Differentiation-dependent expression of a human carboxylesterase in monocytic cells and transcription factor binding to the promoter. Carboxylesterases play an important role in defense and clearance mechanisms of the monocyte/macrophage system. During the differentiation process of cells from the monocytic cell line THP-1 we observed a transient transcriptional upregulation of a human carboxylesterase analyzed by means of Northern blots. In PMA-treated THP-1 cells we could detect three major transcription initiation sites as revealed by Nuclease Protection Assay carried out with two overlapping antisense RNA probes. We have recently cloned the carboxylesterase upstream sequence and showed its basal promoter activity in CHO cells. Using electrophoretic mobility shift analysis we demonstrated that the promoter region spanning base pairs -1 to -275, which contains several putative binding sites for transcription factors, is bound by nuclear factors Sp1 and IRBP but not by C/EBPs. Taken together these data indicate that carboxylesterase gene transcription in THP-1 cells starts at multiple initiation sites and that Sp1 and IRBP may be critical factors for modulating the differentiation-dependent transcription of this human carboxylesterase gene.