In vivo inhibition of NF-kappa B in T-lineage cells leads to a dramatic decrease in cell proliferation and cytokine production and to increased cell apoptosis in response to mitogenic stimuli, but not to abnormal thymopoiesis. To understand the role of NF-kappa B complexes in T cell development and activation, we have generated transgenic mice in which RelA and c-Rel complexes were selectively inhibited in the T-lineage cells by specific expression of a trans-dominant form of I kappa B alpha. Transgene expression did not affect the thymic development, but led to lowered numbers of splenic T cells and to a dramatic decrease in the ex vivo proliferative response of splenic T lymphocytes. Analysis of IL-2 and IL-2R alpha expression demonstrated that the perturbation of the proliferation response was not attributable to an abnormal expression of these genes. In contrast, expression of IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-gamma was strongly inhibited in the transgenic T cells. The proliferative deficiency of the transgenic T cells was associated with an increased apoptosis. These results point out the involvement of NF-kappa B/Rel family proteins in growth signaling pathways by either regulating proteins involved in the IL-2 signaling or by functionally interfering with the cell cycle progression.