;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 -- 2018 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no); ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; spell correction: a few high-frequency typos, not introducing ambiguity. ;;; in principle, we should maybe also have confusion pairs (|their|, |there|), ;;; as ambiguity-introducing rules. but then we would need a way of turning ;;; on this latter class selectively, i.e. when parsing carefully edited text, ;;; these rules would (at best) introduce spurious ambiguity. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; i wonder whether we should stamp something like [ +CLASS.+ROBUST + ] onto ;; these tokens. but then we would also need to make sure, at some point, to ;; default everyone else to a non-robust value. (24-sep-08; oe) ;; sc_didnt_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([dD])idn;?t$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}didn't" ] > ]. sc_dont_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([dD])ont$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}on't" ] > ]. sc_everytime_tmr := one_two_all_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([eE])verytime$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}very" ], [ +FORM "time" ] > ]. sc_alot_tmr := one_two_all_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([aA])lot$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}" ], [ +FORM "lot" ] > ]. ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; this one, in principle, conflicts with `many-syllabled' and `syllabling'. ;; maybe these would be better addressed as alternate, robust lexical entries? ;; (23-sep-08; oe) sc_lable_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([lL])abl(ed|ing)?$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}abel${I1:+FORM:2}" ] > ]. sc_recieve_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([rR])eciev(e|ed|es|ing)$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}eceiv${I1:+FORM:2}" ] > ]. sc_wont_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([wW])ont$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}on't" ] > ]. sc_youll_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^([yY])oull$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "${I1:+FORM:1}ou'll" ] > ]. sc_neighbors_tmr := one_one_form_tmt & [ +INPUT < [ +FORM ^neighbors'$] >, +OUTPUT < [ +FORM "neighbors’" ] > ].