root_robust := phrase & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_root_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MOD *anti_list*, VFORM fin_or_bse_or_imp ], MC + ], CONJ cnil ] ], GENRE robust, ORTH root_orth ]. ;; Redefine this to exclude robust daughters, to avoid unwanted ambiguity for ;; e.g. |bees sting| ;; root_lex := sign & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_synsem & [ LEX +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD non_frag & [ AUX na ], CONJ cnil ], PUNCT.RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct ], INFLECTD +, GENRE standard, ORTH root_orth ]. ;; Likewise for fragments - exclude robust subconstituents for now ;; root_inffrag := sign & [ SYNSEM root_frag_synsem, GENRE standard, ORTH root_orth ].