Belgian premier says EU leaders will discuss American strikes at summit Text of report by Belgian RTBF radio on 14|October The carrying out of the operations in Afghanistan and their mistakes have caused unease in the ruling majority's ranks in Belgium. Some senators spoke about this on Mise au Point [programme] on the television. The PRL [Liberal Reform Party] and the PSC [Christian Social Party] opposition party continue to support the strikes but criticize the fact that the humanitarian operations are taking place alongside them. Ecolo and Agalev [ecologist parties] are asking for the ending of the bombing of Afghanistan. For the PS [Socialist Party], Senator Jean Cornil still supports them, while being increasingly critical. Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt has announced on Flemish television that Europe will discuss the American actions in Afghanistan next Friday [19 October] in Gent [northwest of Brussels] during the informal [EU] heads of state and government summit.