;; -*- Mode: lisp; Syntax: ansi-common-lisp; Package: XLE; Base: 10; Readtable: augmented-readtable -*- ;;;; XLE-Web users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; Author: Paul Meurer (paul.meurer@aksis.uib.no) ;;;; Aksis, Unifob, University of Bergen, Norway ;;;; http://www.aksis.uib.no ;; Using graph-id in hidden field makes sure that no two sessions accidentally access the same graph. (in-package :XLE) (defparameter *url-base* (or (and (boundp 'cl-user::*url-base*) cl-user::*url-base*) #+kartuli "kartuli" #+pargram "pargram" #+xle-web "xle-web" #+treebank "trepil" #-(or pargram xle-web treebank) "logon")) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (setf lxml::*newline-after-endtag-p* nil)) #+test (net.aserve::shutdown) #+test (net.aserve::start :port 8000) #+test (net.aserve::debug-on :notrap) #+test (net.aserve::debug-on :xmit) #+test (net.aserve::debug-off :notrap) #+test (net.aserve::debug-off :xmit) (defparameter *documentation-url* "http://maximos.aksis.uib.no/Aksis-wiki/XLE-Web") ;; populated in xle-startup.lisp (defvar *grammar-authorizer* (make-instance 'password-authorizer :allowed '() :realm "XLE")) (defvar *print-extras-p* t) ;; whether to print variable features in MRSs ;; use of get-universal-time() ensures that ids from different server sessions don't clash (defvar *graph-id* (get-universal-time)) (defparameter *show-projection-ids-p* #+xle-web t #-xle-web nil) (defvar *submatches* nil) (defvar *variable-names* nil) (defvar *annotator* "-") (defparameter *middle-anchor-p* t) (defmethod graph::write-node-svg-text ((node c-node) &key left bottom width stream &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (projection-fs-ids graph::graph graph::value xle-graph) node ;;(print (list :xle-graph xle-graph)) (let* ((language (when (grammar xle-graph) (intern (string-upcase (language (grammar xle-graph))) :keyword))) (x-center (graph::node-x-center node (graph::graph-layout-style graph::graph))) (match-pos nil) (submatch nil) (base-class (if (setf submatch (position-if (lambda (submatch-list) (setf match-pos (position (cdr graph::value) submatch-list :key (lambda (pair) (and (eq (car pair) :c-node) (cadr pair)))))) *submatches*)) "match" (string-downcase (symbol-name (node-type node))))) (text-x (- x-center (* (length (node-label node)) 4))) ;; workaround for WebKit SVG bug; not necessary any more (var (when match-pos (aref *variable-names* match-pos))) (var (unless (eq (search "my" var) 0) var))) #m(rect/ :class "text-box" :x #s(if *middle-anchor-p* x-center text-x) :y #s (- bottom 4 14) :height 18 :width #s (+ width 0)) #m((text :class #s base-class :id #s(when (node-children node) (format nil "fs~{~d~^:~}" projection-fs-ids)) :node-id #s(cdr graph::value) :style #s(when (eq (node-type node) :surface-form) (case language (:ara "font-family: Geeza Pro; font-size: 14pt") (:geo "font-family: Amirani; font-size: 13pt") (otherwise "font-family: Lucida Grande"))) :base-class #s base-class :text-anchor #s(when *middle-anchor-p* "middle") :onmouseover #s(when (and projection-fs-ids (node-children node)) (format nil (concatenate 'string "hiliteProjectingNodes(evt.target, true); " "~{ var fs = window.parent.document.getElementById(~d); fs.className = 'fs-projection';~}") projection-fs-ids)) :onmouseout #s(when (and projection-fs-ids (node-children node)) (format nil (concatenate 'string "hiliteProjectingNodes(evt.target, false); " "~{ var fs = window.parent.document.getElementById(~d); fs.className = 'fs';~}") projection-fs-ids)) :onclick #s(format nil "getCstructure(evt.target,~a)" (display-node-id node)) #+orig #s(format nil (concatenate 'string "var id = window.parent.document.getElementById('node-id'); " "id.value = ~d; " "var form = window.parent.document.getElementById('form'); form.submit()") (display-node-id node) #+old ;; use this for inspector!! fixme!! (cdr graph::value)) :x #s(if *middle-anchor-p* x-center text-x) :y #s(- bottom 4)) #s(node-label node) #L(when (and *show-projection-ids-p* (node-children node) (not var)) ; #m((tspan :dy "3" :fill "red" :font-size "8px" :font-style "normal") #s (format nil "~{~d~^:~}" projection-fs-ids))) #L(when var #m((tspan :dy "3" :fill "magenta" :font-size "10px" :font-style "normal") #s (if (cdr *submatches*) (format nil "~a.~d" var (1+ submatch)) var))))))) (define-javascript-writer js/svg (stream) #j( (defun hilite-projecting-nodes (node hilite) (let* ((doc node.owner-document) (proj-nodes (doc.get-elements-by-tag-name "text")) (n-i 0)) (for ((< n-i proj-nodes.length) (incf n-i)) (let ((pnode (proj-nodes.item n-i))) (when (= pnode.id node.id) (if (= hilite true) (pnode.set-attribute "class" "node-focus") (pnode.set-attribute "class" (pnode.get-attribute "base-class")))))))) (defun get-cstructure (node node-id) (let* ((doc window.parent.document) (cstructure-td (doc.get-element-by-id "cstructure")) (grammar (doc.get-element-by-id "grammar")) (xle-graph-id (doc.get-element-by-id "xle-graph-id")) (session-id (doc.get-element-by-id "session-id")) (req (new (XMLHttpRequest)))) (if (= xle-graph-id null) (req.open "get" (+ #L(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/cstructure.xml?session-id=") session-id.value "&node-id=" node-id) false) (req.open "get" (+ #L(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/cstructure.xml?grammar=") grammar.value "&xle-graph-id=" xle-graph-id.value "&node-id=" node-id) false)) (req.send "") (when (not (= req.responseText "")) ;; do nothing when c-structure object has expired (setf cstructure-td.innerHTML req.responseText)))))) (defmethod fs-cstructure-xml ((request http-request) entity) #+debug(print (cons :fs-cstructure-xml (request-query request))) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar xle-graph-id session-id node-id) :xsl #'js-cstructure-xsl :force-xslt :sablotron) (let* ((xle-graph-id (when xle-graph-id (parse-integer xle-graph-id :junk-allowed t))) (session-id (when session-id (parse-integer session-id :junk-allowed t))) (grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (*grammar* (find-grammar grammar)) (graph-table (when *grammar* (graph-table *grammar*))) (graph.sentence (when *grammar* (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table))) (graph (car graph.sentence)) (node-id (when node-id (parse-integer node-id :junk-allowed t)))) (cond (graph (multiple-value-bind (var-array c-structure) (get-current-packed-solution graph) (declare (ignore var-array)) (toggle-tri-node c-structure node-id) (setf (c-structure-svg-string graph) (with-output-to-string (svg-stream) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display-c-structure c-structure :stream svg-stream ;;:partial-nodes-p partial-nodes ;;:sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes ) #m((parse :object-element "object" ;; change! :xle-graph-id #s xle-graph-id :grammar #s grammar) ((c-structure :width #s width :height #s height )))))))) (session-id (let ((c-structure (car (gethash session-id *svg-string-table*)))) (when c-structure (toggle-tri-node c-structure node-id) (setf (cdr (gethash session-id *svg-string-table*)) (with-output-to-string (svg-stream) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display-c-structure c-structure :stream svg-stream ;;:partial-nodes-p partial-nodes ;;:sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes ) #m((parse :object-element "object" ;; change! :treebank "mrs" ;:xle-graph-id #s xle-graph-id ;:grammar #s grammar ) ((c-structure :width #s width :height #s height :session-id #s session-id ))))))))) )))) (defstylesheet js-cstructure-xsl () #m((xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" :version "1.0") ((xsl:template :match "/parse") ;;((td :style "vertical-align: top" :id "cstructure" :name "cstructure") ((div :class "title") "C-structure") ((xsl:element :name "form") ((xsl:attribute :name "method") "get") ((xsl:attribute :name "id") "c-structure") ((div) (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@object-element='object'") ((xsl:element :name "object") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "svg") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "image/svg+xml") ((xsl:attribute :name "data") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "/parse/@treebank") #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/treebank-c-structure.svg?session-id=") (xsl:value-of/ :select "c-structure/@session-id")) (xsl:otherwise #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.svg?graph-id=") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@xle-graph-id") "&grammar=" ;;(xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@encoded-grammar-name") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@grammar")))) ((xsl:attribute :name "width") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/c-structure/@width")) ((xsl:attribute :name "height") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/c-structure/@height")) "C-Structure")) (xsl:otherwise ((xsl:element :name "embed") ((xsl:attribute :name "src") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "/parse/@treebank") #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/treebank-c-structure.svg?sentence-id=") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@sentence-id") "&treebank=" (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@treebank")) (xsl:otherwise #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.svg?graph-id=") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@xle-graph-id") "&grammar=" (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@grammar")))) ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "image/svg+xml") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "CStructure") ((xsl:attribute :name "pluginspace") "http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/") ((xsl:attribute :name "width") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/c-structure/@width")) ((xsl:attribute :name "height") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/c-structure/@height")))))))))) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/cstructure.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity :function #'fs-cstructure-xml) (defmethod display-c-structure ((node t) &key stream &allow-other-keys) (values 0 0)) (defparameter *partial-nodes-p* nil) (defparameter *sublexical-nodes-p* t) (defmethod display-c-structure ((node c-node) &key stream submatches variable-names partial-nodes-p sublexical-nodes-p &allow-other-keys) (let ((graph (make-instance 'c-graph :roots (list node) ;;:node-onclick-fn (lambda (node) (declare (ignore node)) "clickNode(evt)") )) (*submatches* submatches) (*variable-names* variable-names) (*partial-nodes-p* partial-nodes-p) (*sublexical-nodes-p* sublexical-nodes-p)) (graph::set-node-graph node graph) (graph::write-nodes-svg graph (graph::graph-layout-style graph) stream) (values (graph::width graph) (graph::height graph)))) #+graph (defmethod graph::write-arc-svg ((from-node c-node) (to-node c-node) (layout graph::top-down-layout) stream) (let ((x-center (graph::node-x-center from-node layout)) (bottom (graph::node-bottom from-node layout))) (if (node-triangled-p from-node) #m(path/ :d #s(format nil "M ~d ~d L ~d ~d L ~d ~d L ~d ~d" x-center (1+ bottom) ;; add a minimal triangle width! (- (graph::node-right to-node layout) 8) (1+ (graph::node-top to-node layout)) (+ (graph::node-left to-node layout) 8) (1+ (graph::node-top to-node layout)) x-center (1+ bottom)) :stroke #-BW "gray" #+BW "black" :fill "none") #m(path/ :d #s(format nil "M ~d ~d L ~d ~d" x-center (1+ bottom) (graph::node-x-center to-node layout) (1+ (graph::node-top to-node layout))) :stroke #-BW "gray" #+BW "black" :fill "none")) #+test #m(path/ :d #s(format nil "M ~d ~d L ~d ~d" x-center (1+ bottom) (graph::node-x-center to-node layout) (1+ (graph::node-top to-node layout)) ;; x-center (+ (graph::node-top from-node layout) 10) ;; (graph::node-x-center to-node layout) (+ (graph::node-top to-node layout) 10) ) ;;:fill "none" :opacity "0.2" :stroke-linecap "round" :stroke "magenta" :stroke-width "10"))) (defmethod c-structure-svg ((request http-request) entity) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar sentence graph-id) :write-xml-header-p t) ;;(print (request-query request)) (let* ((grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (*grammar* (find-grammar grammar))) #+debug(print (list :grammar grammar :c-structure-svg-grammar *grammar*)) (if *grammar* (let* ((graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (graph.sentence (gethash (parse-integer graph-id :junk-allowed nil) graph-table)) (graph (progn (when (parser (car graph.sentence)) (setf (last-access (parser (car graph.sentence))) (get-universal-time))) (car graph.sentence))) (c-structure (current-c-structure graph))) (graph-c-structure-svg graph stream)))))) (defmethod graph-c-structure-svg ((graph xle-graph) stream) (graph-c-structure-svg (c-structure-svg-string graph) stream)) (defmethod graph-c-structure-svg ((svg-string string) stream) #m(!DOCTYPE "svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN' " "'http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd'") #+test #m(!DOCTYPE "svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' " "'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'") #m((svg :contentScriptType "text/javascript" :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg") ((style :type "text/css") (!CDATA (CSS-STYLE ;;(path :stroke "gray") (text :font-family "Lucida Grande, Verdana, Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica" :font-size "12px" :cursor "pointer" :font-style "normal") (text.node-focus :fill "red" ;;:font-weight "bold" ) (text.match :fill "green") ;; :font-weight "bold") (text.data :fill "black") ;;:text-align "center" :font-style "normal") (text.data-active :fill "red") ;; :stroke "black") ;;(text.data-multidtree :fill "red") ;; :stroke "black") #+ARABxx (text.surface-form :font-weight "bold" :fill #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" #+ignore "blue" :font-style "normal" :font-family "Geeza Pro" :font-size "14pt") #-KARTULIxx (text.surface-form :font-weight "bold" :fill #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-style "normal") #+KARTULIxx (text.surface-form :fill #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" #+ignore "blue" :font-style "normal" :font-family "Amirani" :font-size "18px" ) (text.surface-form-active :fill #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-weight "bold") ;; :stroke "green") (text.context :fill #-BW "green" #+BW "black") (text.context-active :fill #-BW "green" #+BW "black" ;;:stroke "red" ) (text.child-context :fill #-BW "green" #+BW "black") ;;"magenta") (text.child-context-active ;;:fill "red" :fill #-BW "green" #+BW "black" ;;:stroke "magenta" ) (text.phi-id :fill "red" :font-size "8pt" :text-align "right") (rect.text-box ;;:stroke "blue" :fill "none" ;;:stroke-width "1" :opacity "0") (rect.text-box-focused :stroke "blue" :fill "none" :stroke-width "2" :opacity "0.5") (text.count :fill "green" :font-size "6pt") (path.triangle :fill-opacity "0.2") (path.triangle\:hover :fill-opacity "0.8") ;;(text.sexp :opacity "0.4") ;;(text.sexp\:hover :opacity "0.8") ))) ((g :id "graph") ((script :type "text/javascript" :language "javascript") (!CDATA #L(js/svg stream))) ((rect :x "0" :y "0":fill "#ffeeff" :opacity "0.0")) #L(write-string svg-string stream)))) #+copy (grammar sentence graph-id show-features next-solution same-solution previous-solution m-projection disable-OT cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse disjunction-choice) (defmethod c-structure-xml ((request http-request) entity) (xle-xml request entity :c-structure-p t :f-structure-p nil)) ;;; ---- new for pargram (defclass multipart-buffer () ((request :initform nil :initarg :request) (buffer :initform (make-array 4096 :element-type 'character)) (index :initform 0 :accessor buffer-index) (size :initform 0 :accessor buffer-size))) (defclass prefilled-multipart-buffer (multipart-buffer) ((lines :initform :empty :accessor multipart-lines))) ;; debug (defparameter *request* nil) (defmethod read-next-line ((stream multipart-buffer)) (let ((line :eof)) (with-slots (request buffer index size) stream (setf *request* request) (labels ((read-chunk () (cond ((null size) :eof) ((= size index) (setf size (get-multipart-sequence request buffer) index 0) (if size (read-chunk) line)) (t (when (eq line :eof) (setf line "")) (let* ((nl-pos (position-if (lambda (c) (member c '(#\Newline #\Return))) buffer :start index :end size)) (pos (or nl-pos size))) (setf line (concatenate 'string line (subseq buffer index (if (and (> pos index) (char= (char buffer (1- pos)) #\Return)) (1- pos) pos))) index (if nl-pos (1+ nl-pos) size)) (if nl-pos line (read-chunk))))))) (read-chunk))))) (defmethod read-next-line ((stream prefilled-multipart-buffer)) (when (eq (multipart-lines stream) :empty) (setf (multipart-lines stream) (loop for line = (call-next-method) collect line until (eq line :eof))) (format t "~d lines read.~%" (length (multipart-lines stream)))) (pop (multipart-lines stream))) (defun extract-form-data (header) (let* ((cd (cdr (find :content-disposition header :key #'car))) (par (cddr (find :param cd :key #'car))) (name (cdr (find "name" par :key #'car :test #'string-equal))) (filename (cdr (find "filename" par :key #'car :test #'string-equal)))) (values name filename))) (defun upload-grammar (stream &key grammar-path) #+test(print (list :upload-grammar grammar-path)) (let* ((temp-name (concatenate 'string "tmp" (write-to-string (get-universal-time)) ".lfg")) (file (concatenate 'string grammar-path temp-name))) ;; OBS: document-path could contain wildcards!?! (let ((success-p nil)) (unwind-protect (progn #+debug(print (list :temp-file file)) (with-open-file (out-stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (loop for line = (read-next-line stream) until (eq line :eof) do #+debug(print line) (write-line line out-stream))) #+debug(print (list :temp-file file)) (setf success-p t)) (unless success-p (when (probe-file file) (delete-file file)))) #+debug(print (list :file file))) file)) (defun check-authentication (&optional (user "paul")) (search user (with-output-to-string (out-stream) (let ((stream (#+allegro excl::run-shell-command #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program "ssh-add -l" :wait nil :output :stream :error-output :output))) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line do (write-line line out-stream)))))) (defun update-from-cvs (grammar-path) (when (check-authentication) (let ((stream (#+allegro excl::run-shell-command #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program (format nil "cd ~a; cvs update" (let ((slash-pos (position #\/ (grammar-path *grammar*) :from-end t))) (subseq (grammar-path *grammar*) 0 slash-pos))) :wait nil :output :stream :error-output :output))) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line collect line)))) ;;(print (check-authentication)) ;;; ---- ;; to do: change this! (defun super-user-p (user-id) (find user-id '(list "paul" "helge") :test #'string-equal)) (defparameter *grammar-dir* "testgrammars/") (defmethod encode-sentence ((language t) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) sentence) (defmethod decode-sentence ((language t) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) sentence) ;; Language specific >>>>>> (defmethod decode-sentence ((language (eql :tur)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) ;;(print (list :sentence (map 'list #'char-code sentence))) (convert-turkish-encoding sentence :unicode :latin-5)) (defmethod encode-sentence ((language (eql :tur)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (convert-turkish-encoding sentence :latin-5 :unicode)) (defmethod decode-sentence ((language (eql :ara)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-encode sentence)) (defmethod encode-sentence ((language (eql :ara)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-decode sentence)) (defmethod decode-sentence ((language (eql :slv)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-encode sentence)) (defmethod encode-sentence ((language (eql :slv)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-decode sentence)) (defmethod decode-sentence ((language (eql :ava)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-encode sentence)) (defmethod encode-sentence ((language (eql :ava)) sentence font) (declare (ignore font)) (utf-8-decode sentence)) (#+sbcl defparameter #-sbcl defconstant +turkish-unicode+ (map 'vector #'code-char #(231 287 305 351))) (#+sbcl defparameter #-sbcl defconstant +turkish-latin-5+ (map 'vector #'code-char #(231 240 253 254))) (defun convert-turkish-encoding (string from-encoding to-encoding) (if (or (eq from-encoding to-encoding) (null from-encoding) (null to-encoding)) string (let* ((from-vector (ecase from-encoding (:unicode +turkish-unicode+) (:latin-5 +turkish-latin-5+))) (to-vector (ecase to-encoding (:unicode +turkish-unicode+) (:latin-5 +turkish-latin-5+))) (result (copy-seq string))) (loop for c across result for i from 0 do (let ((pos (position c from-vector))) (when pos (setf (char result i) (aref to-vector pos))))) result))) (defmethod graph::node-string-width ((node c-surface-node)) (let ((lang nil) (factor 0.85)) (with-slots (xle-graph) node (when xle-graph (with-slots (grammar) xle-graph (when grammar (setf lang (language grammar)))))) (cond ((equal lang "geo") (setf factor 1))) (* factor (call-next-method)))) ;; Language specific <<<< (defmethod toggle-tri-node ((node c-node) node-id) (when node-id (let ((seen-nodes ()) (temp nil)) (if (= node-id (display-node-id node)) ;; reset tri-nodes (labels ((walk (node) (unless (find node seen-nodes) (when (node-triangled-p node) (setf (node-triangled-p node) nil temp (node-inactive-children node) (node-inactive-children node) (node-children node) (node-children node) temp)) (push node seen-nodes) (mapc #'walk (node-children node))))) (walk node)) (labels ((walk (node) (unless (find node seen-nodes) #+debug(print (list node (node-value node) node-id (display-node-id node))) (when (= (display-node-id node) node-id) (unless (and (not (node-triangled-p node)) (or (null (node-children node)) (and (null (cdr (node-children node))) (eq (node-type (car (node-children node))) :surface-form)))) (setf (node-triangled-p node) (case (node-triangled-p node) (:tri :dot) (:dot nil) (otherwise :tri))) (case (node-triangled-p node) (:tri (setf temp (node-inactive-children node) (node-inactive-children node) (node-children node) (node-children node) (cond (temp (setf (slot-value (car temp) 'graph::x-size) nil) temp) (t (list (make-instance 'c-surface-node :display-node-id (display-node-id node) :xle-graph (xle-graph node) :context (node-context node) :surface-string (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)) :type :surface-form :label (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)))))) (node-surface-string (car (node-children node))) (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)) (node-label (car (node-children node))) (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)))) (:dot (let ((tri-node (car (node-children node)))) (setf (node-surface-string tri-node) "[ ... ]" (node-label tri-node) "[ ... ]" (slot-value tri-node 'graph::x-size) nil))) (otherwise (setf temp (node-inactive-children node) (node-inactive-children node) (node-children node) (node-children node) temp))) #+orig (setf (node-triangled-p node) (not (node-triangled-p node)) temp (node-inactive-children node) (node-inactive-children node) (node-children node) (node-children node) (or temp (list (make-instance 'c-surface-node ;; :value (cons (car labels) id) :display-node-id (display-node-id node) :xle-graph (xle-graph node) :context (node-context node) :surface-string (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)) :type :surface-form :label (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (node-surface-string node)) ))))) (return-from toggle-tri-node)) (push node seen-nodes) (mapc #'walk (node-children node))))) (walk node)))))) (defmethod test-xml ((request http-request) entity) #-debug(print (list :request-query (request-query request))) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar)) (print grammar) #m(lolo))) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/test.xml") :content-type "text/xml" :function #'test-xml) (define-url-function xle-xml (request (grammar sentence xle-graph-id previous-solution next-solution disable-OT m-projection cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse disjunction-choice discriminant-choice complementp f-structure-only show-all-fs-discs same-solution show-features show-c-structure ;; nil nil :local) show-f-structure ;; nil nil :local) show-mrs ;; nil nil :local) show-discriminants ;; nil nil :local) show-disjunctions suppress-complex-categories parse-sentence unload-parse-sentence unload-check-parse-sentence parse packed previous-packed from-mrs non-top-f-structures ranking font inspect partial-nodes sublexical-nodes node-id dtree edge previous-subtree suppress-check preds-only morph-chart chart default-root-cat-only) :uri (eq :get (request-method request)) :post (not (eq :get (request-method request))) :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xml") :xsl #'xle-xsl) ;;(print (list :sentence sentence)) #-debug(setf ranking nil) #+debug(print (list :request-query (request-query request))) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (cond ((null (request-query request)) (setf show-c-structure "true" show-f-structure "true" show-discriminants "true" packed "true" suppress-check "true")) (show-mrs (setf show-discriminants nil packed nil))) (let ((user-id (get-basic-authorization request)) (grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (colon-marks-root-cat-p (not default-root-cat-only)) (node-id (when node-id (parse-integer node-id :junk-allowed t))) (show-all-fs-discs-p (equal show-all-fs-discs "true")) (*print-extras-p* (if show-features t nil)) (*suppress-complex-categories-p* suppress-complex-categories) (*seen-nodes* ()) #+ignore(complementp (unless (equal complementp "") complementp))) #+debug(print (list user-id grammar)) (when (null (request-query request)) ;; upload-grammar (let ((filename nil) (temp-file nil) (error-p nil) (file nil) (grammar-path (concatenate 'string *pargram-path* *grammar-dir*)) (mp-header-p nil) #+test(concatenate 'string *pargram-path* "norwegian/bokmal")) (labels ((remove-path (filename) ;; workaround for bug in MSIE which sends path + filename as filename (let ((bs-pos (position #\\ filename :from-end t))) (if bs-pos (subseq filename (1+ bs-pos)) filename)))) (loop for header = (get-multipart-header request) while header do (setf mp-header-p t) (multiple-value-bind (input-name input-filename) (extract-form-data header) (let ((in-stream (make-instance 'multipart-buffer :request request)) (file-found-p nil)) #+debug(print (list :input-name input-name :input-filename input-filename)) (setf input-filename (if (equal input-filename "") nil input-filename)) (cond (input-filename (setf filename (if (equal filename "") nil (remove-path (utf-8-decode input-filename)))) (setf grammar (or grammar filename)) (setf temp-file (upload-grammar in-stream :grammar-path grammar-path)) #+debug(print (list :temp-file temp-file))) ((string-equal input-name "upload-grammar-name") (loop for line = (print (read-next-line in-stream)) until (eq line :eof) do (setf grammar (remove-path (utf-8-decode line))))) (t (loop for line = (read-next-line in-stream) until (eq line :eof)))))))) (when mp-header-p #+debug(print (list :file file :grammar grammar :temp-file temp-file :user-id user-id)) (rename-file temp-file (concatenate 'string user-id "." grammar)) (setf grammar (concatenate 'string user-id "." (subseq grammar 0 (position #\. grammar)))) (let ((grammar-obj (find-grammar grammar :default nil :common-if-not-found-p nil))) #+debug(print (list :grammar grammar :grammar-obj grammar-obj)) (if grammar-obj (unload-grammar grammar-obj) (progn (setf (gethash grammar *grammars*) (make-instance 'grammar :name grammar :owner user-id :grammar-path (concatenate 'string *pargram-path* *grammar-dir* grammar ".lfg") :max-parsers 1 :graph-class 'xle-graph :morphology-type :fst-morphology)) (write-grammar-definition-file))))))) (let ((*grammar* (find-grammar grammar :owner user-id))) #+debug(print (list :grammar grammar *grammar*)) (cond (*grammar* (when (or unload-parse-sentence unload-check-parse-sentence) (unload-grammar *grammar*)) (let* ((graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (xle-graph-id (or (parse-integer (or xle-graph-id "") :junk-allowed t) (incf *graph-id*))) (graph.sentence (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table)) (decoded-sentence (decode-sentence (when *grammar* (intern (string-upcase (language *grammar*)) :keyword)) (utf-8-decode sentence) font)) (sentence (print (if sentence (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Newline) decoded-sentence) (or (cdr graph.sentence) (default-sentence *grammar*) "")))) (disjunction-choice (when disjunction-choice (parse-integer disjunction-choice))) (discriminant-choice (when discriminant-choice (parse-integer discriminant-choice))) (colon-pos (when colon-marks-root-cat-p (position #\: sentence))) (space-pos (position #\space sentence)) (root-cat (when (and colon-pos (or (not space-pos) (< colon-pos space-pos))) (subseq sentence 0 colon-pos))) (graph (get-graph *grammar* :parse-p (or parse-sentence ) :sentence (cond ((eq :get (request-method request)) "") ((and colon-pos (or (not space-pos) (< colon-pos space-pos))) (subseq sentence (1+ colon-pos))) (t sentence)) :root-cat root-cat :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :next-solution next-solution :same-solution (or same-solution ;; show-c-structure node-id) :previous-solution previous-solution :disable-OT disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse cg-preparse :disjunction-choice (or disjunction-choice discriminant-choice) :error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p nil :ranking-p ranking :check-generator-p unload-check-parse-sentence :force-p t :inspect-p inspect)) (graph-null-p (or (null graph) (and (not (null (parser graph))) (zerop (parser-address (parser graph))))))) #+debug(Print (list :graph graph :parser (parser graph))) (with-slots (solution-nr graph-address unknown-word statistics) graph (when (and packed #+ignore from-mrs) (setf solution-nr nil)) (multiple-value-bind (var-array c-structure mrs count pos) (cond ((null graph) nil) (graph-null-p nil) (inspect (inspect-chart graph :previous-p (or previous-solution (equal dtree "previous")) :next-p (or next-solution (equal dtree "next")) :node-id (when node-id (parse-integer node-id)) :edge (when edge (parse-integer edge)) :chartp chart ;;:partial-nodes-p partial-nodes ;;:sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes ;;:previous-p previous-subtree )) (t #+debug(print (list :same-solution same-solution :node-id node-id)) ;;(when (and (not packed) (null solution-nr)) (setf solution-nr -1)) (if (or same-solution node-id (and packed previous-packed (not (or disjunction-choice discriminant-choice parse-sentence)))) (get-current-packed-solution graph) (get-packed-solution graph :valid-only-p nil :build-c-structure-p t :build-f-structure-p t :disjunction-choice disjunction-choice :discriminant-choice discriminant-choice :complementp complementp :get-mrs-p (not packed) :previous-p previous-solution :next-p next-solution :ranking-p ranking)))) (declare (ignore mrs)) ;;(print (list :current node-id c-structure mrs count pos)) (when node-id (toggle-tri-node c-structure node-id)) #+debug(print (list :v var-array :c c-structure mrs count pos)) #m(?xml-stylesheet :type "text/xsl" :href #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xsl")) #m((parse :grammar #s (name *grammar*) :lang #s (language *grammar*) :owner #s (owner *grammar*) :f-structure-only #s f-structure-only :user #s user-id :super-user #s (when (super-user-p user-id) "yes") ;; workaround :object-element #s (if (search "MSIE" (net.aserve::header-slot-value request :user-agent)) "embed" "object") :morphology-type #s(string-downcase (morphology-type *grammar*)) :f-structure-p "yes" ;;#s(when f-structure-p "yes") :c-structure-p "yes" ;;#s(when c-structure-p "yes") :mrs-p #s (when (graph-has-mrs-p graph) "yes") :sentence #s(encode-sentence (intern (string-upcase (language *grammar*)) :keyword) sentence font) :statistics #s statistics :font #s font :xle-graph-id #L xle-graph-id :count #s count :unoptimal-count #S (unless nil ;;disable-OT (- (unoptimal-solutions-count graph) (restricted-solutions-count graph))) :pos #L pos :m-projection #L m-projection ;;:show-features #s(if *print-extras-p* "true") :packed #s(if packed "true") :previous-packed #s(if packed "true") :disable-OT #s(when disable-OT "true") :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis #s cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :non-top-f-structures #s non-top-f-structures :ranking #s ranking :cg-preparse #s cg-preparse :grammar-loaded-p #s(if graph-null-p "no" "yes") :unknown-word #s unknown-word :inspect #s inspect :partial-nodes #s partial-nodes :sublexical-nodes #s sublexical-nodes :morph-chart #s morph-chart :chart #s chart :suppress-check #s suppress-check :preds-only #s (when preds-only "true") :show-c-structure #s show-c-structure :show-f-structure #s show-f-structure :show-mrs #s show-mrs :show-features #s show-features :show-discriminants #s show-discriminants :show-disjunctions #s show-disjunctions :suppress-complex-categories #s (when suppress-complex-categories "true")) #L(when (messages *grammar*) #m(messages #L(dolist (line (messages *grammar*)) #m(line #s line)) #L(setf (messages *grammar*) nil))) #L(when (errors *grammar*) #m(errors #L(dolist (line (errors *grammar*)) #m(line #s line)) #L(setf (errors *grammar*) nil))) (grammars #L(dolist (grammar.obj (grammar-list)) (destructuring-bind (grammar . obj) grammar.obj #m((grammar :short-name #s grammar :name #s (name obj) :owner #s (owner obj)))))) #L(when (and #+ignore f-structure-p (or show-f-structure show-discriminants) var-array) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (f-structure-xml graph stream :sentence sentence :count count :pos pos :var-array (unless inspect var-array) :graph-addr (when inspect var-array) ;; rename! :grammar grammar :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :m-projection m-projection :disable-OT disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse cg-preparse :packed packed :suppress-check-p suppress-check :preds-only-p preds-only :top-f-structure-only-p (not non-top-f-structures))) #L(when (and c-structure show-c-structure) (setf (c-structure-svg-string graph) (with-output-to-string (svg-stream) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display-c-structure c-structure :stream svg-stream :partial-nodes-p partial-nodes :sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes) #m((c-structure :width #L width :height #L height)))))) #L(when (and packed show-discriminants) (discriminants-xml graph stream :disjunctions-tree-p show-disjunctions :equivalences-p nil :show-all-fs-discs-p show-all-fs-discs-p)) #L(when (and #+ignore f-structure-p inspect (or chart morph-chart) (morphology-tree graph)) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (chart-tree-xml graph stream :chartp chart)) #s(when show-mrs mrs)))))) (t #m(?xml-stylesheet :type "text/xsl" :href #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xsl")) #m((parse :user #s user-id))))))) #+obsolete (defmethod xle-xml ((request http-request) entity &key (c-structure-p t) (f-structure-p t)) (let ((uri-p (eq :get (request-method request)))) (%with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar (sentence nil t string :local) xle-graph-id previous-solution next-solution disable-OT m-projection cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse disjunction-choice discriminant-choice complementp f-structure-only show-all-fs-discs same-solution show-features show-c-structure show-f-structure show-mrs show-discriminants show-disjunctions parse-sentence unload-parse-sentence unload-check-parse-sentence parse packed previous-packed from-mrs non-top-f-structures ranking font inspect partial-nodes sublexical-nodes node-id dtree edge previous-subtree suppress-check preds-only morph-chart chart default-root-cat-only) :name xle-xml :uri uri-p :post (not uri-p) :xsl #'xle-xsl :force-xslt :sablotron) (print (list :sentence sentence)) #-debug(setf ranking nil) #+debug(print (list :request-query (request-query request))) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (cond ((null (request-query request)) (setf show-c-structure "true" show-f-structure "true" show-discriminants "true" packed "true" suppress-check "true")) (show-mrs (setf show-discriminants nil packed nil))) (let ((user-id (get-basic-authorization request)) (grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (colon-marks-root-cat-p (not default-root-cat-only)) (node-id (when node-id (parse-integer node-id :junk-allowed t))) (show-all-fs-discs-p (equal show-all-fs-discs "true")) (*print-extras-p* (if show-features t nil)) (*seen-nodes* ()) #+ignore(complementp (unless (equal complementp "") complementp))) #+debug(print (list user-id grammar)) (when (null (request-query request)) ;; upload-grammar (let ((filename nil) (temp-file nil) (error-p nil) (file nil) (grammar-path (concatenate 'string *pargram-path* *grammar-dir*)) (mp-header-p nil) #+test(concatenate 'string *pargram-path* "norwegian/bokmal")) (labels ((remove-path (filename) ;; workaround for bug in MSIE which sends path + filename as filename (let ((bs-pos (position #\\ filename :from-end t))) (if bs-pos (subseq filename (1+ bs-pos)) filename)))) (loop for header = (get-multipart-header request) while header do (setf mp-header-p t) (multiple-value-bind (input-name input-filename) (extract-form-data header) (let ((in-stream (make-instance 'multipart-buffer :request request)) (file-found-p nil)) #+debug(print (list :input-name input-name :input-filename input-filename)) (setf input-filename (if (equal input-filename "") nil input-filename)) (cond (input-filename (setf filename (if (equal filename "") nil (remove-path (utf-8-decode input-filename)))) (setf grammar (or grammar filename)) (setf temp-file (upload-grammar in-stream :grammar-path grammar-path)) #+debug(print (list :temp-file temp-file))) ((string-equal input-name "upload-grammar-name") (loop for line = (print (read-next-line in-stream)) until (eq line :eof) do (setf grammar (remove-path (utf-8-decode line))))) (t (loop for line = (read-next-line in-stream) until (eq line :eof)))))))) (when mp-header-p #+debug(print (list :file file :grammar grammar :temp-file temp-file :user-id user-id)) (rename-file temp-file (concatenate 'string user-id "." grammar)) (setf grammar (concatenate 'string user-id "." (subseq grammar 0 (position #\. grammar)))) (let ((grammar-obj (find-grammar grammar :default nil :common-if-not-found-p nil))) #+debug(print (list :grammar grammar :grammar-obj grammar-obj)) (if grammar-obj (unload-grammar grammar-obj) (progn (setf (gethash grammar *grammars*) (make-instance 'grammar :name grammar :owner user-id :grammar-path (concatenate 'string *pargram-path* *grammar-dir* grammar ".lfg") :max-parsers 1 :graph-class 'xle-graph :morphology-type :fst-morphology)) (write-grammar-definition-file))))))) (let ((*grammar* (find-grammar grammar :owner user-id))) #+debug(print (list :grammar grammar *grammar*)) (cond (*grammar* (when (or unload-parse-sentence unload-check-parse-sentence) (unload-grammar *grammar*)) (let* ((graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (xle-graph-id (or (parse-integer (or xle-graph-id "") :junk-allowed t) (incf *graph-id*))) (graph.sentence (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table)) (decoded-sentence (decode-sentence (when *grammar* (intern (string-upcase (language *grammar*)) :keyword)) (utf-8-decode sentence) font)) (sentence (print (if sentence (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Newline) decoded-sentence) (or (cdr graph.sentence) (default-sentence *grammar*) "")))) (disjunction-choice (when disjunction-choice (parse-integer disjunction-choice))) (discriminant-choice (when discriminant-choice (parse-integer discriminant-choice))) (colon-pos (when colon-marks-root-cat-p (position #\: sentence))) (space-pos (position #\space sentence)) (root-cat (when (and colon-pos (or (not space-pos) (< colon-pos space-pos))) (subseq sentence 0 colon-pos))) (graph (get-graph *grammar* :parse-p (or parse-sentence ) :sentence (cond (uri-p "") ((and colon-pos (or (not space-pos) (< colon-pos space-pos))) (subseq sentence (1+ colon-pos))) (t sentence)) :root-cat root-cat :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :next-solution next-solution :same-solution (or same-solution ;; show-c-structure node-id) :previous-solution previous-solution :disable-OT disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse cg-preparse :disjunction-choice (or disjunction-choice discriminant-choice) :error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p nil :ranking-p ranking :check-generator-p unload-check-parse-sentence :force-p t :inspect-p inspect)) (graph-null-p (or (null graph) (and (not (null (parser graph))) (zerop (parser-address (parser graph))))))) #+debug(Print (list :graph graph :parser (parser graph))) (with-slots (solution-nr graph-address unknown-word statistics) graph (when (and packed #+ignore from-mrs) (setf solution-nr nil)) (multiple-value-bind (var-array c-structure mrs count pos) (cond ((null graph) nil) (graph-null-p nil) (inspect (inspect-chart graph :previous-p (or previous-solution (equal dtree "previous")) :next-p (or next-solution (equal dtree "next")) :node-id (when node-id (parse-integer node-id)) :edge (when edge (parse-integer edge)) :chartp chart ;;:partial-nodes-p partial-nodes ;;:sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes ;;:previous-p previous-subtree )) (t #+debug(print (list :same-solution same-solution :node-id node-id)) ;;(when (and (not packed) (null solution-nr)) (setf solution-nr -1)) (if (or same-solution node-id (and packed previous-packed (not (or disjunction-choice discriminant-choice parse-sentence)))) (get-current-packed-solution graph) (get-packed-solution graph :valid-only-p nil :build-c-structure-p t :build-f-structure-p t :disjunction-choice disjunction-choice :discriminant-choice discriminant-choice :complementp complementp :get-mrs-p (not packed) :previous-p previous-solution :next-p next-solution :ranking-p ranking)))) (declare (ignore mrs)) ;;(print (list :current node-id c-structure mrs count pos)) (when node-id (toggle-tri-node c-structure node-id)) #+debug(print (list :v var-array :c c-structure mrs count pos)) #m(?xml-stylesheet :type "text/xsl" :href #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xsl")) #m((parse :grammar #s (name *grammar*) :lang #s (language *grammar*) :owner #s (owner *grammar*) :f-structure-only #s f-structure-only :user #s user-id :super-user #s (when (super-user-p user-id) "yes") ;; workaround :object-element #s (if (search "MSIE" (net.aserve::header-slot-value request :user-agent)) "embed" "object") :morphology-type #s(string-downcase (morphology-type *grammar*)) :f-structure-p #s(when f-structure-p "yes") :c-structure-p #s(when c-structure-p "yes") :mrs-p #s (when (graph-has-mrs-p graph) "yes") :sentence #s(encode-sentence (intern (string-upcase (language *grammar*)) :keyword) sentence font) :statistics #s statistics :font #s font :xle-graph-id #L xle-graph-id :count #s count :unoptimal-count #S (unless nil ;;disable-OT (- (unoptimal-solutions-count graph) (restricted-solutions-count graph))) :pos #L pos :m-projection #L m-projection ;;:show-features #s(if *print-extras-p* "true") :packed #s(if packed "true") :previous-packed #s(if packed "true") :disable-OT #s(when disable-OT "true") :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis #s cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :non-top-f-structures #s non-top-f-structures :ranking #s ranking :cg-preparse #s cg-preparse :grammar-loaded-p #s(if graph-null-p "no" "yes") :unknown-word #s unknown-word :inspect #s inspect :partial-nodes #s partial-nodes :sublexical-nodes #s sublexical-nodes :morph-chart #s morph-chart :chart #s chart :suppress-check #s suppress-check :preds-only #s (when preds-only "true") :show-c-structure #s show-c-structure :show-f-structure #s show-f-structure :show-mrs #s show-mrs :show-features #s show-features :show-discriminants #s show-discriminants :show-disjunctions #s show-disjunctions) #L(when (messages *grammar*) #m(messages #L(dolist (line (messages *grammar*)) #m(line #s line)) #L(setf (messages *grammar*) nil))) #L(when (errors *grammar*) #m(errors #L(dolist (line (errors *grammar*)) #m(line #s line)) #L(setf (errors *grammar*) nil))) (grammars #L(dolist (grammar.obj (grammar-list)) (destructuring-bind (grammar . obj) grammar.obj #m((grammar :short-name #s grammar :name #s (name obj) :owner #s (owner obj)))))) #L(when (and f-structure-p (or show-f-structure show-discriminants) var-array) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (f-structure-xml graph stream :sentence sentence :count count :pos pos :var-array (unless inspect var-array) :graph-addr (when inspect var-array) ;; rename! :grammar grammar :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :m-projection m-projection :disable-OT disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse cg-preparse :packed packed :suppress-check-p suppress-check :preds-only-p preds-only :top-f-structure-only-p (not non-top-f-structures))) #L(when (and c-structure show-c-structure) (setf (c-structure-svg-string graph) (with-output-to-string (svg-stream) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display-c-structure c-structure :stream svg-stream :partial-nodes-p partial-nodes :sublexical-nodes-p sublexical-nodes) #m((c-structure :width #L width :height #L height)))))) #L(when (and packed show-discriminants) (discriminants-xml graph stream :disjunctions-tree-p show-disjunctions :equivalences-p nil :show-all-fs-discs-p show-all-fs-discs-p)) #L(when (and f-structure-p inspect (or chart morph-chart) (morphology-tree graph)) ;;(let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream stream *standard-output*))) (chart-tree-xml graph stream :chartp chart)) #s(when show-mrs mrs)))))) (t #m(?xml-stylesheet :type "text/xsl" :href #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xsl")) #m((parse :user #s user-id))))))))) (defmethod discriminants-xml ((graph xle-graph) stream &key disjunctions-tree-p equivalences-p show-all-fs-discs-p disc-sorting discriminant-statistics &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (disjunctions-tree discriminants equivalences solution-count) graph (when disjunctions-tree-p (labels ((write-dis (dis stream) (destructuring-bind (name node-id summand . sub-nodes) (cdr dis) #m((packed-disjunction ;; change name!! :name #s(when (and name (symbolp name)) (string-downcase (symbol-name (or name '*)))) :node-id #s node-id :summand #s summand) #L(cond ((null sub-nodes) nil) ((cdr sub-nodes) #m(packed-conjunction ;; change name!! #L(mapc (lambda (dis) (write-con dis stream)) sub-nodes))) (t (write-con (car sub-nodes) stream)))))) (write-con (dis stream) (destructuring-bind (name node-id summand . sub-nodes) (cdr dis) #m((packed-disjunction ;; change name!! :name #s(when (and name (symbolp name)) (string-downcase (symbol-name (or name '*)))) :node-id #s node-id :summand #s summand) #L(cond ((null sub-nodes) nil) ((cdr sub-nodes) (mapc (lambda (dis) (write-dis dis stream)) sub-nodes)) (t (write-dis (car sub-nodes) stream))))))) #+debug(print (list :disjunctions-tree disjunctions-tree :equivalences equivalences)) (when disjunctions-tree (write-dis disjunctions-tree stream)))) (when (and equivalences equivalences-p) (let ((*package* (find-package :xle))) #m(equivalences #L(loop for (abb term) on equivalences by #'cddr do #m(equivalence/ :abb #s abb :term #s (write-to-string term)))))) (when discriminants (discriminants-xml discriminants stream :solution-count solution-count :show-all-fs-discs-p show-all-fs-discs-p :disc-sorting disc-sorting :discriminant-statistics discriminant-statistics)))) (defmethod display-discriminant-p ((disc discriminant) &key &allow-other-keys) (or (discriminant-valid-p disc) (discriminant-chosen-p disc))) (defmethod display-discriminant-p ((disc constituent-discriminant) &key &allow-other-keys) (or (call-next-method) (with-slots (discriminants-array) (discriminants disc) (find-if (lambda (id) (discriminant-chosen-p (aref discriminants-array id))) (rules disc))))) (defmethod display-discriminant-p ((disc f-structure-discriminant) &key show-all-fs-discs-p) (and (call-next-method) (or show-all-fs-discs-p (with-slots (right-anchor) disc (and right-anchor (not (eql right-anchor -1))))))) (defun filter-discriminants (disc-list &key show-all-fs-discs-p) (loop for disc in disc-list when (display-discriminant-p disc :show-all-fs-discs-p show-all-fs-discs-p) collect disc)) (defmethod discriminant-frequency ((disc discriminant) discriminant-statistics) (or (cadr (dat:string-tree-get discriminant-statistics (discriminant-string disc))) 0)) (defmethod discriminant-frequency ((disc constituent-discriminant) discriminant-statistics) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (max (call-next-method) (reduce #'max (rules disc) :key (lambda (rule-id) (discriminant-frequency (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) rule-id) discriminant-statistics)) :initial-value 0))))) (defmethod discriminative-power ((disc discriminant)) (let* ((discriminants (discriminants disc)) (reduced-context (reduced-context (s-context disc) (s-context discriminants)))) (if (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) 10000000 (let ((1-count (count 1 reduced-context))) (min 1-count (- (length reduced-context) 1-count)))))) (defmethod discriminative-power ((disc constituent-discriminant)) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (min (call-next-method) (reduce #'min (rules disc) :key (lambda (rule-id) (discriminative-power (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) rule-id))) :initial-value 10000000))))) (defmethod discriminants-xml ((discriminants discriminants) stream &key solution-count show-all-fs-discs-p disc-sorting discriminant-statistics ;; string-tree: disc-str -> type.count &allow-other-keys) (unless disc-sorting (setf disc-sorting :type)) (with-slots (discriminants-s-context discriminants-array constituent-discriminants lex-discriminants morph-discriminants) discriminants #+debug(setf disc-sorting :frequency) #+debug(print (list :show-all-fs-discs-p show-all-fs-discs-p)) #+debug(print (list :disc-sorting disc-sorting :context discriminants-s-context :array discriminants-array)) (let ((*package* (find-package :xle)) (show-really-all-fs-discs-p (or show-all-fs-discs-p ;; show all if there are no valid pred-pred discriminants left (not (loop for disc in (f-structure-discriminants discriminants) when (with-slots (right-anchor valid-p chosen-p) disc (and valid-p (not chosen-p) (and right-anchor (not (eql right-anchor -1))))) do (return t)))))) #m((discriminants :chosen #s (if (eq discriminants-s-context 1) solution-count ;; "all" (count 1 discriminants-s-context)) :chosen-bv #s (format nil "~a" discriminants-s-context) :show-all-fs-discs #s (if show-all-fs-discs-p "true") :disc-sorting #s (string-downcase disc-sorting)) #L(case disc-sorting (:type (dolist (disc (sort (filter-discriminants constituent-discriminants) (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (discriminant-xml disc stream)) (dolist (disc (sort (filter-discriminants lex-discriminants) (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (discriminant-xml disc stream)) (dolist (disc (sort (filter-discriminants morph-discriminants) (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (discriminant-xml disc stream)) (dolist (disc (sort (filter-discriminants (f-structure-discriminants discriminants) :show-all-fs-discs-p show-really-all-fs-discs-p) (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (discriminant-xml disc stream))) (:discriminating-power (dolist (disc (stable-sort (append (filter-discriminants constituent-discriminants) (filter-discriminants lex-discriminants) (filter-discriminants morph-discriminants) (filter-discriminants (f-structure-discriminants discriminants) :show-all-fs-discs-p show-really-all-fs-discs-p)) (lambda (x y) (cond ((and x y) (< x y)) (t nil))) :key #'discriminative-power)) ;;(print (list disc (discriminative-power disc))) (discriminant-xml disc stream :top-p nil))) (:frequency ;;(print (list :freq discriminant-statistics)) (let* ((filtered-discs (append (filter-discriminants constituent-discriminants) (filter-discriminants lex-discriminants) (filter-discriminants morph-discriminants) (filter-discriminants (f-structure-discriminants discriminants) ;; we have to keep all because some of them might be top frequent and shown unconditionally :show-all-fs-discs-p t #+ignore show-really-all-fs-discs-p))) (frequency-sorted-discs (stable-sort filtered-discs (lambda (x y) (cond ((and x y) (> x y)) (x t) (t nil))) :key (lambda (disc) (discriminant-frequency disc discriminant-statistics))))) ;;(print (mapcar (lambda (disc) (discriminant-frequency disc discriminant-statistics)) frequency-sorted-discs)) (loop for rest on frequency-sorted-discs for i from 0 while (cond ((and (< i 10) (discriminant-frequency (car rest) discriminant-statistics) (> (discriminant-frequency (car rest) discriminant-statistics) 1)) (discriminant-xml (car rest) stream :top-p t) t) (t (dolist (disc (sort rest (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (when (or show-really-all-fs-discs-p (display-discriminant-p disc)) (discriminant-xml disc stream))) nil)))))))))) (defparameter *show-weights-p* nil) (defmethod discriminant-xml ((disc constituent-discriminant) stream &key top-p) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (when t #+ignore(or (discriminant-valid-p disc) (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (find-if (lambda (id) (discriminant-chosen-p (aref discriminants-array id))) (rules disc))) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context (s-context disc) (s-context discriminants)))) #m((segmentation :segments #s (constituents disc) :anchor #s (unless (eql (discriminant-anchor disc) -1) (discriminant-anchor disc)) :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :top #s (when top-p "yes") :valid #s (if (discriminant-valid-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context))) #L(dolist (disc-id (rules disc)) (if disc-id (let ((disc (aref discriminants-array disc-id))) (when (or (discriminant-valid-p disc) (discriminant-chosen-p disc)) #+debug(print (list disc :valid (discriminant-valid-p disc) :chosen (discriminant-chosen-p disc))) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context (s-context disc) (s-context discriminants)))) #m((discriminant :type "rule-discriminant" :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :valid #s(if (discriminant-valid-p disc) "yes" "no") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context)) :weight #s(let* ((grammar (grammar discriminants)) (weights (when grammar (weight-table grammar)))) (when (and *show-weights-p* weights) (dat:string-tree-get weights (discriminant-string disc) 0)))) (rule #s (rule disc)))))) (warn "Rule is 'nil' in ~s" (rules disc)))))))))) (defmethod discriminant-xml ((disc lex-discriminant) stream &key top-p) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (when t;(or (discriminant-valid-p disc) (discriminant-chosen-p disc)) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context (s-context disc) (s-context discriminants)))) #m((discriminant :type "lex-discriminant" :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :anchor #s (unless (eql (discriminant-anchor disc) -1) (discriminant-anchor disc)) :valid #s(if (discriminant-valid-p disc) "yes" "no") :top #s (when top-p "yes") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context)) :weight #s(let* ((grammar (grammar discriminants)) (weights (when grammar (weight-table grammar)))) (when (and *show-weights-p* weights) (dat:string-tree-get weights (discriminant-string disc) 0)))) (rule #s (rule disc)))))))) (defmethod discriminant-xml ((disc morph-discriminant) stream &key top-p) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (when t;(or (discriminant-valid-p disc) (discriminant-chosen-p disc)) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context (s-context disc) (s-context discriminants)))) #m((discriminant :type "morph-discriminant" :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :anchor #s (unless (eql (discriminant-anchor disc) -1) (discriminant-anchor disc)) :valid #s(if (discriminant-valid-p disc) "yes" "no") :top #s (when top-p "yes") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context)) :weight #s(let* ((grammar (grammar discriminants)) (weights (when grammar (weight-table grammar)))) (when (and *show-weights-p* weights) (dat:string-tree-get weights (discriminant-string disc) 0)))) (morph-features #s (morph-features disc)))))))) (defmethod discriminant-xml ((disc f-structure-discriminant) stream &key top-p) (let ((discriminants (discriminants disc))) (with-slots (discriminants-array) discriminants (with-slots (path-segment anchor right-anchor context valid-p chosen-p) disc (when t #+ignore(and (or valid-p chosen-p) (or show-all-fs-discs-p (and right-anchor (not (eql right-anchor -1))))) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context context (s-context discriminants)))) #m((discriminant :type "f-structure-discriminant" :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :valid #s(if valid-p "yes" "no") :top #s (when top-p "yes") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context)) :anchor #s(unless (eql anchor -1) anchor) :right-anchor #s(unless (eql right-anchor -1) right-anchor) :weight #s(let* ((grammar (grammar discriminants)) (weights (when grammar (weight-table grammar)))) (when (and *show-weights-p* weights) (dat:string-tree-get weights (discriminant-string disc) 0)))) (path-segment #s path-segment)))))))) (defstylesheet xle-xsl () #m((xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" :version "1.0") ((xsl:template :match "/parse") ((html xmlns:tool "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:tool") (head (title "XLE Web Interface" ((xsl:if :test "@user") " [" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@user") "]")) ((style :type "text/css") (!CDATA (CSS-STYLE (div :margin "16" :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-family "Verdana, Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica") (div.title :font-size "18" :font-weight "bold" :text-align "center") (div.link :font-size "12");; :font-weight "bold" :text-align "center") (a :text-decoration "none" :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black") (a\:hover :text-decoration "underline") (div.label :font-size "12") (div.text :font-size "8pt" :color "black" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px") (div.error :font-size "8pt" :color "red" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px") (span.error :font-size "10pt" :color "red" :font-weight "normal") (div.error-title :font-size "10pt" :color "red" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px" :font-weight "bold") (div.message :font-size "8pt" :color "green" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px") (div.message-title :font-size "10pt" :color "green" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px" :font-weight "bold") (div.justification :font-size "8pt" :color "black" :margin-left "2px" :margin-bottom "2px" :font-weight "bold") (span.sentence :font-size "14" :color "black") (span.text :color "black" :font-weight "normal"); :font-weight "bold") (table :padding "0pt" :font-size "8pt" :border-collapse "collapse" ;; ?? :font-family "Verdana, Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica") (table.fs :border-collapse "separate") (td.misc :margin "0pt" :padding "0pt" :border "none") (td.just :margin "0pt" :padding "0pt" :border "1px red solid") (td.disc-type :margin "10px" :padding "10px" :border "none" :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-weight "bold" :font-size "8pt") (span.morph :color "black") (table.morph :border-collapse "collapse") #-BW (td.morph :vertical-align "top" :margin "0px" :padding "2px" :border "0px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") (td.morph-hilite :vertical-align "top" :margin "0px" :padding "2px" :border "1px gray solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") (td.morph-box :margin "0px" :padding "0px" :border "0px green solid") #-BW (td.disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.disc-anchor :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :text-align "right") #-BW (td.reduction :text-align "right" :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.seg-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-top "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.seg-disc-anchor :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-top "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :text-align "right") #-BW (td.rule-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.rule-disc-anchor :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :text-align "right") #-BW (td.last-rule-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-bottom "2px gray solid" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.last-seg-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.last-seg-disc-anchor :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :text-align "right") #-BW (td.last-seg-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #-BW (td.disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "2px gray solid" :background "magenta" :cursor "pointer":cursor "pointer") #-BW (td.seg-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-top "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #-BW (td.rule-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #-BW (td.last-rule-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-bottom "2px gray solid" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #-BW (td.fs :padding "2px" ;; :padding-left "3px" :padding-right "1px" :margin "1px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid") #+BW (td.disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.seg-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-top "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.rule-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.last-rule-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-bottom "1px black solid" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.last-seg-disc :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.last-seg-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #+BW (td.disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border "1px black solid" :background "magenta" :cursor "pointer":cursor "pointer") #+BW (td.seg-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-top "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #+BW (td.rule-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #+BW (td.last-rule-disc-hilite :margin "0px" :padding "3px" :border-bottom "1px black solid" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid" :cursor "pointer" :background "magenta") #+BW (td.fs :padding "2px" :margin "1px" :border-left "1px black solid" :border-right "1px black solid") (td.fs-focus :padding "2px" ;; :padding-left "3px" :padding-right "1px" :margin "1px" :border "2px red solid") (td.fs-projection :padding "2px" ;; :padding-left "3px" :padding-right "1px" :margin "1px" :border "2px red solid" :background "lightgray") (td.attribute :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-weight "bold") (td.var :color #-BW "red" #+BW "black" :vertical-align "bottom" :font-size "6pt") (tr.seg :cursor "pointer") (.c-disc :cursor "pointer") (.c-disc-hilite :background "lightgray" :cursor "pointer") (.c-seg :color #-BW "blue" #+BW "black" :cursor "pointer") (.c-seg-redundant :color #-BW "gray" #+BW "black") (.c-seg-chosen :color "black") (.c-seg-invalid :color #-BW "red" #+BW "black") (.c-seg-hilite :background "lightgray" :cursor "pointer") (.fs-disc :cursor "pointer") (.fs-disc-hilite :background "lightgray" :cursor "pointer") (tr.dis-border :border #-BW "1px gray solid" #+BW "1px black solid") (td.dis :color #-BW "green" #+BW "black" :cursor "pointer");; :vertical-align "top") (td.dis-chosen :color #-BW "red" #+BW "black" :font-weight "bold" :cursor "pointer");; :vertical-align "top") (span.attribute :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-weight "bold") (.ctx :color #-BW "green" #+BW 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(xsl:otherwise "dis"))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") "dis-chosen") (xsl:otherwise "dis"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDisjunction('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@node-id") "')") ;;(xsl:value-of/ :select "@summand") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@name")) ((xsl:element :name "td") (table (xsl:apply-templates/))))) ((xsl:template :match "packed-conjunction") ((xsl:element :name "tr") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "../../packed-disjunction|../../packed-conjunction") "dis-border") (xsl:otherwise "dis"))) (td "&") ((xsl:element :name "td") (table (xsl:apply-templates/))))) #L(f-structure-templates stream) #L(chart-tree-templates stream) #L(mrs-templates stream))) (defun discriminant-templates (stream) #m((xsl:template :match "segmentation") ((xsl:element :name "tr") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "seg") ((xsl:element :name "td") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "last-seg-disc-anchor")) (xsl:otherwise ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "seg-disc-anchor"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Anchor") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor")) ((xsl:element :name "td") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "last-seg-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'last-seg-disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'last-seg-disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) (xsl:otherwise ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "seg-disc") ((xsl:if :test "(@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes') and @redundant='no'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'seg-disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'seg-disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")))) ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") "c-seg-chosen") ((xsl:when :test "@redundant='yes'") "c-seg-redundant") ((xsl:when :test "@valid='yes'") "c-seg") (xsl:otherwise #+ignore "c-seg-invalid" "c-seg-redundant"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "style") ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) ;;(xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@segments"))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream) ((xsl:if :test "@weight") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: gray") (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@weight")))) ((xsl:if :test "@top='yes'") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: blue") "C"))) (xsl:apply-templates/)) #m((xsl:template :match "discriminant[@type='rule-discriminant']") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "not(following-sibling::*)") "last-rule-disc") (xsl:otherwise "rule-disc-anchor")))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "not(following-sibling::*)") "last-rule-disc") (xsl:otherwise "rule-disc"))) ((xsl:if :test "@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "not(following-sibling::*)") "this.className = 'last-rule-disc-hilite'") (xsl:otherwise "this.className = 'rule-disc-hilite'"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "not(following-sibling::*)") "this.className = 'last-rule-disc'") (xsl:otherwise "this.className = 'rule-disc'"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:if :test "@type='rule-discriminant'") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "margin-left: 10pt")) (nobr ;;((span :style "color: red") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id")) (xsl:text " ") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "c-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") "color: black") (xsl:otherwise "color: black")) ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "; font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "rule") (xsl:value-of/ :select "morph-features"))))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream) ((xsl:if :test "@weight") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: gray") (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@weight")))) ((xsl:if :test "../@top='yes'") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: green") "R")))) #m((xsl:template :match "discriminant[@type='f-structure-discriminant']") ; :mode "f-structure") ((tr) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc-anchor") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Anchor") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor") ((xsl:if :test "@right-anchor") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@right-anchor"))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:if :test "@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "fs-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@redundant='yes'") "color: gray") ((xsl:when :test "@valid='yes'") "color: black") (xsl:otherwise "color: black")) ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "; font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "path-segment")))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream) ((xsl:if :test "@weight") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: gray") (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@weight")))) ((xsl:if :test "@top='yes'") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: red") "F")))) #m((xsl:template :match "discriminant[@type='morph-discriminant']") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc-anchor") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Anchor") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:if :test "@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "c-disc") (nobr ;;((span :style "color: red") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id")) (xsl:text " ") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "c-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") "color: black") (xsl:otherwise "color: black")) ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "; font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "morph-features"))))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream) ((xsl:if :test "@weight") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: gray") (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@weight")))) ((xsl:if :test "@top='yes'") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: orange") "M")))) #m((xsl:template :match "discriminant[@type='lex-discriminant']") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc-anchor") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Anchor") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:if :test "@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "c-disc") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "c-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") "color: black") (xsl:otherwise "color: black")) ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "; font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "rule"))))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream) ((xsl:if :test "@weight") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: gray") (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@weight")))) ((xsl:if :test "@top='yes'") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: magenta") "L")) ))) #+obsolete (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity #+(and (or :paul :xle-web) (not :pargram) (not :gisle) (not :helge)) :authorizer #+(and (or :paul :xle-web) (not :pargram) (not :gisle) (not :helge)) *grammar-authorizer* :function #'xle-xml) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity #+(and (or :paul :xle-web) (not :pargram) (not :gisle) (not :helge)) :authorizer #+(and (or :paul :xle-web) (not :pargram) (not :gisle) (not :helge)) *grammar-authorizer* :function #'c-structure-xml) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.svg") :content-type "text/xml" :function #'c-structure-svg) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.xsl") :content-type "text/xml" :function #'xle-xsl) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xsl") :content-type "text/xml" :function #'xle-xsl) (defmethod f-structure-xml ((request http-request) entity &key &allow-other-keys) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar xle-graph-id m-projection previous-solution next-solution disable-OT cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse packed non-top-f-structures ranking) :force-xslt :sablotron :xsl #'f-structure-xsl) #+debug(print (request-query request)) (let* ((grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (*grammar* (find-grammar grammar))) (if *grammar* (let* ((graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (graph.sentence (gethash (or (and xle-graph-id (parse-integer xle-graph-id :junk-allowed t)) (incf *graph-id*)) graph-table)) (graph (progn (when (parser (car graph.sentence)) (setf (last-access (parser (car graph.sentence))) (get-universal-time))) (car graph.sentence))) (sentence (cdr graph.sentence))) (multiple-value-bind (var-array c-structure mrs count pos) (if packed (if (or previous-solution next-solution) (get-packed-solution graph :valid-only-p nil :prefetch-p t :build-c-structure-p t :build-f-structure-p t ;;:disjunction-choice disjunction-choice :previous-p previous-solution :ranking-p nil ;; ranking ) (get-current-packed-solution graph)) (if (or previous-solution next-solution) (get-solution graph :valid-only-p nil :max-solutions nil :prefetch-p t :build-c-structure-p t :build-f-structure-p t :previous-p previous-solution) (get-current-solution graph))) (declare (ignore mrs c-structure)) #m(?xml-stylesheet :type "text/xsl" :href #s (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-f-structure.xsl")) (f-structure-xml graph stream :sentence sentence :count count :pos pos :var-array var-array :grammar grammar :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :m-projection m-projection :disable-OT disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse cg-preparse :packed t :discriminants-p nil :top-f-structure-only-p (not non-top-f-structures)))))))) #+test (let ((*seen-nodes* nil) (*seen-fs-nodes* nil)) (print-object-xml *inspect-fs* *standard-output* :top-p t)) (defparameter *preds-only-p* nil) (defmethod print-object-xml ((fs fs) stream &key top-p (top-fs-p t) pointerp set-elt-p &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (var context expanded-context ctx-string pred av-pairs context-set fs-set) fs #+debug(print (list :fs fs :pointerp pointerp :top-p top-p :fs-set fs-set)) (cond (pointerp (let ((pred-val "") (seen-nodes ())) (labels ((pred-value (av-pair) #+debug(print (list :av-pair av-pair)) (cond ((find av-pair seen-nodes) nil) ((null av-pair) nil) ((null (value av-pair)) nil) ((stringp (value av-pair)) (warn "The value of an AVP should not be a string: ~s." (value av-pair)) nil) ((subtypep (type-of (value av-pair)) 'semform) #+debug(print (list :var (var av-pair) :pred-val pred-val :lem (lemma (value av-pair)))) (cond ((null pred-val) nil) ((equal pred-val "") (setf pred-val (lemma (value av-pair)))) ((not (stringp (lemma (value av-pair)))) #+debug(print (lemma (value av-pair))) ;; this is e.g. '[125]<[26],[31]>'. Discriminants have to be fixed for this! nil) ((string= pred-val (lemma (value av-pair))) nil) (t (setf pred-val nil)))) (t (push av-pair seen-nodes) (mapc #'pred-value (context-set (value av-pair))) (pred-value (pred (value av-pair))))))) (mapc #'pred-value context-set) (pred-value pred)) #m(pointer/ :var #s var :semform #s (unless (equal pred-val "") pred-val)))) ((find var *seen-fs-nodes*) #m(pointer/ :var #s var)) (top-p (push var *seen-fs-nodes*) #m((projection :type "F-structure" :var #s var) #L(when (justifications fs) #m(justifications #L(dolist (just (justifications fs)) #m(justification #s just)))) #-KARTULI #L(when pred #m#s pred) #+KARTULI #L(when pred (let ((*lexids* (get-path-value fs :path '("MORPH-SYNT" "LEXID") :ctx context))) #m#s pred)) #L(dolist (av-pair av-pairs) (when (or (not *preds-only-p*) (has-sub-pred-p av-pair)) #m#s av-pair)) #L(cond ((null context-set) nil) ((cdr context-set) #m((ctx-list :ctx-list "yes" :disjunctive #s(when (find-if-not (lambda (av-pair) (eq (context av-pair) 1)) context-set) "yes")) #L(dolist (av-pair context-set) #m#s av-pair))) (t #m#s(car context-set))) #L(when fs-set ;; (car fs) is context! #m(set #L(dolist (fs fs-set) (when (or (not *preds-only-p*) (has-sub-pred-p (cdr fs))) #m((set-elt :ctx #s(unless (eq (caar fs) 1) (cdar fs))) #s (cdr fs)))))))) (t (push var *seen-fs-nodes*) #m((fs :var #s var :expanded-ctx #s expanded-context :ctx #s ctx-string ; :set-ctx #s(when set-elt-p (context fs)) ) #-KARTULI #L(when pred #m#s pred) #+KARTULI #L(when pred (let ((*lexids* (get-path-value fs :path '("MORPH" "LEXID") :ctx context))) #m#s pred)) #L(dolist (av-pair av-pairs) (when (or (not *preds-only-p*) (has-sub-pred-p av-pair)) #m#s av-pair)) #L(cond ((null context-set) nil) ((cdr context-set) #m((ctx-list :ctx-list "yes") #L(dolist (av-pair context-set) #m#s av-pair))) (t #m#s(car context-set))) #L(when fs-set ;; (car fs) is context! #m(set #L(dolist (fs fs-set) ;;(print-object-xml (cdr fs) stream :set-elt-p t) ;;#m#s(cdr fs) #+ignore (when (or (not *preds-only-p*) (has-sub-pred-p (cdr fs))) #m((set-elt :ctx #s(unless (eq (caar fs) 1) (cdar fs))) #s (cdr fs))))))))))) ;; fixme: not general enough (defmethod get-path-value ((fs fs) &key path (ctx 1)) (collecting (labels ((gpv (fs path ctx) (cond ((null fs) nil) ((null path) (if (stringp fs) (collect (cons ctx fs)) (dolist (av-pair (context-set fs)) (let ((i-ctx (context-s-intersection ctx (context av-pair)))) (when i-ctx (gpv (value av-pair) path i-ctx)))))) (t (dolist (av-pair (av-pairs fs)) (when (equal (attribute av-pair) (car path)) (let ((i-ctx (context-s-intersection ctx (context av-pair)))) (when i-ctx (gpv (value av-pair) (cdr path) i-ctx))))) (dolist (av-pair (context-set fs)) (let ((i-ctx (context-s-intersection ctx (context av-pair)))) (when i-ctx (gpv (value av-pair) path i-ctx)))))))) (gpv fs path ctx)))) ;;(untrace print-object-xml) (defmethod print-object-xml ((av-pair av-pair) stream &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (var context expanded-context ctx-string attribute value justification has-sub-pred-p) av-pair #+debug(print (list :var var :context context)) (let* ((match-p nil) (positions (collecting (loop for submatch-list in *submatches* and i from 0 for match-pos = (position-if (lambda (sml) (destructuring-bind (type v att) sml (and (eq type :f-att) (eq v var) (equal att attribute)))) submatch-list) when match-pos do (setf match-p t) (let ((var-name (aref *variable-names* match-pos))) (unless (eq (search "my" var-name) 0) (collect var-name) (collect i))))))) (cond ((not (subtypep (type-of value) 'dag-node)) #m(avp/ :attribute #s attribute :match #s (when match-p t) :justification #s(when justification "yes") :variables #s (when positions (format nil "~{~@[~a~]:~d~^,~}" positions)) :ctx #s ctx-string :expanded-ctx #s expanded-context :has-sub-pred #s (when has-sub-pred-p "true") :value #s value)) ((find (var value) *seen-nodes*) #m((avp :attribute #s attribute :match #s (when match-p t) :justification #s(when justification "yes") :variables #s (when positions (format nil "~{~@[~a~]:~d~^,~}" positions)) :has-sub-pred #s (when has-sub-pred-p "true") :ctx #s ctx-string :expanded-ctx #s expanded-context) (pointer/ :var #s (var value)))) (t (push (var value) *seen-nodes*) #m((avp :var #s (var value) :attribute #s attribute :justification #s(when justification "yes") :match #s (when match-p t) :variables #s (when positions (format nil "~{~@[~a~]:~d~^,~}" positions)) :has-sub-pred #s (when has-sub-pred-p "true") :ctx #s ctx-string :expanded-ctx #s expanded-context) #s value)))))) (defmethod print-object-xml ((fs-value fs-value) stream &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (value) fs-value #+debug(print (list :fs-value fs-value :value value)) #m(val/ :value #s value))) (defmethod print-object-xml ((semform semform) stream &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (var context expanded-context lemma sem-var subcat-frame athematic-frame) semform #+debug(print (list :var var :lemma lemma :context context)) #m((semform :expanded-ctx #s expanded-context :ctx #s expanded-context) (lemma #L(cond ((stringp lemma) #m#s lemma) ((consp lemma) #m(pointer/ :var #s (cadr lemma))) (t #m(pointer/ :var #s (var lemma))))) #L(dolist (subcat subcat-frame) #m(subcat #L(print-object-xml subcat stream :pointerp t))) #L(dolist (subcat athematic-frame) #m(athematic-subcat #L(print-object-xml subcat stream :pointerp t)))))) #+test (print-object-xml *fs* *standard-output* :top-p t) (defvar *fs*) (defmethod validate-s-discriminants ((discriminants discriminants) s-context &key recalculate-context-p reset) (let ((*package* (find-package :xle)) (*print-level* nil)) #+debug(print (list discriminants :s-context s-context :disc-s-context (s-context discriminants) :inters (context-s-intersection s-context (s-context discriminants)) :chosen (chosen-discriminants discriminants))) (when reset (setf (chosen-discriminants discriminants) ())) (when (or recalculate-context-p reset) ;; recalculate context of valid discriminants (setf (s-context discriminants) 1) (dolist (disc-id (chosen-discriminants discriminants)) #+debug(describe (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc-id)) (setf (s-context discriminants) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (let ((disc (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc-id))) (if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) (context-s-negation (s-context disc)) (s-context disc))))))) (setf (s-context discriminants) (context-s-intersection s-context (s-context discriminants)))) #+debug(print (list :reset reset :s-context (s-context discriminants))) (when (null (s-context discriminants)) (warn "Context intersection of discriminants is empty for ~s. Resetting." discriminants) (setf (s-context discriminants) 1 reset t)) (cond (reset (setf (chosen-discriminants discriminants) ()) (loop for disc across (discriminants-array discriminants) when disc do (setf (discriminant-valid-p disc) t (discriminant-chosen-p disc) nil (discriminant-redundant-p disc) nil))) (t (dolist (f-structure-disc (f-structure-discriminants discriminants)) #+debug(print (list f-structure-disc :s-context (s-context discriminants) :f-s-context (s-context f-structure-disc) :f-s-context-neg (context-s-negation (s-context f-structure-disc)) )) (setf (discriminant-valid-p f-structure-disc) (and (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (s-context f-structure-disc)) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (context-s-negation (s-context f-structure-disc))) t))) (dolist (secondary-disc (secondary-discriminants discriminants)) (setf (discriminant-valid-p secondary-disc) (and (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (s-context secondary-disc)) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (context-s-negation (s-context secondary-disc))) t))) (dolist (morph-disc (morph-discriminants discriminants)) (setf (discriminant-valid-p morph-disc) (and (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (s-context morph-disc)) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (context-s-negation (s-context morph-disc))) t))) (dolist (lex-disc (lex-discriminants discriminants)) (setf (discriminant-valid-p lex-disc) (and (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (s-context lex-disc)) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (context-s-negation (s-context lex-disc))) t))) (dolist (disc (constituent-discriminants discriminants)) (dolist (rule-disc (rules disc)) (let ((rule-disc (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) rule-disc))) (setf (discriminant-valid-p rule-disc) (and (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (s-context rule-disc)) (context-s-intersection (s-context discriminants) (context-s-negation (s-context rule-disc))) t)))) (setf (discriminant-valid-p disc) ;; simplify! (if (loop for disc in (rules disc) thereis (discriminant-valid-p (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc))) t nil))) (dolist (disc-id (chosen-discriminants discriminants)) (setf (discriminant-redundant-p (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc-id)) nil)) (dolist (disc1-id (chosen-discriminants discriminants)) (dolist (disc2-id (chosen-discriminants discriminants)) (let ((disc1 (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc1-id)) (disc2 (aref (discriminants-array discriminants) disc2-id))) (when (and (not (eq disc1 disc2)) (context-subsumed-p (s-context disc1) (s-context disc2))) (setf (discriminant-redundant-p disc1) t))))))) #+debug(print (list discriminants :final-disc-s-context (s-context discriminants)))) ;; cluster solutions the discriminants can't distinguish ;; used for extended f-structure discriminants (which are now obsolete b/o anchors) #+obsolete (defun non-trivial-solution-clusters (tree length) (collecting #+debug (dat:do-string-tree (string value tree) (Print (list value string))) (dotimes (i length) (let ((cluster 1)) (dat:do-string-tree (string value tree) (let ((ctx (car value))) (when (and (not (eq ctx 1)) (= (aref ctx i) 1)) (setf cluster (context-s-intersection cluster ctx))))) (when (or (eq cluster 1) (/= (count 1 cluster) 1)) #+debug(print (list :cluster cluster)) (collect cluster)))))) (defun disambiguating-context-p (clusters ctx) (loop for cluster in clusters when (proper-1-context-intersection-p cluster ctx) do (return t))) #+test (dat:do-string-tree (key value *derived-tree*) (destructuring-bind (ctx disc-str anchor right-anchor) value (when right-anchor (dat:do-string-tree (right-key value *derived-tree* :prefix (format nil "~d:NIL:" right-anchor)) (destructuring-bind (right-ctx right-disc-str r-anchor r-right-anchor) value (print (list (context-s-intersection ctx right-ctx) disc-str right-disc-str))))))) #+copy (dolist (ctx.term (aref var-array id)) (destructuring-bind (ctx . term) ctx.term (when (and (find (car term) '(subtree terminal)) (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph context) (context-solutions graph ctx) global-ctx)) (collect ctx.term)))) (defmethod f-structure-xml ((graph xle-graph) stream &key sentence count pos var-array graph-addr grammar xle-graph-id m-projection disable-OT cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse (discriminants-p t) (build-discriminants-p t) (top-f-structure-only-p t) (context 1) ;; under-construction previous-fstructure-p next-fstructure-p suppress-check-p preds-only-p &allow-other-keys) #+debug(print (list :var-array var-array :graph-addr graph-addr)) #+debug(print (list :top-f-structure-only-p top-f-structure-only-p)) #+debug(print :f-structure-xml) ;;(build-f-structure graph stream :var-array var-array) (with-slots (equivalences discriminants phi-list realized-vars tree-solutions-count good-tree-solutions-count tree-solution-id) graph (unless (or previous-fstructure-p next-fstructure-p) (setf (tree-solution-id graph) 0)) #+debug(print (list :tree-solution-id (tree-solution-id graph))) (setf realized-vars ()) (let ((*preds-only-p* preds-only-p) (seen-variables ()) (seen-eq-vars ()) (disc-list ()) (disc-tree nil) (secondary-disc-tree nil) (global-context context)) ;; under-construction ;; build() is (almost?) obsolete (labels ((build (var stream &key (node-ctx 1) set-elt-p parent-var attribute mod-eq-attribute mod-eq-var var-att no-var-att no-xml var-unseen-p) #+debug(print (list :build var node-ctx attribute mod-eq-attribute var-att no-var-att)) (let ((term-list (filter-terms graph (aref var-array var) global-context))) #+debug(print (list :terms term-list :seen (getf seen-variables var))) (cond ((and (not var-unseen-p) (getf seen-variables var)) (unless (or no-var-att no-xml) (destructuring-bind (&key var semform parent-var attribute) (getf seen-variables var) #m(pointer/ :var #L var :semform #L semform :parent-var #L parent-var :attribute #L attribute))) ;; discriminants (when (and term-list (find-if (lambda (ctx.term) (eq (car (cdr ctx.term)) 'in_set)) term-list)) ;; ignore yet sets ) (dolist (ctx.term term-list) (destructuring-bind (ctx op left right) ctx.term (ecase op (eq (ecase (car left) (attr (let ((attribute (caddr left))) (cond ((find attribute *suppressed-atts* :test #'string=) nil) ((and no-var-att (string= attribute "=")) nil) ((and var-att (string/= attribute "=")) nil) ((not (consp right)) (let ((intersection-or-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))) (unless (ctx-trivial-p intersection-or-ctx) (push (list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :-> var right intersection-or-ctx) (getf disc-list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var)))))) ((eq (car right) 'semform) (destructuring-bind (lemma sem-var (%br1 . subcat-frame) (%br2 &optional val2)) (cdr right) (declare (ignore %br1 %br2)) (let ((intersection-or-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))) (when intersection-or-ctx (push (list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) lemma sem-var (format nil "~a~a~{[~a]~^,~}~a~a" lemma (if subcat-frame "<" "") (mapcar (lambda (sub) (if (stringp sub) sub "")) subcat-frame) (if subcat-frame ">" "") (cond ((null val2) "") ((stringp val2) val2) (t "[]"))) intersection-or-ctx) (getf disc-list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var))))))) ((eq (car right) 'var) (let* ((term-list (filter-terms graph (aref var-array (cadr right)) global-context)) (ctx-values (collecting (dolist (ctx.term term-list) (destructuring-bind (ctx op left right) ctx.term (when (and (eq op 'eq) (eq (car left) 'attr) (string= (caddr left) "=")) (collect (cons ctx right)))))))) (let ((intersection (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx))) (unless (or (equal attribute "=") (ctx-trivial-p intersection)) (push (list mod-eq-attribute :-> var attribute intersection) (getf disc-list mod-eq-var))) (when (and (equal attribute "=") (not (find (car right) seen-eq-vars))) (push (car right) seen-eq-vars) (build (cadr right) stream :parent-var var :attribute attribute :mod-eq-var mod-eq-var :mod-eq-attribute (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :no-xml t :node-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") intersection (context-solutions graph ctx)))))))))) (proj nil))) ((scopes in_set) nil))))) (t (let ((semform (find-att-value var-array var "PRED"))) ;; semforms have to be fixed! (setf (getf seen-variables var) (if semform (list :var var :semform semform) (list :var var :parent-var parent-var :attribute attribute)))) (when (and term-list (find-if (lambda (ctx.term) (eq (car (cdr ctx.term)) 'in_set)) term-list)) #m(set #L(dolist (ctx.term term-list) (destructuring-bind (ctx . term) ctx.term (case (car term) (in_set (destructuring-bind (left right) (cdr term) (cond ((not (consp left)) #m((val :value #s left :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences)))) (t (let ((var (unless (getf seen-variables (cadr left)) (cadr left)))) (when var (push var realized-vars)) #m((fs :var #s var :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences)) #L(build (cadr left) stream :set-elt-p t :attribute attribute :mod-eq-attribute (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :mod-eq-var (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var) :node-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))))))))))))) (dolist (ctx.term term-list) #+debug(print (list :var var :va var-att :nva no-var-att :c.t ctx.term)) (destructuring-bind (ctx op left right) ctx.term (ecase op (eq (ecase (car left) (attr (let ((attribute (caddr left))) (cond ((find attribute *suppressed-atts* :test #'string=) nil) ((and no-var-att (string= attribute "=")) nil) ((and var-att (string/= attribute "=")) nil) ((not (consp right)) (let ((intersection-or-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))) (unless (ctx-trivial-p intersection-or-ctx) (push (list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :-> var right intersection-or-ctx) (getf disc-list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var))))) #m(avp/ :attribute #L attribute :value #L right :set-elt #L set-elt-p :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences))) ((eq (car right) 'semform) (destructuring-bind (lemma sem-var (%br1 . subcat-frame) (%br2 &optional val2)) (cdr right) (declare (ignore %br1 %br2)) (let ((intersection-or-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))) (when intersection-or-ctx (push (list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) lemma sem-var (format nil "~a~a~{[~a]~^,~}~a~a" lemma (if subcat-frame "<" "") (mapcar (lambda (sub) (if (stringp sub) sub "")) subcat-frame) (if subcat-frame ">" "") (cond ((null val2) "") ((stringp val2) val2) (t "[]"))) intersection-or-ctx) (getf disc-list (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var))))) #m((avp :attribute #L attribute :set-elt #L set-elt-p :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences)) ((semform :lemma #L lemma) #L(dolist (sub subcat-frame) (if (stringp sub) #m(subcat #s sub) (let ((pred (find-contexted-att-value graph var-array (cadr sub) "PRED" ctx))) #m(subcat (pointer/ :var #L (cadr sub) :parent-var #s parent-var :semform #s(unless (cdr pred) (cdar pred)) :attribute #s attribute))))) #L(when val2 (if (stringp val2) #m(val2 #s val2) (let ((pred (find-contexted-att-value graph var-array (cadr val2) "PRED" ctx))) #m(val2 (pointer/ :var #L (cadr val2) :parent-var #L parent-var :semform #s(unless (cdr pred) (cdar pred)) :attribute #L attribute))))))))) ((eq (car right) 'var) (let* ((term-list (filter-terms graph (aref var-array (cadr right)) global-context)) (ctx-values (collecting (dolist (ctx.term term-list) (destructuring-bind (ctx op left right) ctx.term (when (and (eq op 'eq) (eq (car left) 'attr) (string= (caddr left) "=")) (collect (cons ctx right)))))))) (unless (or (equal attribute "=") (ctx-trivial-p (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx))) (push (list mod-eq-attribute :-> var attribute (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx)) (getf disc-list mod-eq-var))) (cond ((cdr ctx-values) (let* ((seen-p (getf seen-variables (cadr right))) (var (unless seen-p (cadr right)))) (when var (push var realized-vars)) #m((avp :var #L var :attribute #L attribute ;; :set-elt #L set-elt-p :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences) ;;:ctx-list "yes" ) ((ctx-list :ctx-list "yes") ;; att is a hack for xsl #L(build (cadr right) stream :parent-var var :attribute attribute :mod-eq-attribute (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :mod-eq-var (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var) :var-att t :node-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))) #L(build (cadr right) stream :parent-var var :attribute attribute :mod-eq-attribute (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :mod-eq-var (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var) :no-var-att t :var-unseen-p (not seen-p) :node-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))))) (t (let ((var (unless (getf seen-variables (cadr right)) (cadr right)))) (when var (push var realized-vars)) #m((avp :var #s var :attribute #L attribute :set-elt #L set-elt-p :ctx #s(format-context graph ctx) :expanded-ctx #s(format-normal-form graph ctx equivalences)) #L(build (cadr right) stream :parent-var var :attribute attribute :mod-eq-attribute (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-attribute attribute) :mod-eq-var (if (equal attribute "=") mod-eq-var var) :node-ctx (if (equal attribute "=") (context-s-intersection (context-solutions graph ctx) node-ctx) (context-solutions graph ctx)))))))))))) (proj nil))) ((scopes in_set) nil))))))))) (let ((m-vars (when m-projection (list (cons 0 (find-projection var-array 0 "m::"))))) (scopes (find-scopes var-array)) (s-var (find-projection var-array 0 "s::"))) (multiple-value-bind (fs semform-lnks) (if graph-addr ;; change! (build-inspect-f-structure graph :previous-fstructure-p previous-fstructure-p :next-fstructure-p next-fstructure-p) (build-f-structure graph :var-array var-array :context global-context :top-f-structure-only-p top-f-structure-only-p :suppress-check-p suppress-check-p)) #+debug(setf *fs* fs) (unless (or (null discriminants) (not build-discriminants-p) (f-structure-discriminants discriminants)) (multiple-value-setq (disc-tree secondary-disc-tree) (build-discriminants graph (if top-f-structure-only-p fs (car fs)) :semform-lnks semform-lnks))) #m((projections :xle-graph-id #S xle-graph-id :grammar #s grammar :language #s(language (grammar graph)) :sentence #s sentence :count #s count :unoptimal-count #s (unless disable-OT (- (unoptimal-solutions-count graph) (restricted-solutions-count graph))) :pos #S pos :disable-OT #S disable-OT :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis #s cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :cg-preparse #s cg-preparse :non-top-f-structures #s (when (not top-f-structure-only-p) "on") :mrs-p #s (when (graph-has-mrs-p graph) "yes") :tree-solutions-count #s tree-solutions-count :good-tree-solutions-count #s good-tree-solutions-count :tree-solution-id #s tree-solution-id) ;;#L(print (list :phi-list phi-list)) #L(let ((*seen-nodes* ()) (*seen-fs-nodes* ())) (if top-f-structure-only-p (print-object-xml fs stream :top-p t) (dolist (sub-fs fs) (print-object-xml sub-fs stream :top-p t :top-fs-p (eq sub-fs (car fs)))))) #L(when m-projection (dolist (m-var m-vars) #m((projection :type "M-projection" :projected-from #L(car m-var) :var #L (cdr m-var)) #L(build (cdr m-var) stream))) (when scopes #m(scopes #L(dolist (scope-rel scopes) #m(scope-rel (harg ((avp :attribute "rels_el") (pointer/ :var #L (caar scope-rel))) ((avp :attribute "h-cons_el") (pointer/ :var #L (cdar scope-rel)))) (larg ((avp :attribute "rels_el") (pointer/ :var #L (cadr scope-rel))) ((avp :attribute "h-cons_el") (pointer/ :var #L (cddr scope-rel)))))))))) (when s-var #m((projection :type "S-structure" :var #L s-var) #L(build s-var stream)))))) (when (and discriminants discriminants-p) (unless (or (f-structure-discriminants discriminants) (not build-discriminants-p)) (build-f-structure-discriminants graph discriminants disc-tree) #-test (build-secondary-discriminants graph discriminants secondary-disc-tree)))))) (defmethod f-structure-discriminants-xml ((graph xle-graph) stream) (with-slots (discriminants) graph (when discriminants #m(f-structure-discriminants #L(dolist (disc (sort (copy-seq (f-structure-discriminants discriminants)) (lambda (x y) (if (and x y) (< x y) nil)) :key #'discriminant-anchor)) (with-slots (path-segment anchor right-anchor context valid-p chosen-p) disc (when (or valid-p chosen-p) (let ((reduced-context (reduced-context context (s-context discriminants)))) #m((f-structure-discriminant :id #s (discriminant-id disc) :valid #s(if valid-p "yes" "no") :chosen #s(if (discriminant-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :compl #s(if (discriminant-complement-chosen-p disc) "yes" "no") :redundant #s (if (discriminant-redundant-p disc) "yes" "no") :context #s(write-to-string reduced-context) :reduction #s(unless (or (discriminant-chosen-p disc) (eq reduced-context 1)) (count 1 reduced-context)) :anchor #s(unless (eql anchor -1) anchor) :right-anchor #s(unless (eql right-anchor -1) right-anchor)) (path-segment #s path-segment)))))))))) ;; should be obsolete (defstylesheet f-structure-xsl () #m((xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" :version "1.0") ;;(xsl:strip-space/ :elements "*") ((xsl:template :match "/") (html ((head) (title "F-structure") ((SCRIPT :type "text/javascript" :language "javascript") (!CDATA #L(js/xle stream))) ((style :type "text/css") (CSS-STYLE (div :margin "16" :color #-BW "#004499" #+BW "black" :font-family "Verdana, Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica") (div.title :font-size "18" :font-weight "bold" :text-align "center") (div.label :font-size "12") (div.text :font-size "12" :color "black") (span.sentence :font-size "14" :color "black") (table :padding "0pt" :font-size "8pt" :border-collapse "collapse" :font-family "Verdana, Tahoma, MS Sans Serif, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica") (table.fs :border-collapse "separate") (td :margin "0pt" :padding "0pt" :border "none") (td.fs :padding "3px" :margin "1px" :border-left "2px gray solid" :border-right "2px gray solid" ) (td.fs-focus :padding "3px" :margin "1px" :border "2px red solid") (td.attribute :color "#004499" :font-weight "bold") (td.var :color "red" :vertical-align "bottom" :font-size "6pt") (span.attribute :color "#004499" :font-weight "bold") (span.ctx :color #-BW "green" #+BW "black") (span.pointer :color "red") (span.pointer-focus :background "red" :color "white") (a :text-decoration "none" :color "black")))) ((body) ((div :class "title") "XLE Web Interface") ((table :width "600px") (tr (td (table (tr (td ((form :method "post" :action #s (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-f-structure.xml")) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "xle-graph-id") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@xle-graph-id"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "grammar") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@grammar"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sentence") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@sentence"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "disable-OT") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@disable-OT"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis"))) (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "previous-solution" :value "Previous") (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "next-solution" :value "Next"))) ((xsl:if :test "projections/@mrs-p") (td ((form :method "post" :action #s (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-mrs.xml")) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "xle-graph-id") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@xle-graph-id"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sentence") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@sentence"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "grammar") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@grammar"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "disable-OT") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@disable-OT"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis"))) (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "same-solution" :value "Show MRS")))) #+obsolete (td ((form :method "post" :action #s (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-c-structure.xml")) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "xle-graph-id") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@xle-graph-id"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "grammar") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@grammar"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sentence") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@sentence"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "disable-OT") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@disable-OT"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse"))) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis"))) (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "same-solution" :value "Show C-structure"))))) ((div :class "label") "Parsed sentence: " ((span :class "sentence") (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@sentence"))) ((div :class "text") "Solution " (xsl:value-of/ :select "1 + projections/@pos") " of " (xsl:value-of/ :select "projections/@count") ":") (div (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "projections")) )))))) #L(f-structure-templates stream))) (defun f-structure-templates (stream) #m((xsl:template :match "scopes") ((table :class "fs") (tr ((td :class "attribute") "_SCOPES") ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "{") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "scope-rel") ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "}")))) #m((xsl:template :match "scope-rel") ((td :class "fs") (table (tr ((td :class "misc") ((table :class "fs") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "harg"))) ((td :class "misc") ((span :class "attribute") " >s ")) ((td :class "misc") ((table :class "fs") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "larg")))))) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") (xsl:text ", ")))) #m((xsl:template :match "projections") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "projection")) #m((xsl:template :match "justifications") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "justification")) #m((xsl:template :match "justification") ((div :class "justification") (xsl:value-of/ :select "text()"))) #m((xsl:template :match "projection") ((xsl:if :test "not(preceding-sibling::*/@type=@type) and not(/parse/@f-structure-only)") (p ((div :class "title") #-orig (xsl:value-of/ :select "@type") #+disabled ;; used for pdf output of F-structure alone ((xsl:element :name "a") ((xsl:attribute :name "href") #s(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle.xml?same-solution=yes&f-structure-only=yes&xle-graph-id=") (xsl:value-of/ :select "../@xle-graph-id") "&grammar=" (xsl:value-of/ :select "../@grammar")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@type"))))) ((xsl:if :test "/parse/@inspect") (p "Solution #" (xsl:value-of/ :select "../@tree-solution-id + 1") " [of " (xsl:value-of/ :select "../@good-tree-solutions-count") " valid and " (xsl:value-of/ :select "../@tree-solutions-count - ../@good-tree-solutions-count") " invalid solution(s)]")) ((xsl:if :test "0 < ../@tree-solution-id") (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "previous-solution" :value "Previous" :onclick "getPreviousFstructure()")) ((xsl:if :test "../@tree-solution-id < ../@tree-solutions-count - 1") (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "next-solution" :value "Next" :onclick "getNextFstructure()")) ((xsl:if :test "justifications") (p (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "justifications"))) (p ((table :class "fs") (tr ((td :class "var") ((xsl:if :test "@projected-from") "[" ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "cursor") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "putIntoFocus(this, " (xsl:value-of/ :select "@projected-from") ")") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className='pointer'; var fs = document.getElementById(" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@projected-from") "); if (fs) {fs.className='fs'};") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@projected-from")) "] " (br/)) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "fs") ((xsl:attribute :name "id") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((table :class "fs") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[semform]") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "ctx-list") ;;(xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@ctx-list]") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[not(@value) and not(semform) and not(@ctx-list)]|set|pointer") (tr ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3") ;; toplevel** (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@value]")))))))) ((xsl:if :test "@type='M-projection' and not(preceding-sibling::*/@type=@type)") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "../scopes"))) #m((xsl:template :match "ctx-list") (tr ((xsl:if :test "@disjunctive") ((td :class "attribute") "=")) ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "(") ((td :class "misc" :colspan "1") ((table :class "fs") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp|pointer"))) ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") ")"))) ;; AVP with atomic value #m((xsl:template :match "avp[@value and not(@set-elt) and not(../@ctx-list)]") (nobr ((span :class "attribute") ((xsl:if :test "@match") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: green")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@attribute") ((xsl:if :test "@variables") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: magenta") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@variables"))) ((xsl:if :test "@ctx") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx")))) (xsl:text " ") ((span :class "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@value")) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*[@value]") (xsl:text ",")) ;; max 4 in one line #+test ((xsl:if :test "count(preceding-sibling::*) mod 3 = 2") (br/))) (xsl:text " ")) #m((xsl:template :match "avp[@value and ../@ctx-list]") (tr ((td :class "attribute") (nobr (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@ctx") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx"))) (xsl:otherwise (xsl:value-of/ :select "@attribute") )))) ((td :class "fs-set") ((table :class "fs") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@justification") "just") (xsl:otherwise "misc"))) ((span :class "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@value")))))))) #m((xsl:template :match "val" :mode "ctx") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx")) ((td :class "misc") ((span :class "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@value"))))) #m((xsl:template :match "semform" :mode "ctx") (tr ((xsl:element :name "td") #+debug((xsl:attribute :name "style") "background: red") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx")) ((td :class "misc") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select ".")))) #+test-arab #m((xsl:template :match "semform") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "font-weight: bold") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "trans")) "'" ((xsl:if :test "//projections/@language='ara'") ;; workaround to get right-to-left embedding right ((span :style "font-size: 0pt; color: white") "i")) (span (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "lemma" :mode "text") ) ((xsl:if :test "subcat") ((xsl:if :test "//projections/@language='ara'") ((span :style "font-size: 0pt; color: white") "i")) "<" (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "subcat") ((xsl:if :test "//projections/@language='ara'") ((span :style "font-size: 0pt; color: white") "i")) ">") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "athematic-subcat") "'"))) #-orig #m((xsl:template :match "semform") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "font-weight: bold") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "trans")) "'" (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "lemma" :mode "text") ((xsl:if :test "subcat") "<" (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "subcat") ">") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "athematic-subcat") "'"))) #+KARTULI #m((xsl:template :match "trans") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "ger|geo")) #+KARTULI #m((xsl:template :match "geo") (xsl:text " ") (xsl:value-of/ :select "text()") #+test ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "/paradigms/@font='amirani'") "font-family: Amirani, Verdana; font-size: 14pt") ((xsl:when :test "/paradigms/@font='titus'") "font-family: TITUS Cyberbit Basic; font-size: 14pt") ((xsl:when :test "/paradigms/@font='bpg'") "font-family: BPG SanSer UEm; font-size: 12pt") ((xsl:when :test "/paradigms/@font='geo'") "font-family: Geo_Literaturuli; font-size: 12pt") ((xsl:when :test "/paradigms/@font='acad'") "font-family: AcadNusx; font-size: 12pt"))) (xsl:apply-templates/))) #+KARTULI #m((xsl:template :match "ger") (xsl:value-of/ :select ".") #+test ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "font-family: Sabon, Amirani, Verdana; font-size: 12pt") (xsl:apply-templates/))) #m((xsl:template :match "subcat") (xsl:apply-templates/ :mode "text") ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::subcat") ((xsl:if :test "//projections/@language='ara'") ((span :style "font-size: 0pt; color: white") "i" )) (xsl:text ", "))) #m((xsl:template :match "athematic-subcat") (xsl:apply-templates/ :mode "text") ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::athematic-subcat") (xsl:text ", "))) ;; AVP with AVP, pointer, set or semform value #m((xsl:template :match "avp[not(@value) and not(@ctx-list)]") (tr ((td :class "attribute" :style "width: 20%") (nobr ((span :class "attribute") ((xsl:if :test "@has-sub-pred")) ((xsl:if :test "@match") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: green")) ((xsl:if :test "not(../@ctx-list)") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@attribute")) ((xsl:if :test "@variables") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: magenta") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@variables"))) ((xsl:if :test "@ctx") ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx")))))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@justification") "just") (xsl:otherwise "misc"))) ((xsl:attribute :name "colspan") "2") ;;(td :class "misc" :colspan "2") ((table :class "fs") ;; :style "background: red") (tr (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "semform") ((xsl:element :name "td") ;;((xsl:attribute :name "colspan") "1") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "var") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className='var'") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((td :class "misc" :colspan "1") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "semform"))) ((xsl:when :test "pointer") ((td :class "misc")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "colspan") "1") ((xsl:attribute :name "id") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) (table (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "pointer")))) ((xsl:when :test "set") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "colspan") "2") ((xsl:attribute :name "id") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) (table (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "set")))) (xsl:otherwise ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "var") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className='var'") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:if :test "not(set)") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "fs")) ((xsl:attribute :name "id") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((table :class "fs") ;;(xsl:apply-templates/ :select "ctx-list") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "fs")))))))))) #+orig #m((xsl:template :match "set") ((tr) ;;((xsl:if :test "../@type") (td)) ;; ?? ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3");; :style "background: magenta") (table (tr ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "{") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "fs|val|pointer" :mode "set") ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "}")))))) #m((xsl:template :match "set") ((tr) ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3") (table (tr ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "{") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "set-elt") ((td :class "misc" :style "font-size: 18") "}")))))) #m((xsl:template :match "set-elt") ((xsl:if :test "@ctx") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "ctx") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "vertical-align: middle") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@expanded-ctx")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@ctx"))) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "fs|val|pointer" :mode "set") ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") ", "))) #m((xsl:template :match "fs" :mode "set") ((td :class "misc") ((table :class "fs") (tr ((td :class "var") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:if :test "avp") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "fs") ((xsl:attribute :name "id") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var"))) (table (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "ctx-list") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[semform]") ;; first att is PRED (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@ctx-list]") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[not(semform) and not(@value)]|set|pointer") (tr ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@value]")))))))) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") ", "))) #m((xsl:template :match "val" :mode "set") ((td :class "misc" ) ((span :class "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@value"))) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") ", "))) #m((xsl:template :match "fs") ((td :class "misc") ;; :style "background: lightgray") (table (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "ctx-list") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[semform]") ;; first att is PRED (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@ctx-list]") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[not(semform) and not(@value)]|set|pointer") (tr ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "avp[@value]"))))) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") "$ "))) #m((xsl:template :match "pointer") (tr ((td :class "misc" :colspan "3") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "." :mode "text")))) #m((xsl:template :match "pointer" :mode "set") ((td :class "misc") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "." :mode "text")) ((xsl:if :test "following-sibling::*") ((td :class "misc") (xsl:text ", ")))) #m((xsl:template :match "pointer" :mode "text") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@var") "[" ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "cursor") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "putIntoFocus(this, " (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var") ")") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "putIntoFocus(this, " (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var") ", true)") #+old ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className='pointer-focus'; var fs = document.getElementById(" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var") "); if (fs) {fs.className='fs-focus'};") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className='pointer'; var fs = document.getElementById(" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var") "); if (fs) {fs.className='fs'};") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@var")) (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@semform") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@semform") "]") (xsl:otherwise "]"))) (xsl:otherwise "[" ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "cursor") "pointer") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className='pointer-focus'; var fs = document.getElementById(" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@parent-var") "); if (fs) {fs.className='fs-focus'};") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className='pointer'; var fs = document.getElementById(" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@parent-var") "); if (fs) {fs.className='fs'};") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@parent-var")) "-" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@attribute") "]"))) #m((xsl:template :match "f-structure-discriminant") ((tr) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc-anchor") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Anchor") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@anchor") ((xsl:if :test "@right-anchor") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@right-anchor"))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") ((xsl:if :test "@valid='yes' or @chosen='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', '')")) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "span") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "fs-disc") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@redundant='yes'") "color: gray") ((xsl:when :test "@valid='yes'") "color: black") (xsl:otherwise "color: black")) ((xsl:if :test "@chosen='yes'") "; font-weight: bold")) ((xsl:attribute :name "title") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@context")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "path-segment")))) ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "reduction") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "# of solutions after discriminant application") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@reduction")) #L(discriminant-complement-xsl stream)))) (defun discriminant-complement-xsl (stream) #m((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "disc") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@redundant='yes'") "") ((xsl:when :test "@valid='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "Choose the complement of the discriminant to the left") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'disc-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'disc'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "chooseDiscriminant('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "', true)") ((xsl:if :test "@reduction") (nobr "compl (" (xsl:value-of/ :select "//discriminants/@chosen - @reduction") ")"))) ((xsl:when :test "@chosen='yes'") ((xsl:if :test "@compl='yes'") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "font-weight: bold") ((xsl:attribute :name "title") "The complement of this discriminant was chosen") "compl"))))) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-f-structure.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity :function #'f-structure-xml) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/xle-f-structure.xsl") :content-type "text/xml" :function #'f-structure-xsl) (defmethod get-graph ((grammar grammar) &key sentence parse-p root-cat xle-graph-id next-solution same-solution previous-solution disable-OT cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis cg-preparse disjunction-choice error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p check-generator-p force-p ranking-p inspect-p) #-debug(setf ranking-p nil) #+debug(print (list xle-graph-id next-solution same-solution previous-solution disjunction-choice)) (let* ((*grammar* grammar) (graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (graph.sentence (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table)) (previous-graph (car graph.sentence)) (graph nil)) #+debug(print (list :parse-p parse-p :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :g.s graph.sentence :or-xx (or next-solution same-solution previous-solution disjunction-choice))) (cond ((and graph.sentence (or (null (parser (car graph.sentence))) ;; check if parser has been grabbed by an other process (eq previous-graph (graph (parser previous-graph)))) (not parse-p) #+old (or next-solution same-solution previous-solution disjunction-choice)) (when (parser (car graph.sentence)) (setf (last-access (parser previous-graph)) (get-universal-time))) (setf sentence (cdr graph.sentence)) #+debug(print (parser (car graph.sentence))) (car graph.sentence)) ((or (null graph.sentence) (null (parser previous-graph)) (not (parser-active-p (parser previous-graph))) (not (eq previous-graph (graph (parser previous-graph))))) (let ((graph (loop for graph = (make-instance (graph-class *grammar*) :task :www :force-p force-p :sentence sentence :previous-graph previous-graph :disable-OT-p disable-OT :root-cat root-cat :reparse-on-timeout-topcat (reparse-on-timeout-topcat *grammar*) :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis-p cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :ranking-p ranking-p :cg-preparse-p cg-preparse :check-generator-p check-generator-p :error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p :inspect-p inspect-p) until graph do (sleep 0.5) finally (return graph)))) (when (parser graph) (setf (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table) (cons graph sentence) (last-access (parser graph)) (get-universal-time) (graph (parser graph)) graph)) graph)) (t (let* ((parser (parser previous-graph)) (graph (loop for graph = (make-instance (graph-class *grammar*) :task :www :force-p nil :parser parser :sentence sentence :previous-graph previous-graph :disable-OT-p disable-OT :root-cat root-cat ;;(or root-cat "") :reparse-on-timeout-topcat (reparse-on-timeout-topcat *grammar*) :cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis-p cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis :ranking-p ranking-p :cg-preparse-p cg-preparse :check-generator-p check-generator-p :error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p error-on-fatal-grammar-error-p :inspect-p inspect-p) until graph do (sleep 0.5) finally (return graph))) (parser (parser graph))) (setf (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table) (cons graph sentence) (last-access parser) (get-universal-time) (graph parser) graph) graph))))) (define-javascript-writer js/xle (stream) #j(#+test (defun hilite-projecting-nodes (node) (alert "hier") (alert (doc.get-elements-by-name "svg")) (let* ((object (doc.get-elements-by-name "svg")) ;; (doc (document.CStructure.getSVGDocument)) ;; MSIE (doc (object.getSVGDocument)) (proj-nodes (doc.get-elements-by-name node.id)) (n-i 0)) (alert proj-nodes.length) (for ((< n-i proj-nodes.length) (incf n-i)) (let ((node (aref proj-nodes n-i))) (setf node.class-name "node-focus"))))) (defun unhilite-handle-label (handle) (hilite-handle-label handle "yes")) (defun hilite-handle-label (handle reset) (cond (reset (setf handle.class-name "handle")) (t (setf handle.class-name "handle-label"))) (let ((handle-e (document.get-elements-by-name (handle.get-attribute "name"))) (i 0)) (for ((< i handle-e.length) (incf i)) (let ((h (aref handle-e i))) (cond (reset (setf h.class-name "handle")) (t (setf h.class-name "handle-label"))))))) (defun hilite-qeq (qeq reset) (let* ((harg-e (document.get-elements-by-name (qeq.get-attribute "harg-id"))) (larg-e (document.get-elements-by-name (qeq.get-attribute "larg-id"))) (h-i 0) (l-i 0)) (cond (reset (setf qeq.class-name "qeq")) (t (setf qeq.class-name "qeq-focus"))) (for ((< h-i harg-e.length) (incf h-i)) (let ((harg (aref harg-e h-i))) (setf harg.class-name "harg") (cond (reset (setf harg.class-name "handle")) (t (setf harg.class-name "harg"))))) (for ((< l-i larg-e.length) (incf l-i)) (let ((larg (aref larg-e l-i))) (cond (reset (setf larg.class-name "handle")) (t (setf larg.class-name "larg"))))))) (defun unhilite-qeq (qeq) (hilite-qeq qeq "yes")) (defun submit-on-linefeed (event) ;(alert event.key-code) (when (= event.key-code 13) (let* ((form (document.get-element-by-id "form")) (ps (document.get-element-by-id "parse-sentence-hidden"))) (setf ps.value "true") ;;(alert form.outerHTML) #+ignore (setf event.key-code nil event.cancel-bubble nil) (form.submit)))) (defun choose-disjunction (dis) (let* ((form (document.get-element-by-id "form")) (input (document.get-element-by-id "disjunction-choice"))) (setf input.value dis) (form.submit))) (defun choose-discriminant (id complementp) (let* ((form (document.get-element-by-id "discriminant-form")) (input (document.get-element-by-id "discriminant-choice")) (c-input (document.get-element-by-id "complementp"))) (setf input.value id c-input.value complementp) (form.submit))) (defun put-into-focus (obj id scroll) (setf obj.class-name "pointer-focus") (let ((fs (document.get-element-by-id id))) (when fs (when scroll (fs.scroll-into-view)) (setf fs.class-name "fs-focus") ))) ;; Inspector (defun get-previous-fstructure () (let* ((fstructure-td (document.get-element-by-id "fstructure")) (grammar (document.get-element-by-id "grammar")) (xle-graph-id (document.get-element-by-id "xle-graph-id")) (req (new (XMLHttpRequest)))) (req.open "get" (+ #L(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/fstructure.xml?grammar=") grammar.value "&xle-graph-id=" xle-graph-id.value "&previous-fstructure=yes") false) (req.send "") (setf fstructure-td.innerHTML req.responseText))) (defun get-next-fstructure () (let* ((fstructure-td (document.get-element-by-id "fstructure")) (grammar (document.get-element-by-id "grammar")) (xle-graph-id (document.get-element-by-id "xle-graph-id")) (req (new (XMLHttpRequest)))) (req.open "get" (+ #L(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/fstructure.xml?grammar=") grammar.value "&xle-graph-id=" xle-graph-id.value "&next-fstructure=yes") false) ;; not asynchronous call (req.send "") (setf fstructure-td.innerHTML req.responseText))) (defun display-discriminants (all-shown) (let* ((doc window.parent.document) (discriminants-table (doc.get-element-by-id "discriminants")) (show-all-fs-discs (doc.get-element-by-id "show-all-fs-discs")) (grammar (doc.get-element-by-id "grammar")) (xle-graph-id (doc.get-element-by-id "xle-graph-id")) (req (new (XMLHttpRequest)))) ;;(alert xle-graph-id) (setf show-all-fs-discs.value (not all-shown)) (req.open "get" (+ #L(concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/discriminants.xml?xle-graph-id=") xle-graph-id.value "&grammar=" grammar.value "&show-all-fs-discs=" (not all-shown) ) false)) (req.send "") ;;(alert req.responseText) (when (not (= req.responseText "")) ;; do nothing when c-structure object has expired (setf discriminants-table.innerHTML req.responseText))) )) (defstylesheet discriminants-xsl () #m((xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" :version "1.0") ((xsl:template :match "/") ;; top-rated discriminants ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/discriminant[@top='yes']|discriminants/segmentation[@top='yes']") (tr ((td :class "disc-type" :colspan "5") ((span :style "color: red") "High-frequency discriminants"))) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "discriminants/discriminant[@top='yes']|discriminants/segmentation[@top='yes']")) ;; non-top-rated discriminants by type ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/discriminant[@type='lex-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]") (tr ((td :class "disc-type" :colspan "4") "Lexical discriminants")) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "discriminants/discriminant[@type='lex-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]")) ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/discriminant[@type='morph-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]") (tr ((td :class "disc-type" :colspan "4") "Morphological discriminants")) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "discriminants/discriminant[@type='morph-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]")) ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/segmentation[not(@top='yes')]") (tr ((td :class "disc-type" :colspan "4") "C-structure discriminants")) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "discriminants/segmentation[not(@top='yes')]")) ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/discriminant[@type='f-structure-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]") (tr ((td :class "disc-type" :colspan "4") "F-structure discriminants" ((span :class "text") " | show all " ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-all-fs-discs") ((xsl:if :test "discriminants/@show-all-fs-discs") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "displayDiscriminants('" (xsl:value-of/ :select "discriminants/@show-all-fs-discs") "')"))))) (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "discriminants/discriminant[@type='f-structure-discriminant' and not(@top='yes')]"))) #L(discriminant-templates stream))) (defmethod display-xle-discriminants-xml ((request http-request) entity) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar xle-graph-id show-all-fs-discs) :xsl #'discriminants-xsl :force-xslt :sablotron ) #+debug(print (list :request-query (request-query request))) (let* ((xle-graph-id (parse-integer xle-graph-id :junk-allowed t)) (grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (*grammar* (find-grammar grammar)) (graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (graph.sentence (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table)) (graph (car graph.sentence))) (discriminants-xml graph stream :show-all-fs-discs-p (equal show-all-fs-discs "true"))))) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/discriminants.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity :function #'display-xle-discriminants-xml) (defmethod fs-fstructure-xml ((request http-request) entity) #+debug(print (request-query request)) (with-xml-response (request entity stream (grammar xle-graph-id previous-fstructure next-fstructure) :xsl #'js-fstructure-xsl :force-xslt :sablotron) (let* ((xle-graph-id (parse-integer xle-graph-id :junk-allowed t)) (grammar (utf-8-decode grammar)) (*grammar* (find-grammar grammar)) (graph-table (graph-table *grammar*)) (graph.sentence (gethash xle-graph-id graph-table)) (graph (car graph.sentence))) #m((parse :inspect "yes") #L(f-structure-xml graph stream :graph-addr t :xle-graph-id xle-graph-id :previous-fstructure-p previous-fstructure :next-fstructure-p next-fstructure))))) (defstylesheet js-fstructure-xsl () #m((xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" :version "1.0") ((xsl:template :match "/parse") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "projections")) #L(f-structure-templates stream))) (publish :path (concatenate 'string "/" *url-base* "/js/fstructure.xml") :class 'xml/html-entity :function #'fs-fstructure-xml) (defun parse-input-area (stream &key type) #m((div :class "text") ;;(p :style "color: black") "Grammar: " ((xsl:element :name "select") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "grammar") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "grammars/grammar")) ((xsl:if :test "/parse/@owner") " Owner: " (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@owner")) ((xsl:if :test "@admin='yes'") " | " (input/ :style "font-size: 8pt" :type "submit" :name "unload-grammar" :value "Reload"))) #m((div :class "text") "Write a sentence" #-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB GISLE) ", ending it with punctuation (. ? or !)" #-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB GISLE) "." #-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB GISLE) (br/) #-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB GISLE) "Please observe orthographic conventions, such as capitalization of proper names" ".") #m((xsl:element :name "textarea") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sentence") ((xsl:attribute :name "rows") "3") ((xsl:attribute :name "cols") "80") ((xsl:attribute :name "onkeydown") "submitOnLinefeed(event)") ((xsl:if :test "/parse/@lang='geo'") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "font-family: Amirani, Verdana; font-size: 12pt")) (xsl:value-of/ :select "@sentence")) #m(br/) #m(br/) #+under-construction #m(table (tr (td (input/ :type "submit" :name "parse-sentence" :id "parse-sentence" :value "Parse sentence") (input/ :type "hidden" :name "parse-sentence" :id "parse-sentence-hidden" :value "") (br/) (input/ :type "submit" :name "unload-parse-sentence" :value "Reload and parse") (br/) (input/ :type "submit" :name "unload-check-parse-sentence" :value "Reload, check and parse")) (td (nobr "Show " ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-discriminants") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-discriminants") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "discriminants ") #+disabled ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-disjunctions") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-disjunctions") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "disjunctions ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-c-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-c-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "c-structure ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-f-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-f-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "f-structure ") ((xsl:if :test "@mrs-p") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-mrs") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-mrs") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "MRS ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Show features of variables ") ) #+disabled ((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (br/) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "ranking") ((xsl:if :test "@ranking") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Do parse ranking"))) (br/) ((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "packed") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@packed='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Packed representation ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "previous-packed") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@previous-packed")))) ) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "disable-OT") ((xsl:if :test "@disable-OT='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Disable Optimality marks ")) (br/) "C-structure: " (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "suppress-complex-categories") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@suppress-complex-categories='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Suppress complex categories ")) (br/) "F-structure: " ((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "suppress-check") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@suppress-check") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Suppress CHECK")) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "preds-only") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@preds-only") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "PREDs only")) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "non-top-f-structures") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@non-top-f-structures") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Include non-top F-structures"))) (br/) "MRS: " ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Show features of variables ") ) #+disabled ;;#-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB) ((xsl:if :test "@morphology-type='plugin-morphology'") (td ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse") ((xsl:if :test "@cg-preparse") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "CG-preparse ") (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:if :test "@cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "CG-preparse on fragment analysis ")))) ;;#+KARTULI #+disabled #L(when (eq type :c-structure) #-sbcl #m(td (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "inspect") ((xsl:if :test "@inspect") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Inspect")) ((xsl:if :test "@inspect") (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "partial-nodes") ((xsl:if :test "@partial-nodes") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Partial nodes")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sublexical-nodes") ((xsl:if :test "@sublexical-nodes") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Sublexical nodes")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "morph-chart") ((xsl:if :test "@morph-chart") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Morphology")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "chart") ((xsl:if :test "@chart") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Chart"))))))) #-orig #m(table (tr (td (input/ :type "submit" :name "parse-sentence" :id "parse-sentence" :value "Parse sentence") (input/ :type "hidden" :name "parse-sentence" :id "parse-sentence-hidden" :value "") (br/) (input/ :type "submit" :name "unload-parse-sentence" :value "Reload and parse") (br/) (input/ :type "submit" :name "unload-check-parse-sentence" :value "Reload, check and parse")) (td #L(when (eq type :mrs) #m((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-features='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Show features of variables ") #m(br/)) #L(when (eq type :c-structure) #m((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "packed") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@packed='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Packed representation ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "hidden") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "previous-packed") ((xsl:attribute :name "value") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@previous-packed")))) (br/))) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "disable-OT") ((xsl:if :test "@disable-OT='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Disable Optimality marks ")) (br/)) #L(when (eq type :c-structure) #m((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (td (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "suppress-check") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@suppress-check") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Suppress CHECK")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "suppress-complex-categories") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@suppress-complex-categories='true'") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Suppress complex categories ")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "preds-only") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@preds-only") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "PREDs only"))))) #+disabled ;;#-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB) ((xsl:if :test "@morphology-type='plugin-morphology'") (td ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse") ((xsl:if :test "@cg-preparse") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "CG-preparse ") (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:if :test "@cg-preparse-on-fragment-analysis") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "CG-preparse on fragment analysis ")))) #-(OR PARGRAM XLE-WEB) #L(when (eq type :c-structure) #m(td (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "non-top-f-structures") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@non-top-f-structures") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Include non-top F-structures")) (br/) (nobr "Show " ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-discriminants") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-discriminants") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "discriminants ") #+disabled ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-disjunctions") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-disjunctions") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "disjunctions ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-c-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-c-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "c-structure ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-f-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-f-structure") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "f-structure ") ((xsl:if :test "@mrs-p") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-mrs") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-mrs") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "MRS ") ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "onchange") "submit()") ((xsl:if :test "@show-features") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Show features of variables ") ) #+disabled ((xsl:if :test "not(@inspect)") (br/) ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "ranking") ((xsl:if :test "@ranking") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Do parse ranking"))))) ;;#+KARTULI #+disabled #L(when (eq type :c-structure) #-sbcl #m(td (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "inspect") ((xsl:if :test "@inspect") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Inspect")) ((xsl:if :test "@inspect") (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "partial-nodes") ((xsl:if :test "@partial-nodes") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Partial nodes")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "sublexical-nodes") ((xsl:if :test "@sublexical-nodes") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Sublexical nodes")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "morph-chart") ((xsl:if :test "@morph-chart") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Morphology")) (br/) (nobr ((xsl:element :name "input") ((xsl:attribute :name "type") "checkbox") ((xsl:attribute :name "name") "chart") ((xsl:if :test "@chart") ((xsl:attribute :name "checked") "yes")) "Chart"))))))) #m((xsl:if :test "/parse/messages") ((div :class "message-title") "Messages") ((div :class "message") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "/parse/messages"))) #m((xsl:if :test "/parse/errors") ((div :class "error-title") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "/parse/@grammar-loaded-p='no'") "Grammar could not be loaded") (xsl:otherwise "Errors detected"))) ((div :class "error") (xsl:apply-templates/ :select "/parse/errors"))) #m((xsl:if :test "/parse/@unknown-word") ((div :class "error-title") "Unknown word: " ((span :class "error") (xsl:value-of/ :select "/parse/@unknown-word"))))) (defmethod chart-tree-xml ((graph xle-graph) stream &key chartp) (with-slots (morphology-tree current-morphology-tree) graph #+test (print (list :current-morphology-tree current-morphology-tree :morphology-tree morphology-tree)) (labels ((sort-branch (branch) (sort branch (lambda (x y) (if (= (car x) (car y)) (> (cadr x) (cadr y)) (< (car x) (car y)))) :key (lambda (b) (nthcdr 4 (car b))))) (walk (branch current-branch stream) (destructuring-bind (edge id label status left right) (car branch) (when (equal status "") #m((node :edge #s edge :id #s id :label #s label :status #s status :current #s(when current-branch "yes") :left #s left :right #s right) #L(mapc (lambda (branch) (walk branch (find (car branch) (cdr current-branch) :test #'node-equal :key #'car) stream)) (sort-branch (cdr branch))))))) (node-equal (n1 n2) (= (car n1) (car n2)) #+old (and (string= (car n1) (car n2)) (= (caddr n1) (caddr n2)) (= (cadddr n1) (cadddr n2))))) #m((chart-tree :type #s(if chartp "chart" "morphology")) #L(mapc (lambda (branch) (walk branch (find (car branch) current-morphology-tree :test #'node-equal :key #'car) stream)) (sort-branch morphology-tree)))))) (defun chart-tree-templates (stream) #m((xsl:template :match "chart-tree") ((xsl:element :name "table") (xsl:apply-templates/ ))) #m((xsl:template :match "node") ((xsl:element :name "tr") ((xsl:element :name "td") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "morph") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseover") "this.className = 'morph-hilite'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onmouseout") "this.className = 'morph'") ((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") "var edge = document.getElementById('edge');" "edge.value = " (xsl:value-of/ :select "@edge") "; " "var form = document.getElementById('form'); form.submit()") ;((xsl:element :name "table") ; ((xsl:element :name "tr") ; ((xsl:element :name "td") ; ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "morph") ((xsl:element :name "span") (xsl:choose ((xsl:when :test "@current") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "color: white; background: blue")) ((xsl:when :test "@status=''") ((xsl:attribute :name "style") "background: #ccffee"))) ;((xsl:attribute :name "onclick") ; ) (nobr (xsl:value-of/ :select "@label") ":" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@id") "[" (xsl:value-of/ :select "@left") "," (xsl:value-of/ :select "@right") "]" ((span :style "color: red") (xsl:value-of/ :select "@status")))));))) ((td :class "morph-box") ((xsl:element :name "table") ((xsl:attribute :name "class") "morph") (xsl:apply-templates/ )))))) #+test (net.aserve::debug-on :notrap) #+test (net.aserve::debug-on :xmit) #+test (net.aserve::debug-off :notrap) #+test (net.aserve::debug-off :xmit) :eof