;;; ;;; a sample start symbol: accept fully-saturated verbal projections only; if ;;; a grammar makes use of the head -- subject and head -- complement types as ;;; provided by the Matrix, this should be a good starting point. Note that it ;;; is legal to have multiple start symbols, but they all need to be listed as ;;; the value of `*start-symbol' (see `lkb/user-fns.lsp'). ;;; ;;; The head type verb isn't defined by the matrix. To use this start ;;; symbol, define verb and uncomment it. Alternatively, define some ;;; other appropriate type and use it place of verb here. root-declarative := root-declarative-sentence. root-imperative := root-imperative-sentence. root-command := root-command-sentence. root-interrogative := root-interrogative-sentence. ;lex-root := word-or-lexrule.