.
3358@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@La question qui provoque,qui est intelligente@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the relative clauses)
3359@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question,la décision qui sont intelligentes@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the DET + N)
3360@0:4,5:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question qui est,la décision qui doit être intelligentes@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the DET + N + part of the relative clause)
3361@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question qui,la décision qui sont intelligentes@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the relative pronoun.
3362@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question qui,qui est intelligente@It is not possible to coordinate only the relative pronoun.
3363@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@La question que l' ingénieur pose,que l' homme aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the relative clauses)
3364@0:2,3:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question,le travail que l' ingénieur aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of DET + N)
3365@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question que l' ingénieur,le travail que l' homme aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of DET + N + part of the relative clause.)
3366@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question que,le travail que l' homme aime@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the relative pronoun.
3367@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question que,que l' homme aime@It is not possible to coordinate only the relative pronoun.
3368@0:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(N))@La question qui provoque,qui est intelligente@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the relative clauses)
3369@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question,la décision qui sont intelligentes@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the DET + N)
3370@0:4,5:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question qui est,la décision qui doit être intelligentes@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the DET + N + part of the relative clause)
3371@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question qui,la décision qui sont intelligentes@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the relative pronoun.
3372@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question qui,qui est intelligente@It is not possible to coordinate only the relative pronoun.
3373@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@La question que l' ingénieur pose,que l' homme aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of the relative clauses)
3374@0:2,3:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question,le travail que l' ingénieur aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of DET + N)
3375@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@La question que l' ingénieur,le travail que l' homme aime@Coordination of two NPs including an relative Clause. (Coordination of DET + N + part of the relative clause.)
3376@0:5,6:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question que,le travail que l' homme aime@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the relative pronoun.
3377@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(C_rel),NP)@*La question que,que l' homme aime@It is not possible to coordinate only the relative pronoun.
3378@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un peu,beaucoup de vin@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of DET + N)
3379@0:4,5:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@Un peu de vin,beaucoup@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of the quantifiers)
3380@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Un peu de,beaucoup de vin@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers and the preposition
3381@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Un peu de vin,beaucoup de@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers where the second coordinated element consists on the quantifier and the preposition
3382@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Trop,assez de personnes@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of DET + N)
3383@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@Trop de personnes,assez@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of the quantifiers)
3384@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Trop de,assez de personnes@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers and the preposition
3385@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Trop de personnes,assez de@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers where the second coordinated element consists on the quantifier and the preposition
3386@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Un peu,beaucoup de vin@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of DET + N)
3387@0:4,5:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@Un peu de vin,beaucoup@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of the quantifiers)
3388@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Un peu de,beaucoup de vin@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers and the preposition
3389@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Un peu de vin,beaucoup de@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers where the second coordinated element consists on the quantifier and the preposition
3390@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@Trop,assez de personnes@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of DET + N)
3391@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@Trop de personnes,assez@Coordination of two NPs including quantifier (Coordination of the quantifiers)
3392@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Trop de,assez de personnes@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers and the preposition
3393@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@*Trop de personnes,assez de@It is not possible to coordinate the quantifiers where the second coordinated element consists on the quantifier and the preposition
3394@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N)@La cause de la rupture et de la crainte@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: p-object (NP))
3395@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@La cause,la détermination de la rupture@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3396@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La cause de,la détermination de la rupture@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + the preposition of the complement
3397@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La cause de la  rupture,la détermination@Dubious test item in the sense that the p-obj cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3398@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N)@La crainte de venir et de combattre@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: p-object (Infinitive))
3399@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La crainte,la détermination de venir@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3400@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La crainte de,la détermination de venir@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + the preposition of the complement
3401@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La crainte de la  rupture,la détermination@Dubious test item in the sense that the p-obj cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3402@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@L' espoir que la femme vienne,que l' homme parte@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: subordinated clause)
3403@0:2,3:9@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@L' espoir,le regret que la femme vienne@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3404@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@*L' espoir que,le regret que la femme vienne@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the complementizer
3405@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@*L' espoir que la femme vienne,le regret@Dubious test item in the sense that the subordinated clause cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3406@0:8,9:12@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(à)-NP)
3407@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP_elliptic(DET,N))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur,de l'entreprise à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3408@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur,l'entreprise à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP without the preposition)
3409@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP,Prep of p-obj(à)-NP)@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(à)-NP without the preposition)
3410@0:2,3:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,p-obj(à)-NP),NP)@L' invitation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N)
3411@0:5,6:14@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP)@L' invitation de l' homme,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-NP)
3412@0:5,6:14@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@L' invitation à la consultation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(à)-NP),but p-obj(de)-NP is not taken as a complement of the first coordinated NP.
3413@0:8,9:14@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la consultation,l' accès à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(à)-NP). The p-obj(de)-NP might not be taken as a complement of the second coordinated element.
3414@0:7,8:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(de)-inf)
3415@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP_elliptic(DET,N))@La décision de l' ingénieur,de l'entreprise de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3416@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur,l'entreprise de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP without the preposition)
3417@0:7,8:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP,Prep of p-obj(de)-inf))@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(de)-inf without the preposition)
3418@0:2,3:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La décision,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N)
3419@0:5,6:13@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La décision de l' homme,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-NP)
3420@0:4,5:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@La décision de combattre,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-inf),but p-obj(de)-NP is not taken as a complement of the first coordinated NP.
3421@0:7,8:12@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur de combattre,l' obligation de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-inf). The p-obj(de)-NP might not be taken as a complement of the second coordinated element.
3422@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N)@La cause de la rupture et de la crainte@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: p-object (NP))
3423@0:2,3:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@La cause,la détermination de la rupture@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3424@0:3,4:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La cause de,la détermination de la rupture@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + the preposition of the complement
3425@0:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La cause de la  rupture,la détermination@Dubious test item in the sense that the p-obj cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3426@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N)@La crainte de venir et de combattre@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: p-object (Infinitive))
3427@0:2,3:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La crainte,la détermination de venir@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3428@0:3,4:8@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La crainte de,la détermination de venir@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + the preposition of the complement
3429@0:4,5:7@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@*La crainte de la  rupture,la détermination@Dubious test item in the sense that the p-obj cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3430@0:6,7:11@coord_cat@ou(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N))@L' espoir que la femme vienne,que l' homme parte@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the complement: subordinated clause)
3431@0:2,3:9@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@L' espoir,le regret que la femme vienne@Coordination of NP with one complement (Coordination of the DET + N)
3432@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@*L' espoir que,le regret que la femme vienne@It is not possible to coordinate DET + N + only the complementizer
3433@0:3,4:10@coord_cat@ou(NP_elliptic(C_cpl(que)),NP)@*L' espoir que la femme vienne,le regret@Dubious test item in the sense that the subordinated clause cannot be a complement of the second coordinated NP
3434@0:8,9:12@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(à)-NP)
3435@0:5,6:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP_elliptic(DET,N))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur,de l'entreprise à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3436@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur,l'entreprise à la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP without the preposition)
3437@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP,Prep of p-obj(à)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la négociation,la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(à)-NP without the preposition)
3438@0:2,3:11@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,p-obj(à)-NP),NP)@L' invitation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N)
3439@0:5,6:14@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(à)-NP),NP)@L' invitation de l' homme,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-NP)
3440@0:5,6:14@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@L' invitation à la consultation,l' accès de l' ingénieur à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(à)-NP),but p-obj(de)-NP is not taken as a complement of the first coordinated NP.
3441@0:8,9:14@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP))@L' invitation de l' ingénieur à la consultation,l' accès à la négociation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(à)-NP). The p-obj(de)-NP might not be taken as a complement of the second coordinated element.
3442@0:7,8:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(de)-inf)
3443@0:5,6:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP_elliptic(DET,N))@La décision de l' ingénieur,de l'entreprise de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP)
3444@0:5,6:9@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP_elliptic(DET,N,Prep of p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur,l'entreprise de combattre@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the first complement: p-obj(de)-NP without the preposition)
3445@0:7,8:10@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(DET,N,p-obj(de)-NP,Prep of p-obj(de)-inf))@La décision de l' ingénieur de venir,la consultation@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the second complement: p-obj(de)-inf without the preposition)
3446@0:2,3:10@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP,p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La décision,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N)
3447@0:5,6:13@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-inf),NP)@La décision de l' homme,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-NP)
3448@0:4,5:12@coord_cat@et(NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP),NP)@La décision de combattre,l' obligation de l' ingénieur de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-inf),but p-obj(de)-NP is not taken as a complement of the first coordinated NP.
3449@0:7,8:12@coord_cat@et(NP,NP_elliptic(p-obj(de)-NP))@La décision de l' ingénieur de combattre,l' obligation de venir@Coordination of NP with two complements (Coordination of the DET + N + p-obj(de)-inf). The p-obj(de)-NP might not be taken as a complement of the second coordinated element.
3468@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3469@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3470@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3471@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3472@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3473@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3474@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3475@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3476@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3477@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3478@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3479@3:4@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3480@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3481@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3482@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3483@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3484@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person and number.
3485@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3486@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3487@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3488@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3489@3:4@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3490@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3491@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3492@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3493@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3494@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3495@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3496@3:4@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number
3505@4:5@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong number and person.
3506@4:5@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong number and person.
3507@4:5@pers-num@1-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3508@4:5@pers-num@2-pl@*viens@Wrong number.
3509@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3510@4:5@pers-num@3-pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3511@4:5@pers-num@1-pl@*viennent@Wrong person.
3512@4:5@pers-num@2-pl@*viennent@Wrong person.
3254@5:6@num@pl@*vient@Wrong number.
3260@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@intelligents@Subject: two coordinated NPs where one NP is masculine and the other is feminine.
3261@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*intelligentes@If the subject consists of two coordinated NPs where one NP is masculine and the other is feminine,the masculine takes over.
3262@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*intelligent@Number is wrong.
3263@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*intelligente@Number and gender are wrong.
3267@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@intelligents@Subject: two coordinated NPs where both NPs are masculine.
3268@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*intelligent@Wrong number.
3273@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@intelligents@Subject: two coordinated NPs where both NPs are feminine.
3274@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*intelligente@Wrong number.
3279@9:10@num@sg@est@The p-objects of the NP is coordinated,thus the verb is singular.
3280@8:9@num@pl@sont@Two NPs with the same p-object are coordinated,thus the verb is plural.
3281@9:10@num@sg@*sont@Wrong number.
3513@8:9@num@pl@*est@Wrong number.
3513@8:9@num@pl@*est@Wrong number.
3514@0:2@position_N@post_DET@le travail@
3515@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail le@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3516@0:2@position_N@post_DET@ce travail@
3517@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail ce@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3518@0:2@position_N@post_DET@mon travail@
3519@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail mon@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3520@0:2@position_N@post_DET@un travail@
3521@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail un@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3522@0:2@position_N@post_DET@des travaux@
3523@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travaux des@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3524@0:2@position_N@post_DET@aucun travail@
3525@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail aucun@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3526@0:2@position_N@post_DET@quel travail@
3527@0:2@position_N@post_DET@*travail quel@The wordorder is inverted. The noun should follow the determinant.
3528@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``de'' has to be repeated (The test set 6-8-1-2) includes the cases where it can be omitted.
3529@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*De l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``de'' has to be repeated
3530@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3531@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3532@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3533@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@De l' ami,collègue@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since ``ami'' and ``collègue'' refer to the same person.
3534@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' ami,du collègue@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-2-1)
3535@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Des arts,métiers@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a locution.
3536@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Des arts,des métiers@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-2-3)
3537@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Des amis,connaissances@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a group or refer to a unique idea.
3538@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Des amis,des connaissances@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-2-5)
3539@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``à'' has to be repeated (The test set 6-8-1-4) includes the cases where it can be omitted.
3540@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*A l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3541@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3542@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3543@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3544@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@A l' ami,collègue@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since ``ami'' and ``collègue'' refer to the same person.
3545@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' ami,au collègue@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-4-1)
3546@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Aux arts,métiers@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a locution.
3547@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Aux arts,aux métiers@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-4-3)
3548@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Aux amis,connaissances@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a group or refer to a unique idea.
3549@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Aux amis,aux connaissances@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-4-5)
3550@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``de'' has to be repeated (The test set 6-8-1-2) includes the cases where it can be omitted.
3551@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*De l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``de'' has to be repeated
3552@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3553@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3554@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3555@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@De l' ami,collègue@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since ``ami'' and ``collègue'' refer to the same person.
3556@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' ami,du collègue@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-6-1)
3557@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Des arts,métiers@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a locution.
3558@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Des arts,des métiers@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-6-3)
3559@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Des amis,connaissances@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a group or refer to a unique idea.
3560@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Des amis,des connaissances@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-6-5)
3561@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``à'' has to be repeated (The test set 6-8-1-4) includes the cases where it can be omitted.
3562@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*A l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@Usually,the preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3563@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3564@6:7,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3565@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3566@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@A l' ami,collègue@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since ``ami'' and ``collègue'' refer to the same person.
3567@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@A l' ami,au collègue@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-8-1)
3568@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Aux arts,métiers@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a locution.
3569@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Aux arts,aux métiers@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-8-3)
3570@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Aux amis,connaissances@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a group or refer to a unique idea.
3571@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Aux amis,aux connaissances@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-8-5)
3572@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@En lisant,en écrivant@
3573@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En lisant,écrivant@The preposition of the second coordinated element has to be repeated.
3574@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En lisant,en@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3575@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En,en écrivant@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3576@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*Lisant,en écrivant@The preposition of the first coordinated element is omitted .
3577@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@En dommages,intérêts@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a locution.
3578@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@En dommages,en intérêts@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-10-1)
3579@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P,DET))@En mon âme,conscience@It is possible to omit the preposition of the second coordinated element since the coordinated elements form a group or refer to a unique idea.
3580@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@En mon âme,en ma conscience@It is possible to repeat the preposition of the second coordinated element (cf. 6-8-1-10-3)
3581@3:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@En lisant,en écrivant@
3582@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En lisant,écrivant@The preposition of the second coordinated element has to be repeated.
3583@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En lisant,en@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3584@3:4,6:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*En,en écrivant@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3585@3:5,6:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*Lisant,en écrivant@The preposition of the first coordinated element is omitted .
3586@4:7,8:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@en participes présents,participes passés@For the verb ``diviser en'' the repetition of the preposition ``en'' is facultative (cf. item 6-8-1-12-4).
3587@4:7,8:11@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@en participes présents,en participes passés@For the verb ``diviser en'' it is possible to repeat the preposition ``en'' (cf. item 6-8-1-12-3).
3588@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@De,à l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3589@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,à l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-1-1).
3590@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*De l' entreprise,à@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3591@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@De,à l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3592@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,à l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-1-1).
3593@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*De l' entreprise,à@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3594@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@Dans,avec l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3595@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,avec l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-3-1).
3596@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*Dans l' entreprise,avec@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3597@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@Dans,avec l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3598@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,avec l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-3-1).
3599@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@et(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*Dans l' entreprise,avec@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3600@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Dans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3601@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,dans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3602@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Dans,dans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3603@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Dans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3604@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,dans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3605@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Dans,dans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3606@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Avec l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3607@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Avec l' entreprise,avec le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3608@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Avec,avec le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3609@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Avec l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3610@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Avec l' entreprise,avec le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3611@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Avec,avec le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3612@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Sans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3613@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Sans l' entreprise,sans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3614@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Sans,sans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3615@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Sans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3616@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@Sans l' entreprise,sans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3617@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Sans,sans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3618@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Entre l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3619@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*Entre l' entreprise,entre le restaurant@It is not possible to repeat the preposition ``entre''.
3620@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Entre,entre le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3621@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Entre l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3622@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@et(PP,PP)@*Entre l' entreprise,entre le restaurant@It is not possible to repeat the preposition ``entre''.
3623@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@et(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Entre,entre le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3624@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur@De l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur
3625@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*De l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@The preposition ``de'' has to be repeated
3626@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3627@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3628@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3629@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à l' ingénieur@The preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3630@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*A l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@The preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3631@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3632@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3633@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3634@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de l' ingénieur@The preposition ``de'' has to be repeated
3635@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*De l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@The preposition ``de'' has to be repeated
3636@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,de@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3637@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3638@0:2,3:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,de l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3639@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à l' ingénieur@The preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3640@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*A l' entreprise,l' ingénieur@The preposition ``à'' has to be repeated
3641@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A l' entreprise,à@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3642@6:7,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@A ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3643@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@L' entreprise ,à l' ingénieur@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3644@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@En lisant,en écrivant@
3645@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En lisant,écrivant@The preposition of the second coordinated element has to be repeated.
3646@0:2,3:4@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En lisant,en@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3647@0:1,2:4@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En,en écrivant@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3648@0:2,3:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*Lisant,en écrivant@The preposition of the first coordinated element is omitted .
3649@3:5,6:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@En lisant,en écrivant@
3650@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En lisant,écrivant@The preposition of the second coordinated element has to be repeated.
3651@3:5,6:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En lisant,en@The second coordinated element should be a PP.
3652@3:4,6:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*En,en écrivant@The first coordinated element should be a PP.
3653@3:5,6:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*Lisant,en écrivant@The preposition of the first coordinated element is omitted .
3654@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@De,à l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3655@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,à l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-1-1).
3656@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*De l' entreprise,à@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3657@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@De,à l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3658@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@De l' entreprise,à l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-1-1).
3659@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*De l' entreprise,à@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3660@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@Dans,avec l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3661@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,avec l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-3-1).
3662@0:3,4:5@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*Dans l' entreprise,avec@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3663@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@Dans,avec l' entreprise@If both preposition refer to the same NP,it is possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3664@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,avec l' entreprise@It is possible to repeat twice the same NP,however,stylistically,it is better to delete the first NP (cf. 6-8-2-3-1).
3665@3:6,7:8@coord_cat@ou(PP_elliptic(NP),PP)@*Dans l' entreprise,avec@It is possible to delete the NP of the second coordinated element.
3666@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Dans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3667@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,dans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3668@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Dans,dans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3669@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Dans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3670@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Dans l' entreprise,dans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3671@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Dans,dans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3672@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Avec l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3673@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Avec l' entreprise,avec le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3674@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Avec,avec le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3675@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Avec l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3676@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Avec l' entreprise,avec le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3677@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Avec,avec le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3678@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Sans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3679@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Sans l' entreprise,sans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3680@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Sans,sans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3681@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Sans l' entreprise,le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated in the second coordinated element (except for ``à'',``de'' and ``en'')
3682@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@Sans l' entreprise,sans le restaurant@Usually the preposition is not repeated,but it is possible to repeat it if one wants to emphasize on every coordinated element.
3683@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Sans,sans le restaurant@It is not possible to delete the NP of the first coordinated element.
3684@0:3,4:6@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Entre l' entreprise,le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3685@0:3,4:7@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*Entre l' entreprise,entre le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3686@0:1,2:5@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Entre,entre le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3687@3:6,7:9@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@Entre l' entreprise,le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3688@3:6,7:10@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP)@*Entre l' entreprise,entre le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3689@3:4,5:8@coord_cat@ou(PP,PP_elliptic(P))@*Entre,entre le restaurant@``Ou'' cannot be used with the preposition ``entre''.
3690@0:4@position_C_cond@ante_main-clause@Si l' ingénieur vient@
3691@4:8@position_C_cond@post_main-clause@si l' ingénieur vient@
3692@@punct@PUNCT(,)@@The comma is missing
3693@0:6@position_C_cond@ante_main-clause@Au cas où l' ingénieur vient@
3694@0:5@position_C_cond@ante_main-clause@Au cas où il vient@
3695@4:10@position_C_cond@post_main-clause@au cas où l' ingénieur vient@
3696@@punct@PUNCT(,)@@The comma is missing
3697@0:4@position_C_cond@ante_main-clause@Que l' ingénieur vienne@
3698@@punct@PUNCT(,)@@The comma is missing
3699@4:8@position_C_cond@ante_main-clause@*que l' ingénieur vienne@wrong order
3702@0:1@elision@no@*s'@There is no elision
3703@0:1@elision@yes@*si@There should be an elision.
3704@@@@@wrong conjunction
3706@3:4@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-pres@*viendrait@the mood in the conditional clause is wrong.
3707@3:4@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-pres@*viendra@the tense in the conditional clause is wrong.
3708@6:7@mood-tense(C_main)@ind-fut@*aurait@the mood in the main clause is wrong.
3709@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-passecomp@est venu@
3710@3:5@mood-tense(C_main)@ind-fut@*aurait@the mood in the main clause is wrong.
3712@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-imperf@*serait venu@The mood in the conditional clause is wrong.
3713@6:8@mood-tense(C_main)@cond-pres@*aurait eu@the tense in the main clause is wrong.
3714@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-plusqueparf@était venu@
3715@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-plusqueparf@*serait venu@The mood in the conditional clause is wrong.
3716@7:8@mood-tense(C_main)@cond-pres@*aura@The mood in the main clause is wrong.
3717@7:8@mood-tense(C_main)@cond-pres@*avait@The mood in the main clause is wrong.
3718@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-plusqueparf@était venu@
3718@7:9@mood-tense(C_main)@cond-past@aurait eu@
3719@3:5@mood-tense(C_cond)@ind-plusqueparf@*serait venu@The mood in the conditional clause is wrong.
3720@7:8@mood-tense(C_main)@cond-past@*aurait@The tense in the main clause is wrong.
3722@3:4@mood-tense(C_cond)@subj-pres@*vient@The mood in the conditional clause is wrong.
3723@0:1,5:6@coord-conjunctions@et(C_cpl(si),C_cpl(que))@si, que@The second coordinated conjunction has to be `que'.
3724@5:6@coord-conjunctions@et(C_cpl(si),C_cpl(que))@*s'@The second coordinated conjunction should be `que'.
3725@7:8@mood-tense@ind-pres@*soit@The mood is wrong
3727@7:9@mood-tense@ind-imperf@*ait été@The mood is wrong
3731@0:1@pers-num@2-sg/1-pl/2-pl@*part@The imperative is only available for three persons: second singular,first and second plural
3732@0:1@pers-num@2-sg/1-pl/2-pl@*partent@The imperative is only available for three persons: second singular,first and second plural
3736@0:1@pers-num@2-sg/1-pl/2-pl@*sort@The imperative is only available for three persons: second singular,first and second plural
3737@0:1@pers-num@2-sg/1-pl/2-pl@*sortent@The imperative is only available for three persons: second singular,first and second plural
3741@@punct@PUNCT(,)@@The comma is missing. This error may be interpreted as agreement error.
3742@@punct@PUNCT(,)@@The comma is missing. This error may be interpreted as agreement error.
3747@2:3@mood@subjunctive@*part@The mood of the verb should be subjunctive.
3748@2:3@mood@subjunctive@*part@The mood of the verb should be subjunctive.
3749@1:2@pers@third@*je@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3750@1:2@pers@third@*tu@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3751@1:2@pers@third@*nous@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3752@1:2@pers@third@*vous@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3757@2:3@mood@subjunctive@*sort@The mood of the verb should be subjunctive.
3758@2:3@mood@subjunctive@*sort@The mood of the verb should be subjunctive.
3759@1:2@pers@third@*je@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3760@1:2@pers@third@*tu@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3761@1:2@pers@third@*nous@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3762@1:2@pers@third@*vous@This kind of imperative only concerns the third person.
3763@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@chante@
3764@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*chantes@The verb should not end with the letter `s'.
3765@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@mange@
3766@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*manges@The verb should not end with the letter `s'.
3767@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@va@
3768@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*vas@The verb should not end with the letter `s'.
3769@0:1@orthography@verb ending with `s'@va@
3770@0:1@orthography@verb ending with `s'@*vas@The verb should end with the letter `s' because of the pronoun `y' which is an adjunct of the verb.
3771@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@va@
3772@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*vas@The verb should not end with the letter `s' because the pronoun `y' is not an adjunct of the verb `aller' .
3773@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@aie@
3773@0:1@mood@imperative@aie@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3774@0:1@mood@imperative@ayons@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3775@0:1@mood@imperative@ayez@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3776@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*aies@The verb should not end with the letter `s'.
3777@0:1@mood@imperative@*as@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3778@0:1@mood@imperative@*avons@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3779@0:1@mood@imperative@*avez@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3780@0:1@mood@imperative@sois@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3781@0:1@mood@imperative@soyons@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3782@0:1@mood@imperative@soyez@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3783@0:1@mood@imperative@*es@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3784@0:1@mood@imperative@*sommes@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3785@0:1@mood@imperative@*êtes@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3786@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@sache@
3786@0:1@mood@imperative@sache@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3787@0:1@mood@imperative@sachons@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3788@0:1@mood@imperative@sachez@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3789@0:1@orthography@verb without `s'@*saches@The verb should not end with the letter `s'.
3790@0:1@mood@imperative@*sais@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3791@0:1@mood@imperative@*savons@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3792@0:1@mood@imperative@*savez@The imperative form of avoir is irregular.
3804@0:1@mood@subjunctive@*vit@The mood should be subjunctive.
3808@0:1@mood@subjunctive@*voulez@The mood should be subjunctive(circumlocution of politeness).
3810@0:1@mood@subjunctive@*voulez@The mood should be subjunctive (circumlocution of politeness).
3812@0:1@mood@subjunctive@*voulez@The mood should be subjunctive (circumlocution of politeness).
3813@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - moi@
3814@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - toi@
3815@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - le@
3816@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - la@
3817@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - nous@
3818@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présentez - vous@
3819@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Présente - les@
3820@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*moi présente@
3821@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*toi présente@
3822@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*le présente@
3823@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*la présente@
3824@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*nous présente@
3825@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*vous présente@
3826@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*les présente@
3827@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demande - moi@
3828@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demande - toi@
3829@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demande - lui@
3830@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demande - nous@
3831@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demandez - vous@
3832@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demande - leur@
3833@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*moi demande@
3834@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*toi demande@
3835@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*lui demande@
3836@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*nous demande@
3837@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*vous demande@
3838@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*leur demande@
3827@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Vas - y@
3828@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@Demandes - en@
3827@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*Y va@
3828@0:2@position_PRON@post_verb@*En demandes@
3840@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@The hyphen is missing between the verb and the pronoun.
3842@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@The hyphen is missing between the verb and the pronoun.
3844@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@The hyphen is missing between the verb and the pronoun.
3845@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@The hyphen is missing between the two pronouns.
3846@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Two hyphens are missing between the verb and the pronoun/ between the two pronouns.
3848@@euphonic-t@present@@The euphonic ``t'' is missing.
3849@2:2@punct@PUNCT(')@*(-)@It should be an apostrophe,not a hyphen.
3851@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@tonic@*me@The pronoun has to be tonic.
3853@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@tonic@*te@The pronoun has to be tonic.
3855@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@tonic@*me@The pronoun has to be tonic.
3857@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@tonic@*te@The pronoun has to be tonic.
3858@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@pars pas@
3859@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@*pas pars@The negative element pas should follow the verb.
3860@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3861@2:3@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3862@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@partons pas@
3863@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@*pas partons@The negative element pas should follow the verb.
3864@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3865@2:3@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3866@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@partez pas@
3867@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb@*pas partez@The negative element pas should follow the verb.
3868@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3869@2:3@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3870@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@sois pas@
3871@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas sois@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3872@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*sois parti pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3873@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@soyons pas@
3874@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas soyons@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3875@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*soyons partis pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3876@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@soyez pas@
3877@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas soyez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3878@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*soyez partis pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3879@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@aie pas@
3880@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas aie@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3881@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*aie terminé pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3882@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@ayons pas@
3883@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas ayons@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3884@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*ayons terminé pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3885@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@ayez pas@
3886@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*pas ayez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3887@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_aux@*ayez terminé pas@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the auxiliary.
3888@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@pas toucher@
3889@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@*toucher pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the infinitive.
3890@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3891@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3892@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@pas remuer@
3893@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@*remuer pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the infinitive.
3894@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3895@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3896@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@pas entrer@
3897@1:3@position_NEG(pas)@ante_inf@*entrer pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the infinitive.
3898@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*ne@The negative element ``pas'' is missing.
3899@0:1@negation@(ne,pas)@*pas@The negative particule ``ne'' is missing.
3900@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@me présente pas@
3900@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@me présente@
3901@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@te présente pas@
3901@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@te présente@
3902@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@le présente pas@
3902@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@le présente@
3903@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@la présente pas@
3903@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@la présente@
3904@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@nous présente pas@
3904@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@nous présente@
3905@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@vous présentez pas@
3905@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@vous présentez@
3906@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@les présente pas@
3906@1:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@les présente@
3907@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*me pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3908@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas me présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3909@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente me@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3910@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*te pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3911@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas te présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3912@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente te@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3913@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*le pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3914@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas le présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3915@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente le@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3916@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*la pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3917@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas la présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3918@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente la@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3919@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*nous pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3920@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas nous présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3921@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente nous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3922@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*vous pas présentez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3923@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas vous présentez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3924@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présentez vous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3925@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*les pas présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3926@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas les présente@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3927@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présente les@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3928@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@me demande pas@
3928@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@me demande@
3929@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@te demande pas@
3929@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@te demande@
3930@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@lui demande pas@
3930@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@lui demande@
3931@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@nous demande pas@
3931@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@nous demande@
3932@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@vous demandez pas@
3932@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@vous demandez@
3933@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@leur demande pas@
3933@1:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@leur demande@
3934@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*me pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3935@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas me demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3936@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demande me@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3937@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*te pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3938@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas te demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3939@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demande te@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3940@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*lui pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3941@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas lui demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3942@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demande lui@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3943@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*nous pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3944@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas nous demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3945@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demande nous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3946@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*vous pas demandez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3947@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas vous demandez@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3948@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demandez vous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3949@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*leur pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3950@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas leur demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3951@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demande leur@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3952@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@y va pas@
3952@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@y va@
3953@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*y pas va@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3954@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas y va@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3955@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*vas y@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3956@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@en demande pas@
3956@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@en demande@
3957@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*en pas demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the verb.
3958@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@post_verb,post_PRON@*pas en demande@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3959@1:3@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demandes en@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3962@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@non-tonic@moi@The pronoun should not be tonic.
3963@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@non-tonic@toi@The pronoun should not be tonic.
3966@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@non-tonic@*moi@The pronoun should not be tonic.
3967@1:2@form(PRON_pers)@non-tonic@*toi@The pronoun should not be tonic.
3968@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas me présenter@
3968@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@me présenter@
3969@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas te présenter@
3969@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@te présenter@
3970@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas le présenter@
3970@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@le présenter@
3971@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas la présenter@
3971@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@la présenter@
3972@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas nous présenter@
3972@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@nous présenter@
3973@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas vous présenter@
3973@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@vous présenter@
3974@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas les présenter@
3974@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@les présenter@
3975@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*me pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3976@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*me présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3977@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter me@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3978@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*te pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3979@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*te présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3980@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter te@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3981@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*le pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3982@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*le présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3983@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter le@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3984@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*la pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3985@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*la présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3986@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter la@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3987@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*nous pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3988@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*nous présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3989@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter nous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3990@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*vous pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3991@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*vous présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3992@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter vous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3993@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*les pas présenter@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
3994@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*les présenter pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
3995@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*présenter les@The pronoun should precede the verb.
3996@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas me demander@
3996@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@me demander@
3997@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas te demander@
3997@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@te demander@
3998@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas le demander@
3998@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@le demander@
3999@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas la demander@
3999@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@la demander@
4000@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas nous demander@
4000@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@nous demander@
4001@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas vous demander@
4001@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@vous demander@
4002@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas les demander@
4002@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@les demander@
4003@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*me pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4004@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*me demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4005@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander me@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4006@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*te pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4007@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*te demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4008@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander te@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4009@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*le pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4010@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*le demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4011@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander le@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4012@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*la pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4013@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*la demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4014@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander la@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4015@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*nous pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4016@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*nous demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4017@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander nous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4018@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*vous pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4019@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*vous demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4020@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander vous@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4021@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*les pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4022@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*les demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4023@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander les@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4024@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas y demander@
4024@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@y demander@
4025@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*y pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4026@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*y demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4027@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander y@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4028@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@pas en demander@
4028@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@en demander@
4029@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*en pas demander@The negative element ``pas'' should follow the pronoun.
4030@1:4@position_NEG(pas)@ante_verb,ante_PRON@*en demander pas@The negative element ``pas'' should precede the verb.
4031@2:4@position_PRON@ante_verb@*demander en@The pronoun should precede the verb.
4033@@punct@PUNCT(?)@@Question mark is missing.
4035@@punct@PUNCT(?)@@Question mark is missing.
4037@@punct@PUNCT(?)@@Question mark is missing.
4039@@punct@PUNCT(?)@@Question mark is missing.
4041@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4043@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4045@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4047@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4049@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4051@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4053@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4055@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4057@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4059@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Hyphen is missing.
4061@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@(First) hyphen is missing.
4062@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@(Second) hyphen is missing.
4063@@punct@PUNCT(-)@@Both hyphen are missing.
4064@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@suis - je@
4065@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venu - je@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4066@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@es - tu@
4067@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venu - tu@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4068@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@est - il@
4069@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venu - il@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4070@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@est - on@
4071@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venu - on@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4072@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@est - elle@
4073@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venue - elle@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4074@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@sommes - nous@
4075@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venus - nous@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4076@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@êtes - vous@
4077@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venus - vous@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4078@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@sont - ils@
4079@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venus - ils@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4080@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@sont - elles@
4081@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*venues - elles@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4082@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@ai - je@
4083@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - je@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4084@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@as - tu@
4085@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - tu@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4086@0:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@a - t - il@
4087@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - il@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4088@0:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@a - t - on@
4089@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - on@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4090@0:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@a - t - elle@
4091@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - elle@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4092@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@avons - nous@
4093@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - nous@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4094@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@avez - vous@
4095@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - vous@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4096@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@ont - ils@
4097@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - ils@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4098@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@ont - elles@
4099@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*terminé - elles@Position of the subject should be after the auxiliary.
4100@0:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@a - t - il@
4101@1:3@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*plu - il@
4102@0:2@position_subj(PRON)@post_aux@*a - ce@It is impossible to have an inversion with the impers subject when the être is a composed tense.
4103@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `a'
4104@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `a'
4105@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `a'
4106@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `a'
4107@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `a'
4108@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `a'
4109@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `c'
4110@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `c'
4111@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `c'
4112@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `c'
4113@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `c'
4114@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `c'
4115@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `e'
4116@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `e'
4117@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `e'
4118@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `e'
4119@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `elle' and the verb ends with `e'
4120@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `on' and the verb ends with `e'
4121@1:2@euphonic-t@present@t@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `e'
4122@@euphonic-t@present@@Euphonic `t' is necessary since the pronoun is `il' and the verb ends with `e'
4123@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4124@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4125@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4126@1:2@euphonic-t@absent@*t@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4127@1:2@euphonic-t@absent@*t@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4128@1:2@euphonic-t@absent@*t@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `t'
4129@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `d'
4130@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `d'
4131@@euphonic-t@absent@@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `d'
4132@1:2@euphonic-t@absent@*t@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `d'
4133@1:2@euphonic-t@absent@*t@Euphonic `t' is not necessary since the verb ends with `d'
4134@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@ai - je@Avoir is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4135@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@suis - je@Être is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4136@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@dois - je@Devoir is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4137@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@puis - je@Pouvoir is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4138@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@vais - je@Aller is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4139@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@sais - je@Savoir is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4140@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@veux - je@Savoir is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4141@1:3@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@post_verb@dis - je@Dire is a common verb,therefore it is possible to invert the subject.
4142@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@ante_verb@*cours - je@Courir is not a common verb,therefore it is not possible to invert the subject (first person singular).
4143@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@ante_verb@*mens - je@Mentir is not a common verb,therefore it is not possible to invert the subject (first person singular).
4144@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@ante_verb@*peux - je@Pouvoir is a common verb,but you have to take the more archaic form `Puis' to be able to invert the subject. (cf. 1-1-5-1-4)
4145@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@ante_verb@*sors - je@Sortir is not a common verb,therefore it is not possible to invert the subject (first person singular).
4146@0:2@position_subj(PRON_pers-1-sg)@ante_verb@*prends - je@Sortir is not a common verb,therefore it is not possible to invert the subject (first person singular).
4148@0:1@orthography@accent_aigu@*ouvre@The final letter `e' of the verb should have an `accent aigu'.
4150@0:1@orthography@accent_aigu@*arrive@The final letter `e' of the verb should have an `accent aigu'.
4152@0:1@orthography@accent_aigu@*trouve@The final letter `e' of the verb should have an `accent aigu'.
4154@1:2@inverted_subj@PRON@*Jean@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4156@1:3@inverted_subj@PRON@*l' homme@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4158@1:3@inverted_subj@PRON@*les hommes@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4160@1:4@inverted_subj@PRON@*Jean et Pierre@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4162@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*elle@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4163@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*ils@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4164@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*elles@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and masculine.
4166@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*elle@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4167@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*ils@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4168@2:3@num-gen@sg-masc@*elles@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and masculine.
4170@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*il@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4171@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*elles@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4172@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*ils@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and feminine.
4174@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*il@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4175@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*elles@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4176@2:3@num-gen@sg-fem@*ils@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and feminine.
4178@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*elles@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4179@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*il@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4180@2:3@num-gen@pl-masc@*elle@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and masculine.
4182@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*ils@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4183@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*elle@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4184@2:3@num-gen@pl-fem@*il@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and feminine.
4185@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@il vient@
4186@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*vient il@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4187@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@je viens@
4188@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*viens je@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4189@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@tu viens@
4190@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*viens tu@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4191@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@elle vient@
4192@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*vient elle@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4193@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@on vient@
4194@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*vient on@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4195@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@nous venons@
4196@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*venons nous@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4197@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@vous venez@
4198@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*venez vous@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4199@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@ils viennent@
4200@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*viennent ils@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4201@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@elles viennent@
4202@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*viennent elles@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4203@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@il pleut@
4204@3:5@position_subj@ante_verb@*pleut il@The subject (PRON) should precede the verb.
4205@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Quel homme vient@
4205@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4206@0:4@position_subj@ante_verb@*Quel homme vient - il@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4207@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Vient quel homme@The subject(DET_wh + N) cannot follow the verb.
4208@2:5@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4209@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Quelle femme vient@
4209@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4210@0:4@position_subj@ante_verb@*Quelle femme vient - elle@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4211@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Vient quelle femme@The subject(DET_wh + N) cannot follow the verb.
4212@2:5@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4213@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Quels hommes viennent@
4213@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4214@0:4@position_subj@ante_verb@*Quels hommes viennent - ils@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4215@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Viennent quels hommes@The subject(DET_wh + N) cannot follow the verb.
4216@2:5@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4217@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Quelles femmes viennent@
4217@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4218@0:4@position_subj@ante_verb@*Quelles femmes viennent - elle@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4219@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@Viennent quelles femmes@The subject(DET_wh + N) cannot follow the verb.
4220@2:5@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4222@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*quoi@The pronoun has to be human.
4223@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*que@The pronoun has to be human.
4225@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*quoi@The pronoun has to be human.
4226@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*que@The pronoun has to be human.
4227@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@lequel vient@
4227@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4228@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@*lequel vient il@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4229@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@vient lequel@The subject(DET_wh-det) cannot follow the verb.
4230@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4231@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@laquelle vient@
4231@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4232@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@*laquelle vient elle@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4233@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@vient laquelle@The subject(DET_wh-det) cannot follow the verb.
4234@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4235@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@lesquels viennent@
4235@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4236@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@*lesquels viennent ils@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4237@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@viennent lesquels@The subject(DET_wh-det) cannot follow the verb.
4238@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4239@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@lesquelles viennent@
4239@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4240@0:3@position_subj@ante_verb@*lesquelles viennent elles@The subject cannot be repeated as a pronoun.
4241@0:2@position_subj@ante_verb@viennent lesquelles@The subject(DET_wh-det) cannot follow the verb.
4242@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to insert the particle ``est-ce que''
4243@@punct(-)@absent@@Hyphen has to be absent.
4244@2:2@punct(-)@absent@*(-)@Hyphen has to be absent.
4245@@punct(-)@absent@@Hyphen has to be absent.
4246@2:2@punct(-)@absent@*(-)@Hyphen has to be absent.
4247@@punct(-)@absent@@Hyphen has to be absent.
4248@2:2@punct(-)@absent@*(-)@Hyphen has to be absent.
4250@0:1@num-gen@sg-masc@*quelle@The gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4251@0:1@num-gen@sg-masc@*quels@The number of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4252@0:1@num-gen@sg-masc@*quelles@The number and gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and masculine.
4254@0:1@num-gen@sg-fem@*quel@The gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4255@0:1@num-gen@sg-fem@*quelles@The number of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4256@0:1@num-gen@sg-fem@*quels@The number and gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and feminine.
4258@0:1@num-gen@pl-masc@*quelles@The gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4259@0:1@num-gen@pl-masc@*quel@The number of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4260@0:1@num-gen@pl-masc@*quelle@The number and gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and masculine.
4262@0:1@num-gen@pl-fem@*quels@The gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4263@0:1@num-gen@pl-fem@*quelle@The number of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4264@0:1@num-gen@pl-fem@*quel@The number and gender of the interrogative pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and feminine.
4266@0:1@case@acc@*qui@The interrogative pronoun should be accusative.
4267@0:1@form(PRON_wh)@weak@*quoi@The interrogative pronoun should be in the weak form.(It precedes the verb)
4269@0:1@case@acc@*qui@The interrogative pronoun should be accusative.
4270@0:1@form(PRON_wh)@weak@*quoi@The interrogative pronoun should be in the weak form. (It precedes the verb)
4272@0:1@case@nom@*que@The interrogative pronoun should be nominative.
4275@2:3@inverted_subj@PRON@*Jean@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4276@@inverted_subj@PRON@@There must be an inverted subject(PRON).
4279@2:3@inverted_subj@PRON@*Marie@The inverted subject has to be a pronoun.
4280@@inverted_subj@PRON@@There must be an inverted subject(PRON).
4282@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*elle@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4283@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*ils@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4284@3:4@num-gen@sg-masc@*elles@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and masculine.
4286@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*il@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4287@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*elles@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular.
4288@3:4@num-gen@sg-fem@*ils@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be singular and feminine.
4290@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*elles@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be masculine.
4291@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*il@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4292@5:6@num-gen@pl-masc@*elle@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and masculine.
4294@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*ils@The gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be feminine.
4295@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*elle@The number of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural.
4296@5:6@num-gen@pl-fem@*il@The number and the gender of the pronoun is wrong. It should be plural and feminine.
4298@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4300@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4302@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4304@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4306@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4308@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4310@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4312@1:3@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4314@2:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4316@2:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4318@2:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4320@2:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4322@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4324@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4326@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4328@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4330@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4332@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4334@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4336@3:5@position_subj@post_verb@*il donne@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4338@3:6@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4340@3:6@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4342@3:6@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@The subject (PRON) should follow the verb.
4344@3:6@position_subj@post_verb@*il s'intéresse@
4346@1:2@form(PRON_wh)@strong@*que@The interrogative pronoun should be in the strong form.
4349@1:2@form(PRON_wh)@strong@*que@The interrogative pronoun should be in the strong form.
4352@2:4@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject has to follow the verb.
4354@2:4@position_subj@post_verb@*il parle@The subject has to follow the verb.
4356@2:4@position_subj@post_verb@*il pense@The subject has to follow the verb.
4358@2:4@position_subj@post_verb@*il pense@The subject has to follow the verb.
4359@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4359@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@Jean va@
4360@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@Est-ce que is missing.
4361@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@*va Jean@The subject has to precede the verb.
4362@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4362@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@Jean va@
4363@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@Est-ce que is missing.
4364@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@*va Jean@The subject has to precede the verb.
4365@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4365@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@Jean vient@
4366@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@Est-ce que is missing.
4367@4:6@position_subj@ante_verb@*vient Jean@The subject has to precede the verb.
4368@1:4@case(PART_wh)@nom@est-ce qui@
4369@1:4@case(PART_wh)@nom@*est-ce que@The interrogative particle has to be nominative.
4370@1:4@case(PART_wh)@nom@est-ce qui@
4371@1:4@case(PART_wh)@nom@*est-ce que@The interrogative particle has to be nominative.
4372@1:4@case(PART_wh)@acc@est-ce que@
4373@1:4@case(PART_wh)@acc@*est-ce qui@The interrogative particle has to be accusative.
4374@1:4@case(PART_wh)@acc@est-ce que@
4375@1:4@case(PART_wh)@acc@*est-ce qu@The interrogative particle has to be accusative.
4376@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@qu' (que)@
4377@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The interrogative pronoun should not be human.
4379@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*qu'@The interrogative pronoun should be human.
4381@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*Qu'@The interrogative pronoun should be human .
4382@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@qu' (que)@
4383@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The interrogative pronoun should not be human.
4384@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4385@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4386@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4387@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4388@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4389@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4390@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4391@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4392@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4393@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4394@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4395@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4396@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4397@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4398@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4399@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4400@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4401@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4402@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4403@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4404@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4405@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4406@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4407@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4408@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4409@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4410@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4411@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4412@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4413@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4414@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4415@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4416@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4417@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4418@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4419@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4420@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4421@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4422@1:4@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4423@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4424@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4425@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4426@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4427@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4428@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4429@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4430@3:6@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4431@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4432@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4433@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4434@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4434@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4435@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4436@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4437@2:5@wh_particle@est-ce que@est-ce que@
4438@@wh_particle@est-ce que@@The particle `est-ce que' is missing.
4439@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4440@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4441@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The interrogative should not be human.
4442@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4443@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4444@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4444@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The interrogative should not be human.
4445@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4446@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*que@The interrogative pronoun should be human.
4447@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*quoi@The interrogative pronoun should be human.
4448@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4449@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4449@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*qu' (que)@The interrogative pronoun should be human.
4450@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est-ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions including an infinitive.
4450@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@human@*quoi@The interrogative pronoun should be human.
4451@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4452@0:1@form(PRON_wh)@strong@*que@The interrogative pronoun has to be in the strong form
4453@0:1@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The pronoun should not be human.
4454@1:4@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions without verbs.
4455@@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@@
4456@1:2@form(PRON_wh)@strong@*que@The interrogative pronoun has to be in the strong form.
4457@1:2@animacy(PRON_wh)@non-human@*qui@The interrogative pronoun should not be human.
4458@2:5@wh_particle(est-ce que)@absent@*est - ce que@It is not possible to have the particle `est-ce que' in questions without verbs.