AFGP-2002-602187 (full translation) Page 1 [The late Bin Baz was the grand Muslim scholar in Saudi Arabia. Al-Maqdasi, a Jordanian militant, is sympathetic to Al-Qaida. He was acquitted in Jordan of charges that he had ties to Al-Qaida. In a recent interview with Al-Jazeera he spoke against the Arab regimes. Immediately after the interview, he was apprehended again by the Jordanian authority.] Sheik Rida, fear God. You are not fair when you belittle Sheik Bin Baz's blunder and exaggerate the one by Sheik Maqdasi... Sheik Maqdasi did not criticize Sheik Bin Baz's only for his edict which emphasizes not to consider a regime an apostate if it hasn't adhered to Islamic laws. Well, this is not the case. If, you study the evidences and statements released by these people, we tend to appreciate their ignorance which was based on prominent views. We had done that before with others who were known for their serious blunders. I'm not going to illustrate these evidences and statements; God is my witness, I don't want to deceive anyone. However, I will mention one of these evidences reiterated by them. Indeed, the Sheik issued two edicts regarding the same issue that contradict each other... First, he forbade seeking the aid of infidels when the Syrian Mujahiddin asked Saddam Hussein to overthrow the regime of Hafiz Al-Assad in Syria. However, he allowed the Gulf regimes to depend on the infidels in attacking Saddam Hussein. [He issued] more edicts to accommodate the policies of the Saudi regime. This behavior and not the edict itself forced them to be deceptive. I am sure that you are aware of all these suspicions that surround the regime's [Religious] scholars. So, try to appreciate the Muslims' position, especially if these suspicions are credible. Brother Rida, I plead to you through this article to understand the views of others, just like we try to understand the views of those who went astray. Page 2 My dear sister, I hope all is well. How is Turkey? I hope you are enjoying your stay there. I wrote a letter to Ayman. Please print it on a thin paper; may God reward you. Please read this message if you have the time. I am open for any suggestions. I hope I can communicate with you through the Messenger before you depart Turkey. Send my regards to my aunt, uncle and grandmother. Take back the stuff which Ayman asked you to carry to Saudi Arabia. I apologize for any inconvenience. Peace be upon you.