=== Building FreeLing SPPP interface for LKB and PET === This file describes how to compile the freelingSPPP program, which acts as an SPPP interface between LKB/PET and FreeLing. A binary executable is provided under upc/bin, so you probably don't need to follow the steps described in this file. Nevertheless, they are provided just in case you want to recompile the API. 1.- Install FreeLing-3.0 in you system. Download and instructions at nlp.lsi.upc.edu/freeling 2.- Once FreeLing is completely installed, execute 'make' on the directory 'src' containing freelingSPPP.cc But before doing so, edit the Makefile and check the FREELINGDIR path. It assumes default /usr/local installation of freeling. Change them if you installed if somewhere else 4.- You will get an executable "freelingSPPP" which should run on most linux machines, provided you use the right library versions (distributed in $LOGONROOT/upc/lib The obtained executable should be referenced as FREELINGANALYZER in the 'sppp' script that is called by LKB/PET. This script is available at $LOGONROOT/upc/bin/sppp. See the README in $LOGONROOT/upc/bin for details about tuning its behaviour