;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2018 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; lexrinst.tdl ;;; ;;; Instances of lexical rules defined in lexrules.tdl ;;; ;;; Created: Ann Copestake, 30-Sept-97 ;;; ;;; $Id: lexrinst.tdl 7043 2009-09-03 18:26:55Z oe $ ; ; Subject-auxiliary inversion ; Did they arrive? ; ; ; v_aux-sb-inv_dlr := sai_nonell_lexrule & [ RNAME lsai ]. ; ; Subject-auxiliary inversion with elided verbs ; Did they? ; ; ; v_aux-sb-inv-ell_dlr := sai_ell_lexrule & [ RNAME lsaie ]. ; ; Conditional inversion ; Had he left, we'd have left. ; ; ; v_cond-inv_dlr := cond_sai & [ RNAME csai ]. ; ; Addition of adverb as complement ; They did not arrive. ; ; ; v_aux-advadd_dlr := adv_addition & [ RNAME ladv ]. ; ; Elided VP with negation ; They would not. ; ; ; v_aux-neg-ell_dlr := adv_add_neg_ellipt & [ RNAME lnav ]. ; ; Elided VP compl, referentl subj ; He did. ; ; ; v_aux-ell-ref_dlr := vp_ellipsis_ref & [ RNAME lver ]. ; ; Elided VP compl, expletive subj ; It did. ; ; ; v_aux-ell-xpl_dlr := vp_ellipsis_expl & [ RNAME lvex ]. ; ; Contracted auxiliary, no subject-auxiliary inversion ; Kim'll arrive. ; Kim'll. ; ; v_aux-cx-noinv_dlr := contracted_aux_noninv_lr & [ RNAME lcx ]. ; ; Nominal gerund of intrans verb ; Leaving was easy. ; ; ; v_nger-intr_dlr := intrans_nominal_gerund & [ RNAME lngi ]. ; ; Nominal gerund of PP-comp verb ; Relying on Kim was wrong. ; ; ; v_nger-pp_dlr := intrans_pp_nominal_gerund & [ RNAME lngp ]. ; ; Nominal gerund of trans verb ; The hiring of Kim was OK. ; ; ; v_nger-tr_dlr := trans_nominal_gerund & [ RNAME lngt ]. ; ; Month name as determiner ; July tenth arrived. ; ; ; n_det-mnth_dlr := month_det_lr & [ RNAME lmd ]. ; ; Weekday name as determiner ; We arrived Sunday morning. ; ; ; n_det-wkdy_dlr := weekday_det_lr & [ RNAME lwd ]. ; ; Weekday name as determiner ; We arrived Sunday morning. ; ; ; n_dom-ppof_dlr := dom_ppof_lr & [ RNAME ldp ]. ; ; Attrib adj from trans pred adj ; A similar cat arrived. ; ; ; j_att_dlr := attr_adj_lr & [ RNAME lja ]. ; ; Attrib adj from intrans verb ; The sleeping cat stirred. ; ; ; v_j-nb-intr_dlr := attr_verb_part_lr & [ RNAME ljv ]. ; ; Attr adj from trans prp verb ; The admiring crowd ran. ; ; ; v_j-nb-prp-tr_dlr := attr_verb_part_tr_lr & [ RNAME ljvt ]. ; ; Attr adj from trans passive verb ; The hired consultant left. ; ; ; v_j-nb-pas-tr_dlr := attr_verb_part_psv_lr & [ RNAME ljvp ]. ; ; Attr adj from passive verb+selPP ; The hoped for consultant left. ; ; ; v_j-nb-pas-ptcl_dlr := attr_verb_part_ptcl_psv_lr & [ RNAME ljvr ]. ; ; Attr adj from intr verb, nme mod, passive participle ; The respected Abrams won. ; ; ; v_j-nme-intr_dlr := attr_verb_part_intr_namemod_lr & [ RNAME ljvn ]. ; ; Attr adj from intr verb, nme mod, pres participle ; The smiling Abrams won. ; ; ; v_j-nme-intr-prp_dlr := attr_verb_part_intr_namemod_prp_lr & [ RNAME ljvnp ]. ; ; Attr adj from trns verb, nme mod, passive participle ; Our admired Abrams smiled. ; ; ; v_j-nme-tr_dlr := attr_verb_part_tr_namemod_lr & [ RNAME ljnt ]. ; ; Attr adj from trns verb, nme mod, pres participle ; Our winning Abrams smiled. ; ; ; v_j-nme-tr-prp_dlr := attr_verb_part_tr_namemod_prp_lr & [ RNAME ljntp ]. ; ; Partitive NP, PP-of, num agrmt ; Some of us are ready. ; ; ; det_prt-of-agr_dlr := part_ppof_agr_constr & [ RNAME lpca ]. ; ; Partitive NP, PP-of, no agrmt ; Each of us is ready ; ; ; det_prt-of-nagr_dlr := part_ppof_noagr_constr & [ RNAME lpcn ]. ; ; Partitive NP, no PP complement ; Most arrived. part_nocomp ; ; ; det_prt-nocmp_dlr := part_nocomp_constr & [ RNAME lpn ]. ; ; Particle-NP reordering ; He looked the answer up. ; ; ; v_np-prtcl_dlr := NP_particle_lr & [ RNAME lnpp ]. ; ; Dative shift alternation ; They gave the book to him. ; ; ; v_dat_dlr := dative_shift_lr & [ RNAME ldat ]. ; ; it-subj Verb+NP to CP or VP comp ; It annoyed B that we left. ; ; ; v_it-cp-vp_dlr := verb_it_cp_vp_lr & [ RNAME lvcv ]. ; ; Integer as minute name ; Ten sixteen is too late. ; ; ; j_n-minut_dlr := minute_noprep_lr & [ RNAME lmin ]. ; ; Integer as minute name with PP comp ; Sixteen to ten is too late. ; ; ; j_n-minut-p_dlr := minute_prep_lr & [ RNAME lminp ]. ; ; hour plus NP complement ; Ten sixteen is too late. ; ; ; n_n-hour_dlr := hour_np_lr & [ RNAME lhour ]. ; ; Tag question auxiliary ; He arrived, didn't he? ; ; ; v_aux-tag_dlr := tag & [ RNAME ltag ]. ; ; Adj no-comps plus enough-compl ; A big enough cat arrived. ; ; ; j_enough_dlr := enough_addition_nocomps & [ RNAME leno ]. ; ; Adj w/comps plus enough-compl ; A happy enough cat arrived. ; ; ; j_enough-wc_dlr := enough_addition_wcomp & [ RNAME lenc ]. ; ; Tough-adj alternation ; B is tough to admire. ; ; ; j_tough_dlr := tough_adj_lr & [ RNAME ltgh ]. ;; DPF 2017-06-30 - This rule now works right for parsing, but still have to ;; figure out how to block overgeneration such as |*tallly| or |uglily| #| ; ; Adjective to adverb, intersective ; Kim arrived slowly. ; ; ; j_r-i_odlr := %suffix (* ly) (!ty !tily) adj_to_adv_int_lr & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME ljri ]. |# ; ; Relax bipartite constraint ; The scissors isn't sharp. ; ; ; n_bipart_dlr := bipart_lr & [ RNAME lbpt ]. ; ; Italicized word made into NP ; Some say /windshield/. ; ; ; w_italics_dlr := foreign_lr & [ RNAME lfw ]. ; ; Main verb inversion for quoting ; He left, said Kim. ; ; ; v_inv-quot_dlr := inverted_quote_lr & [ RNAME linq ]. ; ; Verbs of saying with fragment substituted for CP complement ; Yes, said Kim. ; ; ; v_cp-frag_dlr := cp_frag_lr & [ RNAME lcpf ]. ; ; Noun with |-ed| suffix as adj ; Long-eared sheep slept. ; ; ; n_n-ed_odlr := %suffix (* ed) (!ty !tied) (e ed) (!t!v!c !t!v!c!ced) noun_adj_lr & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lnj ]. ; ; pre- prefix on nouns ; The pre-war period endured. ; ; ; j_n-pre_odlr := %prefix (* pre) (* pre-) pre_noun_adj_lr & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME ljnp ]. ; ; Verb with |re-| prefix ; He re-tied his shoe. ; ; ; v_v-re_dlr := %prefix (* re) (* re-) v_v-re_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lre, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |pre-| prefix ; He pre-signed the check. ; ; ; v_v-pre_dlr := %prefix (* pre) (* pre-) v_v-pre_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lpre, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |mis-| prefix ; He mis-tied his shoe. ; ; ; v_v-mis_dlr := %prefix (* mis) (* mis-) v_v-mis_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lmis, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ;;; ;;; _fix_me_ ;;; to make this rule functional, token mapping would have to not separate off ;;; |co-| (in `derivational_prefix_tmr'). however, doing that would then mean ;;; that either (a) we provide a prefixation rule for other parts of speech too ;;; (`co-author', maybe `co-educational') or minimally adjust existing lexical ;;; entries (currently MWEs); or (b) that we create a token-level ambiguity; i ;;; hesitate doing the latter. but maybe it would not be so bad, in the end? ;;; the same problem applies to other derivational rules, of course. ;;; (13-mar-09; oe) ; ; Verb with |co-| prefix ; He co-wrote the paper. ; ; ; v_v-co_dlr := %prefix (* co-) (* co) v_v-co_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lco, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |un-| prefix ; He untied his shoe. ; ; ; v_v-un_dlr := %prefix (* un) (* un-) v_v-un_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lunv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET voc, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |counter-| prefix ; He counter-signed the bill. ; ; ; v_v-counter_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) v_v-counter_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lctv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |over-| prefix ; He over-built the porch. ; ; ; v_v-over_dlr := %prefix (* over) (* over-) v_v-over_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lovtv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET voc, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |out-| prefix ; He out-played his opponent. ; ; ; v_v-out_dlr := %prefix (* out) (* out-) v_v-out_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lotv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET voc, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |self-| prefix ; He was self-insured. ; ; ; v_v-self_dlr := %prefix (* self) (* self-) v_v-self_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lsfv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |cross-| prefix ; He cross-examined the witness. ; ; ; v_v-cross_dlr := %prefix (* cross) (* cross-) v_v-cross_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lcsv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Verb with |under-| prefix ; The area is under-developed ; ; ; v_v-under_dlr := %prefix (* under) (* under-) v_v-under_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME luvtv, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET voc, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |co-| prefix ; Our co-teacher arrived. ; ; ; n_n-co_dlr := %prefix (* co) (* co-) n_n-co_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lnco, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |co-| prefix, non-inflecting ; Our co-derivatives group arrived. ; ; ; n_n-co-ni_dlr := %prefix (* co) (* co-) n_n-co-ni_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lncon, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |counter-| prefix ; The counter-proposal arrived. ; ; ; n_n-counter_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) n_n-counter_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lctn, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |counter-| prefix, non-inflecting ; The counter-narcotics team arrived. ; ; ; n_n-counter-ni_dlr := %prefix (* counter) (* counter-) n_n-counter-ni_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lctnn, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |mini-| prefix ; The mini-car arrived. ; ; ; n_n-mini_dlr := %prefix (* mini) (* mini-) n_n-mini_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lctn, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Noun with |mini-| prefix, non-inflecting ; The mini-car transporter arrived. ; ; ; n_n-mini-ni_dlr := %prefix (* mini) (* mini-) n_n-mini-ni_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lctnn, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Adjective with |co-| prefix ; The co-educational hall opened. ; ; ; j_j-co_dlr := %prefix (* co-) (* co) j_j-co_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME ljco, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Adjective with |un-| prefix ; The unhappy cat arose. ; ; ; j_j-un_dlr := %prefix (* un-) (* un) j_j-un_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lunj, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET voc, C-CONT.RELS ]. ; ; Adjective with |non| prefix ; The nonlinear solution failed. ; ; ; j_j-non_dlr := %prefix (* non) j_j-non_rule & [ ND-AFF +, RNAME lnnj, SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET con, C-CONT.RELS ].