here goes Sharon okay well what do you think about Nolan Ryan being the first baseball player to earn a million dollars that's the only thing i found out tonight oh you found that out tonight i hadn't even heard that that's great i think he deserves every penny of it yeah yeah but there are some others out there that i don't believe deserve the money they're getting well isn't it funny how baseball's getting less than like football players would oh yeah wonder because football and they play a lot they play a lot longer season too and a lot more games right yep that's exactly right uh-huh but i think let's see the teams that were there last year were see somebody from California i don't even know who won the pennant last year beats me i mean i know Yankees have won a lot of games through the years yeah not lately though we have been talking about this i tried to call earlier uh-huh and we had made a list of all these uh baseball teams and the cities that they were from then i started cleaning and i don't know where i even put that paper i yeah i was just cleaning and throwing threw it away oh gosh let's see the teams that i think the A's were in it last year the Oakland A's and i think it was i don't think it was an all California baseball well have you ever played baseball i play softball well that's what i did when i was growing up yeah that was fun yeah that's fun that's a whole different sport uh-huh yeah let's see but i think i think the Rangers need to go and i think the Pirates will go and uh let's see Rangers have got a new guy this year i don't remember his name either do you ever go see the Rangers every once in a while i i like to go on the nights when there's not anybody out there not very many people out there it's a lot more fun when you're not fighting a crowd yeah i think it's fun i like just looking at the billboards yeah but sometimes when i if you go out there during the day you just fry under the sun yeah it's nice at night yeah that's when i've been it is and and do you know anything about that new stadium have you seen all those pictures that they're going to put out there well no yeah that that huge it's suppose to be a huge stadium and it's going to have little shopping centers in it and little like a lake or something running through it and uh they're going to try to make it a real community center out there and you're going to be able to buy your what was no wait of course what was it about the liquor that's that's in uh Texas stadium where the football players play was that oh yeah see you just and they're never going to let liquor in there well they're trying i know but they try every year and every year they get thrown out it's so stupid because they let you take it in there but they don't they don't allow you to sell it don't allow them to sell it there uh-huh but uh that new stadium's going to be real nice and i heard that there's uh that you can bid on that stadium last night on the news i heard they said you could you could bid on the stadium to have it named after you kind of right it's going to it's going to go to the highest bidder oh well that's the way to do it so yeah so that could be your you know fifteen minutes of fame you hear that that's my kids turning on their music let me see Holly turn it down oh i think it's the Bartman the Simpsons oh God i stay away from them i wish i could i bet you do yeah well where are you in Plano okay i'm in Garland oh you are yeah my husband my husband teaches in Plano oh what's he teach C V A E uh-huh so what do you do i teach but i teach for Dallas oh you do for right now i'm trying to get out is that a tough system to be in uh-huh real hard uh-huh i mean it's good because they they try new things you know but it's like yeah i would think it they'll try something and then they throw it out and get something else you know and you get tired of that yeah that's typical bureaucracy though that's that's i think it's going to be any where you go it's just worse in the bigger cities than it is in the smaller ones i don't know sometimes the smaller ones are just as bad yeah well but they can't be though they don't have as much money yeah but the politics the politics gets worse in the small towns sometimes most the time oh man but in Dallas you don't even know who's in in administration there's so many of them you don't even know who to payoff huh i mean somebody walks in the classroom and you don't know what they're there for you know when they're coming how long they're going to be yeah oh how funny you know it's just them there they are and they're writing the whole time no communication whatsoever no i had them walk out of my class and not say their name anything and i finally got to where i go okay i'm Debbie Moore you know may i ask who you are and what you are in my classroom for you know because you know you never know where they're going what they'll report or yeah i know and they'll tell you they've written something down and you and you haven't you and you never see it hope they're telling you no huh-uh that's got to be frustrating oh it is how long have you taught taught Dallas schools uh this is my eleventh year ooh that's about uh ten too many no actually it's now my job's good much better than a lot yeah uh-huh because i'm Chapter One and all i do is teach reading all day long yeah oh and it's just ten children at a time well that's not bad no it's good and you've got a lot of federal money too but hasn't it changed a lot over the years teaching oh yes yeah or working in the system yes when i first started teaching i remember i went up to my job and i said okay i want to see a curriculum guide you know so i'll know what i'm suppose to teach and they go we don't have one of we don't even know where one is oh God and i go okay i mean you just you did what you wanted to do oh how funny and now they tell you what to teach and how long and you know what day yeah you don't know which is you don't know which is worse what period yeah no i know which is worse yeah i guess so yeah being told what to do is worse um-hum so how long are we suppose to talk for well you can talk for ten minutes but you don't have to oh you can yeah and no if you talk to ten then they come over on and say oh you've extended your limit and please say good-bye within the next five seconds oh i haven't ever talked that long well you know i hadn't either till last night i was talking to this retired administrator from Cleveland Ohio we started talking about gangs you know oh how funny he lives in Cleveland yeah wow and everybody else that i've talked to has been right around here yeah but she was real interesting huh and then tonight this woman called have you taken any incoming calls the yours is my second one okay so hers was the first one i got gotten and uh oh she was telling me all her problems and it went over ten minutes did she did she did you all not talk about the topic at all well yeah we did but the topic was boring i thought what would you serve uh if you were having a dinner party oh oh gosh what was i'm trying to remember oh the other the one i talked about the other night was good it was um about movies you know who what have you seen at the movies lately and stuff like that oh yeah i could go on and on about that me too because we go all the time the guy i was talking to never goes he was boy it sounds like your really up on this and i said i see at least two a week so ooh neat that was real good to talk about that have you seen like uh Silence Of The Lambs no you've got to go see that the last one i saw was Dances Of The With The Wolves Of The Wolves yeah we talked about that one too and he he said he didn't think it should of gotten all those awards he thought it was too long but oh i enjoyed it i mean it was just more for my money i i did too yeah i didn't think it was too long at all um he said after about the first hour he started looking at his watch huh the other one you need to go see is Sleeping With The Enemy uh-huh and how old are your kids one is eight and one is eleven you probably don't want to take them to see Silence Of The Lambs it's it's not it's not too cool for kids they usually pick their own i bet they do you know they've got it all figured out yeah they want to see all the horror movies well and Ninja Turtles yeah Ninja Turtles got to have those but most of the time really we watch them on the video don't you just massive rental oh yeah you bring that's well heck that's a lot cheaper then uh taking them out to the show going to i know especially if you get them for a couple of nights you don't have to watch them all at one night one time that's what we do especially when it's bad weather man just yeah plug it in of course you have to get there early if you want to get anything i know decent well it's good when you go to Tom Thumb though and they're cheap and nobody's got them yet unbelievable that's true that's true we saw um Heroes Has Always Been Cowboys tonight uh-huh it was okay it was kind of slow and i felt like it kind of got chopped off at the end you know it just it and i don't know it one of those movies it's not going to be around long it'll be a dollar movie in no time do you read not very much no no i don't have the patience to read see i do that to make myself go to sleep at night yeah oh my mom and dad read all the time you saw Field Of the Dreams right a long time ago yeah sure did so i was reading the book and it's called Shoeless Joe oh really it was so wonderful and then i was um i decided well i like this author so i got a uh book of his short stories and that's been real good who's the who's the author don't don't ask me The Ghost Of Shoeless Joe was the name of the book oh Shoeless Joe was it like the movie yes quite a quite a bit but you know in the movie the guy was black okay right he wasn't in the book huh that's one difference there really wasn't a lot of difference i didn't uh see i never even heard that there was a book tied in with that movie um-hum that's interesting so that was a good movie too well do you think we've covered baseball i think so okay well have a good night