;;; -*- Mode: tdl; coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright Dan Flickinger 1994-2009 ;;; All Rights Reserved. ;;; No use or redistribution without permission. ;;; ;;; english.tdl ;;; ;;; Top-level load file for PET for the English grammar, for Arboretum ;;; ;;; File created: 3-Nov-94 by Rob Malouf ;;; ;;; $Id$ :begin :type. ;; ;; Basic definitions and macros ;; :include "fundamentals". ;; ;; Lexical types (i.e., primitive word classes) ;; :include "lextypes". ;; ;; token mapping: manipulate the token lattice prior to lexical look-up ;; :include "tmt". :begin :instance :status token-mapping-rule. :include "tmr/ptb". :include "tmr/spelling". :include "tmr/ne1". :include "tmr/split". :include "tmr/ne2". :include "tmr/class". :include "tmr/punctuation". :include "tmr/pos". :include "tmr/case". :end :instance. ;; ;; lexical filtering: reduce the chart after lexical instantiation and the ;; application of lexical rules, right before we turn loose syntactic rules. ;; :begin :instance :status lexical-filtering-rule. :include "lfr.tdl". :end :instance. ;; ;; Syntactic rules ;; :include "syntax". ;; ;; Lexical rules ;; :include "lexrules". :include "auxverbs". :include "letypes". :include "mal-letypes". :include "semrels". ;; ;; Mal types :include "mal-types". ;; :end :type. ;; ;; Lexicon entries (instances of status lex-entry or generic-lex-entry) ;; :begin :instance :status lex-entry. :include "lexicon". :include "mal-lex". :end :instance. :begin :instance :status generic-lex-entry. :include "gle". :end :instance. ; Use for written but not speech input :begin :instance :status lex-entry. :include "robustlex". :end :instance. ;; ;; grammar rules and lexical rules (instances of status rule) ;; :begin :instance :status rule. :include "constructions". :include "mal-constructions". :end :instance. :begin :instance :status lex-rule. :include "lexrinst". :include "inflr". :include "inflr-pnct". :include "mal-lexrinst". :include "mal-inflr". :end :instance. ;; ;; parse-tree labels (instances) ;; :begin :instance. :include "parse-nodes". :end :instance. ;; ;; start symbols of the grammar (instances) ;; :begin :instance. :include "roots". :end :instance.