def stringAfterFullReplacement(s, a, b): while (s.find(a) >= 0): s = s.replace(a, b) return s def rebracketed(s): # first replace predicate parens with {} res = '' i = 0 while(i < len(s)): c = s[i] if c != '(': res += c else: if s[i+2] == ')': res += '{' + s[i+1] + '}' i += 2 elif s[i+2] == ',' and s[i+4] == ')': res += '{' + s[i+1:i+4] + '}' i += 4 elif s[i+2] == ',' and s[i+4] == ',' and s[i+6] == ')': res += '{' + s[i+1:i+6] + '}' i += 6 else: res += c i += 1 # then replace all remaining parens with [] res = res.replace('(', '[') res = res.replace(')', ']') # finally switch {} back to () res = res.replace('{', '(') res = res.replace('}', ')') return res def translated(s): s = s.replace('--->', '-->') s = s.replace('<->', '%') s = s.replace('-->', '$') return s def padded(s): s = ' ' + s + ' ' for op in ['|', '&', '$', '%', '~', '-', '[', ']']: s = s.replace(op, ' ' + op + ' ') return s def preprocess(s): s = translated(s.lower()) """ Start with: dodec(d)|~(cube(a)&larger(f, a)) 1. Remove all spaces following commas: dodec(d)|~(cube(a)&larger(f,a)) """ s = stringAfterFullReplacement(s, ', ', ',') """ 2. Convert grouping parentheses (but not predicate parentheses) into brackets: dodec(d)|~[cube(a)&larger(f,a)] """ s = rebracketed(s) """ 3. Prefix every negation with a filler NULL dodec(d)|NULL~[cube(a)&larger(f,a)] """ s = s.replace('~', 'NULL ~') s = s.replace('-', 'NULL -') """ 4. Pad front, back, and all operators (including brackets) with a space: dodec(d) | NULL ~ [ cube(a) & larger(f,a) ] """ s = padded(s) return s def postprocess(s): s = padded(s) """ 6. Reduce extra whitespace | dodec(d) ~ NULL & cube(a) larger(f,a) """ s = stringAfterFullReplacement(s, ' ',' ') """ 7. Strip padding | dodec(d) ~ NULL & cube(a) larger(f,a) """ s = s.strip() """ 8. Split on space ['|', 'dodec(d)', '~', 'NULL', '&', 'cube(a)', 'larger(f,a)'] """ return s if __name__ == '__main__': print preprocess('dodec(d)|~(cube(a)&larger(f, a))')