The news leaked from the reoccupied Palestinian cities confirms that Israeli troops have committed dozens of premeditated massacres against the civilian Palestinian population. This carnage is planned and implemented in compliance with decisions from Israeli field marshals. Israel's atrocities are masterminded by high level Israeli officials including Shimon Peres. That's why they declared the reoccupied Palestinian cities closed military areas into which media people are not allowed. What happened in Bosnia Herzegovina is being repeated on a larger scale in various parts of the occupied Palestinian territories. People are being killed in masses and buried in collective graves. It is a crime against humanity. The Israeli government is committing crimes of war against the Palestinians and should be tried by an international tribunal just like the governments of Rwanda and former Yugoslavia. An international tribunal for war crimes has been established in Rome and started its works officially last Thursday with the approval of more than 60 countries. This tribunal will be responsible for trying war criminals. This means we will not need a Security Council resolution to establish the tribunal. The Palestinian people and the entire Arab World are waiting for a proof that international law protects human beings in general regardless of their color, ethnicity and religion. The world community should not tolerate crimes of war. We are waiting to see that international laws are not selective and that they are not applied for political, cultural and ideological considerations. The public opinion in the Arab and Islamic world is following closely what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories. We expect the World Community to take a step toward referring the Israeli criminals of war to the permanent tribunal for war crimes.