;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2018 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; constructions.tdl ;;; ;;; The instances of phrases defined in syntax.tdl ;;; ;;; Created: Ann Copestake, 30-Sept-97 ;;; ;;; $Id: constructions.tdl 7479 2010-02-21 23:11:30Z danf $ ;; ;; Constructions sb-hd_mc_c := subjh_mc_rule & """ Head+subject, main clause C arrived. """ [ RNAME sbhd ]. sb-hd_nmc_c := subjh_nonmc_rule & """ Hd+subject, embedded clause, subj has no gap B thought [C arrived]. """ [ RNAME sbhn ]. sb-hd_q_c := subjh_rule_wh_insitu & """ Hd+subj, in-situ WH B ate what? """ [ RNAME sbhq ]. hd-cmp_u_c := hcomp_rule & """ Hd+complement B [hired C]. """ [ RNAME hcp ]. hd-cmp_2_c := h2comp_rule & """ Hd+second complement B [gave to C] E. """ [ RNAME hcp2 ]. hd_optcmp_c := hoptcomp_rule & """ Head discharges optional compl B [ate] already. """ [ RNAME hcpo ]. hdn_optcmp_c := noptcomp_rule & """ NomHd discharges opt complement The [picture] appeared. """ [ RNAME ncpo ]. mrk-nh_evnt_c := hmark_e_phr_rule & """ Marker + event-based complement B sang [and danced.] """ [ RNAME hmke ]. mrk-nh_cl_c := hmark_s_phr_rule & """ Marker + clause B sang [and C danced.] """ [ RNAME hmkc ]. mrk-nh_nom_c := hmark_nom_rule & """ Marker + NP Cats [and some dogs] ran. """ [ RNAME hmkn ]. mrk-nh_n_c := hmark_nbar_rule & """ Marker + N-bar Every cat [and dog] ran. """ [ RNAME hmkb ]. mrk-nh_atom_c := hmark_atomic_rule & """ Paired marker + phrase [Both B] and C arrived. """ [ RNAME hmka ]. hd_xcmp_c := extracomp_rule & """ Head extracts compl (to SLASH) Who does B [admire] now? """ [ RNAME hcpx ]. hd_xsb-fin_c := extrasubj_fin_rule & """ Extract subject from finite hd Who do you think [went?] """ [ RNAME shxf ]. sp-hd_n_c := hspec_rule & """ Hd+specifier, nonhd = sem hd [Every cat] slept. """ [ RNAME sph ]. sp-hd_hc_c := hspec_hc_rule & """ Hd+specifier, hd = sem hd The [very old] cat slept. """ [ RNAME sphh ]. sp-hd_hc-cmp_c := hspec_hc_cmp_rule & """ Hd+specifier w/comp, hd = sem hd The [more ancient] cat than mine slept. """ [ RNAME sphc ]. aj-hd_scp_c := adjh_s_rule & """ Hd+preceding scopal adjunct Probably B won. """ [ RNAME mhs ]. aj-hd_scp-xp_c := adjh_s_nopair_rule & """ Hd+prec.scop.adj, VP head B [probably won]. """ [ RNAME mhv ]. aj-hd_scp-pr_c := adjh_s_prpnct_rule & """ Hd+pr.scop.adj, VP hd, prd pnct If C loses, B wins. """ [ RNAME mhvp ]. hd-aj_scp-pr_c := hadj_s_prpnct_nmc_rule & """ Hd+foll.scop.adjnct, paird pnct, not main clause B [wins, if C loses.] """ [ RNAME hms ]. hd-aj_scp-pr-mc_c := hadj_s_prpnct_mc_rule & """ Hd+foll.scop.adjnct, paird pnct, main clause [B wins,][if C loses.] """ [ RNAME hmsm ]. hd-aj_scp_c := hadj_s_nopair_rule & """ Hd+following scopal adjunct B wins if C loses. """ [ RNAME hmsn ]. hd-aj_scp-noclpnct_c := hadj_s_no_clpunct_rule & """ Hd+following scopal adjunct, comma-marked head, no paired final. B wins, if C loses """ [ RNAME hmsn ]. aj-hdn_norm_c := adj_n_rule & """ Nominal head + preceding adjnct The [big cat] slept. """ [ RNAME mhn ]. aj-hdn_crd-cma_c := adj_n_crd_comma_rule & """ Nominal head + preceding adjnct The [big cat] slept. """ [ RNAME mhnc ]. aj-hdn_adjn_c := adj_adjn_rule & """ NomHd+prec.adj, hd pre-modified The [big old cat] slept. """ [ RNAME mhna ]. aj-hd_int_c := adjh_i_rule & """ Hd+prec.intersective adjunct B [quickly left]. """ [ RNAME mhi ]. aj-hd_int-inv_c := adjh_i_inv_rule & """ Hd+prec.int.adjnct, hd inverted On Tuesday, can you stay? """ [ RNAME mhiv ]. aj-hd_wh-sbj_c := adjh_i_whsbj_rule & """ Hd+prec.int.adjnct, hd wh-subj On Tuesday, who arrived? """ [ RNAME mhiq ]. hdn-aj_rc_c := hadj_i_relcl_npr_rule & """ NomHd+following relative clause The [cat we chased] ran. """ [ RNAME hmrn ]. hdn-aj_rc-pr_c := hadj_i_relcl_pr_rule & """ NomHd+foll.rel.cl, paired pnct A [cat, which ran,] fell. """ [ RNAME hmrc ]. hdn-aj_rc-asym_c := hadj_i_relcl_asympr_rule & """ NomHd+foll.rel.cl, asymmetric punct A [cat, which ran] fell. """ [ RNAME hmra ]. hdn-aj_rc-propr_c := hadj_i_relcl_proper_rule & """ NomHd+foll.rel.cl, proper name hd, parenthesized rel-cl Kim (called Browne) fell. """ [ RNAME hmrp ]. hdn-aj_redrel_c := hadj_i_redrel_npr_rule & """ NomHd+foll.predicative phrase A [cat in a tree] fell. """ [ RNAME hmpn ]. hdn-aj_redrel-pr_c := hadj_i_redrel_pr_rule & """ NomHd+foll.prd.phr, paired pnct A [cat, in a tree,] fell. """ [ RNAME hmpc ]. hdn-aj_redrel-asym_c := hadj_i_redrel_asympr_rule & """ NomHd+foll.prd.phr, asymm pnct A [cat, in a tree] fell. """ [ RNAME hmpa ]. hdn-aj_title_c := hadj_i_title_rule & """ NomHd +post-head title phrase We admired Ellis island. """ [ RNAME hmnt ]. hd-aj_int-unsl_c := hadj_i_unsl_rule & """ Hd+foll.int.adjct, no gap B [left quietly]. """ [ RNAME hmiu ]. hd-aj_int-sl_c := hadj_i_sl_rule & """ Hd+foll.int.adjct, gap in adj That cafe, we [dined in]. """ [ RNAME hmis ]. hd-aj_int-aux-sl_c := hadj_i_aux_sl_rule & """ Hd+foll.int.adjct, gap in aux head, PP modifier We wonder how happy she is in Paris. """ [ RNAME hmixs ]. hd-aj_vmod_c := v_mod_int_rule & """ Hd+foll.int.adjct, prec. NP cmp B [saw here] a big parade. """ [ HD-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct, RNAME vlmi ]. hd-aj_vmod-s_c := v_mod_scop_rule & """ Hd+foll.scop.adjct, prec. NP cmp, verb and adj heads B [saw here] a big parade. """ [ RNAME vlms ]. hd-aj_vmod-s-n_c := v_mod_noun_scop_rule & """ Hd+foll.scop.adjct, prec. NP cmp, noun head only The [impression here] that we won """ [ RNAME vlmns ]. hd-aj_cmod_c := conj_mod_int_rule & """ Conj+foll.int.adjct, prec. NP cmp B [and yesterday] C arose. """ [ RNAME clmi ]. hd-aj_cmod-s_c := conj_mod_scop_rule & """ Conj+foll.scop.adjct, prec. NP cmp B [and probably] C arose. """ [ RNAME clms ]. pp-pp_mod_c := prep_mod_prep_rule & """ PP modifying PP In Paris near the Louvre stands a church. """ [ RNAME ppmpp ]. hd_xaj-int-vp_c := extradj_i_vp_rule & """ Extract int.adjunct from VP Here we [stand.] """ [ RNAME hmxv ]. hd_xaj-int-s_c := extradj_i_s_rule & """ Extract int.adjunct from S When is he Kim? """ [ RNAME hmxs ]. hd_xaj-crd-s_c := extradj_i_s_coord_rule & """ Extract adjunct from coord S Now B arises and C arrives """ [ RNAME hmxc ]. cl_rc-fin-nwh_c := fin_non_wh_rel_rule & """ Rel.clause from fin.S, no relpr The cat [we chased] ran. """ [ RNAME rclf ]. cl_rc-inf-nwh_c := inf_non_wh_rel_rule & """ Rel.cl. fr.infin VP, non-sb gap People [to admire] sang. """ [ RNAME rcli ]. cl_rc-inf-nwh-sb_c := inf_non_wh_subj_rel_rule & """ Rel.cl. from infin VP, subj gap Dogs [to chase cats] run. """ [ RNAME rcls ]. cl_rc-instr_c := instr_inf_non_wh_rel_rule & """ Rel.cl. fr.inf.VP,no gap, instr Money [to buy lunch] fell. """ [ RNAME rcln ]. cl_rc-fin-modgap_c := fin_modgap_rel_rule & """ Rel.cl. fr.fin.S,mod gap The day [we arrived] fell. """ [ RNAME rcmf ]. cl_rc-inf-modgap_c := inf_modgap_rel_rule & """ Rel.cl. fr.inf.S,mod gap The day [to arrive] fell. """ [ RNAME rcmi ]. vp_rc-redrel_c := red_rel_cl_rule & """ Rel.cl. from predicative VP Dogs [chasing cats] bark. """ [ RNAME rclv ]. vp_sbrd-prd-prp_c := subconj_prdp_prp_rule & """ Pred.subord phr from prp-VP Kim arrived, [smiling.] """ [ RNAME scpr ]. vp_sbrd-prd-pas_c := subconj_prdp_pas_rule & """ Pred.subord phr from passive VP Kim arrived, [inspired.] """ [ RNAME scps ]. vp_sbrd-prd-aj_c := subconj_prdp_adj_rule & """ Pred.subord phr from adjctv phr Kim arrived, [very happy.] """ [ RNAME scpa ]. vp_sbrd-prd-ell_c := subconj_prdp_ellip_rule & """ Pred.subord phr, modfs ellip.VP Kim might, [given time.] """ [ RNAME scpe ]. j_sbrd-pre_c := subconj_prdp_a_init_rule & """ Pred.subord phr fr.adj, prehead [Unhappy,] we left. """ [ RNAME sca ]. vp_sbrd-pre_c := subconj_prdp_v_init_rule & """ Pred.subord phr fr.VP, prehead [Seeing Kim] they left. """ [ RNAME scv ]. vp_sbrd-pre-lx_c := subconj_prdp_v_init_lex_rule & """ Pred.subord phr fr.lex VP, prehd [Smiling,] Kim arose. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_punct, RNAME scvl ]. hdn_bnp_c := bare_np_rule & """ Bare noun phrase (no determiner) [Cats] sleep. """ [ RNAME bnp ]. hdn_bnp-prd_c := bare_np_prd_rule & """ Bare predicative noun phrase B will be president. """ [ RNAME bnpp ]. hdn_bnp-pn_c := proper_np_rule & """ Bare NP from proper name [Browne] arrived. """ [ RNAME nppr ]. ; DPF 30-mar-10 - Moved constraint on SPR here from syntax.tdl, but maybe ; it's not necessary? - FIX ;; DPF 2022-06-16 - This constraint on SPR prevents "15 BC" with post-title BC ;; from undergoing this rule, so generalize to canonical_or_unexpressed. hdn_bnp-num_c := num_np_rule & """ Bare NP from number [42] is even. """ [ ARGS < [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < canonical_or_unexpressed > ] >, RNAME npnb ]. hdn_bnp-qnt_c := bare_npq_rule & """ NP from already-quantified dtr [Some in Paris] slept. """ [ RNAME npbq ]. hdn_bnp-sg-nmod_c := detlesspp_np_nmod_rule & """ NP fr. detless bare sg N-N cpnd It was at [eye level.] """ [ RNAME dnpn ]. hdn_bnp-sg-jmod_c := detlesspp_np_jmod_rule & """ NP fr. detless bare sg adj+noun It was at [close range.] """ [ RNAME dnpj ]. hdn_bnp-sg-nomod_c := detlesspp_np_nomod_rule & """ NP fr. detless bare sg unmodfd It was within [range.] """ [ RNAME dnpx ]. hdn_bnp-vger_c := bare_vger_rule & """ NP from verbal gerund Hiring them was easy. """ [ RNAME npvg ]. np-hdn_cpd_c := np_n_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from proper-name+noun The [IBM report] arrived. """ [ RNAME npn ]. np-hdn_cpd-pr_c := np_n_cmpnd_pr_rule & """ Compound, proper+noun, paird pnct The [Cupertino, Calif., company] arrived. """ [ RNAME nppn ]. np-hdn_ttl-cpd_c := np_title_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from title+proper-name [Professor Browne] left. """ [ RNAME npnt ]. np-hdn_ttl-cpd-pl_c := np_title_cmpnd_pl_rule & """ Compound from title+plural proper [Mssrs. B and C] left. """ [ RNAME nptp ]. np-hdn_nme-cpd_c := np_name_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from two proper names [Pat Browne] left. """ [ RNAME npnm ]. np-hdn_num-cpd_c := np_num_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from noun+number Do [problem 6] first. """ [ RNAME npno ]. np-hdn_cty-cpd_c := np_city_state_rule & """ Compound from city+state names [Portland, Oregon] grew. """ [ RNAME npcs ]. n-hdn_cpd_c := noun_n_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from two normal nouns The [guard dog] barked. """ [ RNAME nnc ]. n-hdn_j-n-cpd_c := noun_adjn_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from noun+[adj+noun] kitchen heavy appliance """ [ RNAME nanc ]. n-hdn_cpd-pl_c := noun_n_cmpnd_pl_rule & """ Compound from two nouns where nonhead is plural The [systems analyst] slept. """ [ RNAME nncp ]. n-hdn_j-n-cpd-pl_c := noun_adjn_cmpnd_pl_rule & """ Compound from plur-noun+[adj+noun] securities mutual fund """ [ RNAME nanpc ]. n-hdn_cpd-pl-mnp_c := noun_n_cmpnd_pl_mnp_rule & """ Compound from two nouns where nonhead is coord (uninflected) measure-NP The [two-year and three-year notes] arrived. """ [ RNAME nncpm ]. n-hdn_cpd-cma-mnp_c := noun_n_cmpnd_comma_mnp_rule & """ Compound from two nouns where nonhead is measure-NP, comma-marked The [two-year, $10 million project] ended. """ [ RNAME nncpm ]. ; The [$10 million, [three-year contract]] arrived. n-hdn_cpd-pl-nlx_c := noun_n_cmpnd_pl_nonlex_rule & """ Compound from two nouns where nonhead is plural and head is already a compound. """ [ RNAME nncpn ]. n-v_j-cpd_c := n_v_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from noun+prdverb a [snow-covered] town """ [ RNAME nvc ]. n-j_j-t-cpd_c := n_adj_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from noun+trans-adj a [dog-happy] town """ [ RNAME natc ]. n-j_j-cpd_c := n_adj_intr_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from noun+adj a [dog-friendly] town """ [ RNAME naic ]. mnp-vp_jp_c := mnp_vp_rule & """ Adj-phrase from meas-NP plus passive VP The unit is *20%-owned by IBM*. """ [ RNAME mnvj ]. j-v_j-cpd_c := adj_v_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from adj+prdverb a [angry-looking] cat """ [ RNAME jvtoj ]. r-v_j-cpd_c := adv_v_cmpnd_rule & """ Compound from adv+prdverb the [best-performing] cat """ [ RNAME rvtoj ]. j_n-ed_c := n-adj_rule & """ Adj-phr from adj + noun+ed the [long eared] dog """ [ RNAME ntoj ]. hdn-np_app-pr_c := appos_prpnct_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, w/commas [Joe, the plumber,] spoke. """ [ RNAME app ]. hdn-np_app-r-pr_c := appos_prpnct_pnr_rule & """ Appositive, NP2 prop, w/commas [the plumber, Joe,] spoke. """ [ RNAME appr ]. hdn-np_app-num_c := appos_prpnct_num_rule & """ Appositive, NP2 number [Joe, 22,] spoke. """ [ RNAME apnm ]. hdn-np_app_c := appos_nopair_rule & """ Appositive NP from two NPs [Joe the plumber] spoke. """ [ RNAME appn ]. hdn-np_app-r_c := appos_nopair_pnr_rule & """ Appositive, NP2 prop, nopair [The plumber Joe] spoke. """ [ RNAME apnr ]. hdn-np_app-idf_c := appos_indef_rule & """ Appositive with indef.NP modifr [Joe, a plumber,] spoke. """ [ RNAME appi ]. hdn-np_app-idf-rbc_c := appos_indef_rbc_rule & """ Appositive with indef.NP modif, first comma-marked, second not [Joe, a plumber] spoke. """ [ RNAME apir ]. hdn-np_app-idf-p_c := appos_indef_paren_rule & """ Appositive, indef.NP, parnthszd [Joe (a plumber)] spoke. """ [ RNAME apip ]. hdn-np_app-nbr_c := appos_nbar_rule & """ Appositive with N-bar modifier Kim, president of the PTA """ [ RNAME apnb ]. hdn-np_app-rbc_c := appos_rbc_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, first comma-marked, second not [My friend, the plumber] spoke. """ [ RNAME appb ]. hdn-np_app-pnr-rbc_c := appos_prop_rbc_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, firstcomma-marked, second (proper) not [the plumber, Joe] spoke. """ [ RNAME appp ]. hdn-np_app-mnp_c := appos_measnp_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, meas-NPas second dtr [Bygdin 1:40000 arrived.] """ [ RNAME appm ]. hdn-np_app-mnp-npr_c := appos_measnp_nopr_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, both meas-NP, no punct [8% 90 days] """ [ RNAME appmn ]. hdn-np_app-dx_c := appos_deictic_rule & """ Appositive fr.two NPs, w/commas, second deictic [One door, that for pets,] stayed open.. """ [ RNAME appd ]. np_adv_c := npadv_mod_rule & """ Modifier phrase from NP B arrived [this week.] """ [ RNAME nadv ]. np_adv-mnp_c := npadv_measnp_rule & """ Modifier phrase from measure NP Markets fell [50 points.] """ [ RNAME nadvm ]. np_adv-mnp-def_c := npadv_measnp-def_rule & """ Modifier phrase from measure NP with definite determiner, no temporal nouns We slept the last mile. """ [ RNAME nadvmd ]. np_adv-mnp-nmod_c := npadv_measnp_nommod_rule & """ Modifier phrase from measure NP, noun-modifying The building fifty feet from the road appeared. """ [ RNAME nadvmn ]. hdn_np-num_c := num_noun_rule & """ NP from number [700 billion] is too much. """ [ RNAME numn ]. n-n_num-seq_c := num_noun_seq_rule & """ NP from sequence of numbers The number is [48 205 53.] """ [ RNAME nseq ]. hdn_color_c := color_noun_rule & """ noun from color adjective [Red] suits you. """ [ RNAME ncol ]. flr-hd_nwh_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_edgen_mc & """ Filler-head, non-wh filler Kim, we should hire. """ [ RNAME fhne ]. flr-hd_nwh-nmc_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_edgen_nonmc & """ Filler-head, non-wh filler Kim, we should hire. """ [ RNAME fhnen ]. flr-hd_nwh-nc_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_infgen_mc & """ Fill-head, non-wh, not NP, no comma, main clause Today we should arrive. """ [ RNAME fhni ]. flr-hd_nwh-nc-nmc_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_infgen_nonmc & """ Fill-head, non-wh, not NP, no comma, embedded clause He said today we should arrive. """ [ RNAME fhnin ]. ;; For fronted NPs, if no comma, then exclude imperative, to avoid spurious ;; analysis of *you work* flr-hd_nwh-nc-np_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_np_mc & """ Fill-head, non-wh, NP, no comma, main clause Kim we should hire. """ [ RNAME fhnn ]. flr-hd_nwh-nc-np-nmc_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_np_nonmc & """ Fill-head, non-wh, NP, no comma, embedded clause We knew that this one we should hire. """ [ RNAME fhnnn ]. flr-hd_nwh-inv_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_inv_mc & """ Filler-head, non-wh filler, inverted, main clause Only yesterday did they finally arrive. """ [ RNAME fhnv ]. flr-hd_nwh-inv-nmc_c := filler_head_rule_non_wh_inv_nonmc & """ Filler-head, non-wh filler, inverted, embedded clause He claimed that only yesterday did they finally arrive. """ [ RNAME fhnvn ]. flr-hd_wh-mc_c := filler_head_rule_wh_root & """ Fill-head, wh non-subj, main cl Who did they hire? """ [ RNAME fhw ]. flr-hd_wh-mc-sb_c := filler_head_rule_wh_subj & """ Fill-head, wh subj, main cl Who left? """ [ RNAME fhs ]. flr-hd_wh-nmc-fin_c := filler_head_rule_wh_nr_fin & """ Fill-head, wh, fin hd, embed cl B wondered [who won.] """ [ RNAME fhf ]. flr-hd_wh-nmc-inf_c := filler_head_rule_wh_nr_inf & """ Fill-head, wh, inf hd, embed cl B knew [who to hire.] """ [ RNAME fhi ]. flr-hd_rel-fin_c := filler_head_fin_np_rel_rule & """ Fill-head, finite, relative cls, NP gap people [who we admired] """ [ RNAME fhr ]. flr-hd_rel-fin-pp_c := filler_head_fin_pp_rel_rule & """ Fill-head, finite, relative cls, PP gap people [with whom we traveled] """ [ RNAME fhrp ]. flr-hd_rel-inf_c := filler_head_inf_rel_rule & """ Fill-head, inf, relative cls, PP gap people [on whom to rely] """ [ RNAME fhri ]. hd-cl_fr-rel_c := free_rel_rule & """ Free relative clause We run whenever Kim runs. """ [ RNAME frf ]. hd-cl_fr-rel-ellip_c := free_rel_ellip_rule & """ Free relative clause with VP-ellipsis instead of gap We did what we could """ [ RNAME frfe ]. vp-vp_crd-fin-t_c := vp_coord_fin_top_phr & """ Conjnd VP, fin, top B [sees C and chases D.] """ [ RNAME ctvpf ]. vp-vp_crd-fin-m_c := vp_coord_fin_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd VP, fin, mid B rose, [sang, & chased D.] """ [ RNAME cmvpf ]. vp-vp_crd-fin-im_c := vp_coord_fin_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd VP, fin, mid, no comma B rose [sang & chased D.] """ [ RNAME cmfpi ]. vp-vp_crd-nfin-t_c := vp_coord_nonfin_top_phr & """ Conjnd VP, nonfin, top B'll [see C and chase D.] """ [ RNAME ctvpn ]. vp-vp_crd-nfin-m_c := vp_coord_nonfin_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd VP, nonfin, mid B'll rise, [sing, & see D.] """ [ RNAME cmvpn ]. vp-vp_crd-nfin-im_c := vp_coord_nonfin_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd VP, nonfin, mid, no comma B'll rise [sing & see D.] """ [ RNAME cmvpi ]. ;2022-08-06 v-v_crd-fin-ncj_c := v_coord_fin_top_noconj_phr & """ Conjnd V,VP, fin, no conjunctn B [sees C, chases D.] """ [ RNAME ctvr ]. v-v_crd-nfin-ncj_c := v_coord_nonfin_top_noconj_phr & """ Conjnd V,VP, nonfin, no conjunctn B will [see C, chase D.] """ [ RNAME ctvrn ]. cl-cl_crd-t_c := s_coord_top_phr & """ Conjoined clauses, non-int, top B sang and C danced. """ [ RNAME cts ]. cl-cl_crd-int-t_c := s_coord_int_top_phr & """ Conjnd clauses, interrog, top Who sang and who danced? """ [ RNAME ctsq ]. cl-cl_crd-m_c := s_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjoined clauses, mid B sang, [C ran, & D sat.] """ [ RNAME cmse ]. cl-cl_crd-im_c := s_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjoined clauses, no cma, mid B sang, [C ran & D sat.] """ [ RNAME cmsi ]. cl-cl_crd-rc-t_c := relcl_coord_top_phr & """ Conjoined relative clauses people [who fly & who run] """ [ RNAME ctrt ]. cl-cl_crd-ncj_c := s_coord_top_noconj_phr & """ Conjnd S, no conjunctn [B sees C, E chases D.] """ [ RNAME ctsn ]. pp-pp_crd-t_c := pp_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd PP, top B is [in Paris and at work] """ [ RNAME ctpp ]. pp-pp_crd-m_c := pp_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd PP, mid B's [here, in P, & at work] """ [ RNAME cmpp ]. pp-pp_crd-im_c := pp_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd PP, mid, no comma B's [here, in P & at work] """ [ RNAME cmppi ]. pp-pp_crd-sel-t_c := pp_sel_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd selected-for PP, top B relies [on C and on D] """ [ RNAME ctps ]. pp-pp_crd-sel-m_c := pp_sel_coord_mid_phr & """ Conjnd selected-for PP, mid B relies [on C, on D, and on E] """ [ RNAME cmps ]. np-np_crd-t_c := np_coord_top_eg_rule & """ Conjoined noun phrases, top [The cat and the dog] ran. """ [ RNAME ctnp ]. np-np_crd-i-t_c := np_coord_top_ig1_rule & """ Conjoined accus-case pro and NP [Me and Kim] left. """ [ RNAME ctnp1 ]. np-np_crd-i2-t_c := np_coord_top_ig2_rule & """ Conjoined NP and accus-case pro [Kim and me] left. """ [ RNAME ctnp2 ]. np-np_crd-i3-t_c := np_coord_top_ig3_rule & """ Conjoined NP and nom-case pro B saw [Kim and I]. """ [ RNAME ctnp3 ]. np-np_crd-m_c := np_coord_mid_eg_rule & """ Conjoined noun phrases, mid Kim, [Pat, and Tom] ran. """ [ RNAME cmne ]. np-np_crd-im_c := np_coord_mid_ig_rule & """ Conjoined NPs, no comma, mid Kim, [Pat and Tom] ran. """ [ RNAME cmni ]. ;; Used in Verbmobil transcriptions where commas are missing for 3-part coord ;; np-np_crd-nocomma-m_c := np_coord_mid_nocomma_rule & """ Conjoined NPs, days only, no comma on any conjunct, mid Monday Tuesday and Wednesday are open. """ [ RNAME cmnir ]. np-np_crd-nc-m_c := np_coord_mid_noconj_rule & """ Conjoined NPs, no conj, mid Buy books, [tapes, films.] """ [ RNAME cmnn ]. n-n_crd-nc-m_c := nbar_coord_mid_noconj_rule & """ Conjoined nouns, no comma, mid Buy a book, [tape, film.] """ [ RNAME cmnb ]. ;; DPF 2023-01-07 - Make two variants: either bounded by parens or by italics np-np_crd-nc-t_c := np_coord_top_noconj_rule & """ Conjoined NPs, no comma, top, parenthesized Buy things (tapes, films). """ [ LCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.LPUNCT lparen_punct, RCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RCLSTR.RPAREN na_or_+, RNAME ctnn ]. np-np_crd-nc-ital-t_c := np_coord_top_noconj_rule & """ Conjoined NPs, no comma, top, italicized Buy ⌊/tapes, films/⌋. """ [ LCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.LPUNCT lital_punct, RCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RCLSTR.RITAL +, RNAME ctnni ]. n-n_crd-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_nondiv_samelex_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, nondiv, top, same lex value The [cat and dog] ran. """ [ RNAME ctn ]. n-n_crd-nondiv-dll-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_nondiv_asymlex1_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, nondiv, diff-lex1, top (nonlex) The [[cat with a tail] and mouse] run. """ [ RNAME ctnndl ]. n-n_crd-nondiv-dlr-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_nondiv_asymlex2_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, nondiv, diff-lex2, top (nonlex) The [mouse and [cat with a tail]] run. """ [ RNAME ctnndr ]. ; How much sand and gravel arrives? n-n_crd-div-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_div_samelex_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, div, same-lex, top The [cats and dogs] run. """ [ RNAME ctnd ]. n-n_crd-div-dll-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_div_asymlex1_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, div, diff-lex1, top (nonlex) The [[cats with tails] and dogs] run. """ [ RNAME ctndl ]. n-n_crd-div-dlr-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_div_asymlex2_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, div, diff-lex2, top (nonlex) The [dogs and [cats with tails]] run. """ [ RNAME ctndr ]. n-n_crd-mass-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_mass_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, mass, top, where number underspec The [sand and gravel] has/have arrived] """ [ RNAME ctnm ]. n-n_crd-mass-nom-t_c := nbar_coord_top_1_mass_nom_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, sym agr, mass, top, nominative case with singular number The [sand and gravel] has/have arrived] """ [ RNAME ctnmn ]. n-n_crd-3-t_c := nbar_coord_top_3_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, single referent, top My [friend and guide] ran. """ [ RNAME ctn3 ]. n-n_crd-m_c := nbar_coord_mid_eg_rule & """ Conjoined N-bars, mid No cat, [dog, or rat] ran. """ [ RNAME cmen ]. n-n_crd-im_c := nbar_coord_mid_ig_rule & """ Conjoined N-bars, no comma, mid No cat, [dog or rat] ran. """ [ RNAME cmin ]. n-n_crd-nocomma-m_c := nbar_coord_mid_nocomma_rule & """ Conjoined N-bars, no comma on any conjunct, mid, days only The third fourth and fifth are open. """ [ RNAME cminr ]. n-n_crd-asym-t_c := nbar_coord_asym_top_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, asym agr, sg+pl, top The [cat and dogs] ran. """ [ RNAME ctna ]. n-n_crd-asym2-t_c := nbar_coord_asym_top_2_rule & """ Conjnd Ns, asym agr, pl+sg, top The [cats and dog] ran. The [hardware and system] ran. """ [ RNAME ctnb ]. j-n_crd-t_c := adj_noun_coord_rule & """ Conjoined adjective + noun [wooden and marble] stairs """ [ RNAME ctjn ]. j-n_crd-m_c := adj_noun_coord_mid_rule & """ Mid-coord for conjoined adjective + noun tall, [angry or monster] cat """ [ RNAME cmjn ]. n-j_crd-t_c := noun_adj_coord_rule & """ Conjoined noun +adjective [marble and wooden] stairs """ [ RNAME ctnj ]. n-j_crd-m_c := noun_adj_coord_mid_rule & """ Conjoined noun +adjective [marble and wooden] stairs """ [ RNAME cmnj ]. j-j_crd-att-t_c := adj_attr_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd attrib adjectives, top the [old and young] cats """ [ RNAME ctaa ]. j-j_crd-att-m_c := adj_attr_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd attrib adjectives, mid, only for "or" the [old, young, or angry] cats """ [ RNAME cmeaa ]. j-j_crd-att-im_c := adj_attr_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd attrib adjectives, no comma, mid, only for "or" the [old, young, or angry] cats """ [ RNAME cmiaa ]. j-j_crd-prd-t_c := adj_pred_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd pred adjs, top B is [young and tall]. """ [ RNAME ctap ]. j-j_crd-prd-m_c := adj_pred_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd pred adjs, mid B is old, [big, and tall]. """ [ RNAME cmea ]. j-j_crd-prd-im_c := adj_pred_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd pred adjs, no comma, mid B is old, [big and tall]. """ [ RNAME cmia ]. jpr-jpr_crd-t_c := ap_predp_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd subord prd phr, adj, top B ran, [happy but tired.] """ [ RNAME ctax ]. jpr-jpr_crd-m_c := ap_predp_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd subord prd phr, adj, mid B ran, hot, [fit, and low] """ [ RNAME cmax ]. jpr-jpr_crd-im_c := ap_predp_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd phr, adj,no-cma, mid B ran, hot, [fit and low.] """ [ RNAME cmay ]. jpr-vpr_crd-t_c := vp_a-or-p_predp_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd prd phr, adj,V, top B ran, [happy and freed.] """ [ RNAME ctav ]. jpr-vpr_crd-m_c := vp_a-or-p_predp_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd prd phr, adj,V, mid B ran, hot, [fit, and lit.] """ [ RNAME cmav ]. jpr-vpr_crd-im_c := vp_a-or-p_predp_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd sbd phr, adj,V,no-cma, mid B ran, hot, [fit and lit.] """ [ RNAME cmaz ]. vppr-vppr_crd-t_c := vp_predp_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd subord prd phr, VP, top B ran, [feared and loved.] """ [ RNAME ctvpx ]. vppr-vppr_crd-m_c := vp_predp_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd subord prd phr, VP, mid B ran, torn, [bent, & cut] """ [ RNAME cmvpx ]. vppr-vppr_crd-im_c := vp_predp_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd phr, VP, no-cma, mid B ran, torn, [bent & cut.] """ [ RNAME cmvpy ]. ppr-ppr_crd-t_c := pp_predp_coord_top_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd prd phr, PP+XP, top B ran, [in Rome but lost.] """ [ RNAME ctpx ]. ppr-ppr_crd-m_c := pp_predp_coord_mid_eg_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd prd phr, PP+XP, mid B ran, sad, [in R, & lost] """ [ RNAME cmpx ]. ppr-ppr_crd-im_c := pp_predp_coord_mid_ig_phr & """ Conjnd sbrd PP+XP, no-cma, mid B ran, sad, [in R & lost] """ [ RNAME cmpy ]. hd_imp_c := imperative_mc_rule & """ Imperative clause from base VP Hire Browne! """ [ RNAME imp ]. hd_yesno_c := yesno_rule & """ Yes-no question from inverted S, main clause Did B arrive? """ [ RNAME ync ]. hd_yesno-nmc_c := yesno_nonmc_rule & """ Yes-no question from inverted S, embedded clause Kim asked, did B arrive? """ [ RNAME ynce ]. hd_inv-nwh_c := inv_decl_rule & """ Inverted non-wh declarative cls Never [has B won here.] """ [ RNAME idc ]. num-n_mnp_c := measure_np_rule & """ Measure NP from number+noun A [two liter] jar broke. """ [ RNAME mnp ]. num-n_mnp-ppof_c := measure_np_ppof_rule & """ Measure NP from number+noun, oblig pp-of complement many accounts, of which [two percent] are overdrawn """ [ RNAME mnpo ]. n-num_mnp_c := measure_np_symbol_rule & """ Measure NP from meas-symbol+num We dislike [$6] fuel. """ [ RNAME mnps ]. ;; DPF 20-05-16 - Maybe redundant? ;n_mnp_c := bare_measure_np_rule & ; """ ; Measure NP from bare noun ; ; This road is [miles] long. ; """ ; [ RNAME mnpb ]. mnp_deg_c := meas_np_degadv_attr_rule & """ Deg phrase fr meas NP, attrib The [5 meter] tall tree fell. """ [ RNAME mnda ]. mnp_deg-bre_c := meas_np_degadv_bare_attr_rule & """ Deg phrase fr bare meas NP, attrib The *centuries*-old tree fell. """ [ RNAME mndb ]. mnp_deg-prd_c := meas_np_degadv_pred_rule & """ Deg phrase fr meas NP, predic Trees are [5 meters] tall. """ [ RNAME mndp ]. num_prt-nc_c := partitive_num_nocomp_rule & """ Partitive NP fr.number, no cmp [Six] were sleeping. """ [ RNAME pnn ]. num_prt-of_c := partitive_num_ppof_rule & """ Partitive fr.number, of_PP cmp [Six] of them slept. """ [ RNAME pno ]. num_prt-det-nc_c := partitive_intadj_nocomp_rule & """ Partitive fr.det+number, no cmp [These six] slept. """ [ RNAME pnan ]. num_prt-det-of_c := partitive_intadj_ppof_rule & """ Partitive fr.det+num, of-PP cmp [The first of them] left. """ [ RNAME pnac ]. aj_prt-det-nc_c := partitive_adj_lex_nocomp_rule & """ Partitive from lexical compar/superl adj, no complement [The oldest] is empty. """ [ RNAME pan ]. aj_prt-det-ncp_c := partitive_adj_phr_nocomp_rule & """ Partitive from phrasal adj, no complement [The most beautiful] is empty. """ [ RNAME panp ]. aj_prt-det-of_c := partitive_adj_ppof_rule & """ Partitive fr. adj, of-PP cmp [The oldest of these] is empty. """ [ RNAME pac ]. cl_np-wh_c := np_cp_wh_rule & """ NP from WH clause [What he saw] scared him. """ [ RNAME npsq ]. vp_cp-sb_c := cp_subj_rule & """ VP requiring non-WH clausal subj That B won [bothered C.] """ [ RNAME cpsb ]. vp_cp-sb-inf_c := cp_subj_inf_rule & """ VP requiring non-WH inf.cls subj For B to win [bothered C.] """ [ RNAME cpsi ]. vp_np-ger_c := vgerund_rule & """ NP from verbal gerund Winning money [pleased C.] """ [ RNAME vger ]. vp_np-ger-intr_c := vgerund_intr_rule & """ NP from verbal gerund of intrans verb, with oblig subj Fido barking [pleased C.] """ [ RNAME vgri ]. vp_np-ger-gap_c := vgerund_slash_rule & """ NP from verbal gerund containing a gap Winning money [pleased C.] """ [ RNAME vgrg ]. np_prt-poss_c := partitive_np_rule & """ Partitive fr. possessive NP [The cat's] is empty. """ [ RNAME npp ]. np_voc-post_c := vocative_np_rule & """ Vocative modifier fr.NP, postmod Where are we, [Kim?] """ [ RNAME npv ]. np_voc-pre_c := vocative_np_lmod_rule & """ Vocative modifier, premod [Kim,] where are we? """ [ RNAME npvl ]. num_det_c := num_det_rule & """ Determiner from number [Ten cats] slept. """ [ RNAME numd ]. hd-hd_rnr_c := right_node_raise_vp_rule & """ Right-node raising, VP B admires and relies on C """ [ RNAME rnrv ]. hd-hd_rnr-nv_c := right_node_raise_nonvp_rule & """ Right-node raising, not VP B is under or replaced by C """ [ RNAME rnro ]. hd-hd_rnr-nb_c := right_node_raise_nbar_rule & """ Right-node raising, Nbar B has pictures and stories of C """ [ RNAME rnrn ]. np_frg_c := frag_np_rule & """ Fragment NP The cat. """ [ RNAME frnp ]. np_cnj-frg_c := frag_np_conj_rule & """ Fragment conj+NP And the cat. """ [ RNAME frnpc ]. np_nb-frg_c := frag_nbar_rule & """ Fragment N-bar Angry cat. """ [ RNAME frnb ]. np_nb-pr-frg_c := frag_nbar_pairpunct_rule & """ Fragment N-bar marked with paired punctuation "Angry cat" """ [ RNAME frnbq ]. pp_frg_c := frag_pp_ind_rule & """ Fragment PP In Paris. """ [ RNAME frpi ]. j_frg_c := frag_adj_rule & """ Fragment adjective phrase Angry at dogs. """ [ RNAME frj ]. r_scp-frg_c := frag_adv_rule & """ Fragment scopal adverb phrase Probably. """ [ RNAME frr ]. r_int-frg_c := frag_int_adv_rule & """ Fragment intersective adverb Quietly. """ [ RNAME frri ]. r_dsc-frg_c := frag_dadv_rule & """ Fragment discourse adverb Yes. """ [ RNAME frrd ]. r_cl-frg_c := frag_sent_adv_rule & """ Fragment clausal adverb Because we left. """ [ RNAME frrc ]. conj-frg_c := frag_conj_rule & """ Fragment lexical conjunction But! """ [ RNAME frrc ]. cl_cnj-frg_c := frag_sent_conj_rule & """ Fragment clause with conjunctn And Kim stayed. """ [ RNAME frsc ]. cl_cnj-scmp-frg_c := frag_scomp_conj_rule & """ Fragment that-S with conjunction And that Kim had arrived. """ [ RNAME frtsc ]. vp_fin-frg_c := frag_vp_fin_rule & """ Fragment finite VP Chases cats. """ [ RNAME frvp ]. vp_nfin-frg_c := frag_vp_nonfin_rule & """ Fragment nonfinite VP To chase cats. """ [ RNAME frvn ]. vp_bse-cop-frg_c := frag_vp_bse_cop_rule & """ Fragment non-imperative base copula VP, esp. for dictionary definitions Be raining. """ [ RNAME frvc ]. ;; DPF 22-12-14 - Spanning rule only when marked with clause punct (or none), ;; to avoid spurious use sentence-internally, ;; cl_cp-frg_c := frag_sbar_rule & """ Fragment that-clause, spanning only That it chases cats. """ [ ARGS.FIRST.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct, RNAME frsb ]. cl_cp-dash-frg_c := frag_sbar_rule & """ Fragment embedded clause The charge -- that he failed -- was wrong. """ [ ARGS.FIRST.SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT hyphen_sgl_or_dbl_or_sdash, RNAME frsbd ]. cl_wh-nonfin-frg_c := frag_s_wh_nonfin_rule & """ Fragment embedded WH infinitival clause How to use it """ [ RNAME frsq ]. cl_rel-frg_c := frag_relcl_rule & """ Fragment relative cluase Which we assumed. """ [ RNAME frsr ]. aj-np_frg_c := frag_l_mod_s_np_rule & """ Fragment scopal modifier + NP Probably Browne. """ [ RNAME frln ]. aj-np_int-frg_c := frag_l_mod_i_np_rule & """ Fragment intersctv modif + NP On Tuesday, the cat. """ [ RNAME frli ]. aj-pp_frg_c := frag_l_mod_scop_pp_rule & """ Fragment scopal modif + PP Probably in Paris. """ [ RNAME frlp ]. ;; DPF 22-12-26 - This construction is no longer needed, so comment out. ;aj-pp_i-frg_c := frag_l_mod_isect_pp_rule & ;""" ;Fragment intersective modif + PP ; ;Eventually in Paris. ;""" ; [ RNAME frlpi ]. aj-r_frg_c := frag_l_mod_adv_rule & """ Fragment scopal mod + adverbial Maybe, if we can. """ [ RNAME frla ]. np-aj_frg_c := frag_r_mod_np_rule & """ Fragment NP + scopal modifier The cats, probably. """ [ RNAME frrn ]. np-aj_rorp-frg_c := frag_r_mod_np_i_rule & """ Fragment NP + PP or intsctv adv Many problems afterwards. """ [ RNAME frni ]. np-aj_j-frg_c := frag_r_mod_np_adj_rule & """ Fragment NP + adjective phrase Pizza ready. """ [ RNAME frra ]. nb-aj_frg_c := frag_r_mod_nbar_rule & """ Fragment N-bar + scopal modif Cat : a feline. """ [ RNAME frrb ]. aj-nb_frg_c := frag_l_mod_nbar_rule & """ Fragment scopal modif + N-bar Howdy, table for two """ [ RNAME frlb ]. pp-aj_frg_c := frag_r_mod_scop_pp_rule & """ Fragment PP + scopal modifier In Paris before we left. """ [ RNAME frrs ]. j-aj_frg_c := frag_r_mod_ap_rule & """ Fragment adjectv + scopal modif Unhappy if they leave. """ [ RNAME frrj ]. hdn-cl_prnth_c := paren_float_s_rule & """ NomHd + parenthetical clause [Cats (they snore)] slept. """ [ RNAME pfls ]. hd-cl_jd-prnth_c := paren_float_s_adjdet_rule & """ Adj or det head + parenthetical clause the cats are [loud (they snore)] """ [ RNAME pfljs ]. hdn-n_prnth_c := paren_float_nbar_rule & """ NomHd + parenthetical N-bar [Some guy (democrat)] ran. """ [ RNAME pfln ]. hdn-j_prnth_c := paren_float_adj_rule & """ NomHd + parenthetical adj [Some guy (tall)] ran. """ [ RNAME pflj ]. hdn-cl_dsh_c := dash_float_s_rule & """ NomHd + dash-marked clause [Cats - they snore - ] ran. """ [ RNAME dfls ]. hd-cl_jd-dsh_c := dash_float_s_adjdet_rule & """ Adj or det + dash-marked clause Cats are loud - they snore - often. """ [ RNAME dfljs ]. np-prdp_vpmod_c := np_pred_post_rule & """ Modifier from pred.small clause, post-mod only We ran, [Kim petrified]. """ [ RNAME nppd ]. np-prdp_vpmod-pre_c := np_pred_pre_rule & """ Modifier from pred.small clause, pre-mod only [Kim petrified], she ran, """ [ RNAME nppdb ]. np-prdp_vpmod-prn_c := np_pred_paren_rule & """ Modifier from predicative small clause, paren-marked We ran (Kim petrified). """ [ RNAME nppd ]. hd-pct_c := punct_marker_hinit_brk_rule & """ Head + punctuation token B [arrived -] C left. """ [ RNAME pthi ]. hd-pct_nobrk_c := punct_marker_hinit_nobrk_rule & [ RNAME pthi ]. pct-hd_c := punct_marker_hfinal_brk_rule & """ Punctuation token + head B arrived (today) """ [ RNAME pthf ]. pct-hd_nobrk_c := punct_marker_hfinal_nobrk_rule & [ RNAME pthf ]. cl-cl_runon_c := run_on_coord_rule & """ Run-on sentence w/two clauses, where right dtr can also be frag B arrived; C left. """ [ LCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb_or_conj-s, RNAME sns ]. frg-cl_runon_c := run_on_coord_rule & """ Run-on sentence w/two clauses, where left dtr is frag, but not right dtr. The cat; C left. """ [ LCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD frag, RCONJ-DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb_or_conj-s, RNAME fns ]. cl-cl_runon-cma_c := run_on_coord_comma_rule & """ Run-on sentence, comma-joined B arrived, C left. """ [ RNAME snsc ]. cl-np_runon_c := run_on_np_rule & """ Run-on sentence fr.clause + NP B arrived; disaster. """ [ RNAME frsn ]. cl-np_runon-conj_c := run_on_npconj_rule & """ Run-on sentence fr.clause + conj+NP B arrived, and Chiang. """ [ RNAME frsnc ]. cl-np_runon-prn_c := run_on_np_paren_rule & """ Run-on S fr.clause + parenth NP B arrived (disaster). """ [ RNAME fsnp ]. cl-np_runon-prn-conj_c := run_on_npconj_paren_rule & """ Run-on S fr.clause + parenth conj+NP B arrived (disaster). """ [ RNAME fsnpc ]. np-cl_numitem_c := npnum_s_rule & """ Num+sentence 2. Browne arrived. """ [ RNAME nums ]. np-nb_numitem_c := npnum_nbar_rule & """ Num+nbar 2. castle tour """ [ RNAME numnb ]. np-cl_lettitem_c := np_letter_s_rule & """ Letter + sentence or fragment c) Browne arrived. """ [ RNAME letts ]. np-cl_indef_c := npindef_s_rule & """ IndefNP+sentence A fool, Browne left. """ [ RNAME nis ]. cl-rc_c := vp-final-relcl_phrase & """ VP-final relative clause It rained, which surprised C. """ [ RNAME src ]. cl_adv_c := cl_adv_rule & """ Adverbial phrase from clause with clausal gap You will, I am sure, be happy. """ [ RNAME advc ]. np_indef-adv_c := npindef_adv_rule & """ Adverbial phrase from indefinite NP He arrived a rich man. """ [ RNAME niv ]. w-w_fw-seq-m_c := fw_seq_l_rule & """ Seq. of italic/foreign wds, mid [amo amas] amat """ [ RNAME fsql ]. ; We admire ⌊/amat/⌋. w_fw_c := fw_w_rule & """ NP for single foreign or italicized word We admire "amat". """ [ RNAME fsqw ]. w-w_fw-seq-t_c := fw_seq_r_rule & """ NP fr.seq.of italic/foreign wds [[amo amas] amat] """ [ RNAME fsqr ]. ;; ;; Disabled in the LKB, by virtue of temporary expedient *parse-ignore-rules* ;; (via lkb/noparse-rules.set). ;; xp_brck-pr_c := paired_bracket_rule & """ Paired bracketed phrase to block unwanted phrases crossing brackets The ⌊(⌋ fluffy towel ⌊)⌋ rack """ [ RNAME xbrk ]. #| ;; Also disabled by default in lkb/noparse-rules.set ;; But let's comment it out, since it appears to be expensive for ACE as well ;; hdn_bnp-rbst_c := bare_np_sg_phrase_robust & """ Robust bare singular count NP We saw cat running """ [ RNAME bnpr ]. ;; Similarly, this robust rule is normally commented out to avoid spurious ;; analyses in edited text other than for e.g. dictionaries and cookbooks. ;; hd_optcmp-mal_c := hoptcomp_mal_rule & """ Verb discharges obligatory but missing compl Devour quickly. """ [ RNAME hcpr ]. |# #| xp-xp_bridge_c := bridge_binary_phrase & """ Robust binary bridging rule [We admire B] [admires C] """ [ RNAME xxbb ]. xp_bridge_c := bridge_unary_phrase & """ Robust unary bridging rule We admire B [admires C] """ [ RNAME xxbu ]. |# #| nom_bridge_c := bridge_n_phrase & [ RNAME xxbn ]. verb_bridge_c := bridge_v_phrase & [ RNAME xxbv ]. ;ad_bridge_c := bridge_a_phrase & ; [ RNAME xxba ]. |#