ops = ['~', '-', '&', '|', '$', '%'] # takes a string of the form predicate(x,y) and returns a tuple of the form (predicate, x, y) def pred2t(s): if s == "NULL": return s parts = s[:-1].split('(') l = [] l.append(parts[0]) l.extend(parts[1].split(',')) return(tuple(l)) # takes a prefix expression as a list and returns a dictionary containing the tupleized form plus the remainder def p2t(l): if l[0] not in ops: return {#'tuple':l[0], 'tuple':pred2t(l[0]), 'rest':l[1:]} elif l[0] in ('~', '-'): next = p2t(l[1:]) # arg1 = next['tuple'] -- guaranteed to be 'NULL' nextnext = p2t(next['rest']) arg = nextnext['tuple'] rest = nextnext['rest'] return {'tuple':('-', arg), 'rest':rest} else: op = l[0] next = p2t(l[1:]) arg1 = next['tuple'] nextnext = p2t(next['rest']) arg2 = nextnext['tuple'] rest = nextnext['rest'] return {'tuple':(op, arg1, arg2), 'rest':rest} def tuple_for_polish_expression(pe): return p2t(pe)['tuple'] #print p2t(['&', 'a', '|', 'b', 'c'])['tuple']; #print p2t(['&', 'a', '~', 'NULL', '|', 'c', 'd'])['tuple']; if __name__ == '__main__': print p2t(['|', 'dodec(d)', '~', 'NULL', '&', 'cube(a)', 'larger(f,a)'])['tuple'];