vp_sl-frg_c := frag_vp_slash_rule & """ Fragment VP with slash, for dict defs and robust parsing To devour. """ [ RNAME frvs ]. s_sl-frg_c := frag_s_slash_rule & """ Fragment S with slash, for robust parsing This means and includes ... """ [ RNAME frsg ]. pp_sl-frg_c := frag_pp_slash_rule & """ Fragment PP with slash, for dict defs and robust parsing a beside. """ [ RNAME frps ]. np_sl-frg_c := frag_np_slash_rule & """ Fragment NP with slash, for dict defs and robust parsing a a friend of. """ [ RNAME frns ]. ;; DPF 2022-12-13 - Relax constraint for some appositives, to enable analysis ;; of e.g. "content communicating a message; what something is about" appos_phr_rbc := appos_np_phr & [ HD-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ ALTMIN non_pronoun_q_rel, NORM quantity_or_norm_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ], PUNCT.RPUNCT semicol_or_hyphen_or_rbc ], NH-DTR.SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD basic_noun, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ], PUNCT.RPUNCT no_punct ], GENRE nonformal ].