------------------------------------------------------- Comments Your HCONS lists are still broken because you didn't add no-hcons-lex-item as a supertype of noun-lex, per the Lab 6 instructions. Please fix this. Your semantic representations are broken in examples with embedded clauses, because embedding-verb-lex doesn't inherit from any linking type in the matrix. The lab instructions suggested clausal-second-arg-trans-lex-item, which should work. embedding-verb-lex := verb-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp, MC - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #sf ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #sf ]] . I also have a problem where these irules don't appear to be applying as mandatory, so zero-marked verbs seem to parse just fine everywhere. Thus, I haven't been able to ensure that they are correctly staying out of embedded clauses. Below are some examples that should be a test case, however. I suspect it's because you never said [INFLECTED -] on verb-lex. The phrase structure rules want daughters which are [INFLECTED +], but your verbs are starting of underspecified for this feature. In Arabic, this special verb form is the zero-marked stem of the verb, so I made an imperative-lex-rule lrule of type const-add-only-ltol-rule that added the constraint [ FORM imp ] to the verb. const-add-only-ltol-rule suggests that you might have additional affixes attaching later, which would seem inconsisten with your description. I think you want const-ltow-rule. (That one takes an [INFLECTED -] daughter and produces an [INFLECTED +] mother.)