""" backof(f,a) | smaller(f,a) ('or', ('backof', 'f', 'a'), ('smaller', 'f', 'a')) [ LTOP: h1 INDEX: e3 RELS: < [ _or_c_rel LBL: h2 ARG0: e3 ARG1: e4 ARG2: e5 ] [ named_rel LBL: h8 ARG0: x6 CARG: "F" ] [ named_rel LBL: h9 ARG0: x7 CARG: "A" ] [ "backof" LBL: h3 ARG0: e4 ARG1: x6 ARG2: x7 ] [ "smaller" LBL: h12 ARG0: e5 ARG1: x6 ARG2: x7 ] > ] [ _or_c_rel LBL: h1 ARG0: e1 ARG1: e2 ARG2: e3 ] [ named_rel LBL: h2 ARG0: x1 CARG: "F" ] [ named_rel LBL: h3 ARG0: x2 CARG: "A" ] [ "backof" LBL: h4 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x1 ARG2: x2 ] [ "smaller" LBL: h5 ARG0: e3 ARG1: x1 ARG2: x2 ] """ connectives = { '|':'or', '&':'and', '%':'iff', '$':'if', '~':'not', '-':'not', 'or':'or', 'and':'and', 'iff':'iff', 'if':'if', 'not':'not' # extend... } def isPred(x): if type(x) == tuple: if type(x[1]) == str: return True return False def isConn(x): return not isPred(x) #hack # return False def strForMPred(mPred): res = '[ "' + mPred['_rel'] + '" LBL: ' + mPred['LBL'] + ' ARG0: ' + mPred['ARG0'] + ' ' if 'CARG' in mPred: # named_rel res += 'CARG: "' + mPred['CARG'] + '"' elif mPred['_rel'] == 'not': # negation - the unary connective res += 'ARG1: ' + mPred['ARG1'] else: # some other predicate for i in range(len(mPred) - 3): argName = 'ARG' + str(i + 1) res += argName + ': ' + mPred[argName] + ' ' if res[-1] == ' ': #hack res = res[0:-1] res += ' ]' return res mPreds = [] hCounter = 1 eCounter = 1 xCounter = 1 def reset(): global mPreds global hCounter global eCounter global xCounter mPreds = [] hCounter = 2 eCounter = 1 xCounter = 1 # def fTup2mPred(fTup, mPreds = [], hCounter = 1, eCounter = 1, xCounter = 1): # add mPreds to set and return reference to the current object def fTup2mPred(fTup): # add mPreds to set and return reference to the current object global mPreds global hCounter global eCounter global xCounter if isConn(fTup): # needs to be defined if len(fTup) == 2: # unary (negation) """ Actual [ neg_rel LBL: h10 ARG1: h3 ] """ # but instead ;-), let's pretend we want # [_neg_c_rel LBL: h1 ARG0: e1 INDEX: e2 ] ref = 'e' + str(eCounter) label = 'h' + str(hCounter) eCounter += 1 hCounter += 1 # i_ref = fTup2mPred(fTup[1]) # vvvvvv mPreds.append({'_rel':connectives[fTup[0]], 'LBL':label, 'ARG0':ref, 'ARG1':i_ref}) ####### # return i_ref #ref return ref elif len(fTup) == 3: # binary conn = fTup[0] # [ _or_c_rel LBL: h1 ARG0: e1 ARG1: h2 ARG2: h3 ] ref = 'e' + str(eCounter) label = 'h' + str(hCounter) eCounter += 1 hCounter += 1 l_ref = fTup2mPred(fTup[1]) r_ref = fTup2mPred(fTup[2]) # vvvvv vvvvv mPreds.append({'_rel':connectives[fTup[0]], 'LBL':label, 'ARG0':ref, 'ARG1':l_ref, 'ARG2':r_ref}) """ if conn in ('if', '$'): return r_ref elif conn in ('iff', '%'): return l_ref else: # and, or print "and/or" return ref """ return ref elif isPred(fTup): pred = fTup[0] args = fTup[1:] ref = 'e' + str(eCounter) xArgs = [] for arg in args: ARG = arg.upper() xArg = 'x' + str(xCounter) mPreds.append({'_rel':'name', 'LBL':('h' + str(hCounter)), 'ARG0':xArg, 'CARG':ARG}) xArgs.append(xArg) hCounter += 1 xCounter += 1 mPred = {'_rel':pred, 'LBL':('h' + str(hCounter)), 'ARG0':ref} for i in range(len(args)): mPred['ARG' + str(i + 1)] = xArgs[i] mPreds.append(mPred) ### decomp better: hCounter += 1 eCounter += 1 return ref sample = ('|', ('dodec', 'd'), ('~', ('&', ('cube', 'a'), ('larger', 'f', 'a')))) def printDict(d): for key in d: print key, ":", d[key] def index(mpred): global indexedMPreds conn = mpred['_rel'] if conn == "if": return index(indexedMPreds[mpred['ARG2']]) elif conn == "iff": return index(indexedMPreds[mpred['ARG1']]) elif conn == "not": return index(indexedMPreds[mpred['ARG1']]) else: # and, or, $pred return mpred['ARG0'] indexedMPreds = {} def prettyUMRSForTuple(t): global indexedMPreds reset() ref = fTup2mPred(t) indexedMPreds = {mp.get('ARG0'):mp for mp in mPreds} topIndex = index(mPreds[-1]) fres = """[ LTOP: h1 INDEX: """+topIndex+""" RELS: < """ + strForMPred(mPreds[0]) for mPred in mPreds[1:]: fres += '\n ' + strForMPred(mPred) fres += ' > ]' return fres if __name__ == '__main__': print prettyUMRSForTuple(sample) """ line 62: res += 'ARG1: ' + mPred['INDEX'] line 112: mPreds.append({'_rel':connectives[fTup[0]], 'LBL':label, 'ARG0':ref, 'ARG1':i_ref}) line 174: return top['ARG1'] """