;;; -*- mode: fundamental; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 -- 2018 Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no); ;;; see `LICENSE' for conditions. ;;; ;; ;; some tags (for the time being) have no relevance to syntactic analysis and ;; will often be unmatched within one sentence; hence, we may as well ditch ;; these early on. ;; !⌊•|•⌋ !⌊#|#⌋ !⌊:|:⌋ !⌊⇥|⇥⌋ !⌊"|"⌋ !⌊[↑↓]|[↑↓]⌋ !⌊[,^]|[,^]⌋ #1 !⌊δ((?:(?!δ⌋).)*)δ⌋ \1 !⌊=((?:(?!¦[0-9]+=⌋).)*)¦[0-9]+=⌋ \1 !⌊∗((?:(?!∗⌋).)*)∗⌋ \1 ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; it appears we may have run out of time for adding GML 1.0 support to the ;; 1212 release of the ERG; hence mimic GML 0.1 for now, but using an interim ;; delimiter character, while inside GML processing. (19-feb-13; oe) ;; DPF 2018-06-12 - Finally made the necessary updates to the grammar so we can ;; stay with GML 1.0 now. ;; !⌊-((?:(?!-⌋).)*)-⌋ \1 !⌊_((?:(?!-⌋).)*)_⌋ \1 !⌊>((?:(?!>⌋).)*)>⌋ \1 !⌊<((?:(?!<⌋).)*)<⌋ \1 !⌊τ((?:(?!τ⌋).)*)τ⌋ \1 ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; preferably, we should make these ersatzes self-closing GML tags now. ;; (19-feb-13; oe) !⌊×(?:(?!×⌋).)*×⌋ !⌊◊(?:(?!◊⌋).)*◊⌋ !⌊π(?:(?!π⌋).)*π⌋ # >1 ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; at this point, only template calls remain (which are harder to parse, owing ;; to variability in the number of parameters); however, once we make ersatzes ;; self-closing GML tags, this will need review. (19-feb-13; oe) ;; #2 !⌊λ[^⌊⌋]+¦IPAλ⌋ !⌊λ[^⌊⌋]+¦Langλ⌋ !⌊λ[^⌊⌋]+¦Nihongoλ⌋ ;; ;; when all else is done, replace remaining templates with their expansion text ;; !⌊λ([^¦])+(?:(?!λ⌋).)*λ⌋ \1 # >2 ;; ;; finally, ditch all remaining GML elements ;; DPF 2018-06-12 - Not sure we want to do this any more, since the brackets ;; now stay as GML, so comment out and catch individual marks as they emerge. ;; ;;!⌊. ;;!.⌋ !⌊π