;;; -*- Mode: tdl; coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2018 ;;; Dan Flickinger, Rob Malouf, Emily M. Bender ;;; see LICENSE for conditions ;;; ;;; lextypes.tdl ;;; ;;; Lexical types (i.e., word classes) ;;; ;;; Rob Malouf, 3-Nov-1994 ;;; ;;; $Id: lextypes.tdl 7479 2010-02-21 23:11:30Z danf $ ;:message "Lexical types". ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; LEXICAL DEFAULTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; nonconj := word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. nonque := word & [ SYNSEM.NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ]. nonrel := word & [ SYNSEM.NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ]. nonslash := word & [ SYNSEM.NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ]. ; Most words combine with their complements (if any) to produce a phrase, ; but a few, like "twenty" as in "twenty-two" and "five" as in "five o'clock", ; produce a sign which is still a word -- one with [ SYNSEM lex_synsem ]. hc-to-phr := word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HC-LEX - ]. mcna := word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.MC na ]. non_affix_bearing := word & [ INFLECTD + ]. ;; Relevant combinations of these seven lexical defaults nons-m := nonslash & mcna. noncs-m := nons-m & nonconj. nonc-h := nonconj & hc-to-phr. nonc-m-nab := nonconj & mcna & non_affix_bearing. noncs-m-nab := nonc-m-nab & nonslash. noncs-hm := noncs-m & hc-to-phr. noncs-hm-nab := noncs-hm & noncs-m-nab. noncrs-hm := noncs-hm & nonrel. noncqrs-hm := noncrs-hm & nonque. noncqrs-hm-nab := noncqrs-hm & noncs-m-nab. nonrs := nonrel & nonslash. nonrs-hm := nons-m & hc-to-phr & nonrs. noncrs := nonrs & nonconj. noncqrs := noncrs & nonque. noncrs-nab := noncrs & non_affix_bearing. noncqrs-nab := noncqrs & non_affix_bearing. noncqr-nab := nonconj & non_affix_bearing & nonque & nonrel. noncrs-m := noncs-m & noncrs. noncqrs-m := noncrs-m & nonque. noncrs-m-nab := noncrs-m & noncs-m-nab. noncqrs-m-nab := noncrs-m-nab & nonque. nonc-hm := nonconj & hc-to-phr & mcna. noncqr-hm := nonconj & hc-to-phr & mcna & nonque & nonrel. noncqs := nonconj & nonque & nonslash. noncqs-hm := noncs-hm & noncqs. noncqs-m-nab := noncqs & noncs-m-nab. noncqs-hm-nab := noncqs-hm & noncs-m-nab. noncqr-hm-nab := noncqr-hm & non_affix_bearing. nonc-h-nab := nonconj & hc-to-phr & non_affix_bearing. noncr-h-nab := nonc-h-nab & nonrel. noncqr-h-nab := noncr-h-nab & nonque. nonc-hm-nab := nonc-h-nab & mcna. noncqrs-h-nab := noncqrs & nonc-h-nab. noncr-hm-nab := noncr-h-nab & mcna. noncrs-hm-nab := noncrs-hm & noncs-m-nab. nonrs-nab := nonrs & non_affix_bearing. ; que_word's have all the defaults EXCEPT nonque que_word := noncrs-hm-nab. ; For words with non-default PUNCT non-qr-h-nab := basic_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HC-LEX -, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] ]. norm_nonconj_word := nonc-hm-nab. ;;;;; ;; Non-local amalgmation types basic_zero_arg := synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < >, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ]. zero_arg := basic_zero_arg & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. ;; DPF 13-may-09 Removed identif of --SLTOP with that of ARG-S: see next. ;; DPF 2012-12-12 - In fact, we don't want the --SLTOP of the subject to be ;; bound in general (not just for the one-args, but for all arities), since ;; (1) subject gaps don't get entangled in across-the-board extraction like ;; complements and modifiers do (because we conjoin and then extract); and ;; (2) identifying the subject's --SLTOP with that of its head can lead to ;; circularity in scoping, as in sentences with both a conjoined subject and ;; a conjoined VP, such as *Kim and Lee would dance and smile*. This is ;; because the coordination rules identify the mother's LTOP and --SLTOP, ;; and the LTOP of *Kim and Lee* is as usual identified with that of *would*, ;; but *would*'s --SLTOP is also identified with that of its complement, and ;; that complement, since it is conjoined, also identifies its own LTOP and ;; --SLTOP. So if *would* also identified its subject's --SLTOP with its ;; own, we would get by transitivity the identity of *would*'s LTOP with ;; its complement's LTOP. ; basic_one_arg := canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH [ LIST #slash ] ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash ]. one_arg := basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. basic_two_arg := basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2 > ]. two_arg := basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. ; 'Kim is worth admiring.' ; 'Paris is pretty to look at' ; ;; Note no identification of --SLTOP of VP complement and self, since SLASH of ;; the complement is not passed up. ;; adj_vpslash_two_arg := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS - ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash ]. generic_three_arg := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ ], [ ], [ ] > ]. ;; DPF 2013-02-13 - Don't unify --SLTOP of second complement, since it is ;; often a scopal argument. Push down to the few relevant (nonscope-comp) ;; subtypes ;; DPF 2015-08-20 - Re 2013-02-13: But we get non-empty SLASH also in scopal ;; arguments, of course, and unless we identify --SLTOP of the head and of ;; such a slashed complement, we lose a crucial identity, as can be seen in ;; examples such as *where did you think the dog was* where the --SLTOP of ;; *think the dog was* would remain unbound, and hence the filler's LTOP has ;; no way to be identified (via qeq) with think's ARG3. ;; So let's put this reentrancy back in, and remind ourselves of any remaining ;; difficulty. ;; basic_three_arg := generic_three_arg & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s3 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3 > ]. three_arg := basic_three_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. ; Don't amalgamate SLASH of last complement tough_three_arg := generic_three_arg & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS - ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2 > ]. ; Don't amalgamate REL of last complement (it-cleft, 'have X to finish') norel_three_arg := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC [ SLASH #s3 ] ], [ NONLOC [ SLASH #s1 ] ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC [ SLASH #s2 ] ] >, NONLOC [ SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3 > ] ]. basic_four_arg := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ], [ ], [ ] > ]. four_arg := basic_four_arg & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s4 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s3 ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3, #s4 > ]. ; Don't amalgamate SLASH of last complement tough_four_arg := basic_four_arg & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s3 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS - ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3 > ]. ; Don't amalgamate SLASH of third complement with tough-adj comparatives ; *easier for us to admire than Kim* ;; tough_four_arg_compar := basic_four_arg & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s3 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3 > ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SUBCATEGORIZATIONS -- synsems for verbs, adjectives, prepositions, nouns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; nomod_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL.SUBJ < > ] ]. scopal_mod := mod_local. intersective_mod := mod_local. scopal_mod_local := scopal_mod & local. int_mod_local := intersective_mod & local. ; DPF 27-May-99 - Changed [MC na] in NOMP_CAT to [MC na_or_-] to allow ; acc-verbal-gerunds to be NP complements, even though they are built via the ; head_subj rule. ; DPF 18-Nov-99 - Removed PRD + since this prevented e.g. "ten past five" where ; "ten" is [PRD -], and "past" requires a nomp_cat specifier. ; DPF 07-Jan-01 - We would like to capture the generalization that nominal ; phrases which have been assigned case (nominative or accusative) must also ; be [ MSG no_msg ] to block, e.g., spurious analyses for verbal gerunds ; which have been built via the subj-head rule. But for now have to stipulate ; this for each occurrence in subcats. ; DPF 21-Mar-01 - Made COMPS for nomp_cat be < > rather than *olist* to avoid ; spurious ambiguity for partitives, as in "some arrived", since they have to ; undergo the n_optcomp pumping rule in order to be able to take a specifier ; as in "almost all arrived". ; DPF 20-Dec-01 - Added SPEC < > in nomp_cat to exclude measure-NPs. ; DPF 8-Feb-02 - But this prevents NPs from ever being specifiers (given the ; constraint on SPR..SPEC in the h-spec rule. So remove this constraint, and ; try to remember the examples that were supposed to be excluded. ; DPF 20-May-02 - Why MOOD on nomp_cat? ; DPF 27-Oct-02 - Would like to say about all nomp's that they are ; [DIV strict_sort], as we've already been doing (asymmetrically) for ; verbs' subjects for a while now, to avoid spurious ambiguity for e.g. ; "Fridays are inconvenient", thus extending this to other uses of NPs. ; But AGR.DIV is not in CAT, so we can't, and we have to replicate this ; constraint everywhere, as we've already had to do for [CONJ cnil]. Maybe ; a better approach could be found, maybe with defaults? ; DPF 4-Nov-02 - Added MOD < > since we can no longer distinguish modnp guys ; (output of npadv_mod rule) by their having a non-empty SUBJ. ; DPF 7-jul-04 - Removed [ TAM.MOOD ind_or_mod_subj ] from nomp_cat, since ; it's not clear what it was supposed to do. ; DPF 27-aug-04 - Removed [PRD -] constraint, since we want "as much rice ; as possible" which is [PRD +]. ; DPF 04-mar-06 - Re 4-Nov-02, removed MOD < > since some NPs (e.g. yofc) have ; non-empty MOD, and np_adv_c's have INDEX event rather than index. ; DPF 09-apr-09 - Changed HEAD from nominal to supnoun to exclude modnp. nomp_cat_min := cat_min. nomp_cat := nomp_cat_min & cat & [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ]. ; DPF (8-Jan-99) Added accusative and nominative subtypes of nomp_cat, since ; nominative ones are not 'mobile' - see fundamentals.tdl, and still want to ; keep _min types to reduce size of feature structures, even with CASE ; restriction. nomp_cat_nom_min := nomp_cat_min. nomp_cat_acc_min := nomp_cat_min. nomp_cat_nonnom_min := nomp_cat_min. nomp_cat_nom := nomp_cat_nom_min & nomp_cat & [ HEAD.CASE nom ]. nomp_cat_acc := nomp_cat_acc_min & nomp_cat & [ HEAD.CASE acc ]. nomp_cat_nonnom := nomp_cat_nonnom_min & nomp_cat & [ HEAD.CASE non_nom ]. np_cat_min := nomp_cat_min. np_cat_nom_min := nomp_cat_nom_min & np_cat_min. np_cat_acc_min := nomp_cat_acc_min & np_cat_min. np_cat_nonnom_min := nomp_cat_nonnom_min & np_cat_min. np_cat_nom := nomp_cat_nom & np_cat_nom_min & [ HEAD supnoun ]. np_cat_nonnom := nomp_cat_nonnom & np_cat_nonnom_min & [ HEAD supnoun ]. np_cat_acc := nomp_cat_acc & np_cat_acc_min & np_cat_nonnom & [ HEAD supnoun ]. ;; DPF (30-Apr-98) In saturated phrase subcats, SUBJ must be < >, not *olist*, ;; since we need to have SUBJ < > unify with the filler in filler_head phrases, ;; and the filler is constrained to be SUBJ *prolist* which has a distinct ;; synsem type (pro_ss) which is constrained to be [OPT -]. ;; DPF 27-May-99 - Having eliminated the need for *prolist* to be OPT -, we ;; can now make saturated phrases require SUBJ to be *olist* rather than < >, ;; which means verbal gerunds can have an optional SUBJ but still themselves ;; be subjects or complements. ;; DPF (28-Jul-98) Added MOD < > to exclude non-finite relative clauses, which ;; are otherwise not distinguishable from nomp's. Maybe also needed to ;; exclude the second (modifier) entries for temporal NPs like "Tuesday". ;; DPF 09-Jun-99 - Removed MOD < > (see above), since relative clauses are now ;; all marked with non-empty REL, and because this constraint was falsely ;; blocking "one to three pm" as an NP complement, because it has a ;; non-empty MOD. ;; s_cat_unspec := cat & [ HEAD verbal, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ] ]. ;; DPF 2013-02-11 - Constrain MC to bool, in order to exclude relative ;; clauses, as in ecoc:2065708 ;; basic_s_cat_v_c := s_cat_unspec & [ VAL.SPR *olist*, MC bool ]. s_cat_v_c := basic_s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.SUBJ *olist*, MC - ]. s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec := s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_inf, TAM indic_tam ] ]. s_cat_fin_unspec := s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin ] ]. s_cat_inf_unspec := s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec & [ HEAD.VFORM inf ]. basic_s_cat_fin_or_inf_v_c := basic_s_cat_v_c & s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec. s_cat_fin_or_inf_v_c := basic_s_cat_fin_or_inf_v_c & s_cat_v_c. s_cat_fin_v_c := s_cat_v_c & s_cat_fin_unspec. s_cat_inf_v_c := s_cat_v_c & s_cat_inf_unspec. ; Removed HEAD comp, to allow "I demand he be here" ;; DPF 2024-04-11 - Restrict VFORM to bse_only, to block imperative complement s_cat_bse := s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD [ VFORM bse_only, TAM.TENSE real_tense ] ]. s_cat := s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD verb & [ TAM.TENSE real_tense ] ]. s_cat_fin := s_cat & s_cat_fin_unspec & [ HEAD.INV - ]. ; DPF 17-Jul-03 - Removed MC + since blocked e.g. "I assume you stayed to chat" s_cat_fin_or_imp := s_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM fin_or_imp, MC bool ]. n_or_v_cat_min := cat_min. n_or_v_cat := n_or_v_cat_min & cat & [ HEAD nominal_or_verbal, VAL.COMPS < > ]. vp_cat := n_or_v_cat & [ HEAD verbal & [ INV -, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem_min & [ NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] >, MC na ]. vp_inf_cat := vp_cat & [ HEAD [ VFORM inf, PRD - ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ]. vp_bse_unspec_cat := vp_cat & [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM bse_only, PRD - ] ]. vp_prp_cat := vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM prp ]. ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Changed MOOD from indicative to indicative* to ; allow coord of "I will stay so you should leave" vp_bse_cat := vp_bse_unspec_cat & [ HEAD.TAM [ MOOD indicative, TENSE no_tense ] ]. s_or_vp_inf_cat := cat & [ HEAD verbal & [ VFORM inf, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL.COMPS < >, MC na_or_- ]. ; DPF 10-Jun-99 - Removed MOD < > (cf note in templates.tdl) ; DPF 11-Jul-99 - Added restriction that SPR be [HEAD det] to prevent ; adjectives from modifying partitives and odd nouns like hour_prep words. ; DPF 28-Aug-99 - Removed SPR: OPT - to allow relative clauses to modify ; generic-pro's like "anything" and still have the result look like an NP. ; DPF 10-May-01 - Removed [SPR..HEAD det] to allow modifiers of generic_pro ; entries as in "everyone important to me" ; DPF 2-Nov-01 - Added SPR < synsem > to exclude "happy here" with n_adv "here" ; DPF 03-may-04 - Consider adding SPEC < anti_synsem_min > to nbar_cat, so ; these aren't tempted to unify with measure_nps. nbar_cat_min := n_or_v_cat_min. ;; DPF 2024-05-07 - Comparatives as in "taller than the [third one]" constrain ;; the complement of "than" to be [PRD +], so push PRD - here down to a subtype. basic_basic_nbar_cat := n_or_v_cat & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger_or_nadj & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem_min, ... >, COMPS < > ], MC na ]. basic_nbar_cat := basic_basic_nbar_cat & [ HEAD.PRD - ]. ; DPF 18-mar-09 - Restricted SPR to quant_rel, to avoid spurious ambiguity ; since bare NPs otherwise act like nbars. ;; DPF 2016-07-04 - Restrict SPR to unexpressed, to avoid spurious analysis ;; for *Kim became competent* ;; DPF 2016-10-21 - Generalized SPR..MIN to non_pronoun_q_or_no_rel, so we can ;; also get *the word he*. ;; nbar_cat := nbar_cat_min & basic_nbar_cat & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger, VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ --MIN non_pronoun_q_or_no_rel ], ... > ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-06 - Generalized HEAD from adverbee to adverbee_or_modnp since ;; we want to allow *the people here again* ;; adverbee_cat := cat & [ HEAD adverbee_or_modnp ]. ; DPF 4-Nov-02 - Added MOD < synsem_min > to block NPs, now that we don't have ; presence of SUBJ synsem on all predicative phrases. ; DPF 24-Jun-03 - Removed MOD, since verbs now MOD empty. Instead, use ; HEAD v_or_a_or_p to exclude NPs. ; DPF 12-oct-05 - Can't constrain MOD to synsem, to exclude e.g. adj "a": ; "*find it a", since verbs have non-empty MOD constrained to anti_synsem. ; So instead constrain semantics of this "a". prd_or_adv_cat := cat & [ HEAD non_noun_or_adv & [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, TAM.TENSE tense ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ]. ;; DPF 2013-10-18 - Tried moving the AUX - constraint from prd_cat to this ;; more general type, since it seems that we never want infinitival ;; relatives as predicative complements. But the copula needs its complement ;; unmarked for AUX in order to allow "B is being interviewed by Abrams." So ;; just stamp AUX - on each of the non-copula uses of this type. ;; basic_prd_cat := prd_or_adv_cat & [ HEAD v_or_a_or_p ]. ; DPF 18-oct-03 - Restricted prd_cat to phrases which can modify nouns, in ; order to avoid spurious ambiguity for e.g. prepositions that are lexically ; split between noun-modifying and verb-modifying, as "make the check to Kim". ; DPF 01-sept-06 - Added SPR *cons* to block infinitival relatives as ; ordinary prd_cats, to block spurious analysis for e.g. "Kim turned out to ; be tall", while still allowing such relatives to appear as complements of ; the copula 'be' as in "Kim is to be elected." ; DPF 27-sept-06 - Re 01-sept-06: But this prevents "Kim got very tall", so ; instead require AUX -, which still blocks infinitival relatives. prd_cat := basic_prd_cat & [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun ] >, TAM.TENSE untensed, AUX - ] ]. basic_pp_cat := cat & [ HEAD prep_or_modnp, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ]. ; Only for complements of verbs, to avoid spurious ambiguity (e.g with 'into') pp_cat := basic_pp_cat & [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, PRD + ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Linking Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Linking types specify the relationship between valence positions and ;; semantic roles. linking_type := lex_synsem. atrans_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_role_rel, VAL.SUBJ < [ --SIND it-ind & #subjind ] > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind ], LKEYS.--+ARGIND it-ind ]. arg1_subj_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ --MIN nom_or_mnp_rel, --SIND #subjind & basic_non_expl, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #subjind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & [ ARG1 #subjind ] ]. ; DPF 12-Mar-03 - As per agreement with AAC, changed treatment of unaccusatives ; so they introduce an ARG1, not an ARG2 - they are to be related to their ; causative alternation (if any) via lexical rule which introduces an ; additional cause_rel. ; unacc_lt := arg1_subj_lt. basic_arg12_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #objind & basic_non_expl ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #objind ] ]. arg12_lt := basic_arg12_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #lbl ]. trans_lt := arg12_lt & [ LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 basic_non_expl-ind ]. arg12h_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #vhand ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. ; Maybe only for main verb "have" and for possessive "got" poss_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl, --SIND #subjind & non_expl-ind ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... > ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0, XARG #subjind ], RELS ] ] ]. expl_obj_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND it-ind ], ... >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. ; 'prefer it if ...' ; 'make it clear that ...' expl_obj_cp_lt := expl_obj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand ] ], ... >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. expl_obj_prdp_lt := expl_obj_lt & basic_control_expr_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ --SIND #objind ], #keycomp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #objind ], ... >, KCMP #keycomp ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation ]. particle_cp_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand ] ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. particle_pp_cp_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #cind & basic_non_expl ], [ --MIN event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #vhand ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #cind, ARG3 handle & #mhand ] ]. particle_oeq_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, [ --SIND #index & non_expl-ind ], #comp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, XARG #index ] ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #index, ARG3 handle & #mhand ] ]. ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Removed SORT entity from second COMPS, since want to ; allow "that gives me an hour" ;; DPF 2017-03-01 - Removed last vestiges of SORT non-time-sort, generalizing ;; to norm-entity-or-event for first complement. ;; ditrans_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #obj2ind & non_expl-ind & [ SORT entity-or-nomevent ] ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind & [ SORT entity-or-nomevent ]]], ... >], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #objind, ARG3 #obj2ind ] ]. tritrans_lt := ditrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, *top*, [ --MIN v_event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1234_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG4 handle & #mhand ] ]. basic_prep_intrans_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN prep_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX [ --TPC #tpc ], XARG #index ] ] ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & [ --TPC #tpc ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. prep_intrans_lt := basic_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E #tam ] ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ] ]. prep_intrans_nosubj_lt := basic_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E #tam ] ] ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ]. ;; DPF 14-Sept-00 - This type does not conform to our assumption that only ;; handles, indices, and external arguments of COMPS synsems can be referred ;; to in semantic construction. But we believe we have a better analysis on ;; the way which collapses these collocation constructions into a more general ;; account of multi-word expressions, so we allow the hack for now. ;; DPF 24-jun-08 - Re 14-Sept-00: Now fixed. basic_empty_prep_intrans_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.PRD -, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ] ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. empty_prep_intrans_lt := basic_empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG2 #objind ] ]. ; Kim gave to worthy causes empty_prep_intrans_arg3_lt := basic_empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ], ... >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG2 non_expl-ind, ARG3 #objind ] ]. ; Argument coercion as in "Kim suggests on Friday" prep_intrans_event_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN prep_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event ] ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & arg12_relation & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #event & event ] ]. prep_trans_lt := arg12_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #objind ], [ --MIN prep_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MOD < synsem_min >, TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX.SF prop, XARG #objind ] ] ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & arg123_relation & [ ARG3 handle & #hand ] ]. basic_empty_prep_trans_lt := arg12_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 #objind ] ]. empty_prep_trans_lt := basic_empty_prep_trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. basic_prep_particle_intrans_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. prep_particle_intrans_lt := basic_prep_particle_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN independent_rel ] > ]. empty_prep_particle_intrans_lt := basic_prep_particle_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #arg2 & non_expl-ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. cp_trans_lt := basic_arg12_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, [ --MIN event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand ] ], ...>, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG3 handle & #mhand ] ]. ; "explain to Kim that ..." basic_pp_cp_lt := basic_empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ --MIN event_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand ] ], ... >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG2 handle & #chand ] ]. pp_cp_lt := basic_pp_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND #index, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG3 #index ]. double_pp_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN prep_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #event ] ] ], [ --MIN prep_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #event ] ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. basic_double_pp_empty_pp_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ], [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX ref-ind ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. double_pp_empty_pp_lt := basic_double_pp_empty_pp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [--MIN prep_rel ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #objind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #objind ]. double_pp_both_empty_lt := basic_double_pp_empty_pp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #objind & ref-ind ], [ --SIND #obj2ind & ref-ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG2 #objind, ARG3 #obj2ind ] ]. arg12_double_pp_lt := arg12_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #ind1 & non_expl-ind ], [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind2 & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 #ind1, ARG4 #ind2 ] ]. ; DPF 24-jun-08 - FIX: should make this a subtype of arg1_subj_lt ... s_equi_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ], --SIND #index ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #index & non_expl-ind ] ]. equi_prd_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP [ --MIN independent_rel, --SIND #event ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 #event ] ]. ; ERB (14-12-97) Subj_equi verbs now require that their complement have ; a pro_ss subject. This might be redundant if some other supertype of ; all equi verbs requires prpstn_m_rel on the complement. ; ERB (21-01-98) This pro_ss needs to be constrained to be unslashed. subj_equi_lt := s_equi_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #xarg ] >, KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ]. ; 'try to leave' subj_equi_inf_lt := subj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. subj_equi_prp_or_bse_lt := subj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX [ E.TENSE no_tense, SF prop-or-comm ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 handle & #chand ] ]. obj_equi_prp_lt := subj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX [ E.TENSE no_tense, SF prop-or-comm ] ], COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind & ref-ind ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG2 #ind, ARG3 handle & #chand ] ]. ; ERB (14-12-97) comp's subj is a pro_ss. This is probably redundant since ; the to_c_prop will say that its subject is a pro_ss. ; ERB (21-01-98) The pro_ss needs to be constrained to be unslashed. ; 'persuade Kim to leave' obj_equi_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ], --SIND #index ], #comp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #index ] ]. ;; DPF 27-oct-09 - Maybe collapse the following two types now? ; 'persuade Kim to leave' obj_equi_inf_lt := obj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG3 handle & #mhand ]. ; 'help Kim leave' obj_equi_bse_lt := obj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < unexpressed_reg >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG3 handle & #mhand ]. basic_prd_comp_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #subjind ] >, KCMP.LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #chand ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #subjind, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. prd_comp_lt := basic_prd_comp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP [ --MIN independent_rel, --SIND.E.TENSE untensed ], CONT.ICONS ] ]. obj_equi_sel_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #cindex & non_expl-ind ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #c2index & non_expl-ind ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #cindex, ARG3 #c2index ] ]. pp_inf_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg2 ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #arg2, ARG3 handle & #arg3 ] ]. ; 'consider Kim wise' obj_equi_prd_lt := prd_comp_lt & obj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN basic_nom_or_mnp_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 handle & #arghand ] ]. ; 'promise Kim to leave' anom_equi_lt := s_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #subjind ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, XARG #subjind ] ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 handle & #mhand, ARG2 #objind ] ]. ; 'turn out unreliable' (also resultatives like 'turned up drunk') anom_equi_prd_lt := s_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] >, KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, #comp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, XARG #index ] ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #mhand ]. ; 'turn out to be red' anom_equi_particle_lt := s_equi_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #index ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vhand, XARG #index ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. basic_control_expr_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Reversed LKEYS..ARG1,ARG2 as per trunk. ;; ssr_expr_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.--SIND #ind, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ppind ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #arg, ARG2 #ppind & non_expl ] ]. basic_seq_prdp_expr_lt := basic_control_expr_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl, --SIND #subjind & index ] >, KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp, [ --MIN #ocmin & selected_rel, --SIND #arg ], ... > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #subjind, ARG3 #arg & non_expl-ind ], --OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. ; 'need only' ;; DPF 2024-04-30 - Duplicates constraints of v_vp_mdl-n_le #| subj_rais_bse_n3sg_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX [ E.TENSE no_tense, SF prop-or-comm ], XARG #xarg ], SUBJ.FIRST.--SIND #xarg ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 handle & #chand ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. |# seq_prdp_expr_lt := basic_seq_prdp_expr_lt & [ LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY _to_p_sel_rel ]. sor_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ], --SIND #index ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #index, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #index, ARG2 handle & #arg ] ]. sor_prop_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ], --SIND #index ] >, COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #index, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #index, ARG2 handle & #mhand ] ]. basic_expl_it_subj_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand, --SIND it-ind & #subjind ] >, KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #subjind, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #mhand, LARG #chand ], ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & [ LBL #hand, ARG1 handle & #mhand ] ]. expl_it_subj_lt := basic_expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. expl_it_subj_np_cp_lt := basic_expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg2 & non_expl-ind ]], ... >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. expl_it_subj_cp_cp_lt := basic_expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ], synsem >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG2 #mhand ] ]. expl_it_subj_np_vp_lt := basic_expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg2 & non_expl-ind ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg2 ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; take, cost expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_or_vp_lt := expl_it_subj_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 #ind ] ]. ; cost: "It will cost (me) ten dollars for you to come along" expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_or_vp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < anti_synsem_min > ]. ; cost, take: "it took me ten minutes to leave" expl_it_subj_np_np_vp_lt := expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_or_vp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ --SIND #ind ], ... >, KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ] ]. ; make: "it makes him angry that S" expl_it_subj_np_prdp_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl ] ], ... >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ ARG3 #harg ] ]. ;; "It ticked him off that S" expl_it_subj_np_ptcl_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. expl_it_subj_pp_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg ] ], ... >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG2 #arg & non_expl-ind ] ]. expl_it_subj_prtcl_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & #keyrel ]. ; 'It follows that ..." expl_it_subj_cp_lt := expl_it_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & #keyrel ]. ;; Both for NP and PP second complement: ;; "leave it to Kim to find the answer" (oeq, but also seq) ;; "consider it a privilege to accept this honor" (aeq) ;; expl_xp_inf_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ --SIND it-ind ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #arg, ARG3 handle & #mhand ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. ; 'leave it to Kim to find the answer' expl_xp_inf_oeq_lt := expl_xp_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg ] > ]. ; 'arrange with Kim to meet her' pp_inf_seq_lt := pp_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #arg1 ] >, COMPS < *top*, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ INDEX non_expl-ind, XARG #arg1 ] ] > ] ]. ; 'arrange it with Kim to meet her' ; expl_xp_inf_seq_lt := expl_xp_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #arg1 ] >, COMPS < *top*, *top*, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg1 ] > ] ]. ; 'consider it a privilege to accept the honor' expl_xp_inf_aeq_lt := expl_xp_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg, COMPS < *top*, *top*, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg ] > ] ]. ; suffice atrans_inf_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.--SIND #sind & it-ind, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #sind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg1_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 handle & #arg ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. particle_np_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #index ] ]. basic_np_particle_lt := arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ] ], synsem, ... >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #index ] ]. np_particle_lt := basic_np_particle_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. np_particle_pp_lt := np_particle_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 #objind ] ]. np_particle_pp_oeq_lt := np_particle_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX event, XARG #ind ] ], ... >, CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG2 #ind, ARG3 #arg ] ]. np_particle_np_lt := np_particle_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG3 #objind ] ]. basic_np_particle_cp_lt := basic_np_particle_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #cltop ], ... >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ ARG3 #arg3 ] ]. np_particle_cp_lt := basic_np_particle_cp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ --SIND #xarg, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg2 ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #lbl, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ LBL #lbl, PRED id_rel, ARG1 #xarg & [ PNG #png ], ARG2 #xarg2 & [ PNG #png ] ] ] ]. poss_idiom_lt := linking_type & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg, LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #lbl, ALTKEYREL [ LBL #lbl, PRED id_rel, ARG1.PNG #png, ARG2 #xarg & [ PNG #png ] ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Val Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Valence types specify the number and type of subcategorized complements. valence_type := canonical_synsem. ;; DPF 2022-04-23 - Constraining the SUBJ..-_SIND here to basic_non_event ;; prevented the predicative copula from occurring in locative inversion ;; constructions such as "in the corner was standing an old coatrack", so ;; push down to subtypes. Likewise, SUBJ..CAT nomp_cat_min over-constrains ;; HEAD to supnoun, so also push down to subtypes. ;; basic_unsat_subst := valence_type & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < synsem_min & [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil ] > ]. unsat_subst := basic_unsat_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ] ]. intrans_subst := one_arg & unsat_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. basic_unsat_two_arg_subst := basic_unsat_subst & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN #cmin, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ], ... >, LEX +, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ]. unsat_two_arg_subst := basic_unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ], COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ] ]. two_arg_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst. norm_two_arg_subst := two_arg_subst & basic_two_arg. ; For verbs that passivize. ; 21-Apr-00 Changed np_cat_acc_min to nomp_cat_acc_min for e.g. "kim liked ; hiring abrams" ; DPF 29-May-01 - Removed COMPS..MSG no_msg, since this blocked ; acc-gerunds as in "I resent you giving him that" -- later reconsidered? ; DPF 26-May-03 - We don't have one obvious place to state the constraint that ; VPs are REL empty (no pied piping within VP - Ross 67?), so let's at least ; catch a good bunch of cases with this type. ;; DPF 2016-12-10 - Constrained COMPS.FIRST.SORT to be norm-entity-or-event, ;; to exclude nominalized WH-clauses, to avoid spurious ambiguity for ;; *we know why he arrived*. ;; DPF 2017-02-21 - Re 2016-12-10: But this prevents *we know his name and ;; who he hired*, so generalize to basic-entity-or-event, and live with the ;; spurious ambiguity for now. FIX? ;; trans_subst := unsat_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, --SIND basic_non_event & [ SORT basic-entity-or-event ] ], ... > ]. np_trans_subst := trans_subst & norm_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; For verbs with nominal complement but that don't passivize. non_trans_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], ... > ]. ;; DPF 2016-04-21 - Changed complement from nomp_cat_nonnom_min to ;; nomp_cat_acc_min to block spurious NP-CP analysis of complement in ;; **we thought why he arrived* ;; DPF 2016-08-05 - Re 2016-04-21: But this blocks *we left town* because we ;; make the bare singular NPs be nonnom. So push this case constraint down to ;; subtypes. ;; np_non_trans_subst := non_trans_subst & two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND index ] > ]. ; became president ;; DPF 2012-12-21 - Block spurious non-empty SLASH ;; DPF 2016-07-04 - Restrict compl to SPR unexpressed, to avoid spurious ;; analysis for *Kim became competent* ;; basic_nbar_subst := non_trans_subst & two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT nbar_cat_min, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ]. nbar_subst := basic_nbar_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--MIN norm_nom_rel ]. basic_cp_intrans_subst := two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE real_tense ], COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_s_cat_v_c, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ] ]. ; Impose constraints stored in --ADDIN for base_or_non3sg verb ; Note that this has to allow for exceptional behavior for e.g. ; `demand that he be hired' where we don't what these --ADDIN constraints cp_addin_tam_pn := synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ TAM #tam, --ADDIN [ ADDTAM #tam, ADDPN #pn ] ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ]. cp_intrans_subst := basic_cp_intrans_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT basic_s_cat_v_c ]. ; For input to nom-gerund lexical rule basic_prep_intrans_subst := two_arg_subst. prep_intrans_subst := basic_prep_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] > ]. unsat_three_arg_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ --MIN #ocmin ], ... >, LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ocmin ]. basic_three_arg_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & basic_three_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] > ]. three_arg_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & three_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] > ]. three_arg_trans_subst := three_arg_subst & trans_subst. ;; DPF 2013-02-05 - Don't unify the --SLTOP of the second complement, which is ;; usually scopal. ;; DPF 2015-08-17 - Re 2013-02-05: See comment [DPF 2015-08-20] above on why ;; we have restored this identity. ;; basic_three_arg_trans_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & generic_three_arg & trans_subst & [ LOCAL.ARG-S < [ NONLOC.SLASH #s3 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s1 ], [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH #s2 ] >, NONLOC.SLASH.APPEND < #s1, #s2, #s3 > ]. three_arg_nontrans_subst := three_arg_subst & non_trans_subst. basic_three_arg_nontrans_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & non_trans_subst. three_arg_raising_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], ... > ]. ; DPF 17-sept-07 - Restricted PP compl to be non-nmod, to disambiguate e.g. ; "to" as in "bring X to Y" basic_prep_trans_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_or_modnp, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ]. prep_trans_subst := basic_prep_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ]>] > ]. prep_non_trans_subst := three_arg_nontrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND index, LEX + ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ] ] > ]. ; DPF 15-Apr-02 - Maybe none of these obj_equi_prd verbs should passivize, ; since the control of the predicative phrase is already the syntactic subject ; when the PrdP is just a VP modifier rather than a complement. We'll try ; making all of them prd_non_trans. ; DPF 11-sep-09 - Exclude gerunds as first complements, to avoid spurious ; analysis for e.g. "he likes going on vacation" ; DPF 14-may-10 - Re 11-sep-09: But this blocks "they got parsing right." ; so remove [ SORT entity ] constraint from first complement. ;; DPF 2013-02-06 - Add COMPS..MOD..HEAD noun to avoid ambig of preps like ;; `to' with double entries. ;; DPF 2018-03-18 - Make second comp NORM norm_rel to prevent noun-modifying ;; subord clauses, as in *we thought Kim before we arose* ;; DPF 2022-11-15 - Added POSTHD + to second complement, to avoid ;; "have plenty some" with "some" of "some years ago" ;; basic_prd_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, OPT - ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_cat & [ HEAD [ MOD < [ --MIN norm_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun, OPT + ] >, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], POSTHD +, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ], ... > ]. prd_trans_subst := basic_prd_subst & trans_subst. ; DPF 14-mar-05 - Constraining NP to be definite, to block annoying spurious ; parses for e.g. "I have a meeting on Tuesday". ; DPF 20-mar-05 - But this also blocks "I have a lot of mornings free" and ; "I'll get a room ready". So it seems we have to pay this price with ; ambiguity. Sigh. prd_non_trans_subst := basic_prd_subst & non_trans_subst & basic_three_arg_subst. ; Removed nonpro_rel from second NP, since we want to get "sell me this" and ; maybe even "sell me them" even if not "*sell Abrams it" ; DPF 2-Jun-02 - Put this back, since deictics no longer pron_rel. We do give ; up "sell me them", but we really don't want "sell the customers it". ; DPF 21-may-04 - Changed nonpro_rel to nonpro_or_num_rel, consistent with ; recent treatment of number nouns. ; DPF 24-feb-05 - And then further generalized to nonpro_or_refl_or_num_rel, ; so we still get ditrans reading for "Abrams gave Browne himself" ;; DPF 2014-12-08 - Red 2-Jun-02: But blocking pronouns altogether means we ;; don't parse *the advice given him by his mentor*, and also not ;; *she gave me them* which sounds okay in context. So let's back off of ;; making this a sharp ungrammaticality divide, and assume that other more ;; graded principles of accessibility will deprecate pronouns as second NPs ;; in NP-NP datives. Changed COMPS.REST.FIRST.--MIN to basic_nom_or_mnp_rel ;; from nonpro_or_refl_or_num_rel. ;; basic_ditrans_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil, --SIND basic_non_event, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], synsem & [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil, --MIN basic_nom_or_mnp_rel, --SIND basic_non_event ] > ]. ;; DPF 18-feb-10 - We want to catch "She taught student the lesson", so ;; remove --BARE - from first daughter, and see what happens. ;; DPF 2016-05-02 - Also want to catch *can you give me a cheaper prices?*, ;; so would like to remove --BARE - from second dtr as well. But then we ;; get wrong ranking for *should I show the train ticket*, so push this ;; 'default' down to the subtypes, and make special robust type for `give'. ;; ditrans_subst := basic_ditrans_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min ], [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; 'elected him president' ditrans_np_nbar_subst := basic_ditrans_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, canonical_synsem & [ --MIN norm_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ] ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. ; 'see picture, page 2' ditrans_nbar_np_subst := basic_ditrans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. ; 'inform Kim that S' basic_cp_trans_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, OPT - ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ; Impose MC - on complement cp_trans_subst := basic_cp_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c ]. basic_pp_cp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ] ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC bool, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. pp_cp_subst := basic_pp_cp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec & [ MC - ] ]. np_comp_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS < > ], OPT - ] > ]. ; 'talk to Kim about Sandy' basic_double_pp_subst := three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ] ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_or_modnp, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ]. double_pp_subst := basic_double_pp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT pp_cat ]. np_trans_double_pp_subst := four_arg & trans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ --MIN #ocmin & selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ocmin ]. ;; DPF 2019-08-16 - Removed COMPS.FIRST.--SIND.E.TENSE no_tense, ;; so we can have robust *He began to arose*. CHECK to see why this constraint ;; was not redundant in standard grammar. ;; basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst := valence_type & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. inf_or_prp_intrans_subst := basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & unsat_two_arg_subst. ;; DPF 2013-09-03 - Changed COMPS..CAT to vp_inf_cat so its SUBJ gets to be a ;; `synsem' and hence the VP complement avoids undergoing extraction. basic_inf_intrans_subst := basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_inf_cat ] > ]. inf_intrans_subst := basic_inf_intrans_subst & unsat_two_arg_subst. inf_intrans_from_subst := basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf_from, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ] ] > ]. inf_intrans_particle_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD a_or_p, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand, CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ] ]. ; for "I will try and find it" - analysis following Pullum and Gazdar inf_intrans_and_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM inf_and, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ]. ; for "couldn't help but notice" inf_intrans_but_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM inf_but, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ]. for_inf_intrans_subst := two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-15 - Tempting to constrain second comp to be canonical_synsem, ;; to block extraction, but even though we don't have the semantics figured out, ;; we treat with right-node raising (hence extraction) the analysis of ;; *she is [[equipped and trained] to handle this]* ;; inf_trans_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < [ OPT - ], #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. inf_trans_from_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < [ OPT - ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM inf_from, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-15 - Tempting to constrain second comp to be canonical_synsem, ;; to block extraction, but we use right-node raising for e.g. ;; *This was presumed or proven to be wrong*, so need extraction. ;; inf_trans_raising_subst := basic_three_arg_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-06-18 - To reduce chart ambiguity, make comp be canonical_synsem so ;; we don't try to extract prp-VPs. prp_intrans_subst := inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM prp, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ] ] > ]. bse_intrans_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM bse ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND.E.TENSE no_tense, OPT - ] > ] ]. ; 'make, let, watch' don't passivize. Some of these have an apparently ; corresponding passive, but with an ordinary 'to-VP' complement, not vform bse bse_nontrans_raising_subst := three_arg_raising_subst & non_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_bse_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ]. ; want (doesn't passivize) basic_inf_non_trans_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & non_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, --SIND index ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. inf_non_trans_subst := basic_inf_non_trans_subst & basic_three_arg_subst. prp_non_trans_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & non_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, --SIND index, OPT - ], #comp & canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_prp_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. basic_pp_vp_subst := valence_type & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat, CONJ cnil ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, OPT - ], ... > ] ]. basic_pp_inf_subst := basic_pp_vp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP.LOCAL.CAT vp_inf_cat & [ --SLPASS + ], COMPS < [], [] > ] ]. pp_inf_subst := basic_pp_inf_subst & unsat_three_arg_subst. ; We treat raising as the identification of the CONT attribute of the SUBJ and ; the COMPS.SUBJ, rather than the whole synsem, in part to enable the ; underspecification of the base/non3sg lex-entry for verbs, where otherwise ; CASE information would clash in examples like "Kim believes Sandy to be ; ready." In fact, we only identify the INDEX of the two subjects - see ; comments by sor_inf_subst. ; ; DPF 17-Nov-99 - The LTOP handle of the SUBJ must be identified with the ; KEY.LBL of the ssr_subst predicate, since contracted negation auxiliary ; verbs have the LTOP be the neg_rel's handle, but the subject as in ; "I can't leave" should have its LBL identified with that of the ; can_rel, not the neg_rel. ;; DPF 2022-04-23 - Constraining the SUBJ..-_SIND here to basic_non_event ;; prevents the predicative copula from occurring in locative inversion ;; constructions such as "in the corner was standing an old coatrack", so ;; push down to subtypes. ;; basic_subj_control_subst := basic_unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #sind ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #sind ], OPT - ], ... > ] ]. subj_control_subst := basic_subj_control_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ] ]. basic_ssr_subst := basic_subj_control_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ]. ssr_subst := basic_ssr_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ] ]. ssr_two_arg_subst := ssr_subst & basic_two_arg. ;; DPF 2018-05-31 - Block extraction of VP complement. ;; ssr_inf_subst := ssr_subst & inf_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST canonical_synsem ]. ssr_pp_inf_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #subj ] ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN _to_p_sel_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl-ind, CONJ cnil ] ] , canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subj ], OPT - ] > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. seq_prdp_pp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, TAM.TENSE no_tense, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod, OPT + ] > ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], OPT - ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ]. expl_pp_cp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ] ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. expl_np_cp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & trans_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT cat & [ HEAD verbal & [ VFORM fin_or_inf, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, COMPS < > ] ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. expl_cp_cp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c & [ HEAD comp & [ TAM #tam, --ADDIN [ ADDTAM #tam, ADDPN #pn ] ], VAL.COMPS < > ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ], canonical_synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c & [ HEAD comp, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. ;; *it annoys him to shave himself* ;; expl_np_vp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. four_arg_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & four_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ --MIN #ocmin, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], synsem, ... >, LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ocmin ]. ; 'cost/take' - restrict first NP to non-measure-NP, and the second to MNP. ; But this is too strong for second argument, since "a couple of days" is not ; analyzed as a MNP. expl_np_np_cp_subst := four_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ VAL.SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONJ cnil ] ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT cat & [ HEAD comp, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. expl_np_np_cp_inf_subst := expl_np_np_cp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM inf ] > ]. ; `it matters a lot to him that S' ; 'he called it to their attention that S' np_prep_cp_subst := four_arg_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ VAL.SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD prep_or_modnp, CONJ cnil ] ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT cat & [ HEAD comp, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. np_pp_cp_subst := np_prep_cp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT basic_pp_cat ], synsem > ]. np_ptcl_cp_subst := np_prep_cp_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, abstr_lex_synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, NONLOC non-local_none ], synsem > ]. ; `makes him angry that S' expl_np_np_prdp_cp_subst := prd_trans_subst & four_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT cat & [ HEAD comp, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. ;; "It ticked him off that ..." ;; "It put Kim off/out that ..." expl_np_np_ptcl_cp_subst := np_ptcl_cp_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD comp ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. ;; cost/take: *That book takes me a week to read* tough_np_np_cp_subst := unsat_three_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & basic_four_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ VAL.SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT cat & [ HEAD comp, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. expl_prtcl_cp_subst := basic_three_arg_subst & particle_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-31 - Changed COMPS..HEAD comp to verbal, so we can get ;; *it follows he was wrong* expl_cp_subst := norm_two_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c & [ HEAD verbal ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. expl_vp_subst := norm_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. ; Raising synsems have to identify the LOCAL value of the raised synsem with ; that of the VP's subject's synsem, rather than identifying the synsems ; themselves, due to our lexical threading of SLASH: if the raised complement ; is extracted, it will be of type gap, and therefore have a non-empty SLASH, ; but we don't want the lower VP complement's subject to also then have a ; non-empty SLASH. But cf. note above for subj-subj raising, where maybe we ; even want to restrict the identity to CONT only. ; Indeed, this seems necessary, since CASE blocks unification for ; 'Kim made him sleep' where our (dual-purpose) 'sleep' requires its subject ; to be [CASE nom] (in order to block the sentence "them sleep"), but when its ; subject is raised to object as with "make", there's a conflict with the ; [CASE acc] on the object of "make". So here again, we make the raising ; identity hold only for CONT. ; DPF (30-Apr-99) In fact, we now have to further restrict the identity to ; only the INDEX, since if we identify all of CONT, we get the handles of the ; higher NP and the VP's subject being identified, but since we also want to ; lexically identify a predicate's handle with that of its arguments (subject ; to classes of lexical exceptions like for entries with CP complements), we ; get an unwanted identity of the handles of the higher and lower verbs through ; the identity of the two NPs. So if we can't sustain this minimal ; identification for equi and raising, we'll have to give up on identifying ; the handles of lexical entries and their arguments. Possible trouble spots ; are locative inversions like "On the corner seemed to be an abandoned house". sor_inf_subst := inf_trans_raising_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ --SIND #subj, OPT - ], [ LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK [ XARG #subj, INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ] ], OPT - ] > ]. ;; DPF 10-nov-09 - Added PRF - to VP complement, to block e.g. ;; "*They had him have arrived". ;; sor_bse_subst := bse_nontrans_raising_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #subj, OPT - ], canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.ASPECT.PRF -, VAL.SUBJ < [ NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subj ], OPT - ] > ]. sor_inf_non_trans_subst := inf_non_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #subj, OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #subj ] > ]. sor_prd_subst := three_arg_raising_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #subj ], [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_prd_cat & [ HEAD [ TAM.TENSE untensed, AUX - ] ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK.XARG #subj ], OPT - ] > ]. sor_prd_trans_subst := sor_prd_subst & trans_subst. sor_prd_nontrans_subst := sor_prd_subst & non_trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT prd_cat ] > ]. ; DPF 28-Oct-01 - Removed constraint on COMPS to be lex_synsem and LEX +, since ; this blocked lexical PPs from serving as particles, as in "He drew me away". ; DPF 20-jun-07 - Instead, make first comp be abstr_lex_synsem, rather than ; the hack we tried for awhile of requiring the RELS list to be - this ; sort of worked, but we don't want to depend on unification failure for ; features that we will sometimes restrict for efficiency, and it was ugly. particle_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem & [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD a_or_p & [ PRD - ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], OPT - ], ... > ]. ;; DPF (29-Jan-99) Modified particle_NP_subst to exclude pronominal NP objects, ;; to block *Kim looked up it" ; DPF 2-Sept-04 - Changed COMPS.REST.FIRST..CAT from nomp_cat_acc_min to ; nomp_cat_nonnom_min to allow np_cp's like "We wrote down who won". basic_particle_NP_subst := particle_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ PUNCT.RPUNCT dq_or_no_punct ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_nonnom_min & [ --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ], ... > ]. particle_NP_subst := basic_particle_NP_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [], [ --MIN nonpro_or_refl_or_num_rel ], ... > ]. ; DPF 28-Oct-01 - Removed constraint on COMPS to be lex_synsem and LEX +, since ; this blocked lexical PPs from serving as particles, as in "He drew me away". ; Instead, identify single-word particles by constraint on RELS - a hack. ; DPF 2010-08-31 - Re 28-Oct-01: Removed this hack, instead constraining ; particle to be abstr_lex_synsem. generic_NP_particle_subst := trans_subst & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], abstr_lex_synsem & [ --MIN #cmin & selected_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD a_or_p & [ PRD - ], --SLPASS + ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], OPT - ], ... > ], LEX +, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ]. NP_particle_subst := generic_NP_particle_subst & three_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem > ]. basic_NP_particle_pp_subst := generic_NP_particle_subst & four_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ --MIN #ocmin, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, CONT.ICONS ], LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ocmin ]. NP_particle_pp_subst := basic_NP_particle_pp_subst & [ LOCAL.CONT.HCONS ]. NP_particle_np_subst := generic_NP_particle_subst & four_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. NP_particle_cp_subst := generic_NP_particle_subst & four_arg & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, synsem, synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin_or_inf, MOD *anti_list* ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ]. particle_plus_subst := particle_subst & basic_three_arg_subst. particle_prd_subst := particle_plus_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ]. ; 'turn out to be' particle_inf_subst := particle_plus_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ; 'keep on driving' particle_prp_subst := particle_subst & basic_three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, #comp & canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_prp_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. particle_pp_subst := particle_plus_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top*, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; 'find out that S' particle_cp_subst := particle_plus_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ; 'point out to Kim that S' particle_pp_cp_subst := particle_subst & four_arg_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < *top*, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. particle_oeq_subst := particle_NP_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem, synsem, #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. particle_nbar_subst := particle_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT dq_or_no_punct ], [ --MIN norm_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. ; 'leave it to Kim to find the answer' expl_pp_inf_subst := four_arg_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl-ind, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] , #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ; 'consider it a privilege to accept the award' expl_np_inf_subst := four_arg_subst & trans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] , #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. ;; 'bet Kim a fortune that Sandy would win' ;; DPF (19-Oct-98) Added hack to block extraction from the CP complement, since ;; don't know how to avoid topicalized imperative parse for "Abrams bet Browne ;; Chiang slept with subject of "slept" topicalized. np_np_cp_subst := four_arg_subst & trans_subst & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ]. ; E.g., "I'm not doing too badly" ; DPF 30-aug-04 - Changed COMPS..HEAD p_or_adv to just adv, since we were ; overgenerating "Kim did in Paris", and it's not clear why we wanted prep. ;; DPF 2021-01-13 - Can't insist on LEX + since we also want "She did better ;; than Kim" adv_subst := unsat_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX #event ]] > ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], POSTHD + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #event ] ]. np_adv_subst := trans_subst & three_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] > ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #event ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, LEX + ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #event ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; VERB SYNSEMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Verb synsems should inherit from one valence type and one linking type. ; The type verb_synsem is given a non-empty SPR value so VPs can be modified ; by PPs, but (hack) the synsem is of type anti_synsem_min to block unification, ; to avoid ever picking up an actual specifier. ; Added VIT links for the moment, to satisfy VIT requirements for visibility ; of TENSE and MOOD information. (Actually, moved VITTENSE specification to ; the various inflectional affixes in lexrules.tdl, to accommodate the collapse ; of the base and fin-non3sg verb forms. ; DPF (8-Jul-98) Added QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > to block pied piping in verb ; phrases (taking advantage of lexical amalgamation of these features, together ; with our treatment of subject-WH as extraction (where only local features are ; propagated in SLASH). ; DPF 8-dec-03 - Removed QUE.LIST < >, since we may now be ready for in-situ ; WH-questions. basic_verb_synsem := abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MOD < anti_synsem_min > ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem_min & #subj & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD #rsubjhd ] >, COMPS #comps, SPCMPS < > ], RSUBJHD #rsubjhd ], ARG-S < #subj . #comps > ], LKEYS.KEYREL event_relation, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, MODIFD notmod ]. norm_basic_verb_synsem := basic_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN v_event_rel, VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 non_conj_event ]. norm_verb_synsem := norm_basic_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG #png ] >, AGR.PNG #png ] ]. verb_synsem := norm_verb_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ] ]. ; DPF 20-apr-09 ; For output of lexical rules like re-prefixation, to prevent the output ; from undergoing other lexical rules which are constrained by synsem type. ; DPF 2010-10-23 - But we do want to allow (nominal) gerunds as in ; *the redecorating amazed Kim*. So add subtype for this case. ; derived_verb_synsem := basic_verb_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM #tam, VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG #png ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index & [ E #tam ], AGR.PNG #png ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 non_conj_event & #index ]. derived_trans_verb_synsem := derived_verb_synsem & trans_subst. atrans_verb := verb_synsem & intrans_subst & atrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN weather_v_rel, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ;; "it rained money in the stock market" atrans_np_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & np_non_trans_subst & atrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN weather_v_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #objind & basic_non_expl & [ PT notpro ], --MIN non_temp_nom_rel, OPT - ], ... > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 #objind ] ]. onearg_verb := verb_synsem & intrans_subst & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. unerg_verb := onearg_verb. unerg_imp_verb := unerg_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM imp_vform ]. unerg_bse_verb := unerg_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ VFORM bse_only, TAM.TENSE future ] ]. unerg_prp_verb := unerg_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM prp, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. twoarg_verb_synsem := verb_synsem & two_arg. passive_or_unacc_synsem := unsat_subst. unacc_verb := onearg_verb & passive_or_unacc_synsem. ; For at least main verb "have" (e.g, "Kim has some rice") ; DPF 04-sep-09 - Block gerund complements: "*Kim has hiring Abrams" poss_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & two_arg_subst & poss_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND index, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. poss_got_verb := poss_verb & [ LOCAL non_fin_verb & [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM psp, PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM no_rel ] >, MC na ], CONT.RELS ] ]. np_trans_verb := verb_synsem & np_trans_subst & trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ;; DPF 2022-05-20 - Can't have TENSE present since we want "should beware" ;; where the modal has its complement TENSE no_tense. ;; DPF 2022-05-29 - But also can't have TENSE no_tense since imperative requires ;; TENSE present. So instead make "beware" an instance of v_np*_n3s-bse_le. ;; #| np_trans_nfin_verb := np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM bse, TAM [ TENSE no_tense, MOOD indicative ] ], VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. |# basic_np_non_trans_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & np_non_trans_subst & trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. np_non_trans_fin_bse_verb := basic_np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb & [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min ] ]. np_non_trans_nb_verb := basic_np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_nonnom_min & [ VAL [ SPR < [ ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ] ] > ]. np_non_trans_verb := basic_np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min ]. np_trans_refl_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & np_trans_subst & trans_lt & poss_idiom_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #keycomp & [ OPT - ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. basic_do_be_verb := basic_verb_synsem & unsat_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN _do_v_be_rel, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG #png, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, SPR < anti_synsem_min > ] ], AGR.PNG #png, CONJ cnil, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX non_conj_event & [ E #tam ], RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel, HCONS ] ], LEX +, PUNCT no_punctuation_min, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, --+COMPKEY _be_v_do_rel ] ]. ;; *the thing we did was hire a manager* ;; do_be_verb := basic_do_be_verb & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN role_rel, VAL.COMPS < gap & [ LOCAL #comp & [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ MOD < > ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #cind & [ SORT do-event ], XARG #xarg ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, XARG #xarg ], RELS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < #comp >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 #cind ] ]. ;; *the first thing that must be done is get ready* do_be_verb_passive := basic_do_be_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM pas, MINORS.ALTMIN passive_rel ], VAL [ COMPS *obliquecons* & < synsem & [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #byind ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT + ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #event, XARG #xarg & [ SORT do-event ] ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG1 #byind, ARG2 #xarg ] ]. basic_nbar_verb := verb_synsem & basic_two_arg & basic_nbar_subst & basic_arg12_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ], OPT - ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. nbar_verb := basic_nbar_verb & nbar_subst & [ LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED udef_q_rel ]. ; we can't spell `supersede' nbar_quote_verb := basic_nbar_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--MIN named_np_rel, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED proper_q_rel ]. basic_prep_intrans_verb := verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT basic_pp_cat ] > ]. ;; come to prep_intrans_verb := basic_prep_intrans_verb & prep_intrans_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT pp_cat ] > ]. ;; fall into ;; DPF 2018-06-02 - Changed COMPS..MOD from noun to subst: *swings in* ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - But the entry for PP "in" is no longer limited to nouns, ;; and so to avoid spurious ambiguity for "the price rose to $10", restrict the ;; COMPS..MOD..HEAD to verb, excluding the N-modifying "to". ;; prep_intrans_unacc_verb := basic_prep_intrans_verb & prep_intrans_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN dir_or_unsp_loc_rel, OPT +, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep_or_modnp & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ] ] > ]. ;; thanks (hack) prep_intrans_nosubj_verb := basic_prep_intrans_verb & prep_intrans_nosubj_lt. ;; was slept in prep_intrans_psv_verb := basic_prep_intrans_verb & basic_prep_intrans_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM pas, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT pp_cat, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ] ]. ;; look for ;; basic_empty_prep_intrans_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. empty_prep_intrans_verb := basic_empty_prep_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. empty_prep_intrans_bse_verb := empty_prep_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ VFORM bse, TAM [ TENSE present, MOOD indicative ] ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. empty_prep_intrans_idiom_verb := basic_empty_prep_intrans_verb & poss_idiom_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS.FIRST #kcmp, KCMP #kcmp ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ ARG1 #xarg ] ]. ;; gave to ;; empty_prep_intrans_arg3_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & empty_prep_intrans_arg3_lt. ;; run for mayor empty_prep_nospr_verb := verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nind ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ;; suggest on Tuesday ;; prep_intrans_event_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & prep_intrans_event_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT pp_cat, OPT - ] > ]. prep_intrans_gap_verb := prep_intrans_event_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < gap > ]. ;; verbs of motion ;; DPF 2016-10-24 - The constraint [COMPS..MOD..HEAD noun] excludes desired ;; analysis for *he ran off* since *off* is not (normally) a noun modifier. ;; So let's generalize to `subst' and see if and when we overgenerate... Well, ;; the trouble is the spurious ambiguity when we have dual lexial entries for ;; preps such as "to", one a noun modifier and the other not. So let's try ;; restricting to `v_or_a_or_p'. ;; DPF 2018-02-13 - Made COMPS.FIRST..MOD.FIRST be expressed_synsem, to exclude ;; newer PP-PP copred analysis here. ;; DPF 2018-07-28 - We want to block extraction of directional PPs, because ;; otherwise we get wrong identification of the ARG0s of the VP conjuncts in ;; VP coordination with extraction, as in *from which city did she ;; come __ and go __*. One cost is that we don't parse *in she came* because ;; PP-in is only directional and the non-wh filler-head rule excludes ;; directional PP fillers (to avoid a lot of unwanted ambiguity). See for ;; example sc03:6034220. FIX soon. ;; DPF 2019-11-27 - Re 2018-07-28: Another possible cost is no RNR for dir PPs, ;; as in dubious *They sneaked or slipped into the room* or better ;; *They [drove or flew] to Paris*. ;; DPF 2022-01-26 - Tried changing COMPS..--MIN from dir_or_unsp_loc_rel to ;; just dir_rel, to force specialization for _on_p_loc_rel and other possibly ;; temporal preps. ;; DPF 2024-04-11 - Added COMPS..SORT nontime-or-qevent to block temporal PPS ;; as complements, as in "they jumped yesterday", where we only want the ;; VP-modifier analysis. ;; prep_intrans_dir_verb := twoarg_verb_synsem & basic_prep_intrans_subst & prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN dir_or_unsp_loc_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_or_modnp & [ MOD < expressed_synsem & [LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p]>], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT nontime-or-qevent ]]>]. ;; put, move ;; ; DPF 17-sept-07 - Restricted PP compl to be non-nmod, to disambiguate e.g. ; "to" as in "bring X to Y" ; DPF 14-may-10 - Re 17-sept-07: But this excludes of-PPs, so try ; constraining to noun instead of v_or_a_or_p. ;; DPF 2022-05-23 - Constraining the PP's MOD to nominals excludes analysis of ;; "pulled the throttle in and out" [bcs:41526013]. ;; FIX someday, at the cost of additional ambiguity for "bring X to Y". ; basic_prep_trans_verb := verb_synsem & prep_trans_subst & prep_trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >]> ]. ;; `put' prep_trans_verb := basic_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. prep_trans_dir_verb := prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN dir_or_state_nontemp_rel ] ] > ]. ;; change one's mind about X (where 'about' is only noun-modifier) prep_trans_verb_nmod := basic_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD +, OPT - ] > ]. ;; *we raced each other across the street* prep_trans_dir_noprop_verb := verb_synsem & prep_trans_subst & trans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN dir_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #event ] ], OPT - ] >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ;; remind-of ;; empty_prep_trans_verb := verb_synsem & basic_prep_trans_subst & empty_prep_trans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT basic_pp_cat ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. basic_empty_prep_trans_refl_idiom_verb := verb_synsem & poss_idiom_lt & basic_prep_trans_subst & basic_empty_prep_trans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #kcmp, [ LOCAL.CAT basic_pp_cat ] >, KCMP #kcmp ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS.LIST < relation, #altkeyrel, ... >, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ ARG1 #xarg ] ]. empty_prep_trans_refl_idiom_verb := basic_empty_prep_trans_refl_idiom_verb & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. empty_prep_trans_refl_refl_idm_verb := basic_empty_prep_trans_refl_idiom_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #cxarg ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ] ]. ;; interest him in X ;; empty_prep_non_trans_verb := verb_synsem & prep_non_trans_subst & empty_prep_trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] >, LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. ;; get-hold-of ;; ;empty_prep_nbar_verb := verb_synsem & prep_nbar_subst & ; empty_prep_nbar_lt. ;; regard Kim as tall np_as_verb := verb_synsem & np_comp_subst & basic_prd_comp_lt & obj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel & #min, --SIND event, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ *olist* ] >, LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #min, --+OCOMPKEY #min ] ]. ;; strike Kim as tall np_as_seq_verb := verb_synsem & np_comp_subst & basic_prd_comp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index ] ], #comp & [ --MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel & #min, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #sind ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #sind, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #index & ref-ind, ARG2 #arg2 ], --OCOMPKEY #min, --+OCOMPKEY #min ] ]. ;; think of kim as capable pp_pp_as_verb := verb_synsem & unsat_three_arg_subst & generic_three_arg & basic_prd_comp_lt & obj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS < > ], --MIN #min, OPT - ], [ --MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel & #altmin, --SIND event, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ *olist* ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #min, --+COMPKEY #min, --OCOMPKEY #altmin, --+OCOMPKEY #altmin ] ]. ;; count as correct pp_as_verb := verb_synsem & prep_intrans_subst & basic_prd_comp_lt & subj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #kcmp & [ --MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel & #min, --SIND event, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ *olist* ] >, KCMP #kcmp ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #min, --+OCOMPKEY #min ] ]. ; DPF 4-Jun-01 - Changed dative-to to be contentful "to", in order to sustain ; 'underspecified' semantics for "kim sent it to Sandy/Paris". Verbs like ; "hand" are now of type empty_to_trans_verb. ; DPF 3-May-03 - But since then we've altered our views again, and are now ; treating "send" as taking an empty to-PP, so we do the same for derived ; to-datives as well. empty_to_trans_verb := empty_prep_trans_verb & [ LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY _to_p_sel_rel ]. ditrans_verb := verb_synsem & ditrans_subst & ditrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem_min, synsem > ]. ; 'elect him president' ;; DPF 2017-03-01 - Removed last vestiges of SORT non-time-sort, generalizing ;; to basic-entity-or-event for first complement. ;; ditrans_np_nbar_verb := verb_synsem & ditrans_np_nbar_subst & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #obj2ind & non_expl-ind & [ SORT basic-entity-or-event ] ], OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ], OPT - ], ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #objind, ARG3 #obj2ind ] ]. ; 'see picture, page 2.' ;; DPF 2017-03-01 - Removed last vestiges of SORT non-time-sort, generalizing ;; to basic-entity-or-event for first complement. ;; basic_ditrans_nbar_np_verb := verb_synsem & ditrans_nbar_np_subst & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #obj2ind & non_expl-ind & [ SORT basic-entity-or-event ], OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind ] ], ... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #objind, ARG3 #obj2ind ] ]. ditrans_nbar_np_verb := basic_ditrans_nbar_np_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM imp_vform, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. ; 'talk to Kim about Sandy' ; DPF 26-aug-04 - Counter-intuitively, constrain second complement to be ; noun-modifying PP, to avoid spurious ambiguity (at present) for e.g. ; 'they range from low prices to high prices' double_pp_verb := verb_synsem & double_pp_subst & double_pp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ] > ]. ; Unwanted type if freer order of obliques- 'pay with a check for it" double_pp_empty_pp_verb := verb_synsem & double_pp_subst & double_pp_empty_pp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ;; "thinks of Kim as a friend" double_pp_both_empty_verb := verb_synsem & basic_double_pp_subst & double_pp_both_empty_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; 'change the meeting from Tuesday to Wednesday' ; 'pay the money to Browne for the ticket' np_trans_double_pp_verb := verb_synsem & np_trans_double_pp_subst & arg12_double_pp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #ocmin, VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS.--+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ]. np_trans_double_ppto_verb := np_trans_double_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _to_p_sel_rel ] > ]. np_trans_double_ppfor_verb := np_trans_double_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _for_p_sel_rel ] > ]. ; Raising verbs which take an infinitival complement restrict it to being ; [ MSG no_msg ], which ensures that the VP will be headed by the ; non-propositional "to" complementizer, which identifies its handle with ; that of its VP complement. ssr_verb := verb_synsem & ssr_inf_subst & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 handle & #arghand ] ]. ssr_noimp_verb := ssr_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin_or_non_fin ]. ; 'It started raining' ;; DPF 2018-05-31 - Block extraction of VP complement. ;; ssr_prp_verb := verb_synsem & ssr_subst & prp_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 handle & #arghand ] ]. ssr_pp_inf_verb := verb_synsem & ssr_pp_inf_subst & ssr_expr_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT + ]. ; It became obvious that Kim had arrived. ssr_prdp_verb := verb_synsem & ssr_subst & prd_comp_lt & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND it-ind ] >, COMPS < synsem & #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD v_or_a & [ TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT.PROGR - ] ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ], ... >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 handle & #arghand ] ]. seq_prdp_pp_verb := verb_synsem & seq_prdp_pp_subst & seq_prdp_expr_lt. seq_ap_pp_verb := seq_prdp_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_adj ], [ OPT + ] > ]. seq_pp_pp_verb := seq_prdp_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep ], [ OPT + ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-09-25 - This type, only for `seem', was too restrictive with ;; COMPS..HEAD a_or_p, since it excludes lexical passives, such as in ;; *that seemed overdone*, so generalize to v_or_a_or_p, but PROGR -, to ;; still exclude present participles: **he seemed laughing* ;; seq_aorp_pp_verb := seq_prdp_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p & [ TAM.ASPECT.PROGR -] ], [ OPT + ] > ]. seq_prdp_pp_about_verb := verb_synsem & seq_prdp_pp_subst & basic_seq_prdp_expr_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p & [ TAM.ASPECT.PROGR -] ], [ OPT + ] >, LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY _about_p_sel_rel ]. ; DPF 13-may-09 - Restrict VP to be non-elliptical, to block spurious parse ; for "Kim was [shown to] herself. ;; DPF 2011-07-01 - Re 13-may-09: but this also blocks *he expects them to*. ;; And anyway, the parse with *shown to* is actually okay, given the raising ;; analysis of *shown*. sor_verb := verb_synsem & sor_inf_subst & sor_lt. sor_psv_verb := sor_verb & [ LOCAL verb_participle_affix & [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM pas, VAL [ SUBJ < [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ OPT - ], ... > ] ], CONT psoa & [ RELS ] ] ]. sorb_verb := verb_synsem & sor_bse_subst & sor_prop_lt. sor_non_trans_verb := verb_synsem & sor_inf_non_trans_subst & sor_lt. sor_pp_inf_verb := verb_synsem & pp_inf_subst & basic_three_arg_subst & sor_lt. ;; DPF 2022-12-08 - Removed [--SIND ref-ind] from first complement, so we can ;; get "She believed it impossible that they would win" sor_prd_verb := verb_synsem & sor_prd_trans_subst & sor_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT prd_cat & [ HEAD v_or_a ] ] > ]. ; For "declared them in default on the loan" sor_prd_pp_verb := verb_synsem & sor_prd_trans_subst & sor_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT prd_cat ] > ]. sor_prd_nontrans_verb := verb_synsem & sor_prd_nontrans_subst & sor_lt. subj_equi_prp_verb := verb_synsem & prp_intrans_subst & subj_equi_prp_or_bse_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < pro_ss > ] ]. subj_equi_bse_verb := verb_synsem & bse_intrans_subst & subj_equi_prp_or_bse_lt. ; 'go' subj_equi_bse_or_n3sg_verb := subj_equi_bse_verb & [ LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ]. ; 'You needn't stay' ;; DPF 2024-04-30 - Duplicates constraints of v_vp_mdl-n_le #| subj_rais_bse_n3sg_verb := verb_synsem & bse_intrans_subst & subj_rais_bse_n3sg_lt & [ LOCAL pres_verb & [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] ]. |# ; `you need only attend' subj_rais_bse_n3sg_adv_verb := verb_synsem & unsat_three_arg_subst & basic_three_arg & [ LOCAL pres_verb & [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM #tam, AUX +, MINORS [ MIN #min, ALTMIN #altmin ] ], VAL [ KCMP #comp, SUBJ.FIRST.--SIND #xarg, COMPS < [ LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD basic_lexadv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #vltop]]>, TAM #tam ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #advltop ], LEX +, OPT - ], #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD [ VFORM bse, MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ]], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, XARG #xarg ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND.E.TENSE no_tense, OPT - ] > ], POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #advltop, INDEX #event, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #vltop, PRED #min, ARG0 #event, ARG1 #harg ] ]. ssr_two_arg_verb := ssr_two_arg_subst & aux_verb. ; "K became quiet" ;; DPF 2013-02-06 - Add COMPS..MOD..HEAD noun to avoid ambig of preps like ;; `to' with double entries. ;; basic_subj_prd_verb := verb_synsem & subj_control_subst & basic_prd_comp_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT.PROGR - ], --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ] ], ... >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 handle & #arghand ] ]. subj_prd_verb := basic_subj_prd_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ]. subj_equi_prd_verb := subj_prd_verb & prd_comp_lt & basic_two_arg & subj_equi_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT basic_prd_cat & [ HEAD.AUX - ] ] > ]. subj_equi_prd_adj_verb := subj_equi_prd_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj, --MIN norm_adj_rel ] > ]. subj_equi_prd_prep_verb := subj_equi_prd_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep ] > ]. ; "K got hired" ; DPF 3-Jul-03 - Need to block "*Kim got hiring" - seems to be same need to ; distinguish passive from pres-participle - group passive with A and P. subj_equi_prd_v_a_verb := subj_equi_prd_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a ] > ]. ; 'shows as empty' subj_equi_empty_prep_verb := basic_subj_prd_verb & s_equi_lt & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #index ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ] ] > ] ]. ; DPF 15-Apr-02 - Changed these to prd_non_trans_subst, since get spurious ; ambiguity with alternate analysis of PrdP as adjunct, with right semantics in ; passive case. ; DPF 13-Oct-03 - But that adjunct analysis gives the wrong semantics for ; "Kim was made angry" where we what result proposition, not state of Kim ; while she was made. So changing back to obj_equi_prd_verb := verb_synsem & prd_trans_subst & obj_equi_prd_lt & basic_three_arg_subst. obj_equi_prd_adj_verb := obj_equi_prd_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_adj ] > ]. obj_equi_non_trans_prd_verb := verb_synsem & prd_non_trans_subst & obj_equi_prd_lt. ; 'I have X to get rid of' ; VFORM fin_or_non_fin prevents imperative "*Have Kim to get rid of." which ; led to spurious ambiguity. obj_equi_vpslash_prd_verb := verb_synsem & basic_inf_non_trans_subst & tough_three_arg & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM fin_or_non_fin, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind & non_expl-ind ], OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #vltop, XARG #xarg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_nonnom_min & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] > ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #ind, ARG3 #mltop ] ]. obj_equi_vpslash_four_arg_verb := verb_synsem & tough_np_np_cp_subst & tough_four_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM fin_or_non_fin, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind1 & non_expl-ind ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #ind2 & non_expl-ind ] ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM non_fin, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #mltop, XARG #ind1 ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_nonnom_min & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ] > ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 #vltop, ARG2 #ind1, ARG3 #ind2 ] ]. ; ERB (07-10-96) I am working with the verb 'know' as a prototype for a verb ; that selects by the semantic type (for now expressed as a feature) of its ; sentential complement rather than by the value of CMP or some such hack. In ; order to do so, I have changed the types around here. In particular, I am ; adding a new type cp_prop+ques_intrans_verb that takes a sentential ; complement but doesn't care if its a proposition or a question (for verbs ; like 'know'). A further axis of variation is the VFORM of the complement ; (fin vs. inf). Since my analysis of 'know' never makes use of the resolved ; subtypes (e.g., cp_prop_intrans_verb) I am not adding to the resolved ; subtypes, and just making the old ones inherit from the finite side of ; things for now. The future inf_cp_prop_intrans_verb will probably be the ; type of subject equi verbs. A further future modification would involve the ; addition of cp_command_intrans_verb and cp_command+prop_intrans_verb for ; verbs like 'insist'. ; ; DPF (19-Jun-98) This type cannot itself simply add the complement CP's ; (underspecified) message to its RELS, since the generation algorithm requires ; that no relation on RELS will ever get more specialized during parsing. So ; we make MSG be list-valued (the empty list for all but complementizers ; and clauses), and have the Head-Complement rule append the values of MSG ; from both of its daughters, since the msg comes from the head if it's a ; complementizer, and from the non-head if the head is a verb. basic_cp_prop+ques_verb := norm_basic_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verbal, OPT - ], CONT.RELS.LIST < relation, ... > ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-jun-11 - For all but the base-subjunctive-CP-taking verbs, ;; add in the agreement constraints to distinguish base from non3sg verbs. ;; norm_cp_prop+ques_verb := basic_cp_prop+ques_verb & verb_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn. cp_prop+ques_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.--SIND [ E.MOOD ind_or_modal_subj, SF prop-or-ques ] ]. fin_cp_prop+ques_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_unspec ]. fin_cp_prop+ques_unspec_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD.VFORM fin_or_imp ], --SIND.E.MOOD ind_or_modal_subj ] ]. fin_or_inf_cp_prop+ques_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT basic_s_cat_fin_or_inf_v_c ] ]. cp_like_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin ] ], --SIND.SF like-iforce ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-jun-11 - Note that embedded filler-head clauses fail to parse as ;; complements of these verbs (*we demand that Kim, they admire*), since ;; the filler-head rule imposes the add-in constraints which preclude a ;; base-form VP. To fix, would have to distinguish main-clause from ;; non-main-clause non-WH filler-heads (or abandon this collapsing of ;; verb forms). FIX someday? ;; basic_bse_cp_verb := basic_cp_prop+ques_verb & verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_bse ] ]. bse_cp_verb := basic_bse_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP canonical_synsem ]. ;; DPF 4/21/98 - Moved [ COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.MC - ] from cp_ques_intrans_verb ;; to cp_intrans_verb, to block spurious parse for e.g. "Kim knows who left" ;; DPF 2020-03-31 - Changed parent from fin_cp_prop+ques_verb to ;; norm_cp_prop+ques_verb so we can allow instances of this type to also take ;; imperative complements, as in *Don't leave, he laughed* basic_cp_intrans_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_imp, TAM indic_tam ] ], --SIND.E.MOOD ind_or_modal_subj ] ]. cp_intrans_verb := basic_cp_intrans_verb. cp_intrans_verb_comp := cp_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD comp ] > ]. cp_like_intrans_verb := cp_like_verb & cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ --SIND.SF like-iforce, LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c ] > ]. ; Type for inputs to cp_passive lexical rule cp_passivable_verb := norm_basic_verb_synsem. ; Type for inputs to inverted_quote_lr for "Kim arrived, said Abrams" cp_comp_verb := norm_basic_verb_synsem. ;; It was rumored that they had arrived ;; cp_comp_psv_verb := cp_intrans_verb & cp_passivable_verb & [ LOCAL verb_participle_affix & [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM pas, VAL [ SUBJ < [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ OPT - ], ... > ] ], CONT psoa & [ RELS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-07-26 - Make this type inherit from basic_basic_two_arg to avoid ;; identifying --SLTOP of its complement with its own, because the subtype ;; that takes a main-clause question-CP complement already necessarily has the ;; complement's --SLTOP identified with that complement's LTOP. So push the ;; --SLTOP identity (of complement and self) down to this type's subtypes that ;; do not allow main-clause complements. ;; basic_cp_fin_inf_intrans_verb := fin_or_inf_cp_prop+ques_verb & basic_cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.--SIND.SF prop-or-ques ]. cp_fin_inf_intrans_verb := basic_cp_fin_inf_intrans_verb & cp_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c ]. ;; 'ask', allowing main clause question complements ;; FIX: generalize to other verbs, but still block extraction out of ;; complement WH-clauses, as in *who did they ask arrived?*, while allowing ;; extraction of the whole clause, as in *who arrived, they asked?* ;; basic_cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb := basic_cp_fin_inf_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ *anti_list*, --SIND.SF ques ] > ]. ; 'wonder' ;; DPF 2020-03-25 - Removed COMPS..SLASH.LIST < >, since this prevents ;; *Who arrived, wondered Kim*. ;; NOTE: with lexical threading, how do we impose an island on extraction from ;; a complement while still allowing that complement itself to be extracted, ;; as with above? ;; DPF 2021-03-22 - Can't yet see how to block non-MC declarative as in ;; "He wondered we arrived" if we relax constraint on COMPS..SUBJ, so for now, ;; keep that SUBJ < >, and fail to parse e.g. "She asked, "who did you see"." #| cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb := basic_cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb & cp_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ]. |# cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb := basic_cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb & cp_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SUBJ < >, MC - ] ] ] > ]. ;; `ask' as in *Kim asked, why is the sky blue?* ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Remove canonical_synsem since it blocks ;; *Who cares, Kim asked.* ;; DPF 2021-04-27 - Misnamed, since for complement to be main clause, must be ;; finite. Fix name someday. ;; cp_ques_fin_inf_mc_verb := basic_cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, INV + ], MC + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF wh-ques ] ]. cp_intrans_passivable_verb := cp_intrans_verb & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb. ;; DPF 2018-09-13 - Exclude if-S as in **We believe if he would arrive.* ;; Note that this excludes *[[at Nissan][we arrive and we arise]][said Kim]* ;; using hd_xaj-crd-s_c rule. FIX someday. ;; DPF 2020-03-31 - Generalized COMPS..SF basic-prop to prop-or-comm, so we ;; can also get *Don't forget, laughed Kim.* ;; DPF 2020-05-07 - Let's try restricting complement to MC -. ;; cp_prop_intrans_verb := cp_intrans_passivable_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND.SF prop-or-comm, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.CASE nom_or_obliq, MC - ] ] > ]. cp_prop_intrans_nfin_verb := cp_prop_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ VFORM bse, TAM [ MOOD indicative ] ] ]. cp_only_prop_intrans_verb := cp_intrans_passivable_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD comp, --SIND.SF basic-prop ] > ]. cp_ques_intrans_verb := cp_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < >, --SIND.SF ques ] > ]. ;; suppose cp_prop_raise_key_verb := basic_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL [ KCMP.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_unspec & [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.SUBJ *olist*, MC - ], COMPS < [ --MIN #min, LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop, AGR #agr ], OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.RELS , AGR #agr ] ]. cp_prop_raise_key_3sg_verb := cp_prop_raise_key_verb & [ LOCAL fin_verb & [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM indic_tam & [ TENSE nonpast, ASPECT no_aspect ], VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ] ] ]. cp_prop_raise_key_n3sg_verb := cp_prop_raise_key_verb & [ LOCAL fin_verb & [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM indic_tam & [ TENSE nonpast, ASPECT no_aspect ], VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN -3s ] > ] ] ]. cp_prop_raise_key_pst_verb := cp_prop_raise_key_verb & [ LOCAL past_or_subj_verb ]. cp_prop_raise_key_prp_verb := cp_prop_raise_key_verb & [ LOCAL prp_verb ]. cp_prop_raise_key_psp_verb := cp_prop_raise_key_verb & [ LOCAL psp_verb ]. ; Make lexical entries inflected (manual entries for each form, sigh) since ; can't use inflectional rules to do it since they constrain AGR which is ; here instead identified with complement's AGR. v_cp_prop_raise_key_lexent := main_verb_sans_key & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM cp_prop_raise_key_verb ]. ;; tell Kim that/whether S ;; inform Kim that S np_trans_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_trans_subst & cp_trans_lt. ;; DPF 2017-08-20 - Changed to allow imperative S-comp, as in ;; *we told him, `jump!'.* ;; np_trans_cp_fin_or_inf_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & basic_cp_trans_subst & cp_trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT basic_s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_inf_or_imp, TAM indic_tam ] ] ]. ;; bet Kim ten cents that S np_np_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & np_np_cp_subst & tritrans_lt. basic_pp_cp_fin_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & pp_cp_subst & pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND non_expl-ind ], synsem > ]. pp_cp_fin_prop_verb := basic_pp_cp_fin_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verbal, --SIND.SF prop ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. pp_cp_fin_pq_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & basic_pp_cp_subst & pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND non_expl-ind, OPT + ], synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_or_inf_unspec, --SIND.SF prop-or-ques ] > ]. pp*_cp_fin_verb := basic_pp_cp_fin_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT + ]. pp_cp_fin_verb := basic_pp_cp_fin_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. pp_cp_fin_unspec_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_unspec_verb & basic_pp_cp_subst & pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, --SIND non_expl-ind ], [ --SIND.SF prop-or-comm ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. basic_pp_cp_inf_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & pp_cp_subst & pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND non_expl-ind ], [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_inf_unspec ] > ]. pp*_cp_inf_verb := basic_pp_cp_inf_verb. pp_cp_inf_verb := basic_pp_cp_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. pp_expl_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & pp_cp_subst & basic_pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG it-ind, OPT - ], synsem > ]. ;; *ask Kim "who did you admire"* with embedded inverted question. ;; Changed COMPS..SUBJ < > to SUBJ *antilist* to allow embedded inverted ;; clauses, as in *Kim asked, where are they* ;; DPF 2017-10-07 - Restrict CP complement to exclude pre-modif, seemingly not ;; needed, and because pre-S subord-CP modifiers lose the SF constraint (see ;; elsewhere for why). ;; DPF 2022-06-21 - Split into MC +/- subtypes, analogous to v_cp_q pair in ;; basic_cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb. ;; basic_np_trans_cp_ques_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & basic_cp_trans_subst & cp_trans_lt & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. ;; Only for embedded yes/no questions: "ask" np_trans_cp_ques_verb := basic_np_trans_cp_ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV + ], VAL.SUBJ < >, MC - ] ] > ]. np_trans_cp_ques_mc_verb := basic_np_trans_cp_ques_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ INV +, VFORM fin ], MC + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF wh-ques ] ] > ]. ;; persuade Kim that S np_trans_cp_prop_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_trans_subst & cp_trans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ --SIND.SF basic-prop ] > ]. ;; ask that Kim be released cp_bse_intrans_verb := bse_cp_verb & basic_cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_passivable_verb. ;; Sherlock: "That be the house ... remarked Mr. G" cp_bse_intrans_xtra_verb := basic_bse_cp_verb & basic_cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_passivable_verb & cp_comp_verb. ;; wish that he were here. cp_sbjnct_intrans_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_passivable_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ --SIND.E.MOOD subjunctive, LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD.VFORM fin ] ] ]. cp_frag_intrans_verb := verb_synsem & two_arg_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt & cp_comp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD frag & [ MINORS.ALTMIN norm_rel, CASE non_nom ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, KCMP #comp ] ]. ;; try to subj_equi_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & subj_equi_inf_lt. ; refrain from Ving subj_equi_from_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_intrans_from_subst & basic_two_arg & subj_equi_inf_lt. ;; try and find it ;; Allow "I/you/we/they try and find it" but block "*He tries and find it" ;; but allow "I/you/we/they/he will try and find it" and "Try and find it". subj_equi_and_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_intrans_and_subst & basic_two_arg & subj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.ASPECT no_aspect ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. subj_equi_and_fin_verb := subj_equi_and_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.TENSE nonpast ], AGR.PNG.PN -3s ] ]. subj_equi_and_bse_verb := subj_equi_and_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ]. ;; couldn't help but notice subj_equi_but_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_intrans_but_subst & basic_two_arg & subj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM bse, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.ASPECT no_aspect ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ;; have yet to find it ssr_particle_verb := verb_synsem & inf_intrans_particle_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN v_event_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND #sind ] >, COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verbal & [ INV - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, XARG #sind ] ], OPT - ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0, XARG #sind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ;; tell, persuade obj_equi_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_trans_subst & obj_equi_inf_lt. ;; get: 'Kim got abrams to stay' obj_equi_non_trans_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_non_trans_subst & obj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. ;; For the less common use of "promise", where the obj-equi reading is ;; apparently only available if the VP is passive, as in ;; *the teacher promised the students to be allowed to play outside* ;; *the students were promised to be allowed to play* ;; obj_equi_trans_psv_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_trans_subst & obj_equi_inf_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN be_v_prd_rel, ALTMIN passive_rel ] ] > ]. ;; help obj_equi_bse_verb := verb_synsem & sor_bse_subst & obj_equi_bse_lt. ;; appeal, intend oeq_pp_inf_verb := verb_synsem & pp_inf_subst & basic_three_arg & obj_equi_inf_lt & empty_prep_intrans_lt. ;; listened to him sing oeq_pp_bse_verb := verb_synsem & basic_pp_vp_subst & basic_three_arg & unsat_three_arg_subst & obj_equi_bse_lt & empty_prep_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat ]. ;; gear up the team to ... particle_oeq_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & particle_oeq_subst & four_arg & particle_oeq_lt. ;; arrange with kim to meet pp_inf_seq_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & pp_inf_subst & basic_three_arg & pp_inf_seq_lt. ; promise anom_equi_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_non_trans_subst & anom_equi_lt. ; use X to do Y anom_equi_trans_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_trans_subst & anom_equi_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. ; ask X to be allowed to Y anom_equi_psv_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_trans_subst & anom_equi_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN aux_event_rel, ALTMIN passive_rel ] ] > ]. ; take too long to do X anom_equi_oblig_verb := anom_equi_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ --MIN non_ellipt_rel ] > ]. ; have trouble sleeping anom_equi_prp_verb := verb_synsem & prp_non_trans_subst & obj_equi_prp_lt. ; prevent X from Ving obj_equi_from_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_trans_from_subst & obj_equi_inf_lt. particle_inf_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & particle_inf_subst & anom_equi_particle_lt. particle_prp_verb := verb_synsem & particle_prp_subst & subj_equi_prp_or_bse_lt. particle_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & particle_cp_subst & particle_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb. particle_pp_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & particle_pp_cp_subst & particle_pp_cp_lt & cp_passivable_verb. basic_expl_it_subj_pp_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_pp_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_pp_cp_lt. basic_expl_it_subj_ppto_cp_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_pp_cp_verb & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _to_p_sel_rel ]. ;; DPF 2024-06-03 - Recently tried adding COMPS.REST.FIRST..SLASH.LIST < >, ;; but this blocks e.g. "We are creative, it seems.". So undo, and recall what ;; motivated the addition. ;; expl_it_subj_pp*_cp_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_ppto_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop ] > ]. expl_it_subj_pp_cp_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_ppto_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-like ] > ]. expl_it_subj_pp_cp_like_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_ppto_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD comp, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF like-iforce ] ] > ]. expl_it_subj_pp_cp_unsp_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_ppto_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] > ]. expl_it_subj_ppnoto_cp_verb := basic_expl_it_subj_pp_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-like ] > ]. expl_it_subj_np_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. ; To admit e.g. "That Kim lost suggests that Sandy won.", where CP-subjects ; normally come from VPs with a CP-gap and an expletive-it subject. ; expl_it_subj_cp_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_cp_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_cp_cp_lt. ;; *it annoys him to shave himself* ;; Type used in lexical rule converting CP complement to VP. expl_it_subj_np_vp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_vp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_vp_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ]. ; 'It costs me ten dollars for you to enter' expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_inf_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_np_cp_inf_subst & expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] > ]. expl_it_subj_np_np_vp_inf_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_np_cp_inf_subst & expl_it_subj_np_np_vp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] > ]. ; `it makes him angry that S' expl_it_subj_np_prdp_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_np_prdp_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_prdp_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] > ]. ; `it makes him the winner that S' expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_np_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] > ]. ; `it matters a lot to him that S' expl_it_subj_np_pp_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & np_pp_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT +, --MIN _to_p_sel_rel ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] > ]. ; He called it to their attention that S. np_expl_pp_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & np_pp_cp_subst & arg1_subj_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, --SIND it-ind ], [ OPT -, --MIN _to_p_sel_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #objind & non_expl-ind & [ SORT entity-or-nomevent ]]], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg123_relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG1 non_expl-ind, ARG2 #objind, ARG3 #mhand ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-09-17 ;; *it took them until Friday to arrive* expl_it_subj_np_pp_cp_inf_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & np_pp_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_prdp_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN independent_rel, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL intersective_mod ] ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf ], OPT - ] > ]. ;; "It ticked him off that S" expl_it_subj_np_ptcl_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & np_ptcl_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_np_ptcl_cp_lt. expl_it_subj_prtcl_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_prtcl_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_prtcl_cp_lt. expl_it_subj_cp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_cp_subst & expl_it_subj_cp_lt. expl_it_subj_vp_verb := norm_cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_vp_subst & expl_it_subj_cp_lt. expl_pp_inf_oeq_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_pp_inf_subst & expl_xp_inf_oeq_lt. expl_pp_inf_seq_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_pp_inf_subst & expl_xp_inf_seq_lt. expl_np_inf_aeq_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & expl_np_inf_subst & expl_xp_inf_aeq_lt. atrans_inf_verb := cp_prop+ques_verb & inf_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & atrans_inf_lt. for_to_verb := verb_synsem & for_inf_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & arg12h_lt. particle_verb := verb_synsem & particle_subst & arg1_subj_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < *top* >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. ; 'going on' particle_3only_verb := verb_synsem & particle_subst & arg1_subj_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND.PNG.PN 3 ] >, COMPS < *top* > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-10-28 - This type was identifying KCMP and COMPS.REST.FIRST, but ;; this is wrong for *make up his mind that S*, and anyway seems to be ;; unnecessary. Monitor and FIX? ;; generic_particle_NP_verb := verb_synsem & particle_NP_subst & particle_NP_lt. basic_NP_particle_verb := verb_synsem & generic_NP_particle_subst & basic_NP_particle_lt. generic_NP_particle_verb := basic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_lt. NP_particle_verb := generic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_subst. NP_particle_idiom_verb := basic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_subst & poss_idiom_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS.FIRST #kcmp, KCMP #kcmp ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ ARG1 #xarg ] ]. ; 'credit back the money to the account' NP_particle_pp_verb := generic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_pp_subst & NP_particle_pp_lt & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. NP_particle_ppto_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _to_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppof_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _of_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppfor_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _for_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppfrom_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _from_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppin_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _in_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppon_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _on_p_sel_rel ]> ]. NP_particle_ppas_verb := NP_particle_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel ]> ]. ;; we showed him up as foolish NP_particle_ppas_oeq_verb := generic_NP_particle_verb & basic_NP_particle_pp_subst & NP_particle_pp_oeq_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _as_p_prd-sel_rel ]> ]. ; 'give him back his dog' NP_particle_np_verb := generic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_np_subst & NP_particle_np_lt. ; `make up her mind to leave' ; `make up her mind that she would leave' ;; DPF 2018-04-03 - Assume only for reflexive idioms, and add in id_rel NP_particle_cp_verb := basic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_cp_subst & NP_particle_cp_lt. ; 'make him out to be crazy' NP_particle_vp_verb := basic_NP_particle_verb & NP_particle_cp_subst & basic_NP_particle_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. particle_prd_verb := verb_synsem & particle_prd_subst & anom_equi_prd_lt. particle_pp_verb := verb_synsem & particle_pp_subst & prep_particle_intrans_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT pp_cat, OPT - ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. particle_empty_pp_verb := verb_synsem & particle_pp_subst & empty_prep_particle_intrans_lt. particle_nbar_verb := verb_synsem & particle_nbar_subst & particle_np_lt. ; prefer it if ... expl_obj_cp_verb := fin_cp_prop+ques_verb & cp_trans_subst & expl_obj_cp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. expl_obj_cpcmp_verb := expl_obj_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD comp, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. expl_obj_cpprop_verb := expl_obj_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] > ]. ; make it clear that ... ; This type should be redundant with the sor_prd_verb type, but CP-taking ; adjs constrain their MOD..HEAD to be no_head (for some doubtless good ; reason), so they won't unify with the prd_cat constraint on the second ; complement of sor_prd_verbs. FIX? ... ;; DPF 2022-12-08 - Now that nomod_adj_synsem no longer makes MOD..HEAD no_head, ;; sor_prd_verb once again subsumes this type, so reassigned the three verbs ;; of the type v_it-prd_le back to v_np-prd_sor_le. Still need to FIX weather ;; adjectives as with nomod_adj_synsem to avoid MOD..HEAD no_head, so we can ;; also get "She believed it (to be) rainy". #| expl_obj_prd_verb := verb_synsem & sor_prd_trans_subst & expl_obj_prdp_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND it-ind, OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ] > ]. |# ; 'i am doing fine/badly/well', but also 'how are you doing?' adv_verb := verb_synsem & adv_subst & arg1_subj_lt & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG1 non_expl-ind ] ]. ; 'he put it very well' np_adv_verb := verb_synsem & np_adv_subst & trans_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; Inverted verbs of saying: "Kim left, said Sandy" ; DPF 2011-jan-07 - Added constraint [POSTHD -] to block these inverted ; sentences from being admitted as that-less relatives, as in ; **the [cats [said Kim purred]] arrived* (contrast with *the cats Kim said ; purred arrived* ;; DPF 2014-05-20 - Changed SPR < > to SPR *anti_list* so we can get post ;; modification of the inverted phrase, as in *we arrived, said Kim yesterday* ;; DPF 2015-03-12 - And changed SUBJ from *anti_list*, so we can also get ;; *we arrived, said Kim happily*. ;; DPF 2016-10-31 - Re 2011-jan-07: But this runs afoul of the constraint ;; added on 26-aug-07 to head_adj_int_phrase, to block attachment to ;; attributive adjectives, apparently. Instead of rethinking that hack, ;; we constrain the MOD value to be HEAD no_head, preventing these from ;; undergoing the relative clause rule. ;; DPF 2022-06-30 - Added MINORS.NORM no_rel to prevent inverted clause from ;; being complement of be_nv verb, which takes ordinary clausal complement. ;; quoting_verb_inv_synsem := basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, TAM #tam, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head, MINORS.NORM no_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, SPR *anti_list* ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & [ E #tam ] ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ], CONJ cnil ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #event ] ]. ; DPF 13-May-02 - Made passive_synsem inherit from basic_verb_synsem rather ; than verb_synsem since we don't want it to be subtype of lex_synsem, since ; simple passives can be post-nominal modifiers, as in "the price quoted is ; too high" ; DPF 04-sep-09 - Make SUBJ synsem instead of synsem_min, to distinguish ; passive VPs from CPs. ;; DPF 2016-11-22 - Added anti_synsem_min to end of SPR list, to be like ;; adjectives in allowing post-head modifiers after the normal spr is picked ;; up, as in *Kim is well-known for ideas* like *Kim is very happy here*. ;; DPF 2022-05-16 - Generalized SPR..--MIN from more_this_deg_rel to ;; more_or_very_deg_rel to admit "Kim wasn't that/so/very muddled". ;; Also pushed parent basic_verb_synsem down to subtypes, since the lexical ;; passives such as "muddled" need to be HEAD v_or_a so the desired range of ;; specifiers can combine with them. ;; basic_basic_passive_synsem := passive_or_unacc_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a & [ AUX -, VFORM pas, MINORS [ MIN v_event_rel, ALTMIN passive_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind, CONJ cnil, AGR.PNG #png ], --SIND #ind & basic_non_event ] >, SPR < synsem_min & [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ]>], MC na ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT + ], anti_synsem_min > ], HS-LEX #hslex ], AGR.PNG #png, CONJ cnil ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 & non_conj_event ] ]. basic_passive_synsem := basic_basic_passive_synsem & basic_verb_synsem. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Pushed COMPS..--MIN and OPT down to subtypes as per trunk. ;; DPF 2022-05-16 - Inserted this type in the hierarchy under ;; basic_basic_passive_synsem so we can get "more/so/that/very muddled" ;; with lexical passives. ;; norm_passive_synsem := basic_basic_passive_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem_min >, VAL.COMPS *obliquecons* & < synsem & [ LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ], ... > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. passive_synsem := basic_passive_synsem & norm_passive_synsem. ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Removed parent atrans_lt since it has --+ARGIND it-ind, ;; but this derived type for *that she would win was expected by all* cannot ;; impose that requirement. ;; passive_atrans_synsem := passive_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_role_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ --SIND it-ind & #subjind ] >, COMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, OPT + ] ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-05-16 - Changed parent passive_synsem to norm_passive_synsem ;; so we can get the desired range of specifiers: "so/that/more/very muddled" ;; NONLOC... ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - But the change of parent lost us the linking of ARG-S ;; with SUBJ and COMPS, which lost the lexical threading of SLASH, which ;; leads to a lot of unwanted edges and parses, sigh. Now fixed. ;; DPF 2022-06-11 - Added PRD +, to avoid spurious use as pre-noun modifier ;; without undergoing attr-adj lexical rule. ;; basic_passive_unerg_synsem := norm_passive_synsem & basic_two_arg & isect_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL [ SUBJ < #subj & [ --MIN nom_or_mnp_rel, --SIND #sindex & basic_non_expl-ind ] >, COMPS #comps & < [ --SIND #cindex & basic_non_expl-ind ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #sindex ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index, ARG1 #cindex, ARG2 #sindex ], ... >, ICONS ], ARG-S < #subj . #comps > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; born passive_unerg_synsem := basic_passive_unerg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, OPT + ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ; surrounded with passive_unerg_with_synsem := basic_passive_unerg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _with_p_sel_rel, OPT - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. ; unevaluated passive_unerg_neg_synsem := basic_passive_unerg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, OPT + ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. ; 'Kim was referred to often' ;; DPF 2016-10-08 - We can't make this inherit from basic_three_arg, since ;; we also want it to apply to `make' in *was made up of X* which is four-arg. ;; So instead have to make sure the nonloc values are correclty linked up from ;; dtr to mother in the lexical rules that use this type. ;; DPF 17-03-01 - Removed parent particle_subst, since we want the passive for ;; verbs with contentful prep PP complements, as in *Kim was spoken to* and ;; *Kim was lied to*. Note that while we still have separate prep entries ;; for *to* as noun-mod and non-noun-mod, we're getting spurious ambiguity ;; for *Kim was lied to*, but live with it for now, and hope to conflate those ;; two *to*s soon. FIX? ;; prep_passive_synsem := basic_passive_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS *obliquecons* & < abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ], synsem & [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ], OPT + ], ... > ]. ptcl_prep_passive_synsem := basic_passive_synsem & particle_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS *obliquecons* & < abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep ], synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS *cons* ] ], synsem & [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT + ], ... > ]. ;; *was made an example of* ;; DPF 2022-08-11 - Block extraction of the object NP, to avoid spurious ;; analysis of "what was he entitled to? np_prep_passive_synsem := basic_passive_synsem & generic_np_particle_subst & four_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem, synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS < unexpressed > ]], synsem & [ --MIN _by_p_cm_rel, LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT + ], ... > ]. ssr_particle_v_lexent := noncqr-hm & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM ssr_particle_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ AUX -, INV - ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 non_conj_event ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Modifier synsems ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; When changing, remember to also modify verb_participle_affix in lexrules.tdl ;; DPF 2012-08-29 - Mysteriously, this type imposes REL.LIST < >, but that can't ;; be right since we want e.g. *the cat whose long tail twitched*. What were ;; we thinking? Let's see if anything goes awry when we remove this constraint. ;; DPF 2018-06-28 - Added reentrancy of HOOK.INDEX and KEYREL.ARG0, since this ;; should hold for all intersective modifiers, including adverbs (which were ;; missing a reentrancy for HOOK.INDEX). ;; isect_synsem := abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #index ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; VERBS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; The semantics of a main verb consists of the "main" handel for the sentence ; and a list of relations. A pointer to the main or head relation in the list ; is kept in the LKEYS.KEYREL attribute. ; ; DPF 26-Jan-01 - Changed HEAD.INV - to HEAD.INV -* to allow for coordination ; of inverted and non-inverted sentences. Worry that this swap has been made ; before, but next time we'll know why. ;; DPF 2019-11-18 - Moved INV - down to subtypes, since the generic passive ;; verb inherits from this type, and we currently exclude *being arriving* via ;; the hack of stamping INV - on present participles but not passives. ;; DPF 2022-05-16 - Pushed HEAD verb down to subtypes, so lexical passives ;; v_-_psv_le can be HEAD v_or_a, to allow e.g. "very faded" ;; basic_main_verb_sans_key := nonque & nonrel & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a & [ AUX -, TAM [ TENSE #tense, ASPECT #aspect, MOOD ind_or_subj ] ], VAL.SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & [ E [ TENSE #tense, ASPECT #aspect ] ] ], RELS.LIST < relation & #keyrel, ... > ], CONJ cnil ], PUNCT no_punctuation_min, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index ] ] ]. main_verb_sans_key := basic_main_verb_sans_key & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN v_event_rel, ALTMIN role_rel ], INV - ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_main_verb := main_verb_sans_key & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN nonaux_event_rel, MC na ] ]. norm_basic_main_verb := basic_main_verb & nonc-h. main_verb_newltop := basic_main_verb_sans_key & nonc-h & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ MINORS [ MIN v_event_rel, ALTMIN role_rel ], INV - ] ]. main_verb := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. main_verb_mliszt := basic_main_verb & nonc-h & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. ;; For irregularly regular verbs such as "We haven't yet costed the proposal" main_verb_inflected := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; AUXILIARY VERBS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Auxiliary verbs are subject-to-subject raising verbs which also raise the ; content of the VP complement, possibly tacking an additional relation on the ; end. They also raise the context of the VP complement, for now at least to ; propagate tense information. ; AUX verbs are further classified by the type of VP complement they ; select for. Also, AUX verbs optionally take a neg (post-head) specifier. ;; DPF 2016-10-19 - We don't want to make itcleft_verb_synsem be AUX + because ;; we want ti to take modifiers, as in *in Paris it was Kim who slept*, but we ;; still want it to undergo the adv-addition lexical rule for negation, so we ;; can also get *it was not in Paris that Kim slept*. So add a supertype for ;; that lexical rule to use. ;; auxverb_or_itcleft_synsem := lex_synsem. basic_aux_verb := basic_verb_synsem & auxverb_or_itcleft_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN v_event_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG #png ] >, SPR < anti_synsem_min > ] ], AGR.PNG #png ] ]. aux_verb := basic_aux_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ] ]. basic_aux_verb_ssr_subst := aux_verb & basic_ssr_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ]. aux_verb_ssr_subst := basic_aux_verb_ssr_subst & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ] ]. ;; 2022-04-26 - Since locative inversion led us to discard a uniform ;; constraint here that the subject is an NP, raising auxiliaries now ;; identify the subj's HEAD value with the RSUBJHD value of its complement, ;; and also preserve that value in its own RSUBJHD value, to enable iteration ;; of auxiliaries as in "in the corner will be standing a coatrack" ;; basic_aux_verb_ssr := basic_aux_verb_ssr_subst & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN #min, ALTMIN #altmin ] ], VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD #rsubjhd, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], KCMP #comp & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin, RSUBJHD #rsubjhd ] ], COMPS < #comp > ], RSUBJHD #rsubjhd ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED #min ] ]. aux_verb_ssr := basic_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min, --SIND basic_non_event ] ]. aux_verb_ellip := aux_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. aux_verb_word_super := noncqr-hm. basic_aux_verb_word := aux_verb_word_super & [ SYNSEM basic_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.AUX +, POSTHD + ] ] ]. aux_verb_word := basic_aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM aux_verb_ssr ]. bse_aux_verb_ssr := aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD +, VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_bse_unspec_cat, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ]. bse_aux_verb_word := aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM bse_aux_verb_ssr ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-02 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST from canonical_synsem to ;; canonical_or_unexpressed, so ellipsis rule can require unexpressed ;; inf_aux_verb_ssr := aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD +, VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil ], --SIND.SF basic-prop, OPT - ] > ] ]. ;; ought, going inf_aux_verb_word := aux_verb_word_super & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM inf_aux_verb_ssr, ALTS.VPELLIP - ]. ; For nonstandard "We ought." and "We ought not." inf_aux_ellip_verb_word := aux_verb_word_super & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM inf_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS *unexplist* ] ]. ;; DPF 2024-04-12 - Relaxed parent from aux_verb_ssr to basic_aux_verb_ssr ;; in order to get locative inversion with perfect, as in ;; "in the corner had been standing a broom" basic_psp_aux_verb_ssr := basic_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM psp ] ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ]. psp_aux_verb_ssr := basic_psp_aux_verb_ssr & aux_verb_ssr. ;; Only for auxiliary "have" and "should+of" psp_aux_verb_word := aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM psp_aux_verb_ssr ]. ; Only for the copula ; DPF 29-Nov-02 - Predicative copula has to identify COMPS..MOD..INDEX with ; COMPS..XARG since predicative PPs cannot lexically identify XARG with their ; KEY.ARG1, because PPs acting as modifiers of VPs have to project the XARG ; of the VP. ; DPF 20-Nov-03 - But now identifying INDEX of PP with its event, not its XARG. ; DPF 30-aug-05 - Note that we can't make the complement be REL.LIST < > since ; we use the relative clause for the purposive "Kim is to stay." ; DPF 01-Dec-06 - To avoid circularity in generator for e.g. "We could have ; been hiring Browne.", we depend on hack which makes "have" be POSTHD -, ; while other auxiliaries are POSTHD +, to block "been having been ..." ; FIX? ;; DPF 2017-09-16 - To avoid spurious ambig for *issues were unchanged*, ;; propagate the prdP complement's MOD..--MIN constraint to the verb's subject. ;; 2022-04-23 - SUBJ..HEAD n_or_p allows for locative inversion as in ;; "in the corner is standing a coatrack" ;; prd_aux_verb_ssr := basic_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX +, MINORS.MIN be_v_prd-or-id_rel ], POSTHD +, VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_p & [ POSS -, MINORS.MIN #modmin ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_prd_cat & [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN independent_rel, NORM norm_rel ], MOD.FIRST.--MIN #modmin ], VAL.SUBJ *olist*, POSTHD + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & [ E.TENSE tense ], XARG #ind ] ], --SIND #index, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ]. prd_aux_verb_word := aux_verb_word_super & [ SYNSEM prd_aux_verb_ssr ]. raise_cont := word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ] ], ... >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS ] ] ]. add_cont := word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < relation & #keyrel, ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ; Real modal verbs are auxiliary verbs which select a base form complement. ; They only exist in finite forms. ; DPF 2-Oct-01 - Removed [KCMP..INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense] since this ; prevented low attachment of "when" in "when can Kim arrive" ;; DPF 2018-10-21 - Re 2-Oct-01: It seems that this change didn't stick, ;; but now that we treat it-clefts without an additional EP, the INDEX of the ;; verbal complement in *would be Kim who won* is no longer E.TENSE no_tense, ;; at least not for now, so let's remove it again, and monitor. ;; generic_modal_verb_super_synsem := aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #event, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #arghand ], ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & [ ARG0 #event & non_conj_event, ARG1 handle & #arghand ] ]. generic_modal_verb_word_super := aux_verb_word_super & [ SYNSEM generic_modal_verb_super_synsem ]. generic_modal_verb_synsem := generic_modal_verb_super_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand, CONT.HCONS.LIST < [ LARG #chand ], ... > ] ]. generic_modal_verb_word := generic_modal_verb_word_super & [ SYNSEM generic_modal_verb_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2017-11-08 - Constraining modals' subject to be an NP here means we can't get ;; locative inversion as in *in the corner might be a broom*, unless we also have a ;; lexical rule to create loc-inv modals. It seems like we should instead be identifying ;; the controlled complement's subject's CAT with the modal's subject's CAT, in addition ;; to the already controlled semantic index. FIX in one of these two ways. ;; fin_modal_verb_synsem := generic_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD -, VFORM fin, TAM.ASPECT #aspect ], POSTHD +, VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_nom_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND basic_non_event, OPT - ] >, KCMP.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.ASPECT #aspect ] ], CONT psoa ] ]. fin_modal_verb_word := generic_modal_verb_word & [ SYNSEM fin_modal_verb_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-02 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST from canonical_synsem to ;; canonical_or_unexpressed, so ellipsis rule can require unexpressed ;; DPF 2024-04-11 - Removed AUX - here, keeping it on the subtype for "used to" ;; so we can get the archaic "ought we see that movie", as well as "we ought" ;; and especially "we ought not". ;; ought_verb_synsem := fin_modal_verb_synsem & inf_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ TAM [ TENSE present, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], VAL.COMPS.FIRST canonical_or_unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE no_tense ] ] ]. ought_verb_word := fin_modal_verb_word & inf_aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM ought_verb_synsem, ALTS.CSAI - ]. ought_ellip_verb_word := fin_modal_verb_word & inf_aux_ellip_verb_word & [ SYNSEM ought_verb_synsem ]. ; Assume for now that all modals have simple present tense semantics, ; ignoring the habitual past readings possible for "would" and "could" - ; these will have to be separate lexical entries. ; DPF 26-Jun-03 - Changed this to allow underspecification of tense for at ; least 'could' modal_verb_synsem := fin_modal_verb_synsem & bse_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ OPT - ] >, COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat, --SIND.SF prop-or-comm ] ] ]. modal_verb_word := fin_modal_verb_word & bse_aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM modal_verb_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-02 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST from canonical_synsem to ;; canonical_or_unexpressed, so ellipsis rule can require unexpressed ;; basic_pos_modal_verb_synsem := modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX +, TAM indic_tam ], VAL.COMPS.FIRST canonical_or_unexpressed ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED modal_rel, LBL #ltop ] ]. pos_modal_verb_synsem := basic_pos_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. modal_pos_lex_ent := modal_verb_word & add_cont & [ SYNSEM pos_modal_verb_synsem ]. modal_pos_indic_lexent := modal_pos_lex_ent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD indicative ]. basic_modal_pos_lex_ent := modal_verb_word & add_cont & [ SYNSEM basic_pos_modal_verb_synsem ]. pos_ought_verb_synsem := ought_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. pos_ought_verb_word := ought_verb_word & [ SYNSEM pos_ought_verb_synsem ]. past_ought_verb_synsem := inf_aux_verb_ssr & fin_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX -, TAM [ TENSE past, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], VAL.COMPS < [ MODIFD notmod_or_rmod ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. ; 'used (to)' - Exclude modifiers intervening before VP-inf complement. ; past_ought_verb_word := fin_modal_verb_word & inf_aux_verb_word & [ ALTS.ADVADD -, SYNSEM past_ought_verb_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-02 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST from canonical_synsem to ;; canonical_or_unexpressed, so ellipsis rule can require unexpressed ;; DPF 2019-10-01 - Note that we resist the temptation to treat "going to" like ;; "will", semantically empty with [TENSE future], because it's difficult to see ;; what the semantics of "was going to" would be. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added COMPS..SUBJ..OPT - as per trunk. ;; basic_quasimodal_verb_synsem := generic_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN _going+to_v_qmodal_rel, TAM.TENSE real_tense ], VAL [ COMPS.FIRST #comp & canonical_or_unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ.FIRST.OPT - ], KCMP #comp ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, PRED will_modal_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 24-Jun-03 ***FIX?: [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem_min >, basic_quasimodal_verb_word := generic_modal_verb_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_quasimodal_verb_synsem, ALTS.CSAI - ]. quasimodal_verb_synsem := basic_quasimodal_verb_synsem & inf_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ AUX +, TAM.ASPECT.PROGR + ] ]. quasimodal_word := basic_quasimodal_verb_word & inf_aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM quasimodal_verb_synsem ]. quasimodal_psp_synsem := inf_aux_verb_ssr & generic_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ VFORM psp, TAM.TENSE present, AUX -, PRD - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. quasimodal_psp_word := inf_aux_verb_word & generic_modal_verb_word & [ SYNSEM quasimodal_psp_synsem, ALTS.CSAI - ]. quasimodal_psp_bse_synsem := generic_modal_verb_synsem & bse_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ VFORM psp, TAM.TENSE present, PRD -], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. ; "we've *gotta* win" quasimodal_psp_bse_word := generic_modal_verb_word & bse_aux_verb_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM quasimodal_psp_bse_synsem, ALTS.CSAI - ]. quasimodal_bse_synsem := basic_quasimodal_verb_synsem & bse_aux_verb_ssr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM prp, PRD + ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat, --SIND.SF basic-prop ] > ] ]. quasimodal_bse_word := basic_quasimodal_verb_word & bse_aux_verb_word & [ SYNSEM quasimodal_bse_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2016-12-02 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST from canonical_synsem to ;; canonical_or_unexpressed, so ellipsis rule can require unexpressed ;; nonfin_modal_verb_synsem := generic_modal_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD -, VFORM bse, AUX -, TAM [ TENSE past, ASPECT [ PRF -, PROGR - ] ] ], VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT vp_inf_cat, --SIND.SF basic-prop ] >], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. ; 'didn't he used to sing?' nonfin_modal_word := generic_modal_verb_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM nonfin_modal_verb_synsem ]. ; DPF 09-Jan-00 - Removed SLASH.LIST < > from COMPS.FIRST, since it was blocking ; e.g. "When's he leaving" ; DPF 13-apr-05 - Instead, make COMPS.FIRST be expressed_synsem. Also seems ; to make ALTS.VPELLIP - unnecessary. ; DPF 18-aug-09 - Re 13-apr-05: But expressed_synsem isn't quite right, since ; this still unifies with 'gap', so change to canonical_synsem. ; DPF 06-apr-10 - Re 18-aug-09: But we want gaps, as in "where's Kim?", so ; revert to expressed_synsem. Sigh. ;; DPF 2015-03-31-- Re 06-apr-10: Okay, we want gaps for inverted contracted ;; aux, but we want to block **Here, Kim's* when the aux is not inverted. ;; Not easy to get this asymmetry for parsing, but for generation, at least, ;; impose GENRE nonformal on the noninverted form, and changed the SAI lexical ;; rule to not preserve the GENRE constraint, so we can generate the inverted ;; contraction extraction, but not non-inverted one, as long as we use ;; root_strict for generation. FIX someday. ;; DPF 2015-04-16 - Re 2015-03-31: Let's try making these INFLECTD na, and ;; adding a rule that produces the noninverted INFLECTD + forms that constrain ;; the COMPS.FIRST to be canonical_synsem. ;; contracted_aux_word := word & [ INFLECTD na, ALTS [ VPELLIP -, SQPNCT - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.CNTRCTD +, VAL.COMPS.FIRST expressed_synsem ], GENRE nonformal ]. ; copula, 'exists' ; DPF 12-Apr-02 - The second (predicative) complement was being blocked by ; MIN no_rel - avoided unwanted ambiguity, but now prevents e.g. "where is ; there a problem" since we now want to avoid spurious adjunct extraction. ; So removed no_rel, and instead require this second complement to be ; non_canonical - allows extraction, but not the spuriosity of in-situ PrdPs. ; DPF 01-Feb-03 - Since we're now allowing adjunct extraction for independent ; reasons, let's try abandoning that second complement of the 'there'-copula ; altogether. Then we avoid the awkward semantic composition problem of ; having to find the LBL of the noun_rel inside the first complement - does ; violence to our semantic algebra. ; DPF 28-oct-03 - Restored the three-arg there-copula since we need it at ; least for extractions like "what is there to do" (& "there is nothing to do") ; where the last complement has a non-empty rel (to avoid spurious ambig). ; Since the optional second complement will be RELS non-empty, can't use the ; default appending of non-local feats, so have to do cumbersome repeat here, ; to avoid propagating that non-empty RELS. But don't want to say explicitly ; here that it's non-empty, since then constraint on *olist* not satisfied. ; DPF 28-jun-07 - Constrain second complement to be non-extracted, to avoid ; spurious ambiguity for "In Berlin, there are cats" ; there-copula and it-cleft copula expl_verb_synsem := unsat_three_arg_subst & norm_verb_synsem & norel_three_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND expl-ind & #subjind ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR non_expl, CONJ cnil ], --SIND #cind, NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, OPT - ], [ LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem & [ --SIND #cind ]> ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #cind ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg1_relation & [ ARG1 #cind & non_expl ] ]. ; DPF 25-oct-05 - Removed second comp's [PRD -] since PP's need to be + (see ; note (same date) for p_reg_lexent), while (most) relative clauses are [PRD -] ;; DPF 2017-10-03 - Removed COMPS.FIRST..GEN neut since we want to be able to ;; get *there was a girl* even if we assign GEN fem. And more immediately, ;; for paraphrase generation, we want e.g. "mouse" in a story to be GEN fem, ;; and still get *there is a mouse*. ;; DPF 2018-06-02 - Dropped constraint on second comp's MOD's HEAD, so we can ;; get *there is a road all the way in* ;; DPF 2022-11-02 - Removed second comp's INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense so we can get ;; "how many cats are there that slept?". ;; DPF 2024-04-12 - Constraining first comp's MIN to nonpro_or_refl_or_num_rel ;; blocks "there's me, for one" and "there's you, at least". So generalize ;; to nom_rel, and monitor. ;; DPF 2024-05-03 - Constraining second comp to LEX - excludes e.g. ;; "there were several windows open", so instead of using LEX feature, let's ;; try making that complement's synsem be nonlex_synsem. ;; there_verb_synsem := expl_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ TAM #tam, MINORS.ALTMIN role_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND there-ind & #sind & [ PNG [ PN #pn, GEN no_gend_there ] ], LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN #pn, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #sind ] ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN nom_rel & #min, LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT basic-entity-or-event, AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ], nonlex_or_unexpressed_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a_or_p & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod, --MIN #min ] > ], MC na, POSTHD +, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT + ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #lbl ]. there_verb_nohc_synsem := there_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; DPF 19-jan-08 - Try removing AUX + so we can parse e.g. "In Paris it ; was Kim who laughed." ;; DPF 2011-08-01 - Constrained first COMP to be --MIN independent_rel, to ;; exclude selected-for PPs (spurious ambig), since these are no longer [PRD -]. ;; DPF 2015-03-17 - Changed INDEX from being reentrant with the second comp's ;; index to be the ARG0 of the main predication, since the old way was ;; blocking *it would be Kim who arose* where the INDEX's tense did not match ;; what the model requires. ;; DPF 2017-09-14 - Re 2011-08-01: But we need selected PPs, as in ;; *it was on Kim that we relied for our news*. So remove this constraint, ;; and check to see if the extra ambiguity is tolerable. ;; DPF 2018-10-21 - Now that we use ICONS for topic/focus, this entry does not ;; introduce its own EP, so needs to identify its hook with that of the verbal ;; complement. This presents a puzzle for how to express the following contrast ;; since we have no obvious place to record contrasting TAM values in (a): ;; (a) It is Kim who won. ;; (b) It was Kim who won. ;; FIX somehow - Maybe reference time would help? ;; ; 2020-12-10 - Remove identity of second comp's INDEX with mother's, to allow ;; "it is Kim who was late" ;; DPF 2024-05-04 - Relax non-local_none on first comp, so we can also get ;; "Pat it was who ate the last piece" ;; basic_itcleft_verb_synsem := expl_verb_synsem & auxverb_or_itcleft_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN be_v_it_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < [ --SIND it-ind & [ PNG.GEN no_gend_it ], LOCAL.AGR.PNG #png ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_p_or_adv & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_-, --SLPASS + ] ], --MIN #min, NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ], canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun, --MIN norm_rel ] >, MINORS.NORM #min ], VAL.SUBJ *olist*, MC na ] ], OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX event, AGR.PNG #png ], LKEYS.--+ARGIND it-ind ]. ;; it was in Paris that we rested. ;; itcleft_nonscopal_verb_synsem := basic_itcleft_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.PRD +, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] > ]. ;; it was because Kim arrived that we left. ;; itcleft_scopal_verb_synsem := basic_itcleft_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep & [ PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] > ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] > ]. ; 'In the corner is a chair' ; 'Especially popular is Rondane' ; POSTHD - is hack to prevent these from undergoing adjunct extraction ; DPF 12-nov-05 - Generalized subj to be v_or_a_or_p (from just a_or_p) ; to get e.g. "Also contributing to their success was ..." ; Also prevent spurious gapping of complements ; DPF 09-may-06 - SUBJ..ALTMIN blocks np_adv_c phrases, to avoid spurious ; ambiguity for e.g. "There is Kim." ; DPF 06-jul-06 - But this also blocks "Here is Kim." and "There stood Kim". ; So instead constrain NORM, but only for the copula. ; DPF 10-sept-07 - Changed COMPS..--MIN from nonpro_rel to reg_or_temp_nom_rel ; to avoid unwanted analyses with gerunds, as in "...in the tree is arising..." ; DPF 13-may-09 - Restrict SUBJ to be MOD anti_synsem, to exclude infinitival ; relatives, which otherwise look much like e.g. passive VPs ;; DPF 2011-09-30 - Added SUBJ..NORM no_rel to block non-depictives like *so* ;; as in *so was Browne* ;; DPF 2017-09-16 - Removed SUBJ canonical_synsem since we want these in ;; relative clauses such as *the door behind which stood the broom* where the ;; VP *stood the broom* needs to under subj-extraction. ;; DPF 2018-02-12 - Added SLASH.LIST *arglist* to subject, to avoid spurious ;; ambig for e.g. *near him in Paris is the Eiffel Tower.* while still allowing ;; extraction of the whole subject (see 2017-09-16 above). ;; DPF 2018-05-25 - Re DPF 2011-09-30: But now we want lexical PPs to be ;; NORM norm_rel to block them in v_mod, and anyway *so is Kim* is now otherwise ;; blocked, so remove this NORM no_rel constraint on the subj. ;; 2022-04-23 - Removed SUBJ..OPT - so these can be complements of copula as in ;; "in the corner was standing an old coatrack". ;; 2022-04-29 - Removed SUBJ..NORM norm_rel since we want fancy examples with ;; extraposed loc-inv relative clause as in "several were interviewed, chief ;; among them the president" where the cl-rc rule restricts the relcl to no_rel. ;; DPF 2022-10-31 - Re 2018-02-12: Generalized to exclude adjunct extraction for ;; all subjects, so removed now-redundant mention of *arglist* here. ;; DPF 2024-06-18 - Since SUBJ..XARG individual_min allowed unwanted expletives, ;; constrain instead to event_or_index. ;; basic_loc_inv_verb_word := noncqr-hm & [ SYNSEM twoarg_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX -, INV -, MINORS.MIN aux_arg1_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL [ CAT prd_or_adv_cat & [ HEAD [ MOD < anti_synsem & [ --SIND #sind ] >, AUX - ], VAL.SUBJ *olist* ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX event, XARG #sind & event_or_index ] ]] >, COMPS < synsem_min & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.CASE nom, --SLPASS + ], AGR #agr, CONJ cnil ], --SIND ref-ind, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ] ], AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.--TPC + ] ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ], ALTS.NGER - ]. ;; DPF 2022-04-30 - Restricting COMPS..--MIN to reg_or_temp_nom_rel excludes ;; "now comes this" and "here come a few", so generalize to basic_nonpro_rel ;; so we still block "*here comes he". ;; loc_inv_verb_word := basic_loc_inv_verb_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--MIN basic_nonpro_rel ]. ;; DPF 2017-10-06 - Prevent subject gap, to avoid spurious analysis of ;; **we know where is the restaurant is* ;; DPF 2017-11-08 - But this blocks relative clauses like *prominent among ;; which is Paris* so instead constrain SF to prop, to allow relative clauses ;; but not questions. ;; DPF 2022-11-16 - Removed SUBJ..INDEX non_conj_event, since it blocks ;; "equally popular but expensive are the diamonds" ;; DPF 2024-04-12 - Can't identify the XARG of the verb with that of its ;; SUBJ, since we also want to use this type for "been" as in "in the corner ;; had been standing a broom". So remove and check. ;; loc_inv_be_synsem := twoarg_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD -, TAM.MOOD indicative, MINORS.ALTMIN role_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_prd_cat, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind & [ E.TENSE tense ], XARG #xarg ] ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #xarg ] ] > ], POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind & [ SF prop ] ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ]. basic_loc_inv_be_word := loc_inv_verb_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM loc_inv_be_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2022-11-02 - Consider excluding PP subject since already have flr-hd ;; analysis of e.g. "here are the cats." or "there are many cats." But would ;; require a fair amount of re-treebanking, so leave for now. ;; loc_inv_be_word := basic_loc_inv_be_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ]. ;; DPF 2024-06-14 - Restrict SUBJ..HEAD to p_or_adv, excluding VPs, ;; which only occur with inverted copula, not inverted main verb, but allowing ;; "first came Kim" alongside "in the corner stood a broom" ;; loc_inv_mv_synsem := twoarg_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD p_or_adv, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #xarg, XARG #index ] ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #cind ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index, ARG1 #cind & ref-ind ] ]. ; 'lie, stand' ; DPF 20-apr-08 - Added identity of SUBJ..INDEX and own XARG, to block ; spurious analysis of "Kim would ride the horse." loc_inv_mv_word := loc_inv_verb_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM loc_inv_mv_synsem ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NOUNS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; TYPE ISA what's it for? ; nominal_synsem lex_synsem all nouns ; xpro_synsem nominal_synsem pro v. non-pro dimension ; xref_synsem nominal_synsem ref v. non-ref dimension ; pronominal_synsem xpro_synsem all pronouns ; nonpronominal_synsem xpro_synsem all non-pronominal nouns ; ref_synsem xref_synsem personal pro's & nouns ; non_ref_synsem xref_synsem it, there, wh-pronouns ; ref_pro_synsem pronominal_synsem personal pronouns ; & ref_synsem ; non_ref_pro_synsem pronominal_synsem it, there, wh-pronouns ; & non_ref_synsem ; noun_synsem nonpronominal_synsem all non-pro nouns ; & ref_synsem ; The "default" statement that most nouns identify their AGR and INDEX ; will live on noun_synsem and non_ref_pro_synsem, and then be restated for ; personal pronouns other than my special 'they'. (All this because I can't ; be bothered now to set up a special default type...) ; DPF 3-May-03 - Why can't we make [MODIFD notmod] true for all nouns, rather ; than stipulating it on (almost) all subtypes? Who wants to stay unmarked? ; Answer: day-of-month nouns like "tenth", which can combine with the simple ; determiner "the" and still be modifiers: "He arrived the tenth" but "*He ; arrived the week" nominal_synsem := basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.POSS -, VAL.SPCMPS < > ], CONT nom-obj ] ]. xpro_synsem := nominal_synsem. xref_synsem := nominal_synsem. ; DPF 23-Jul-99 - Add missing MOD < >. pronominal_synsem := xpro_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_partn, VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] ]. nonpronominal_synsem := xpro_synsem. ; AAC - added following types for verbal_gerund, poss_clitic etc nonpro_nomod_synsem := nomod_synsem & nonpronominal_synsem. nomod_onearg_synsem := nomod_synsem & one_arg. nonpro_nomod_onearg_synsem := nonpro_nomod_synsem & basic_one_arg. ;; DPF 2018-03-09 - Constrain ARG0 to nonconj_ref-ind, since some rules such ;; as n-hdn_cpd-pl-mnp_c need to distinguish conjoined from nonjoined nominals ;; ref_synsem := xref_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN basic_nom_rel, VAL.SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #inst, RELS.LIST < #keyrel & [ ARG0 #inst & nonconj_ref-ind ], ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. non_ref_synsem := xref_synsem & nomod_synsem & zero_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ]. ref_pro_synsem := pronominal_synsem & ref_synsem & nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD partn ]. non_ref_pro_synsem := pronominal_synsem & non_ref_synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD partn & [ MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. basic_noun_synsem := nonpronominal_synsem & ref_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun_or_ttl ]. noun_synsem := basic_noun_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. mass_or_count_synsem := basic_noun_synsem. count_noun_synsem := mass_or_count_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.IND + ]. ;; ;; Common nouns ;; ;; DPF 16-Nov-00 - Added SPR.NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > - don't know how we did ;; without this up to now. ;; DPF 14-Jul-01 - Well, we don't actually want SPR..SLASH.LIST < > since it ;; blocks free relative det constructions like "whichever person you hired" ;; where the "whichever" has a non-empty SLASH value. Don't know what ;; motivated the above addition of 0-dlist, but I'm sure we'll soon see. ; DPF 2-Jun-02 - Added HS-LEX -* since now want to distinguish head-spec ; phrases like det-n (which are phrasal) from deg-adj ones (still lexical). ; DPF 8-Jun-03 - Removed SPR..COMPS *olist* since want to allow discontinuous ; analysis for e.g. "a week and a half" ; DPF 8-Jun-03 - Try requiring sprs of nouns to be LEX +, to block "*a and a ; half week" while enabling "a week and a half". May want to consider making ; the head-spec rule impose this constraint on all specifiers, given similar ; need for allowing "kim is as tall as Sandy" but blocking "*Kim is as as ; Sandy tall" basic_unsp_common_noun_synsem := basic_noun_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr . #comps >, CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #spmin, VAL [ SPR < #spr & synsem & [ --MIN #spmin & quant_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist* ] ], LEX +, OPT - ] >, COMPS #comps, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ] ] ]. unsp_common_noun_synsem := basic_unsp_common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX - ]. basic_common_noun_synsem := unsp_common_noun_synsem & noun_synsem. basic_count_noun_synsem := basic_common_noun_synsem & count_noun_synsem. common_noun_synsem := basic_count_noun_synsem. unsp_noun_nocomp_synsem := unsp_common_noun_synsem & basic_one_arg & nonpro_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.PNG.PN 3 ], MODIFD notmod ]. unsp_count_noun_nocomp_synsem := unsp_noun_nocomp_synsem & count_noun_synsem. unsp_mass_noun_nocomp_synsem := unsp_noun_nocomp_synsem & one_arg & basic_basic_mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ DIV +, IND - ] ]. common_noun_nocomp_synsem := basic_count_noun_synsem & basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. unsp_mass_or_count_synsem := unsp_common_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & mass_or_count_synsem. ; For nouns which will remain underspecified for mass/count. basic_mass_or_count_synsem := unsp_mass_or_count_synsem. basic_mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem := basic_mass_or_count_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem := basic_mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & basic_common_noun_synsem. noun_nocomp_synsem := common_noun_nocomp_synsem & nonpro_nomod_onearg_synsem. noun_nonpro_nomod_synsem := basic_common_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem. noun_two_arg_nomod_synsem := noun_nonpro_nomod_synsem & basic_two_arg. ; DPF 22-Jul-03 - Constraint on COMPS < expressed_synsem, ... > ensures that ; this complement is either realized or discharged via hdn_optcmp_c, to avoid ; spurious ambiguity. ;; DPF 2011-08-29 - Re 22-Jul-03: But this discharging is independently ensured, ;; and insisting on expressed_synsem blocks measure_np rule applying to ;; *an* in *an hour and a half*, so remove constraint here. ;; DPF 2019-06-26 - Removed identification of LTOP for head and comp, since ;; the comp is always a selected rel, so its LTOP must stay free, or else in ;; right-node raising, we wrongly identify the labels of the conjoined nouns. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added COMPS..--MIN selected_rel as per trunk. ;; unsp_noun_ppcomp_synsem := unsp_common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin & selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], ... >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ]. basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem := unsp_noun_ppcomp_synsem & basic_common_noun_synsem. noun_nondeverb_ppcomp_synsem := basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index ]. unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem := unsp_noun_ppcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & nonpro_nomod_synsem & count_noun_synsem. unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_mass_synsem := unsp_noun_ppcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & basic_basic_mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ DIV +, IND - ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index ]. noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem := unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem & common_noun_synsem. noun_ppcomp_three_arg_synsem := basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem & three_arg & nonpro_nomod_synsem & common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, synsem & [ --MIN #ocmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #hand, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. ; DPF 25-mar-05 - Added MODIFD notmod to avoid spurious ambig with adjN rules. ; DPF 26-mar-05 - But this conflicts with the constraint in the NP-ADV rule ; which distinguishes "we arrived the week before" from "*we arrived the week" ; since we also want "We arrived Tuesday". So try just excluding lmod value. temp_noun_comp_two_arg_synsem := basic_two_arg & count_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < [ OPT - ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ] ]. temp_noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem := temp_noun_comp_two_arg_synsem & basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index & non_expl-ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index, MODIFD notmod_or_rmod ]. ; For e.g. "hotel" as in "the hotel Marriott" or "the Marriott hotel Hannover"c ;; DPF 2019-09-26 - Prevent the NP complement from being extracted ;; abstr_noun_nomcomp_synsem := unsp_common_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP canonical_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.--SLPASS +, CONJ cnil ] ], AGR #agr, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #agr ], RELS.LIST < relation, ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #hand ]. basic_noun_nomcomp_synsem := abstr_noun_nomcomp_synsem & noun_nonpro_nomod_synsem. ;; DPF 2018-03-29 - Constraint KCMP..HEAD noun to prevent free relatives, and ;; SORT entity to prevent WH-clause NPs: *in the hotel what we liked best were* ;; abstr_noun_npcomp_synsem := abstr_noun_nomcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD noun ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX index ] ], --SIND #cindex ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. basic_noun_npcomp_synsem := basic_noun_nomcomp_synsem & abstr_noun_npcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ]. basic_common_noun_npcomp_synsem := basic_noun_npcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #comp & [ PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, KCMP #comp ] ]. common_noun_npcomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_npcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation ]. ; 'kinda' as in "what kinda chair is that" ;; DPF 2016-10-21 - Generalize COMP..HEAD from noun to basic_noun, so we can ;; also get pronouns here, as in *the word he* or *the pronoun it* ;; DPF 2018-06-10 - Re 2016-10-21: But since pronoun lexical entries already ;; introduce a pron_q_rel binding the ARG0, letting them in here results in ;; two quantifiers binding that variable. So make two subtypes, with one just ;; for the word "pronoun" which does not introduce a quant_rel. ;; basic_common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem := basic_noun_nomcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < #comp & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat_min & [ HEAD basic_noun ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < [ ARG1 #arg ], ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation ]. common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #nhand ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ]. common_noun_procomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, --BARE - ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD partn & [ MINORS.MIN pron_rel, --BARE - ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct ], OPT -] >, HC-LEX + ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], MODIFD notmod ]. ; DPF 08-apr-08 - Added NORM norm_rel to prevent these from heading appositive ;; DPF 2012-08-29 - Changed this type (for *$*) to have an anti_synsem ;; complement, to avoid seeing this dependent lexical entry as a stand-alone ;; phrase, to avoid massive spurious ambiguity. Concede that one does see ;; *We need $ to live* in informal writing, but we'll undergenerate for now, ;; in the interest of efficiency. FIX someday? ;; common_noun_numcomp_synsem := basic_count_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN mnp_symb_rel, NORM norm_rel ], PRD + ] ]. ; ERB (14-12-97) It might be cleaner in some sense for pro_ss to have that ; pron_rel as its MIN and then have this construction and others like it ; take the value of that MIN and put it on their RELS. Also, if we ; ever move to lexical amalgamation of relations, the pron_rel should get ; incorporated automatically. ... So I'm going to try to do it that way. ; ERB (14-12-97) We just decided that there shouldn't be a pron_rel here. ; The feature PT is enough to distinguish the instance introduced ; by the pro_ss as one that doesn't have to be bound. ;; DPF 2020-05-17 - Pushed DIV +, IND - down to subtypes, so we can leave ;; mass `time' underspecified, to get *a long time (ago)* ;; ; ERB (21-01-98) The pro_ss should be unslashed. ;; basic_basic_mass_noun_synsem := unsp_mass_or_count_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ]. basic_mass_noun_synsem := basic_basic_mass_noun_synsem & noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ DIV +, IND - ] ]. basic_scoping_noun_synsem := noun_nonpro_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, CONT [ HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #arg1, LARG #ltop ], ... >, ICONS ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS.KEYREL basic_hcomp_nom_relation & [ ARG1 handle & #arg1 ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-10-07 - Moved KCMP..SLASH.LIST < > down to subtypes, so we can allow ;; extraction from VP complement, as in "the methods we have the right to use" scoping_noun_synsem := basic_scoping_noun_synsem & noun_two_arg_nomod_synsem. ;; a way to meet ;; DPF 2018-04-30 - Should remove COMPS..--MIN non_ellipt_rel so we can get ;; *she didn't make any move to* if the extra ambiguity is tolerable. FIX. ;; DPF 2022-12-10 - Considered adding COMPS.FIRST canonical_synsem to avoid ;; extraction, but this would block e.g. the desired right-node-raising analysis ;; of wsj19:21962007 "...the right, but not the obligation, to buy ..." ;; So leave as is, even though this raising analysis has the usual semantics ;; well-formedness problem where the handle of the postposed VP has to fill ;; two holes, one for each of the nouns needing a VP complement. basic_noun_vpcomp_synsem := basic_scoping_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop, CONJ cnil ], --MIN non_ellipt_rel, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, OPT - ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. basic_common_noun_vpcomp_synsem := basic_noun_vpcomp_synsem & common_noun_synsem. common_noun_vpcomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_vpcomp_synsem & scoping_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ]. mass_noun_vpcomp_synsem := basic_noun_vpcomp_synsem & scoping_noun_synsem & basic_mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ]. mass_count_noun_vpcomp_synsem := basic_noun_vpcomp_synsem & scoping_noun_synsem & basic_mass_or_count_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ]. ; pleasure: "it is a pleasure to visit Abrams" ; common_noun_vpcomp_expl_synsem := common_noun_vpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN prednom_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_rel ] >, COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG it-ind ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.--+ARGIND it-ind ]. ; It is sheer drudgery to visit abrams. mass_noun_vpcomp_expl_synsem := basic_noun_vpcomp_synsem & basic_mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN prednom_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN implicit_q_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG it-ind ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.--+ARGIND it-ind ]. ; Abrams is a pleasure to visit. ;; DPF 2024-04-30 - The constraint SPR..MIN no_rel prevents prenominal adj ;; modfiers as in "Abrams is a real pleasure to visit", so instead block the ;; unwanted picking up of a determiner (the construction uses the ;; predicative-noun-taking preposition "a/an") via SPR < unexpressed >. common_noun_vpcomp_slash_synsem := basic_common_noun_vpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN prednom_rel, VAL [ SPR < unexpressed >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS -, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT nomp_cat_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg & index ] >, OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, MODIFD notmod ]. ;; DPF 2018-09-13 - Prevent *information if he arrived* ;; DPF 2022-11-03 - TODO: If we removed COMPS..SLASH.LIST < >, we could get ;; "that he had won was a dubious claim" using the usual vp_cp-sb_c rule, ;; so try it soon and see what it costs in efficiency. ;; basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem := scoping_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp & synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD.CASE nom_or_obliq, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LEX -, OPT - ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. basic_count_noun_cpcomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & count_noun_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn. common_noun_cpcomp_synsem := basic_count_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD comp, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, LEX - ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL basic_hcomp_nom_relation ]. common_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem := common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c ] > ]. common_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem := common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_inf_v_c ] > ]. common_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem := basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_bse & [ HEAD comp ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, LEX - ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL hcomp_nom_relation ]. count_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem := common_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem & count_noun_synsem. mass_count_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem := common_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem & basic_mass_or_count_synsem. basic_mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem := basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & basic_mass_or_count_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT basic_s_cat_v_c, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL hcomp_nom_relation ]. mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem := basic_mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c & [ HEAD comp ] ] > ]. ;; DPF 2012-12-21 - Removed [HEAD comp] to allow thatless S-comp. ;; mass_noun_cpcomp_synsem := basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & basic_mass_noun_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL hcomp_nom_relation ]. mass_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem := mass_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c ] > ]. mass_count_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem := basic_common_noun_cpcomp_synsem & basic_mass_or_count_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_inf_v_c & [ HEAD comp ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL hcomp_nom_relation ]. mass_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem := mass_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_inf_v_c ] > ]. mass_noun_onearg_synsem := basic_mass_noun_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. mass_noun_synsem := mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.RELS ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added LPERIPH na as per trunk. basic_mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem := basic_mass_noun_synsem & basic_two_arg & noun_nondeverb_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem := basic_mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem & two_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. mass_noun_ppcomp_nospr_synsem := basic_mass_noun_synsem & basic_two_arg & basic_common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nind ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-30-24 - Pushed MIN diadic_nom_rel down as per trunk. basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem := basic_mass_or_count_synsem & two_arg & noun_nondeverb_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , LKEYS.KEYREL diadic_nom_relation ]. mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem := basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. ;; This type has much in common with mass_noun_ppcomp_nospr_synsem, and with ;; basic_noun_ppcomp_synsem. FIX someday. ;; mass_or_count_ppcomp_nospr_synsem := basic_mass_or_count_synsem & basic_two_arg & basic_common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nind ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. mass_noun_npcomp_synsem := basic_mass_noun_synsem & basic_noun_npcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #comp & [ PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, --SIND #cind ] >, KCMP #comp ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation & [ ARG1 #cind ] ]. ;; For 'divide by log Kow' mass_noun_npcomp_nocpd_synsem := basic_mass_noun_synsem & basic_noun_nomcomp_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #comp & [ LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD noun, --SLPASS + ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, --SIND #cind ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation & [ ARG1 #cind ] ]. ; PRD feature used as a hack to avoid partitives in noun-noun compounds, ; pending a better analysis. ; DPF 9-Sept-99 - Changed N-N block to be based on non-empty ALTMIN, rather ; than PRD. The handle of the of-NP should probably be an argument of the ; part_of relation, as the value of a feature SET. But for now we simply ; identify the handles of the part_of and the of_NP. ; DPF 17-Apr-03 - Changed set-up so the MIN of partitives will be the MIN of ; the of-PP's NP if there is a complement and an underspecified nom_rel as ; the default. ; DPF 2-May-03 - Changed SPR..MIN from degree_rel to just_only_very_deg_rel ; to block a lot of overgeneration, but still leaving a little (e.g. ; "very all chairs arrived"). We'll fix this once we move to relation names ; as values of PRED feature in relation. ; DPF 27-Jul-03 - Removed SPR..MIN, since it needs to preserve the constraints ; from the non-partitive determiner (the input to the lexical rule for which ; this type is the output), as in "too much of the rice was spilled". ; DPF 31-Oct-03 - But need some SPR..MIN constraint since not all partitives ; are constructed via that lexical rule, and they need some kind of ; restriction. So added this constraint to n_part_lexent below. ; DPF 13-Nov-03 - Removed SPR..COMPS *olist* since want these to be able to ; take comparative degree specifiers (which have a non-empty COMPS list), ; like in "kim hired as many as sandy" ; DPF 22-feb-04 - Identified INDEX and AGR, as with noun_synsem -- was there ; a reason this wasn't done earlier? It's needed to get the right agreement ; for e.g. "we climbed peaks all of which are tall". ; DPF 09-may-04 - Changed SPEC < > to SPEC < anti_synsem_min > so partitives can ; appear as complements of empty-preps, as in "kim relied on all the chairs" partitive_noun_synsem := nonpronominal_synsem & xref_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN basic_nom_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel & #altmin ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min & just_only_deg_rel, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #althand ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], --MIN #min ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min >, KCMP [ --MIN #cmin & _of_p_sel_rel, --SIND.SORT #sort, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD -, TAM.TENSE nontense ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], OPT - ] ], HS-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index & overt_non_expl-ind & [ SORT #sort ] ], HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #phand, LARG #nhand ], ... >, ICONS ], AGR #index ], LKEYS [ KEYREL instance_relation & [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #index ], ALTKEYREL abstract_quant_relation & [ PRED #altmin, LBL #althand, ARG0 #index, RSTR #phand ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ; DPF 17-Apr-03 - Identify MIN relation with the of-PP's complement's ALTMIN, ; (the MIN of that PP's NP complement) to maintain visibility of that NP's ; relation, for example to block "*Kim arrives one of these chairs" but allow ; "Kim arrives one of these days". ; DPF 17-dec-03 - Changed KEYREL from reg_diadic_nom_relation to just ; diadic_nom_relation to avoid [SORT entity] constraint, so we can get e.g. ; "hiring sandy is (only) some of the challenge". basic_partitive_noun_ppof_synsem := partitive_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ], LKEYS.KEYREL basic_diadic_nom_relation & [ PRED part_of_rel, LBL #lbl, ARG1 #arg & basic_non_expl-ind ] ]. partitive_noun_ppof_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_ppof_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ KCMP #comp, COMPS < #comp > ], CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. partitive_noun_ppof_agr_synsem := partitive_noun_ppof_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl-ind, AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ] ] ]. ; [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX nonconj_indiv ]. partitive_noun_ppof_noagr_synsem := partitive_noun_ppof_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX nonconj_overt-ind ]. ; all the books, half your salary ; DPF 11-Sept-01 - Added COMPS..ALTMIN norm_non_conj_rel to block e.g. ; 'both Abrams or Browne arrived' ; DPF 1-Oct-01 - Replaced the above with ALTMIN explicit_q_rel to avoid ; spurious parse for "All books". Maybe no longer need norm_non_conj_rel. ; DPF 25-apr-04 - Deleted the spurious of_p_sel_rel from RELS. ;; DPF 2020-08-13 - Changed COMPS..CAT from nomp_cat_acc_min to ;; nomp_cat_nonnom_min so we get "half what we bought", and push constraint ;; nomp_cat_acc_min down to subtype for "all" to block "all what we bought" ;; DPF 2022-06-04 - Pushed identity of MIN on head and complement down to ;; subtypes, so we can get "over half the cats" where "half" is meas_nom_rel ;; but the complement NP does not have to be a measure NP. ;; basic_partitive_noun_NP_synsem := partitive_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN explicit_q_rel, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX index ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, --SIND #arg, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl-ind, RELS.LIST < reg_diadic_nom_relation & #keyrel & [ PRED part_of_rel, LBL #lbl, ARG1 #arg & non_expl-ind ], relation & #altkeyrel, ... > ] ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, SLASH.LIST < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. partitive_noun_NP_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_NP_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 18-aug-09 - Exclude pronouns: "*All us arrived" ; DPF 2010-11-09 - But generalize nonpro_rel to basic_nonpro_rel so we ; can accept *all that* ;; DPF 2018-02-15 - Also constrain to exclude *"all nobody* and **all a group* ;; DPF 2018-02-17 - But we're also using this type for *half a day*, so push the ;; COMPS.ALTMIN constraint down to distinct le types. ; basic_partitive_noun_NP_agr_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_NP_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ], CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN basic_nonpro_rel, ALTMIN existential_q_rel ] ] ] >, AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED explicit_quant_agr_q_rel ]. partitive_noun_NP_agr_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_NP_agr_synsem & partitive_noun_np_synsem. ; both partitive_noun_NP_noagr_synsem := partitive_noun_NP_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] > ]. ; not all partitive_noun_NP_neg_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_NP_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ] ] ] > ], AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 03-Dec-03 - Added LPERIPH na to prevent these from appearing as heads ; of appositive phrases: "both abrams" ; DPF 06-dec-03 - Moved COMPS < > to le-type using this synsem, so the lexrule ; for partitives with no of-PP can still propagate any other comps of that ; det, in particular for free-rels like "whichever". ; DPF 11-dec-03 - Made MIN part_of_rel so these fit with constraint on "than" ; as in "Kim has more (of the chairs) to offer than Kim" ; DPF 26-aug-07 - Added NORM norm_rel to prevent these from appearing in ; appositives, blocking spurious ambiguity for e.g. "all the cats" ;; DPF 2012-07-22 - Added [SORT basic-entity-or-event] to prevent spurious ;; do-be as in **some he does is arise* ; basic_partitive_noun_nocomp_synsem := partitive_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl-ind & [ PNG.PN 3, SORT basic-entity-or-event ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na, NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, SLASH.LIST < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED generic_entity_rel ]. partitive_noun_nocomp_synsem := basic_partitive_noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN part_of_rel ]. basic_basic_noun_word := word & [ SYNSEM.PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] . basic_noun_word := basic_basic_noun_word & nonque & nonrel. basic_noun_noaffix_word := nonc-hm-nab & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_pronoun_word := basic_basic_noun_word. noun_word := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. norm_noun_word := noun_word & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Changed parent type as per trunk basic_basic_intr_noun_word := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM common_noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_intr_noun_word := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & noun_word. norm_intr_lex_entry := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, MODIFD notmod ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-10 - Added LPERIPH na to prevent spurious compound analysis of ;; *house wine list* using noun_adjn compound rule. ;; basic_intr_lex_entry := norm_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. n_intr_lex_entry := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c_le := n_intr_lex_entry """ Intransitive count noun (icn) The dog barked. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. n_-_c-maycap_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. n_-_c-maycap_le := n_-_c-maycap_lexent """ Intransitive count noun (icn), possibly capitalized The British Empire grew. """ . n_-_c-ns-maycap_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL nom_relation, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. n_-_c-ns-maycap_le := n_-_c-ns-maycap_lexent """ Intransitive count noun (icn), possibly capitalized, no sort constraint Making friends is a road to happiness. """ . n_-_m-maycap_le := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & """ Intransitive mass noun, possibly capitalized CCTV is popular. """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation & [ LBL #ltop ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. n_-_c-ed_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN n-ed_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-ed_le := n_-_c-ed_lexent """ Icn, okay for derived adj C is a long-eared cat. """ . n_-_c-ed-nocnh_le := basic_intr_lex_entry & """ Icn, ok drvd adj, no nonhd cmpnd C is a strong-willed cat. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN n-ed_rel, NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-10-24 - Added LPERIPH na_or_+ to prevent *Abrams will* as cmpnd. ;; n_-_mc-ed-nocnh_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_+ ], LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN n-ed_rel, NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_mc-ed-nocnh_le := n_-_mc-ed-nocnh_lexent """ mass noun, ok drvd adj, no nonhd cmpnd C is a strong-willed cat. """ . ;; DPF 2012-12-15 - Note that `point' should also have MIN be subtype of ;; temp_abstr_rel, in order to admit *from that point on*. But this would ;; complicate the type hierarchy noticeably. FIX someday? ;; ; 'end' n_-_c-ed-ns_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN n-ed_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ] ]. n_-_c-ed-ns_le := n_-_c-ed-ns_lexent """ Icn, ok drvd adj, unspec sort It is a wide-ended valley. """ . ; 'handheld' ; DPF 06-sept-07 - Let's try adding the hack --BARE - here to prevent these ; from undergoing the robust bare-singular rule. May be too sweeping, but ; avoids a lot of unwanted ambiguity, e.g. for 'remove' ;; DPF 13-03-13 - Re 06-sept-07: Yes, too sweeping. We want to correct e.g. ;; *we admire certain individual*. So remove here, and let's try entry by ;; entry for the problematic ones. ;; ; n_-_c-nocnh_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk basic_n_-_c-nocnh_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_-_c-nocnh_lexent := basic_n_-_c-nocnh_lexent & basic_intr_lex_entry. n_-_c-nocnh_le := n_-_c-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, excl nonhd in n-n, non capitalized B bought a classic. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk n_-_c-nocnh-cap_lexent := basic_n_-_c-nocnh_lexent & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ], TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_c-nocnh-cap_le := n_-_c-nocnh-cap_lexent """ Icn, excl nonhd in n-n, capitalized B met an American. """ . n_-_c-nocnh-msc_le := n_-_c-nocnh_lexent & """ Icn, excl nonhd in n-n, masculine gender Mr. B bought a car. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.GEN masc ]. n_-_c-nocnh-fem_lexent := n_-_c-nocnh_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.GEN fem ]. n_-_c-nocnh-fem_le := n_-_c-nocnh-fem_lexent """ Icn, excl nonhd in n-n, feminine gender Mr. B bought a car. """ . ; e.g. 'other' as in "the other will be ready soon" but "*the chair other" n_-_c-nocpd_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ], LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], --BARE - ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_-_c-nocpd_le := n_-_c-nocpd_lexent """ Icn, excl head and nonhd in n-n The other arrived. """ . ;; DPF 2019-09-25 - Removed MODIFD lmod because this prevented adj-N for these ;; nouns, and the LPERIPH + is already enough to block N-N compounds. ;; DPF 2024-04-15 - But the adj-noun modifier rule constrains its head to be ;; LPERIPH na_or_-, so instances of this type prevent adj-N as well. So ;; change to LPERIPH bool, which still excludes N-N but allows adj-N. ;; n_-_c-nochd_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, --BARE - ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; e.g. 'join' n_-_c-nochd_le := n_-_c-nochd_lexent """ Exclude as head in compounds. The join complexity increased The candidate join appeared """ . ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - To reduce massive ambiguity for ;; "the cat rose 15% to $6.9 million, or 21 cents a share" ;; prevent noun from appearing in title-N construction, and as head of compounds ;; n_-_c-nochd-nottl_lexent := n_-_c-nochd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM no_rel, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_-_c-nochd-nottl_le := n_-_c-nochd-nottl_lexent """ Exclude in title-N construction and as head in compounds The rose wilted. the price rose 15% to $6.9 million. """ . ;; DPF 2024-06-09 - Added LPERIPH + to prevent |[Mr. [Browne Mr.]] Chiang| ;; n_-_c-nochd-msc_lexent := n_-_c-nochd_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CASE no_case ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.GEN masc ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_-_c-nochd-msc_le := n_-_c-nochd-msc_lexent """ Title nouns, excl nonhd in n-n, and head everywhere, masc gender The young Mr. Browne arrived. """ . n_-_c-nochd-fem_lexent := n_-_c-nochd_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CASE no_case ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.GEN fem ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_-_c-nochd-fem_le := n_-_c-nochd-fem_lexent """ Title nouns, excl nonhd in n-n, and head everywhere, fem gender The young Ms. Browne arrived. """ . ; Block some frequently occurring nouns from appearing in title constructions ; [Note that the example sentence given for this type is not very informative.] ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - But this NORM no_rel blocks these in ordinary appositives, ;; as in "the Sharpshooter, an oil well in Texas". So introduce task-specific ;; head feature --TITLE-CPD to enable lexical blocking. ;; n_-_c-ntc_lexent := n_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.--TITLE-CPD - ]. n_-_c-ntc_le := n_-_c-ntc_lexent """ Icn, no title compound [Will Abrams hire] Browne """ . ;; 'single, double, triple' ;; n_-_c-nocnh-ntc_lexent := n_-_c-nocnh_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.--TITLE-CPD - ]. n_-_c-nocnh-ntc_le := n_-_c-nocnh-ntc_lexent """ Icn, no non-hd compound, no title compound The company is rated single-B. """ . ;; Maybe only for the British noun "over", which we need to exclude in various ;; compounds. ;; n_-_c-ncmp-nttl_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD rmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], --BARE - ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-ncmp-nttl_le := n_-_c-ncmp-nttl_lexent """ Count, excl hd and nonhd in n-n and excl nonhd in np_title cmpnd The overs [Br.E.] were unexpected. """ . ; phone (like number, order) ; No constraint on ARG0.SORT, so can appear in identity copula constructions ; or conjunctions with verbal projections; e.g. "the idea is to win." ;; DPF 2012-02-01 - The constraint [SORT non-time-sort] prevents ;; *the morning is the best part of the day*. FIX throughout for *-ns* types. ;; DPF 2016-12-10 - Re 2012-02-01: It seems this constraint was not removed ;; after all, but it blocks *Monday is the best plan*, so now removing, and ;; similarly for the other "*-ns*" le types. ; n_-_c-ns_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ] ]. n_-_c-ns_le := n_-_c-ns_lexent """ Icn, underspec ARG0.SORT The goal was to win. """ . n_-_c-ns-nocnh_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ] ]. n_-_c-ns-nocnh_le := n_-_c-ns-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, underspec ARG0.SORT, no non-hd of compound The goal was to win. """ . n_-_c-upcase_lexent := n_intr_lex_entry & [ TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized+upper ]. n_-_c-upcase_le := n_-_c-upcase_lexent """ Intransitive count noun, all caps His CO retired. """ . n_-_c-downcase_lexent := n_intr_lex_entry & [ TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE non_capitalized ]. n_-_c-downcase_le := n_-_c-downcase_lexent """ Intransitive count noun, lowercase We looked for the john. """ . ; For determinerless-PPs: 'within range' ; DPF 25-apr-04 - Added ALTMIN abstract_q_rel to prevent these from ; appearing as left members of N-N compounds. ; DPF 17-may-05 - But now using NORM to block compounding ;; DPF 2017-11-24 - Block these as candidate subject NPs, since we think they ;; can only appear as objects. ;; DPF 2022-06-07 - Added --BARE + so we can exclude these in certain contexts ;; such as "top-heavy" ;; basic_n_bare_lex_entry := noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN bare_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CASE non_nom, --BARE + ], VAL.SPR < unexpressed > ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ], IDIOM + ]. intr_n_bare_lex_entry := basic_n_bare_lex_entry & basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_bare_lex_entry := intr_n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE obliq ]. ; 'in (family/open) court' n_-_c-br_le := n_bare_lex_entry """ Icn, no det, free mod We spoke in order. """ . ; 'at eye level' ('*at level') n_-_c-brn_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_nmod_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ]. n_-_c-brn_le := n_-_c-brn_lexent """ Icn, no det, obl mod by n B was at eye level. """ . ; 'on (summer) vacation' ('*on long vacation') n_-_c-brn*_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_nmod_rel ]. n_-_c-brn*_le := n_-_c-brn*_lexent """ Icn, no det, opt mod by n B was on vacation. """ . ; 'at close range' ('*at range') n_-_c-brj_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_jmod_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] ]. n_-_c-brj_le := n_-_c-brj_lexent """ Icn, no det, obl mod by adj B was on course. """ . ; 'in (sharp) contrast' ; 'at (long) last' n_-_c-brj*_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_jmod_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH bool ] ]. n_-_c-brj*_le := n_-_c-brj*_lexent """ Icn, no det, opt mod by adj B was in view. """ . ; 'at (considerable/company) expense' ('*at expense') n_-_c-brnj_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_nom_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] ]. n_-_c-brnj_le := n_-_c-brnj_lexent """ Icn, no det, obl mod by n,j B went at great expense. """ . ; 'on top', 'of course' n_-_c-brno_lexent := n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_nomod_rel ]. n_-_c-brno_le := n_-_c-brno_lexent """ Icn, no det, no mod B was in line. """ . n_pp_c-brno-of_lexent := basic_n_bare_lex_entry & noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN bare_n_nomod_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN _of_p_sel_rel ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_pp_c-brno-of_le := n_pp_c-brno-of_lexent """ Icn, PP-of comp, no det, no mod B was on top of the hill. """ . ;; DPF 2018-03-12 - Added AGR..PT real_pron to block *own Kim* as a title ;; compound. ;; DPF 2018-09-18 - But this conflicts with educ constraints. So instead ;; constrain SPR to be expressed_synsem. ;; ; his own n_-_c-poss_le := basic_intr_noun_word & """ Icn, oblig poss det ('own') Our own won. """ [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN def_explicit_q_rel, NORM norm_rel ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.POSS + ] > ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH - ], LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_nom_relation, ALTKEYREL relation ] ] ]. ; Idiom nouns: e.g. ; ahold: 'I got ahold of sandy' ; part: 'I took part in the meeting' n_-_c-br-idm_lexent := intr_n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN bare_n_nomod_rel, CASE non_nom ] ] ]. n_-_c-br-idm_le := n_-_c-br-idm_lexent """ Icn, no det, idiomatic B took part. """ . n_-_c-brj-idm_lexent := intr_n_bare_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN bare_n_jmod_rel, CASE non_nom ] ] ]. n_-_c-brj-idm_le := n_-_c-brj-idm_lexent """ Icn, no det, idiomatic, modifiable by adj B took unfair advantage of C. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk basic_basic_n_intr_temp_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ] ] ]. basic_n_intr_temp_lexent := basic_basic_n_intr_temp_lexent & noun_word. n_intr_temp_lexent := basic_n_intr_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod ]. n_-_c-day_lexent := basic_n_intr_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN unnamed_day_rel, MODIFD notmod_or_rmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_- ] ] ]. n_-_c-day_le := n_-_c-day_lexent """ Temporal noun - day B won on a weekday. """ . n_-_c-ssn_lexent := n_intr_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN season_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED season_rel ] ]. n_-_c-ssn_le := n_-_c-ssn_lexent """ Temporal noun - season B will sing this season. """ . basic_n_-_c-sg_lexent := basic_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. ; 'grasp, dearth' n_-_c-sg_lexent := basic_n_-_c-sg_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. n_-_c-sg_le := n_-_c-sg_lexent """ Icn, singular only B's grasp was strong. """ . ; 'divine' n_-_c-sg-nocnh_lexent := basic_n_-_c-sg_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CONT.RELS ] ]. n_-_c-sg-nocnh_le := n_-_c-sg-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, singular only, excl nonhd in n-n The divine is inaccessible. """ . ; 'impetus' n_-_c-sg-ns_lexent := basic_n_-_c-sg_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent, RELS ] ] ]. n_-_c-sg-ns_le := n_-_c-sg-ns_lexent """ Icn, singular only, unspec sort The main impetus was that Kim arrived. """ . ; 'the DFKI' basic_n_intr_named_lexent := noncqr-hm & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.IND + ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL named_nom_relation & [ LBL #ltop, PRED named_n_rel ] ] ]. n_intr_named_lexent := basic_n_intr_named_lexent & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - To avoid spurious ambiguity with e.g. *house*, constrain ;; this to be capitalized. ;; n_-_c-nm_lexent := n_intr_named_lexent & [ SYNSEM.PUNCT no_punctuation_min, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_c-nm_le := n_-_c-nm_lexent """ Icn, named B read the Iliad. """ . n_-_c-nm-upcase_le := n_intr_named_lexent & """ Icn, named, all upper B visited the US """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT no_punctuation_min, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized+upper ]. ; 'the Alps' n_-_c-nm-pl_lexent := n_intr_named_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3p, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. n_-_c-nm-pl_le := n_-_c-nm-pl_lexent """ Icn, named, plural only B visited the Alps. """ . ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - Consrrain these to singular only, to avoid spurious ;; ambiguity with plural ; For period-final names like "u.s." n_-_c-nm-pd_lexent := n_intr_named_lexent & [ SYNSEM.PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct ] ]. n_-_c-nm-pd_le := n_-_c-nm-pd_lexent """ Icn, named, end in period B visited the U.S. """ . ; For robust period-final names like "u.s." lacking specifier n_-_c-nm-pd-nf_lexent := basic_n_intr_named_lexent & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL.SPR < unexpressed > ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct ] ], GENRE nonformal ]. n_-_c-nm-pd-nf_le := n_-_c-nm-pd-nf_lexent """ Icn, named, end in period, nonformal U.S. and France argued. """ . n_-_c-nm-gen_le := n_intr_named_lexent & basic_generic_lex_entry & """ Icn, named B read the Iliad. """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT no_punctuation_min, LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG #carg ], TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST [ +CLASS.+CASE capitalized, +CARG #carg ] ]. n_-_c-gen_le := basic_intr_lex_entry & basic_generic_lex_entry & """ Icn, generic C is a generic-noun. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation & [ PRED generic_nom_rel ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. basic_noun_ppcomp_word := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Commented out this two types as per trunk. #| norm_noun_ppcomp_word := basic_noun_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index ] ]. |# noun_empty_ppcomp_word := basic_noun_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #index & non_expl-ind, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index & non_expl ] ]. norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word := noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Commented out this type as per trunk #| noun_ppcomp_word := norm_noun_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN unspec_diadic_nom_rel ]. |# n_ppcomp_lexent := noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation ] ]. n_pp_c_lexent := n_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ]. n_pp_c_le := n_pp_c_lexent """ Common noun with PP complement B has an incentive to win. """ . ;; DPF 2012-12-17 - Changed LPERIPH from - to na_or_- in order to admit ;; *a two-mile stretch of highway* ;; n_ppcomp_nbar_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_j_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, --MIN #cmin & selected_rel, --SIND #index & non_expl-ind ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_- ], LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation & [ ARG1 #index & non_expl ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. n_pp_c-of-brn_lexent := n_ppcomp_nbar_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_nbar_rel ]. n_pp_c-of-brn_le := n_pp_c-of-brn_lexent """ Cn with detless of-PP That kind of horse wins. """ . n_pp_c-for-brn_lexent := n_ppcomp_nbar_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.--COMPKEY _for_p_trgt_rel ]. n_pp_c-for-brn_le := n_pp_c-for-brn_lexent """ Cn with detless for-PP The election for class president was rigged. """ . ; 'thing about X' ; n_pp_c-obl_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation ] ]. n_pp_c-obl_le := n_pp_c-obl_lexent """ Cn with oblig PP comp B has a policy on dogs. """ . n_pp_c-ns-obl_lexent := noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN modable_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; 'rest': modable, same number as in PP complement ; 'rest of X': "I am here the rest of the day" ; n_pp_c-ns-obl-agr_lexent := n_pp_c-ns-obl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] >, AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ]. n_pp_c-ns-obl-agr_le := n_pp_c-ns-obl-agr_lexent """ Cn, oblig PP, unmarked sort The rest of it arrived. The rest of the carrots is old. """ . n_pp_c-of_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-of_le := n_pp_c-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of B's the winner of the race """ . ;; DPF 2016-02-17 - Removed SORT non-time-sort because we want e.g. ;; *the morning is the best part of the day* ;; n_pp_c-ns-of_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_c-ns-of_le := n_pp_c-ns-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, unmarked sort The network of sites won. """ . n_pp_c-nt-of_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN reg_diadic_nom_rel, LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-nt-of_le := n_pp_c-nt-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, non-temporal We got a meeting of chiefs """ . ; DPF 10-sept-07 - Type for e.g. 'thing' which we don't want as left member ; of compounds. ;; DPF 2016-08-10 - Removed SORT non-time-sort because we want to accept ;; *the only thing I have open is the afternoon* ;; ;; DPF 2020-30-24 - Added this type as per trunk basic_n_pp_c-nsnc-of_lexent := noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_c-nsnc-of_lexent := basic_n_pp_c-nsnc-of_lexent & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. n_pp_c-nsnc-of_le := n_pp_c-nsnc-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, unmrkd sort, no cmpnd That is the thing of it. """ . ;; DPF 2016-11-08 - Removed SORT non-time-sort since this blocked ;; *the alternative was 90 days in Paris* ;; n_pp_c-ns-nocnh_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ] ]. n_pp_c-ns-nocnh_le := n_pp_c-ns-nocnh_lexent """ Cn, PP, unmrkd sort, no cmpnd That is the thing of it. """ . n_pp_c-of-obl_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-of-obl_le := n_pp_c-of-obl_lexent """ Cn, oblig PP-of B used a myriad of colors. """ . ; Since partitive rule already applies to measure NPs to produce ; "ten feet of rope", remove the pp-of complement here to avoid spurious ; ambiguity. ; DPF 13-nov-05 - Make NORM quantity_rel so it won't undergo n-n-cmpnd ; rule, but also won't undergo relcl to avoid silly "' huts were" ; DPF 23-apr-09 - Added SPR expressed_synsem to prevent these from being ; bare plurals, as in **% succeed* ; DPF 20-aug-09 - Re 23-apr-09: But this is wrong, blocking "many gallons" ; which is determiner-less. ;; DPF 2020-04-15 - Added second argument to KEYREL, since one of the ;; meas-np rules adds a pp-of complement, to enable pied piping as in ;; *these accounts, ten percent of which are overdrawn*. ;; DPF 2024-06-15 - Removed surprising identity of XARG and KEYREL.ARG1. so ;; monitor for what the reason might have been. ;; n_-_c-meas_lexent := norm_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ] ]. n_-_c-meas_le := n_-_c-meas_lexent """ Icn, measure noun Ten meters is enough. """ . n_np_c-meas_lexent := basic_n_np_c_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ] ]. n_np_c-meas_le := n_np_c-meas_lexent """ Measure noun with optional NP complement One level teaspoon water was added. """ . ;; DPF 2012-09-14 - Added type of measure noun that does not normally appear ;; as a bare NP, such as **the price fell dollars* or *?Kim is dollars richer* ;; DPF 2012-10-16 - Changed LPERIPH from + to na_or_+ to still allow these ;; as heads in N-N compounds, as in "U.S. dollars" ;; basic_n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.SORT entity, XARG #xarg ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #xarg & non_expl-ind ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-07-08 - Re 2012-10-16 on n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent: But num-det wants ;; its head noun to be LPERIPH -, as in *ten shares were sold*. So let's ;; remove this constraint, and possibly FIX? n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent := basic_n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE real_case ]. n_-_c-meas-nb_le := n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent """ Icn, measure noun, not bare, . The price rises dollars. """ . ;; For *prices rose 0.3 point* whree we ;; n_-_c-meas-noagr_lexent := basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], CASE real_case ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-meas-noagr_le := n_-_c-meas-noagr_lexent """ Icn, measure noun with decimal adj, no spr The price rises 0.3 point. """ . n_-_c-meas-frct_lexent := basic_n_-_c-meas-nb_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFD rmod, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ CASE real_case, MINORS.ALTMIN udef_q_rel ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #xarg ] ]. n_-_c-meas-frct_le := n_-_c-meas-frct_lexent """ Icn, measure noun, not bare, . Two thirds of the cats arose. """ . ;; DPF 2013-09-24 - Make spr obligatory, to avoid spurious analysis of ;; *1.5/cm* with plural NP *cm* ;; DPF 2013-09-26 - Also added MODIFD rmod to prevent these from being ;; heads of noun compounds. ;; n_-_c-meas-abb_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.SORT entity, XARG #xarg & non_expl-ind ] ], MODIFD rmod, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #xarg ], GENRE written ]. n_-_c-meas-abb_le := n_-_c-meas-abb_lexent """ Icn, measure noun: block as head of N-N compound Ten meters is enough. """ . ;; DPF 2012-09-27 - Add PRD + to prevent the percent sign from being the ;; solitary left member of an N-N compound (spurious ambiguity) ;; n_-_c-meas-spr_lexent := basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, ALTMIN udef_q_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], PRD + ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem > ], MODIFD rmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-meas-spr_le := n_-_c-meas-spr_lexent """ Icn, measure noun, only in meas-NP phrases (no overt spr), no hd of n-n cmpnd Ten % is enough. """ . ; For unusual measure nouns incl. 'some' of 'fifty some feet' and 'plus' of ; 'fifty plus floors'. ;; n_-_c-meas-nocnh_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < #spr & canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_rel ] >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.DIV +, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.PNG png-irreg, ARG-S < #spr > ], MODIFD rmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-30 - Make these singular, to avoid *300°C are too high* ;; DPF 2020-03-25 - But that blocks *Kim is 10' tall*, so undo. ;; n_-_c-meas-nocnh_le := n_-_c-meas-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, measure, excl nonhd in n-n 300 °C is enough. """ . ;; DPF 2024-06-15 - Not clear why there is an ARG1, and why it is identified ;; with XARG. So remove and monitor. ;; #| n_-_c-meas-ed_lexent := norm_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN n-meas-or-ed_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #xarg & ] ]. |# n_-_c-meas-ed_lexent := norm_intr_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN n-meas-or-ed_rel, NORM quantity_rel ] ]. n_-_c-meas-ed_le := n_-_c-meas-ed_lexent """ Icn, measure noun that can also appear in n-ed construction The flat-footed runner appeared. The six foot runner appeared. """ . n_-_c-approx_le := n_-_c-meas-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, measure, excl nonhd in n-n Ten some is enough. """ . n_pp_c-plc-of_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _place_n_1_rel, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_c-plc-of_le := n_pp_c-plc-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, place noun This is a place of study. """ . ;; DPF 2016-11-08 - Removed SORT non-time-sort since this blocked ;; *the alternative was 90 days in Paris* ;; ; answer n_pp_c-ns_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ], LKEYS.KEYREL diadic_nom_relation ] ]. n_pp_c-ns_le := n_pp_c-ns_lexent """ Cn, PP comp, no sort The answer to us was that he would leave. """ . ; 'way': modable and nosort ; n_pp_c-mod-of_lexent := noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN modable_nom_rel, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-mod-of_le := n_pp_c-mod-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, can modify, opt comp B fell that way. """ . n_pp_c-mod-of-obl_lexent := n_pp_c-mod-of_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. n_pp_c-mod-of-obl_le := n_pp_c-mod-of-obl_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, can modify, oblig comp B saw cats the size of elephants. """ . ; For abbrev "no." and similarly for "north, south, east, west" ;; Added RPERIPH - to prevent spurious *make synthesized* in n-v-cmpnd ;; DPF 2014-05-07 - This formerly had RPERIPH na_or_+, but that prevented any ;; modification by thatless-relatives, which have MOD..RPERIPH - in order to ;; avoid stacking of a full relative followed by a thatless relative. So let's ;; remove the constraint, and see what work it was doing. ;; Note that without that RPERIPH constraint, we can collapse this type with the ;; following one, which currently has only a single instance. ;; n_pp_c-nocnh-of_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN diadic_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_+, LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-nocnh-of_le := n_pp_c-nocnh-of_lexent """ Cn, PP-of, excl nonhd in n-n This make of cars is good. """ . n_pp_c-nocnh_lexent := norm_noun_empty_ppcomp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN diadic_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation ] ]. n_pp_c-nocnh_le := n_pp_c-nocnh_lexent """ Cn, PP, excl nonhd in n-n One alternate to Kim is Browne. """ . noun_ppcomp_j_synsem := basic_two_arg & nonpro_nomod_synsem & common_noun_synsem. ;; For `opposite of happy' n_pp_c-ofj_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_j_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < expressed_synsem & [ OPT -, --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #cltop ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL basic_diadic_nom_relation & [ ARG1 #arg1 ], --COMPKEY #cmin & _of_p_comp_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-ofj_le := n_pp_c-ofj_lexent """ Cn, PP-of-AP, excl nonhd in n-n B is the opposite of happy. """ . noun_double_ppcomp_word := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_three_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #index1 & non_expl-ind ], [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #index2 & non_expl-ind ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL triadic_nom_relation & [ ARG1 #index1, ARG2 #index2 ] ] ]. n_pp-pp_c_lexent := noun_double_ppcomp_word . n_pp-pp_c_le := n_pp-pp_c_lexent """ Cn, two PP comps Gifts of B to C are rare. """ . basic_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM temp_noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem ]. norm_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent := basic_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN _of_p_sel_rel ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; DPF 22-May-02 - Note that we have to have two entries for the word "time", ; one which must take a determiner, and which can appear in a temp-mod phrase; ; and the other which denotes a temporal chunk and can't appear as temp-mod: ; "He'll stay this time" but "*He stayed time for a meeting" (Cf. "Do you ; have time for a meeting.") ; DPF 05-dec-03 - Added NORM as hack to prevent these from appearing as ; left members of n-n-cmpnds like 'afternoon Monday' though maybe actually OK. ; DPF 06-dec-03 - Removed of-PP complement since possessive of-PP now does the ; work, and we avoid spurious ambiguity. ; DPF 22-sept-04 - Changed SPR from expressed_synsem to synsem so these will ; undergo the hdn_bnp_c rule, which requires the SPR to be 'unexpressed'. n_temp_lexent := n_intr_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < synsem > ]. n_pp_c-day_lexent := norm_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN unnamed_day_rel, MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_pp_c-day_le := n_pp_c-day_lexent """ Temporal noun - day, PP comp B arrived the day C won. """ . n_pp_c-nday_lexent := norm_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN nonday_n_rel, MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_pp_c-nday_le := n_pp_c-nday_lexent """ Temporal noun - not day: term B slept the whole first term of the school year. """ . ;; DPF 2015-04-17 - Removed spurious quantifier for the PP complement's N-bar, ;; since the N-bar-taking "of" already supplies it. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; n_pp_c-t-of-nb_lexent := basic_n_temp_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN non_day_time_rel, CASE real_case ], VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, --MIN _of_p_nbar_rel ]> ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH - ] ] ]. n_pp_c-t-of-nb_le := n_pp_c-t-of-nb_lexent """ Temporal noun, detless PP-of The time of day was clear. """ . n_-_c-min_lexent := n_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _minute_n_1_rel ]. n_-_c-min_le := n_-_c-min_lexent """ Temp noun - minute B arrives in ten minutes. """ . n_-_c-nday_lexent := n_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN nonday_n_rel ]. n_-_c-nday_le := n_-_c-nday_lexent """ Temporal noun - nonday B won in the first week. """ . n_-_c-nday-pl_lexent := basic_basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel, VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3p, SORT time ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_c-nday-pl_le := n_-_c-nday-pl_lexent & """ Temporal noun - nonday, plural B won in 7 h. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN nonday_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3p ] ]. n_-_c-week_lexent := n_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _week_n_1_rel ]. n_-_c-week_le := n_-_c-week_lexent """ Temporal noun - only *week* B arrived in/on the first week. """ . n_-_c-hour_lexent := n_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN hour_or_time_rel, ALTMIN impl_or_expl_q_rel ] ]. n_-_c-hour_le := n_-_c-hour_lexent """ Temporal noun - only hour? - with either at, in, on B won in the first hour. """ . n_-_c-year_lexent := n_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN year_n_rel ]. n_-_c-year_le := n_-_c-year_lexent """ Temporal noun - year B won in that year. """ . ;; DPF 2010-10-02 - Added NORM norm_rel to block spurious compound analysis ;; for *Friday morning* basic_n_-_c-day_lexent := basic_basic_n_intr_temp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN dofw_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel, NORM norm_rel ], VAL.SPR < synsem > ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED abstract_q_rel ] ]. n_-_c-dow_lexent := basic_n_-_c-day_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED dofw_rel, MODIFD notmod_or_rmod ] ]. n_-_c-dow_le := n_-_c-dow_lexent """ Temporal noun - day of week B won on Monday. """ . n_-_day-crd-gen_le := basic_n_-_c-day_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Temporal noun - day, generic B won on generic-noun. n_-_c-day_le & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED dofm_rel ] """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED dofm_rel, MODIFD lmod & [ LPERIPH + ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. ; DPF 13-May-02 - Added LPERIPH + to prevent these from appearing as heads of ; noun-noun compounds. ; DPF 22-May-02 - But this also blocks "rainy April" - try again. ; DPF 22-May-02 - Changed ALTMIN from basic_nom_rel to abstract_q_rel to be ; consistent with constraints on relative clause modifiees. ; DPF 26-jun-09 - Added NORM norm_rel to enable blocking of spurious ; noun-n-cmpnd for "January meeting" (want np-n-cmpnd instead). ;; DPF 2011-10-22 - Re 26-jun-09: the [LPERIPH -] constraint prevented ;; analysis of *January meeting* as np-n-cmpnd, so changed to LPERIPH bool, ;; and we'll see why it was here. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; DPF 2022-06-30 - Add --TITLE-CPD - to block for "Jan. 3" ; #| basic_n_np_c-month_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN mofy_rel, ALTMIN quant_rel, NORM norm_rel ], --TITLE-CPD -, CASE real_case ], HC-LEX +, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN yofc_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL generic_named_nom_relation & #keyrel & [ PRED mofy_rel, ARG1 #cind ], ALTKEYREL.PRED abstract_q_rel ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ] ] ]. |# basic_n_np_c-month_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN mofy_rel, ALTMIN quant_rel, NORM norm_rel ], --TITLE-CPD -, CASE real_case ], HC-LEX +, VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL generic_named_nom_relation & #keyrel & [ PRED mofy_rel ], ALTKEYREL.PRED abstract_q_rel ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ] ] ]. n_np_c-month_lexent := basic_n_np_c-month_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN yofc_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. n_np_c-month_le := n_np_c-month_lexent """ Temporal noun - month, optional year complement B won in January. """ . n_np_c-month-day_lexent := basic_n_np_c-month_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN def_implicit_q_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ --MIN dofm_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_nbar_cat, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ] ], OPT - ] >, SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. n_np_c-month-day_le := n_np_c-month-day_lexent """ Temporal noun - month, obligatory day complement, obligatory specifier B will arrive next January 15. """ . ; "way" as in "find a way to do that" -- was used in VM, but analysis changed ; so this type not currently in use. Its semrel.tdl entry was as follows: ; _way_rel := hcomp_nom_rel & ; [ ARG0.SORT entity ]. n_vp_c_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_vpcomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_vp_c_le := n_vp_c_lexent """ Cn, VP comp B has the ability to win. """ . ; 'permission' n_vp_m_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_vpcomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_vp_m_le := n_vp_m_lexent """ Mass noun, VP comp B has permission to stay. """ . ; 'clearance(s)' n_vp_mc_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_count_noun_vpcomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_vp_mc_le := n_vp_mc_lexent """ Mass-count, VP comp B has clearance to stay. """ . ; 'reason' - The reason Kim left bothered sandy" n_cpcomp_optthat_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_count_noun_cpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM indic_tam, INV - ], VAL.SPR *olist* ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_cp_c-optc_lexent := n_cpcomp_optthat_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c ] > ] ]. n_cp_c-optc_le := n_cp_c-optc_lexent """ Cn, finite CP comp, opt cmplzer B has a feeling C fell. """ . ;; DPF 2012-03-09 - Maybe we don't need this type after all, since at least ;; for `question' it's an issue of polarity: ;; *there is no question that Kim arrived* ; 'way': modable n_cp_c-mod_lexent := n_cpcomp_optthat_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN modable_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC - ] > ] ]. n_cp_c-mod_le := n_cp_c-mod_lexent """ Cn, cp comp, can modify B fell the way C did. """ . ; 'request' n_cp_c-bse_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM count_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_c-bse_le := n_cp_c-bse_lexent """ Cn, base form CP comp B's wish that C be in irks """ . n_cp_mc-bse_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_count_noun_cpcomp_bse_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_mc-bse_le := n_cp_mc-bse_lexent """ mass or count noun, base form CP comp B stayed, on condition that C left. """ . ; procedure ;; DPF 2018-18-17 - Added MIN norm_nom_rel like neighboring types. Check to ;; see if its absence was deliberate. ;; n_cp_c-inf_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_c-inf_le := n_cp_c-inf_lexent """ Cn, inf CP comp Procedures for C to go won """ . ; news n_cp_m-optc_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_m-optc_le := n_cp_m-optc_lexent """ Mass, fin CP comp B got news that C won. """ . ; permission n_cp_m-inf_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_m-inf_le := n_cp_m-inf_lexent """ Mass, fin CP comp B gave permission for C to arise """ . n_cp_mc-inf_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_count_noun_cpcomp_inf_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_cp_mc-inf_le := n_cp_mc-inf_lexent """ Mass or count, inf CP comp B gave a small encouragement for Kim to arise. """ . basic_n_cp_mc-optc_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. ; chance n_cp_mc-optc_lexent := basic_n_cp_mc-optc_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c ] ] ]. n_cp_mc-optc_le := n_cp_mc-optc_lexent """ Mass-count, fin CP or S comp There is little chance he'll win. """ . ; question n_cp_mc-q_lexent := basic_n_cp_mc-optc_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_count_noun_cpcomp_fin_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin_or_inf ] ] ]. n_cp_mc-q_le := n_cp_mc-q_lexent """ Mass-count, fin CP question complement There is little question who will win. """ . ; plural with CP complement n_cp_c-pl_le := n_cpcomp_optthat_lexent & """ Cn, finite CP comp, opt cmplzer, obligatory plural The odds that B will win are high. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_v_c ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] ]. ; build head_complement structure which is still words (with ; [ SYNSEM lex_synsem ]. noun_hclex_word := noncqrs-m & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_n_np_c_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM basic_common_noun_npcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HC-LEX +, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--MIN non_proper_rel ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. #| n_np_c_lexent := basic_n_np_c_lexent & [ SYNSEM common_noun_npcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ] ]. n_np_c_le := n_np_c_lexent """ Cn, NP comp The hotel B collapsed. """ . |# n_nb_c_le := noun_hclex_word & """ Cn, nbar comp ('term') B knew the term ace. """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, HC-LEX + ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ; 'the word "chair"', 'the term "whippletree"' ; n_nb_c-qt_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM common_noun_nbarcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, --BARE - ], VAL.KCMP [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct ], OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.--BARE - ], HC-LEX + ], MODIFD notmod & [ RPERIPH bool ] ] ]. n_nb_c-qt_le := n_nb_c-qt_lexent """ Cn, nbar quoted ('term') B knew the term "ace". """ . n_nb_c-pro_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM common_noun_procomp_synsem ]. n_nb_c-pro_le := n_nb_c-pro_lexent """ Cn, pro comp ('pronoun') B used the pronoun it. """ . ; Use special inflectional rule to produce plural inflected form without 's' ;; DPF 18-jul-2010 - Added constraint on --BARE as hack to prevent appositive ;; analysis of *$ ten million*. FIX? ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Make this MODIFD hasmod, to prevent bare-degadv *$* ;; n_numcomp_lexent := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM common_noun_numcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.--BARE +, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop, MODIFD hasmod ] ]. n_-_c-cur_lexent := n_numcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < anti_synsem_min >, AGR.PNG png-unsp ] ]. n_-_c-cur_le := n_-_c-cur_lexent """ Icn, currency The price was $100. """ . n_-_m_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_synsem ]. n_-_m_le := n_-_m_lexent """ Intransitive mass noun (imn) Dignity is desirable. """ . n_-_m-ns_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent, RELS ] ] ] ]. n_-_m-ns_le := n_-_m-ns_lexent """ Intransitive mass noun, unspecified sort Losing is no fun. """ . n_-_m-nomod_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD lmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_+, RPERIPH + ] ] ]. n_-_m-nomod_le := n_-_m-nomod_lexent """ Intransitive mass noun, unmodified and no det, but N-N cmpd okay School is finished at three. Boarding school can be challenging. We went to big school. """ . ;; DPF 2016-09-28 - Worked hard to set up MIN time_nomod_rel just for this ;; mass noun `time', but it's wrong: *the amount of time we waited*. So ;; change to non_day_time_rel, and maybe revisit whatever ambiguity we were ;; trying to block with this special entry. ;; DPF 2017-08-18 - Having only this mass-noun entry for `time' prevents us ;; from getting *we spent money on TV time*, but adding lexical ambiguity isn't ;; very appealing, so we'll add spend-on lexical entry, and sidestep this issue ;; for now. FIX someday. ;; DPF 2022-11-15 - Added CASE real_case to prevent this "time" from undergoing ;; npadv_measnp rules. ;; mass_time_synsem := basic_basic_mass_noun_synsem & noun_synsem & one_arg. n_-_m-time_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_time_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN non_day_time_rel, --BARE -, CASE real_case ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_m-time_le := n_-_m-time_lexent """ Intransitive mass noun, only for `time' We arrived at breakfast time. We stayed a long time. """ . n_-_m-ed_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN n-ed_rel, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_-_m-ed_le := n_-_m-ed_lexent """ Mass, okay for derived adj C is a good-natured cat. """ . n_-_m-def_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. ; The inevitable n_-_m-def_le := n_-_m-def_lexent """ Mass, definite det The inevitable happened. """ . ; *on the cheap, on the sly* n_-_m-idm_le := n_-_m-def_lexent & """ Mass, definite det, idiomatic We arrived on the sly. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN _the_q_rel, IDIOM + ]. ;; Removed LPERIPH na because it prevents these from heading NP-N cmpnds. ;; Prevent mal-det and mal-adj (e.g. "all") from spurious robust analyses ;; n_-_mc_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, --BARE - ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_mc_le := n_-_mc_lexent """ Intrans noun, underspec mss-cnt B feared disaster. """ . n_-_mc-upper_le := n_-_mc_lexent & """ Intrans noun, underspec mss-cnt, capitalized We bought some DRAM. """ [ TOKENS.+LAST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - As noted above for n_-_c-ntc_le, NORM no_rel blocks ;; appositives, but maybe we don't care for the single instance of the ;; following type, so leave as is for its single instance, say_n1. ;; n_-_mc-ntc_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM no_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_mc-ntc_le := n_-_mc-ntc_lexent """ Intrans noun, underspec mss-cnt, not title compounds B had his say. """ . #| ; For e.g. `dinner' to avoid spurious appositive for n_-_mc-time_le := norm_noun_word & """ Intrans noun, SORT time Dinner follows lunch. """ [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ], LKEYS.KEYREL nom_relation ] ]. |# n_-_mc-ns_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ], LKEYS.KEYREL nom_relation ] ]. ; Removed LPERIPH na because it prevents these from heading NP-N cmpnds. n_-_mc-ns_le := n_-_mc-ns_lexent """ Intr mc, no sort B's intent was that C won. """ . ; For unknown-noun entry for generation n_-_mc-ns-g_le := n_-_mc-ns_lexent & generic_lex_entry & """ Intr mc, 'guessed' noun for generation The _guess_ was happy. n_-_mc-ns_le """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED string, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. n_-_mc-nocnh_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_mc-nocnh_le := n_-_mc-nocnh_lexent """ Intr mc, no non-hd compound B's potential was high. """ . ; 'time': modable ; LPERIPH is na_or_- so it can be head of N-N-cmpnd rule as in "work times" ; DPF 16-aug-09 - Block as non-head in N-N-cmpnd, to avoid spurious ambig with ; n_-_m_le variant ;; DPF 2015-03-26 - For some reason, recently added CASE real_case, but this ;; blocks *we arose five times*, since the np_adv-mnp_c rule imposes no_case. ;; So remove, and try to be reminded of what that addition was supposed to do. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, tempting to add ;; CASE real_case here to prevent this from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule, but ;; that constraint is also used for mnp_degadv rule, so then tried adding ;; NORM norm_or_no_rel, but that blocks measure-NP itself. Sigh. ;; DPF 2020-05-17 - Changed MODIFD from notmod to hasmod to block bare-degadv ;; DPF 2022-06-24 - Re 2020-05-17: But this sadly gets us back to unwanted ;; npadv as in "*We competed times". So restore MODIFD notmod, and instead ;; add --BARE - for "time", where the mnp_deg-bre_c (bare degadv) rule requires ;; its dtr to be --BARE +, so we block "It was times taller" but get ;; "it was ten times taller". ;; n_-_c-time_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_- ], LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN non_day_time_rel, --BARE - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX nonconj_ref-ind & [ SORT time ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ] ]. n_-_c-time_le := n_-_c-time_lexent """ Intr mc, temporal B fell that time. """ . n_-_c-pl-mod_lexent := basic_n_plur_lexent & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN non_day_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_c-pl-mod_le := n_-_c-pl-mod_lexent """ Intr count, plural, modable: maybe only *fold* B fell four-fold """ . n_-_m-mod_le := noun_word & """ Intr mass, modable: maybe only *beyond* B took the road to the (great) beyond """ [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN non_day_modable_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_mc-ed_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN n-ed_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_mc-ed_le := n_-_mc-ed_lexent """ Mass-count, okay for derived adj C is a high-powered cat. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. basic_n_-_c-cpd_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p, --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ], DIV - ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-cpd_lexent := basic_n_-_c-cpd_lexent & noun_word & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ]. n_-_c-cpd_le := n_-_c-cpd_lexent """ Intransitive count noun, left member of compounds only The Abrams Co. president won. """ . n_pp_m_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem ]. n_pp_m_le := n_pp_m_lexent """ Mass, PP comp Love of candy is common. """ . n_pp_m-obl_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. n_pp_m-obl_le := n_pp_m-obl_lexent """ Mass, oblig PP comp Love for candy is common. """ . n_pp_m-nocnh_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel ] ]. n_pp_m-nocnh_le := n_pp_m-nocnh_lexent """ Mass, PP comp, no nonhd compound Generation of sentences continued. """ . ; 'home of X' - avoid spurious ambiguity with 'the home of X' n_pp_m-brn_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_ppcomp_nospr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < unexpressed >, COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. n_pp_m-brn_le := n_pp_m-brn_lexent """ Mass, detless PP comp B has status as leader. """ . n_pp_mc_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem ]. n_pp_mc_le := n_pp_mc_lexent """ Mass-count (mc), PP comp B has a desire for candy. """ . n_pp_mc-ns_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN reg_diadic_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ]. n_pp_mc-ns_le := n_pp_mc-ns_lexent """ Mass-count (mc), PP comp B has a desire for candy. """ . n_pp_mc-obl_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. n_pp_mc-obl_le := n_pp_mc-obl_lexent """ Mc, oblig PP comp B has experience with cats """ . n_pp_mc-of_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_mc-of_le := n_pp_mc-of_lexent """ Mc, PP-of comp Loss of memory is common. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; *the direction he was headed* ;; *flourished all their lives* n_pp_mc-mod-of_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN modable_nom_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS [ KEYREL diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_mc-mod-of_le := n_pp_mc-mod-of_lexent """ Mc, PP-of comp, modable, no sort We admire the direction he was headed. """ . n_pp_mc-nocnh-of_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN diadic_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_mc-nocnh-of_le := n_pp_mc-nocnh-of_lexent """ Mc, PP-of comp, no nonhd cmpnd That make of car is rare. """ . ;; For "order" as in "my order, number 12345" where appositive rule ;; requires compatibility of sorts. ;; DPF 2016-12-09 - Mysteriously, this type had SORT non-time-sort in ;; spite of its description, and this blocked ;; *Monday is a good possibility*. Removed. ;; n_pp_mc-of-ns_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN reg_diadic_nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_mc-of-ns_le := n_pp_mc-of-ns_lexent """ Mc, PP-of comp, no sort Invention of ice was easy. """ . n_pp_mc-for_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN diadic_nom_rel, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _for_p_sel_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ]. n_pp_mc-for_le := n_pp_mc-for_lexent """ Mc, PP-for comp B found reasons for cats. """ . n_pp_mc-to_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _to_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_mc-to_le := n_pp_mc-to_lexent """ Mc, PP-to comp Shipment to China is easy. """ . n_pp_mc-in_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _in_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_mc-in_le := n_pp_mc-in_lexent """ Mc, PP-in comp Interest in cats is rare. """ . ;; DPF 2023-01-07 - Added --VOCATIVE - n_pp_mc-of-lhc_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonconj & mcna & [ INFLECTD na_or_-, SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.--VOCATIVE -, HC-LEX + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #ltop, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_mc-of-lhc_le := n_pp_mc-of-lhc_lexent """ mc, PP-of comp, HC-LEX + The University of Washington professor arrives. """ . n_pp_mc-of-lhc-sg_lexent := n_pp_mc-of-lhc_lexent & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_ppcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_pp_mc-of-lhc-sg_le := n_pp_mc-of-lhc-sg_lexent & """ mc, PP-of comp, HC-LEX +, singular only The Washington U professor arrives. Kim admired Us. """ [ TOKENS.+LAST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. ;; "Secretary of Education Smith" ;; n_pp_c-lhc_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonconj & mcna & [ INFLECTD na_or_-, SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, HC-LEX +, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #index & non_expl-ind ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #index & non_expl ] ] ] ]. ;; "Ambassador to Chile Browne" n_pp_c-of-lhc_lexent := n_pp_c-lhc_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ]. n_pp_c-of-lhc_le := n_pp_c-of-lhc_lexent """ count noun, PP-of comp, HC-LEX + The Secretary of Education office called. """ . n_pp_c-lhc_le := n_pp_c-lhc_lexent """ count noun, PP comp, HC-LEX + We invited Ambassador to Chile Browne. """ . n_pp_c-of-idm_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN non_temp_nonpro_rel, VAL [ COMPS < #kcmp & [ --MIN selected_rel, --SIND #index & non_expl-ind, OPT - ] >, KCMP #kcmp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #cxarg ] ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #index & non_expl ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ LBL #ltop, PRED id_rel, ARG1 #xarg & [ PNG #png ], ARG2 #cxarg & [ PNG #png ] ], --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ], IDIOM + ]. n_pp_c-of-idm_le := n_pp_c-of-idm_lexent """ c, PP-of comp, possessive idioms He gave them a _taste_ of their own medicine. """ . ; Don't appear as left or right members of compounds: e.g. 'last' ;; DPF 2022-06-15 - Pushed RELS.FIRST reg_nom_relation down to subtypes so we ;; can leave some instances such as "strategy" underspecified for SORT, to get ;; "making friends is a good strategy". ;; basic_n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent := basic_n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ]. n_-_m-nocnh_lexent := n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. n_-_m-nocnh_le := n_-_m-nocnh_lexent """ Mass, excl nonhd in n-n Some slack would be nice. """ . ;; DPF 2022-06-15 - Leave SORT unspecified since at least some instances such ;; as "strategy" need to appear in id-copula with gerunds: "making friends is ;; a good strategy". ;; n_-_m-nocnh-nspr_lexent := n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ]. n_-_m-nocnh-nspr_le := n_-_m-nocnh-nspr_lexent """ Mass, excl nonhd in n-n, and unexpr spr Length is not measured. """ . n_-_m-nocnh-mod_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN modable_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. n_-_m-nocnh-mod_le := n_-_m-nocnh-mod_lexent """ Mass, excl nonhd in n-n, and allow locative mod gap Some room to grow would help. """ . ;; DPF 2020-05-20 - Added LOCAL mass_noun to prevent these in compounds where ;; the non-hd must be uninflected, as in title-cmpnd for **next September* ;; n_-_m-nochd_lexent := basic_n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH + ], LOCAL mass_noun & [ CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_-_m-nochd_le := n_-_m-nochd_lexent """ Mass, excl head and non-head in n-n The next is Kim. """ . ;; 2020-05-22 Added MODIFD rmod to prevent these as head of compounds ;; n_-_m-ncmp-nttl_lexent := basic_n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL mass_noun & [ CONT.RELS ], MODIFD rmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. n_-_m-ncmp-nttl_le := n_-_m-ncmp-nttl_lexent """ Mass, excl nonhd in n-n and excl nonhd in np_title cmpnd The above illustrates the point. """ . ; 'they hunted bear.' Prevent from compounds, from and subject position, ; but can't easily prevent ambiguity for "bear hunting was popular"), ; with 'bear' as subject of verbal gerund. Also prevent specifier, ; to avoid spurious ambiguity for "the bear has four legs." - here, rather ; want underspecification, probably. n_-_m-kind_lexent := n_mass_no_cmpnd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE non_nom, VAL.SPR < unexpressed_reg > ], CONT.RELS ] ]. n_-_m-kind_le := n_-_m-kind_lexent """ Mass, kind B hunted bear. """ . ; 'red', 'blue' - don't appear as left members of compounds, but can ; appear as either mass or count. ; DPF 15-jan-08 - Added hack PRD + to these, and removed [NORM norm_rel], ; since we want "orange-encrusted" but still want to block n-n compound ; for "orange cat". Maybe FIX? ; DPF 31-dec-08 - No longer treating colors as adjs derived from nouns, ; but rather treating adj as basic, and deriving color noun from it. ;; DPF 2012-02-06 - Added NORM no_rel to block spurious ambiguity with copula, ;; as in *The city is northwest*. ;; DPF 2012-11-10 - Re 15-jan-08: Since this type is now only used for ;; directional nouns, and we want *north wall*, remove PRD +, and change ;; HEAD from noun_adjable to just noun. ;; DPF 2016-11-29 - Re 2012-02-06: But now that we treat directional words ;; such as *west* as nouns, not adjectives, we need to admit *west Texas* via ;; the title-NP compound rule, which requires the non-hd to be NORM norm_rel. ;; So let's see remove this no_rel constraint, since it turns out it is no ;; longer needed to block unwanted combination with the copula. ;; noun_mc_ntoj_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel ] ], AGR #agr, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL nom_relation ] ]. n_pp_c-dir_lexent := noun_mc_ntoj_lexent & [ SYNSEM unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND #ind & non_expl-ind, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+, LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #ind, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_pp_c-dir_le := n_pp_c-dir_lexent """ Icn, directional The north is often cold. """ . basic_n_plur_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. n_plur_lexent := basic_n_plur_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] >, CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. ; Bi-partite nouns like "scissors" or "sunglasses". The basic entry is ; unmarked for INDEX.IND, but constrained to be GENRE nonformal, so we will ; parse "many sunglasses were cracked". But there is a lexical rule which ; stamps [GENRE prescrip] and [IND -] on these entries, so the generator ; can be constrained to only generate "many pairs of sunglasses" (using ; a semantically empty classifier noun "pair"). n_-_bipart_le := noun_word & """ Mc, bipartite These scissors are sharp. """ [ SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, PRD - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ], GENRE nonformal ]. ; 'systems analyst' - 'systems' is uninflected, and the constraint on the ; SPR is a hack to prevent it from undergoing plural inflectional rule. ; Maybe a better constraint would be to make SPR < anti-synsem >, but ; this would require adjusting the hierarchy of noun synsems - FIX. ;; DPF 2012-10-24 - Changed hack to use [LOCAL noninfl_noun_local] ;; to block inflectional rule (avoiding *the systemsses arose* etc. n_-_c-pl-cpd_lexent := basic_n_plur_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL noninfl_noun_local & [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-pl-cpd_le := n_-_c-pl-cpd_lexent """ Icn, plur, compound non-hd only B hired a systems analyst. """ . ; DPF 28-jun-07 - Constrained SPR to be expressed_synsem, to avoid e.g. ; spurious analysis for "many arrived". Note that this fails to block ; nbar coordination without a determiner as in "proud and domestic animals" ; since the coord rule cannot propagate the whole unified synsems from the ; two dtrs (because of unwanted resulting circularity in feature structure). ; FIX. ; DPF 20-aug-09 - Added LPERIPH - to prevent these in NP-title compounds, ; such as the spurious analysis of "many cats" ;; DPF 2014-03-17 - Changed this type to inflected, since these can't appear ;; as non-heads in compounds (where they would have to be uninflected), and ;; since we can't use the irregs machinery for multi-words as in ;; *the well-to-do* ; ; 'the few', 'the proud' n_-_c-pl-def_lexent := basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel, LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3p, HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH - ] ] ]. n_-_c-pl-def_le := n_-_c-pl-def_lexent """ Icn, plur, definite det The poor are numerous. """ . n_-_c-pl-idm_lexent := n_plur_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ], IDIOM + ]. n_-_c-pl-idm_le := n_-_c-pl-idm_lexent """ Icn, plur, idiom B kept tabs on C. """ . ; "euro's" which the preprocessor turns into "euro 's" n_plur_mwe_lexent := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. n_-_c-pl-mwe_le := n_plur_mwe_lexent & nonc-hm-nab & """ Icn, plur, multi-word B spent many euro's. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. n_-_c-pl-one_le := basic_n_plur_lexent & """ Icn, plur, ones The ones B supported won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN _one_n_1_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod_or_rmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ; For plurals like "sixties" which can directly undergo the npadv_mod rule. ; DPF 8-nov-03 - Can't see why we want "sixties" under npadv_mod rule, so ; changed gen_numval_rel to not inherit from modable_rel. ;; DPF 2012-09-12 - Also added MODIFD notmod to prevent spurious analysis of ;; *$10 million* with noun_adjn compound rule. ;; DPF 2022-06-11 - Added MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_+ to block N-J_J compound for ;; uninflected decade plural as in "twenty cubic" n_-_c-pl-num_lexent := n_plur_mwe_lexent & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN gen_numval_rel, PRD + ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_+, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. n_-_c-pl-num_le := n_-_c-pl-num_lexent """ Icn, plur, numbers Millions arrived. """ . ;; DPF 2020-04-22 - We want to allow lexical plurals as left members of ;; compounds such as *earnings-related*, while still blocking productive ;; plurals, so change mother to INFLECTD na_or_+. ;; basic_basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry := word & [ INFLECTD na_or_+, SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL noun_local & [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, HC-LEX -, MC na ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct, PNCTPR ppair, RCLSTR [ RPAREN -, RFP -, RITAL -, LITAL - ], LCLSTR.LPAREN na_or_- ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry := basic_basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ]. n_intr_infl_lex_entry := basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. ; For singular nouns which are already inflected n_-_c-sg-ifl_lexent := n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] >, HEAD.--BARE - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] ]. n_-_c-sg-ifl_le := n_-_c-sg-ifl_lexent """ Icn, singular, already inflected A strange being appeared. """ . n_-_c-sg-ifl-cap_le := n_intr_infl_lex_entry & """ Icn, singular, already inflected, capitalized She got an A- on the exam. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] >, HEAD.--BARE - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ], TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. ; For singular nouns which are already inflected, no post-modif. ;; DPF 2018-03-10 - Constrained MIN to reg_nom_rel, to prevent these from ;; undergoing the num_np rule. ;; DPF 2018-09-13 - Changed MIN reg_nom_rel to norm_nom_rel. ;; basic_n_-_c-sg-ifl-nmd_lexent := basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM no_rel ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool, RPERIPH + ] ] ]. n_-_c-sg-ifl-nmd_lexent := basic_n_-_c-sg-ifl-nmd_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN some_q_rel ]. n_-_c-sg-ifl-nmd_le := n_-_c-sg-ifl-nmd_lexent """ Icn, singular, already inflected, no post-modif They stayed for a long while. """ . n_-_c-sg-cpd_le := basic_n_-_c-sg_lexent & """ Icn, singular, compound non-hd only B arrived in A.D. 1066. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ OPT - ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. ; For plural nouns which are already inflected basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent := n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-04-22 - Added LOCAL plur_noun to block spurious ambig for these ;; in N-N compounds. ;; n_-_c-pl_lexent := basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL plur_noun ]. n_-_c-pl_le := n_-_c-pl_lexent """ Icn, plur, inflected These beings have disappeared. """ . ;; DPF 2020-04-15 - Removed SPR expressed_synsem since we also want to get ;; *The number of Chinese who visit France has risen* n_-_c-pl-nocnh_lexent := basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel ]. n_-_c-pl-nocnh_le := n_-_c-pl-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, plur, inflected, no non-head in N-N cpds The Spanish are arriving. """ . ;; DPF 2016-09-28 - Well, we want to allow *Japanese visit often* unlike ;; **French visit often*, so make a variant of the above which still blocks ;; non-hd compound use, but leaves spr optional. ;; n_-_c-pl-nocnh-ospr_lexent := basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel ]. n_-_c-pl-nocnh-ospr_le := n_-_c-pl-nocnh-ospr_lexent """ Icn, plur, inflected, no non-head in N-N cpds, optional spr Japanese are arriving. """ . ;; British use of collective nouns with plural agreement ;; n_-_c-pl-nomcase_lexent := basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CASE nom ] ]. n_-_c-pl-nomcase_le := n_-_c-pl-nomcase_lexent """ Icn, plur, inflected, no non-head in N-N cpds, nominative case (British) The government are proposing these changes. """ . ;; 20-04-22 - Since "future" can be both adj and noun, we exclude the singular ;; as non-head in compound, and have lexical plural for *futures contracts* ;; and *futures-related*. To avoid spurious ambiguity for *their futures were ;; unclear*, exclude these as heads, via CASE no_case. ;; ;; NB: Here are some of the compounding variants to keep track of for N-N: ;; *stock report* ;; *earnings report* ;; *futures report* ;; *three dog night* ;; *stock and futures contract* ;; *ten meter fence* ;; n_-_c-pl-nohd_le := basic_n_-_c-pl_lexent & """ Icn, plur, inflected, non-head only The futures prices dropped. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL plur_noun & [ CAT.HEAD.CASE no_case ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-06-12 - The terms *percent* and *%* create unwanted ambiguity if ;; allowed to combine without of-PP complements, so add plural-only nominative ;; case entry to admit *ten percent arise* while limiting ambiguity. ;; DPF 2022-05-11 - Following revisions to the treatment of measure phrases a ;; while ago, the only remaining entry of this type is "politics", and it can ;; appear without a specifier, so remove SPR's expressed_synsem constraint and ;; MODIFD rmod. ;; n_-_c-pl-nom_lexent := basic_n_intr_infl_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CASE nom ], VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] ] ]. n_-_c-pl-nom_le := n_-_c-pl-nom_lexent """ Icn, plur, inflected, nominative case Mideast politics remain complex. """ . n_plur_ppcomp_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < [ --SIND #index ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], RELS.LIST.FIRST diadic_nom_relation, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index ] ]. n_pp_c-pl_lexent := n_plur_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, CONT.RELS ] ]. n_pp_c-pl_le := n_pp_c-pl_lexent """ Cn, plr, PP cmp The people of Spain sang. """ . ; 'millions of ...' n_pp_c-pl-crd_lexent := n_plur_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort]]>], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. n_pp_c-pl-crd_le := n_pp_c-pl-crd_lexent """ Cn, plr, PP cmp, card Millions of birds flew. """ . ; 'others of you' n_pp_c-pl-obl_lexent := n_plur_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ]. n_pp_c-pl-obl_le := n_pp_c-pl-obl_lexent """ Cn, plr, oblig PP comp Others of them swam. """ . ; "kind" n_pp_c-pl-sg_lexent := basic_noun_noaffix_word & [ SYNSEM noun_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #index ] > ], AGR.DIV -, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX nonconj_ref-ind & [ PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index ] ]. n_pp_c-pl-sg_le := n_pp_c-pl-sg_lexent """ Cn, plr-sing, PP comp This kind of birds fly. """ . ; 'bunch', 'lot', 'number' ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Replaced MIN norm_nom_rel with nonpro_rel, and ; unify with COMPS..MIN, to admit e.g. "We arose a number of times." Also ; removed MODIFD notmod. ; DPF 05-oct-06 - But this blocks "group of us', so generalize to nom_rel. ; DPF 08-mar-10 - Changed relation type from reg_diadic_nom_relation to just ; diadic_nom_relation, to relax constraint on SORT, to allow e.g. ; `singing is a lot of work'. ; DPF 2010-10-31 - Re 05-oct-06: MODIFD notmod prevents spurious ambiguity ; for "the big range of mountains appeared" (avoiding aj-hdn_adj_c). So ; why did we remove it? Let's try again... ;; DPF 2017-01-30 - Re 05-oct-06: Constrain a little further, to ;; non_temp_nom_rel, so we don't allow group nouns to undergo lexical rules for ;; time expressions, such as the hour_np_lr. ;; DPF 2017-12-22 - Constrain SPR to agree in number with noun, to block ;; *two group of students*. Also removed --BARE -, so we can signal mismatch ;; in number for *two group of students* when handling mal-input. ;; DPF 2018-10-03 - Re 2017-01-30: But this blocks *a lot of times*, so go back ;; to nom_rel, and block e.g. hour_np_lr applic instead via AGR, requiring 3s ;; for hour_np_lr dtr. ;; DPF 2020-04-30 - Push COMPS..OPT - and AGR..PN 3p down to subtypes, so we ;; can get *a minimum of five cats sleep* and *the minimum is five* ;; basic_n_group_ppof_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN nom_rel & #min ], VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #min, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], --SIND #ind ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #ind, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. n_group_ppof_lexent := basic_n_group_ppof_lexent & [ SYNSEM unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN #pn ] ] ]. ;; DPF 23-01-12 - Removed PN 3p since it blocked "lots of rice" ;; n_group_ppof_mass_lexent := basic_n_group_ppof_lexent & [ SYNSEM unsp_ppcomp_two_arg_mass_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ] ]. ; DPF 28-jun-07 - Restrict to nominative case, to avoid spurious ambig with ; ordinary n_pp_c_of. ; DPF 07-nov-07 - But this blocks e.g. "there are the majority of houses..." ; since the number mismatch with "are" forces the group noun, but "are" wants ; the complement to be [CASE acc]. FIX... ; DPF 19-jan-08 - Removed that CASE nom restriction, since it now blocks ; 'We hired a group of citizens.' ;; DPF 23-01-11 - Removed AGR.DIV -, since we want coord of "symbols and ;; sets of symbols", both DIV +. But to avoid unwanted ambiguity for "lots of ;; cats" with separate "lots" lexical entry for "lots of rice is...", add type ;; for singular-only index for "lot" and the other 15 words that currently ;; have entries for both n_pp_c-of_le and n_pp_c-gr-of_le. ;; n_pp_c-gr-of_lexent := n_group_ppof_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT -, AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] ]. n_pp_c-gr-of_le := n_pp_c-gr-of_lexent """ Cn, group, PP-of comp A bunch of birds fly. That row of houses are still unpainted. """ . n_pp_c-gr-sg-of_lexent := n_pp_c-gr-of_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3s ]. n_pp_c-gr-sg-of_le := n_pp_c-gr-sg-of_lexent """ Cn, group, PP-of comp, singular only A lot of birds fly. """ . ; 'plenty of' n_pp_m-gr-of_lexent := n_group_ppof_mass_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < unexpressed_reg >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] > ], AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV + ] ] ]. n_pp_m-gr-of_le := n_pp_m-gr-of_lexent """ Mass, group, PP-of Plenty of birds fly. """ . ; 'piece of', 'pair of' n_pp_c-gr-of-ns_lexent := n_group_ppof_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT -, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity-or-qevent, AGR.PNG.PN 3p ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED quantum_n_of_rel ] ]. n_pp_c-gr-of-ns_le := n_pp_c-gr-of-ns_lexent """ Cn, group, PP-of comp, unsp sort A piece of cake fell. """ . ;; DPF 2020-04-30 - Added type for nouns such as minimum/maximum/minority ;; that have corresponding adjectives, so don't want these in N-N compounds ;; n_pp_c-gr-nocnh_le := n_group_ppof_lexent & """ Cn, group, PP-of comp, no nonhd in compound A minimum of ten birds fly. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN #pn ], AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV - ] ] ]. ;;; DPF 13-feb-08 - Block "number" from undergoing n-adj rule: Add HEAD noun n_group_nocomp_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM unsp_count_noun_nocomp_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_group_mass_nocomp_lexent := norm_noun_word & [ SYNSEM unsp_mass_noun_nocomp_synsem ]. n_-_c-gr_lexent := n_group_nocomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.--BARE - ]. n_-_c-gr_le := n_-_c-gr_lexent """ Icn, group A long series ensued. """ . n_-_c-gr-nocnh_lexent := n_group_nocomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ --BARE -, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ], MODIFD.RPERIPH + ] ]. n_-_c-gr-nocnh_le := n_-_c-gr-nocnh_lexent """ Icn, group, no non-hd in compound A third are left. """ . n_-_c-gr-nom_le := n_group_nocomp_lexent & """ Icn, group, no non-hd in compound, nominative case only A third are left. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ --BARE -, MINORS.NORM norm_rel, CASE nom ], VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ], MODIFD.RPERIPH + ] ]. n_-_m-gr_lexent := n_group_mass_nocomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < unexpressed_reg >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3s, AGR.DIV + ] ]. n_-_m-gr_le := n_-_m-gr_lexent """ Mass, group Plenty happened. """ . ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; n_part_lexent := basic_noun_noaffix_word & [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE real_case, VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR *unexplist* ], --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < #keyrel, #altkeyrel, ... >, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. n_pp_mc-a-of_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_ppof_agr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED explicit_quant_agr_q_rel ] ]. n_pp_mc-a-of_le := n_pp_mc-a-of_lexent """ Partitive, agr w/PP-of Half of the birds fly. """ . n_pp_mc-pl-of_le := n_part_lexent & """ Partitive, plural w/PP-of, informal The both of the birds fly. """ [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_ppof_agr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONT.RELS , AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] ], GENRE nonformal ]. n_pp_mc-na-of_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_ppof_noagr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. n_pp_mc-na-of_le := n_pp_mc-na-of_lexent """ Partitive, no agr w/PP-of None of the birds flies. """ . n_pp_mc-pl-na-of_le := n_part_lexent & """ Partitive, no agr w/PP-of Neither one of them flies. """ [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_ppof_noagr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONT.RELS , AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] ] ]. n_np_mc-a_le := n_part_lexent & """ Partitive, agr w/NP comp B bought all the food. B bought all what we ate. """ [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_np_agr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN def_q_rel ] ] ]. n_np_mc-mult_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_np_agr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN def_q_rel ] ]. n_np_mc-mult_le := n_np_mc-mult_lexent """ Partitive, agr w/NP comp, multiples B bought triple the food. Be bought triple what we ate. """ . ;; DPF 2022-06-04 - Change MIN from identity with complement's to meas_nom_rel, ;; so we can get "over half the rice" where "over" deg-spec is restricted to ;; numbers/measures. ;; n_np_mc-indef_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_partitive_noun_np_agr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN meas_nom_rel, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. n_np_mc-indef_le := n_np_mc-indef_lexent """ Partitive, agr w/NP comp, including indefinite B bought half a loaf. """ . n_np_mc-a-def_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_NP_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN def_or_udef_or_demon_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3s ] ] ]. n_np_mc-a-def_le := n_np_mc-a-def_lexent """ Partitive, no agr w/NP comp, must be definite B paid twice the price. """ . n_np_mc-na_le := n_part_lexent & """ Partitive, no agr w/NP comp Both the birds flew. """ [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_np_noagr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3p ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-06-04 - Change MIN from ordinary partitive's part_of_rel to ;; meas_nom_rel, so we can get "over half" where "over" deg-spec is restricted ;; to numbers/measures. ;; n_-_mc-prt_lexent := n_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_partitive_noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN meas_nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. n_-_mc-prt_le := n_-_mc-prt_lexent """ Partitive, no comp None flew. Over half disappeared. """ . n_np_mc-neg_le := n_part_lexent & """ Partitive, negated Not all the cats jumped. """ [ SYNSEM partitive_noun_np_neg_synsem ]. ; pleasure n_vp_c-it_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_vpcomp_expl_synsem ]. n_vp_c-it_le := n_vp_c-it_lexent """ Cn, VP comp, it-subj It's a pleasure to sleep. """ . ; drudgery n_vp_m-it_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_vpcomp_expl_synsem ]. n_vp_m-it_le := n_vp_m-it_lexent """ Mass, VP comp it-subj 'drudgery' It is drudgery to do that. """ . ; pleasure to VP/NP n_vpslnp_c_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM common_noun_vpcomp_slash_synsem ]. n_vpslnp_c_le := n_vpslnp_c_lexent """ Cn, VP/NP comp Kim is a pleasure to mmet. """ . noun_one_arg_synsem := basic_noun_synsem & one_arg. ;; Use AGR hack of incompatible values for PN and DIV to exclude all normally ;; inflected nouns. ;; n_pred_lexent := noncqr-hm & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, NORM norm_rel ], MOD < anti_synsem_min >, PRD +, CASE nom ], VAL [ SPR < unexpressed_reg & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det, OPT - ] > ] ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] ]. n_pred_nocomp_lexent := n_pred_lexent & [ SYNSEM noun_one_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. n_-_c-prd_lexent := n_pred_nocomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ]. n_-_c-prd_le := n_-_c-prd_lexent """ Cn, predicative complement of id-cop Kim is partner already. """ . ;; *we wish the whole day was morning* n_-_c-prd-tmp_lexent := n_pred_nocomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.SORT time ]. n_-_c-prd-tmp_le := n_-_c-prd-tmp_lexent """ Cn, temporal, predicative complement of id-cop We wish the whole day was morning. """ . pred_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem := unsp_noun_ppcomp_synsem & two_arg & count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND #cind, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #cind ]. ;; *president of the company* n_pred_comp_lexent := n_pred_lexent & [ SYNSEM pred_ppcomp_two_arg_synsem ]. n_pp_c-prd-of_lexent := n_pred_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS [ KEYREL reg_diadic_nom_relation, --COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ] ]. n_pp_c-prd-of_le := n_pp_c-prd-of_lexent """ Cn, PP complement, predicative complement of id-cop B is president of the company. """ . ;; For nouns heading subject NP in do-be construction, such as `thing' ;; DPF 2017-02-03 - Changed SUBJ *unexplist* to *anti_null* since now have ;; relative clauses always have this value for SUBJ, but push down to subtypes ;; since the one for *what is easiest to do* has non-empty SUBJ. ;; noun_do_be_synsem := nonpro_nomod_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun, VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verbal & [ MOD < [ --SIND #modind & [ SORT do-event ], LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] >, INV -, VFORM fin_or_inf ], VAL.COMPS < >, MC na, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #modind ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #modind & do-index, XARG #xarg ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #modind ] ]. noun_do_be_spr_synsem := noun_do_be_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN #spmin ], VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ --MIN #spmin & quant_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist* ] ], LEX +, OPT - ] >, SUBJ *anti_null*, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < synsem > ] > ] ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. noun_do_be_thing_synsem := noun_do_be_spr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.RELS ] ]. ; For `thing' basic_n_cp_do-be-th-sg_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_do_be_thing_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV #div ] ] ] ]. n_cp_do-be-th-sg_lexent := basic_n_cp_do-be-th-sg_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_cp_do-be-th-sg_le := n_cp_do-be-th-sg_lexent """ Do-be `thing' singular The one thing he did was compete. """ . n_cp_do-be-th-pl_lexent := basic_n_cp_do-be-th-sg_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV + ] ]. n_cp_do-be-th-pl_le := n_cp_do-be-th-pl_lexent """ Do-be `things' plural The two things he did were compete and persevere. """ . ; For `best, worst, most, least' noun_do_be_sup_synsem := noun_do_be_spr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN _the_q_rel ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. n_cp_do-be-sup_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_do_be_sup_synsem ]. n_cp_do-be-sup_le := n_cp_do-be-sup_lexent """ Do-be superlative (best, worst, most, least) The best she could do was make the team. """ . noun_do_be_something_synsem := noun_do_be_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN #spmin ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ *anti_null*, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < synsem > ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ;; *something we could do is hire a consultant* n_cp_do-be-sth_le := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & """ Do-be `something' Something he can do is compete aggressively. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_do_be_something_synsem ]. noun_do_be_part_synsem := noun_do_be_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN part_of_rel, ALTMIN #qpred, NORM norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #qlbl, OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. n_cp_do-be-part_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_do_be_part_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < synsem >, VAL.SUBJ *anti_null* ] ] > ] ]. ;; For *what is easiest to do is leave the room* n_vp_do-be-part_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_do_be_part_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem >, VAL.SUBJ < [ LEX + ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT do-event ] ] > ] ]. ;; *all (that) we did* ;; n_cp_do-be-all_le := n_cp_do-be-part_lexent """ Do-be `all' All he did was compete. """ . ;; Exclude overt relative pronoun for `what': **what that we did* ;; Take advantage of non-wh rel-cl being distinguished from filler-head rel-cl ;; in the constraint on MODIFD.RPERIPH. ;; n_cp_do-be-what_le := n_cp_do-be-part_lexent & """ Do-be `what' with clausal complement What he did was compete. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ MODIFD.RPERIPH - ] > ]. n_vp_do-be-what_le := n_vp_do-be-part_lexent """ Do-be `what' with VP complement What is easiest to do is buy flowers. """ . ;; ;; Lexical NPs ;; ;; (proper names, pronouns, names of weekdays, ...) basic_np_synsem := ref_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ MINORS.ALTMIN def_q_rel ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ]. basic_np_word := noncrs-m-nab & basic_basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM basic_np_synsem ]. basic_non_affixed_np := noncqrs-m-nab & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod ]. non_affixed_np := basic_non_affixed_np & hc-to-phr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. np_word := basic_np_word & basic_non_affixed_np & hc-to-phr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < > ]. ;np_synsem := noun_synsem & nomod_synsem. np_synsem := nonpronominal_synsem & ref_synsem & nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD basic_noun, AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. basic_np_sing_synsem := basic_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS.LIST < nom_relation & [ PRED basic_nom_rel, ARG0 #ind ], #altkeyrel & [ PRED quant_rel, ARG0 #ind, RSTR #rhand ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #keyhand, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. basic_np_sing_word := basic_np_word & hc-to-phr & [ SYNSEM basic_np_sing_synsem ]. np_sing_synsem := basic_np_sing_synsem & np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod ]. ; DPF 10-Apr-02 - Changed ALTMIN from basic_nom_rel to implicit_q_rel so ; proper names can form compounds like in "the Kim Browne story" ; DPF 15-May-02 - Changed proper names so they now inflect, allowing plural ; forms as in "they hired two Chiangs" ; DPF 5-Sep-03 - Changed ALTMIN from implicit_q_rel to proper_q_rel to ; block compound "the Browne hired Chiang". Later changed. ; DPF 7-may-04 - Removed nonque supertype, since we want to allow e.g. ; "which Elvis did you see" ; DPF 24-aug-04 - Added RPERIPH + to enable blocking of red-rel analysis ; of "Abrams hired" while still allowing "people hired" ; PDF 19-apr-08 - Added INDEX nonconj_ref-ind to block spurious analysis ; of uninflected "sunny Pittsburgh" as proper_np_conj. ; ; noncrs-hm & basic_n_proper_lexent := nonrs-hm & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_named_np_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & nonconj_ref-ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil, AGR #index ], LKEYS [ KEYREL named_nom_relation & [ PRED named_np_rel, LBL #ltop ], ALTKEYREL.PRED implicit_q_rel ] ] ]. reg_n_proper_lexent := basic_n_proper_lexent & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod ]. norm_n_proper_lexent := reg_n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel, INFLECTD - ]. ; Distinguish ordinary proper names like "Kim" from city proper names like ; "Paris", which allow a following comma as in "Paris, France". ;; DPF 2012-09-10 - But this does not scale well, since any proper name ;; can be used as the name of a city. So accept the modest additional ;; ambiguity, and collapse this distinction. ;; n_proper_lexent := norm_n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_np_rel ]. ; DPF 26-Mar-01 - Added MODIFD.LPERIPH + to prevent (restrictive) post-nom ; modifiers of bare proper names, as in "*Abrams by Browne arrived." though ; this will also block "Abrams from New York just called". Not clear what ; the contrast is due to. ; DPF 1-Jun-02 - But this was too strong, so relaxed the reduced-rel rule ; but keep this constraint here, since it still serves to prevent proper names ; from appearing as heads of n-n compounds, blocking "interview Sandy" ; DPF 2011-02-08 - This [LPERIPH +] constraint was preventing "two Kims", so ; since the unwanted N-N construction is independently blocked by the value ; for MINORS.MIN, removed the constraint. ; n_-_pn_le := n_proper_lexent """ Proper noun (pn) Abrams arrived. """ . n_-_pn-fem_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - feminine Sara arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.GEN fem, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_pn-msc_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - masculine John arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.GEN masc, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_pn-neut_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - neuter IBM arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.GEN neut, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. ; For "i", which we don't want as plural "is" ;; DPF 2023-01-07 - Added --VOCATIVE - n_-_pn-sg_lexent := n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.--VOCATIVE -, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_-_pn-sg_le := n_-_pn-sg_lexent """ Pn - singular only B speaks Norwegian. """ . ; For "A-", capitalized to avoid spurious analysis for "ten cent- [a- share]" n_-_pn-sg-cap_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - singular only B speaks Norwegian. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. ; Restrict plurals to nominative case, for 'ersatz' names like "OSCARCOMPOUND" n_-_pn-pl-nom_le := reg_n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - plural only, nominative case are vowels. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel, LOCAL plur_noun & [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN named_rel, NORM no_rel ], CASE nom ] ] ] ]. n_-_pn-pl-def_le := reg_n_proper_lexent & """ Pn - plural and definite only The Giants play today. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel, LOCAL plur_noun & [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ] ] ] ]. n_-_pn-nonom_lexent := n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom, AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ], MODIFD [ LPERIPH +, RPERIPH + ] ] ]. n_-_pn-nonom_le := n_-_pn-nonom_lexent """ Proper noun (pn), non-inflecting, only for *I* noun in cmpnds The I and J columns are filled """ . n_-_pn-upcase_lexent := n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS [ +CASE capitalized+upper, +INITIAL - ] ]. n_-_pn-upcase_le := n_-_pn-upcase_lexent """ Proper noun (pn), all uppercase, not S-initial. Group A arrived. We flew in on ANA. """ . n_-_pn-cap_lexent := n_proper_lexent & [ TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_pn-cap_le := n_-_pn-cap_lexent """ Proper noun (pn), first letter capitalized We admire Per Roger. """ . n_-_pn-mixed_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Proper noun (pn), first letter capitalized, rest lower We admire the cat As always. """ [ TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS [ +CASE capitalized+lower, +INITIAL - ] ]. n_-_pn-two-lower_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Proper noun (pn), two tokens, all lower case It is rated triple a. """ [ TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CLASS.+CASE non_capitalized+lower ], [ +CLASS.+CASE non_capitalized+lower ], ... > ]. n_-_pn-three-lower_le := n_proper_lexent & """ Proper noun (pn), three tokens, first and third lower case It is rated triple-a. """ [ TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CLASS.+CASE non_capitalized+lower ], [ ], [ +CLASS.+CASE non_capitalized+lower ], ... > ]. n_-_pn-nounif_lexent := basic_n_proper_lexent & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CASE non_nom, --CPDNHD -, MINORS [ MIN named_np_rel, NORM no_rel ] ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN implicit_q_rel ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV - ] ], MODIFD lmod & [ LPERIPH +, RPERIPH + ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ], INFLECTD - ]. n_-_pn-nounif_le := n_-_pn-nounif_lexent """ Non-unifying, to block generic proper NP for e.g. *Mr.* Mr. Mr. Browne """ . n_-_pn-mixed-nounif_lexent := basic_n_proper_lexent & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CASE non_nom, MINORS [ MIN named_np_rel, NORM no_rel ] ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN implicit_q_rel ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV - ] ], MODIFD lmod & [ LPERIPH +, RPERIPH + ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED named_rel ], TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS [ +CASE capitalized+lower, +INITIAL - ], INFLECTD - ]. n_-_pn-mixed-nounif_le := n_-_pn-mixed-nounif_lexent """ Non-unifying, to block generic proper NP for e.g. *Mr.* Mr. Mr. Browne """ . ; DPF 19-sept-08 - Can we collapse the following two entries? Why is CARG ; set in the pn-unk type but not in the pn-gen one? ; ; DPF 04-jan-2010 - Changed MIN named_rel to named_np_rel in order to allow ; for unknown city names as in "Ottawa, Canada" ; ;; DPF 2017-05-22 - The LPERIPH + constraint prevents *troubled NBI Inc.*, so ;; let's at least remind ourselves what its motivation is. FIX? n_-_pn-gen_le := reg_n_proper_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Pn - generic Genericpn arrived. n_-_pn_le """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_np_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED named_rel ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Generalized LPERIPH from + to na_or_+ to get *old P&G* ;; n_-_pn-unk_le := reg_n_proper_lexent & basic_unknown_word & """ Pn - unknowns Literalpn arrived. n_-_pn_le """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+, LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED named_rel, CARG #carg ] ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. n_-_pn-pl-unk_le := reg_n_proper_lexent & basic_unknown_word & """ Pn - unknowns, plural Literalpn arrived. n_-_pn-pl_le """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_rel, AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV + ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED named_rel, CARG #carg ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. ;; DPF 2018-07-25 - Tempting to add NORM no_rel to block these in left position ;; of noun-noun compounds, but it also blocks compound names such as "MS Gjende" ;; and anyway, nothing wrong with *the D.C. airport* ;; n_-_pn-abb_lexent := basic_n_proper_lexent & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN named_abb_rel, ALTMIN proper_q_rel ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED named_rel, ARG0.PNG.PN 3s ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_clause_or_no_punct, RCLSTR [ RPAREN -, RFP - ] ] ], ORTH.CLASS.+CASE capitalized ]. n_-_pn-abb_le := n_-_pn-abb_lexent """ Pn - abbrev. B lives in NY. """ . ; Block left quote on name of letter "s" to avoid spurious ambig for "'s" ; while we still tokenize with an added space preceding "s". ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Generalize LPERIPH + to na_or_+ to still get *long S* ;; n_-_pn-nq_lexent := norm_n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN named_letter_rel, --VOCATIVE - ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ], ALTS.SQPNCT - ]. n_-_pn-nq_le := n_-_pn-nq_lexent """ Pn - no left quote: *S* We saw S after R. """ . ;; DPF 2023-01-07 - Added --VOCATIVE - n_-_pn-letter_lexent := norm_n_proper_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN named_letter_rel, --VOCATIVE - ] ]. n_-_pn-letter_le := n_-_pn-letter_lexent """ Pn - letter name, also available for item lists b) quickly listing an item """ . ; "here, there" as in "get out of here/there" ; Make SYNSEM pronominal_synsem to block N-N cmpnds like "the there meeting" ; Added PRD + so appositives with left member np_adv won't join in N-N-cmpnds. ; DPF 23-Oct-00 - Since pronominal_synsem no longer constrains left member of ; noun-noun compounds, use alternate hack of making ALTMIN not unify with ; the [ALTMIN no_rel] constraint in the n-n-cmpnd rule. basic_np_adv_synsem := basic_np_sing_synsem & pronominal_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN #min, ALTMIN def_explicit_q_rel, NORM never_unify_rel ] ], NEGPOL - ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED #min ], ALTKEYREL relation, ALT2KEYREL relation ] ]. ; DPF 24-apr-09 - Recently added anti_synsem to SPR list, but don't recall ; what the motivation is. Note that it's convenient in blocking these as ; heads in appositives, so don't discard lightly. np_adv_synsem := basic_np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem_min > ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook ] > ]. basic_np_adv_word := basic_np_sing_word & [ SYNSEM basic_np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], RELS.LIST < relation, #altkeyrel, ... > ], AGR #ind ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. norm_np_adv_word := basic_np_adv_word & nonque. basic_np_adv_lexent := norm_np_adv_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.RELS.LIST < relation & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #inst ], [ PRED def_implicit_q_rel ], #alt2key & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 event & [ E [ TENSE untensed, ASPECT no_aspect]], ARG1 #inst ], ... > ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2key ] ]. ; 6-jun-04 - Changed SPR..HEAD from adv to n_or_adv to allow measure NPs ; as specifiers, as in "two weeks early" np_adv_lexent := basic_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_adv, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ] ] ]. norm_np_adv_lexent := np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MOD < > ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN just_only_much_deg_rel, ALTMIN basic_adv_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 9-oct-05 - Try making these [CASE obliq] to block them from ordinary ; direct objects, as in the object-extraction reading of "Here kim plunged t ; into the water" n_-_ad-pl_lexent := norm_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN place_n_rel, CASE obliq ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT place ] ]. n_-_ad-pl_le := n_-_ad-pl_lexent """ N, can modify, locative (place) B lives overseas. """ . n_-_ad-pl-nomod_lexent := norm_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN place_n_rel, CASE obliq, --BARE - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SORT place, PNG.GEN neut ] ], MODIFD.RPERIPH + ] ]. n_-_ad-pl-nomod_le := n_-_ad-pl-nomod_lexent """ N, can modify, locative (place), blocks modifiers of self B stayed home B went from home in Paris to home in London """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Changed MIN to temp_abstr_rel from time_n_rel as per trunk. ;; n_-_ad-time_lexent := norm_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ] ]. n_-_ad-time_le := n_-_ad-time_lexent """ N, can modify, temporal B arrives today. """ . n_-_ad-time-once_le := n_-_ad-time_lexent & """ N, can modify, temporal, only "once" B lost once. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.CARG "1" ]. n_-_ad-time-twice_le := n_-_ad-time_lexent & """ N, can modify, temporal, only "twice" B lost twice. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.CARG "2" ]. ; e.g. 'early', which allows "too/so early", unlike 'now', 'then' n_-_ad-time-ns_le := np_adv_lexent & """ N, can modify, temp, no sort B stayed until early today """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_partn & [ MOD < >, MINORS.MIN time_n_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN very_this_that_rel ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS ] ] ]. n_adv_event_lexent := norm_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN place_n_rel, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.ARG0 [ E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], SORT place ] ] ]. n_-_ad-loc_le := n_adv_event_lexent """ N, can modify, location B slid downward. """ . n_-_ad-acc_lexent := norm_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ CASE acc, MINORS.MIN place_n_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT place ] ]. ; 'there' n_-_ad-acc_le := n_-_ad-acc_lexent """ N, can modify, acc case only B slept there. """ . ; 'north' etc, which take degree specifiers like "far" or "ten miles", ; and an optional of-PP complement. n_pp_ad-dir_lexent := norm_np_adv_word & [ SYNSEM np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS.MIN place_n_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ --MIN much_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_adv, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ]]], COMPS < [ --MIN _of_p_sel_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ppind ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash, QUE.LIST < > ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT place, RELS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2key & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0, ARG2 #ppind ] ] ]. n_pp_ad-dir_le := n_pp_ad-dir_lexent """ N, can modify, directional B went west. """ . ; 'then' -- to block "then Kim left" as N+RelClause. Hack, since this ; also blocks "right then". ; [ACTIVATED -] prevents "then" from being topicalized, to avoid filler-head ; reading for "then kim arrived" ; n_-_ad-br_lexent := basic_np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MOD < >, MINORS.MIN time_n_rel ], VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SORT time ], RELS ], CTXT.ACTIVATED - ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. n_-_ad-br_le := n_-_ad-br_lexent """ N, can modify, no spr B arrived then. """ . ; 'long' as in 'Kim stayed for too long', 'Kim stayed too long', and ; 'it took too long to finish' basic_n_adv_gradable_lexent := np_adv_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN time_n_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN degree_rel, LEX + ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX.SORT time ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-09-24 - Re 07-may-04 (on n_-_ad-gr-nm_le): But we also want ;; to block *soon arose* with `soon' as subject, so constrain MOD to ;; be < anti_synsem_min >. norm_n_adv_gradable_lexent := basic_n_adv_gradable_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem_min > ]. n_-_ad-gr_le := basic_n_adv_gradable_lexent & """ N, can modify, gradable B stayed late. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD grad_n & [ MOD < > ], VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN very_this_that_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; longer ; n_-_ad-gr-cmp_lexent := norm_n_adv_gradable_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD grad_n, VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. n_-_ad-gr-cmp_le := n_-_ad-gr-cmp_lexent """ N, can modify, grad, compar B stayed longer. """ . ; soon ; DPF 07-may-04 - Added CASE nom as hack to prevent e.g. 'until soon' ;; DPF 2011-09-24 - Re 07-may-04: But we also want to block *soon arose* with ;; `soon' as subject, so constrain MOD to be < anti_synsem_min >. ;; DPF 2020-09-14 - Re 07-may-04 - Now, in order to get "arrive too soon" where ;; "too" forces specialization of HEAD to grad_n which is CASE non_nom, we ;; can't have CASE nom on "soon". So find better constraint for "*until soon" ;; n_-_ad-gr-nm_le := norm_n_adv_gradable_lexent & """ N, can modify, grad, nom case B leaves soon. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN very_this_that_rel, CONT.RELS ] ]. ;sooner n_-_ad-gr-cmp-nm_le := norm_n_adv_gradable_lexent & """ N, can modify, grad, comp, nom B left sooner. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE nom, VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; 'awhile' ; DPF 4-Apr-01 - Made ALTMIN be def_explicit_q_rel to block these guys as left ; members of compounds as in "*the there books" ; DPF 11-Mar-02 - Changed SPR from anti_synsem_min to [MIN just_only_very_deg_rel] ; to allow "kim arrived just yesterday". ; DPF 04-Feb-03 - Can't make this [PRD -] because hadj rule now wants [PRD +] ; adjunct, but this means we overgenerate "the event awhile" since there's no ; way to say that "awhile" once turned into a modifier doesn't want to modify ; a nominal phrase. n_-_ad-time-acc_le := norm_np_adv_word & """ N, can modify, temp, acc case B stayed awhile. """ [ SYNSEM np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CASE acc, MOD < >, MINORS.MIN time_n_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ --MIN just_only_very_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adv, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ]]], COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED def_explicit_q_rel ], ALT2KEYREL.ARG0 #arg0 ] ] ]. ; later (in the day) n_-_ad-cmp_le := norm_np_adv_word & """ N, can modify, comparative B left earlier. """ [ SYNSEM np_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ --MIN just_only_very_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_adv, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #carg0]]], COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ RELS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2key ] ]. ; DPF 27-Apr-00 - Added [CASE acc] to block spurious parse for "where is kim" ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - But this unfortunately also blocks "when would be a good ; time to meet", and besides, "where would be a good place to meet" is okay. ; DPF 9-Jun-03 - Still, what's worse? extra parses for "where does kim work?" ; or no parse for "where would please sandy"? Maybe we treat the latter as ; the result of robust parsing with relaxation of the CASE constraint, and ; exclude it as strictly grammatical (and likewise for "when would be a good ; time?"). n_wh_adv_lexent := basic_np_adv_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CASE acc, MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, --MIN wh_the_hell_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD wh_adv, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param > ] ]. n_-_ad-wh-pl_le := n_wh_adv_lexent & """ N, can modify, WH-place B wondered where C lived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN place_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT place ] ]. n_-_ad-wh-tm_le := n_wh_adv_lexent & """ N, can modify, WH-time B wondered when C left. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN time_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ] ]. ; For "the town where we come from" n_rel_np_lexent := basic_basic_noun_word & noncqs-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.ALTMIN def_q_rel, CASE obliq ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR #ind ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC.REL.LIST < [ INDEX #ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ; Lexical NP plurals - maybe only in British English? ("IBM are hiring again.") ; np_pl_word := np_word & [ SYNSEM np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, --SIND.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ] ]. ; DPF 25-May-03 - Added MOD..LTOP so "o'clock" and "fifteen" can both be ; combined with hour-words the same way, by getting at the MOD..LTOP value ; of the complement phrase (necessary since intersective adjectives do not ; lexically bind their LTOP to their key's LBL). np_ersatz_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < anti_synsem_min & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH -, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #hand ] ]. np_word_no_aff := non_affixed_np & [ SYNSEM np_ersatz_synsem ]. ref_pro_np_synsem := basic_np_synsem & ref_pro_synsem. ; DPF 19-dec-04 - Added non-empty specifier to allow restrictive relatives ; with pronouns: "He who saves...", "you who have...", and "that which you ; did will be rewarded". But want to restrict this to nominative pronouns, ; to avoid spurious structures: "Kim hired [them in Paris]". So push SPR ; constraint down to various subtypes. ; DPF 03-jul-08 - Re 19-dec-04: Pull back up to pers_pro_synsem, since we ; now use this non-empty SPR property to force application of bare_np_q. ; Distinguish "we in Paris" from "*them in Paris" by further constraining ; the --MIN of the SPR. ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.IND + pers_pro_synsem := ref_pro_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, OPT - ] > ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.LBL #ltop ]. ; For 'them all' as in 'we read them all', but not "*they hired me all" ; pro_wcomps_synsem := pers_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN nonpro_rel, ALTMIN both_all_q_rel]], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, LEX +, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. ; For 'we/us/you humans' but not '*they/them humans' (and not '*he/she humans') ; DPF 12-Oct-06 - Re-use the general referential-identity pred 'appos_rel' ; rather than the idiosyncratic 'id_rel' used in tag questions. ;; basic_pro_wcomps_synsem := pers_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ MINORS [ MIN nonpro_rel, ALTMIN both_all_udef_q_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind & nonconj_ref-ind ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & [ IND + ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #lbl ], relation & #altkeyrel, #alt2keyrel & [ LBL #lbl, PRED appos_rel, ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense, ARG1 #ind, ARG2 #cind ], ... > ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. pro_wcomps_plur_synsem := basic_pro_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN pl, CAT.VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-02-23 - Added type for vocative in *Move, you scoundrel!*, but ;; let's restrict this for now to nbars without post-modifier, to avoid fragment ;; NP reading for e.g. *You hire a programmer!*. Impose CASE no_case to ;; prevent e.g. *[You can] arise* ;; pro_wcomps_nbar_synsem := basic_pro_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE no_case, VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN sg, CAT [HEAD.MINORS.MIN non_proper_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.OPT - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nind ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. basic_personal_pro := basic_np_word & basic_pronoun_word & basic_non_affixed_np & [ SYNSEM pers_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #prohand, RELS.LIST < [ LBL #prohand, PRED pron_rel, ARG0 #inst ], #altkeyrel & [ PRED pronoun_q_rel, RSTR #rhand, ARG0 #inst ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #prohand ], ... >, ICONS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. personal_pro := basic_personal_pro & hc-to-phr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.IND +, RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. n_-_pr-na_le := personal_pro & """ Pronoun, no agreement Someone sings, don't they """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ CASE nom, MINORS.MIN pron_rel ], AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN andro ], DIV -, SORT entity, PT std ] ] ]. basic_n_pers_pro_lexent := basic_personal_pro & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN pron_rel, AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr & [ PT std ] ] ]. norm_n_pers_pro_lexent := basic_n_pers_pro_lexent & hc-to-phr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HCONS ]. n_pers_pro_lexent := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX [ SORT entity, IND + ], RELS ] ] ]. n_pers_pro_nom_lexent := n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE nom ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; basic_n_pers_pro_acc_lexent := n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.CASE non_nom, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN no_rel ] > ] ]. n_pers_pro_acc_lexent := basic_n_pers_pro_acc_lexent. n_-_pr-he_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN masc ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-he_le := n_-_pr-he_lexent """ Pronoun 'he' He arrived. """ . n_-_pr-he_le_rbst := n_-_pr-he_lexent & """ Pronoun 'he', robust He - he arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-she_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN fem ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-she_le := n_-_pr-she_lexent """ Pronoun 'she' She arrived. """ . n_-_pr-she_le_rbst := n_-_pr-she_lexent & """ Pronoun 'she', robust She she arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-she-he_le := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & """ Pronoun 's/he' "S/he" hired him. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN animate ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. n_-_pr-her_lexent := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN fem ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-her_le := n_-_pr-her_lexent """ Pronoun 'her' B hired her. """ . ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; n_-_pr-her_le_rbst := n_-_pr-her_lexent & """ Pronoun 'her', robust B hired her - her. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; n_-_pr-him_lexent := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN masc ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-him_le := n_-_pr-him_lexent """ Pronoun 'him' B hired him. """ . ;; DPF 2020-30-24 - Added type as per trunk. ;; n_-_pr-him_le_rbst := n_-_pr-him_lexent & """ Pronoun 'him', robust B hired him - him. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-him-her_le := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & """ Pronoun 'him/her' B hired him/her. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN animate ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-i_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1s ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-i_le := n_-_pr-i_lexent """ Pronoun 'i' I arrived. """ . n_-_pr-i_le_rbst := n_-_pr-i_lexent & """ Pronoun 'i', robust I I arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-me_lexent := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1s ], DIV -, PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-me_le := n_-_pr-me_lexent """ Pronoun 'me' B hired me. """ . n_-_pr-me_le_rbst := n_-_pr-me_lexent & """ Pronoun 'me', robust B hired me - me. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-you_lexent := n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 2 ], PT std, SORT entity ] ]. n_-_pr-you_le := n_-_pr-you_lexent """ Pronoun 'you' You arrived. """ . n_-_pr-you-nonvoc_le := n_-_pr-you_lexent & """ Informal pronoun 'U' See U later. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.--VOCATIVE - ]. n_-_pr-you_le_rbst := n_-_pr-you_lexent & """ Pronoun 'you', robust You you arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ; DPF 7-Dec-02 - ACTIVATED is here experimentally, and at present only prevents ; "it" from being topicalized as in "*It I like". n_-_pr-it_lexent := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN no_rel ] >, COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS , CTXT.ACTIVATED - ], MODIFD.RPERIPH +, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ], PT std ] ] ]. n_-_pr-it_le := n_-_pr-it_lexent """ Pronoun 'it' It arrived. """ . n_-_pr-it_le_rbst := n_-_pr-it_lexent & """ Pronoun 'it', robust It - it arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV -, GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-we_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1p ], PT std, SORT entity ] ]. n_-_pr-we_le := n_-_pr-we_lexent """ Pronoun 'we' We arrived. """ . n_-_pr-we_le_rbst := n_-_pr-we_lexent & """ Pronoun 'we', robust We - we arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-us_lexent := n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1p ], PT std, SORT entity ] ] ]. n_-_pr-us_le := n_-_pr-us_lexent """ Pronoun 'us' B hired us. """ . n_-_pr-us_le_rbst := n_-_pr-us_lexent & """ Pronoun 'us', robust B hired us - us. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-they_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3p ], PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-they_le := n_-_pr-they_lexent """ Pronoun 'they' They arrived. """ . n_-_pr-they_le_rbst := n_-_pr-they_lexent & """ Pronoun 'they', robust They they arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-them_lexent := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3p ], PT std ] ]. n_-_pr-them_le := n_-_pr-them_lexent """ Pronoun 'them' B hired them. """ . n_-_pr-them_le_rbst := n_-_pr-them_lexent & """ Pronoun 'them', robust B hired them - them. """ [ GENRE robust ]. n_-_pr-thou_lexent := n_pers_pro_nom_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 2 ], PT std, SORT entity ] ]. n_-_pr-thou_le := n_-_pr-thou_lexent """ Pronoun 'thou' Thou must sleep. """ . n_-_pr-thee_le := n_pers_pro_acc_lexent & """ Pronoun 'thee B hired thee. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 2 ], PT std, SORT entity ] ]. ; 'yours truly' n_-_pr-1sg-na_le := personal_pro & """ Pronoun 'yours truly' Yours truly arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN pron_rel, AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1s ], DIV -, PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-us_le := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with plur NP comp 'us' B saw us players. """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_plur_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE non_nom, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN no_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1p ], PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-we_le := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with plur NP comp 'we' We players arrived. """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_plur_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE nom, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 1p ], PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-you_le := basic_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with plur NP comp 'you' You players arrived. """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_plur_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 2 ], PT std ] ] ]. n_nb_pr-you_le := basic_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with singular nbar comp 'you' Move, you scoundrel! """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_nbar_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 2 ], PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-it_le := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with NP comp 'it' It all was good. """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN no_rel ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ], DIV -, PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-they_lexent := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE nom, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SORT entity, IND + ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3p ], PT std ] ] ]. n_np_pr-they_le := n_np_pr-they_lexent """ Pro with NP comp 'they' They all left. """ . n_np_pr-them_le := norm_n_pers_pro_lexent & """ Pro with NP comp 'them' We hired them both. """ [ SYNSEM pro_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE non_nom, VAL.SPR < [ --MIN no_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SORT entity, IND + ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3p ], PT std ] ] ]. basic_n_refl_pro_lexent := personal_pro & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ CASE non_nom, MINORS.MIN refl_pron_rel ], AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED pron_rel, ARG0 [ PT refl ] ] ] ]. n_refl_pro_lexent := basic_n_refl_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.SORT entity ]. n_-_pr-herself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'herself' She saw herself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN fem ] ]. n_-_pr-himself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'himself' He saw himself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN masc ] ]. n_-_pr-self_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'him/herself' Each student saw him/herself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN animate ] ]. n_-_pr-itself_le := basic_n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'itself' It saw itself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ] ]. n_-_pr-myself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'myself' I saw myself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1s ] ]. n_-_pr-ourslves_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'ourselves' We saw ourselves """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1p ] ]. n_-_pr-themslves_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'themselves' They saw themselves. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ]. n_-_pr-themself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'themself': singular, masc/fem Someone shaved themself.. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN andro ] ]. n_-_pr-yourself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'yourself' You saw yourself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 2s ] ]. n_-_pr-yourslves_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'yourselves' You saw yourselves. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 2p ] ]. n_-_pr-oneself_le := n_refl_pro_lexent & """ Reflexive pro 'oneself' One saw oneself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN andro ] ]. ; 'see it yourself!' ; DPF 25-aug-07 - Restricted MOD..HEAD to AUX - to avoid spurious ambiguity ; for e.g. "He was hired himself." ;; DPF 2014-01-31 - The MOD..XARG ref-ind constraint is an imperfect attempt ;; to block obvious errors like **she tried to arrive himself*, but it is ;; overly strong in blocking *In Paris himself, Joe tasted the coffee*. FIX ;; DPF 2015-03-12 - Changed MOD..SUBJ *synlist* to MOD..SPR < synsem_min, ...>, ;; in order to admit *we arose, said Kim happily*. The problem was that ;; adverbs demanded that the MOD target be [SUBJ *synlist*], while filler-hd ;; required hd-dtr to be [SUBJ *anti_list*]. ;; DPF 2020-04-15 - Re 25-aug-07: But this blocks ;; *the cat, which itself was content, slept.* So remove. ;; basic_adv_refl_pro_lexent := noncqrs-hm & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_int_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT adverbee_cat & [ VAL [ SPR < synsem_min, ...>, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG non_expl & [ PNG #png ] ]], MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] >, VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. adv_refl_pro_lexent := basic_adv_refl_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD + ]. av_-_pr-herself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP She did it herself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN fem ] ]. av_-_pr-himself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP He did it himself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN masc ] ]. av_-_pr-self_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP, animate Each one did it him/herself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN animate ] ]. av_-_pr-itself_le := basic_adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP It did it itself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ] ]. av_-_pr-myself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP I did it myself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1s ] ]. av_-_pr-ourslvs_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP We did it ourselves. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1p ] ]. av_-_pr-thmslvs_le := basic_adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP They did it themselves. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ]. av_-_pr-themself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP Someone did it themself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN andro ] ]. av_-_pr-yrself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP You did it yourself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 2s ] ]. av_-_pr-yrslvs_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP You did it yourselves. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 2p ] ]. av_-_pr-oneself_le := adv_refl_pro_lexent & """ Refl pro modifier of VP One did it oneself. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN andro ] ]. n_-_pr-recip_le := np_word & """ Reciprocal pronoun We saw each other. """ [ SYNSEM ref_pro_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CASE non_nom, MINORS.MIN recip_pro_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], AGR #ind, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN pl ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. ; 'yours' ; DPF 15-Apr-00 = Changed MIN to be pron_rel rather than pronoun_q_rel, since ; e.g. prepositions want a non_temp_nom_rel as their argument. ;; DPF 2014-04-10 - Changed MIN to from pron_rel to pron_nonlocal_rel so we ;; can get "We gave Kim ours." n_poss_pro_lexent := noncqrs-hm-nab & basic_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN pron_nonlocal_rel, ALTMIN poss_rel ] ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], AGR #index, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #prohand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_pr-hers_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'hers' Hers arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN fem ] ]. n_-_pr-his_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'his' His arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN masc ] ]. n_-_pr-hers-his_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'hers/his' Hers/his arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN animate ] ]. ;; DPF 24-apr-09 - Removed pronominal *its* since it is of dubious use and ;; leads to unwanted ambiguity. FIX someday? ;;n_-_pr-its_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & ;; """ ;; Possessive pro 'its' ;; Its has arrived. ;; """ ;; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, ;; GEN neut ] ]. n_-_pr-mine_lexent := n_poss_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1s ] ]. n_-_pr-mine_le := n_-_pr-mine_lexent """ Possessive pro 'mine' Mine arrived. """ . n_-_pr-ours_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'ours' Ours arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 1p ] ]. n_-_pr-theirs_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'theirs' Theirs arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ]. n_-_pr-yours_le := n_poss_pro_lexent & """ Possessive pro 'yours' Yours arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 2 ] ]. ; Expletive pronouns "there" and "it" ; DPF 3-Jul-02 - Changed MIN from no_rel to pron_rel, to allow simpler ; generalization about subjects of tag-phrases. Still have empty RELS norm_pronoun_word := noncqrs-m-nab & basic_pronoun_word. n_-_pr-it-x_le := norm_pronoun_word & """ Expletive pro 'it' It rained. """ [ SYNSEM non_ref_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN pron_rel, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX it-ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED pron_rel, MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_pr-there-x_lexent := norm_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM non_ref_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN pron_rel, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX there-ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED pron_rel, MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_pr-there-x_le := n_-_pr-there-x_lexent """ Expletive pro 'there' There are cats here. """ . ; ERB (31-10-96) A hack: I want the wh_interrogs to be able to ; get their hands on the which_q_rel so they can put it on the PARAMS ; list, but QSTORE isn't working yet. So I am making the QUE value ; of wh_pro_word, wh_adverb_word, and wh_poss_word be the handle of ; the which_q_rel, so that this gets passed up in such a way that I can see it. ; DPF (3-May-99) We can't just put the handle of the which_q_rel in QUE, since ; in coordinate structures like "which book and which record did sandy buy?" ; we want to unify the NONLOCs of "which book" and "which record", but this ; would mean that the handles of the two which_q_rel's would be wrongly ; identified. ; So for now I'm just putting in an unbound handle - we'll have to sort out ; with Ivan what the right solution is. ; DPF 16-jan-08 - Tried changing MIN from norm_nom_rel to pron_rel in order ; to block "*Who's cat", but this runs afoul of constraint on ditransitives ; like "show" to avoid "*he showed Browne it." So find a better solution... ; FIX ; DPF 2010-08-31 - Changed [SPR anti_synsem_min] to unexpressed since this ; was blocking e.g. *who in this town ...*. But note "Exactly who won?", so ; FIX to allow some limited range of specifiers. ; 'who, what' n_wh_pro_lexent := que_word & basic_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM ref_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN pron_nonlocal_rel, VAL [ SPR < unexpressed & [ OPT -, --MIN deg_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, --MIN wh_the_hell_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD wh_adv, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], AGR #index, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param >, MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-08-21 - Can't constrain "what" to singular, since we have examples ;; such as scm:6020400 "She doled out what Glendora vaguely guessed were the ;; right amounts..." and ws203:1000002300040 "software models the database's ;; structure in what are known as database models." and cb:3430 "developers ;; work on what are in effect separable parallel subtasks" ;; n_-_pr-wh_le := n_wh_pro_lexent & """ WH pro B wondered what arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT nominal-sort ]. n_-_pr-who_le := n_wh_pro_lexent & """ WH pro, singular B wondered who arrives. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, SORT human ] ]. n_-_pr-wh-acc_le := n_wh_pro_lexent & """ WH pro, acc case B wondered whom to hire. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN 3s, SORT human ] ] ]. ; DPF 2010-09-17 - Since n-adj-redrel rule now requires that the head have ; SPR value `synsem', change the SPR value here from anti_synsem_min to ; unexpressed. ;; DPF 2013-10-16 - Added MODIFD lmod to prevent e.g. *blue which* ;; DPF 2014-04-03 - Re 2013-10-16: But this blocks *which on Tuesday arose* ;; DPF 2023-02-02 - Changed SPR..OPT - to +, to avoid sending the relative ;; pronoun (phrase) through bare_npq_rule, so we can bind the LTOP of a modifier ;; of a relative pronoun, as in "the cat [which beside Kim] we admire". ;; basic_n_rel_pro_lexent := noncqs-hm & basic_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM pronominal_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN pronoun_q_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < unexpressed & [ OPT + ] >, COMPS < > ] ], AGR #index, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index & basic_non_expl, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #hand, PRED no_rel ], ALTKEYREL relation ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] > ] ]. n_rel_pro_lexent := basic_n_rel_pro_lexent & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN pron_nonlocal_rel, MOD < > ] ]. n_-_pr-rel-who_le := n_rel_pro_lexent & """ Relative pro 'who' Kids who sang danced. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT human ] ]. n_-_pr-rel-what_le := n_rel_pro_lexent & """ Relative pro 'what' Things what fell broke. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SORT nominal-sort, PNG.PN 3 ] ] ]. ; Not notmod to let us get "the day that I arrived"/"*the day which i arrived" n_-_pr-rel-acc_le := n_rel_pro_lexent & """ Relative pro, acc case Kids to whom B spoke sang. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT human ] ] ]. n_-_pr-rel-pl_le := n_rel_pro_lexent & """ Relative pro, place NP the city from where we left """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom ]. ; Unmarked for MODIFD, so can undergo temp_np rule to get "the day that I ; arrived" But to get this, also need to make SPR be non-empty, since the ; extracted-adj-temp rule only allows n-bar slashed elements. ; DPF 19-dec-03 - In fact, need two entries for 'that', since we want to ; allow "the place that Kim stood" but not "*the car that Kim stood" (cf ; "the car where Kim stood". The one entry is the nbar-filler for the gap ; for the np_adv_c. ;; DPF 2012-03-14 - Should remind ourselves of where the [INFLECTD na] move ;; helps, since it means the rule for reduced-relatives has to allow the ;; head-dtr to be na_or_+, to get *the cat that on Tuesday was sick is happy* ;; DPF 2012-08-29 - Added LPERIPH + to avoid *true that* with aj-hdn_adjn_c rule ;; now that we have removed the spurious REL.LIST < > from isect_synsem. ;; DPF 2017-09-14 - Let's remove NORM no_rel for the moment, since it conflicts ;; with the mechanism for propagating the selected rel constraint needed in ;; *it was on Kim that we relied*. FIX? ;; n_-_pr-rel-nwh_le := basic_n_rel_pro_lexent & """ Relative pro, non-WH, only `that' Things that fell broke. """ [ INFLECTD na, SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN pron_nonlocal_rel ], PRD -, MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT nominal-sort ] ]. ; DPF 28-Aug-99 - SPR..MIN no_rel prevents these from undergoing hdn_bnp_c rule ; DPF 09-Jan-00 - In fact, can now eliminate bogus SPR, since picking up ; post-head adjuncts as complements. ; DPF 06-May-03 - Removed COMPS..HEAD adj* restriction, since we need to have ; these guys pick up post-head PPs as complements so "anytime after three" ; can still be compatible with the npadv_mod rule's requirement that the dtr ; be [HODIFIED lmod], in order to get the desired analysis for "Kim arrived ; sometime after three". ; DPF 03-Dec-03 - But now getting posthead PPs as modifiers, so go back to ; only allowing adjectival complements. ; DPF 03-Dec-06 - Since also get modifier analysis for all phrases, restrict ; this complement to LEX +, to allow "anyone tall" which would not parse ; with a modifier analysis. ;; DPF 2014-11-26 - Generalized ALTMIN nondef_explicit_q_rel to ;; indef_or_udef_rel in order to also admit *nothing more*. ;; DPF 2018-03-17 - Re 2014-11-26: In face, identify ALTMIN with the quant_rel ;; of the altkeyrel. ;; generic_pro_adv_word := que_word & basic_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD #head & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN degree_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR *unexplist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #inst ] ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LEX +, LOCAL [ CAT prd_cat & [ HEAD v_or_a & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD #head ] > ], --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, XARG #inst ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #nhand, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #inst & [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ] ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ LBL #khand, PRED #altmin, ARG0 #inst, RSTR #rhand ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; basic_n_-_pr-ad_lexent := generic_pro_adv_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT location ] ]. n_-_pr-ad_lexent := basic_n_-_pr-ad_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE real_case, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT place ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED place_n_rel ] ]. n_-_pr-ad_le := n_-_pr-ad_lexent """ Lexical det-n, can modify, place location B lives somewhere. """ . n_-_pr-ad-temp_le := basic_n_-_pr-ad_lexent & """ Lexical det-n, can modify, time location B will arrive sometime. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE real_case, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED time_n_rel ] ]. n_-_pr-ad-temp-nom_le := basic_n_-_pr-ad_lexent & """ Lexical det-n, can modify, time location, adverbial or subj use only B could arrive anytime. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE nom, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED time_n_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-03-01 - Removed last vestiges of SORT non-time-sort, generalizing ;; to basic-entity-or-event. ;; n_generic_pro_lexent := generic_pro_adv_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD partn, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT basic-entity-or-event ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_pr_lexent := n_generic_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ]. n_-_pr_le := n_-_pr_lexent """ Lexical det-n Something fell. """ . ; 'one' ; DPF 23-sept-04 - Curious note: If we don't make COMPS < anti_synsem_min >, ; then we get an asymmetry in how PET and the LKB process "one should": PET ; allows "one" to undergo hd_optcmp_c rule in addition to hdn_optcmp_c rule, even ; though hd_optcmp_c says head is MIN event_rel while 'one' says MIN is not ; (obviously) a subtype of event_rel. FIX... ;; DPF 2011-08-29 - Re 23-sept-04: This asymmetry no longer appears, so ;; removed this hack, to be consistent with treatment of optional nominal ;; complements. ;; n_-_pr-one_lexent := n_generic_pro_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.GEN andro, SORT entity ] ] ]. n_-_pr-one_le := n_-_pr-one_lexent """ Pronoun 'one' One should sleep. """ . n_deictic_pro_lexent := norm_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM ref_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN generic_nom_rel, ALTMIN demonstrative_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR *unexplist*, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #khand ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN part_of_rel, ALTMIN both_all_q_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] >, COMPS < unexpressed & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX index, AGR #index ], OPT +, --SIND #index ] > ], --SLPASS + ], OPT +, LEX +, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR #index ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #ind ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ; 'those of us who ...' n_pp_pr-dei-3pl_le := noncqrs-m-nab & basic_pronoun_word & """ Deictic pro, 'those of us who' Those of us who sang won. """ [ SYNSEM ref_pro_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN generic_nom_rel, ALTMIN demonstrative_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR *unexplist*, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #dhand ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN _of_p_sel_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD -, TAM.TENSE nontense ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #pind ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind & [ PNG.PN 3p ], XARG #hand ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR #ind ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ; DPF 16-oct-03 - Added NORM norm_rel to prevent singular deictics from ; being modified, to get contrast of "*that he bought yesterday arrived" vs ; "those he bought yesterday arrived". ; DPF 19-dec-04 - But this also rules out relative clauses with "which", as ; in 'that which you need will be provided'. Not clear how to exclude the ; thatless-relatives for singular deictics: odd constraint. For now, remove ; the old constraint, and overgenerate the first example above. ; DFP 25-oct-05 - Since this overgeneration continues to be costly, we ; distinguish singular from plural deictics in NORM, and constrain the ; fin_non_wh_rel_cl rule to require its MOD to be NORM norm_rel, so we ; block "*This he bought was nice" but admit "Those he bought were nice". n_-_pr-dei-sg_le := n_deictic_pro_lexent & """ Deictic pro, sing This works. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM deictic_sg_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ] ] ]. n_-_pr-dei-pl_le := n_deictic_pro_lexent & """ Deictic pro, plur Those work. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Synsems for Auxiliary verb lexical rules ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ERB (05-10-97) Making this specific to question auxes. See notes near sai ; in syntax.tdl. ; DPF 26-Jan-01 - Changed HEAD.INV + to HEAD.INV +* to allow for coordination ; of inverted and non-inverted sentences. Prevent yes-no question rule from ; applying to main verbs by making inverted auxiliaries [MC na], so they have ; to undergo the yes-no rule. ; ERB (2003-10-13) Need a supertype to allow mal_sai_synsem: making ; basic_sai_synsem. basic_sai_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV +, PRD - ], VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], ... >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX event ] ]. sai_synsem := basic_sai_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ AUX +, TAM indic_tam, MOD < [ --MIN no_rel, LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT.VAL.SPR *cons* ] ] > ], MC na, POSTHD + ] ]. ; DPF 3-Jul-02 Changed to COMPS..MIN pron_rel from COMPS..ALTMIN no_rel, ; since common nouns are often unmarked for ALTMIN, and it was a hack. ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Were using hack of SPEC < > to keep poss-pronouns like ; "mine" out of COMPS, but this also blocked "than mine", so instead use ; difference in ALTMIN for "she" and "hers". ; DPF 9-Feb-03 Changed HEAD value from 'verb' to 'tagaux' so bare tag ; questions don't show up as root clauses (we can't just make them MC -, ; since the MC of a head-mod phrase comes from the modifier daughter). ; DPF 20-apr-05 Since we now make lexical NPs by default have an ALTMIN ; of def_q_rel (but don't (yet) for possessive pronouns like 'mine'), ; changed ALTMIN on complement to def_q_rel. ;; DPF 2018-06-02 - Added LPERIPH na to prevent these from being modified by ;; vocatives, as in *he is [Browne isn't he]* ;; tag_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD tagaux & [ AUX -, INV -, TAM indic_tam & [ TENSE #tense ], MOD < [ --MIN #min, LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_imp, TAM indic_tam & [ TENSE #tense ], INV - ], MC - ], AGR.PNG #png & png, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE real_tense ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_no_punct ] >, MINORS.MIN #min ], POSTHD +, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN pron_rel, ALTMIN def_q_rel ], --SLPASS + ], AGR #tagagr ], --SIND.PNG #png, PUNCT.RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct & [ PSF #sf ] ] >, SPCMPS < > ], MC + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #sf & prop-or-ques, AGR #tagagr ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ADJECTIVES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; (See prep_synsem definition for discussion of ARG1 attribute.) ; Predicative adjectives used to introduce an ARG0 attribute in a separate ; support relation, as did predicative PPs, but now each introduces its own ; ARG0 attribute directly in the MIN relation. ; Assume that if adjectives have a specifier, it will be either a measure-NP, ; as in "two feet tall', 'a week later"; or a degree_adverb like "very". ; Since most adjectives are underspecified for being predicative, we have to be ; sure that when they act as modifiers, the unexpressed subject's SLASH value ; gets terminated (given lexical SLASH amalgamation). We can't just make the ; adjective's SUBJ be 'unexpressed' since it must unify with the real subject ; in a raising construction. So we identify the SLASH of the MOD value with ; that of the SUBJ - only one of the two will be realized syntactically. ; Most but not all adjectives can be modifiers, so the most basic adj_synsem ; type does not introduce the MOD feature, to allow for adjectives like ; "impossible" as in "it is impossible to find Kim". ;; DPF 3-Feb-01 - Removed SPR..COMPS *olist* to allow for equatives like ;; "as tall as you" where first "as" combines with "tall" and passes up its ;; as-complement. ;; DPF 5-Apr-01 - Added [LPERIPH na] to interact correctly with adj-head rule ;; and noun-noun-cmpnd rule, to block "*towel rusty rack" - the adj-head rule ;; makes its LPERIPH value that of the adjunct dtr, and the n-n-cmpnd rule ;; blocks all but [LPERIPH -] head-dtr. ;; DPF 10-Sept-01 - Made SPR be synsem_min rather than synsem, so adjs can ;; coordinate with VPs (which are necessarily SPR anti_synsem_min). ;; DPF 25-Sep-01 - Added AGR reentrancy with SUBJ's AGR, like with verbs, to ;; make sure modification works right in no_copula constructions as in "skies ;; light becoming dark. But for now must also hardwire link between SUBJ's ;; AGR and INDEX, since the bare-np rule necessarily breaks this link to get ;; DIV right. Sigh - this will break a few tag questions, as in ;; "Someone is happy, aren't they?" ;; DPF 14-Oct-03 - Changed LPERIPH value from na to + since we want "same day" ;; to be LPERIPH +, not na. Needed in particular for tempnp rule as in ;; 'Kim arrived the same day' since it requires the NP to be modified and ;; LPERIPH +. ;; DPF 22-Nov-03 - But now make LPERIPH bool since we need "annual report" ;; to be compatible with LPERIPH na_or_- in order to get "IBM annual report" ;; DPF 24-aug-06 - Moved LPERIPH bool down to subtypes, since want to make ;; comparative "more" be LPERIPH na, to prevent further modification as in ;; "*happy more cats" ;; DPF 2010-08-21 - Added INDEX non_conj_sement to ensure that right-node-raise ;; rule does not apply to non-conjoined adjectives. (Without this constraint, ;; RNR applied in *sequences are the same in every person*). basic_adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase := canonical_lex_or_phrase_synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN basic_adj_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPCMPS < > ], RSUBJHD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX non_conj_sement, XARG #agr ] ] ]. ; DPF 2-Jun-02 - Added HS-LEX -* since now want to distinguish head-spec ; phrases like det-n (which are phrasal) from deg-adj ones (still lexical). ; DPF 8-Jun-03 -Added SPR..LEX + to block "Kim is as as Sandy tall" but allow ; "Kim is as tall as Sandy" ; DPF 11-Sep-03 - But this prevents measure-phrase specifiers, so remove, and ; look for an alternative to block above. **FIX** ; DPF 21-oct-03 - Fixed, since MNPs are now LEX +. ; DPF 19-aug-04 - But then we block "the structures forty feet tall" (along ; with "*the structures very tall"). So we'll try making the HS-LEX value ; be constrained by the specifier, and adjust the relevant head_spec rule ; accordingly. ; DPF 03-sept-09 - Added surprising anti_synsem_min to SPR list, since we want ; PPs to modify N-bars (but not NPs) as well as VPs and APs, and this Nbar-NP ; contrast is made by requiring the SPR to be non-empty. But after an adj ; has picked up a degree specifier, as in "too angry", we have to make sure it ; still has a non-empty SPR, in order to get e.g. "Kim was too angry in Paris" basic_adj_abstr_lex_synsem := basic_adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & abstr_lex_synsem. basic_adj_lex_synsem := basic_adj_abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr . #comps >, CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj, VAL [ SPR < #spr & synsem_min & [ --MIN degree_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ]>], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], anti_synsem_min & [ --MIN degree_rel ] >, COMPS #comps ], HS-LEX #hslex ], CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_adj_synsem := basic_adj_lex_synsem & [ MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin, TAM #tam ], VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ] ]. norm_adj_lex_synsem := basic_adj_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adj, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0 ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg0 ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 #arg0 & non_conj_event ]. ;; DPF 2015-09-02 - Analogous to the introduction of the derived_verb_synsem, ;; add this one to avoid spurious interaction among derivational lexical rules ;; for adjectives, such as *un-* prefix rule plus attributive-adj rule. ;; DPF 2016-02-15 - Added ALTMIN no_rel to block applic of partitive rule for ;; integers/comparatives, to avoid *unchanged arose* ;; DPF 2016-02-29 - But this blocks degree specification as in *very unhappy*, ;; So instead specialize HEAD value from basic_adj to adj, excluding intadj ;; so the partitive rule cannot apply (as should have been done in the first ;; place). ;; derived_adj_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adj & [ TAM #tam, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL intersective_mod ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ] ]. ;; We assume for now, counterfactually, that all modifying adjectives are ;; intersective. ;; ERB (03-02-98) Maybe should add MOD < [ LOCAL.SPR.OPT ] > - to keep ;; adjectives from modifying partitives. ;; DPF (16-Feb-98) Made XARG be 'ref-ind' rather than non_expl-ind, ;; to ensure that it gets discourse-bound if the adjective is used in a ;; fragment. ;; DPF (12-Jul-98) Constrain adjectives to only modify nominals with obligatory ;; specifiers (which distinguishes "common" from "proper" nominals). ;; DPF 9-oct-05 - Try constraining the MOD..MIN to nonpro_rel to block ;; modification of number-nouns ("*old one arrives"), analogous to blocking ;; in n-n compounds. ;; DPF 5-oct-06 - But this conflicts now with making 'group' nouns propagate ;; the MIN of their complement's NP. And the combination of adj+numnoun is ;; not really out: "Unlucky 13 is often avoided". So let's take the hit in ;; added ambiguity. ;; DPF 31-jul-07 - Removed mysterious [MOD..OPT -], which was surely not right. ;; DPF 2014-04-03 - Re 5-oct-06: But we still don't want *blue which*, so let's ;; try excluding pronoun_q_rel on the MOD. ;; adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase := basic_adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < synsem_min & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_nom_or_ttl & [ POSS -, MINORS.ALTMIN non_pronoun_q_or_no_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN quant_or_deg_rel ], COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #ind ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ] ]. norm_adj_synsem := adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX non_conj_event & [ E #tam ], XARG basic_non_expl ] ] ]. adj_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & norm_adj_synsem & isect_synsem. adj_onearg_lex_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & isect_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG basic_non_event ]. adj_twoarg_lex_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & isect_synsem & two_arg. basic_adj_onearg_synsem := basic_adj_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. adj_twoarg_synsem := adj_synsem & two_arg. ; For comparatives and other semantically complex adjectives with new INDEX basic_adj_unsp_ind_synsem := basic_adj_lex_synsem & adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & isect_synsem. adj_unsp_ind_synsem := basic_adj_unsp_ind_synsem & lex_synsem. adj_unsp_ind_onearg_synsem := adj_unsp_ind_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. adj_unsp_ind_twoarg_synsem := adj_unsp_ind_synsem & two_arg. ;; DPF 2015-09-16 - Generalized SPR's MIN to allow `much' alongside 'very' ;; for deverbal adjectives, so we can admit *the much admired cat* alongside ;; *the very respected teacher*. ;; DPF 2016-10-06 - Removed the requirement that the MOD element be of type ;; `synsem' since this runs afoul of the constraint added 29-apr-07 to the ;; type `extracted_adj_int_vp_phrase', which wants its MOD to be compatible ;; with *anti_list*. Should be okay, but monitor and maybe FIX? ;; basic_adj_synsem_constr := norm_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_or_more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adv, HS-LEX #hslx, VAL.SPR *unexplist* ] ], LEX + ], anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < > ], HS-LEX #hslx ] ], NONLOC non-local_none ]. adj_synsem_constr := basic_adj_synsem_constr & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #index ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS.LIST.FIRST.LBL #hand ] ] ]. adj_synsem_lex_constr := basic_adj_synsem_constr & basic_adj_synsem & basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adj, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0 ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg0 ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 #arg0 & non_conj_event ]. adj_synsem_lex_rule := basic_adj_synsem_constr & abstr_lex_synsem. ; 'cat-like', `two-dimensional' ; adj_synsem_n_spr := basic_adj_abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ AGR #ind, CAT [ HEAD basic_nom_or_ttl & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem & [ --MIN quant_or_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ], MC na ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, --SIND #ind ] >, TAM #tam, MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < synsem_min >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nind ] ], PUNCT.RPUNCT hyphen_sgl_or_no_punct, OPT -, LEX + ], [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ] >, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT + ] >, COMPS < >, SPEC < > ], HS-LEX #hslex ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX non_conj_event & [ E #tam ], XARG #ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, MODIFD notmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ;nomod_adj_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & ; [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head ] > ]. nomod_adj_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN no_rel ] ] ] > ]. nonprd_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD - ]. prd_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.PRD + ] ]. intrans_adj_synsem := adj_synsem & one_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN abstr_adj_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG overt_non_expl-ind ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-08-20 - To avoid spurious order of application of attr-adj rule and ;; adj prefix rules (as for *unconscious*), this type should not unify with ;; abstr_lex_synsem -- see comment 2016-10-11 for adj_prefix_rule. So remove, ;; but then need to ensure that LKEYS is still available -- see comment ;; 2016-11-07 for basic_lex_rule_supermost ;; attr_adj_constr_synsem := adj_synsem_lex_or_phrase & one_arg & abstr_lex_or_deriv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ MINORS [ MIN abstr_adj_rel, ALTMIN #altmin ], TAM #tam, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < #spr & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin, VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ] > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT + ], anti_synsem_min & [ --MIN degree_rel ] >, COMPS #comps ], HS-LEX #hslex, POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E #tam, XARG basic_non_expl ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #ltop ], ... > ], ARG-S < #spr . #comps > ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ]. basic_attr_adj_synsem := intrans_adj_synsem & nonprd_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD -, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ]. ; DPF 27-nov-04 - Block SPR for these, to avoid e.g. "*a very mere child" attr_adj_synsem := basic_attr_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind ] > ], VAL.SPR.FIRST anti_synsem_min ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind & basic_non_expl-ind ]. ;; DPF 2016-10-22 - Pushed identity of SPR..XARG and CONT..INDEX down to ;; subtypes, since one of them (trans_adj_pred_three_arg_synsem) is used in ;; comparative adjectives, and identfiies SPR..XARG with something other than ;; CONT..INDEX, in order to get the desired semantics for ;; *much closer (to X) (than Y)*, where the much_deg takes as its argument ;; the comp_rel's ARG0, not that of _close_j_rel. ;; basic_pred_adj_synsem := basic_adj_unsp_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin, PRD + ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ], POSTHD + ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool ]. pred_adj_synsem := basic_pred_adj_synsem & adj_unsp_ind_synsem & prd_synsem. ; Not marked for LEX ;; DPF 2017-08-20 - Removed SPR..ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel because it blocks ;; *most exciting* and we're reluctant to add this type as a supertype of ;; comp_or_superl_rel (already did add it for comp_rel, but undoing this too, ;; since demanding that the spr's ALTMIN be a subtype of nom_rel seems wrong. ;; Let's remind ourselves what work this was doing, and maybe FIX. ;; intrans_pred_adj_synsem := basic_adj_synsem & one_arg & isect_synsem & norm_adj_synsem & basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ PRD +, MOD < [ --SIND #ind & overt_non_expl-ind ] >, MINORS.MIN adj_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_adv, CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0 ], COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0, XARG #ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ]. ;;; We should have a trans_adj_attr_synsem too, for 'easy' and the likes ... basic_pred_adj_two_arg_synsem := pred_adj_synsem & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ] ]. pred_adj_two_arg_synsem := basic_pred_adj_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind & basic_non_expl-ind, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-07 - Removed canonical_or_unexpressed constraint on first comp, ;; since we want *cats of which we were afraid arrived* ;; DPF 2020-04-01 - Also pushed COMPS..INDEX non_expl-ind down, so we can ;; get *short of crazy* ;; basic_trans_adj_pred_synsem := basic_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], ... >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xind & non_expl-ind ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ ARG1 #xind, ARG2 #ind ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. trans_adj_pred_synsem := basic_trans_adj_pred_synsem & pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl-ind ]. trans_adj_pred_two_arg_synsem := trans_adj_pred_synsem & adj_synsem & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ] ]. trans_adj_pred_three_arg_synsem := trans_adj_pred_synsem & three_arg & norm_adj_synsem & basic_adj_synsem. ;; DPF 2016-10-07 - Added type not marked for LEX, to allow *rooms available*. ;; This means copying constraints from types such as two_arg and ;; norm_adj_lex_synsem, to overcome the default LEX +. ;; trans_adj_pred_two_arg_nolex_synsem := basic_trans_adj_pred_synsem & basic_adj_synsem & basic_two_arg & norm_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adj, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl-ind ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #arg0, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 #arg0 & non_conj_event ]. ; For adjectives like "accessible (by car)" which take a contentful PP compl. trans_adj_pp_ind_synsem := pred_adj_two_arg_synsem & adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN #cmin & independent_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ HEAD.PRD + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #ind & non_expl-ind ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #ind, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. irreg_trans_adj_pred_synsem := pred_adj_two_arg_synsem & adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN nom_rel & #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl-ind ] ] >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ]. aj_np_i_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM irreg_trans_adj_pred_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #index & ref-ind & [ SORT entity ], OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; 'worth the price' aj_np_i_le := aj_np_i_lexent """ Adj, NP comp B isn't worth the effort. """ . ;; 'very like the other one' ;; Avoid ambiguity with preposition "like" aj_np_i-spr_le := aj_np_i_lexent & """ Adj, NP comp, oblig specifier B is very like the other one. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.OPT - ]. ; "arr.": "Plane arr. 10:40." aj_np_i-unsp_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM irreg_trans_adj_pred_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --SIND #index & non_expl-ind, OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. aj_np_i-unsp_le := aj_np_i-unsp_lexent """ Adj, NP comp, unspec: *arr.* Plane arr. 10:40. """ . ;; DPF 2024-06-14 - Since we now allow extraction of complement of adj, this ;; type is superfluous ; 'how much is it worth?' #| aj_np_gap_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN reg_nom_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] ]. aj_np_gap_le := aj_np_gap_lexent """ Adj, only 'worth' with gap B saw how much it is worth """ . |# ; e.g. 'able' - Can't use equi_intrans_lt since it specifies an arg12_rel, ; which is incompatible with adj_rel. basic_adj_vpcomp_synsem := pred_adj_synsem & basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & basic_two_arg & norm_adj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN adj_rel, VAL [ COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ] ]. basic_adj_equi_synsem := basic_adj_vpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #subjind & non_expl ], LKEYS.KEYREL adj_arg12_relation & [ ARG1 #subjind ] ]. reg_adj_equi_synsem := basic_adj_equi_synsem & basic_inf_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #vhand ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 handle & #hand ]. adj_vpcomp_prp_synsem := basic_adj_vpcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM prp, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; 'done working' adj_equi_prp_synsem := adj_vpcomp_prp_synsem & basic_adj_equi_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HCONS , LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #chand ]. ; 'it is worth reading that book' adj_atrans_prp_synsem := adj_vpcomp_prp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.XARG it-ind, HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #chand, --+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. adj_ssr_synsem := basic_adj_vpcomp_synsem & basic_inf_intrans_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, XARG #subjind ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG #subjind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL adj_arg1_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG1 #arg1 ] ]. ;; DPF 18-jul-10 - Don't want to inherit from prd_synsem, since this prevents ;; e.g *tough problem to solve*. Likewise for basic_adj_atrans_synsem. So ;; push this down to subtypes like for *pretty*, which do inherit PRD +. ;; scoping_adj_synsem := norm_adj_lex_synsem & isect_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN adj_rel, ALTMIN norm_rel ], VAL.KCMP [ PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, OPT - ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-09-12 - Allow VP complement to be extracted, so we can get RNR for ;; *it will be [difficult but important] to talk to Kim* ;; basic_basic_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_adj_synsem & basic_pp_vp_subst & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN adj_rel, ALTMIN norm_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN selected_rel & #cmin, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ahand, INDEX #expr & non_expl-ind ] ], #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf_or_prp, VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense, XARG #expr ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, OPT - ], ... >, KCMP #comp ] ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL it_adj_arg12_relation & [ LBL #ahand, ARG2 #expr ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. basic_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_basic_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [], [] > ]. ;; Used by tough-adj lexical rule to avoid recursion. norm_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_basic_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [], [], ... > ]. ; DPF 30-aug-04 - Generalize to take either inf or prp VP complements, as in ; 'it is tough climbing that hill' or 'it is tough to climb that hill' ;; DPF 2018-06-02 - Removed [--+ARGIND it-ind], since we want these even if ;; there is no expletive, when they have undergone the `tough-adj' lexical rule ;; which produces an entry with a non-expletive subject. ;; reg_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_adj_atrans_synsem & basic_three_arg & prd_synsem & nomod_adj_synsem & norm_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG it-ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 handle & #arg ] ] ]. ; 'Kim is easy to please' ; `Kim is easier to please than Browne' ; basic_tough_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_basic_adj_atrans_synsem & scoping_adj_synsem & norm_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.--SLPASS -, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_nonnom_min & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #slind ] >, QUE.LIST < > ] ], ... >, KCMP.LOCAL.CAT vp_inf_cat, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0 ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0, XARG #slind & basic_non_expl-ind ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #arg, --COMPKEY _for_p_sel_rel ] ]. ; easy to please tough_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_tough_adj_atrans_synsem & tough_three_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [], [] > ]. ; easier to please than Kim tough_adj_atrans_compar_synsem := basic_tough_adj_atrans_synsem & tough_four_arg_compar & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [], [], [] > ]. norm_tough_adj_atrans_synsem := tough_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; 'Kim is worth admiring.' ;; vpslash_adj_atrans_synsem := basic_inf_or_prp_intrans_subst & isect_synsem & adj_vpslash_two_arg & norm_adj_synsem & basic_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN adj_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX event & [ E.TENSE no_tense, SF prop-or-ques ] ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD.MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #slind ] >, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, OPT - ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #event ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #slind & non_expl-ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ;; *easier (for us) to arise (than browne)* ;; *easier to sleep than (to) arise* ;; DPF 2018-06-03 - Removed +--ARGIND since we want this entry also when ;; there is no expletive it. ;; DPF 2020-05-08 - To block *it is better to win than losing* in place of ;; *it is better to win than to lose*, tried using hack of CASE acc, where ;; than+NP imposes CASE obl. But this blocks *Kim is easier to see than Browne* ;; so find some other way to exclude *than losing* above. FIX? ;; comp_adj_atrans_synsem := norm_adj_atrans_synsem & four_arg & prd_synsem & adj_unsp_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adj & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_rel ] >, TAM #tam, MINORS.MIN adj_or_card_or_much_rel ], VAL [ KCMP.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand, COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN #ocmin & selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind2 & basic_non_expl, XARG #xarg ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPR.FIRST [ --MIN much_deg_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #altarg0 ] ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0 & [ E #tam ], XARG it-ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 handle & #arg ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ LBL #ltop, PRED more_comp_rel, ARG0 event & #altarg0, ARG1 #arg0, ARG2 #ind2 ], --COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin & _than_p_compar_rel ] ]. ;; DPF (9-Mar-99) It appears that there are no CP-taking adjectives which ;; select for a 'like-CP' of the kind some verbs take (e.g. 'It sounds like ;; Kim will leave'). So we constrain the KCMP to be prop-or-ques_m_rel. ;; But there are adjectives (like 'doubtful, unclear, unsure') which can take ;; a whether-CP, so we introduce a subtype of reg_adj_cp_synsem for those that ;; only take a 'that-CP', and similarly for expletive-it subject-taking ;; adjectives. ;; ; 'uncertain': '?Kim is uncertain that Sandy left' ; 'Kim is uncertain whether Sandy left' ; 'It is uncertain that Sandy left' ; 'It is uncertain whether Sandy left' ;; DPF 2012-05-31 - It appears that S complements of adjectives cannot be ;; extracted, so we want to block that extraction. See e.g. **They lost he ;; was sad*. But since we treat "intraposition" via extraction, as in ;; *That kim won was obvious*, we want to block extraction for S but not ;; for CP. Rather than duplicating lexical entries for S-or-CP-taking ;; adjectives, we constrain the type of the SLASH list to only allow CPs. ;; DPF 2016-10-22 - Re 2012-05-31: But this cplist constraint wrongly prevents ;; any extraction out of the CP, as in *Kim, we are sure will win* or ;; *Tomorrow I'm sure she'll win*. And even the no-S-extraction claim may be ;; wrong: *She'll win, I'm sure*. So drop *cplist* constraint on SLASH. ;; Note for good measure that this constraint also blocked relative clauses ;; headed by these adjectives, as in *the one who is glad we left*. ;; basic_adj_cp_synsem := scoping_adj_synsem & basic_two_arg & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_v_c, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] ] >, KCMP #comp ], CONT.RELS ] ]. adj_cp_fin_inf_synsem := basic_adj_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_or_inf_v_c ] > ]. ; 'unclear' '*Kim is unclear that/whether Sandy left' ; 'It is unclear that Sandy left' ; 'It is unclear whether Sandy left' ; DPF 10-jul-04 - FIX -- Why is the ARG1 constrainted to PNG.PN 3s? ; Shouldn't that ARG1 be for an optional (experiencer) to-PP (not yet ; provided)? ; DPF 21-dec-05 - Removed CAT.HEAD comp to allow "it's obvious why we did it" ;; DPF 2020-06-12 - Removed --+ARGIND it-ind because this entry is also used for ;; sentential subjects (via extraction) as in |That he won was obvious|, where ;; there is no expl-it in the sentence. adj_atrans_cp_fin_inf_synsem := adj_cp_fin_inf_synsem & nomod_adj_synsem & prd_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG it-ind, HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL it_adj_arg1_relation & [ ARG1 handle & #arg ] ]. ; 'imperative': 'it is imperative that you be here' adj_bse_cp_synsem := basic_adj_cp_synsem & nomod_adj_synsem & prd_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_bse, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand ] ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. adj_atrans_bse_cp_synsem := adj_bse_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.XARG it-ind, HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL it_adj_arg1_relation & [ ARG1 handle & #arg ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. adj_cp_sbjnct_synsem := adj_bse_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ --SIND #ind & non_expl-ind ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG1 #ind, ARG2 handle & #arg ] ]. reg_adj_cp_synsem := adj_cp_fin_inf_synsem & adj_synsem & prd_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand ] >, CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG1 non_expl, ARG2 handle & #arg ] ]. ; 'afraid' 'Kim is afraid that Sandy left' ; '*Kim is afraid whether Sandy left' ; '*It is afraid that/whether Sandy left' reg_adj_that_cp_synsem := reg_adj_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE real_tense, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop ] ] > ]. ; 'obvious' '*Kim is obvious that/whether Sandy left' ; 'It is obvious that Sandy left' ; '*It is obvious whether Sandy left' ; but cf. 'It is not obvious whether Sandy left' ***Needs fixing*** adj_atrans_that_cp_synsem := adj_atrans_cp_fin_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE real_tense, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop ] ]. ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_this_that_rel to ; more_or_very_deg_rel as part of blocking of "more many" ;; DPF 2011-08-15 - Tried adding SPEC < > to stop positive adjs from undergoing ;; partitive_intadj rule, which should only apply to comparatives and ;; superlatives. (Now that we use ALTMIN to distinguish morphological -er ;; adjectives fromo more+adj ones, that way of distinguishing comp/superl ;; from positive adjs no long serves.) But, SPEC is passed from hd-dtr to ;; mother in head-spec rule, so *most beautiful* has same SPEC as *beautiful*, ;; which blocks *the most beautiful*, sadly. ;; basic_norm_adj_word := noncqr-h-nab & mcna & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ], HS-LEX #hslex ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ;; Hook for adding robust contraints on capitalization as in "European" norm_adj_word := basic_norm_adj_word. ; DPF 25-may-09 - Tried adding MOD..LPERIPH - to block "the tall many cats" ; but proper names are LPERIPH +, so this hack doesn't work. basic_reg_adj_word := basic_norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind ] >, MINORS.MIN adj_rel ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX.SORT basic-entity-or-event, XARG #ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ] ]. reg_adj_word := basic_reg_adj_word & norm_adj_word. reg_intrans_adj := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_adj_synsem ]. ; DPF 2010-09-20 - Removed LPERIPH -, since it blocks "big dog Fido", and ; since we independently block "big many cats" now. ; aj_-_i_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ]. aj_-_i_le := aj_-_i_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp The beautiful dog won. """ . aj_-_i-cap_lexent := basic_reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ] ]. aj_-_i-cap_le := aj_-_i-cap_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, capitalized The European dog won. """ . aj_-_i-maycap_le := basic_reg_adj_word & """ Adj (intersective), no comp, may be capitalized We studied Ancient Egypt. """ [ SYNSEM intrans_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ] ]. aj_-_i-er_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ] ]. aj_-_i-er_le := aj_-_i-er_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, only -er comparative The big dog won. """ . aj_-_i-ndpt-er_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ], OPT - ] ]. aj_-_i-ndpt-er_le := aj_-_i-ndpt-er_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, only -er comparative, not depictive Kim felt strange. """ . aj_-_i-unsp_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ]. aj_-_i-unsp_le := aj_-_i-unsp_lexent """ Adj, no constraint on LPERIPH B slept the whole afternoon. """ . ; DPF 21-oct-09 - Removed LPERIPH -, since it blocks "He arrived the next day" ;; DPF 2024-06-05 - Removed POSTHD - since it blocks "how infuriating he is" ; aj_-_i-oblsp_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem > ]]. aj_-_i-oblsp_le := aj_-_i-oblsp_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, requires spr for modified N The next dog won. *Next dogs won. """ . aj_-_i-spobl_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, PRD + ], VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ] ]. aj_-_i-spobl_le := aj_-_i-spobl_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, oblig specifier of its own, predic. The very surprising cat arose. """ . aj_-_i-nopn_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ --MIN norm_nom_or_time_rel ] >, MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ], POSTHD - ] ]. aj_-_i-nopn_le := aj_-_i-nopn_lexent """ Adj (intersective), no comp, no mod of proper NPs, attrib We respond with all due respect. The due 1998 arrived. """ . aj_-_i-color_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_unsp_ind_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN color_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #xarg, XARG #ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind & basic_non_expl-ind ] ]. aj_-_i-color_le := aj_-_i-color_lexent """ Adj, color The cat is gray. """ . aj_-_i-color-er_lexent := aj_-_i-color_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ]. aj_-_i-color-er_le := aj_-_i-color-er_lexent """ Adj, color, only -er comparative The cat is gray. """ . ; For adjs like 'far' which don't get used as depictives: ; constrain NORM to be norm_rel (hack). ; DPF 27-jan-08 - But this prevents coordination with ordinary adjectives ; like "pleasant but far from ...". So live with ambiguity of e.g. ; "Kim lived far from the city." aj_-_i-ndpt_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, OPT - ] ]. aj_-_i-ndpt_le := aj_-_i-ndpt_lexent """ Adj, not depictive B swam to the far shore. """ . ; only: 'his only books' aj_-_i-only_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM no_rel ], MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. aj_-_i-only_le := aj_-_i-only_lexent """ Adj, 'only', not pred., allows n-adj compound 'residents-only' B's only dog won. """ . aj_-_i-poss_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN explicit_q_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.POSS + ] > ] > ] ]. ; own: 'his own books' aj_-_i-poss_le := aj_-_i-poss_lexent """ Adj, only 'own' B's own dog won. """ . ; own: 'his every wish' aj_-_i-poss-sg_lexent := aj_-_i-poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ] > ]. aj_-_i-poss-sg_le := aj_-_i-poss-sg_lexent """ Adj, only 'every' B's every wish was granted. """ . ; Not bare adj-noun : ; *we arrived last weeks ; 'many chairs' - avoid spurious ambig with determiner 'many' ;; DPF 2012-02-01 - Added NORM no_rel to prevent these from appearing as ;; subord modifiers (spurious ambiguity): *he arrived last.* adj_intrans_notb_lexent := reg_intrans_adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM no_rel ], MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel ] ] > ] ]. aj_-_i-spn-att_lexent := adj_intrans_notb_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_attr_adj_synsem ]. aj_-_i-spn-att_le := aj_-_i-spn-att_lexent """ Adj, attrib, mod n w/expl spr That very dog won. """ . ; 'many/much' - allows QUE specifier ('how many') ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Added LPERIPH + to block e.g. "*the tall many chairs" ; DPF 16-apr-11 - Making these [PRD -] blocks e.g. *this many*, *this much*. ; So change SYNSEM from basic_attr_adj_synsem to intrans_adj_synsem and ; add POSTHD -, to still block **cats many*. ;; DPF 2017-09-16 - Re 12-jul-96: But we also want *the past several days* and ;; *the first few days*. So let's leave the unwanted order of *tall many* to ;; the larger non-syntax issue of adjective ordering, and remove LPERIPH + here. ;; adj_attr_intrans_que_lexent := nonc-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM intrans_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD compar_adj & [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind ] >, MINORS.MIN meas_adj_rel ], POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS ] ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG0.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], ARG1 #ind ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-10 - Generalized MOD..LPERIPH from - to na_or_-. ;; basic_aj_-_i-many_lexent := adj_attr_intrans_que_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3p, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.IND + ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ]. ; 'many, few' ; DPF 28-mar-10 - Constrain LPERIPH to block spurious "many more cats" aj_-_i-many_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-many_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN def_or_udef_or_demon_q_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head ] ]. aj_-_i-many_le := aj_-_i-many_lexent """ Adj, only 'many' Many dogs ran. """ . ;; DPF 2018-05-14 - Added ALTMIN nom_nondim_rel to exclude comparative degree ;; specifiers as in **more few cats than mice appeared* ;; aj_-_i-many-spr_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-many_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ] >, VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem & [ --MIN very_this_that_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN nom_nondim_rel, OPT - ] ] ]. aj_-_i-many-spr_le := aj_-_i-many-spr_lexent """ Adj, only 'many' with specifier This many dogs ran. """ . basic_aj_-_i-much_lexent := adj_attr_intrans_que_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV + ], CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ] ] >, MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. ; 'much, little' aj_-_i-much_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-much_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head ]. aj_-_i-much_le := aj_-_i-much_lexent """ Adj, only 'much' B didn't win much money. """ . aj_-_i-much-spr_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-much_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN very_this_that_rel, OPT - ] ]. aj_-_i-much-spr_le := aj_-_i-much-spr_lexent """ Adj, only 'much' with specifier B didn't win that much money. """ . ; 'several, a few': exclude QUE specifier ; DPF 3-May-08 - Add MOD..NORM norm_rel to block "a few cat" from being ; left member of n-n-cmpnd. ;; DPF 2022-05-19 - Removed MOD..SPR unexpressed since we also want ;; "the past several sessions" ; aj_-_i-svrl_lexent := adj_attr_intrans_que_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3p, CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ ALTMIN def_or_udef_q_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.IND + ] ] > ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN very_this_that_rel ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. aj_-_i-svrl_le := aj_-_i-svrl_lexent """ Adj, vague number Our several cats fell. """ . ;; DPF 2020-04-02 - Block partitive via ALTMIN, to avoid second analysis for ;; *a couple of days*. ;; aj_-_i-svrl-noprt_le := aj_-_i-svrl_lexent & """ Adj, vague number, no partitive A couple cats fell. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ]. ;; DPF 2015-03-16 - Added for *some years ago* ;; aj_-_i-meas_lexent := adj_attr_intrans_que_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3, CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ ALTMIN no_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CASE no_case ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.IND + ] ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN very_this_that_rel ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. aj_-_i-meas_le := aj_-_i-meas_lexent """ Measure adj, vague number They arrived some years ago. """ . ; 'not many' - Can't easily do this compositionally since 'not + Adj' usually ; holds only for predicative adjectives: "kim is occasionally not clever" but ; "*The not clever consultant". We now treat 'many' as sitting in the ; syntactic position of an attributive adjective, yet it can appear with a ; 'not' modifier. So we'll treat it for now as a multi-word. ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_this_that_rel to ; more_or_very_deg_rel as part of blocking "more many" attr_adj_onearg_synsem := norm_adj_synsem & basic_one_arg & basic_adj_synsem & nonprd_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ], POSTHD -, VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ], COMPS < > ], HS-LEX #hslex ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ]. ;; 'not many/not much' aj_-_i-mneg_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM attr_adj_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #albl, INDEX #ind ] ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #albl, XARG #ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #ind & non_event, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. aj_-_i-mneg-c_le := aj_-_i-mneg_lexent & """ Adj, only 'not many' Not many dogs ran. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.AGR.IND + ] > ]. aj_-_i-mneg-m_le := aj_-_i-mneg_lexent & """ Adj, only 'not much' Not much rice arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.AGR.IND - ] > ]. aj_-_i-att_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM basic_attr_adj_synsem ]. aj_-_i-att_le := aj_-_i-att_lexent """ Adj, attributive The inner ring is small. """ . aj_-_i-att-er_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM basic_attr_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ] ]. aj_-_i-att-er_le := aj_-_i-att-er_lexent """ Adj, attributive, only -er comparative The early ring is small. """ . ; DPF 25-may-09 - Added LPERIPH bool to block "Kim other gems" ;; DPF 2012-03-13 - Added NORM no_rel to block *these cat and other dogs* ;; DPF 2012-12-14 - Constrain MINORS.MIN to norm_adj_rel to prevent unif with ;; selected_adj_rels. ;; aj_-_i-att-nsp_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM attr_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM no_rel ] ], VAL.SPEC < > ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ] ], ALTS.JTOR - ]. aj_-_i-att-nsp_le := aj_-_i-att-nsp_lexent """ Adj, attrib, no specifier A mere beginner won. """ . aj_-_i-att-pn_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM basic_attr_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ --MIN named_np_or_num_rel, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ] > ] ]. aj_-_i-att-pn_le := aj_-_i-att-pn_lexent """ Adj, attributive, only modifies proper names: for deverbal adjectives that overcome reluctance to have passive participles modify unspecified proper names. They acquired closely held Compaq. """ . aj_-_i-prd_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ], ALTS.ATTRJ - ]. aj_-_i-prd_le := aj_-_i-prd_lexent """ Adj, predicative C is awake. """ . ; nuts: only complement of copula, or depictive. aj_-_i-prd-nmd_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, MOD < anti_synsem_min > ], POSTHD + ] ] ]. aj_-_i-prd-nmd_le := aj_-_i-prd-nmd_lexent """ Adj, pred, cannot modify C is nuts. """ . ; 'else': not even as depictive ;; DPF 2012-11-09 - Added OPT - to prevent these from appearing as depictives, ;; since we can't use NORM no_rel, since the ordinary copula wants norm_rel ;; for its complement, and we want *that was so* where `so' the adjective ;; meaning `true' is also of this type. ;; aj_-_i-prd-ndpt_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM basic_adj_abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ PRD +, MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM norm_rel ], TAM #tam, MOD < anti_synsem_min & [ --SIND event ] > ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < > ], POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0 & [ E #tam ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #xarg & non_expl-ind ] ] ]. aj_-_i-prd-ndpt_le := aj_-_i-prd-ndpt_lexent """ Adj, pred, no mod incl depictve The race is over with. """ . aj_-_i-prd-nm_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM norm_rel ], TAM.TENSE nontense ] ], ALTS.ATTRJ - ]. aj_-_i-prd-nm_le := aj_-_i-prd-nm_lexent """ Adj, predicative, no cop or depictive We ordered one book only """ . ;; DPF 2018-03-23 - Only for *ten degrees celsius/centigrade/fahrenheit* aj_-_i-prd-meas_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], TAM.TENSE nontense ] ], ALTS.ATTRJ - ]. aj_-_i-prd-meas_le := aj_-_i-prd-meas_lexent """ Adj, predicative, no copula or depictive The temperature is ten degrees centigrade. """ . ;; DPF 2022-05-21 - Added ALTMIN to prevent these from undergoing partitive rule ;; intrans_adj_oddsem := noncqrs-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM intrans_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #ind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #ind ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ; DPF 10-Jun-03 - Added MOD..HEAD no_head to prevent these from appearing as ; modifiers. They have to be MOD nonempty in order to combine with the copula, ; and in fact MOD < synsem> to combine with base form "be". aj_-_i-wthr_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_onearg_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head ] >, MINORS.MIN expl_adj_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG it-ind, RELS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.--+ARGIND it-ind ] ]. aj_-_i-wthr_le := aj_-_i-wthr_lexent """ Adj, weather, expl it subj It is cloudy. """ . aj_pp_i-it_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_twoarg_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head ] >, MINORS.MIN expl_adj_rel ], VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN selected_rel & #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind & non_expl-ind, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG it-ind, RELS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+ARGIND it-ind ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-it_le := aj_pp_i-it_lexent """ Adj, expl it subj It is time for the race. """ . aj_-_i-cmpd_lexent := intrans_adj_oddsem & [ SYNSEM attr_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #nind & non_expl-ind]] >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #hand, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ;; doctor's appointment aj_-_i-cmpd_le := aj_-_i-cmpd_lexent """ Adj, human poss cmpnd The doctor's office called """ . ;; {OPT +] is on reg_trans_adj and not on trans_adj_synsem because the ;; comparison_lr uses trans_adj_synsem and requires OPT -. Same for semantics. basic_adj_trans_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM trans_adj_pred_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. adj_trans_lexent := basic_adj_trans_lexent & reg_adj_word. aj_pp_i_lexent := adj_trans_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ]. aj_pp_i_le := aj_pp_i_lexent """ Adj, pp comp w/sem empty prep B is sure of C. """ . aj_pp_i-nonfrml_lexent := aj_pp_i_lexent & [ GENRE informal ]. aj_pp_i-nonfrml_le := aj_pp_i-nonfrml_lexent """ Adj, pp comp w/sem empty prep, non-formal genre She is comfy with that pillow. """ . ;; *nothing short of brilliant* trans_adj_pred_pp_adj_synsem := basic_trans_adj_pred_synsem & adj_synsem & two_arg & pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg, COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX event ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #xarg, RELS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-04-01 - Added type for adjectives such as `short', which take ;; an of-PP hose complement is an adjective. ;; aj_pp_i-aj_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM trans_adj_pred_pp_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ] ]. aj_pp_i-aj_le := aj_pp_i-aj_lexent """ Adj, pp comp w/sem empty prep whose comp is adj B is nothing short of brilliant """ . aj_pp_i-er_lexent := adj_trans_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ] ]. aj_pp_i-er_le := aj_pp_i-er_lexent """ Adj, pp comp w/sem empty prep, only -er comparative B is sure of C. """ . aj_pp_i-prd_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM trans_adj_pred_two_arg_nolex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [] > ], CONT.RELS ] ], ALTS.ATTRJ - ]. aj_pp_i-prd_le := aj_pp_i-prd_lexent """ Adj, predicative, pp comp B is akin to C. """ . aj_pp_i-obl_lexent := adj_trans_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-obl_le := aj_pp_i-obl_lexent """ Adj, oblig pp comp B is flush with cash. """ . aj_pp_i-obl-er_lexent := adj_trans_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-obl-er_le := aj_pp_i-obl-er_lexent """ Adj, oblig pp comp, only -er comparative B is good at games. """ . aj_pp_i-ind_lexent := reg_adj_word & [ SYNSEM trans_adj_pp_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-ind_le := aj_pp_i-ind_lexent """ Adj, pp comp w/sem-cont PP B is accessible by foot. """ . adj_reg_equi_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_equi_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex ], HS-LEX #hslex ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. aj_vp_i-seq_lexent := adj_reg_equi_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ]. aj_vp_i-seq_le := aj_vp_i-seq_lexent """ Adj, vp comp, subj equi B is eager to win. """ . ; For e.g. "supposed to" aj_vp_i-seq-nmd_lexent := adj_reg_equi_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, MOD < anti_synsem > ] ]. aj_vp_i-seq-nmd_le := aj_vp_i-seq-nmd_lexent """ Adj, vp comp, sequi, no modify B is supposed to win. """ . aj_vp_i-seq-prp_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_equi_prp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel ] ]. aj_vp_i-seq-prp_le := aj_vp_i-seq-prp_lexent """ Adj, vp comp pr-part, sequi B is done running. """ . aj_pp-vp_i-it_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _for_p_sel_rel ] ]. aj_pp-vp_i-it_le := aj_pp-vp_i-it_lexent """ Adj, opt PP, VP comp, it-subj It is easy for B to win. """ . aj_pp-vp_i-it-nonfrml_lexent := aj_pp-vp_i-it_lexent & [ GENRE informal ]. aj_pp-vp_i-it-nonfrml_le := aj_pp-vp_i-it-nonfrml_lexent """ Adj, opt PP, VP comp, it-subj, non-formal genre It is comfy for us to be here. """ . aj_pp-vp_i-it-nt_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _for_p_sel_rel ], ALTS.TOUGH - ]. aj_pp-vp_i-it-nt_le := aj_pp-vp_i-it-nt_lexent """ Adj, opt PP, VP comps, it-subj, no tough alternation It is urgent for B to win. B is urgent to win. """ . ; incumbent on X aj_pp-vp_i-on-it_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY _on_p_sel_rel ], ALTS.TOUGH - ]. aj_pp-vp_i-on-it_le := aj_pp-vp_i-on-it_lexent """ Adj, opt PP-on, VP comps, it-sbj It's incumbent on B to go. """ . ; it is nice of X to Y aj_pp-vp_i-of-it_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT -, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _of_p_sel_rel ], ALTS.TOUGH - ]. aj_pp-vp_i-of-it_le := aj_pp-vp_i-of-it_lexent """ Adj, PP-of, VP comp, it-sbj It's nice of B to go. """ . ; 'it is worth reading that book.' aj_vp_i-it-prp_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_atrans_prp_synsem ]. aj_vp_i-it-prp_le := aj_vp_i-it-prp_lexent """ Adj, vp comp it-subj, presprt B is worth following. """ . aj_vp_i-ssr_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_ssr_synsem ]. aj_vp_i-ssr_le := aj_vp_i-ssr_lexent """ Adj, vp comp, raising, There are destined to be unicorns in the garden. """ . reg_adj_atrans_cp_word := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_atrans_cp_fin_inf_synsem ]. ;;aj_pp-cp_i-it_le := reg_adj_atrans_cp_word & aj_cp_i-it_lexent := reg_adj_atrans_cp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. aj_cp_i-it_le := aj_cp_i-it_lexent """ Adj, CP comps, it-subj It is possible B won. """ . ;;aj_pp-cp_i-it-c_le := reg_adj_atrans_cp_word & aj_cp_i-it-c_lexent := reg_adj_atrans_cp_word & [ SYNSEM adj_atrans_that_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. aj_cp_i-it-c_le := aj_cp_i-it-c_lexent """ Adj, CP w/obl cmpzr, it-sbj It is odd that B won. """ . aj_pp-vp_i-tgh_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM norm_tough_adj_atrans_synsem ]. aj_pp-vp_i-tgh_le := aj_pp-vp_i-tgh_lexent """ Adj, PP, VP/NP, it-subj The race is tough to win. """ . aj_vp_i-wrth_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM vpslash_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM prp ] > ] ]. aj_vp_i-wrth_le := aj_vp_i-wrth_lexent """ Adj, only 'worth' The race is worth winning. """ . aj_vp_i-prty_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM vpslash_adj_atrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM inf ] > ] ]. aj_vp_i-prty_le := aj_vp_i-prty_lexent """ Adj, infinitival VP complement with gap Paris is pretty to look at. The document is ready to sign. """ . reg_adj_cp_word := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ] ]. aj_cp_i_lexent := reg_adj_cp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. aj_cp_i_le := aj_cp_i_lexent """ Adj, fin/inf CP comp B is sure C won. """ . aj_cp_i-fin_lexent := reg_adj_cp_word & [ SYNSEM reg_adj_that_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_adj_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. aj_cp_i-fin_le := aj_cp_i-fin_lexent """ Adj, fin CP comp B is aware C won. """ . aj_cp_i-bse_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_atrans_bse_cp_synsem ]. aj_cp_i-bse_le := aj_cp_i-bse_lexent """ Adj, base-form CP comp, it-sbj It's imperative that C win """ . aj_cp_i-sbjct_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_cp_sbjnct_synsem ]. aj_cp_i-sbjct_le := aj_cp_i-sbjct_lexent """ Adj, base-form CP comp, ref-ind subj/mod She's insistent that C attend. """ . ; How is Sandy? How does Tuesday look? ; We adopt the following second-order quantification semantics for these: ; which (p, property(p), look_seem(proposition_to_property(adj(x),p))) ; where we exploit a type-shifting relation to change the proposition "adj(x)" ; into the associated property "the set of entities of which adj(x) is true", ; so the "which" operator can quantify over that property. ; DPF 14-Apr-00 - Changed SUBJ.CAT from nomp_cat_nom_min to nomp_cat_min ; since [CASE nom] conflicts with the CASE hack on pro_ss to prevent the ; latter from undergoing subject xxtraction (see ERB notes for pro_ss). aj_-_i-wh_le := noncrs-m-nab & """ Adj, only 'how' B sees how C feels. """ [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < >, CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD adj & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT nbar_cat_min, CONJ cnil ], --SIND #ind & non_expl-ind ] >, MINORS [ MIN adj_abstract_rel, ALTMIN no_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0, XARG #ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param > ] ]. ; "cat-like" ; DPF 09-dec-08 - Would like to restrict spr to be non-inflected, but not ; currently possible. So at least constrain to singular, to avoid spurious ; '*cats-like'. ; DPF 2010-09-17 - Re 09-dec-09: Here as well, use the dastardly combination ; of PN 3p, DIV - to effect uninflected. Hack. ;; DPF 2012-10-24 - Re 2010-09-17: and unfortunately, one that prevents mass ;; nouns as left members, as in *lumber-like*. So modify the hack to use ;; [LOCAL noninfl_noun_local] instead. ;; DPF 2022-07-02 - Generalize spr's MODIFD from notmod to notmod_or_lmod so ;; we can get "jungle cat like" and "religious revival style" ; aj_-_i-nspr_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM adj_synsem_n_spr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN nonpro_rel, LOCAL noninfl_noun_local & [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT - ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] ] ]. aj_-_i-nspr_le := aj_-_i-nspr_lexent """ Adj, with noun specifier The cat-like kid won. """ . ; "2-dimensional" aj_-_i-numspr_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM adj_synsem_n_spr & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN named_num_rel, LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT - ], SPCMPS < > ], MODIFD notmod ] ] ]. aj_-_i-numspr_le := aj_-_i-numspr_lexent """ Adj, with numeral specifier The 3-dimensional figure appeared. """ . aj_-_i-mnpspr_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM adj_synsem_n_spr & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --MIN meas_nom_rel, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ], POSTHD - ] ] ]. aj_-_i-mnpspr_le := aj_-_i-mnpspr_lexent """ Adj, with measure-NP specifier The 10% or more increase appeared. """ . ; DPF 03-Feb-06 - Changed analysis so INDEX is now the ARG0 of the comp_rel ; rather than of the basic predicate, to give a more plausible semantics ; for e.g. 'Dogs are 5 cm. taller than horses.' ; DPF 09-may-06 - But this is unnecessary, and creates an unwanted asymmetry ; with '5 cents more expensive', since in the first case the ARG0 of the ; proposition is the ARG0 of the comp_rel, but in the second it's the ARG0 ; of the adjective's relation (since we use the head_compositional head-spr ; variant to build 'more expensive'). So let's go back to making the INDEX ; the ARG0 of the basic adjective relation, and still hook up the comp_rel's ; argument as desired, but by referring to the adj's SPR value. ;; DPF 2011-09-22 - Added MODIFD hasmod to avoid spurious ambig for e.g. ;; *quickly different*. Cannot be the normal notmod value, since the rule for ;; partitives as in *the highest* requires the daughter to have value hasmod. ;; DPF 2014-01-30 - Removed the recently added ALTKEYREL.ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense, ;; which of course prevents these with predicative copula. Can't recall what ;; motivated the addition, but maybe we'll see. ;; nonc-hm-nab & ;; DPF 2018-04-17 - Moved default HC-LEX - value down to most subtypes, in order ;; to assign a non-default value bool to aj_pp_i-onemore_le, so we can block ;; **one more than mice cat arrived* by requiring the num_det rule's dtr to be ;; LEX bool. ;; basic_compar_superl_adj_word := nonconj & nonque & nonrel & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM adj_unsp_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind & non_expl ] >, TAM #tam, MINORS.MIN adj_or_card_or_much_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #altarg0, MC na ], CONT [ HOOK [ XARG #ind, INDEX #arg0 & event & [ E #tam ] ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #hand, ARG1 #ind ], #altkeyrel & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 event & #altarg0 & [ E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], ARG1 #arg0 ], ... > ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. compar_superl_adj_word := basic_compar_superl_adj_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HC-LEX - ]. ; DPF 03-Feb-06 - Changed analysis so INDEX is now the ARG0 of the comp_rel ; rather than of the basic predicate, to give a more plausible semantics ; for e.g. 'Dogs are 5 cm. taller than horses.' basic_adj_comp_lexent := basic_compar_superl_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_unsp_ind_twoarg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xarg ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #xarg, ALTKEYREL.ARG2 #ind, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-31 - To block *nothing is tougher than lose*, add NORM norm_rel. ;; to complement than-PP. ;; adj_comp_lexent := basic_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAl.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY _than_p_compar_rel, ALTKEYREL.PRED more_comp_rel ] ] ]. norm_adj_comp_lexent := adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN comp_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_adv, --MIN much_deg_rel ], HC-LEX - ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. aj_pp_i-cmp_le := norm_adj_comp_lexent """ Adj, compar "-er" adj, PP-than B is richer than C. """ . ;; DPF 2020-10-07 - Since aj_pp-pp adjective such as "worthier" are currently ;; defined as predicative only, add this attributive variant for now. FIX. ;; aj_pp_i-cmp-att_lexent := norm_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD - ]. aj_pp_i-cmp-att_le := aj_pp_i-cmp-att_lexent """ Adj, compar "-er" adj, PP-than, attrib only Richer people than C arrived. """ . ;; DPF 2012-09-12 - To block spurious analyis of *we arrived earlier* with ;; subconj-prd for `earlier', given the existence of the np-adv `earlier', ;; we try a hack of making this class of adjectives itself [OPT -], even ;; though this feature is otherwise almost exclusively used inside of VAL ;; specifications. The other half of the hack is to make the dtr in the ;; subconj rule be unifiable with OPT + (which all other adjectives will ;; presumably do). Maybe FIX in a better fashion someday. ;; aj_pp_i-cmp-nsb_lexent := norm_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.OPT - ]. aj_pp_i-cmp-nsb_le := aj_pp_i-cmp-nsb_lexent """ Adj, compar "-er" adj, PP-than, block as subord predicatives The earlier cat arrived. """ . ;; DPF 2017-11-29 - We want *two more cats* where *two more* is compatible ;; with [LEX +] as required by aj-hdn rule, but we don't want ;; *two more than him cats* where *more than him* is LEX -. So identify ;; HS-LEX here with the LEX value at the point where the specifier attaches, ;; namely SPEC..LEX. ;; Also add SPR..ALTMIN norm_rel to block *a more* while keeping *one more* ;; DPF 2018-03-23 - Now that n_-_pr_le (for *something* etc) identifies its ;; ALTMIN with its ALTKEYREL.PRED, we need to change this one's MOD..ALTMIN ;; from implicit_q_rel to nodef_q_rel to still get *something/nothing more*. ;; DPF 2020-06-01 - Changed SPEC *synlist* to *synnull" to avoid *more taller* ;; basic_aj_pp_i-more_lexent := adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD compar_adj & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.AGR #agr & [ DIV + ] ] > ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN card_or_much_rel, ALTMIN norm_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPEC.FIRST.LEX #lex ] ], COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR #agr ] >, SPEC *synnull* ], HS-LEX #lex, HC-LEX -, POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. aj_pp_i-more_lexent := basic_aj_pp_i-more_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN nodef_q_rel ]> ]. ; 'more' aj_pp_i-more_le := aj_pp_i-more_lexent """ Adj, only 'more' B has more cats than C. """ . aj_pp_i-more-obl_lexent := aj_pp_i-more_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. aj_pp_i-more-obl_le := aj_pp_i-more-obl_lexent """ Adj, only `other', oblig compl B has other cats than Felix. """ . aj_pp_i-more-ct_lexent := aj_pp_i-more_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ]. aj_pp_i-more-ct_le := aj_pp_i-more-ct_lexent """ Adj, `fewer', for count nouns B has fewer cats. B has fewer rice. """ . ; 'one more' aj_pp_i-onemore_le := adj_comp_lexent & """ Adj, only 'one more' B has one more cat than C. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj1 & [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN implicit_q_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index & [ PNG.PN 3s ] ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool ] > ], HC-LEX na, POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. ; For 'different from/than', 'similar_to' ; (Takes both 'very' and 'much' specifiers.) aj_pp_i-cmp-dif_lexent := basic_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN much_or_very_deg_rel ], HC-LEX - ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED comp_rel ] ]. aj_pp_i-cmp-dif_le := aj_pp_i-cmp-dif_lexent """ Adj, only 'different' B is different from C. """ . ;; DPF 2015-09-10 - Removed MOD..NORM norm_rel, because it blocks e.g. ;; *same rights as ...*. Let's see if we can recall what it was for. ;; #| aj_pp_i-cmp-sme_lexent := basic_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD superl_adj & [ PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel ] > ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN much_deg_rel ], HC-LEX -, POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED comp_equal_rel, --COMPKEY _as_p_comp_rel ] ] ]. |# ;; For *the same cat as Kim has* and *such advice as may be requested* ;; aj_pp_i-cmp_lexent := basic_adj_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD superl_adj & [ PRD -, MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN much_deg_rel ], HC-LEX -, POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS ], MODIFD.LPERIPH bool, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED comp_equal_rel, --COMPKEY _as_p_comp_rel ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-cmp-sme_lexent := aj_pp_i-cmp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel ] > ] > ] ]. ; For 'same as' - Note "*Kim is same", "*A same car arrived" aj_pp_i-cmp-sme_le := aj_pp_i-cmp-sme_lexent """ Adj, only 'same', MOD has obligatory expressed specifier B has the same cat as C. """ . ; For 'exact ... as' as in "the exact car as Kim has" (e.g. wsj04:20465050) aj_pp_i-cmp-ex_lexent := aj_pp_i-cmp-sme_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. aj_pp_i-cmp-ex_le := aj_pp_i-cmp-ex_lexent """ Adj, only 'exact', like `same' but with oblig PP B has the exact cat as C. """ . ; For 'such...as' aj_pp_i-such_lexent := aj_pp_i-cmp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ]. aj_pp_i-such_le := aj_pp_i-such_lexent """ Adj, only 'such' Such advice as was requested arrived. """ . aj_pp_i-cmp-wthr_le := noncqr-hm-nab & """ Adj, comparative weather B is rainer than C. """ [ SYNSEM norm_adj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS.ALTMIN comp_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN much_deg_rel, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG it-ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ PRED more_comp_rel ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-09-12 - Surprisingly, the analysis of ;; *it is easier for kids than it is for adults* assumes that the INDEX value ;; of *than it is for adults* is the handle which is the LTOP of the predicative ;; for-PP. Probably not what we should do, since INDEX should mostly likely not ;; be allowed to be handle-valued. FIX. ;; DPF 2018-03-31 - To block *nothing is tougher than lose*, add NORM norm_rel. ;; to complement than-PP. ;; DPF 2020-10-07 - To get "richer people than Kim", we added an attributive ;; variant of these predicative-only adjectives, so prevent these from ;; undergoing the attrib-adj lexical rule. ;; aj_pp-pp_i-cmp_lexent := compar_superl_adj_word & [ ALTS.ATTRJ -, SYNSEM trans_adj_pred_three_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind1 ], --MIN #cmin & selected_rel ], canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN #ocmin & selected_rel, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat & [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind2 & basic_non_expl ]], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPR.FIRST.--MIN much_deg_rel ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #ind1, ALTKEYREL [ PRED more_comp_rel, ARG2 #ind2 ], --COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin & _than_p_compar_rel ] ] ]. aj_pp-pp_i-cmp_le := aj_pp-pp_i-cmp_lexent """ Adj, compar, two PP comps, both optional B is closer to C (than D). """ . ;; *it is easier to solve this problem (than that one)* ;; aj_pp-vp-pp_i-cmp-it_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM comp_adj_atrans_synsem ]. aj_pp-vp-pp_i-cmp-it_le := aj_pp-vp-pp_i-cmp-it_lexent """ Adj, compar, two optionalPP comps and VP comp, it is easier [for B] to solve this problem [than that one] """ . ; DPF 14-jul-06 - Added LPERIPH + to block spurious analysis of "next ; tallest" as adj-head; only want spr-head analysis. But this isn't quite ; right - make LPERIPH na. ; DPF 06-sept-07 - Require MOD nbar to have an explicit determiner, to ; block e.g. "biggest dogs barked." ; DPF 15-jan-08 - Re: 14-jul-06 But this blocks "the two tallest trees", ; so remove, and find alternative to block "next tallest". FIX... ;; DPF 2021-06-17 - Re 06-sept-07: Constrain further to block "the most greatest ;; performer". ;; DPF 2022-04-29 - Constraining the modifee noun's spr to be def_explicit_q ;; excludes the cb example "pick a best source for ...". So generalize to ;; explicit_quant_noagr_q_rel. ;; ;; MOD..ALTMIN was existential_q_rel aj_-_i-sup_lexent := compar_superl_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_unsp_ind_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD superl_adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN explicit_quant_noagr_q_rel ] >], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN ord_or_very_rel ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED superl_rel ] ]. aj_-_i-sup_le := aj_-_i-sup_lexent """ Adj, superlative The fastest runner won. """ . ;; MOD..ALTMIN was explicit_q_rel aj_pp_i-sup_lexent := compar_superl_adj_word & [ SYNSEM adj_unsp_ind_twoarg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD superl_adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN explicit_quant_noagr_q_rel] >], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN ord_or_very_rel, COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT basic_pp_cat, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #ind & non_expl-ind, ALTKEYREL.PRED superl_rel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. aj_pp_i-sup_le := aj_pp_i-sup_lexent """ Adj, superlative, PP complement The runner closest to Kim won. """ . adj_atrans_superl_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM norm_adj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN ord_or_very_rel, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG it-ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ PRED superl_rel ], --+ARGIND it-ind ] ] ]. aj_-_i-sup-it_le := adj_atrans_superl_lexent & """ Adj, superl, it-subj B is the rainiest place. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD - ]. ;; DPF 2014-11-26 - Seemingly perversely, made this POSTHD - even though it ;; can only appear after the head, because its modiifier targets are all ;; pronominal forms that take a lexical modifier as an optional complement, ;; as in *someone tall*. Se we use this head-complement analysis for ;; *someone else* and block the "ordinary" head-modifier one. ;; aj_-_i-else_le := norm_adj_word & """ Only `else', modifier of `anything, somewhere, anyplace, etc' Something else appeared. """ [ SYNSEM intrans_pred_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN norm_adj_rel, NORM no_rel ], MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD partn, VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN just_only_deg_rel ] ] > ], POSTHD - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ] ], ALTS.ATTRJ - ]. such_adj_synsem := basic_adj_abstr_lex_synsem & basic_two_arg & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS [ MIN adj_rel, ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN no_rel ] >, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < synsem & #comp & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct, OPT - ] >, KCMP #comp ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & [ E #tam ], XARG non_expl ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index & non_conj_event, ARG1 #arg ] ]. aj_cp_such_lexent := noncqr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM such_adj_synsem ]. aj_cp_such_le := aj_cp_such_lexent """ Only `such' with CP complment The cost was such that he departed. """ . ; Titles like 'mister', 'professor' which modify proper names ; DPF 5-Apr-01 - Changed MOD..MIN to abstr_named_rel from named_rel, to ; include integers, as in "number ten" ; Removed LPERIPH na - it blocked "order fivedigitersatz" since the num-np ; rule cannot accept numerals modified by adjectives or noun-noun compounds - ; we want to block the NP "Toshiba 2000" but allow the NP "order (number) 2000" ; DPF 12-Nov-03 - Removed MOD.MODIFD notmod_or_rmod since it prevented ; "number 222" where "222" is MODIFD lmod. We'll see what that constraint ; was trying to block. ; DPF 03-may-04 - Added LPERIPH + to distinguish "number five" from "five", ; so the former can appear in appositives but not the latter. ; DPF 01-sep-05 - Changed MOD..MIN from gen_named_rel to named_np_or_num_rel ; to block "my summer house" as post_title. ; DPF 08-sep-06 - Changed SPR < anti_synsem_min > to synsem with unexpr SPR ; to allow Adj-N titles as in "federal highway 66". ; DPF 23-may-10 - Removed MOD..MIN named_np_or_num_rel since it blocked ; "Itel Systems Inc.", but instead ensure that SPR is unexpressed, to avoid ; spurious ambiguity for "the Stigen farm" ;; DPF 2012-12-15 - Restrict to modifying proper names. ;; DPF 2014-06-05 - Since now using this only for post-titles, remove the ;; MOD..SPR.FIRST unexpressed, so we can get *the defunct Smith Inc.* ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - Re 2014-06-05: But this leads to unwanted ambiguity for ;; e.g. *the Smith bank*. So push this unexpressed SPR down to the subtypes ;; excluding post-title-only *Inc.* etc. ;; DPF 2024-06-15 - Removed XARG #khand since it is incompatible with ;; relative clause which expects its target's XARG to be a ref-ind, as in ;; "Smith Co., whose owners arrived, arise". Also removed MOD..XARG #nhand ;; for the same reason. ;; basic_title_synsem := basic_zero_arg & count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD ttl & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT basic_basic_nbar_cat & [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN named_or_part_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < [ OPT - ] > ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #nind ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_rbc_or_clause_or_no_punct ]>, MINORS [ MIN generic_entity_rel, ALTMIN no_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < unexpressed & [ --MIN explicit_q_rel ] >, COMPS < > ] ], AGR #ind, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #ind ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel & [ LBL #khand, ARG0 #ind ], [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #ind, RSTR #rhand ], [ LBL #nhand, PRED compound_rel, ARG1 #nind, ARG2 #ind ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #khand ], ... >, ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH + ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. title_synsem := basic_title_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. ; DPF 7-mar-05 - Added MOD..MODIFD notmod to remove spurious analysis of e.g. ; '[Abrams in Berlin] river rises.' ; DPF 25-may-10 - Added [PN 3s]: block *Kim is* with plural roman numeral ; DPF 2011-02-11 - Added constraint that modifiee must be a singular ; proper name, to avoid analysis of *dogs' house*. ; DPF 2017-07-13 - Changed MOD..MODIFD notmod to notmod_or_lmod, so we can ; get *closely held Acme Corp.* while still treating *Corp.* as a ; post-head modifier, now that we attach pre-mod before post-mod. ;; DPF 2020-03-12 - Removed MOD..AGR..PN 3s since we want *Abrams, Brownes & Co* ;; where (for some reason) the city-state compound for *Abrams, Brownes* makes ;; the mother's AGR that of the right dtr. Not the whole story, but not clear ;; why we constrained the head nominal's AGR anyway. ;; DPF 2020-07-24 - Re 2017-07-13: Now that we build "closely held Acme" first, ;; we could again consider having post-title attach to NP rather than nbar, ;; which would give a better analysis of "Abrams and Browne Inc.", which just ;; now can only be analyzed with constituent "Browne Inc.". ;; And Re 7-mar-05: This blocks desired analysis of "Fruit of the Loom Inc.", ;; so consider removing MODIFD constraint and see what ambiguity we face, ;; independent of whether post-titles modify NP or nbar. ;; n_-_tt-post_lexent := noncqrs-hm & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM title_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD [ MOD < [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ OPT - ] > ] ] >, PRD - ] ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ] ]. n_-_tt-post_le := n_-_tt-post_lexent """ Title noun, follows head B street appeared. """ . n_-_tt-post-caps_le := n_-_tt-post_lexent & """ Title noun, follows head, all caps Bigcorp AS suffered. """ [ TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+CLASS.+CASE capitalized+upper ]. ;; DPF 2012-04-07 - Added LEX - to avoid spurious analysis for *Kim Browne Inc.* ;; (avoid using title-compound rule with *Inc.* as head). ;; n_-_tt-post-npt_lexent := basic_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM title_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD [ MOD < [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] >, PRD - ], MC na ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, LEX -, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_clause_or_no_punct, RCLSTR [ RPAREN -, RFP - ] ] ] ]. n_-_tt-post-npt_le := n_-_tt-post-npt_lexent """ Title noun, follows head, head optionally comma or clause marked Lee Browne, Esq appeared. """ . ; For 'high mountain lodges' until a better solution emerges ... n_-_tt-post-mwe_le := noncqrs-hm & """ Title noun, follows hd, multiwd Bygdin high mtn lodge is. """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM basic_title_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD.MOD < [ MODIFD notmod, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < unexpressed & [ OPT - ] > ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PREPOSITIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Most prepositions can be modifiers. If they act as a modifier, we'll assume ; they have no subject (leaving for some distinct analysis Carl's "A unicorn ; at the helm, the ship sailed into the horse latitudes." This lets us use a ; single attribute, ARG, for the index of the phrase modified, or for the ; index of the subject of the PP, in a predicative construction. ; Prepositions also have a distinguished role ARG2 which has as value the ; index of the object of the preposition. We could introduce distinct role ; names for each preposition (e.g. "ON" for on_rel, "IN" for in-rel) but this ; would complicate the definition of the prep_synsem type, since it needs to ; know the role name to which it assigns the object's index. ; An ARG0 attribute is needed for PPs (and other substs used predicatively) ; occurring as complements of the copula as in "the meeting is on Tuesday", ; but on this analysis not postnominally. This ARG0 role used to be ; introduced in a separate support_rel, supplied by the copula, but is now ; introduced directly in the relation introduced by the predicate (prep or ; adj or verb). ; Prepositions, like adjectives and participial verbs, can have either ; predicative or nonpredicative synsems, so each ordinary preposition ; (actually the PP headed by the P) can unify with either a pred. or non-pred. ; constraint, which resolves the underspecification. One assumption here is ; that there are no contexts which are underspecified for the PRD feature ; for PPs. ; N.B. The RELS value of basic_prep_synsem cannot be a singleton list, since ; adverbs like "when" inherit this synsem, and add additional rels lexically. ; Here we only amalgamate non-local features from the complements, not the ; subject. This is so we don't get two identical gaps in an example like "Who ; does kim think is under the bed?". On the other hand, binding theory ; suggests that the subjects of prepositions really are on the ARG-S list. ; DPF (14-Mar-99) Constrained prepositions to not allow pied-piping in ; free relative constructions, where the QUE value is an index rather than ; a handle. ; DPF 18-Nov-04 - FIX - make HEAD be prep rather than n_or_p: no longer any ; visible motive for n_or_p. ; DPF 20-oct-09 - Changed HEAD to p_or_adv, to allow "how" and "why" to be ; underspecified for prep or adv. basic_prep_synsem := canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD p_or_adv, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPCMPS < > ], RSUBJHD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < > ] ] ]. ; DPF 18-Apr-01 - Removed ident. of ALTMIN with COMPS..MIN, since it prevents ; selection in v-np-pp verbs for a PP which is temporal or locative: want to ; block "When did kim put the book", but allow "Where did Kim put the book" ; We'll see where this constraint was being used. ; DPF 28-jun-07 - Made contentful preps PRD + so they take the right kind ; of measure-NP specifiers: "miles under the ice" but not "mile under the ice" norm_prep_synsem := basic_prep_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_prep & [ MINORS.MIN #min, TAM #tam ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ NEGPOL #negpol, --SLPASS + ], PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ], ... >, POSTHD +, NEGPOL #negpol ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #min ]. prep_synsem := norm_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD prep, CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, ARG-S < [ NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ] ], ... > ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; For predicative Ps and PPs like "when" which have a (non-expletive) NP subj prep_p_synsem := basic_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_prep, VAL.COMPS #comps ], ARG-S #comps ] ]. ;; DPF 17-Jul-01 - Restricted SPR to be very_deg_rel, to avoid e.g. "much ;; for Kim". ;; DPF 16-Nov-01 - But "very for Kim" is also bad", and note "very much for ;; Kim" is good, but not "very very for Kim". Seems reminiscent of contrast ;; between "*I want much to stay" and "I want very much to stay". Don't know ;; how to get this, but in any case fixed SPR. ;; DPF 10-Sept-01 - Made SPR be synsem_min rather than synsem, so PPs can ;; coordinate with VPs (which are necessarily SPR anti_synsem_min). ;; DPF 27-Apr-03 - Note that making SPR be much_deg_rel means that for now we ;; have to have two degree specifier lex-entries for the just_only_deg ones, ;; since we want them to work for positive adjectives, and cannot underspecify ;; much_deg vs. very_deg yet. Once we move to PRED for relation names, we ;; should be able to get rid of those duplicate deg-spec entries. ;; DPF 18-jul-06 - Removed SPR..MODIFD notmod_or_lmod since this interacted ;; badly with degree-specs identifying their MODIFD value with their SPEC's, ;; blocking examples like "directly down under Berlin". Believe this was here ;; to block e.g. (((ten meters) (in Paris)) (under Berlin)), but we can now ;; instead block this in rule pumping measure-NPs to degree-specs. prep_with_spr_synsem := basic_prep_synsem & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL.SPR < synsem_min & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_adv, VAL [ COMPS *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] > ]]], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #min ]. ; Ps and PPs that can be modifiers. ; Block PP modification of infinitival "to" - spurious ambiguity. ; Constrain MOD < [ --SIND > to be non_expl, for fragments like ; "perhaps in a week" ; DPF 10-Sept-01 - Removed MOD..MIN relation, since it prevents modification ; of no_copula VPs, as in "rain likely tomorrow" ; DPF 19-Feb-03 - Added link between HOOK.INDEX and KEY.ARG1 - don't know why ; this went missing (example: "Can kim arrive on tuesday after four"). ; DPF 11-Nov-03 - Removed reentrancy of LTOP and MOD..LTOP since this is being ; supplied by the head-modifier constructions generally, as required by the ; solution to the "apparently unsolvable problem" Kasper scoping examples. ; One extra benefit of this division of labor is that we now also get the ; right scoping for "On Tuesday who arrives?" where the PP does not want to ; share the handle with the filler-head phrase that it modifies. ; DPF 12-Mar-04 - Added MOD..SPEC < anti_synsem_min > to block modification by ; PPs of measure-NPs. Though this prevents "Five kilometers on snow is ; difficult", so we should reconsider. ; DPF 19-nov-04 - Okay, we reconsidered, and removed this constraint, in order ; to provide an analysis for "five kilometers on artificial snow is difficult". ; The apparently spurious additional ambiguity seems to be manageable. ; DPF 11-mar-05 - Finally decided to take the plunge and allow PPs to modify ; other PPs (along with Nbars, VPs, and APs), so we can get rid of the ; spurious ambiguity for "Kim will arrive on Tuesday": also constrain ; MOD to AUX -. Note that this analysis assumes that elided VPs are not ; marked for AUX: 'Kim can on Tuesdays'. ;; DPF 2024-06-14 - Changed MOD..--SIND from basic_non_expl to event_or_index, ;; to exclude handles. ;; basic_mod_n_or_vp_synsem := abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD subst & [ AUX - ], VAL [ SPR < synsem_min, ... >, COMPS < > ], MC #mc ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #ind & event_or_index ] >, MC #mc, POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #event, XARG #ind ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #event & non_conj_event, ARG1 #ind ] ]. prep_spr_mod_synsem := basic_mod_n_or_vp_synsem & prep_with_spr_synsem. prep_p_mod_synsem := prep_p_synsem & prep_spr_mod_synsem. prep_prd_or_nonprd_synsem := prep_synsem & prep_p_mod_synsem. ; Strict transitive prepositions which can be either predicative or non-pred: basic_one_arg_prep_synsem := prep_prd_or_nonprd_synsem & basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < prep_relation, ... > ]. one_arg_norel_prep_synsem := prep_p_synsem & norm_prep_synsem. one_arg_prep_synsem := basic_one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ] ]. ; DPF 14-may-09 - Changed SPR..COMPS from < > to *olist*, to allow ; *most probably from Kim* basic_trans_prep_synsem := basic_one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPEC < synsem >, COMPS *olist* ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #ind & non_expl ]. ; DPF 21-Jun-01 - Changed COMPS..INDEX from ref-ind to non_expl-ind so preps ; can be particles. ; DPF 8-Aug-01 - Removed identification of LTOP and COMPS..LTOP - unwanted. ;; DPF 23-02-08 - Changed COMPS..--SIND from overt_non_expl-ind to just ;; non_expl, so we don't force addition of quantifier for fragments such as ;; "too dark to see into" basic_norm_trans_prep_synsem := basic_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < [ --SIND non_expl, --MIN #cmin, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, NONLOC.QUE.LIST *paramlist* ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN just_only_notvery_deg_rel ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ]. ; Exclude possessive `of' norm_trans_prep_synsem := basic_norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ] ]. ; DPF 27-sept-04 - Added TAM.TENSE tense to enable blocking of coordination ; of ordinary PPs with nbar-complement PPs like "per unit" or "a person" trans_prep_synsem := norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE tense ]. ditrans_prep_synsem := prep_p_mod_synsem & norm_prep_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD + ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN #cmin, NONLOC.QUE.LIST *paramlist*, --SIND #objind ], [ --MIN #ocmin, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM [ ASPECT no_aspect ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST < prep_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG2 #objind & overt_non_expl-ind, LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ], ... > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, --COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ]. basic_lex_pp_synsem := prep_p_synsem & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < >, CAT [ VAL.COMPS < >, NEGPOL - ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ], LEX - ]. ; Try excluding lexical PPs modifing PPs, to avoid spurious ambiguity ; DPF 21-apr-08 - Added ALTMIN no_rel to let us exclude these from v_mod ; rule, to avoid spurious ambiguity for e.g. "We brought up the cat" ; DPF 19-jun-08 - Re 21-apr-08: But this ambiguity is not spurious - note ; also "We brought aboard the new arrivals" "We have since departed" etc. ; DPF 03-jun-10 - Move exclusion of PP modifee down to subtype, so we can ; still get e.g. colon-as-PP modifying PPs, as in *in this way :* ;; DPF 2012-09-30 - Removed MOD synsem constraint, since this prevented ;; extraction in copula constructions, as in *when is the game over?*, ;; where the extracted-adj rule imposes MOD anti_synsem on mother (and hence ;; on head-dtr). ;; DPF 2016-12-03 - Removed MOD..MODIFD notmod_or_rmod since this should be ;; handled phrasally by the head-adjunct rules. ; norm_lex_pp_synsem := basic_lex_pp_synsem & basic_mod_n_or_vp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN #min, PRD + ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel & [ PRED #min ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0 event, ARG1 individual ] ]. ; DPF 26-aug-07 - Restrict NORM to prevent these from appearing in ; v_mod constructions as in "moving on the river" ; DPF 20-apr-08 - Re 26-aug-07: But this also blocks ordinary copula-be+PP ; so remove, and revisit. FIX?? ; lex_pp_synsem := norm_lex_pp_synsem & prep_with_spr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPEC < synsem > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ] ]. ; Ordinary prepositions: ; Moved [ OPT - ] specification to subtypes, to allow "the day before" where ; the complement is missing. ; DPF (9-Mar-99) Made basic_prep_word not inherit from nonmsg, since it has ; its MSG identified with that of its modifiee (via the head_modifier rule) ; and that modifiee will sometimes have a non-empty message, as in ; "Is kim happy in Berlin" ; DPF 19-Nov-01 - Removed COMPS..MSG no_msg, since now want to get "this ; depends on whether kim arrives" and "I'm interested in who you met" ; DPF 25-may-09 - Added MODIFD notmod to avoid spurious ambig for e.g. ; 'barely in Paris' basic_prep_word := noncqr-h-nab & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT no_punctuation_min, MODIFD notmod ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-10-27 - Replaced COMPS..CAT nomp_cat_nonnom_min with the ;; corresponding constraints for nomp_cat and CASE, excluding the SUBJ *olist* ;; constraint which differentiates verbs and prepositions for NPs that are ;; WH-CPs, as in *we won with what he did*. ;; DPF 2018-06-01 - Added --SIND non_expl to enable chart dependencies to ;; exclude it- and there- copulas ;; norm_prep_word := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM basic_norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, CASE non_nom ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX index, CONJ cnil ] ] > ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ; Changed ref-ind constraint to non_expl-ind so prep's can be used as particles ; DPF 20-Oct-02 - Made SORT of ARG1 and first COMP be identified, to avoid ; spurious ambiguity for e.g. "ten to five" ; DPF 27-Oct-02 - But this runs afoul of the facts (1) that preps identify ; their own index with that of their MOD's index (since they're intersective), ; (which is also their ARG's index) and (2) that predicative ones identify ; their XARG index with their ARG's index. And anyway, "ten to five" doesn't ; use the preposition, but rather the n_x_to_y lexical entry. prep_word := norm_prep_word & [ SYNSEM trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT. HEAD.PRD + ] ]. ; DPF 02-Apr-02 - For now, block measure-phrase specifiers of ordinary ; prepositions -- too many spurious parses. ; DPF 17-Jul-03 - But we're losing too many good sentences, such as "Kim ; arrived a week after me" so removed SPR..LEX +. p_np_i_le := prep_word & """ Prep, np, intersective B sang for C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. p_np_i-nomnp_le := prep_word & """ Prep, np, intersective, block meas-NP complement Once a doctor, she was retired. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_or_no_rel]>]. ; DPF 24-aug-04 - For prepositions like "as" that exclude verbal gerund ; complements (to avoid spurious ambiguity) ; DPF 29-sept-05 - Also make PRD - to prevent e.g. "*Kim arrived from as ; Abrams" ; DPF 12-nov-05 - But this prevents these PPs from ever being modifiers, ; so instead tighten constraints on complements of e.g. 'from' to exclude ; these. ; DPF 11-sep-07 - Added SPR < anti_synsem_min > to avoid spurious reading ; for "(as) well as .." ;; DPF 2017-02-27 - Abandoned this type, since the only instance was "as", and ;; we do want to get *I'll go on record as saying that victory is possible* ;; p_np_i-nger_le := prep_word & """ Prep, np, no gerund B was hired as a writer. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun ] > ] ]. basic_p_nmod_lexent := norm_prep_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun_or_nomger ] > ], VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, --SIND non_expl-ind ] > ] ]. ; DPF 25-oct-05 - Collapsed this type with the following - need PRD + on PPs ; in order to force measure-NPs to be inflected: "ten feet under them" not ; "*ten foot under them". (was only used for 'about') ;p_nmod_prd_le := basic_p_nmod_lexent & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD + ]. ; DPF 13-mar-10 - Moved SLASH.LIST < > down to subtypes, so we can analyze e.g. ; `the trip to and from Paris' p_nmod_lexent := basic_p_nmod_lexent & [ SYNSEM norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD + ] ]. p_np_i-nm_le := p_nmod_lexent """ Prep, np, noun mod B knew a lot about C. """ . p_np_i-nm-slash_le := p_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, np, noun mod, block prefix modification B works for WSJ/Europe. """ [ DERIVED na ]. ; 'than' of "kim had more of them than sandy" ; 13-mar-06 - But we also need this, for now, to get "more to offer than Kim". ; So we'll live with the spurious ambiguity for the simple case. ; DPF 14-may-10 - To allow for the hyper-correct "taller than I", copy the ; relevant constraints from intervening types, and make it basic_prep_word. ; ; p_np_i-than_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, np, 'than' FIX (eliminate) B has more to say than C. """ [ SYNSEM norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun_or_nomger, --MIN part_nom_rel ] > ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ OPT -, --SIND non_expl-ind, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX index, CONJ cnil ] ] > ], --SIND non_expl, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.E.TENSE nontense ] ]. ; For "to", to avoid so much ambiguity for e.g. "ten to twelve" ; DPF 3-nov-03 - Changed MOD..MIN from non_temp_nom_rel to norm_nom_rel to ; prevent attachment to proper names. ; DPF 21-dec-05 - Changed COMPS..MIN from non_temp_nonpro_rel to ; non_temp_nom_rel, since we want 'the road to it is open' ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Re: 3-nov-03 - But this blocks eg. "Berlin to the north ; is cooler." FIX. ; DPF 10-oct-06 - Okay, made named_np_rel be subtype of this MIN, so now ; get attachment to proper names, and will live with added ambiguity. ; DPF 16-oct-06 - Replaced MOD..MIN norm_nom_or_place_rel with old and better ; non_temp_nom_rel to include partitives as modifiees: "two to Paris" ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Make MOD.FIRST be synsem, to block these from extracted-adj ;; rule as in *rose [to 10 million]* ;; DPF 2022-12-29 - Changed MIN from non_temp_nom_rel to time_or_non_temp_rel, ;; to allow "the time to the airport". p_np_i-nm-no-tm_lexent := p_nmod_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < synsem & [ --MIN time_or_non_temp_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN non_temp_nom_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ] ]. p_np_i-nm-no-tm_le := p_np_i-nm-no-tm_lexent """ Prep, np, non-temp noun mod B went into the house. """ . ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - Reduce massive ambiguity of ;; "the cat rose 15% to $6.9 million, or 21 cents a share" by excluding ;; meas-adv deg-spec ;; p_np_i-nm-no-tm-to_le := p_np_i-nm-no-tm_lexent & """ Prep, np, non-temp noun mod, only "to" in order to exclude measure-adv degree-spec to avoid ambig. The price rose to $10 million. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_or_no_rel ]. ; possessive 'of' ; DPF 28-mar-05 - Removed ARG0..TENSE nontense since this prevents e.g. ; 'Pollock is of what nationality?' Also removed PRD - for same reason. ; DPF 17-apr-05 - Block SPR from being realized, to avoid spurious analyis ; of e.g. 'bits of rope' ; DPF 18-jul-07 - But this also blocks "mainly of Kim's", so let's instead ; restrict the SPR to being a degree adv. ; DPF 24-jul-07 - Still want to avoid having PPs modify these of-PPs, so ; add hack [AUX +] here. FIX someday. Note that currently fail to analyze ; *In Paris, he is of considerable interest.* ; DPF 18-jul-07 - While it was tempting to make the COMP be basic_nonpro_rel, ; to contrast "cats of mine" vs. "*cats of me", this also blocks ordinary ; constructions like "the intensity of it" "the presence of us (in the room)". ; So relax constraint to nom_rel, and wait for more insight about how to ; block "the cats of us". ; DPF 15-apr-08 - Re 24-jul-07: Note that this blocks "This paper is of high ; quality today". But the extra ambiguity is still a pain, so leave hack in ; for now. ; DPF 2010-11-05 - Constrain SPR..ALTMIN to no_rel in order to prevent ; meas-NP-deg phrases as in spurious analysis of *three miles of roads*. ;; DPF 2015-03-14 - Re 24-jul-07: It's also wrong to block PP modification of ;; of-PPs: *he was of the same opinion yesterday*, and even ;; *people of the same opinion yesterday ...*. ;; So removed hack, and choose to live with the spurious ambiguity in e.g. ;; *the cats of New York in winter ...* ;; DPF 2017-09-16 - Generalized COMPS..SPEC from < anti_synsem_min > to ;; *anti_list*, so we can also get measure phrases, as in ;; *two thirds of the $2 billion* where the of-PP is now treated as normal ;; possessive `of', not selected for. ;; DPF 2020-07-02 - Considered constraining ALTMIN to no_rel to prevent these ;; in absolutives (np_pred_phr) such as "*[[The trees] [of New York]], we arose" ;; but we also want e.g. jh:3013882 "...two branches... both of equal length". ;; p_np_i-nm-poss_lexent := basic_p_nmod_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN quant_or_deg_rel, NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ] ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN nom_rel, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC *anti_list* ] > ] ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. p_np_i-nm-poss_le := p_np_i-nm-poss_lexent """ Prep, np, poss 'of' The cities of France grew. """ . p_np_i-nm-poss_le_mal := p_np_i-nm-poss_lexent & """ Prep, np, poss 'of' The cities of of France grew. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ; 'of mine', 'of Kim's' ; DPF 11-jan-10 - Removed COMPS..MIN implicit_q_rel since this blocked ; `of Kim's', since `Kim's' now has def_explicit_q_rel. ; p_np_i-poss-gen_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, np, genitive NP Those dogs of B's barked. """ [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD -, AUX +, TAM.TENSE tense, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det, CONT.HOOK.XARG #cind ], --MIN nodef_q_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det & [ MINORS.ALTMIN poss_rel, POSS + ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, --SIND non_expl ] ]. p_np_i-ngap_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM norm_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL intersective_mod & [CAT [ HEAD subst & [ AUX - ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem_min, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #mind & basic_non_expl ], CONJ cnil ] ] >, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, CASE non_nom ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #cind ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < > ], OPT - ] >, SPR *anti_list* ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #rel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #mind, ARG2 #cind ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ; e.g. since p_np_i-ngap_le := p_np_i-ngap_lexent """ Prep, np, no gap B has grown since 1990. """ . ;; DPF 2016-03-01 - Also prevent these from being extracted as a whole ;; ; e.g. *e.g.* p_np_i-nmob_le := p_np_i-ngap_lexent & """ Prep, np, no gap, not extractable B arises, e.g. on Monday. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_nonmob ]. p_np_minute_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, np, only for minute prep hour B arises at ten after three. """ [ SYNSEM basic_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_nonmob & [ MINORS.MIN conj_rel, MOD < anti_synsem_min > ], VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_nonnom_min & [ --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #rind, CONJ cnil ], --MIN numbered_hour_rel, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, NONLOC non-local_none ] >, SPR *anti_list* ], POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind & ref-ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #min, --SIND non_expl ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. ; For particles ; DPF 31-may-07 - Removed COMPS..INDEX non_expl since we want to allow ; 'We saw to it that Kim left' where "to it" needs expletive "it". ;; DPF 2011-jul-30 - Removed PRD -, since we want these to unify in context ;; where need PRD +, namely in small clauses for gapping: *Kim relies on ;; speed, and Terry on stamina* ;; DPF 2016-10-27 - Removed COMPS..SUBJ *olist* since we want to allow NPs ;; that are WH-CPs here, but still block them as complements of verbs, so now ;; use SUBJ for the contrast. ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Added INDEX basic_non_expl so particles don't license ;; expletive it/there in parse chart. ;; gen_p_prtcl_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM gen_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN selected_prep_rel, ALTMIN #min ], TAM [ TENSE untensed, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min & [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN #min, LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl ] ] ]. basic_p_prtcl_lexent := gen_p_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, CONT.ICONS ] ] ]. ; DPF 06-may-04 - Changed COMPS..CASE from acc to non_nom to allow obliq ; complement NPs, including WH-S NPs, as in "that depends on who stays" ; DPF 29-may-07 - FIX semantics for "Kim's belief only in Abrams" where ; the LTOP and XARG of "only" need to get bound to something reasonable. ;; DPF 2018-06-04 - It's tempting to reduce parse chart ambiguity by limiting ;; the complement NP to non_expl, but this conflicts with at least the verb ;; *see to it that S*. ;; DPF 2019-10-12 - Changed to identify AGR of particle and complement, to ;; preserve distinction between *one of a group of cats* and **one of a cat* ;; p_prtcl_lexent := basic_p_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #sprtop ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD nominal & [ POSS -, MOD < >, CASE non_nom ] ], AGR #agr ] ] > ], AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #sprtop ] ] ]. ; Disallow measure-NPs for most particle preps (except 'of') ;; DPF 2012-09-21 - The above is a strange constraint, doubly so since now ;; MNPs without an overt determiner already have a non-empty SPEC, so all ;; this was doing was blocking *we rely on a meager $10 to survive* ;; Let's see what else goes wrong by changing it to *anti_list*. ;; norm_p_prtcl_lexent := p_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC *anti_list* ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - May not need both this type and p_np_ptcl-ref_le below. FIX ;; p_np_ptcl_le := norm_p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, np, sem empty B relies on C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook, CONT.HOOK #hook & [ XARG basic_non_expl ] ] ]. p_np_ptcl-expl_le := norm_p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, np, sem empty, expletive complement B saw to it that C arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #cind & it-ind ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX basic_non_expl, XARG #cind ] ] ]. p_np_ptcl-ref_le := norm_p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, np, sem empty, no expletive compl The salmon was devoured by the bear He was annoyed by it to shave himself """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ --SIND non_expl, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ]. p_nb_ptcl_le := p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, sem empty B promoted C to vice president. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT - ], SPEC *anti_list* ] ], CONT.HOOK #hook & [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #ind ] ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ] ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. ; DPF - This is a place-holder solution for equative and comparative phrases, ; until we work out an adequate semantics for e.g. "taller than Abrams" or ; "as soon as convenient" ; DPF 31-mar-05 COMPS..MOD *anti_list* excludes subord-preps as in spurious ; analysis for "(as soon) as possible" ; DPF 13-nov-05 - But this also prevents lexical PPs like "before" which ; make MOD be synsem. So let's use NORM norm_non_num_rel instead, ; DPF 15-jul-07 - Removed COMPS..CASE non_nom, since we want "taller than he" ; in formal written English. ;; DPF 2013-10-26 - This no-gap constraint just seems wrong: ;; *Who is Kim taller than?* ;; So we remove it, and see what happens. ;; DPF 2016-01-30 - Push COMPS..NORM norm_non_num_rel down to the non_NP-taking ;; subtype, so we can get e.g. *than Italian* where *Italian* happens to have ;; NORM no_rel. ; For VP,AP,PP, and NP complements basic_p_noslash_prtcl_lexent := basic_p_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_rel, VAL.SPR *olist* ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash, --SIND non_expl ] ]. p_noslash_prtcl_lexent := basic_p_noslash_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ]. ; For VP,AP,PP complements, where need to bind LTOP ; 30-aug-05 - Can't have PRD + on COMPS since this would block ; 'as soon as Kim arrives' ; 14-nov-05 - But to block "than in" we'll try constraining the COMPS..MOD ; to be an *anti_list* which excludes lexical PPs. ;; 2010-10-23 - Re 14-nov-05: But this blocks "easier than before". So to ;; distinguish "in" from "before", constrain MOD to be [HEAD verb], even ;; though this blocks adjectives; make separate type for these. ;; DPF 2015-07-20 - The COMPS..ALTMIN role_rel blocks *than ever*, so let's ;; try doing without, and accept the (possibly correct) ambiguity of e.g. ;; *than Tuesday* ;; DPF 2017-09-27 - Re 30-aug-05: But we do now get *as soon as Kim arrives* ;; without using this type, so let's put PRD + back on complement, so we can ;; block **we would rather arrive than arises*. Note that this means we can't ;; treat *we would rather arrive than arise* with the comparative `than' since ;; `rather' blocks the CP-taking `than' (to avoid **kim would rather arise than ;; seemed possible* - cf. *Kim arrived more quickly than seemed possible*). ;; So we instead use the correlative conjunction pair `rather...than' and treat ;; *would rather arrive than arise* as VP-coordination. ;; p_prd_ptcl-ngap_lexent := p_noslash_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a_or_p & [ MINORS [ MIN independent_rel, NORM norm_non_num_rel ], MOD.FIRST.LOCAL intersective_mod, PRD + ], VAL.SUBJ *synlist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF basic-prop ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. p_prd_ptcl-ngap_le := p_prd_ptcl-ngap_lexent & """ Prep, prdp (PP or VP) B was better than in Paris. Who is B better than? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ] > ]. p_prd_ptcl-j_le := p_prd_ptcl-ngap_lexent & """ Prep, AP comp, no gap B was the opposite of happy. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj & [ PRD +, MOD < synsem > ] ] > ]. ; For NP complements, where cannot bind LTOP (given that for some lexical NPs ; like 'anyone' or 'that', the LTOP exposes the nominal relation's LBL, in ; order to support intersective post-nom modification, e.g. 'anyone in Paris') ; DPF 23-jun-08 - With improved treatment of lexical NPs, can now bind LTOP ; as we should. ; DPF 25-may-09 - Changed COMPS..HEAD back from noun_or_gerund to nominal, ; since no record of why changed, and we were blocking "higher than now" ;; 2010-10-24 - Added COMPS..PRD + to avoid spurious ambiguity for ;; npadv measure-NPs as in *as big as a dollar* ;; DPF 2012-11-07 - Added COMPS..MOD < > to block predicative NPs, as in ;; *than president* ;; DPF 2020-05-08 - To block *it is better to win than losing* in place of ;; *it is better to win than to lose*, use hack of CASE obliq here, and ;; CASE acc for than+VP. ;; p_np_ptcl-ngap_le := p_noslash_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, np, sem empty, no gap B is taller than C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD nominal & [ PRD +, MOD < >, CASE real_case ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX ref-ind ] ] ] >, HEAD.CASE obliq ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-04-22 - Propagate --BARE from NP complement to phrase, so we can ;; avoid mal-rule analysis of *what kind of cat* with bare-sg *cat*. p_np_ptcl-of_le := p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, np, sem empty, meas-np ok B reached a height of 3 ft """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR *olist*, HEAD.--BARE #bare ], CONT.HOOK #hook ], HEAD.--BARE #bare ], CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. addin_cp_basic_prep_synsem := basic_prep_nomod_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn. addin_cp_prep_nomod_synsem := gen_prep_nomod_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn. ;; DPF 2017-09-27 - Make these NORM no_rel so we can block these gapped ;; than-CPs for `rather, sooner' as in **we would rather arise than he did* ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Algebra mismatch. FIX. ;; ; 'Kim hired more consultants than Abrams did' p_cp_ptcl-ell_le := basic_p_prtcl_lexent & """ Prep, S-elided, particle B hired more than C did. """ [ SYNSEM addin_cp_basic_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MINORS.ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, SPR *olist* ], MC - ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC non-local_none ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ltop, RELS , HCONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-04-03 - Remove NORM no_rel to get "less than he ate" ;; DPF 2018-06-01 - Note that this type surprisingly identifies INDEX with ;; the comp's LTOP, so the comparative predication can preserve scope for ;; the argument supplied by *than ...*. ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Algebra mismatch. FIX. ;; DPF 2022-05-25 - Generalized COMPS..MC to na_or_- so we also accept ;; "as clearly as was Venus in the poem" ;; p_cp_ptcl-gap_lexent := gen_p_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM addin_cp_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel, TAM indic_tam ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, SPR *olist* ], MC na_or_-, --SLPASS - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF basic-prop ] ] ] >, KCMP #keycomp ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ltop & handle ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-04-08 - Block subject gap: *this is easier than disappear* p_cp_ptcl-npgap_le := p_cp_ptcl-gap_lexent & """ Prep, S-with-NP-gap, particle B hired more than C hired. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #ind & ref-ind ], AGR #slagr ] > ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR #slagr ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-08-01 - The COMPS..SLASH..HEAD was just `mobile' but should be ;; `prep' to exclude CP-gaps as in *it is higher than the treaty allows*. ;; p_cp_ptcl-ppgap_le := p_cp_ptcl-gap_lexent & """ Prep, S-with-PP-gap, particle B arrived as soon as we disappeared. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD prep & [ MOD < synsem > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #event & non_expl ] > ] >, CONT [ HOOK.XARG #event, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; *easier to arise than to sleep* ;; DPF 2018-03-31 - Distinguish VP-inf from VP-bse complement, to block ;; **there is nothing more important than read this book* contrasted with ;; *there is nothing more important than to read this book*. ;; DPF 2020-05-08 - To block *it is better to win than losing* in place of ;; *it is better to win than to lose*, use hack of CASE acc here, and ;; CASE obl for than+NP. ;; p_vp_ptcl-ngap_lexent := p_noslash_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat, CONT.HOOK #hook ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, HEAD.CASE acc ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ]. p_vp_ptcl-ngap_le := p_vp_ptcl-ngap_lexent & """ Prep, inf VP with no gap, particle It is easier to stay than to go. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM inf ]. p_vp_ptcl-ngap-bse_le := p_vp_ptcl-ngap_lexent & """ Prep, base VP with no gap, particle It is easier to stay than go. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM no_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ] ]. ;; "more subconsciously than consciously" ;; DPF 2024-06-07 - Constrain complement to be non-phrasal to avoid indef_adv ;; as in "more quickly than a hero". ;; p_adv_ptcl_lexent := p_noslash_prtcl_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < abstr_lex_or_deriv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN independent_rel, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL intersective_mod], VAL.SUBJ *synlist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF basic-prop ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < > ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. p_adv_ptcl_le := p_adv_ptcl_lexent """ Prep, advP B reacted more subconsciously than consciously """ . ; DPF 8-Jan-02 - Added constraint on SPR to exclude measure-NP specifiers, as ; in "*There are a book in the office" ; DPF 1-Jun-09 - Re 8-Jan-02: But this also excludes coordinated sprs, as in ; 'Kim arrived nearly but not entirely in readiness.' So p_reg_lexent := prep_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN non_temp_nom_rel, OPT - ] > ]. ; DPF 25-oct-05 - Make [PRD +] to force measure-NP specs to be inflected: ; "ten feet under the ground" not "*ten foot under the ground". p_np_i-reg_le := p_reg_lexent & """ Prep, np, non-temp B stood behind C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD + ]. ; DPF 02-Apr-02 - blocks e.g. "an office by Sandy" as in "kim was shown an ; office by Sandy". Hack, since it also blocks "Kim lives right by the river" ; DPF 31-oct-03 - Changed this constraint from SPR < unexpressed > to ; restriction excluding measure NPs which are now [HEAD noun]. ; DPF 18-mar-05 - Further constrained to locative sense which does not take ; gerundive complements, and introduce separate "by" for "by means of", to ; enable blocking of unwanted coordinations such as "from here and by arriving" ; And further constrained to prevent stranding, though this may be too strong: ; "?Which library is that tree by?" ;; DPF 2017-06-09 - Re 18-mar-05: Yes, too strong, since it also prevents RNR ;; as in *by and for the people*. p_np_i-dgsp_le := p_reg_lexent & """ Prep, np, no meas-np specifier. Only *by* B stood right by C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] >, COMPS < [ --SIND.SORT entity ] > ] ]. ; For "from" of "ten weeks from now" where in AmEng we block "he'll be here ; from now". p_np_i-oblsp_le := p_temp_lexent & """ Prep, np, obl specifier B arrives a week from now. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < expressed_synsem >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LEX + ] > ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY temp_abstr_rel ] ]. ; 'by hiring Abrams' ; DPF 29-may-09 - Relaxed MOD..HEAD to include nominals, as in ; 'Kim, by arriving, surprised us.' p_np_i-ger_le := p_reg_lexent & """ Prep, np, gerund B won by singing well. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_v_or_a ] >, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] >, COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun, --SIND.SORT nom-event, --MIN nonpro_rel ] > ] ] ]. ; DPF 24-Oct-01 - Added identity of AGR..PN, DIV and NP comp's AGR..PN, DIV to ; support agreement in partitives, as in "none of the rice arrives" but "*none ; of the rice arrive" ; DPF 1-Mar-02 - Removed TAM.TENSE no_tense since this blocked predicative ; of-PP as in "this picture is of Sandy". Also replaced ; [MOD..MIN never_unify_rel] with never_unify_event_rel since it blocked the ; no-copula "a chance of rain". ; DPF 17-Apr-03 - Identified prep's ALTMIN with its complement's MIN, to ; preserve visibility of the embedded NP's MIN for NP's like ; 'both of the days' where this can still serve as an adverbial modifier, ; while 'both of the chairs' cannot. ; DPF 2-Sept-04 - Restricted MOD..INDEX to ref-ind, to block "a bit of rain" ; as a no_copula construction (contra 1-Mar-02 view - now treat those as ; NP fragments). ; DPF 31-May-02 - Constrain to only modify nominals. ;; DPF 2016-10-18 - Re 31-May-02: Until we have a general mechanism for allowing ;; VP-final post-posing of post-modifiers of subject nouns, we'll relax this ;; plausible constraint so we can also get *nothing was to be seen but the sky* ;; DPF 2017-09-28 - We want to avoid this type in *but Kim was a surprise*, so ;; require MOD to be expressed. ;; DPF 2018-02-15 - Exclude nominalized questions, to avoid this analysis for ;; *we departed but he remained* ;; p_np_i-nsp-ngap_le := prep_word & """ Prep, np, no gap, no specifier, non-mobile B won nothing but the gold """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST expressed_synsem, VAL [ SPR < unexpressed >, COMPS < [ OPT -, --SIND.SORT norm-entity-or-event, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ], CTXT.ACTIVATED - ] ]. p_temp_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_loc_rel, VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD nominal & [ CASE non_nom, POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, CONJ cnil ], OPT - ] > ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. p_np_i-tmp_le := p_temp_lexent """ Prep, np, temporal The game on Monday is here """ . ;; DPF 2016-08-10 - Generalize from MOD..HEAD v_or_p to v_or_a_or_p in order ;; to also get *I'll be awake by then* ;; DPF 2019-11-15 - Changed entry for "by" from this type to the one above, ;; so we can get *Cats who by then had eaten slept*. ;; p_np_i-tmp-vm_le := p_temp_lexent & """ Prep, np, temporal, vp mod B had won by Friday. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p ] >, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ] ]. ; Used e.g. for "from", as in "from under the table" ; DPF 6-Apr-01 - Also used for "worth" as in "ten dollars worth of food" ; DPF 01-sept-04 - Removed PRD + since it prevents "Kim put it back in the box" ; DPF 29-sept-05 - Added COMPS..PRD + to block depictives as complements: ; "*Kim arrived from happy." ; DPF 21-may-06 - Changed MOD n_or_v to MOD n_or_v_or_a ;; DPF 2015-09-21 - Replaced SLASH.LIST < > with SLASH.LIST *arglist* so we ;; can get *the place where she came from* even though we don't have an NP ;; variant for relative "where". ;; DPF 2018-02-24 - Re 2015-09-21 - But this *arglist* means we can't parse ;; *in Paris, cats were admired except near the Louvre* because "except" ;; restricts the SLASH to a type which is incompatible with the extracted ;; modifier of *admired*. Anyway, we now do have an NP relative pronoun *where* ;; so we go back to SLASH.LIST < > here. ;; p_ppcomp_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, TAM.TENSE tense, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL.SPR < synsem_min, ... > ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN #min, OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD + ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG non_expl, RELS.LIST < prep_relation, ... >, ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #min, --SIND non_expl ] ]. ;; 2020-05-11 - Added COMPS..INDEX..TENSE no_tense ;; p_pp_i-coprd_lexent := p_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense, XARG #ind ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, --SIND event ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-04-02 - Restrict complement to nonlex_synsem to avoid analysis for ;; *in on* p_pp_i-coprd_le := p_pp_i-coprd_lexent & """ Prep, pp, no lex-pp complements, not modifying PPs B wins except on clay. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_v_or_a ] >, VAL.COMPS < nonlex_synsem & [ --MIN loc_abstr_rel ] > ] ]. p_pp_i-coprd-lx_le := p_pp_i-coprd_lexent & """ Prep, pp, can also take lex-pps and modify PPs B directed from within. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN loc_abstr_rel ] > ]. p_ppcomp_scop_lexent := p_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #cltop ] > ], CONT [ HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. p_pp_i_le := p_ppcomp_scop_lexent & """ Prep, pp, not modifying PPs B bought books, such as for C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS ] ] ]. p_pp_s_le := p_ppcomp_scop_lexent & """ Prep, subord-PP complement B bought books, except as prohibited. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. ; 'from now on', maybe 'from two to four' p_ditrans_lexent := noncqrs-m & [ SYNSEM ditrans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONJ cnil ], OPT - ], synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.MC na, NONLOC.QUE.LIST *paramlist*, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #ltop, --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. p_np-ptcl_i_le := p_ditrans_lexent & """ Prep, np, prtcl, only 'from' B won from Monday on. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX index ] ] ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LEX + ] >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-08-01 - Changed to make the second PP complement supply its own ;; semantics, rather than being a semantically empty PP. ;; p_ditrans_from_to_lexent := p_ditrans_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND #arg2, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN nonpro_rel, ALTMIN quant_rel ] ], [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX non_expl, XARG #xarg ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xarg ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. p_np-pp_i-frm-to_le := p_ditrans_from_to_lexent & """ Prep, np, pp, only 'from' B won from April to July. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX index ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-12-21 - Added more general --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel instead of ;; non_temp_nbar_rel. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Removed second comp's --MIN _to_p_nbar_rel per trunk ;; p_nb-pp_i-frm-to_le := p_ditrans_from_to_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, pp, only 'from' B ran from room to room. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem & [ OPT -, --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ]]>, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], [ ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. p_np-pp_i-more-than_le := p_ditrans_from_to_lexent & """ Prep, np, pp, more-than B was more a gardner than a farmer. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX index ] ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #comp2ind ] >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; DPF 13-Mar-02 - Changed PRD - to PRD +: "the response was as expected" ; DPF 2-Jul-02 - Added MOD..HEAD verb to prevent spurious analysis for e.g. ; "Abrams sees Browne as being a competent manager." ; DPF 8-Jun-03 - Split this "as" into two lexical entries, one with an ; independent rel, taking verbal (PRD +) complements and able to serve as a ; modifier phrase or copular complement, and one with a selected_rel ; taking adj-or-prep complements, but MOD < >. and nonprd. ;; DPF 2012-06-15 - Corrected semantic composition so the ARG2 is a handle, ;; not the VP's event. ;; DPF 2018-03-25 - Re 2-Jul-02: We also want *papers as described*, so ;; generalize MOD..HEAD to n_or_v p_vp_i_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, vp(prd), only 'as' The price was as expected. """ [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_v ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_cat & [ HEAD verb ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, XARG #xarg ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS *olist* ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #ind ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. p_vp_i-inf_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, vp(inf), only 'as' The price was not so high as to scare us """ [ SYNSEM basic_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MOD < anti_synsem > ], VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_inf_cat, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK #hook & [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #ind ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. p_prd_ptcl_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, prdp, sem empty B strikes C as clever. """ [ SYNSEM basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR *unexplist*, --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_cat & [ --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ; when: "use of this device when shaving/angry/in Berlin is ..." ;; DPF 2017-06-08 - Also for "until and while", so we can get coord PPs such as ;; *cook for three minutes or until done* ;; *go shopping in paris and while in London* ;; DPF 2022-05-16 - Generalized complement's CAT from prd_cat to prd_or_adv_cat ;; to allow nonscopal adverbs, as in "He left, albeit unhappily" and ;; "Though not intentionally, she became rich". ;; DPF 2022-11-05 - Block spurious post-modif of these PPs as in "when walking ;; on glaciers" via MODIFD. ;; p_prd_i_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Prep, prdp, n mod, Kids when hungry complain. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_or_adv_cat & [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST unexpressed ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E.TENSE untensed, XARG non_expl ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0 & non_conj_event ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD lmod, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. ; Prepositions that don't modify nominals - e.g, 'until' ; DPF 25-oct-05 - Inherits [PRD +] forcing measure-NP specs to be inflected: ; "ten feet under the ground" not "*ten foot under the ground". ;; DPF 22-12-31 - Generalized SPR..ALTMIN from abstr_meas_nom_rel to ;; comp_or_meas_rel to get "pegged more to this than to that". ;; DPF 23-02-08 - Changed COMPS..--SIND from overt_non_expl-ind to non_expl, ;; so we don't leave unbound ref-ind for e.g. dict def "be a witness to" ;; basic_p_no_nmod_lexent := norm_prep_word & [ SYNSEM basic_norm_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p ] >, TAM.TENSE tense ], VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT -, --SIND non_expl ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_meas_rel ] ] ] ]. p_no_nmod_lexent := basic_p_no_nmod_lexent & prep_word. ; DPF 1-May-03 - Additionally, block phrasal degree specifiers to avoid ; spurious reading for "Abrams showed an office to Browne". ; DPF 26-sep-07 - Added [CASE obliq] to allow us to block these from the ; it-cleft copula as in "It was to Kim that we ran". ; DPF 2010-08-16 - Added restriction that NP complement is not temporal, ; though this is not principled, to avoid spurious analyses for e.g. ; "We came down early". FIX someday ?? ; DPF 2010-09-17 - Re 2010-08-16: This blocks "continued into the evening". ; so split into two subtypes, one excluding temporals, the other not. p_np_i-nnm_lexent := p_no_nmod_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.CASE obliq, VAL.SPR < [ LEX + ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - Reduce massive ambiguity of ;; "the cat rose 15% to $6.9 million, or 21 cents a share" by excluding ;; meas-adv deg-spec ; 'to' p_np_i-nnm_le := p_np_i-nnm_lexent & """ Prep, NP, no noun mod B ran to the house. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_or_no_rel ]. p_np_i-nnm_le_mal := p_np_i-nnm_lexent & """ Prep, NP, no noun mod, robust B ran to to the hill. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ; "down" p_np_i-nnm-nt_le := p_no_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, NP, no noun mod, no temporal complement B ran up the hill. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.CASE obliq, VAL [ SPR < [ LEX + ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN non_temp_nom_rel ] > ] ] ]. ; Additionally block pronominal NP complements - e.g. 'as' p_np_i-nnm-npro_le := p_no_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, NP, nonpro, no noun mod B waited until the end. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN nonpro_rel ] > ]. ; For colon lexical entry p_np_i-nnm-ngap_le := p_no_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, NP, nonpro, no gap *:* C likes cats: red ones. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem >, CASE obliq ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ --MIN basic_nonpro_rel ] > ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL prep_notense_relation ] ]. ;; DPF 2021-06-30 - For extraposed of-PP as in "pictures were taken of Kim", ;; avoiding spurious "the pictures were of Kim" ;; DPF 2022-05-04 - Avoid attachment to S to reduce ambig of "what is the ;; population of the Bahamas?" ;; DPF 2022- 11-05 - Avoid modification of elided VP: "is of course good" ;; p_np_i-nnm-nprd_le := basic_p_no_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, NP, no noun mod, non-prd Pictures were taken of Kim. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ PRD -, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel, VAL.SUBJ *synlist* ] ] ]. ; "Case-marking" prepositions, which cannot be modifiers ; and (let's assume) also cannot be modified, so stipulate [ SUBJ < > ]. ; ; DPF 10-Jun-99 - But they can take specifiers: "Kim fell nearly to the bottom" gen_prep_nomod_synsem := lex_synsem & prep_with_spr_synsem & prep_p_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ OPT -, --MIN #cmin ] > ] ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL basic_arg12_relation & [ PRED prep_rel, LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. basic_prep_nomod_synsem := gen_prep_nomod_synsem & basic_one_arg. prep_nomod_synsem := basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ --SIND #ind, LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC [ QUE.LIST *paramlist*, SLASH.LIST < > ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0, XARG #pind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #pind, ARG2 #ind ] ]. ; Lexical PPs basic_pp_word := noncqrs-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM lex_pp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_adv & [ MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ] ] ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-11-01 - Generalized MOD..HEAD to subst, since we also want to get ;; *before, we were beside Kim* pp_word := basic_pp_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep & [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst ] > ]]]. ; 'astray' pp_-_i_le := pp_word """ PP, intersective B saw C above. """ . pp_-_i-nomodn_le := pp_word & """ PP, intersective, no n_mod B slept on. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel, MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p ] ]. ; 'about' pp_-_i-nmb_le := basic_pp_word & """ PP, non-mobile (no extrctn) B hung about. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p, MODIFD.RPERIPH - ] >, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-07-25 - Changed MOD..HEAD to subst from v_or_a_or_p, to admit ;; *test cases:*. This will add ambiguity, but so be it. ;; DPF 2015-05-15 - Removed MOD..RPERIPH - so we can get colon as vmod as in ;; *says: we arise* ;; DPF 2022-07-02 - Added SYNSEM.OPT - to prevent "Kim:" as np-prdp_vpmod_c ;; DPF 2023-01-24 - Exclude PP as modifiee, and add MODIFD lmod to exclude this ;; as modifiee of PP. ;; pp_-_i-cln_le := basic_word & """ PP, only for post-head colon B likes cats: """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM lex_pp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_v_or_a ] >, PRD + ], VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min >, MC na ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, MODIFD lmod, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT clause_or_no_punct ] ] ]. ; DPF 25-mar-05 - Added hack [CASE obliq] to prevent particle PPs from ; fronting. ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Added INDEX basic_non_expl so particles don't license ;; expletive it/there in parse chart. ; pp_-_ptcl_le := noncqrs-hm-nab & """ PP, sem empty B looked forward to it. """ [ SYNSEM basic_lex_pp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS.MIN selected_rel & #min, MOD < >, PRD -, CASE obliq ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX basic_non_expl, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED #min, ARG1 #xarg ] ] ]. ; 'right away' pp_-_i-vm_le := pp_word & """ PP, vp mod B left right away. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p ] > ]. pp_-_i-vm-nmb_le := basic_pp_word & """ PP, vp mod, not extractable B arose though. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_nonmob & [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p ] > ] ]. ; 'each' pp_-_i-nm_le := pp_word & """ PP, noun mod We took two books each. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun & [ MINORS.MIN basic_nom_rel ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - For "ago" of *until ten minutes ago* ;; The OPT + prevents subord with-NP-PP for *with ten minutes ago* ;; Constrain SPR to unexpressed, to avoid extra reading for *a year ago* ;; with degadv. ;; pp_-_i-nm-meas_le := pp_word & """ PP, noun mod B stayed until ten minutes ago """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun & [ MINORS.MIN meas_nom_rel ] ] >, VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ], OPT + ] ]. ; 'PDT' pp_-_i-nm-tm_le := pp_word & """ PP, hour-noun modifier It begins at ten _PDT_. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ --MIN numbered_hour_rel ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED timezone_p_rel ] ]. ; below, down, ... ;; DPF 2016-11-01 - Since we have a pp_-_i-dir-nom_le type which constraints ;; the MOD to be a noun, remove the MOD constraint on the more general type ;; here, so we can get e.g. *He came forth* now that we have directional-PP ;; verbs requiring the PP to be MOD verb (to avoid spurious ambig). ;; pp_dir_lexent := pp_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD. MINORS [ MIN dir_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ]. pp_-_i-dir_le := pp_dir_lexent """ PP, directional B flew across. """ . ;; DPF 2018-06-02 - For a few frequent preps such as "in", for efficiency, ;; to avoid massive unwanted ambiguity. ;; pp_-_i-dir-nomodn_le := pp_dir_lexent & """ PP, no n_mod we stayed in. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p ]. ;; DPF 2018-02-17 - Exclude some lexical PPs from v_mod, particularly "by" to ;; avoid spurious analysis of *given by Kim* ;; DPF 2022-06-25 - Replaced by the following type ;; #| pp_-_i-dir-novmd_le := pp_dir_lexent & """ PP, directional, no v_mod We drove by. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ]. |# ;; 'by' - Used only as complement of directional verbs, not as modifier ;; pp_-_i-dir-nomod_le := pp_dir_lexent & """ PP, directional, not modifier The years went by. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.SUBJ <[] > ] ] ]. ; 'after' ;; DPF 2023-02-08 - Generalize MOD..SPR..HEAD from det to det_or_adv, so we can ;; get "anytime after" pp_-_i-nm-tmp_le := pp_word & """ PP, temporal noun mod B arrived the day after. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ --MIN basic_nom_rel, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det_or_adv ], --SIND ref-ind & [ SORT time ] ] >, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.E.TENSE nontense ] ]. ; Postpositions ;; DPF 2016-10-17 - Were wrongly constraining SPR..QUE.LIST < >, but we want ;; *how many years ago ...*. So remove. ;; DPF 2019-08-23 - Generalized MOD..HEAD to include prep, so we can get ;; *Years ago, we were in Paris.* ;; DPF 2022-04-22 - Re 2016-10-17: But we still want to constrain QUE, so ;; identify its value with that of its specifier. ;; pp_-_i-po_lexent := noncqrs-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM norm_lex_pp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD + ], VAL.SPR < synsem_min & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind & ref-ind ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ], MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, OPT - ], anti_synsem_min >, POSTHD + ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-08-29 - Changed SPR..ALTMIN from indef_or_num_q_rel to ;; implicit_q_rel to require only measure NPs, avoiding spurious ambiguity ;; for *a year ago* ;; DPF 2013-01-09 - Generalized SPR..MIN to abstr_meas_nom_rel in order to ;; also allow *We arrived a couple of days ago* ;; DPF 2015-03-18 - Changed SPR..MIN from abstr_meas_nom_rel to meas_nom_rel ;; to avoid spurious ambig for *years ago* with simple bare-plural *years*. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - Re 2015-03-18: Let's instead try doing without the bare- ;; meas-NP rule, so again generalize to abstr_meas_nom_rel. ;; DPF 2020-05-17 - Re 2012-08-29: But this blocks *a long time ago*, so ;; change SPR..ALTMIN from implicit_q_rel to udef_a_q_rel, and live with ;; ambig for *a year ago*. ;; ; For 'ago', constrain SPR to be only temporal measure NPs. pp_-_i-po-tm_le := pp_-_i-po_lexent & """ PP, postposition, temporal B arrived two days ago. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST [ --SIND.SORT time, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel, ALTMIN udef_a_q_rel, NORM quantity_rel ] ] ]. ; For e.g. 'Kim's objections notwithstanding, we won't stay.' pp_-_i-po_le := pp_-_i-po_lexent """ PP, postposition (ARG2 as spec) Doubts notwithstanding, go """ . ; DPF 29-Nov-02 - Stipulate HOOK.XARG nothing to prevent these from appearing ; as complements of predicative 'be'. ; DPF 4-Feb-03 - But the HOOK of a modifier is now the HOOK of the hadj phrase, ; and a VP (with or without a PP modifier) has to present its XARG as the ; index of its SUBJ, so it can't be 'nothing' - must be ref-ind. And anyway, ; by-PPs can be complements of the copula: "The best route is by car". So ; instead constrain subtype for e.g. "per" with incompatible value for TENSE. ; DPF 4-Feb-03 - Changed COMPS type from lex_synsem to abstr_lex_synsem to ; admit compound nouns, as in "I paid by credit card". ;; #| p_nbar_comp_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #sprmin, CASE non_nom, --BARE na_or_- ], VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det, NONLOC non-local_none, --MIN #sprmin ] >, COMPS < > ] ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ], POSTHD + ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL prep_relation & [ ARG2 #arg ], ALTKEYREL [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #arg & ref-ind ] ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. |# p_nbar_comp_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #sprmin, CASE non_nom, --BARE na_or_- ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det, NONLOC non-local_none, --MIN #sprmin ], COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ], POSTHD + ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL prep_relation & [ ARG1 individual, ARG2 #arg ], ALTKEYREL [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #arg & ref-ind ] ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ; DPF 9-jul-04 - But this blocks e.g. "per day", so make this constraint be ; specific to the lex entry for "by". ; DPF 27-aug-04 - Changed COMPS..MODIFD notmod to notmod_or_lmod to allow ; 'by private car' or 'by large Zodiac raft'. basic_p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent := p_nbar_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN implicit_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #nhand ], --SIND #ind ] > ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < #keyrel, #altkeyrel, ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #nhand ], ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 #ind & non_expl ] , ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ RSTR #rhand ] ] ] ]. p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent := basic_p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct, OPT - ] >, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN #ckey ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --+COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. ; DPF 12-Apr-03 - Added COMP..MIN non_temp_nom_rel to block e.g. means reading ; for "by three o'clock' ; DPF 21-Mar-07 - Since this also blocks "sorted by date", instead constrain ; the SPR of the nbar-complement to be HEAD det, which will still block this ; analysis for "by three o'clock". If sustainable, then lose the type ; p_nb_i-per_le. FIX. ; DPF 03-oct-08 - Need some general mechanism to block unwanted frequently ; occurring phrases like "as well". For now, co-opt NORM attribute, though ; need to FIX. ;; DPF 2017-06-27 - Re 03-oct-08: Changed NORM norm_rel to quantity_or_norm_rel ;; so we can allow measure phrases as in *ten cents per centimeter* ;; p_nb_i_lexent := p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, nontemp noun B arrived by car. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem & [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM quantity_or_norm_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ] ] > ]. p_nb_i_le := p_nb_i_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.DIV -, AGR.DIV - ] ]. ; For preps like "as" which can take phrasal nbar complements p_nb_i-phr_le := p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent & """ Prep, nbar (phrasal) C as new kid was teased. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.DIV - ], AGR.DIV - ] ] > ]. ; For prep "between" which can take phrasal nbar coord p_nb_i-crd_le := p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent & """ Prep, nbar (phrasal) the morsel fell between plate and mouth. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, --SIND conj_ref-ind, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.DIV -, AGR.DIV - ] ] > ]. ; 'step by step' p_nb_i-oblsp_le := basic_p_nbar_comp_spr_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, oblig nbar spec B approached step by step. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ OPT -, --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LEX +, LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN unsp_pernum, CAT [ VAL [ SPCMPS < >, COMPS < > ], POSTHD + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #sltop, INDEX #arg & nonconj_ref-ind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #pred ] >, COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem & [ LEX +, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, LOCAL.AGR.DIV -, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #pred ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. ; DPF 24-Jun-01 - Added SUBJ to block 'per' reading: "Abrams ; is a manager" ; DPF 29-Nov-02 - But [E.TENSE no_tense] should be enough ; DPF 5-Sep-03 - Added SPR < anti_synsem_min > to prevent spurious readings ; like for "three times a day" ; DPF 27-Sep-03 - no_tense won't be enough to block this as copula complement ; since all PPs are no_tense. Instead use new value 'nontense'. ;; DPF 2012-09-21 - Pushed COMPS < abstr_lex_synsem > down to subtype, since ;; want to allow *She ran for governer of Florida* ;; p_nbar_comp_nospr_lexent := p_nbar_comp_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.E [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ] ]. ; Added MOD..ALTMIN no_rel to prevent "a person" from modifying e.g. gerunds. ; 10-Nov-01 - But now gerunds are unmarked for ALTMIN, since they need to be ; able to appear as left members of noun-noun compounds. ; DPF 30-Aug-01 - Added COMPS <[MODIFD notmod]> to block "a ten percent ; probability" with a_per. ; DPF 3-Jul-02 - Added [MOD..LEX +] to block spurious analyses as for ; e.g. "every manager who has a bookcase" ; DPF 16-oct-03 - Changed MOD..ALTMIN to impl_or_expl_q_rel to exclude proper ; nouns, to still block e.g. "Kim a book". ; DPF 19-may-05 - Added MOD..NORM no_rel to prevent modification of ; e.g. locative 'there', while still avoiding modification of gerunds, as ; in 'hiring a consultant' ; DPF 26-mar-06 - But this blocks "ten days a week", so changed NORM to ; norm_rel (still blocks modif of 'there' and gerunds). ; DPF 28-aug-07 - Added COMPS..NORM quantity_or_no_rel to block unusual nouns ; like in "a little". ; DPF 20-jun-08 - Changed MOD..MIN nonpro_rel to gen_nom_nbar_rel to exclude ; proper names, to avoid e.g. "Browne an office and interviewed programmers" ;; DPF 2013-09-24 - Re 3-Jul-02: But this prevents the desired analysis ;; of *50 / day* with partitive *50* which is [LEX -]. So instead make the ;; MOD be itself MODIFD notmod. ;; DPF 2013-09-26 - Re 30-Aug-01: Generalized to notmod_or_rmod, since we ;; want measure-noun abbreviations to be rmod, so they won't appear as ;; heads of noun compounds. Also, we want to allow *per pound of flour*. ;; DPF 2016-12-08 - Re 2013-09-26: Generalized to notmod_or_lmod, now that ;; we are attaching prenominal adjectives before post-hd modifiers. ;; DPF 2017-05=30 - No longer recall why this was PRD -, but it conflicts ;; with requiring post-nominal AP and PP modifiers to be PRD + (cf.2017-05-29 ;; comment in syntax.tdl for n_adj_redrel_phrase). So make PRD +, and check. ;; DPF 2020-04-12 - Removed COMPS..MODIFD notmod_or_rmod and instead changed ;; COMPS abstr_lex_synsem to basic_lex_synsem, to still block ;; *a ten percent probability* but allow *a metric ton*. ;; DPF 2022-05-20 - Re 2020-04-12: But we also want "$10 a Mesa share", so ;; go back to abstr_lex_synsem, and give up on excluding "a ten percent ;; probability" as syntactically ill-formed. ;; DPF 2022-05-28 - Reduce ambiguity of "10 cents or 21 cents a share" by ;; blocking NP coord of "10 cents or 21 cents" then modified by "a share". ;; ; 'a (per)' basic_p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent := p_nbar_comp_nospr_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_trans_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD basic_noun, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det_or_adv ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, OPT -, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel, PRD + ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM quantity_or_no_rel, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #nhand ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX non_conj_event, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ RSTR #rhand ] ] ] ]. p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent := basic_p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, ALTMIN impl_or_expl_q_rel ], PUNCT.RPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ], VAL.COMPS.FIRST abstr_lex_synsem ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-07-24 - Generalized norm_nom_rel to reg_nom_rel, so we can also ;; get *ten cents a share* where *share* is MIN meas_nom_rel. ;; DPF 2017-08-08 - And further to reg_or_temp_nom_rel so we get ;; *two times a day* ;; p_nb_i-nm_le := p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, noun mod, con onset (only *a*) B read ten pages a day. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk, --MIN reg_or_temp_nom_rel, LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] > ]. p_nb_i-nm-an_le := p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, noun mod, voc onset B read ten pages an hour. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk, LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] > ]. ;; DPF 22-07-01 - Generalized COMPS..--MIN from norm_nom_rel to ;; norm_nom_or_time_rel so we can get "ten feet/second" ;; DPF 2024-03-29 - Restricted complement to HEAD non_partn to exclude ;; "for two" with day-of-month "two". p_nb_i-nm-any_le := p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, noun mod, any onset The sonata for violin was popular. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN norm_nom_or_time_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD non_partn, AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] ] > ]. p_nb_i-nm-any-slash_le := p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, noun mod, any onset, block prefix punctuation The limit was ten/person. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN norm_nom_or_time_rel, LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] >, DERIVED na ]. ;; For adverb-like prepositions introducing Nbars for apposition ;; The SUBJ *anti_null* prevents these PPs from being post-modified. ;; p_nb_i-nm-app_le := basic_p_nbar_comp_nmod_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, noun mod, any onset Kim, currently director of finance, retired. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ *anti_null*, COMPS < [ --MIN norm_nom_or_time_rel ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-12-18 - Added quant_rel for contentful p_nb `to', and removed it ;; from the ditrans p_nb-pp `from', since the LBL of the bare nbar is not ;; visible to the `from'. ;; p_nb_i-nmd_lexent := p_nbar_comp_nospr_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.PRD -, AGR.DIV - ] ] > ] ] ] ]. ; 'of' in "what kind of book(s)' ; 'the 25th to 28th of May' ; p_nb_i-nmd_le := p_nb_i-nmd_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, no mod That kind of dog barks. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.ALTMIN #min ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index ], --MIN #min ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. ;; DPF 2024-04-12 - Removed COMPS..DIV - so we can also get ;; "from teacher to pupils" p_nb_i-nmd-to_le := p_nbar_comp_nospr_lexent & """ Prep, nbar, no mod, contentful From week _to_ week """ [ SYNSEM basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] >, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN quant_rel ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #objind ] ] ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ RSTR #rhand ] ] ] ]. ; 'planes leave _every_ four hours' #| p_np_i-msr_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, NP, measure phr B arrives every four hours """ [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD +, VAL [ SPR < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < nonlex_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN meas_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ --MIN degree_rel, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] >, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #nind, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ], POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #plbl, INDEX #pind, XARG #arg1 ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ;every_interval_p := p_np_i-msr_le & ; [ ORTH < "every" >, ; SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED loc_nonsp_rel, ; PHON.ONSET voc ] ]. |# ;; DPF 2015-03-26 - Added MINORS.NORM norm_rel to prevent these from using ;; vmod rule as in *[mark {or Kyle sent]] the card*. ;; p_aj_i-compar_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep with comparative adj complement, modifies named number people age ten and older """ [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < synsem & [ --MIN named_num_or_fract_rel ] >, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], VAL [ SPR *anti_list*, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MINORS [ MIN adj_rel, ALTMIN comp_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep, --MIN _than_p_compar_rel]> ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, SPEC < > ], POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL prep_relation & [ LBL #ltop, ARG2 #arg & event ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ;; Temporal prepositions: ; "ten minutes to three" - "to" as head ; Use POSTHD to allow "half past three" and "three thirty" but block ; "?thirty past three" and "*three half" ; DPF (12-Jul-98) The specifier on hour_prep_words has to be [ OPT + ] in ; order to block prenominal adjectives from attaching, since they distinguish ; proper from common nouns by the optionality (or absence) of the specifier. ; This distinction doesn't seem to work well here, but it's the only case, so ; perhaps the analysis of "ten after three" should be reconsidered. ; DPF (11-Jul-99) But this [OPT +] incorrectly predicts that "To five thirty ; suits me" is good, and worse, it allows "to five thirty" to act like an NP in ; appositive constructions. So instead of this hack, constrain adjectives to ; only modify nominals with a DET specifier. ;; DPF 2016-03-16 - We now have a lexical rule that converts one- and two-digit ;; cardinal number adjectives into nouns which take an obligatory prepositional ;; complement (which is itself underspecified for whether it is ;; complement-saturated). This should give us "ten to two", "ten to" and ;; "ten after (two)". Now "ten minutes to two" has a separate entry for ;; "minute" with a similar obligatory to/after PP complement. ;; DPF 2016-10-20 - Added NORM norm_rel to stop these from undergoing vocative ;; rule, as in *First, we ate breakfast* ;; DPF 2022-12-29 - Added --BARE + to block these as dtr of npadv_measnp_rule. ;; basic_minute_noun_synsem := lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN minute_n_rel, NORM norm_rel ], --BARE + ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED minute_n_rel, ARG0 #mininst & ref-ind, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ], ALTKEYREL [ PRED def_implicit_q_rel, ARG0 #mininst, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-06-01 - For efficiency, constrain to PP comp, to avoid *ten to* ;; as NP. ;; minute_noun_wcomp_synsem := basic_minute_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, MINORS.MIN minute_n_rel ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_nonmob & [ PRD -, MINORS [ MIN conj_rel, ALTMIN numbered_hour_rel ]], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cind, XARG #mininst ], CONJ cnil ], OPT -, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX ref-ind & #cind & [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ] ], ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED minute_n_rel, ARG0 #mininst & ref-ind, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ], ALTKEYREL [ PRED def_implicit_q_rel, ARG0 #mininst, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ] ] ]. ; ten pm to two am ; Tuesday to Friday ; ten mph to twenty mph ; DPF 3-Jul-02 - If MIN is interval_rel, then we predict wrongly that all of ; these constructions can be modifier NPs like "Tuesday". But the modifying ; capability seems to be whatever the interval endpoints are: "Kim stayed ; Tuesday to Saturday" but "*Kim stayed Abrams to Browne". So let's try ; making the MIN be the SPR's MIN instead. ; DPF 28-Apr-03 - The [PRD -] feature prevents this from undergoing the ; temp_np rule, so we don't get "Kim stayed Tuesday to Saturday". Let's try ; removing this constraint and see what happens. ; DPF 15-jun-04 - Restrict two arguments to [LEX +] to avoid spurious ; ambiguities; so admit "Tuesday - Wednesday" but not "Hire Kim -- his brother" ; with the sense of x_to_y. ; DPF 21-aug-04 - Removed SYNSEM..ALTMIN never_unify_rel, since it prevents ; these from appearing in NP-N compounds, as in "the Berlin - Paris route". ; Don't know what it was trying to exclude. ; DPF 25-sept-04 - Can't use LEX + to avoid 'Hire Kim - his brother' ; (cf. 15-jun-04) since this would also block 'Two - three p.m. is okay' ; since 'two' is [LEX -] in order to sustain contrast of 'we have a two p.m. ; meeting' vs. '*we have a two meeting'. But happily we already have the ; constraint on MIN of each dtr NP requiring abstr_named_rel, which does the ; job we want, as long as we correct the erroneous type definition for ; reason_rel which wrongly unified norm_nom_rel and abstr_named_rel. Sigh. ; DPF 7-mar-05 - Removed [PRD -] constraint on SPR and COMPS, since proper NPs ; now have their PRD value identified with their INFL value. Don't know why ; this constraint was originally imposed. Now only require that the PRD values ; of the two be identified, to avoid spurious ambiguity. ; Also changed parent type from norm_msg_word to norm_word since it needs ; to be unmarked for INFL in order to appear in compounds ; (eg. "the Berlin - Paris route"). ; DPF 14-nov-05 - Hack: added [AUX +] to prevent these from being modified by ; PPs, avoiding spurious analysis for "from Paris [[to Rome] on Thursday]" ; DPF 06-mar-06 - Propagated LEX from right dtr via HS-LEX, to block 'the ; Paris to a city in Italy tour' ; DPF 24-may-06 - Further constrained NPs to be not post-modified, to avoid ; further spurious ambiguity. ; DPF 15-sept-07 - Removed identif of INFLECTD and PRD, since want to constrain ; HCOMP rule to require INFL + hd-dtr, to avoid spurious edges for e.g. ; 'hire Kim'. We'll remind ourselves of why this identity was clever? ; DPF 17-may-09 - Changed SPR..MIN nonpro_rel to nonpro_or_num_rel, to allow ; *items 1 - 3* ;; DPF 2016-08-07 - Re 06-mar-06: But constraining HS-LEX this way wrongly ;; excludes *the two to four meeting*, since *four* is necessarily [LEX -] to ;; exclude **the four meeting*. And anyway, seems grammatical for at least ;; some post-modified X-to-Y phrases in compounds, as in ;; *the city of love to city of flowers tour*. So remove this constraint, and ;; live with the awkwardness of example above. ;; DPF 2016-10-15 - Push the SPR..COMPS < > constraint down to subtypes, since ;; at least for the dom subtype as in *June 23 - 25* we want to constrain the ;; SPR to still have its COMPS nonempty, so we can ensure that it is not ;; inflected (see below). ;; DPF 2020-04-25 - Pushed identity of SORT on SPR and COMP down to subtypes, ;; since it's not true for the special case of p_nb_pre-meas as in ;; *10 dollar an huur job*. ;; DPF 2022-06-25 - Added RPERIPH bool to exclude these as head of v_mod as in ;; "- 1 by Moody's ..." basic_n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent := noncqrs-hm & [ SYNSEM basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, PRD #prd, MINORS [ MIN nonpro_or_num_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none & [ SLASH.LIST < > ], OPT - ], ... >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < synsem & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, PRD #prd, MINORS.MIN nonpro_or_num_rel], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none & [ SLASH.LIST < > ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPCMPS < > ] ] ], MODIFD.RPERIPH bool, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent := basic_n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, --SIND.SORT #sort, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ], COMPS.FIRST.--SIND.SORT #sort ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #index, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], [ PRED udef_q_rel, ARG0 #index & ref-ind, RSTR #rhand, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #nhand ], ... >, ICONS ], AGR.DIV - ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED never_unify_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2013-02-12 - Anchored CFROM and CTO to those of the first rel. ;; DPF 2013-06-13 - Added [LPERIPH +] to first SPR, to prevent these ;; interval expressions as right members of compounds. ;; DPF 2016-10-14 - Re 2013-16-13: But we do want these in the head-dtr of ;; compounds when they are not themselves the head, as in ;; *real-time face-to-face event*. ;; So instead add constraint MODIFD rmod so these cannot be heads in compounds, ;; but can still modify the head dtr in a compound. ;; DPF 2022-06-17 - We want to block "10 [cent - [a-]]" where an inflected noun ;; is the complement of the interval. So for now ... ;; See related comment on n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent:2018-01-06 ;; n_x_prep_y_lexent := basic_n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent & [ INFLECTD na_or_+, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ POSS -, MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST [ --SIND #arg1 & [ SORT #sort ], LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.ALTMIN abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel ] ], COMPS.FIRST.--SIND #arg2 & [ SORT #sort ] ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS.LIST < #keyrel & [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #index, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], prep_relation & [ LBL #nhand, PRED interval_p_start_rel, ARG0.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], ARG1 #index & ref-ind, ARG2 #arg1, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], prep_relation & [ LBL #nhand, PRED interval_p_end_rel, ARG0.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], ARG1 #index, ARG2 #arg2, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], ... > ] ], MODIFD rmod, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ;; DPF 2010-sept-13 - Removed identity of --MIN on SPR and COMPS, since we ;; want e.g. Paris - Berlin - Rome, where one of the two will be interval_rel, ;; while the other will be named_np_rel. ;; DPF 2012-09-26 - Removed COMPS.MIN and SPR..MIN abstr_named_rel, to allow ;; meas-NPs, so let's see where this overgenerates. ;; DPF 2015-09-08 - Removed COMPS..MODIFD notmod_or_lmod so we can admit ;; *Paris - Berlin (via Brussels)* ;; DPF 2016-08-06 - Removed strange OPT - from second specifier, since it ;; must be unexpressed anyway, and the constraint blocked the projected phrase ;; from undergoing npadv rule to admit (the admittedly informal but occurring) ;; *we'll meet ten to twelve* meaning `from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock'. ; n_np_x-to-y-sg_le := n_x_prep_y_lexent & """ Diadic n 'to' (XtoY) -sg np cmp Berlin to Paris was quick. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN interval_modable_rel, AUX +, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3s, CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN named_or_meas_rel & #sprmin, ALTMIN impl_or_proper_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ], unexpressed_reg & [ OPT +, --MIN abstr_def_or_udef_q_rel ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN named_or_meas_rel, LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3s, CAT.VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & [ PNG.PN 3s ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.DIV + ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED interval_rel, --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --+OCOMPKEY #sprmin ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-10-11 - The SPR was constrained to be LOCAL noninfl_noun_local, ;; but this prevents *peer to peer* even though we were getting *text to speech* ;; because *text* also underwent n-opt-comp rule which just gives [LOCAL local] ;; on mother. Since the head-spec rule type identifies INFLECTD on mother and ;; both dtrs, and this lex type sets INFLECTD to na_or_+, we must drop the LOCAL ;; constraint here. So let's see if we still overgenerate. ;; -- Yes, we're getting *old to hire* as a full NP, because we had to undo that ;; identify of INFLECTD on the two dtrs of the head-spec rule. So go back to ;; LOCAL noninfl_noun_local on SPR, and live with the ambig (for now) for those ;; nouns that have an optional complement, and hence can slip by this ;; constraint. ;; DPF 2016-11-06 - Generalized --MIN values for spr anc cmp to also allow ;; temporal nouns, so we can also get *the year to year trends*. Was ;; non_temp_nbar_rel, now gen_nom_nbar_rel. ;; DPF 2018-01-06 - Re 2016-10-11: This noninfl_noun_local constraint prevents ;; *the 1960s to 1970s*, so let's drop it, and see if we can impose INFLECTD + ;; generally on the spr in the sp-hd_hc rule. If not, maybe have to live with ;; the ambiguity, until and unless we make INFLECTD a feature of SYNSEM, as we ;; often seem to need. ;; DPF 2020-05-08 - Block coord nbars to avoid for ;; *[soccer for endurance and team] strategy* ;; DPF 2022-06-17 - Re 2018-01-06: We had not removed noninfl_noun_local ;; constraint on spr, but doing so would not give us "the 1960s to 1970s" ;; (would still need to supply a determiner), and also not "1960s-1970s era" ;; as N-N compound (which wants a non-inflected nonhd), so expect to analyze ;; those in another way, and here constrain the complement to be singular ;; (necessary because the hcomp rule requires the complement to be inflected). ;; This lets us block an interval analysis of "the cat-dogs mouse". ;; But push down to subtypes, so we can also get "debt-to-assets ratio" with ;; "to-". ;; basic_n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent := n_x_prep_y_lexent & [ INFLECTD na, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN interval_rel, AUX +, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LOCAL noninfl_noun_local & [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT -, --MIN quant_rel ], COMPS < > ], HEAD.--BARE - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #spltop, INDEX #spind & nonconj_ref-ind ] ], LEX +, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ], anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ --MIN gen_nom_nbar_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT -, --MIN quant_rel ], HEAD.--BARE - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cind & nonconj_ref-ind ] ], LEX +, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR [ DIV -, PNG.PN 3s ] ] ] ]. n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent := basic_n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ]. ;; *the 3 to 2 score* n_nb_x-to-y_le := n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent & """ Diadic n 'to' (XtoY) - nbar comp and spr The text to speech engine worked. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED interval_rel ]. ;; *the 2-for-1 stock split* n_nb_x-for-y_le := n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent & """ Diadic n 'for' (X-for-Y) - nbar comp and spr The 2-for-1 stock split appeared. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED "exchange_n_rel" ]. ;; *the 3-to-2 score* n_nb_x-to-hyphen-y_le := basic_n_nb_x-prep-y_lexent & """ Diadic n 'to-' (XtoY) - nbar comp and spr, with hyphen, plural comp The debt-to-assets ratio improved. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED interval_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2011-11-19 - There is remaining spurious ambiguity here, since we can't ;; demand that the SPR be [INFLECTD +], and since e.g. *October ten* must be ;; able to be [INFLECTD -] (for *the October ten meeting*), we get two. ;; FIX someday ;; DPF 2013-02-12 - Renamed to n_nb_x-to-y-dom_le since this one is only for ;; dofm specifier and comp. ;; DPF 2013-06-13 - Restricted first SPR to be non-inflected, since we ;; only want one analysis, and can't easily force them to be inflected. Using ;; constraint [LOCAL noninfl_noun_local]. ;; DPF 2016-10-15 - Re 2013-06-13: For this to continue to work, now that we ;; make dofm nouns take an optional yofc complement, we constrain the COMPS ;; list to be non-empty, so the optcomp rule won't apply and thus lose the ;; type constraint on LOCAL. ;; n_nb_x-to-y-dom_lexent := n_x_prep_y_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN interval_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN dofm_rel & #sprmin, LOCAL noninfl_noun_local & [ CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT - ], COMPS *cons* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #sptop, INDEX #spind ] ] ], synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det & [ MINORS [ MIN basic_def_explicit_q_rel, ALTMIN mofy_or_the_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], OPT - ], anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ --MIN dofm_rel & #sprmin, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem & [ OPT - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cind ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED interval_rel, --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --+OCOMPKEY #sprmin ] ] ]. ;; Cardinal dofm interval: ;; *October ten to eleven*, **The ten to eleven (of October)* ;; ; n_nb_x-to-y-dom_le := n_nb_x-to-y-dom_lexent & """ Diad n 'to' (XtoY) - nbar cmp, cardinal dofm We met May 23 to 25. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN dofm_card_rel ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN mofy_rel ], [ ] >, COMPS.FIRST.--MIN dofm_card_rel ] ]. ;; Ordinal dofm interval: ;; *October tenth to eleventh*, *The tenth to eleventh (of October)* n_nb_x-to-y-ord_le := n_nb_x-to-y-dom_lexent & """ Diad n 'to' (XtoY) - nbar cmp with ordinal dofm. We met May 23 to 25. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN dofm_ord_rel, COMPS.FIRST.--MIN dofm_ord_rel ] ]. ;; For *the $10 a share price* ;; DPF 2020-04-18 - Added SPR..SPR..HEAD det to disambiguate ;; *the $2 a gallon tax* now that we also allow *the five cent a gallon tax* ;; DPF 2022-05-20 - Generalized SPR..MIN from meas_nom_rel to reg_nom_rel, to ;; also get "a ten car a day pace". Check for cost of extra ambiguity. ;; p_nb_pre-meas_lexent := basic_n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #mind ] ], OPT - ] >, PRD -, MINORS.MIN #pred ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN reg_nom_rel, ALTMIN implicit_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det], COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #sphand, INDEX #arg1, XARG #ltop ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_lmod, OPT - ], anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det], COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #arg2 ] ], OPT - ] > ], POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.DIV - ], --SIND non_expl, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED #pred ] ] ]. p_nb_pre-meas_le := p_nb_pre-meas_lexent & """ Measure Nbar complement, cons onset, only `a' meaning `per' The $10 a share price """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PHON.ONSET con ]. p_nb_pre-meas-an_le := p_nb_pre-meas_lexent & """ Measure Nbar complement, voc onset, only `an' meaning `per' The $10 an ounce price """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PHON.ONSET voc ]. ;; *per* which combines with either con or voc complement p_nb_pre-meas-cv_le := p_nb_pre-meas_lexent """ Measure Nbar complement, cons onset, only `a' meaning `per' The $10 a share price """ . p_np_x-to-y-num_le := n-or-p_x_to_y_lexent & """ prep 'to' (XtoY) - scores: numbers They lost 3 to 2. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS.MIN #min, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ.FIRST synsem, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #xarg ] ] ] > ], VAL [ SPR < [ --SIND #arg1, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN number_q_rel, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ], anti_synsem_min >, COMPS.FIRST [ --SIND #arg2, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN number_q_rel, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ] ]. ; DPF 13-Aug-01 - For 'mid to upper' as in "the mid to upper nineties" ; Meaning intended to be something like "the nineties in the interval whose ; start is the mid somethings and whose end is the upper somethings" ; DPF 01-sept-04 - Removed MINORS.MIN basic_adj_rel from SPR and COMPS, to ; allow "three to five chairs" ; DPF 23-apr-09 - Generalized HEAD from adj to adj_or_intadj to enable ; intervals in measure phrases: *5-10 ft. tall* ; DPF 2010-09-14 - Identified MIN on SPR and COMPS, to avoid spurious analysis ; of *close to fifty cats* ;; DPF 2012-04-07 - Added MOD < synsem > to prevent adjunct extraction here ;; DPF 2013-09-30 - Constrained both SPR and COMP to be LEX + in order to ;; avoid e.g. spurious *impossible to apply to other* ;; DPF 2015-04-28 - Added RPERIPH bool to prevent these from appearing as ;; head of v_mod rule, as in *to PP Adj* ;; DPF 2015-07-07 - Added ALTMIN no_rel to block these from undergoing ;; partitive_np_num_phrase, as in *tricky to implement gen-adj* ;; DPF 2015-09-20 - Don't know why CARD - was added recently, but it blocks ;; measure-NP for *7 - 10 kg.*, so removing it. ;; DPF 2019-11-28 - Added MOD expressed_synsem to block num-det rule as in ;; *big - eared cats* ;; DPF 2023-01-03 - Re 2015-07-07: The no_rel blocked "15th to 17th centuries" ;; since ordinals have SPEC superl_rel (to get "third most"). So change ALTMIN ;; to superl_rel. ;; aj_pp_i-x-to-y_le := noncqrs-m-nab & """ Adj, only interval 'to' B has small to big cats. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ MOD < expressed_synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT basic_basic_nbar_cat, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #nomarg & non_expl & [ PNG #png ] ], CONJ cnil ] ] >, MINORS [ MIN interval_p_end_rel, ALTMIN superl_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < expressed_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, MINORS.MIN #min ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]>]], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #fghand, XARG #fromarg ], CONJ cnil ], LEX +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ TAM [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, MINORS.MIN #min ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #tghand, XARG #toarg ], CONJ cnil ], LEX +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #nomarg ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #arg0 & nonconj_indiv, XARG #nomarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR [ PNG #png, DIV - ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel, MODIFD [ LPERIPH na, RPERIPH bool ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ADVERBS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Adverbs modify VPs and APs either pre-head or post-head (or both). ; Sentence-initial adverbials are treated as extractions of post-VP modifiers, ; unless the adverbial is a pre-head modifier. Otherwise, it would be hard to ; block post-S attachment along with post-VP attachment, which would give ; spurious ambiguity. ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Removed nonprd_synsem parent, since trying to make ; head_adj rule constrain adj to be PRD +. ;; DPF 2017-09-27 - Pushed COMPS < > down to subtypes, since we want to treat ;; the special modal-like `rather' and `sooner' as comparative adverbs that ;; take a than-PP, as in *they would rather sing than dance* or ;; *he will sooner sing than dance*. ;; basic_basic_adverb_synsem := basic_one_arg & basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL local_basic & [ CONJ cnil ], MODIFD.LPERIPH #lperiph, OPT - ] >, MINORS.MIN basic_adv_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR #spr & [ FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc ], SPCMPS #spc ] ], ARG-S #spr ], MODIFD.LPERIPH #lperiph, --SIND non_expl ]. basic_adverb_synsem := basic_basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. ;; DPF 2020-12-08 - Based on discussion at DELPH-IN 2020, make the INDEX of ;; scopal adverbs be its own ARG0, not the ARG0 of what it modifies, to ensure ;; that coordinated VPs with a scopal adverb produce an MRS with the intended ;; interpretation, as in "Kim arrived and didn't leave" ;; scopal_spec_adverb_synsem := spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD adverbee, MC #mc ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, XARG #xarg ] ] ] >, MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #index & non_conj_event, XARG #xarg ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG0 #index, ARG1 #hand & handle ] ]. ; DPF 17-Dec-01 - Made MOD..E-INDEX reentrant with E-INDEX, and the INDEX ; values the same: ; 'Chairs currently available arrived" ; DPF 04-may-05 - We consider restricting intersective adverbs to not modify ; auxiliary VPs, to avoid generating e.g. "Abrams carefully is leaving." ; But this also blocks e.g. "Abrams will often be early" - if anything, the ; generalization is that these adverbs don't want to attach to finite aux VPs, ; but that constraint is hard to express, and it's probably even more tricky ; to get the real constraint right - cf. ellipsis: "Kim often will." Or even ; "Kim sometimes might say this". So remove AUX - from MOD. ;; DPF 2015-03-12 - Removed identification of MC on adv and MOD, since we now ;; want e.g. *we arrived, says Kim happily* where "happily" attaches to the ;; S/CP which is MC -, not MC na. ;; DPF 2017-09-30 - Constrain MOD to be QUE.LIST < > to avoid *when suddenly* ;; since these adverbs identify their QUE value with that of their spr, which ;; ends up as 0-dlist if the spr is unexpressed, and hence these advs don't ;; propagate the QUE of the hd-dtr, so they better not modify QUE 1-dlist guys. ;; DPF 2020-04-21 - We eventually want to identify XARG with MOD..INDEX, but ;; would first have to remove the unwanted identity of XARG on the two dtrs ;; in basic_adj_h_int_phrase. FIX for algebra. ;; basic_int_adverb_synsem := basic_basic_adverb_synsem & isect_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC na_or_-, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #index & event ]. basic_spec_adverb_synsem := basic_basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist* ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #arg0 ] ]. ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_this_that_rel to ; more_or_very_deg_rel as part of blocking "more many" spec_adverb_synsem := basic_spec_adverb_synsem & basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ]. ;; For comparative `rather, sooner' as in ;; *they would rather buy books than videos* ;; *they would rather live in Paris than in Rome* ;; But not (currently) for ;; *they would rather sing than dance* ;; because we want to block ;; **they would rather sing than seemed possible* ;; which we do by not allowing these adverbs to take the than-P which takes ;; a CP complement (possibly with a gap). Contrast the above with a `normal' ;; comparative adverb structure as in ;; *they arrived more quickly than seemed possible* ;; So we analyze *they would rather sing than dance* as VP-coord with the ;; correlative conjunction pair *rather...than*. Perhaps need to ;; harmonize the semantics of such VP coord with the comparative one here. FIX? ;; adverb_comp_synsem := basic_spec_adverb_synsem & basic_int_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS [ MIN _than_p_compar_rel ] ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], CONJ cnil ], OPT -, NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ] ]. ; VP, PP, AP scopal_adverb_synsem := scopal_spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < >, MC na_or_- ] ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2015-03-12 - Changed MOD..SUBJ *synlist* to MOD..SPR < synsem_min, ...>, ;; in order to admit *we arose, said Kim happily*. The problem was that ;; adverbs demanded that the MOD target be [SUBJ *synlist*], while filler-hd ;; required hd-dtr to be [SUBJ *anti_list*]. ;; DPF 2017-10-03 - To avoid this in non-question aux inversion such as ;; **last did we arise ...*, constrain to [MOD..INV -]. ;; DPF 2017-11-18 - But this INV - interferes with the hack we use for prd-be ;; `being' to block *Kim is being arising*, where we say its complement is ;; INV +. Until we improve that analysis, leave MOD..INV here unconstrained, ;; and live with the extra ambiguity. ;; basic_intersect_adverb_synsem := basic_int_adverb_synsem & basic_spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR < synsem_min, ... >, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ] ] ] >, VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_this_that_rel to ; more_or_very_deg_rel as part of blocking "more many" ;; DPF 2014-04-29 - But we also need to differentiate positive from comparative ;; adverbs (*very fast* vs *much faster*). So push the SPR requirement down. ;; intersect_adverb_synsem := basic_intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD reg_adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT adverbee_cat ] > ], VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; Adverbs like "once" as in "just once" ("*very once") intersect_adverb_just_only_synsem := basic_intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD reg_adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT adverbee_cat ] > ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ], CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; 'now' but not 'then' - appears after auxiliary as in "You are now ready" ; DPF 10-apr-05 - Changed SPR..MIN from no_rel to very_deg_rel in order ; to get "Kim is very often unhappy" and "Kim very often refuses to leave" ; Will have to find some other way to block "*Kim is very now unhappy", ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_this_that_rel to ; more_or_very_deg_rel as part of blocking "more many" ;; DPF 2022-05-05 - Constraining MOD..HEAD to v_or_g excluded these when ;; modifying a prenominal participle, as in "the globally admired company", ;; so generalize. ;; intersect_adverb_auxv_synsem := basic_intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD lexadv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT adverbee_cat & [ HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. #| ;; DPF 2012-02-27 - Interestingly, it seems that we need to allow adverbs ;; that modify other adverbs. At least, this seems to be the right analysis ;; for `already' as in *twice already, kim has lost*. To be cautious, let's ;; start by constraining the modifiee to LEX +. ;; But in fact, the head-adj rule for intersective modifiers would have to be ;; generalized to allow adverb modifiees, and this will take substantial ;; testing to avoid overgeneration. So put off for now, but ;; FIX someday ;; intersect_adverb_advmod_synsem := basic_intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD lexadv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adv, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LEX + ] > ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. av_-_i-avmod_le := basic_adverb_word & """ Intersective, adverb modifiee Twice already, B won. """ [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_advmod_synsem ]. |# ; VP only ; Block adj modifiee to avoid spurious parse for "almost empty" ; DPF 09-Aug-99 - Relaxed MOD..HEAD value to be v_or_g_or_a because okay for ; adjectives as pre-head modifiers ("an apparently difficult problem"), though ; not post-head. ; DPF 25-Oct-01 - Removed MOD..MOD < synsem > constraint since it blocked ; 'I should never have arrived' ; DPF 30-aug-04 - Changed MOD..SUBJ from to *synlist* in order ; to return to letting adverbs modify adjectives, while still distinguishing ; VPs from clauses. ; DPF 04-sept - But this prevents modification of inverted sentences as in ; 'why hasn't kim arrived yet'. So use MOD..MSG no_msg instead. scopal_vp_adverb_synsem := scopal_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a, VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem_min ] ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg01_relation ]. ; Adverbs like "also" that either (pre) modify VPs or appear as complements of ; aux Vs. ; DPF 24-May-00 - Restrict MOD value to be no_aspect, to avoid spurious ; ambiguity for "kim is probably leaving" ; DPF 14-Oct-00 - But this prevents the desired parse for "Kim is not currently ; sleeping" since "not" should modify a pres-participle VP, not the gerund. So ; as long as the gerund rule is a lexical rule, we're stuck with the ambiguity. ; DPF 13-Mar-02 - Added [MOD..PRD +] to ensure that when these adverbs modify ; deverbal adjectives, they not appear attributively, as in *the not yet ; finished book ; DPF 18-Mar-02 - But this [PRD +] prevents these adverbs from pre-modifying ; ordinary finite VPs. So let's instead accept "the not yet finished book" as ; okay. ; DPF 30-aug-04 - Changed MOD..SUBJ from to *synlist* in order ; to return to letting adverbs modify adjectives, while still distinguishing ; VPs from clauses. ;; DPF 2024-04-25 - Generalized MOD..HEAD from v_or_a to verbal_or_a so we ;; can also get "for him [never to win] would be a shame" and "the idea is ;; never to quit". ;; scopal_vp_aux_adverb_synsem := scopal_spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD lexadv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verbal_or_a, VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, COMPS < > ], MC na ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ] ]. scopal_negadv_adverb_synsem := scopal_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD negadv, VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg01_relation ]. ; DPF 21-Mar-02 - Added MOD..MSG no_msg, which seemingly should have ; been here all along - needed to block e.g. spurious parse for "kindly leave" intersect_vp_adverb_synsem := intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN basic_adv_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL adv_relation ]. ; S (for pre-S scopal adverbs only) ; ; DPF 26-Jul-99 - Made MOD..HEAD be 'verb' instead of 'adverbee' to block ; "so then" with "then" as discourse adverb. ;; DPF 20-05-12 - Generalize MOD..HEAD from verb to verbal so we can get ;; *we know (a) that Kim arrived and (b) that Browne left* ;; DPF 20-09-10 - Generalize MOD..HEAD further from verbal to verbal_or_conj-s ;; so we get wide scope for run-ons, as "Thus, we arise, we arrive." ;; DPF 2022-05-12 - Allow for "obviously not" with fragment "not" via more ;; general MOD..HEAD, pushing verbal_or_conj-s down to subtype. ;; basic_scopal_s_adverb_synsem := spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb_or_conj_or_frag, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #arghand, INDEX #index ] ] ] ] > ], MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand, INDEX #index & [ SF #iforce ] ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], LEX +, PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #iforce, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #khand, ARG1 handle & #mhand ] ]. scopal_s_adverb_synsem := basic_scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verbal_or_conj-s ]. ; For adverbs like "maybe" which take no degree specifier ; ; DPF 26-Jul-99 - Made MOD..HEAD be 'verb' instead of 'adverbee' to block ; "so then" with "then" as discourse adverb. ; DPF 03-dec-05 - Generalized MOD..HEAD to 'verbal' to allow e.g. ; "they believed therefore that Kim was right" basic_scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem := basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min >, HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD basic_verb_or_frag, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC bool & #mc ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #arghand, INDEX #index ] ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand, INDEX #index & [ SF #iforce ] ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], LEX +, PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #iforce, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #khand, ARG1 handle & #mhand ] ]. scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem := basic_scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC #mc ] >, MC #mc ] ]. basic_adverb_word := noncqrs-m-nab & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ], PUNCT.PNCTPR ppair, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop ] ] ]. adverb_word := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM scopal_vp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. av_-_s-negmod_le := basic_adverb_word & """ Scop, modify 'not': 'probably' B is probably not C. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_negadv_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF (27-Apr-99) Assume for now that S-initial adverbs can only modify [INV -] ; S's, in order to block "*Never does kim sleep?" ; DPF 28-Oct-01 - But this blocked e.g. "Meanwhile when does kim sleep" norm_adv_word := noncqrs-nab & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. adv_s_pre_lexent := norm_adv_word & [ SYNSEM basic_scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC bool ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-pr_le := adv_s_pre_lexent & """ Scop, S, pre-hd Obviously B won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN adv_rel ]. av_-_s-cp-pr-inv_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, inverted S, pre-hd Never had B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV +, MC na ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-pr-inv-ell_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, inverted and elided S, pre-hd So did Kim. As did Kim. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV +, MINORS.ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ], MC na ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 22-10-23 - Added MOD..SLASH.LIST < > to block ;; "plans [for Kim must admire]" ;; av_-_s-cp-pr-nogap_le := adv_s_pre_lexent & """ Scop, S, pre-hd, no gap in modified clause For B won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD.FIRST.NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. ; For "(3)" or "3)" meaning 'thirdly' av_-_s-cp-gen_le := adv_s_pre_lexent & basic_generic_lex_entry & """ Scop, S, generic Generic-adv, B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN adv_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED "nth_rel", PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. ; 'evidently' - only pre-modifies declaratives, not questions or commands av_-_s-cpp_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S-prop, pre-hd Evidently B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC +, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop ]]>, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; DPF 10-Apr-02 - Removed MOD..VFORM imp_vform since this blocked e.g ; "I would like to know when my order is going to arrive , please" av_-_s-cp-nsp-po_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S, no spec, post-hd B won for sure. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LEX -, LOCAL.CAT.MC bool ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-mc-po_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S main cls (mc), post-hd: reserve for robust only B won, and ... """ [ GENRE robust, SYNSEM basic_scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, POSTHD + ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-nsp-pr_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S, no spec, pre-hd Hence B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.POSTHD -, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-mc-pr_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S main cls (mc), pre-hd No, B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, MC +, POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp_le := norm_adv_word & """ Scop, S Actually B won. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, MC bool ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-08-02 - Added constraint to allow only VP and not S, as the type ;; name suggests, to block *So did Kim arise.* ;; av_-_s-vp_lexent := adverb_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD v_or_g_or_a, VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, COMPS < > ] ], MODIFD [ LPERIPH na_or_-, RPERIPH na_or_- ] ] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ] ]. av_-_s-vp_le := av_-_s-vp_lexent """ Scopal, VP B possibly won. """ . av_-_s-vp-only_le := av_-_s-vp_lexent & """ Scop, VP (no AdjP) B won too. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g ] > ]. av_-_s-vp-x_le := basic_adverb_word & """ Scop, VP w/aux head B is obviously C. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_vp_aux_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MOD < [ MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_s-vp-only-x_le := basic_adverb_word & """ Scop, VP w/aux head, does not modify adjectives B is really C. """ [ SYNSEM scopal_vp_aux_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; DPF 7-Jun-00 - To avoid apparently spurious ambiguity of attachment of ; VP-final scopal adverbs in e.g. "I have won too", require these adverbs to ; attach only to finite or imperative VP, forcing high attachment. ;; DPF 2017-09-04 - Re 7-Jun-00: Now that we treat "however" as a scopal adverb ;; as in *we could arise, however, in Rome.*, and while we still insist on ;; avoiding attachment of intersective post-modifiers to modals (to avoid more ;; spurious ambiguity), we have to relax this constraint to also allow base form ;; av_-_s-vp-po_le := adverb_word & """ Scop, VP, post-hd B won too. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g & [ VFORM fin_or_bse_or_imp ], MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. av_-_s-vp-pr_le := adverb_word & """ Scop, VP, pre-hd B thereby won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ] ] ]. av_-_i-ap-pp_lexent := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD a_or_p & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] > ]] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN more_or_very_deg_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_i-ap-pp_le := av_-_i-ap-pp_lexent """ Int, AP or PP Anyone currently ahead won """ . av_-_i-ap-pp-po_le := av_-_i-ap-pp_lexent & """ Int, AP or PP Anyone currently ahead won """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD + ]. av_-_i-pp-po_le := basic_adverb_word & """ Int, PP, post-hd only The project was for medical purposes only. """ [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep_or_modnp & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] > ]] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed, POSTHD + ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ;; For *long* as in *all day long* aj_-_i-long_lexent := norm_adj_word & [ SYNSEM nomod_adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ --MIN no_rel ] >, PRD -, MINORS.MIN long_a_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD no_head, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #arg ] ] ]. aj_-_i-long_le := aj_-_i-long_lexent """ Adj postnom, only `long' It ran all day long. """ . av_-_i-ap_lexent := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj_or_intadj & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] > ]] >, MINORS.MIN adv_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN more_or_very_deg_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_-_i-ap_le := av_-_i-ap_lexent & """ Intersective, AdjP B was sub-optimal """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ]. av_-_i-ap-num_le := av_-_i-ap_lexent & """ Intersective, AdjP, intersective adj The other five cats """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj ]. ;; For normal positive adverbs ;; int_vp_adverb_word := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_vp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN more_or_very_deg_rel, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ;; For comparative and superlative adverbs like 'faster', 'fastest' ;; int_vp_adverb_comp_word := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_vp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN much_deg_rel, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. int_vp_adv_just_only_word := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_just_only_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. int_vp_aux_adverb_word := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_auxv_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN adv_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-04-09 - In order to parse *Profits will be down again this year* ;; without VP-ellipsis reading, we have to allow adverbs to modify PPs, since ;; *this year* will not modify auxiliaries. To keep ambiguity in check, also ;; block adverbs from modifying auxiliaries. ;; DPF 2017-12-02 - Remove MOD..MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_-, since we want APs like ;; *as many* to be LPERIPH + to block *large as many cats*. Also dubious to ;; impose LPERIPH constraint when the adverb is used as post-head modifier ;; (and the same objection may hold for MOD..RERIPH when the adverb is pre-head) ;; DPF 2024-06-15 - Added identity of XARG and MOD..INDEX so we can get ;; "first came Kim" with locative inversion. ;; basic_adv_int_vp_lexent := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p & [ AUX - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #modind ], MODIFD [ RPERIPH na_or_- ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #modind ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. av_-_i-vp_lexent := basic_adv_int_vp_lexent & int_vp_adverb_word. av_-_i-vp_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent """ Intersective, VP B quickly won. """ . av_-_i-vp-cmp_le := basic_adv_int_vp_lexent & int_vp_adverb_comp_word """ Intersective, VP, comparative, pre- or post-head. B oftener walked. """ . ;; DPF 2017-09-12 - Removed POSTHD + since we want to also get ;; *he (very) much prefers to sleep late* and ;; *he twice tried to enter through the back door* ;; Correspondingly, removed the ad hoc lex entry for "very much preferred..." ;; DPF 2020-05-23 - Tried adding NORM norm_rel to block these in v_mod: ;; *meant much*. But we need this for *wants very much to...* ;; ; 'much' - want to avoid "*older much" av_-_i-vp-only_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent & """ Intersective, VP (no AdjP) B didn't sleep much. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ]. ; 'most' - paired with non-mobile post-head modifier av_-_i-vp-only-pr_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent & """ Intersective, VP (no AdjP) B most wanted to dance. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, POSTHD - ] ]. ; 'enough' - want to avoid "*very enough" av_-_i-vp-nspr_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent & """ Intersective, VP-mod, no specifier B didn't sleep enough """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, VAL.SPR < unexpressed_min >, POSTHD + ] ]. av_-_i-vp-spr_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent & """ Intersective, VP-mod, obligspecifier B didn't sleep enough """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, VAL.SPR < unexpressed_min >, POSTHD + ] ]. ; DPF 06-sept-07 - Add type to allow restrictions on which adverbs can take ; part in the v_mod rule which allows modifiers before NP complements. ;; DPF 2012-09-21 - Generalize MOD..HEAD from v_or_a to v_or_a_or_p to allow ;; *for now, at least, we arise* ;; DPF 2018-12-15 - But note that this blocks position between V and inf-to ;; as in *we need at least to arise* (cf wsj07e:20794025). FIX ;; av_-_i-vp-nvm_le := av_-_i-vp_lexent & """ Intersective, VP (no v_adv_np) B at least likes cats. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_a_or_p, MINORS.NORM norm_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2019-09-24 - But we also want *He tried hard to win*. So undo, and ;; count on parse ranking to avoid unwanted "B is hard to understand". ;; DPF 2024-04-11 - To get "we know how hard they tried", relaxed HEAD from ;; adv_nonmob to reg_adv. ;; av_-_i-vp-po-nvm_le := int_vp_adverb_word & """ Intersective, VP post-mod, no v_adv_np B works hard. B is hard to understand """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD reg_adv & [ MINORS [ MIN adv_rel, NORM norm_rel ], MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a, MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD + ], MODIFD hasmod ] ]. av_-_i-vp-j_le := int_vp_adv_just_only_word & """ Intersective, VP not modif B sometimes wins. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a, MODIFD [ LPERIPH na_or_-, RPERIPH na_or_- ] ] > ] ]. av_-_i-vp-x_lexent := int_vp_aux_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] >, POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. av_-_i-vp-x_le := av_-_i-vp-x_lexent """ Int, VP w/aux head B can indeed win. """ . av_-_i-vp-x-spr_le := av_-_i-vp-x_lexent & """ Int, VP w/aux-only head, oblig specifier B very much ought to stay """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.AUX + ] >, VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem > ] ]. #| av_-_i-vp-x-only_le := int_vp_aux_adverb_word & """ Int, VP w/aux head, only B should if possible win. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verb, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. |# ; 'long' as in "we have long admired abrams" av_-_i-vp-x-nmd_le := int_vp_aux_adverb_word & """ Int, only complement of aux B can in any case win. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem >, POSTHD - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ; 'now' ;; DPF 2024-06-18 - Not clear why this entry is needed, given both the npadv ;; entry and the vp-modifying one. So let's try to do without. #| av_-_i-vp-x-now_le := noncqrs-hm & """ Int, just 'now' B can now win. """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM intersect_adverb_auxv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ TAM #tam, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg1 ]]] >], POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0, XARG #arg1 ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 [ E #tam, SORT time ] ], ORTH [ FROM #from, TO #to ] ]. |# ; DPF 25-aug-07 - Added MODIFD hasmod to prevent these from appearing in ; the robust v_mod construction preceding complements, to avoid spurious ; ambiguity for e.g. "Abrams has more consultants." ; DPF 24-may-07 - Generalized MOD..HEAD from v_or_g_or_a in order to get ; modification of PPs as in "is down again" av_-_i-vp-po_le := int_vp_adverb_word & """ Int, VP post-hd B ran fast. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p, MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD + ], MODIFD hasmod ] ]. av_-_i-vp-po-cmp_le := int_vp_adverb_comp_word & """ Int, VP post-hd, comparative form B ran (much) faster. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p, MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD + ], MODIFD hasmod ] ]. ; DPF 13-nov-05 - Generalized MOD..HEAD from v_or_g to v_or_g_or_a in order ; to get modification of deverbal attrib adjs. ; DPF 24-may-07 - And generalized again in order to get modification of ; PPs as in "professors now at Stanford ..." ; av_-_i-vp-pr_lexent := int_vp_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD - ] ]. av_-_i-vp-pr_le := av_-_i-vp-pr_lexent """ Int, VP pre-hd B nearly won. """ . av_-_i-vp-pr-bse_le := av_-_i-vp-pr_lexent & """ Int, base-VP pre-hd You will please wait. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse_only ]. av_-_i-vp-po-nmb_le := int_vp_adverb_word & """ Int, VP post-hd, not extracted, not between V and comp B can't win either. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv_nonmob & [ MINORS [ MIN adv_rel, NORM norm_rel ], MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a, MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD + ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-05-20 - Need this type at least for "for example", since it needs ;; to be allowed between V and complement, because the discourse "for example" ;; prevents adjunct extraction (being attached with ordinary hd-aj_scp_c), ;; losing us "In Paris, Kim is, for example, visiting museums" ;; av_-_i-vp-po-nox_le := int_vp_adverb_word & """ Int, VP post-hd, not extracted, okay between V and comp B is, for example, a contender. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv_nonmob & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a, MODIFD.RPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], POSTHD + ] ]. ; DPF 05-nov-08 - For lexical verbal prefixes like "re-" ; av_-_i-v-lx-pr_le := int_vp_adverb_word & """ Intersective, lexical V, pre-hd B out-ran the others. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MINORS.MIN adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb, LEX + ] > ], POSTHD - ] ]. av_pp_i-cmp_le := norm_adv_word & """ Intersective, comparative, obligatory than-PP B would rather eat fish than vegetables. """ [ SYNSEM adverb_comp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH bool ] ] ]. ; ERB (31-10-96) See notes near n_wh_pro_le. ; where, when, how ; DPF 31-may-06 - SPR constraint propagated from supertype - maybe unneeded. ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Changed MOD..HEAD from v_or_g_or_a to v_or_n_or_g_or_a ; in order to enable e.g "the reason why is obvious." as well as ; "why are there stars?" ; DPF 23-may-07 - Changed MOD..HEAD to just 'subst' since also want modif. of ; PPs as in "They knew why Kim was in Paris." ; DPF 18-feb-08 - Added PRD - to exclude spurious reading for "how is Kim?". ;; DPF 2010-10-08 - Re 31-may-06: Lack of constraint allowed "evening why" ;; as spec-hd. But we only want a few degree adverbs as in "just why" or ;; "exactly how", so add further constraints. ;; DPF 2018-03-31 - To block **they know why to leave*, make subtype that ;; only modifies finite VPs. ;; pp_-_i-wh_lexent := noncrs-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM prep_spr_mod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD p_or_adv & [ PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN nom_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR *unexplist* ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < > ], POSTHD +, MC na ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param >, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. pp_-_i-wh_le := pp_-_i-wh_lexent """ PP, WH B knew how C won. """ . pp_-_i-wh-fin_le := pp_-_i-wh_lexent & """ PP, WH B knew why C won. B knew why to leave. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.TENSE real_tense ]. ;; DPF 2018-06-10 - Generalized MOD..CAT from vp_cat, to accept *the time when ;; Kim was happy*. ;; DPF 2021-04-02 - Corrected to link HOOK.XARG to KEYREL.ARG1, to fix MRS for ;; e.g. "the table where the book is moves." ;; DPF 2021-04-03 - Added CASE non_nom to block PP-rel analysis of e.g. ;; "the theory that is the basis for software arose" ;; pp_-_i-rel_lexent := nonc-hm & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_pp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS.MIN #min, CASE non_nom, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_a_or_p, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ], VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN degree_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #khand ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, OPT + ] >, POSTHD +, MC na, HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #khand, PRED #min, ARG1 #xarg, ARG2 #objind ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < [ INDEX #objind ] >, SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. pp_-_i-rel-indep_lexent := pp_-_i-rel_lexent & non_affix_bearing & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.PRD +, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #khand ] ] ]. pp_-_i-rel_le := pp_-_i-rel-indep_lexent """ PP, relative B knew times when C won. """ . pp_-_i-rel-that_le := pp_-_i-rel-indep_lexent & """ PP, relative, only `that' The time that C arose was memorable. """ [ SYNSEM.NONLOC.REL.LIST < [ INDEX.SORT location ] > ]. ;; DPF 2017-09-14 - Need to somehow constrain chart dependencies so this entry ;; for `that' does not cheerfully unify its MIN value with the --COMPKEY ;; constraint of any particle verb, or we lose the lexical filtering of these ;; verbs whenever the word "that" appears in a sentence. FIX SOON. ;; In the meantime, restrict MIN to _on_p_sel_rel, to show how this will work ;; once the chart-dependency issue is solved. ;; DPF 2017-10-08 - INFLECTD na prevents accepting this lexical PP in situ as ;; complement of e.g. *happy* ;; DPF 2023-02-08 - In the absence of a better account, add several lexical ;; entries for "that", each with a different --MIN value. ;; pp_-_i-rel-sel_le := pp_-_i-rel_lexent & """ Selected PP, relative, only `that' for it-clefts It was on him that we relied. """ [ INFLECTD na, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN #min, NORM #min ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #relind & non_expl-ind, RELS ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < [ INDEX #relind ] >, MODIFD rmod ] ]. ; 'on vacation', 'in bed' ; DPF 26-aug-07 - Don't know why this is here, but it's not good, since it ; licenses unification of abstr_lex_synsem and phr_synsem. So commented out. ; ; prep_p_mod_phr_synsem := prep_p_mod_synsem & phr_synsem. prep_nomod_phr_synsem := phr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ TAM #tam, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST < relation & [ PRED norm_rel, ARG0.E #tam ], ... >, ARG-S #comps ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-06-03 - Removed +--ARGIND since we want this entry also when ;; there is no expletive it, for `tough-movement'. ;; p_ap_i_le := basic_prep_word & """ Prep, adj, only 'as' B did as early as possible """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_prep_nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN _as_p_comp_rel, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < unexpressed >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.COMPS < unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD prep ], unexpressed & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #mhand] >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG it-ind ], CONJ cnil ], LEX +, NONLOC non-local_none ] > ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0.E [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], --SIND non_expl ] ]. ;; DPF 2013-09-19 - Added type for the negative conditional`for' of ;; *If it weren't for Kim, we would have lost.* which Woodley Packard ;; observed. See also ;; Had it not been for the zebra, Kim would have slept. ;; Were it not for the zebra, Kim would have slept. ;; If it were not for the zebra, Kim would have slept. ;; The generalizations seem to be that this entry ;; (1) is predicative, with an empty MOD value; ;; (2) takes an expletive `it' subject; ;; (3) constrains its MOOD value to be subjunctive; ;; (4) requires its ARG0 event to be finite; ;; *If it hadn't happened to be for Kim, we would have lost. ;; (5) only appears in the scope of negation - hard to express in the type def, ;; so we use the idiom machinery as a post-syntax constraint, triggered by ;; making the PRED value be an "...i_rel" ;; Related examples: ;; *It had not been for the zebra. ;; *It was not for the zebra. ;; #It should not have been for the zebra. ;; ?Should it not have been for the zebra, Kim would have slept. ;; *If it were for Kim, we would have lost. ;; *If it were never for Kim, we would have lost. ;; If not for Kim, we would have lost. ;; This last one is not currently analyzed, since the "if" which takes a ;; PrdP complement requires the complement's XARG to be non-expletive, in ;; order to avoid e.g. "*if obvious that Kim won, ..." or ;; "*although raining, we decided to stay outside". ;; FIX, possibly in connection with the following: ;; But for Kim, we would have lost. ;; Except for Kim, we would have lost. ;; Save for Kim, we would have lost. ;; p_np_negcond_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Prep, only negative conditional 'for' If it weren't for B, we would have lost """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM prep_with_spr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD < anti_synsem >, MINORS [ MIN _for_p_ncond-i_rel, ALTMIN no_rel ], PRD + ], VAL [ SPR < unexpressed >, COMPS < expressed_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, CASE non_nom ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_-, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cind, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] > ], POSTHD +, HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & non_conj_event, XARG it-ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], PUNCT no_punctuation_min, MODIFD hasmod, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & basic_arg12_relation & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index & [ E [ TENSE real_tense, MOOD subjunctive ] ], ARG2 #cind ] ] ], IDIOM + ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; DETERMINERS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Determiners must have the MIN relation be the quantifier, since nouns ; select their determiner in part based on the type of the quantifier rel. ; The basic determiner synsem has a non-null value for its specifier; this is ; to account for cases like "nearly all books, only his book, exactly which ; book, almost every book". ; ; Quantifiers need to accommodate expressions like ; 'almost every book'. One might expect to have the degree_rel of 'almost' ; take the handle of 'every' as its ARG1 value, but this may interfere with ; the treatment of scope which needs to identify the set of quantifier handles. ; So we do this by adding separate lexical entries for these det-specs. ; DPF 8-Jun-03 - Removed COMPS < > from basic_det_synsem, since want to allow ; possibility of non-empty comps (e.g. for "a/an" as in "an hour and a half" ; analogous to "as tall as kim" ; DPF 17-jun-07 - Restored COMPS < >, since this "a/an" is now an adjective ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Pushed SPR..QUE.LIST < > down to subtypes, so we can get ;; *how tall a cat* with det_sg_compadj_lexent. basic_det_synsem := nomod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det & [ MINORS.MIN #pred ], VAL [ SPR < [ NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, PUNCT.RPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #pred, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] ] ] > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ], RELS.LIST < abstract_quant_relation & #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index & overt_non_expl-ind, RSTR #rhand ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #nhand ], ... >, ICONS ], ARG-S < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. basic_nonpart_det_synsem := basic_det_synsem & [ NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ]. norm_det_synsem := basic_det_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, --MIN degree_rel ] >, SPCMPS < > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #lbl, PRED #min ] ]. nonpart_det_synsem := norm_det_synsem. det_synsem := nonpart_det_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. basic_part_det_synsem := norm_det_synsem. part_det_synsem := basic_part_det_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. part_det_synsem_nonwh := part_det_synsem & [ NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ]. ; DPF 21-Nov-01 - Removed BV..DIV -* and AGR.DIV -: last Christmas ;; DPF 2016-12-09 - Generalized SPEC..MODIFD notmod to notmod_or_rmod so we ;; can also get *next Monday in the morning would be good* ;; DPF 2017-09-28 - Constrain to SPEC..DIV - to block spurious analysis of ;; *he disappeared last time*. ;; DPF 2017-10-07 - Re 2017-12-09: But this is too permissive, since we also get ;; *[last Saturday I arose] we arrived*. And we already have another analysis ;; available for *next Monday in the morning* as PP-PP modif. So go back to notmod. ;; next_last_det_synsem := nonpart_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ POSS -, MINORS.MIN def_implicit_q_rel ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN temp_abstr_rel, ALTMIN norm_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #nhand, AGR.DIV - ], MODIFD notmod ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, MODIFD hasmod, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. basic_det_word := word. ;; DPF 2012-06-23 - Moved [POSS -] up from det_word to here, in order to ;; block spurious *of all* with poss-gen `of', as in *cats of all arose*. ;; abstr_det_word := basic_det_word & que_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.POSS - ]. det_word := abstr_det_word & [ SYNSEM det_synsem ]. ; DPF 15-Apr-03 - ALTMIN allows most determiners to appear with day-part nouns ; like 'morning' as VP modifiers, as in 'i arrive every morning' but not ; 'I arrive the morning' ; DPF 06-dec-03 - Moved constraint PN 3s down but leave DIV - so we can allow ; coordination in "every dog and cat" where the nbar is PN 3p, but not ; constrained for DIV. Still blocking "*every dogs" det_word_sing := det_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, AGR.DIV - ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. basic_det_word_nonque := det_word & [ SYNSEM.NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ]. det_word_nonque := basic_det_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. det_pl_lexent := det_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, AGR.PNG.PN 3p ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], MODIFD hasmod ] ]. d_-_pl_le := det_pl_lexent """ Det, plural These dogs barked. """ . ; 'another two chairs' but '*another chairs' d_-_pl-modn_le := det_pl_lexent & """ Det, plural, noun obl mod - FIX Another six dogs barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ MODIFD lmod ] > ]. d_-_sgm_le := det_word_nonque & """ Det, sing, deictic This dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, MODIFD hasmod ] ]. ; 'zero effect' d_-_m_le := det_word_nonque & """ Det, mass noun B had zero effect. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV + ] ]. d_-_next_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, only 'next' B arrives next week. """ [ SYNSEM next_last_det_synsem ]. d_-_last_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, only 'last' B arrived last week. """ [ SYNSEM next_last_det_synsem ]. ; "yesterday morning, tomorrow afternoon" d_-_proxday_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, proximal day B arrives tomorrow morning """ [ SYNSEM next_last_det_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ --MIN day_part_rel ] > ] ]. ; "all month", "all day" - FIX - not yet blocking "*all October, *all Tuesday" d_-_all-tm_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, with time noun, only 'all' B slept all afternoon. """ [ SYNSEM next_last_det_synsem ]. ; DPF 20-Feb-01 - Use SPEC..ALTMIN to block det-N analysis of ; "both kim and sandy" ; DPF 11-Mar-02 - Use ALTMIN to block phrasal partitive-NP rule basic_pdet_word_nonque := abstr_det_word & [ SYNSEM part_det_synsem_nonwh & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, CONT [ RELS.LIST < abstract_quant_relation, ... >, HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, MODIFD hasmod ] ]. pdet_word_nonque := basic_pdet_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; 'any' d_-_prt_le := pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partitive okay Either dog will bark. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.NEGPOL + ]. ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Would like to make DIV +* not + to allow coordination of ; unlike NPs ("my book and some other stuff"), but then we can't block ; spurious "some programmer" whose DIV value ends up +_and_-. An example ; of problems with this overspecification approach to coordination. ; some d_-_prt-div_le := pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partv, divisible Some rice arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, NEGPOL - ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV + ] ]. ; For "another one/two (of the chairs)" ; Still don't have analysis for "another two chairs" (cf. "*another chairs") d_-_prt-anthr_le := pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partv, only 'another' Another dog arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ --MIN part_nom_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV + ] ]. ; DPF 06-dec-03 - Removed constraint PN 3s but leave DIV - so we can allow ; coordination in "another time and date" where the nbar is PN 3p, but not ; constrained for DIV. Still blocking "*another chairs" d_-_prt-sg_le := pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partv, singular Each dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.DIV -, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV - ] ]. d_-_prt-sgm-nag_le := pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partv, sing-mass, no agrmt Little rice arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV + ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED explicit_quant_noagr_q_rel, ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ], DIV + ] ] ] ]. det_part_pl-or-m_lexent := basic_pdet_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS.LIST < [ ARG0 #arg0 ], #altkeyrel & [ LBL #lbl, ARG0 event & [ E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], ARG1 #arg0 ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. d_-_prt-pl_le := det_part_pl-or-m_lexent & """ Det, partv, plural A great many dogs barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3p, CONT.RELS ] ]. d_-_prt-more_le := det_part_pl-or-m_lexent & """ Det, partitive, only 'more' More dogs arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.DIV +, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. d_-_prt-pl-both_le := basic_pdet_word_nonque & """ Det, partv, plural, only 'both' Both dogs barked. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3p, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], CFROM #from, CTO #to ] ] ]. ; This assumes (falsely) that all plurals are divisible (cf "oats", "clothes") ; It also incorrectly blocks coordinations like "Kim and all children" since ; the alternative (DIV +) would fail to block "all book". ; DPF 28-oct-03 - Added LEX + to block e.g. "a person all of us" as hd-spec. ; DPF 01-may-04 - Changed SPR..MIN from very_deg_rel to just_only_deg_rel det_part_pl_mass_lexent := pdet_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LEX + ] >, AGR.DIV + ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.DIV +, MODIFD hasmod ] ]. d_-_prt-plm_le := det_part_pl_mass_lexent & """ Det, partv, plural-mass B has enough rice. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED explicit_quant_agr_q_rel ]. d_-_prt-plm-unsp_le := det_part_pl_mass_lexent & """ Det, partv, pl-mass, unsp agr B never has such rice. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED explicit_q_rel ]. ;; No longer used #| d_-_prt-plm-nag_le := det_part_pl_mass_lexent & """ Det, partv, pl-mass, no agr B has less rice. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED explicit_quant_noagr_q_rel ]. |# d_-_prt-unsp_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, partv, only 'which' B saw which rice grew. """ [ SYNSEM part_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.POSS -, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED which_q_rel ] ]. ; DPF 10-May-00 - We add subtypes of determiners to distinguish "We met every ; week" from "*We met the week". The distinction makes use of the feature ; MODIFD, where the head-specifier rule's mother's MODIFD value is ; determined by the specifier daughter, so each specifier has to say whether it ; passes on the MODIFD value from its head, or supplies its own. Thus "the" ; assigns its own value,"every" supplies its own 'hasmod' ; value, and "a" supplies the opposite value "notmod", to block "*Kim arrived ; a big week". ; 'no' d_-_no_le := det_word_nonque & """ Det, only 'no' No book arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif ] >, NEGPOL + ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_q_rel, MODIFD #modif ] ]. ; 'some' d_-_ndiv_le := det_word_nonque & """ Det, only individ 'some' Some book arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif ] >, NEGPOL - ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED some_q_rel, ARG0.DIV - ], MODIFD #modif ] ]. ; 'the' ; DPF 2-May-03 - Divide this type into two subtypes, one [MODIFD notmod] ; and one [MODIFD lmod] to support the treatment of VP-modifying NPs with ; the following pattern of grammaticality: ; Kim arrived the first week ; *Kim arrived the week ; Kim arrived the week Sandy left ; Kim arrived the week of the party ; *Kim arrived week of the party ; ; DPF 27-May-03 - See discussion in syntax.tdl's npadv_mod_rule for why we ; considered and then abandoned two separate entries for "the". ; DPF 03-dec-03 - Replaced ALTMIN no_rel with dofw_or_poss_q_rel in ; order to get "on the weekend". But then get two parses for "the night", ; so go back to no_rel. ; DPF 19-sept-07 - Since 'no_rel' blocked "the day we arrived", changed this ; ALTMIN to _the_q_rel, which is compatible with extracted-napdv construction. ;; DPF 2013-13-06 - Re 19-sept-07: Removed ALTMIN _the_q_rel, no longer ;; needed for *the day we arrived*, and it creates trouble for underspec of ;; *the tenth to twelfth of May* and *May tenth to twelfth*. Replaced with ;; ALTMIN no_rel, to prevent spurious analysis of *the night* with the ;; n_-_c-dpt_le variant of *night* (for Tuesday night). ;; DPF 2018-02-13 - Re 2013-13-06: Not clear what the underspec issue was, but ;; we don't want ambiguity in *he spent the night*, so restore ALTMIN _the_q_rel ;; here. ;; d_-_the_lexent := det_word_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN _the_q_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ MODIFD #mod ] > ], NEGPOL - ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED no_rel, MODIFD #mod ] ]. d_-_the_le := d_-_the_lexent & """ Det, only 'the' The book arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN _the_q_rel ]. ; For "the the" d_-_the_le_mal := d_-_the_lexent & """ Det, only 'the the' (robust) The the book arrived. """ [ GENRE informal ]. ; For "X amount of money" d_-_x_le := det_word_nonque & """ Det, only 'X' We received X amount of money. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN _x_q_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ MODIFD #mod ] > ], NEGPOL - ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED no_rel, MODIFD #mod ] ]. ; 'half the time' det_word_modable := det_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD hasmod ] ]. d_-_wh_le := det_word_modable & """ Det, only 'what' B knew what book he had. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED which_q_rel, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param > ] ]. ;; DPF 2021-04-02 - Constrained to non-nominative NPs, to avoid in e.g. ;; "*People arrived which door appeared" ;; Note that this loses our analysis of handp12:880, but it was not well ;; conceived, and overgenerated badly, so FIX someday. ;; d_-_rel_le := nonc-hm-nab & """ Det, only 'which' B arrived, by which time C had left """ [ SYNSEM det_synsem & [ LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 #objind, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.POSS -, VAL.SPEC.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < [ INDEX #objind ] > ] ] ]. ; 'a/an' ; DPF 15-Nov-01 - Removed [SPR ] since this blocke "more than ; a week ago" ; DPF 12-nov-05 - Removed 3s constraint from ARG0, since want to allow ; "A number who sing also dance." where the semantic index is plural, ; but the syntactic agreement is still singular. ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Changed MODIFD notmod to instead identify value with that ; of SPEC.MODIFD, in order to get e.g. "We arrived a week after you." ;; DPF 2016-10-24 - Pushed NEGPOL - down to the det_sg_compadj_lexent subtype, ;; since the constraint is too strong: we want *not a single cat appeared*, ;; and even *not a finger was raised*. ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Pushed QUE.LIST < > down to subtype det_sg_nomod_lexent, ;; so we can get *how tall a cat* with det_sg_compadj_lexent. ;; ;; det_word_sing & ;; basic_det_sg_nomod_lexent := abstr_det_word & [ SYNSEM basic_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif ] >, COMPS < > ] ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.IND +, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD #modif ] ]. det_sg_nomod_lexent := det_word_sing & basic_det_sg_nomod_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_deg_rel, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED some_q_rel ] ]. ;; *that happy a cat* ;; DPF 2014-01-23 - Added SPR..LEX - to block **very happy a cat*, using the ;; same property that in contrast blocks **the that happy cat*. ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Changed NONLOC non-local_none to allow *how tall a cat* ;; ;; det_sg_compadj_lexent := basic_det_sg_nomod_lexent & [ SYNSEM basic_nonpart_det_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN #pred, POSS - ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN adj_rel, MOD < [ --SIND #nind ] >, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem & [ --MIN this_that_deg_rel]>, COMPS #comps ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], OPT -, LEX -, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #nind ] ] >, SPCMPS #comps ], NEGPOL - ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #pred & _a_q_rel ] ]. d_-_sg-nmd_le := det_sg_nomod_lexent & """ Det, sing, not modif, con onset A book arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] > ]. d_-_sg-nmd-an_le := det_sg_nomod_lexent & """ Det, sing, not modif, voc onset An apple arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] > ]. d_-_sg-caj_le := det_sg_compadj_lexent & """ Det, sing, oblig compadj spr Too big a cat arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] > ]. d_-_sg-caj-an_le := det_sg_compadj_lexent & """ Det, sing, oblig compadj spr Too big an apple arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] > ]. ; "a apple" d_-_sg-a_le_mal := det_sg_nomod_lexent & """ Det, only 'a' (robust number) A cats arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET voc ] >, GENRE robust ]. ; "an dog" d_-_sg-an_le_mal := det_sg_nomod_lexent & """ Det, only 'an' (robust number) An apples fell. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET con ] >, GENRE robust ]. ; "a a cat" "an an apple" d_-_sg-a-a_le_mal := det_sg_nomod_lexent & """ Det, only 'a(n) a(n)' (robust) A a book arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_voc ] >, GENRE robust ]. ;; DPF 2018-02-17 - Added lexical type for a/an which combine with coord Nbar ;; and show plural number agreement with verb, as in ;; *a cat and dog are sleeping*. ;; Using newly added CONJ features LPERNUM and RPERNUM to constrain the ;; number of the left and right noun conjuncts, to block *a cats and dog sleep* ;; and *a [cat and dogs] we love sleep* (also avoiding spurious ambiguity for ;; *a cat and dogs sleep*. It is the nbar-coord rule that records the values ;; for L/RPERNUM. ;; det_indef_conj_lexent := det_word & [ SYNSEM basic_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif, LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX conj_ref-ind, CONJ [ LPERNUM 3s, RPERNUM 3s ]]] >, SPR.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_deg_rel, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ], COMPS < > ] ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.IND +, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, MODIFD #modif ] ]. d_-_idf-cnj-a_le := det_indef_conj_lexent & """ Det, indef, conjoined Nbars, cons onset, only `a' A cat and dog sleep. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC.FIRST.PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ]. d_-_idf-cnj-an_le := det_indef_conj_lexent & """ Det, indef, conjoined Nbars, voc onset, only `an' A cat and dog sleep. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC.FIRST.PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ]. ; 'every' ; DPF 22-may-09 - Changed SPR..MIN from just_only_very_deg_rel to ; just_only_deg_rel - why was it allowing 'very'? d_-_sg-every_le := det_word_sing & """ Det, sing, only 'every' Every dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD hasmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #lbl, PRED every_q_rel ], ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; We make the non-quantifier relation generically pron_rel, and have each ; individual pronoun simply constrain the ARG0 index of that pron_rel. ; This type is used for both WH "whose" and relative "whose", so it leaves ; both QUE and REL values unspecified, but supplies all other defaults. ; DPF 24-aug-06 - Added ALTMIN no_rel to block possessive determiners from ; combining with e.g.day-of-month nouns as in "*My five is booked." ;; DPF 2015-03-26 - Added NEGPOL - to enable blocking of ;; *They told her to not eat her pie before her dinner.* ;; DPF 2017-09-24 - Changed MODIFD value to stamp lmod rather than preserve ;; value from specified noun, since we want to accept *he graduated my year* ;; and *people our age*, where the npadv rule requires the dtr to have nonnull ;; MODIFD value. Note that this overgenerates for *our time they disappeared*, ;; but can't see how to block it just now. FIX someday. ;; basic_poss_word := noncs-m-nab & basic_det_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ POSS +, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < > ], NEGPOL - ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS.LIST < relation, prep_relation & #altkeyrel & [ PRED poss_rel, ARG0.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], ARG1 #index ], ... > ] ], MODIFD lmod, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ;; Enable robust variants with non-standard constraints. poss_word := basic_poss_word. ; ERB (31-10-96) See notes near n_wh_pro_le. ;; DPF 2021-06-15 - It is mysterious why the synsem value was nonpart_det_synsem ;; since we want "whose is that?", but changed now to part_det_synsem. ;; d_-_wh-poss_le := poss_word & """ Det, only 'whose' B knew whose dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM part_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN def_implicit_q_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #nhand ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < param > ] ] ]. ; DPF 17-dec-03 - Added HS-LEX + to avoid sentence "*about my arrives" nonwh_poss_word := basic_poss_word & [ SYNSEM nonpart_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN def_explicit_q_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ] > ], HS-LEX + ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < relation, [ LBL #hand ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq, ... >, ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED def_explicit_q_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-12-14 - Removed XARG #ind, since this conflicts with other ;; assumptions about compound names, where the XARG is of type `handle'. ;; We'll see if we can rediscover why this XARG constraint was here... ;; DPF 2014-06-20 - Re 2012-12-14: The constraint is used to get reflexive ;; idioms like "she racked her brains". Can't quite see why this causes ;; trouble with the compound names, so let's try again, but push down to ;; det-poss_lexent. ;; basic_det_poss_lexent := nonwh_poss_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ]. det_poss_lexent := basic_det_poss_lexent & poss_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS ] ]. d_-_poss-her_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-her_le := d_-_poss-her_lexent """ Det, only 'her' Her dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-her_le_mal := d_-_poss-her_lexent & """ Det, only 'her', robust Her her dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-his_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-his_le := d_-_poss-his_lexent """ Det, only 'his' His dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-his_le_mal := d_-_poss-his_lexent & """ Det, only 'his' His his dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ; DPF 26-sept-04 - Temporary solution until we add determiner coordination, ; at least. d_-_poss-his-her_le := det_poss_lexent & """ Det, only 'his/her' His/her dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-its_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-its_le := d_-_poss-its_lexent """ Det, only 'its' Its tail wagged. """ . d_-_poss-its_le_mal := d_-_poss-its_lexent & """ Det, only 'its', robust Its its tail wagged. It's tail wagged. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-my_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-my_le := d_-_poss-my_lexent """ Det, only 'my' My dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-my_le_mal := d_-_poss-my_lexent & """ Det, only 'my', robust My my dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-our_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-our_le := d_-_poss-our_lexent """ Det, only 'our' Our dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-our_le_mal := d_-_poss-our_lexent & """ Det, only 'our', robust Our our dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-their_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-na_le := det_poss_lexent & """ Det, only 'their', singular masc/fem Someone craned their neck. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-their_le := d_-_poss-their_lexent """ Det, only 'their' Their dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-their_le_mal := d_-_poss-their_lexent & """ Det, only 'their', robust Their their dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-your_lexent := det_poss_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-your_le := d_-_poss-your_lexent """ Det, only 'your' Your dog barked. """ . d_-_poss-your_le_mal := d_-_poss-your_lexent & """ Det, only 'your', robust Your your dog barked. """ [ GENRE robust ]. d_-_poss-anoth_le := basic_det_poss_lexent & poss_word & """ Det, only 'one anothers' They admired one another's cats. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-rel_le := nonwh_poss_word & poss_word & """ Det, only relative 'whose' Men whose dogs bark laugh. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], NONLOC.REL.LIST < [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind ] >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ; 'of mine' det_nospec_synsem := nomod_synsem. det_poss_nospec_lexent := basic_det_word & noncrs-m-nab & [ SYNSEM det_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det & [ POSS +, MINORS [ MIN implicit_q_rel, ALTMIN poss_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. d_-_poss-mine_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'mine' Mine barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-ours_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'ours' Ours barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-yours_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'yours' Yours barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-his-ns_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'his' His barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-hers_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'hers' Hers barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-hers-his_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, 'his/hers' His/hers barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. d_-_poss-theirs_le := det_poss_nospec_lexent & """ Det, only 'theirs Theirs barked. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ;; for *all day long* ;; d_ap_all-long_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, only `all', with post-mod noun It ran all day long. """ [ SYNSEM basic_nonpart_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN #pred, POSS - ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #nind ], --MIN temp_abstr_rel, MODIFD notmod & [ RPERIPH - ] ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #nind ] ], --MIN long_a_rel, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ] ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.IND +, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD hasmod, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #pred & _all_q_rel ] ]. ; 'preposition' "a/an" for predicative NPs, as in "It is a (real/rare) ; pleasure to visit Oslo" and "Oslo is a pleasure to visit" ;; DPF 2013-05-10 - Add NORM norm_rel to block these from v_mod rule. ;; DPF 2020-12-03 - Add COMPS..SPR unexpressed to avoid "a privilege to ;; arrive" with SLASH unbound. #| pred_a_prep_lexent := nonconj & [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD +, MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, TAM #tam & [ TENSE tense ], MINORS [ MIN pred_a_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ --MIN prednom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] ], NONLOC non-local_none & [ SLASH.LIST < > ], OPT - ] > ], MC na ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & event & [ E #tam ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED some_q_rel, ARG0 #index & ref-ind, RSTR #rhand ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], INFLECTD + ]. |# pred_a_prep_lexent := nonconj & [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD +, MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >, TAM #tam & [ TENSE tense ], MINORS [ MIN pred_a_rel, NORM norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ --MIN prednom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR.FIRST unexpressed, COMPS < > ], MC na, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash, OPT - ] > ], MC na ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & event & [ E #tam ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED some_q_rel, ARG0 #index & ref-ind, RSTR #rhand ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], INFLECTD + ]. p_np_i-prd-a_le := pred_a_prep_lexent & """ Prep, NP, prednom, con onset It is a pleasure to win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] > ]. p_np_i-prd-an_le := pred_a_prep_lexent & """ Prep, NP, prednom, voc onset It is an honor to be here. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] > ]. p_np_i-nonpro_le := p_reg_lexent & """ Prep, np, no pronoun. Maybe only `if' Any cat, if a pet, sleeps. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN nonpro_rel ] > ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Free relatives ; ; One crucial property of free relatives is that they have a non-empty QUE ; value whose single list element is an index (rather than the param which ; is employed for ordinary question WH-words). ; The other is that they encode the constraints for their S/XP sister in the ; free-relative construction, in their SLASH attribute. ;; DPF 2012-11-12 - Changed SPR from synsem to unexpressed, to avoid spurious ;; ambiguity as in *just what ...* - force high attachment. ;; DPF 2017-09-12 - Removed identity of XARG and main pred's LBL (see note ;; of same date for generic_bare_np_phrase in syntax.tdl). ;; free_rel_pro_word := noncr-hm-nab & basic_pronoun_word & [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < unexpressed & [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD adv, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ], anti_synsem_min & [ OPT - ] >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < > ] ], AGR #ind, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX nonconj_ref-ind & #ind & [ PNG.PN 3 ] ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #lbl, PRED basic_free_relative_q_rel, ARG0 #ind, RSTR #rhand, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #ind, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S < > ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < #ind >, SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONJ cnil ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ CFROM #from, CTO #to ] ] ]. ; whatever, whoever ; DPF 20-Aug-01 - Added SLASH..PRD - to block "what my offers are" with ; predicative copula. ;; DPF 2016-10-19 - The SLASH..--BARE + constraint prevents *what I am* because ;; the identity copula constraints its complement to be --BARE -, presumably to ;; avoid spurious ambiguity somewhere. Let's remove it here, and see what ;; follows. FIX? ;; DPF 2018-04-20 - Generalized INDEX.SORT from entity-or-event to ;; basic-entity-or-event in order to allow *What he likes is reading books*. ;; n_freerel_pro_lexent := free_rel_pro_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ PRD -, MINORS #minors & [ MIN reg_nom_rel & #pred, ALTMIN free_relative_ever_q_rel ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #ind & [ PNG.PN 3, SORT basic-entity-or-event ]], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED #pred, LBL #nhand ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, PRD -, MINORS #minors ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #ind ], AGR non_expl-ind ] > ] ]. ; DPF 25-aug-07 - Need to leave underspecified for PN: "We bought what we ; thought were the right amounts" ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - But PN now back in trunk, so let's keep, and CHECK. n_-_pr-fr_le := n_freerel_pro_lexent & """ Free relative pro B did what C wanted. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ] ]. n_-_pr-fr-ever_le := n_freerel_pro_lexent & """ Free relative pro whatever B did whatever C wanted. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_ever_q_rel ]. n_-_pr-fr-ever-sg_le := n_freerel_pro_lexent & """ Free relative pro whoever, 3sg only B did whatever C wanted. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_ever_q_rel, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ] ]. n_-_pr-fr-ever-acc_le := n_freerel_pro_lexent & """ Free relative pro whomever, accusative only B wrote to whomever he spoke to. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_ever_q_rel, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD.CASE non_nom, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ] ]. ; when, where ; DPF 15-Apr-02 - Added SLASH..VAL.SUBJ..INDEX #arg to accommodate predicative ; 'be' as in "Find where Kim is" ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Removed PRD - since need to allow head_adj_phr to have ; adjunct be PRD +. ; DPF 06-sept-07 - Added INDEX.SORT location to prevent these from appearing ; as non-heads in appositives. ; DPF 07-apr-08 - But this blocks coord with other free rels, as in ; "we admired what he said and where he'd been." So instead try constraining ; ALTMIN to non_freerel_rel, replacing nonpro_rel. ;; DPF 2018-06-09 - We were wrongly identifying the LBL of the prep_mod_rel ;; with that of the nom_rel, which for examples such as *when Kim is not happy* ;; resulted in the handle of the nom relation being bound both by the RSTR of ;; the freerel_q and by the neg rel. The prep_mod_rel's LBL instead gets unified ;; with the LTOP of SLASH. The nom_rel's LBL is also the LTOP, so the rule for ;; free relatives can identify it with the LTOP of the gapped-S sister, which ;; ensures that the neg_rel and the nom_rel have the same handle for this ;; example. ;; n_freerel_pro_adv_lexent := free_rel_pro_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN #min, ALTMIN #altmin & free_relative_q_rel, NORM prep_mod_rel ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nomlbl, INDEX.PNG.PN 3s ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED #min ], ALTKEYREL #keyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2key & [ PRED #slmin ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD prep & [ MOD *nogaplist* & < synsem & [ --SIND #arg ] >, MINORS [ MIN #slmin, ALTMIN #altmin ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lochand, XARG #arg ] ] > ] ]. n_-_pr-fr-wh_le := n_freerel_pro_adv_lexent & """ Free relative 'wh' B won when C won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_q_rel ]. n_-_pr-fr-whever_le := n_freerel_pro_adv_lexent & """ Free relative 'wh-ever' B won whenever C won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED free_relative_ever_q_rel ]. ; whatever, what ; DPF 25-Nov-03 - Removed [SLASH..CASE acc] since also want "whichever books ; arrived". ; DPF 10-jul-04 - Replacing SLASH..HEAD n_or_p with noun since we don't want ; an extracted adjunct reading for e.g. "kim chases whichever cats bark". ; To still get "kim stays at whichever place he lands", maybe we have to ; make two separate entries for "whichever" - one a simple determiner ; which would in principle allow either NP or PP (maybe appropriately ; constrained ...), and the other the partitive which only allows NP slash. ; FIX ... free_rel_det_word_gen := noncr-hm-nab & [ SYNSEM canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPEC < >, SPR < [ OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat & [ VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed_reg, --SLPASS - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #arg0 ], AGR #agr ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR #agr ], MODIFD.RPERIPH +, NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < index > , SLASH.LIST < [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ MOD < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg0, CONJ cnil ] > ] ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. d_-_freerel_le := free_rel_det_word_gen & """ Det, free relative Whichever dog barks wins. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN no_rel ] ], VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; 'which' for VP-modifying relative clauses ;; e.g. "Kim snored, which bothered Sandy." vp_rel_word := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM one_arg_norel_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ *oblcons*, COMPS < > ], MC #mc ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #cltop ] ] > ], POSTHD +, MC #mc, VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD indicative, MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, COMPS < > ], MC -, --SLPASS + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cevent ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD indicative ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ] >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] >, SPEC < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cevent ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s ], NONLOC non-local_none ] ]. p_cp_sl-rel_le := vp_rel_word """ Prep, only `which', introducing post-VP relative clause Kim snored, which bothered Sandy. """ . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Possessives ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Possessive "'s" takes an NP[-Poss] specifier and projects either an ;; NP[+Poss] phrase (for "the book of Kim's") or a DetP[+Poss] phrase (for ;; "Kim's book"). Either way, the content of the possessive phrase will be a ;; definite possessive quantifier. The NP[+Poss] things also work pretty well ;; for things like "Kim's is under the desk" if we allow governed NPs to be ;; +Poss. The tricky thing will be figuring out exactly where `bare ;; possessives' can show up. Also, we need to add the restriction that the SPR ;; must be non-pronominal. We cannot simply make the synsem of the SPR be ;; the type nonpronominal, since that NP might be either lexical or phrasal, ;; distinguished by the synsem types lex_synsem and phr_synsem. So we use ;; the semantic MIN relation to identify nonpronominals. ;; Another question is what do we do with the scope ;; of quantifiers in the possessor? This entry assumes that they always have ;; narrow scope. That should be an empirical question, as the saying goes. ; DPF 10-oct-04 - Added SPR..CASE non_obliq constraint to exclude reflexive ; pronouns as in "*ourselves's chairs arrived", while still allowing ; reciprocals, as in "we hired each other's consultants." ; DPF 18-Nov-04 - Added SPR..PRD + to require that proper NPs be INFLECTD +, ; possible since the hdn_bnp-pn_c rule identifies PRD and INFLECTD. This is ; needed since proper-NPs need to be [INFLECTD -] for NP-N-cmpnd rule which ; is also used for measure-NP compounds like "ten foot wall" (cf "*ten feet ; wall"); and further, the sp-hd_hc_c rule must leave the non-hd-dtr unspecified ; for INFLECTD since this rule is used to build "ten foot high (wall)", as ; well as the possessive phrase "kim 's". Since the value of SPR is a list ; of synsems (with no access to the INFLECTD value), we smuggle in the ; needed constraint by coercing the otherwise unused feature PRD on proper ; NPs (note in defense that this same identity of PRD and INFLECTD is used ; legitimately in measure-NPs). ;; DPF 13-03-13 - Removed SPR..--BARE - so we can detect errors such as e.g. ;; *we admire cat's fur*. Check for consequences. ;; DPF 2024-06-07 - Re 10-oct-04: Further restrict CASE to acc, to block ;; British plural nouns such as "government". ;; basic_n_poss_clitic_lexent := nonc-m-nab & nonque & nonrel & [ ALTS.SQPNCT -, SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr >, CAT [ HEAD det & [ POSS +, MOD < >, MINORS.ALTMIN poss_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < #spr & synsem & [ --MIN nonpro_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD [ PRD +, CASE acc ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #plbl, INDEX index ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash ], --SIND #pindex & individual_min, OPT - ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #pindex ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL prep_relation & [ PRED poss_rel, LBL #plbl, ARG0.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], ARG1 #index & full_ref-ind, ARG2 #pindex ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash & < > ] ] ]. n_poss_clitic_lexent := basic_n_poss_clitic_lexent & [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN def_explicit_q_rel & #min, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN #min, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #phand, INDEX #index ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ LBL #phand, ARG1 #index ] ] ] ]. ;; DPF 14-01-30 - Since n_-_cl-poss_le *'s* is constrained to only combine ;; with singular nouns, we need a variant to combine with conjoined NPs, as in ;; *Pat and Kim's cat* ;; n_-_cl-poss-crd_le := n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic "'s" for conjoined NPs B and C's cat won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --SIND conj-ind & [ PNG.PN 3p ] ] > ]. n_-_cl-poss_le := n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic "'s" B's cat won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --SIND.PNG.PN 3s ] > ]. n_-_cl-poss-pl_le := n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic plural "'" The cats' owner won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --SIND.PNG.PN 3p ] > ]. n_-_cl-poss-pl-irr_le := n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic plural "'s" for irregular nouns The children's teacher won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --SIND.PNG png-irreg & [ PN 3p ] ] > ]. ; For "That dog of Kim's barks." ; DPF 11-jan-10 - Tempted to block plural NPs followed by 's, as in "*dogs's" ; but we want to still allow "people's", so would have to be able to ; distinguish between productive morphological plural and not. FIX ... ; n_-_cl-poss-nq_le := basic_n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic no-quantif That cat of Browne's won. """ [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN implicit_q_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK #hook ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem > ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ; Should eventually constrain this based on a PHON.FINAL feature to allow ; "Abrams' chairs" but block "Browne' chairs". Overgenerate for now. ;; DPF 14-01-30 - Note that this PHON.FINAL will also be needed to allow ;; *Kim and Abrams' chair* but block *Kim and Browne' chair* - FIX. ;; n_-_cl-poss-pr_le := n_poss_clitic_lexent & """ Possessive NP clitic - of Jones' Abrams' cat won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN named_rel, --SIND.PNG.PN 3s ] > ]. ;; The possessive "of" takes an NP[+Poss] complement (e.g., "Kim's", "mine") ;; and modifies an N'[-Poss]. Unfortunately, the way the hierarchy of ;; preposition types is built, there wasn't any type this could inherit from. ;; We could probably rearrange things so this inherits some preposition ;; properties, but right now I'm too lazy. Also, somehow we'll have to make ;; sure that this doesn't modify a pronoun. The semantic manipulation here is ;; tricky - keep your eyes on the definite quantifier. This def_implicit_q_rel ;; provided by the apostrophe-s (for its other life as a determiner), is ;; dropped by the possessive-of, analogous to nouns, verbs, and adjectives ;; dropping the semantics of the prepositions that can mark their complements. ;; This dropping of the relation is effected by having the possessive-of ;; neglect to grab the handle of the def_implicit_q_rel for its complement, ;; but grab instead the handle (and instance variable) of the NP complement ;; of the apostrophe-s. Then the general semantic pruning mechanism will ;; ignore the def_implicit_q_rel, since its handle will not be a value in any ;; other relation. one_arg_isect := one_arg & isect_synsem. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; These are not restricted to modifying only main VPs, since e.g. "if" needs ; to take scope over modals as in "I'd be pleased if we made an appointment." ; This lack of constraint means there will be structural ambiguity for ; if-clauses, but not spurious - get different scopes of "if" and modals. ; But we restrict them to modifying only finite VPs or imperatives. ; DPF (10-Jan-99) Changed these to modify S rather than VP, since they don't ; appear to survive extraction from embedded clauses, nor do they appear inside ; an extraposed subject relative clause. ; DPF (10-Jan-98) For some reason, can't make the HEAD value prep* - fails to ; unify with strict_type in "Kim sleeps if Sandy sleeps". Solve later. ; DPF 02-Oct-00 Changed subconj_inf_synsem to modify S rather than VP, in ; order to make semantics consistent with other subord rels. ; DPF 26-Apr-03 Our analysis prevented subordinating phrases from modifying ; embedded clauses, but clearly we need these for examples like "I wonder ; whether Sandy arrived before Kim left". So relax MOD..CAT to s_cat_unspec ; and make the subord's MSG be that of its modifiee, to block e.g. ; "*I wonder Kim arrived before Sandy left". And further relax MOD..CAT to ; allow modification of infinitival VPs as in "Kim didn't want to leave before ; Sandy arrived", which means also dropping [ MOD..E.TENSE real_tense]. ; DPF 17-Jul-03 - Removed PRD - since it blocks "Kim arrives two weeks after ; Sandy leaves", given our analysis of measure-NPs. Not clear what it was for. ; DPF 22-Nov-03 - Removed MOD..SLASH.LIST < > since want to also get "the chair ; (that) I'll buy if you like it is expensive" and "who did you say Kim would ; hire if we were supportive". ; DPF 25-Nov-03 - Added MOD..LPERIPH na_or_- to avoid spurious disc_adv reading ; for "hiring kim and firing sandy happened" ; DPF 7-Jun-04 - This constraint prevented desired analysis for "if kim ; arrives then sandy arises", so instead only use it in subjconj_vp rule. ; DPF 18-jul-04 - Removed constraint of MOD..MSG message to allow these to ; modify VPs as well as S's, to get e.g. "I found a book to read before ; Abrams arrives" ; DPF 26-mar-05 - Restricting MOD.HEAD to verbal blocked modification of ; verbal gerunds, such as "safe practices for using a phone while driving", ; so changed to HEAD v_or_g. Also removed MOD..LEX - since this prevented ; "for singing while driving" ; DPF 14-aug-05 - Re 17-Jul-03: PRD - prevents "not happy" from being ; built spuriously as "not" modifying the subconj-prdp "happy". ; DPF 13-nov-05 - Added MOD..SPR *cons* to exclude complementizer-phrases, ; to avoid spurious ambiguity for e.g. "Kim tried to leave while we slept." ; DPF 04-may-06 - Removed MOD..SUBJ *cons* since this prevents attaching ; subord clauses in relative clauses, as in "The guy that leaves if we ; stay is famous." ; DPF 13-may-06 - FIX - strictly speaking, we should have two versions of ; the filler-head-non-wh rule, one root and one non-root, analogous to the ; two subject-head rules, since the root one incorporates the mood ; of the punctuation mark, while the non-root one would pass it up. ; Right now, we don't parse 'Arise, whereas in Paris we arrive.' since the ; subord-clause prematurely declares the mood to be prop, when ; it should stay underspecified in this clause, and then become comm ; at the root. ; DPF 24-apr-08 - Add MOD..MOD anti_synsem_min to block modification of ; relative clauses (spurious analyses) ;; DPF 2011-08-10 - Added (hack) AUX + to prevent subordinate phrases from ;; being modified by PPs, to avoid spurious ambiguity of "kim arose [to ;; arrive] [in Paris]". ;; DPF 2016-07-03 - Generalized MOD..HEAD from v_or_g to v_or_g_or_a_or_p, ;; in order to allow *Kim is happy drunk*. Pushed tighter constraint down ;; to basic_subconj_lex_synsem. ;; DPF 2018-07-28 - Exclude semantically empty prep PPs as MOD target, as in ;; *some of them arriving* ;; ; 2020-12-10 #| basic_subconj_synsem := canonical_lex_or_phrase_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p, VAL.COMPS < >, MC #mc ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #modltop, CONJ cnil ], --MIN independent_rel ] >, AUX +, MINORS.MIN subord_rel ], VAL.SUBJ < >, MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #modltop, RELS.LIST < subord_relation & [ ARG0 [ E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], ARG1 #main ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #main, LARG #modltop ], ... > ] ], --SIND non_expl ]. |# basic_subconj_synsem := canonical_lex_or_phrase_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD < synsem & [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p, VAL.COMPS < >, MC #mc ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #modltop, CONJ cnil ], --MIN independent_rel ] >, AUX +, MINORS [ MIN subord_rel, --MODHD rmod ] ], VAL.SUBJ < >, MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #modltop, RELS.LIST < subord_relation & [ ARG1 #main ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #main, LARG #modltop ], ... > ] ], --SIND non_expl ]. ;; DPF 2020-06-21 - Generalized HEAD.MOD..HEAD from v_or_g to v_or_g_or_a so we ;; can also get |tall as he is, he'll be a good player| and |angry though she ;; was, she kept her temper|. Let's see if the added ambiguity is tolerable... ;; In connection with the change, generalized HEAD.MOD..HEAD.MOD from ;; anti_synsem_min to unexpressed_min, since adj's MOD is not anti_synsem. ;; DPF 2022-04-30 - Constraining MOD..MOD to be unexpressed_synsem prevents ;; "the child, happy like she should be, smiled". So let's change here to ;; synsem_min, and possibly push unexpressed down to subtypes if necessary. ;; basic_subconj_lex_synsem := basic_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_adv, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #sltop, XARG #arg0 ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, OPT + ] >, HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a & [ MOD < synsem_min > ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #sltop, RELS.LIST < [ LBL #sltop, ARG0 #arg0 ], ... >, ICONS ] ] ]. ; 2020-12-10 #| subconj_lex_synsem := basic_subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.KCMP.--SIND #index, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ]. |# ;; DPF 22-06-20 - If CONT.HOOK.INDEX is not that of the complement, it must ;; be the ARG0 of the head's main EP. ;; subconj_lex_synsem := basic_subconj_lex_synsem & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 #index ]. ;; DPF 2012-09-21 - Corrected COMPS..LPUNCT from no_punct to pair_or_no_punct ;; so we can get *Kim arose because "she won".* ; 2020-12-10 #| basic_onearg_subconj_synsem := basic_subconj_lex_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps & < synsem & [ --MIN #cmin, --SIND #index, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. |# basic_onearg_subconj_synsem := basic_subconj_lex_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps & < synsem & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & non_conj_event, RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... > ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-03-14 - We wrongly had identified COMPS..PSF with INDEX..SF, but ;; this fails obviously for an example like *if Kim asks `who won?' we quit* ;; So identify it instead with the SF of the KEYREL.ARG0. ;; DPF 2013-11-07 - Since the subord modifier can either be pre- or post-head, ;; we tried unifing the SF values of the complement clause and the main ;; (modifiee) clause, so the most specific constraint is preserved. But this ;; blocks *If we arose, would Kim arrive?*, as well as *Would Kim arrive, if ;; we arose?*. So leave underspecified for now, but note that this can cause ;; problems for the generator, which will fail if the input SF value is the ;; most specific type `prop'. ;; ; 2020-12-10 #| reg_onearg_subconj_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #iforce, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.SF #iforce ]. |# reg_onearg_subconj_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ]. norm_onearg_subconj_synsem := reg_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] > ]. basic_subconj_cp_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < #keycomp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX event ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. norm_subconj_cp_synsem := basic_subconj_cp_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn. subconj_cp_synsem := norm_subconj_cp_synsem & reg_onearg_subconj_synsem. ;; For *lest he be seen* subconj_cp_bse_synsem := basic_subconj_cp_synsem & reg_onearg_subconj_synsem. ;; 2020-12-10 - Adding identity of complement's PSF and head's --SIND.SF blocks ;; "Kim wondered who won if she lost." Can't be a lexical constraint. subconj_synsem := subconj_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin_or_imp ], MC - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], --SIND.E.TENSE real_tense ] > ]. #| subconj_synsem := subconj_cp_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin_or_imp ], MC - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #sforce, --SIND.E.TENSE real_tense ] >, --SIND.SF #sforce ]. |# subconj_ind_synsem := subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat & [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind_or_modal_subj ]] > ]] ]. ; 'Kim arrived, as did Abrams.' ;; `He wouldn't eat fish, nor would he drink wine' ;; subconj_cp_inv_synsem := norm_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV +, AUX +, TAM indic_tam, MOD *anti_list*, VFORM fin ], VAL [ SUBJ < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX event & [ SF prop-or-comm ] ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] >, HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ; 'We'll stay as you intended' ; Restrict to nonaux subord clause, to avoid spurious ambig for id-copula ;; DPF 2012-09-28 - Restrict further to not-left-modified clause, to avoid ;; spurious analyses of "as though ..." constructions, as in ;; *as though the author was growing less interested* ;; DPF 2018-07-28 - Now think this gap should be a CP rather than an NP, as in ;; *they lost, as he thought*. But leave as is for now, just adding a ;; generic_entity to fill the gapped argument position. ;; DPF 2019-06-24 - But nonaux constraint blocks *as Kim has mentioned*, so ;; undo, and live with ambig for id-copula. Check? ;; DPF 2020-06-23 - Generalized COMPS..SUBJ from < anti_synsem_min > to ;; *anti_list*, so we can also get subj gap: *as was noted, we discovered ...*, ;; and also restricted complement to non-elliptical to avoid *[as was] noted..." ;; subconj_cp_gap_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & lex_synsem & cp_addin_tam_pn & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS #comps & < #keycomp & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV -, MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, COMPS < > ], MC -, --SLPASS - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX event & [ SF prop-or-comm ] ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_rmod, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < arg-local & [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_adv, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT -, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ] ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S #comps ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0.SF #iforce ], --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. subconj_cp_cp-gap_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #mevent ] >, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS #comps & < #keycomp & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ AUX +, MINORS.ALTMIN passive_rel, TAM indic_tam, VFORM fin ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_-, --SLPASS - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX event & [ SF prop-or-comm ] ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS *olist* ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #sltop ] >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT -, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ] ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S #comps ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0.SF #iforce ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ; DPF 28-jul-06 - Dropped the zero-pronoun semantics for the subordinate ; infinitival clause - no motivation for it. But still constrain the XARG ; of the infinitival to be non_expl, and SORT entity to reduce ambiguity ; for e.g. 'Kim tried to be winning.' ; DPF 21-apr-08 - Removed MOD..CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp to allow modif of ; VPs, as in "He arose to wave and sat down again" ; DPF 16-jul-2010 - Added identity of MOD..SUBJ..INDEX and COMPS..XARG so we ; bind the XARG of the complement VP just in case we are modifying a VP, ; effectively identifying it with the XARG of the VP being modified, but avoid ; always unifying with the MOD's XARG since this is sometimes incorrect when ; the MOD value is a full sentence. Here are three classes of counterexamples ; to the claim that the index of the syntactic subject of ARG1 is always ; identified with the index of the implicit subject of the "(in order) to" ; verb phrase: ; 1. Expletive subjects (where the syntactic subject of the main clause has ; no semantics of its own) ; In order to have a winner, there has to be a loser. ; In order to win the race, it seems that John took a shortcut. ; 2. Bridging verbs ; In order to get a seat, I think you'll need to arrive early. ; In order to get a seat, I'm sure he must have arrived early. ; 3. Direct conflicts (the most problematic counterexamples) ; In order to have a winner, somebody else has to lose. ; In order to make himself popular, we advised John to kiss more babies. ; So we take advantage of the fact that when the "in order to" phrase ; follows what it modifies, we typically get two analyses, one attaching to ; VP (where we effectively impose the XARG identity), and one attaching to ; S, where we don't. This solution is sort of a hack, since it takes advantage ; of our representation of (most) S's as having SUBJ < anti_synsem >, where ; that SUBJ's INDEX is (of course) unbound. The cleaner alternative would be ; to split this lexical entry for "to" (and "in order to") into two, one for ; VP modification and one for S. But let's try managing with just one entry. ; DPF 2011-04-17 - Removed identify of COMPS..PSF and INDEX.SF, since this ; blocked *this is why we arise to arrive*. Don't recall why this was here. ;; DPF 2016-09-09 - Re 28-jul-06: But requiring XARG to be non_expl prevents ;; analysis of e.g. *in order to grow corn, it has to rain* or *in order to ;; grow corn, there has to be rain* or *in order to win, it is known that runs ;; have to be scored*. So remove this constraint, and also remove the identity ;; of MOD..SUBJ..INDEX and HOOK..XARG and COMPS..XARG for the same reason. ;; DPF 2022-12-10 - Identify MOD..POSTHD with own POSTHD, where clauses are now ;; marked POSTHD -, so infinitival VP modifier attaches post-head only to VPs, ;; as in "He drank to quench his thirst", while still attaching only to S as a ;; prehead modifier. ;; subconj_bse_or_inf_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ MODIFD.LPERIPH -, LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD #phd ] >, PRD + ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR *olist*, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vpltop, INDEX event ] ] ] > ], HC-LEX -, POSTHD #phd ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-10-02 - Constrain comp's subj to be HEAD basic_noun in order to ;; prevent spurious locative inversion VPs here, as in ;; *he went to go his cats* ;; Also constrain the XARG to exclude do-index, to avoid ;; *it is good to be fight them* ;; subconj_bse_synsem := subconj_bse_or_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_bse_cat & [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN non_ellipt_rel, VAL.SUBJ < unexpressed_reg & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun ]>], CONT.HOOK.XARG non_expl-ind ] ] > ]. ;; *so as to ...* ;; subconj_inf_synsem := subconj_bse_or_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_inf_cat ] > ]. ;; *in order (for Kim) to ...* ;; subconj_inf_vp_or_s_synsem := subconj_bse_or_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_or_vp_inf_cat ] > ]. subconj_fin_synsem := subconj_bse_or_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg, POSTHD +, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.VFORM fin, VAL.SUBJ.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ] > ] ]. ; DPF 2/6/02 - Changed COMPS..SPR synsem to synsem_min in order to support ; e.g. 'I slipped while dancing' ; DPF 5/20/02 - Cannot require that COMPS..SUBJ..INDEX be re-entrant with ; the MOD..AGR, since get sentences like "There are age restrictions when ; renting a car" where the AGR is there_expl, but the INDEX is ref-ind. ; So the subject of the predicative phrase must be discourse-bound. ; DPF 30-May-02 - TO DO - constrain complement to be non-temporal, to allow ; "when there" but block "when Tuesday". ; DPF 3-May-03 - Made [COMPS..MOD..HEAD noun] to avoid some of the spurious ; ambiguity for e.g. "Kim knows when to arrive". ; DPF 22-apr-04 - Removed SPR < synsem_min > from complement, since this ; prevents "when really necessary", and it's not clear what it was supposed ; to be blocking. ; DPF 20-aug-04 - Removed [MOD..MSG message] even though this was helping ; with seemingly spurious ambiguity, because it blocked attachment to ; subordinate clauses, as in "if you slip while dancing, you fall". ; subconj_prd_synsem := norm_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM non_inf ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT prd_or_adv_cat, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #prdltop, XARG non_expl-ind ] ]] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. subconj_prd_pre_synsem := subconj_prd_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD - ]. subconj_prd_post_synsem := subconj_prd_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.POSTHD +, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #iforce ], PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ]. ; For "so" of "I can be there, so yes/no/okay" subconj_disc_adv_synsem := norm_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] >, PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD root-marker, POSTHD - ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], LEX + ] >, HC-LEX -, POSTHD + ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SF #iforce, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ]. ; DPF 14-May-02 - Cost of having this complementizer-like analysis is that ; we don't get conjoined if-clauses like "If you leave and he stays, I win" ; So why do we have this analysis? Can't remember ... ; DPF 01-Jun-07 - Removed identity of MOOD on main and subord clauses, due to ; "If it were true, you can be sure we would know" where the irrealis is in ; the complement clause - too hard to pass through, so let's overgenerate. ;; DPF 2013-02-13 - Constrain to non-local empty on both complements. ; ; 'For Kim to win, Abrams must lose' ; ;; DPF 2014-06-04 - Changed COMPS.REST.FIRST..COMPS from *olist* to < > to avoid ;; spurious ambig of e.g. *with Kim angry, ...* ;; ; 2020-12-10 #| subconj_twoarg_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT [ HEAD [ TAM.MOOD #mood, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp & [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] > ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS #comps & < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, --SIND #ind, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm, XARG #ind ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ] ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0.SF #iforce ] ]. |# subconj_twoarg_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT [ HEAD [ TAM.MOOD #mood, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp & [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] > ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS #comps & < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, --SIND #ind, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], synsem & #keycomp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm, XARG #ind ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT -, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct ] ] >, KCMP #keycomp ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. subconj_for_synsem := subconj_twoarg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR #agr ], [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR #agr, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ]] > ]. ; For predicatives, like "with Kim angry, no one smiled" ;; DPF 2014-06-04 - Constrain COMPS.REST.FIRST..MOD..HEAD to basic_noun, to ;; block (in-order-)to-VP as in *with Kim to arrive soon, ...* ;; DPF 2014-12-03 - Re 2014-06-04: But this blocks *with his boots on...*, so ;; change to [LOCAL intersective_mod] ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - Restrict second comp to SPR *olist* to exclude "ago" that ;; takes spr, and exclude n-modifying "ago" ;; subconj_with_synsem := subconj_twoarg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD v_or_a_or_p & [ PRD +, MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod ] >], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist* ] ] ] > ]. ; Since we don't (yet) have a treatment of predicative NPs, add separate ; type for "With Kim the president, no one worried." ; But block robust bare singular for second NP subconj_with_np_np_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT [ HEAD [ TAM.MOOD #mood, PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp & [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] > ], VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS #comps & < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_acc_min, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, --SIND #ind1, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ], synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT np_cat_nonnom & [ HEAD.--BARE - ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, --SIND #ind2, OPT -, --MIN nom_nbar_rel, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT.PSF #iforce ] ] > ], HC-LEX - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG0.SF #iforce ] ]. ; For sentence-initial discourse-level PPs like in "as for Chiang, who hired ; her?" ;; DPF 2024-06-03 - Added NORM no_rel to prevent these PPs from being comps ;; of be_nv (used for "is because S"), to block spurious analysis of e.g. ;; "if it is to rain". subconj_np_synsem := norm_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF basic-prop ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] >, MINORS.NORM no_rel, PRD - ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_noun & [ POSS -, MOD < >, CASE non_nom ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind & non_expl-ind ] ] >, POSTHD - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ]. ;; DFP 2020-03-24 - Added HS-LEX - as per trunk. ;; ; 2020-12-10 ;; DPF 2022-06-20 - Since subord modifiers can either be pre- or post-head, ;; they need to attend carefully to the SF and PSF values of the complement ;; clause and the modified clause. We want SF prop for the main clause of ;; "we wonder [who arises if we arrive.]", but SF ques for the embedded question ;; which is modified by the if-clause. We also want to avoid generating ;; "The artist arose before we arrived?" with question mark from the proposition ;; "Before we arrived the artist arose.". ;; subconj_word := noncqrs-h-nab & [ SYNSEM subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #iforce, PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #psf ], VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #psf ] >, HS-LEX - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #iforce ] ] ]. ;; For subordinating preps like 'after' which don't allow topicalized S compl: ;; "*Kim left, after on Tuesday Kim had already arrived." ;; Also take meas-NP specifiers as in "two weeks after ..." ;; DPF 21-mar-10 - Can't make compl be POSTHD -, since ordinary sb-hd phrases ;; are POSTHD +, just like topicalized clauses. So require complement to be ;; CASE obliq, which prevents topicalized clauses. ;; p_cp_s-notop_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, no prep stranding After B lost, C won. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_notvery_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ CASE obliq, VFORM fin ] ] > ] ] ]. ; For subordinating preps like 'since' which allow topicalized S compl, as in ; 'Kim left, since on Tuesday Browne had already arrived' p_cp_s_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, subord B won since C lost. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin ] > ] ]. ;; For subords like "given", "given that" which don't appear as complement of ;; "be" as in "The result is given we arrived late" p_cp_s-nocop_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, subord, not complement of copula B won given C lost. B was given C lost. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM no_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin ] > ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2018-05-25 - Added NORM quantity_or_no_rel, to block these in v_mod ;; ; "for" p_cp_s-post_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, no fronting C lost, for B won. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD.MINORS.NORM quantity_or_no_rel, VAl.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_fin_or_imp ] > ] ] ]. ; For ones like "as if" which can take subjunctive CP complement p_cp_s-unsp_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, unsp for subord C won, as if B were here. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] > ] ] ] ]. ; For ones like "lest" or "though" which can take base-vform subjunctive CP ; complement p_cp_s-bse_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, base-vform subord C ducked, lest he attract attention. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_bse_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_bse ] > ] ] ] ]. ;; For subconj "if" with "be" and "have", since its ordinary entry is already ;; unspecified for mood. Block these with conjoined S complements, since the ;; AUX value is left unspecified in conjunction. ;; p_cp_s-bse-aux_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, base-vform subord C can leave, if he be so inclined. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_bse_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_bse & [ HEAD.AUX + ], --SIND non_conj_event ] > ] ] ] ]. ; For "though" which can take an imperative CP complement p_cp_s-imp_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, imperative CP subord C tried, though let no one say it was easy. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_bse_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c & [ HEAD [ VFORM imp_vform, TAM.TENSE real_tense ]]]>]]]]. ; 'Kim left, as did Abrams' p_cp_inv-ell_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, subord, inverted, only with ellipsis B won, as did C. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_inv_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ] ]. p_cp_inv-s_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, subord, inverted He wouldn't eat fish, nor would he drink wine """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_inv_synsem ]. ; 'Kim will stay as time permits' p_cp_gap-s_le := noncqrs-h-nab & """ Prep, S, object NP gap C sings, as time permits. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_gap_synsem ]. ; 'as has been shown' p_cp_cp-gap_le := noncqrs-h-nab & """ Prep, S, subj gap C wins, as has been seen. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_cp_cp-gap_synsem ]. ; Post-head subordinating prep colon, which also allows ; imperatives: "Berlin: See brochure" p_cp_s-cln_le := noncqrs-h-nab & """ Prep, S, only colon C wins: B loses. """ [ SYNSEM norm_subconj_cp_synsem & basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ *anti_list* ] >, VAL [ SPR *anti_list*, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT s_cat_unspec & [ HEAD [ VFORM fin_or_inf_or_imp, TAM indic_tam ], VAL.SPR *olist*, MC + ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #sf ] > ], POSTHD + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #sf ] ] ]. ; DPF 14-Oct-02 - Collapse above two, just specifying real_tense. p_cp_s-for_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, S, only 'for' C wins, for B loses. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_for_synsem ]. p_cp_s-ncop_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, S, nocop frag With B losing, C can win. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_with_synsem ]. ;; For special case of *where * like *when *, but restrict to ;; lexical complement (with no gap), to avoid spurious ambiguity, since normally ;; we treat *where* as a lexical PP that can fill a modifier gap. ;; p_cp_s-lex_le := subconj_word & """ Prep, S, unsp for subord lexical CP such as *so* or ** The proof follows, where . """ [ SYNSEM subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin, LEX + ] > ] ] ] ]. p_np-np_s-ncop_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, double-np subord nocop With B the leader, C can win. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_with_np_np_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2014-10-18 - Added types for noun-modifying PPs with S-complements, for ;; ones with no complement gap, as in ;; *he arose the day before we arrived* ;; and for *like* and *such as* (at least), which take an S with an NP gap: ;; *a car like he bought arrived* ;; DPF 2017-06-24 - We notice that at least some of these can coordinate with ;; normal PPs to modify verbs, as in *wait for ten minutes or until we arrive* ;; so let's allow for this subtype. ;; DPF 2018-03-17 - Added NORM no_rel to block these as predic complements, as ;; in *we thought Kim before we arrived* like *we thought Kim crazy* ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added HS-LEX - as per trunk. ;; DPF 2022-11-15 - Considered identifying TAM of CP with that of head, but ;; this blocks "until we arrive, we sleep" since the extracted-adjunct rule ;; requires TAM.TENSE no_tense. Until that is changed, leave TAM unbound on ;; head. ;; p_cp_i_lexent := basic_prep_word & [ SYNSEM prep_p_mod_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_prep & [ MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst, MINORS [ MIN #min, NORM no_rel ] ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_unspec & [ MC -, HEAD verb & [ TAM #tam, --ADDIN [ ADDTAM #tam, ADDPN #pn ] ], NEGPOL #negpol ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX [ E.TENSE real_tense, SF prop-or-comm ] ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ], PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, OPT - ] >, POSTHD +, NEGPOL #negpol, HS-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED #min ] ] ]. p_cp_i-nmod_lexent := p_cp_i_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun, VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] ]. p_cp_i-nmod_le := p_cp_i-nmod_lexent & """ Prep, S comp, temp-N-modifier B arose the day before C arrived """ [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ] ]. p_cp_i-bse-nmod_lexent := p_cp_i_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_bse ] > ] ]. p_cp_i-bse-nmod_le := p_cp_i-bse-nmod_lexent & """ Prep, S comp, temp-N-modifier, base-form S-comp The proposal, though it be controversial, will pass. """ [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ] ]. p_cp_i-gap-nmod_le := p_cp_i-nmod_lexent & """ Prep, S comp with , temp-N-modifier The car like you bought arrived """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN much_deg_rel, ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel], VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] >, COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS -, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN reg_nom_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #index ] ] ]. p_cp_i_le := p_cp_i_lexent & """ Prep, S comp, modifier of any subst Wait ten minutes or until we arrive. """ [ SYNSEM one_arg_prep_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM fin, --SLPASS + ] ] ]. p_vp_bse_le := noncqr-nab & """ Prep, vp(bse) B won to avenge C. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_bse_synsem ]. p_vp_inf_le := noncqr-nab & """ Prep, VP, inf B raced so as to win. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_inf_synsem ]. p_vp_inf-or-s_le := noncqr-nab & """ Prep, VP or S, inf B raced in order (for C) to win. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_inf_vp_or_s_synsem ]. p_vp_fin_le := noncqr-nab & """ Prep, VP, inf B fell so didn't finish. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_fin_synsem ]. p_prd_s_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, pred-phr, scopal B sulked while unhappy. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_prd_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2022-06-01 - Added COMPS..NORM quantity_or_norm_rel to exclude ;; "as [if he disappeared]" p_prd_s-v-p_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, pred-phr, non-adjective B won as in Paris. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_prd_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_p & [ TAM.ASPECT.PROGR -, MINORS.NORM quantity_or_norm_rel ] ] > ] ]. p_np_s_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, NP, subord Of these dogs, none won. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_np_synsem ]. p_adv_s_le := noncqrs-nab & """ Prep, disc-adv, subord B won, so yes. """ [ SYNSEM subconj_disc_adv_synsem ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Coordinating conjunctions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; HACK: For efficiency, restrict conjunctions to only coordinate phrases which ; are saturated for COMPS. This falsely excludes "Kim bought and sold a car". ; DPF (25-Apr-98) Removed COMPS..HEAD subst constraint, to allow ; "your and my offices" ; DPF 8-Jun-99 - Removed hack on saturated COMPS - was blocking e.g. "between ; eleven and one p.m." ; DPF 15-May-03 - Discovered that the change to use LKEYS meant all subtypes ; of word were undesirably being coerced to be [LEX +] since type inference ; determined from the LKEYS attribute in 'word' that the synsem type should be ; abstract_lex_synsem which also introduces [LEX +]. This meant among other ; things that conj_word was always [LEX +*] rather than unspecified, and hence ; we could not parse e.g. "Kim is hiring Abrams and firing Browne" though we ; could still parse "Kim hired Abrams and fired Browne". Now corrected, maybe. ; DPF 29-may-07 - Made conj_word be [LEX na] so we can prevent these from ; being right dtrs in coord phrases by themselves. Were using nonlex_synsem ; constraint on those right dtrs, but this was inconsistent with "Kim etc," ; where "etc," has lex_punct_synsem. ; DPF 10-sept-07 - Finally realized that conjunctions were interacting badly ; with chart dependencies, since these words identify their HEAD value with ; that of their complement, which means that they are lexically underspecified ; and hence unifiable with any requirement on MINORS.MIN. In principle, ; should constrain the chart dependency mechanism to ignore CONJ + entries. ; For now, exclude coordination of selected PPs to gain better efficiency. ;; DPF 2014-05-16 - Re 10-sept-07: Consider changing head-marker phrase so ;; the conjunction is not the head, and then assign some other MIN value to ;; conjunctions to avoid the underspecification problem with chart dependencies. ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - Re 2014-05-16: Made this change, so we can now get ;; conjoined selected PPs, as in *Kim relies on Abrams and on Browne* ;; basic_conj_word := word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN independent_rel, VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPEC #spec, COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ #subj, SPEC #spec, COMPS #comps, SPCMPS #spcmps], HC-LEX #hclex ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg, CONJ cnil ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ] . #comps >, SPCMPS #spcmps ], HC-LEX #hclex ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ], NONLOC [ REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LEX na, --SIND non_expl, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. conj_word := basic_conj_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC #mc, VAL [ SPR #spr, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC #mc, VAL.SPR #spr ] ] > ] ] ]. ; A coordinating conjunction needs to "prime" the CONJ.LBLS and ; CONJ.INDICES lists, so that the right side of a binary coordination looks ; like an iterated coordination. ;; DPF 2017-10-07 - Also identify IND of complement and head, so we can distingish ;; *the sand and gravel arrives* from **the sand and machines arrives* norm_conj_word := conj_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN conj_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR [ DIV #div, IND #ind ] ], ... > ], AGR [ DIV #div, IND #ind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL basic_conj_relation & [ ARG0 conj-ind ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-07-02 - Added CPRED to differentiate "and" from "or" in 3-way coord ;; basic_conj_complex_lexent := conj_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONJ [ CREL #keyrel & [ PRED #cpred, ARG1 individual, ARG2 individual ], CPRED #cpred ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #cind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. conj_complex_lexent := basic_conj_complex_lexent & norm_conj_word. ; DPF 14-apr-05 - We should distinguish conjoined mass nouns, which can produce ; a still singular phrase ('this hardiness and zest for life') from count nouns ; which are always(?) plural when conjoined, whether singular or plural. But ; we don't have a natural class of count (whether sg or pl) vs mass, so can't ; easily split this entry into two. ; DPF 01-sept-06 - Re 14-apr-05: Now that we have multiple n-bar coord rules, ; we can locate the AGR..PN 3p in the specific construction that coordinates ; DIV - nouns. So removed AGR..PN 3p from c_xp_and_le, cp_xp_and-both_le. ; DPF 20-sept-06 - But this would mean we parse "Abrams and Browne arrives", ; so we use the new attribute CONJ.CPNG to distinguish 'and' from 'or', and ; have only the NP-coord rule (not the nbar-coord rule) include this ; constraint on the mother. c_xp_and_lexent := conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD both_or_cnil, CPNG.PN 3p ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_and_le := c_xp_and_lexent """ Conj, only 'and' B and C arrived. """ . c_xp_and_le_mal := c_xp_and_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and', robust B and and C arrived. """ [ GENRE robust ]. c_xp_and-not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and not' B and not C fell. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 31-oct-05 - Make [CONJ phr-conj] to avoid spurious ambiguity for ; "Then we should go." ;; DPF 2015-09-07 - Re 31-oct-05 - But phr-conj constraints CHEAD to cnil, ;; so never get *first X then Y*. Remove, and revisit the ambiguity. ; 'first Kim, then Sandy' c_xp_then_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'then' B tripped then fell. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] >, CONJ.CHEAD first_or_cnil, CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_and-then_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and then' B tripped and then fell. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] >, CONJ.CHEAD first, CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_or-else_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'or else' B won or else tied. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD either_or_whether_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_else_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'else' B must win, else A loses. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_except-that_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'except that' B'd win except that C did. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_except_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'except' B would win except C did. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD n_or_p, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ;; DPF 2015-09-21 - Generalized COMPS..HEAD from n_or_p_or_a to subst_or_adv ;; to include verbs and adverbs, since we want eg. *we arise as well as arrive* ;; DPF 2022-05-25 - Removed SPR *olist* so we can get Nbar coord, as in ;; "cook and clerk as well as rifleman" ;; c_xp_aswellas_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'as well as' B saw C as well as D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst_or_adv, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD both_or_cnil, CPNG.PN 3p ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_alongwith_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'along with' B, along with C, are arriving. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD basic_noun, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD both_or_cnil, CPNG.PN 3p ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_but_lexent := conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD non_noun_or_adv ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD not_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_but_le := c_xp_but_lexent """ Conj, only 'but' B ran fast but lost. """ . c_xp_but_le_mal := c_xp_but_lexent & """ Conj, only 'but', robust B ran fast but but lost. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-29 - Number/person of subj *Not Browne but Chiang is here* ;; is that of the right conjunct. c_xp_but-np_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'but' with NPs B hired consultants but no engineers. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD basic_noun, AGR #agr ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS , AGR #agr ] ]. c_xp_but-np-not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'but' with NPs, paired with `not' B hired not C but D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD basic_noun, AGR #agr ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD not-conj ], CONT.RELS , AGR #agr ] ]. c_xp_nor_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'nor' B can't sing nor dance. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD neither_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ;; DPF 2013-10-12 - Requiring AGR..PN to match COMPS..PN unfortunately ;; blocks *Abrams or Browne are going to win* and *Abrams or Browne win every ;; time*. Saying nothing overgenerates **Abrams or the kids is winning*. ;; Making it always plural like `and' undergenerates *Abrams or Browne wins*. ;; which isn't great, but *Either Abrams or Browne wins* is better, and ;; singular agreement appears frequently Sigh. ;; DPF 2015-09-14 - Seeing more examples like jh0:3000062 with ;; *whether it is nature, culture or hiking opportunities that appeals to you* ;; let's live with overgenerating **Abrams or the kids is winning*, and be more ;; robust with the rest. ;; c_xp_or_lexent := conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD either_or_whether_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_or_le := c_xp_or_lexent """ Conj, only 'or' B saw C or D. """ . c_xp_or_le_mal := c_xp_or_lexent & """ Conj, only 'or', robust B saw C or or D. """ [ GENRE robust ]. c_xp_plus_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'plus' B saw C plus D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_plus-minus_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only '+/-' B saw them +/- C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 31-oct-05 - Make [CONJ phr-conj] to avoid spurious ambiguity for ; "So we should leave." ; DPF 10-oct-10 - But this makes external interface too mysterious for ; generation, so live with ambiguity. ; DPF 13-aug-09 - Treating 'so' as a conjunction wrongly excludes S-initial ; order: "So Kim could win, we ran more slowly". Change (back) to subord. c_xp_so_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'so' B runs fast so should win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ --SIND event ] >, CONJ.CHEAD cnil, CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_vs_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'vs' B prefers C vs. D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_minus_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'minus' B saw everyone minus C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, CONT.RELS , AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ] ]. c_xp_but-not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'but not' B saw C but not D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_if-not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'if not' B saw C if not D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_though-not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'though not' B saw C though not D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_but-also_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'but also' B saw C but also D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD notonly_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_much-less_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'much less' B can't run much less win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_let-alone_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'let alone' B can't run let alone win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_nottomentn_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'not to mention' B saw C not to mention D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_nottosay_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'not to say' B saw C not to say D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_amp_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only ampersand B saw C & D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD both_or_cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 18-Mar-03 - How to block finite VP right conjunct? Note that not only ; VPs can be conjoined. Note also that blocking VP right conjunct will also ; correctly block sentence conjunction. ; This data means either having two lexical entries, or pushing VFORM up to ; type 'head' so non-verbal conjuncts are still permitted here even with ; constraint on VFORM nonfin. Also suggests that lexical conjunctions and ; not the coord rules determine which properties of 'head' are unified on the ; two conjuncts, if we want to treat these as regular conjunctions. ; 'Kim will buy a truck rather than rent a car' ; 'Kim will buy a truck rather than renting a car' ; '*Kim bought a truck rather than rented a car' ; 'Kim wanted to buy a truck rather than to rent a car' ; '*Kim bought a truck rather than Sandy rented a car' ; 'Kim arrived on Tuesday rather than on Wednesday' c_xp_rather_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'rather than' B saw C rather than D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR #agr, AGR #agr, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 18-Mar-03 - Need to block not only finite VP right conjunct, but also ; base form (and maybe infinitival?) ; '*Kim will buy a truck instead of rent a car' ; 'Kim will buy a truck instead of renting a car' ; '*Kim bought a truck instead of rented a car' ; '?Kim wanted to buy a truck instead of to rent a car' ; 'Kim arrived on Tuesday instead of on Wednesday' ;; DPF 2020-05-29 - It's dubious to treat "instead of" as ordinary conjunction, ;; as it has more in common with "rather than", which we treat as a prep. For ;; now, at least, exclude verb conjuncts, since we also have prep "instead of" ;; and can treat "instead of renting a car" as P + gerund. ;; DPF 2021-04-21 - But we want "should be treasured instead of wasted", so ;; let's allow nonfinite VPs, still excluding finite ones. But we can't do ;; this vie TENSE untensed since we want "was disappointed instead of angry", ;; and we don't really want to make VFORM a feature appopriate to `head', so ;; we split this type into two entries, one for verbs and one for the rest. ;; c_xp_instead_lexent := conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR #agr ] >, AGR #agr, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_instead-v_le := c_xp_instead_lexent & """ Conj, only 'instead of' B will get a book instead of rent a movie. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb & [ VFORM non_fin ] ] > ]. c_xp_instead_le := c_xp_instead_lexent & """ Conj, only 'instead of' B saw C instead of D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_a_or_p_or_adv ] > ]. c_xp_and-or_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and/or' B saw C and/or D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_and-or-slash_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only '/' for and/or, and block prefix punctuation with DERIVED na. B saw C/D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ], DERIVED na ]. ;; DPF 2017-11-17 - This was identifying number on the mother with that of the ;; right dtr, but this is wrong for *profits, not interest, drive investment*. ;; Instead, it seems that here it is the left conjunct that determines AGR on ;; the mother. ;; c_xp_not_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'not' B saw C not D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND ref-ind, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil, CPNG.PN #pn ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 18-aug-07 - Also for non-finite VPs, PPs, APs, etc., as in ; "We want to win the game, not lose it!" c_xp_not-ev_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'not', event cnjcts B wants to win, not lose. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, COMPS.FIRST.--SIND event & [ E.TENSE untensed ] ], CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_yet_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'yet' B ran fast yet lost. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND event, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_even_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'even' B saw everyone even C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD n_or_p_or_a, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; Different since it sets DIV to +, to get e.g. ; 'chair after chair arrived.' c_xp_after_le := basic_conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'after' Dog after dog barked. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV + ], CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < synsem > ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL conj_relation ] ]. c_xp_albeit_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'albeit' B saw a cat, albeit C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_p_or_a ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_tog-with_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'together with' with NPs B, C, together with D arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-02-29 - Changed COMPS..HEAD from non_noun_or_adv to a_or_adv ;; in order to avoid with VP coord as in *we arise or arrive if a machine fails* ;; c_xp_if-though_lexent := conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD a_or_adv, VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ] ] ]. c_xp_though_le := c_xp_if-though_lexent & """ Conj, only 'though', excluding NPs and Ss The happy though confused cat jumped. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. c_xp_if_le := c_xp_if-though_lexent & """ Conj, only 'if', excluding NPs and Ss The happy if confused cat jumped. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. c_xp_rather-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, only discontinuous 'rather' of *rather V than V* B would rather sing than dance """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONJ rather ]. c_xp_than_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'than' of discontinuous *rather V than V* B would rather sing than dance. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ < synsem_min > ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD rather ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 31-jul-06 - Constrain to *olist* SPR to avoid '*the both dog and cat" ;; DPF 2016-01-28 - But we want *the between 10% and 20% increase*, so push ;; this constraint down to subtypes. ;; DPF 2022-12-13 - Exclude fragments as complements ;; basic_conj_atomic_lexent := basic_conj_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD non_frag, CONT.HOOK #hook, CONJ cnil ], CONJ atomic-conj, CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ] ]. ;conj_atomic_lexent := basic_conj_atomic_lexent & norm_conj_word & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR *olist* ]. conj_atomic_lexent := basic_conj_atomic_lexent & norm_conj_word. c_xp_both-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'both' paired with 'and' B saw both C and D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ both, CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC na ] > ] ]. c_xp_btwn-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'between' paired with 'and', numbers only B saw between 10 and 20 cats. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ between, CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj ] ]. c_xp_btwn-mz-mrk_le := basic_conj_atomic_lexent & norm_conj_word & """ Conj, 'between' paired with 'and', measure NPs only B has between ten dollars and twenty dollars. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ between, CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.OPT - ] ] ]. c_xp_and-btwn_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and' B and C arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD between, CPNG.PN 3p ], CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj, CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_and-btwn-mz_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and' B and C arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD between, CPNG.PN 3p ], CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_from-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'from' paired with 'to', numbers only B saw from 10 to 20 cats. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ from-conj, CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj ] ]. c_xp_from-mz-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'from' paired with 'to', measure NPs only B has from ten dollars to twenty dollars. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ from-conj, CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] ]. c_xp_to-from_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'to' with `from' From 10 to 20 cats arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD from-conj, CPNG.PN 3p ], CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj, CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_to-from-mz_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'to' with `from' From ten miles to twenty miles passed. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD from-conj, CPNG.PN 3p ], CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_xp_either-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'either' paired with 'or' B saw either C or D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ either, CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONJ.LCHEAD both_or_cnil ] ]. c_xp_neither-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'neither' prd with 'nor' B saw neither C nor D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONJ neither ]. c_xp_whether-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'whether' paired with 'or' B arose, whether quickly or slowly. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONJ whether ]. c_xp_notonly-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'not only':'but also' Not only C but also D won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONJ notonly ]. c_xp_notonly-inv_le := basic_conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, inverted 'not only' Not only did C win but D also won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CONJ notonly, CAT [ VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV + ], MC na, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*] ]] >], MC bool ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL basic_conj_relation & [ ARG0 conj-ind ] ] ]. c_xp_not-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'not' prd with 'but' Not C but D won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONJ not-conj ]. ;; DPF 2018-06-01 - Restrict to NP and PP coord for now. ; 'First Kim, then Sandy' c_xp_first-mrk_le := conj_atomic_lexent & """ Conj, 'first' prd w/ 'and then' B saw first C and then D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ first, CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD n_or_p, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] > ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-09-19 - Note that we can't just treat this as apposition, since ;; (1) the two NPs are temporally disjoint, so apposition semantics isn't ;; quite right, and (2) we still want to disallow appos structure for two ;; named entities, to avoid massive ambiguity. ;; c_xp_formerly_le := conj_complex_lexent & """ Conj, only 'formerly' Kim Smith, formerly Mary Browne, arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD cnil ], CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. ; two hundred and fifty c_xp_and-num_le := conj_word & """ Conj, in complex number exprs Two hundred and ten won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN integer_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD intadj2- & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand, CONJ cnil, AGR.DIV #div ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ], CONJ num-conj, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #hand, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.DIV #div ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL integer_relation, ALTKEYREL.PRED #altmin ] ] ]. ; 'five and a half' c_xp_and-fract_le := conj_word & """ Conj, in fractions Two and a half teams won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN fraction_rel, VAL.COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD fractadj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN #altmin ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ], CONJ cnil, AGR.DIV #div ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ], CONJ num-conj, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.DIV #div ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED fraction_rel, ALTKEYREL.PRED #altmin ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-12-21 - Added NONLOC non-local_none to prevent spurious nonempty ;; SLASH. Sigh. ;; DPF 2012-12-24 - Also added SPR < > to avoid conjoined S's feeding the ;; sp-hd rule. ;; DPF 2016-02-29 - Replace CONJ phr-conj with complex-conj because it was ;; blocking *Kim at al.* with regular np-np_crd-t_c ;; basic_et_conj_lexent := basic_word & [ INFLECTD +, ORTH [ CLASS #class, FROM #from, TO #to, FORM #form ], TOKENS tokens & [ +LIST #tl & < [ +CLASS #class, +FROM #from, +FORM #form ], ... >, +LAST.+TO #to ], SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN norm_rel, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPEC < > ] ], CONJ complex-conj & [ CREL #keyrel ], AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3p ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #cind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ CFROM #from, CTO #to ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT comma_or_clause_or_no_punct, RPUNCT no_punct ], PHON.ONSET.--TL #tl ] ]. et_conj_lexent := basic_et_conj_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR *anti_list* ]. etc_conj_lexent := et_conj_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. c_-_etc_le := etc_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'etc.' B saw C, D, etc. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.PNCTPR ppair ]. ; For "did Kim arrive etc.?" where the PUNCT.PAIRED value must be unconstrained ; even though there's a qmark which would ordinarily stamp PAIRED no_ppair. c_-_etc-qmark_le := etc_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'etc?' Did B see C, D, etc? """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.PNCTPR no_ppair ]. c_-_so-on_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and so on' B hired C and so on. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. c_-_vice-versa_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and vice versa' B hired C and vice versa. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; Similarly for "Kim hired everyone except:" where the colon affix would ; stamp PAIRED no_ppair, but we want it in PNCTPR since this odd "except" ; is acting like a head-marker phrase. c_-_except_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'except' B couldn't win except ... """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_p, CONT.RELS ], PUNCT.PNCTPR ppair ] ]. c_-_except-coln_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'except:' B brought nothing except: """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_p, VAL.SPR *anti_list* ], CONT.RELS ], PUNCT.PNCTPR no_ppair ] ]. c_-_etal_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'et al' B hired C et al. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD supnoun & [ MINORS.MIN nonpro_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.RELS ] ]. c_-_name-few_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'to name a few' B saw C,D, to name a few. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS , PUNCT.PNCTPR ppair ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-10-12 - Version for N-bars as in *my cat, mouse, etc.*, with ;; non-empty SPR. ;; #| c_-_etc-nb_le := basic_et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'etc', for Nbar coord My cat, mouse, etc. disappeared. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun_or_nomger, VAL.SPR < synsem & [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED _etc_c_rel, ARG0 ref-ind ] ] ]. |# et_conj_nbar_lexent := basic_et_conj_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun_or_nomger, VAL.SPR < synsem & [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG0 ref-ind ] ] ]. c_-_etc-nb_le := et_conj_nbar_lexent & """ Conj, only 'etc', for Nbar coord My cat, mouse, etc. disappeared. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _etc_c_rel ]. #| c_-_and-all_le := et_conj_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and all' statisical average and all """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. |# c_-_and-all_le := et_conj_nbar_lexent & """ Conj, only 'and all', for Nbar coord statisical average and all """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _and+all_c_rel ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NEG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; not ; "not" requires its VP complement to be [VFORM non_fin], which is a supersort ; for all non-finite vforms except imp_vform, which is a subsort of bse; the ; other subsort of bse, bse_only, is a subsort of non_fin. Most verbs with ; base morphology are [VFORM bse], and hence (the VPS they project) can be ; modified by "not", and they can also head imperative clauses, which require ; the head to be [VFORM imp_vform]. Only if modified by "not" will a base ; VP be unable to project an imperative clause; in contrast, "never sleep" is ; fine as an imperative, since "never" does not further restrict its VP ; complement leaving it [VFORM bse], which is consistent with the imperative ; rule. This fine distinction is due to Rob M. ; DPF 2-Feb-01 - Changed MOD..HEAD from verbal to v_or_g, to allow e.g. ; "I tried not hiring kim" ; 2020-12-10 #| adv_neg_lexent := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < >, MC na ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, INDEX non_expl & #vevent, XARG #xarg ] ], CONJ cnil ] ] >, MINORS.MIN neg_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ], MC na, POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #vevent, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. |# adv_neg_lexent := basic_adverb_word & [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < >, MC na ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, INDEX non_expl & [ E #tam ], XARG #xarg ] ], CONJ cnil ] ] >, MINORS.MIN neg_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ], MC na, POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #index & [ E #tam ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ;; DPF 17-03-01 - Removed MOD..SF prop-or-ques because it prevented analyzing ;; *let's not move* since we're trating that "let's" as semantically empty ;; beyond adding Sf comm. Still rightly block parse for imperative *not arise* ;; because *not arise* is VFORM bse_only, incompatible with imperative rule. ;; av_-_s-not_le := adv_neg_lexent & """ Scop, VP, just 'not' B did not win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD negadv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb_or_frag_or_comp & [ VFORM non_fin ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem_min > ] ] > ], NEGPOL + ] ]. ; DPF 05-apr-05 - MOD..HEAD v_or_a_or_p allows modnp subtype, which is not ; a subtype of a_or_p for independent reasons. No spurious ambiguity here, ; since the SUBJ < > constraint rules out all PRD + verbal projections. ;; DPF 2013-11-15 - But there was still spurious ambiguity with the variant ;; `not' or `never' combining with the copula, as in "Kim is never happy". ;; So avoid by constraining the modifiee to be untensed. ;; DPF 2015-05-09 - Generalized v_or_a_or_p to non_noun_or_adv, to allow ;; negation of adverbs, as in "not carefully". ;; DPF 2022-12-13 - Added PRD - to prevent spurious fragment aj-np_frg_c for ;; "not the cat" ;; av_-_s-not-prdp_le := adv_neg_lexent & """ Scop, 'not', modify PrdP Anyone not happy loses. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD non_noun_or_adv & [ PRD + ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPCMPS < > ] ] ] >, PRD - ] ]. ; for "non-" as in "non-intrusive" av_-_s-not-ap_le := adv_neg_lexent & """ Scop, 'not', modify AdjP The non-intrusive cat won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD a_or_adv, VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] > ] ]. ; for "non-" as in "non-recurring" av_-_s-not-vp_le := adv_neg_lexent & """ Scop, 'not', modify PRD + VP The charge was non-recurring. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv_nonmob & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ PRD + ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ] ] > ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; COMPLEMENTIZERS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Complementizers except for 'to' are marked [SUBJ < >] which prevents them ; from having PP modifiers. ; ERB (07-10-96) 'whether' clauses are made with the regular hd-cmp_u_c rule, so ; the polar_q_rel must come from 'whether' itself. This means that whether ; can't identify its MIN with its --COMPKEY. Also, I made complementizer_word ; inherit from msg_word (see comments near that type). This has the effect of ; making non_affix_bearing be inherited by this type, instead of the lower ; types. ; ERB (14-12-97) to_c_prop needs to be MC + for infinitival relatives ; (see notes near to and non_wh_rel_cl) so this type can't say MC -. ; There is no convenient supertype to all of the MC - ones, so I'm ; just going to put it in on each for now. ; ERB (14-12-97) Complementizer_word can't be nonmod_local because ; to_c_nonprop is going to have a non-empty mod value. Again, For ; now I'm scattering this constraint among the lower types as appropriate. ; ERB (13-01-98) In fact, complementizer_word can't even be MC bool, ; because to_c_nonprop has to be MC na in order to head hcomps that ; serve as modifiers, as in "a teacher to talk to Sandy". ;;; DPF 01-Mar-00 - Reconsider, now that support_rel has been eliminated. ; DPF (27-Sept-98) Made MIN be v_event_rel, since "to" needs to pass up the ; KEY.LBL of its complement, in order to get the desired semantics for e.g. ; "Kim is going to lose" where the copula's support_rel identified its LBL ; with that of its complement's KEY. ; ; DPF (13-Jan-99) Generalized to make MIN be v_event_rel for all ; complementizers, needed in particular to avoid treating complementizers as ; particles, which are selected by MIN value. ; DPF 25-oct-03 - Change SPR from *olist* to < > to block PP modification. ;; DPF 2017-11-13 - Re 25-oct-03: But this prevents *it's easy for Kim just to ;; sleep* and *we want him merely to jog*. So push down to subtypes, excluding ;; *to*, which is already prevented from post-modification due to being AUX +. ;; complementizer_word := noncqr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s, CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl ] ]. ; These are the subject-to-object raising complementizers. We're giving a ; funny three-constituent analysis to CPs: "that [Kim] [walks]" and "for [Kim] ; [to walk]". One (beneficial) side effect of this is that finite and ; non-finite CPs get a uniform analysis, and we also can do real subject ; extraction without running afoul of the dreaded that-trace filter ; (Perlmutter 1971). ; We also need another "that", one that combines with an adverbial and an ; S/Adv. This accounts for why you get preposed modifiers with that clauses ; and not with for/to clauses, and why you don't get the that-t effect when ; you have an adverb in there. But, that second "that" is going to have to ; bind off a SLASH value, sort of like the tough-movement cases, and that will ; have to wait for lexicalized SLASH passing. ; ERB (14-12-97) See notes at complementizer_word. ; DPF 2-Apr-01 - Added PP modifier argument to COMPS, to allow for sentence- ; initial modification, as in "I knew that on Tuesday I would be early", and in ; particular for "how come when I arrive he leaves" (given that we treat this ; "how come" as a main-clause-compatible complementizer). ; DPF 26-apr-08 - Generalized COMPS.FIRST..HEAD prep_or_modnp to p_or_adv ; to allow e.g. "Kim thinks that often we arise" ; DPF 27-may-09 - Changed COMPS..PUNCT no_punct to lparen_or_dq_or_no_punct to ; get *admit that kim "will arrive"* and *that {gene} therapies succeed* basic_two_place_compl_word := complementizer_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ ARG-S #comps, CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM #vform, MOD < anti_synsem_min > ], VAL [ COMPS #comps, SPR < >, KCMP canonical_synsem & [ --MIN #cmin, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verbal & [ VFORM #vform ], VAL [ COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT.HOOK #hook ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT lparen_or_dq_or_no_punct ] ] ], CONT.HOOK #hook ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ; Instead of doing raising here by identifying whole synsems, only identify ; semantic indices, as with regular raising for verbs above. This lets us get ; "I prefer that he be here early" treating the second (VP) complement of ; "that" as a simple base-form VP, rather than some new morphological form. basic_sor_compl_word := basic_two_place_compl_word & [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #kcmp & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < anti_synsem_min > ] >, KCMP #kcmp ] ] ]. norm_compl_word := basic_sor_compl_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD comp & [ INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb & [ TAM.TENSE real_tense ], MC - ] ] > ] ] ]. sor_compl_word := norm_compl_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ --ADDIN [ ADDPN #pn, ADDTAM #tam ], TAM #tam & [ MOOD #mood ] ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ] > ] ]. cm_np-vp_that_le := sor_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, only 'that' (int mod) B knew that we won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM #tam & indic_tam, CASE nom, AUX -, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel ], VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ TAM #tam, CASE non_nom ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SF prop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ;; "I prefer that he be here early" ;; DPF 22-11-03 - Added TAM subjnct_tam to block that_S as subject of ;; cp_subj_inf_phrase. ;; cm_np-vp_th-sv_le := norm_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, subjnct 'that' (int mod) B insists that C be here. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM bse, AUX -, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel, TAM subjnct_tam ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ] >, MC - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD subjunctive, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-07-22 - Changed MIN to from verb_aspect_rel to v_event_rel to ;; prevent `for' from letting `be_do' verbs into the chart via the --COMPKEY ;; mechanism. ;; cm_np-vp_for_le := basic_two_place_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, only 'for' B hopes for C to win. """ [ SYNSEM basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf, AUX -, INV -, MINORS.MIN v_event_rel, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #vltop, AGR #agr, CONJ cnil ], --SIND #ind & index, OPT -, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], PUNCT [ RPUNCT comma_or_rbc_or_pair_or_no_punct, PNCTPR ppair ] ], canonical_synsem & #kcmp & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf, TAM #tam ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min, AGR #agr ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >]] >], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vltop, XARG #ind ] ] ] >, KCMP #kcmp ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-comm, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. cm_np-vp_like_lexent := sor_compl_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, AUX -, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF like-iforce ] ] >, MC - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. cm_np-vp_like_le := cm_np-vp_like_lexent & """ Cmplzr, 'like', indicative S-comp He looks like he'll win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM indic_tam ]. cm_np-vp_asif_le := cm_np-vp_like_lexent """ Cmplzr, 'as if', indicative or subjunctive S-comp He looks as if he were happy. """ . ; ERB (14-12-97) Why is the SUBJ here specified as acc?? I'm taking it ; out because that follows now from pro_ss. ; ERB (08-01-98) Presumably that had to do with "for him/*he to sleep..." ; but that's the other to: to_c_nonprop. ; ERB (14-12-97) In order to implement infinitival relatives (I found ; a teacher to talk to Sandy, I found a teacher to talk to), I am ; making to_c_prop MC +. The reasons for this is that the relevant ; cx (non_wh_rel_cl) needs to be able to take subjh_decl and hcomps ; headed by to_c_prop as its head-dtr, but not an extrasubj phrase. ; ERB (13-01-98) to_compl_word says SUBJ < unexpressed >, but I don't ; how that can be, unless the analysis of raising has changed drastically. ; (With it that way, raising is broken). So I am getting rid of it. ; ERB (19-01-98) SUBJ < unexpressed > was in there because something ; had to take care of giving that subject a SLASH value. The solution ; we've opted for is this: the subject of to_c_prop is always PRO, and ; the subject of to_c_nonprop is always raised (that is, all ; infinitival tos except those in raising constructions are to_c_prop). ; So there is no constraint on to_compl_word, but to_c_prop says ; SUBJ < pro_ss > and to_c_nonprop says SUBJ canonical_synsem. ; ERB (19-01-98) This to has to have a mod value so that it can ; head the infinitival relatives. Something needs to be said about ; the features mentioned in local, probably, but I'm not sure ; what yet. It also needs to be MC na so it can feed extrasubj. ; ERB (03-02-98) MIN should be no_rel. It used to be identified with ; --COMPKEY, but that causes at least one problem: to was able to be the ; SPR of the, since the constrains its choice of SPR by a semantic ; constraint on the KEY. ; DPF (13-Jan-99) This problem should be solved by the above decision to ; make all complementizers have the MIN be of type v_event_rel. ; DPF 17-Sep-01 - Removed INDEX.E.TENSE no_tense, since it prevents e.g. ; "I am going to arrive". ; DPF 14-Nov-01 - Returned to identifying MIN with --COMPKEY, in order to get ; intended constraint on --COMPKEY.E.ASPECT for e.g. "I have yet to arrive" ; DPF 4-apr-04 - Removed identification of AGR and COMPS.FIRST..AGR, since ; we need to have complementizers stipulate AGR.PNG.PN 3s to get the agreement ; right for sentential subjects (?), but we also say that 'and' is inherently ; AGR.PNG.PN 3p (to get NP coordination right (?)), and the result of both ; of these (dubious?) assertions is that we were not parsing "to arrive and ; arise" with the to-prop guy. Probably room for improvement, but for now ; let's see what happens removing this AGR identity. ; DPF 17-sept-07 - Restrict VP complement to SUBJ..HEAD noun to avoid spurious ; analyses with locative inversion verbs as in "to run". ; DPF 3-apr-10 - Removed [POSTHD -] - don't know why it was here, but it ; blocks coord as in "Kim tried to eat and to sleep". ; DPF 04-jun-10 - Changed SUBJ..HEAD from no_head to basic_noun, since now want ; to unify SUBJ..HEAD values in control constructions, given locative invers, ; and also now need to build inf-S in "for Kim to arrive". basic_to_compl_word := complementizer_word & [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ AUX +, MINORS #mins & [ MIN verb_aspect_rel ], MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT nbar_cat_min ] ] > ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun, --SIND #sind ] >, SPR < anti_synsem >, COMPS #comps & < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.MINORS #mins, VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun, --SIND #sind ] >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #ind & [ SF prop-or-ques ], XARG #xarg ] ], --MIN #cmin, --SIND #ind, OPT - ] > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S #comps ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED no_rel, --COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. ; 2020-12-10 #| to_compl_word := basic_to_compl_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.--SIND.E.TENSE no_tense ]. |# to_compl_word := basic_to_compl_word. cm_vp_to_lexent := to_compl_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat ] > ] ]. cm_vp_to_le := cm_vp_to_lexent """ Cmplzr, 'to' B tried to win. """ . cm_vp_to_le_mal := cm_vp_to_lexent & """ Cmplzr, 'to', robust B tried to to win. """ [ GENRE robust ]. ; try and win cm_vp_and_le := to_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'and' B will try and win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf_and, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat ] > ] ]. ; help but notice cm_vp_but_le := to_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'but' B can't help but win. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf_but, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT vp_bse_cat ] > ] ]. ; prevent him from leaving (cf "*prevent him from danger") cm_vp_from_le := to_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'from' B prevents C from winning. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf_from, VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT vp_prp_cat ] > ] ]. ; ERB (14-12-97) This one will have a non-empty MOD value in order to ; build things like "Kim found a friend to talk to Sandy" where the ; subject of talk has to be bound to friend (unlike in "Kim found a ; friend to talk to" where we're convinced it is discourse bound.) ; ; The semantics are probably not right -- as a place holder in the ; modcont I put a appropriate_rel. The idea is that "I found a person ; to talk to Sandy" means something like "I found a person who is willing/ ; appropriate/suitable to talk to Sandy." But I don't see how to make ; (something like) the appropriate_rel take the comlement of the to ; as an argument. There is also the question of whether there should be ; any message associated with this. One would think not, given that we've ; decided the relevant to is the nonprop one... ; For now, we're not including this rel. ; ERB (13-01-98) to_compl_nonprop_word must be MC na if it is ; to head hcomps that serve as modifiers as in "a teacher to talk to Sandy". ; ; ERB (19-01-98) All infinitival relatives are now headed by ; to_c_prop. To_c_nonprop only appears in raising constructions. ; Accordingly, it has no MOD value, and its subject is constrained ; to be canonical_synsem. I'm not sure the latter constraint is ; actually doing any work for us, but I believe it to be true. ; It can also now inherit from nomod_local. The MC value might ; could be changed, as well. ; ERB (2003-08-11) Try changing SUBJ < canonical_synsem > to ; SUBJ < unexpressed >. There are several places in the grammar ; where the SLASH value of the SUBJ here is being constrained. ; Since it is, in fact, always unxpressed, it would seem safe. ; Testing to see whether coverage is lost or gained because something ; was relying on this constraint. ;;; DPF (21-Oct-98) Added types for elided "to", since we can't use the lexical ;; rule of auxiliary verbs, since we need to block the NP "the book to", which ;; would be built by that lexical rule, then by the application of subject ;; extraction, and then the infinitival relative rule. ;; DPF 2012-02-06 - Changed MC from na to na_or_- so we get ;; *She was too tired to.* cm_-_to_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Cmplzr, 'to' elided B tried to. """ [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf, INV -, AUX +, PRD -, MINORS [ MIN ellipsis_rel, ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ], MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ OPT - ] >, SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], MC na_or_- ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #event, XARG #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S < [ ] > ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ; ERB (08-10-96) Whether was previously a que_word so that things selecting ; for questions could select by QUE values. This is clearly a hack, and ; further, one that is no longer necessary now that we have semantic selection. ; I have split the old type whether_compl_word into two types: finite and ; nonfinite. I have also gotten rid of the feature CMP. ; As for the semantics, whether contributes a polar_q_rel (see notes near ; polar_q_rel in fundamentals.tdl). Now, according to Rob, things that ; take complements with message-type semantics usually take the handle of ; those complements as the argument in their KEYs. However, also according ; to Rob, if we did that here, it would imply that "whether Kim left every ; party" has more readings than "Kim left every party", which doesn't seem ; to be true. Accordingly, whether will identify its handle with the ; handle of its complement, and take the complement's INDEX as the value ; of the ARG1 in the polar_q_rel. Now, if whether further identified its ; INDEX with that one, things would be getting pretty twisty, so whether ; will have its own INDEX of type event. ; ERB (24-10-96) MSG now functions like KEYREL as a pointer to ; a certain rel on the RELS. Both wh and yn questions will have an ; int_m_rel on their RELS. This is actually sewn into the RELS ; by the constructions. Whether just carries it in its MSG value ; so that it unifies with the right constructions. In this way, we ; even kind of get Rob's intuition -- whether doesn't, in a sense, ; have a message, because that message isn't on its RELS. ; Anyway, all of this makes the polar_q_rel irrelevant, so I am removing ; it. The hcomp_yn_nr construction will make sure the MARG value ; of the int_m_rel takes the LBL of whether's complement. I don't ; know what to do about whether's LBL and ARG0 now, so I am ; leaving them unspecified. ; ; ERB (14-12-97) See notes at complementizer_word. ; whether_compl_word := complementizer_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < anti_synsem_min >, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. comp_whether_if_fin_lexent := whether_compl_word & basic_sor_compl_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ TAM #tam, --ADDIN [ ADDTAM #tam, ADDPN #pn ] ], MC - ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ] >, MC - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED verb_aspect_rel ] ]. cm_np-vp_wh_le := comp_whether_if_fin_lexent & """ Cmplzr, 'whether' B wondered whether C won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD comp & [ TAM #tam & [ MOOD indicative ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam & indic_tam]>]]]. ; DPF 10-sept-07 - Add NORM no_rel to prevent these from undergoing the np_cp ; rule, to avoid spurious analysis for e.g. "if Kim arrives, Abrams is." ; And similarly for the subjunctive variant. ; cm_np-vp_if-ic_le := comp_whether_if_fin_lexent & """ Cmplzr, 'if' B wondered if C won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ CASE acc, MINORS.NORM no_rel, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.TAM #tam & indic_tam, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ]]>]]]. cm_np-vp_if-sv_le := sor_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'if' subjctv B'd know if C were here. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ CASE acc, VFORM fin, MINORS [ MIN verb_aspect_rel, NORM no_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD basic_subjunctive ] > ], MC - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ; DPF 13-Mar-02 - Blocked first (optional PP) complement from being picked up ; to avoid misparse for e.g. "I need an explanation of how to return the ; order to you" ; DPF 12-Apr-03 - But the entry for "how" leads to spurious ambiguity for e.g. ; "I know how kim arrived", and doesn't help with other WH-S's as objects of ; prepositions: "I need an explanation of who we hired". Seems better to ; return to our analysis treating WH-S's as NPs, and look again at the ; resulting spurious ambiguities there. So we'll use this type only for ; "how come". ; 'how come they left' cm_np-vp_how_le := sor_compl_word & whether_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'how come' B wondered how come C won. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD indicative, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind_or_modal_subj ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX #cind & [ SF prop-or-ques ]]]]>, MC + ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #cind & [ SF prop-or-ques ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. ; ERB (08-10-96) In the older version, I had whether_compl_word_inf ; selecting for something that was just vp_inf_cat. I never ; tested for this, but this probably allowed Sandy knew whether whether ; to leave, etc. One way to get around this is for whether to ; select for something that is MSG no_msg. In order to do ; this, I need to build to CPs that are no_rel, but we want this ; anyway (even though I talked Dan out of it at one point). ; DPF 09-Jan-00 - Made "whether" be MC -, not MC na, since e.g. "know" ; wants [MC -] CP complements. cm_vp_wh_le := whether_compl_word & """ Cmplzr, 'whether' with VP B wondered whether to run. """ [ SYNSEM basic_one_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf, MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS #comps & < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp & [ VFORM inf ], VAL [ SUBJ *cons*, COMPS < >, SPR *olist* ], MC na ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #chand ] ], --SIND #ind, OPT - ] > ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S #comps ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-03-13 - Make these AUX + to avoid modification by PPs, as in ;; *Kim knows when to work* ;; DPF 2013-03-18 - Added MC - to avoid these in run-on-S ;; basic_s_compl_phrase_lexent := noncqr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ INV -, VFORM fin ], VAL [ COMPS < > ], POSTHD bool ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #event ], RELS.LIST < arg1_relation & [ PRED ellipsis_rel, ARG0 #event, CFROM #cfrom, CTO #cto ], ... > ], ARG-S < > ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ], ORTH [ FROM #cfrom, TO #cto ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-07-04 - Added MIN ellipsis_rel to prevent these from being modified ;; by subord-prd phrases, as in spurious *Kim knew who Abrams hired* ;; s_compl_phrase_lexent := basic_s_compl_phrase_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX +, MOD < >, MINORS.ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ], MC - ] ], LEX + ] ]. ; 'so' x_-_so-cp_le := basic_s_compl_phrase_lexent & """ Pro-form CP, only 'so' B thought so. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN v_event_rel, AUX +, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist* & < anti_synsem_min >, SPR *anti_null* ], MC - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LEX +, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED v_event_rel ] ] ]. ; 'not' x_-_not-cp_le := s_compl_phrase_lexent & """ Pro-form CP, only 'not' B hoped not. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN v_event_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist* & < anti_synsem_min >, SPR *anti_list* ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nlbl, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. x_-_wh-cp_le := s_compl_phrase_lexent & """ Pro-form CP, wh-adv forms B wondered why/how/when. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN prep_mod_rel, NORM norm_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN #min & just_only_deg_rel, VAL.SPR *olist* ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ], NONLOC [ QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], --MIN #min ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX.SF ques ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. ; 'what, who' x_-_who-cp_le := s_compl_phrase_lexent & """ Pro-form CP, wh-pro forms B wondered who. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN verb_aspect_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < unexpressed & [ --MIN deg_rel ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF ques ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. ; '_MATH_' ;; Can't have SF prop-or-comm, because we want *in time, _MATH* but we don't ;; have a gapped-S lexical entry for _MATH_ ;; Can't have LEX + because the aj-hd-scop rule wants the head to be LEX -, ;; for *if _MATH_ then _MATH_.* ;; x_-_generic-cp_le := basic_s_compl_phrase_lexent & """ Tokens such as _MATH_ which replace a `clause' in text B proved (that) _MATH_. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS [ MIN v_event_rel, ALTMIN ellipsis_rel ], MOD < anti_synsem_min >, PRD - ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist* & < anti_synsem_min >, SPR *anti_list* ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED v_event_rel ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Imperative words "don't" and "let's" ; ERB (05-10-97) In order to conflate hcomp_root and hcomp_nc into just one ; hd-cmp_u_c, root_marker_words have to identify their value for mc with that of ; their complement. (Hcomp_root identified MC for mother and non-head ; daughter.) root_marker_word := noncqr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ AUX - ], VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CTXT #ctxt ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST #slash, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] > ], CTXT #ctxt ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST #slash ] ]. ; DPF 14-jul-06 - moved SUBJ < anti_synsem_min > down to 'lets' subtype, so ;'dont' subtype can say SUBJ < >, which (nearly) enables it to be modified ; by VP adverbs, as in "Still don't move!". But we await the departure of ; messages, since adj_head_intersective rule requires head to be MSG no_msg. ; Leave for now. ; DPF 31-jul-06 - But this blocks e.g. 'Kim arrived but don't move!" So ; will have to find some other solution for VP modifiers ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Changed MIN no_rel to nonaux_v_rel in order to admit ; "arise; don't move!" ;; DPF 2020-05-07 - Considered constraint MC +. instead of just bool, to ;; avoid spurious analyses, but we still want *Tomorrow, let's dance!*, so ;; leave as is. ;; DPF 2020-08-11 - Added MOOD indicative to block "insists that do not arise" ;; DPF 2024-04-28 - Make MIN be surprising modal_rel so we can get ;; tag questions with as in "let's sing, shall/can/could we?" and ;; "don't move, will you" ;; lex_imperative := root_marker_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < anti_synsem_min >, MINORS.MIN modal_rel, TAM.MOOD #mood & indicative, PRD -, INV -, VFORM imp_vform ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc, --SIND #inst & ref-ind ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verbal & [ TAM.MOOD #mood ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem & [ NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] >, MC na, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ XARG #inst ] ], PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], MC bool ], AGR #inst, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #khand, INDEX [ E.TENSE present, SF comm ] ], RELS.LIST < [ PRED pronoun_q_rel, RSTR #rhand, ARG0 #inst, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], #altkeyrel & [ LBL #prohand, PRED pron_rel, ARG0 #inst & [ PT zero, SORT entity ] ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #prohand ], ... >, ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #khand, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. v_vp_pseudo-imp_lexent := lex_imperative & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse_only, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #index ] ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #index ], HCONS , RELS , ICONS ] ] ]. v_vp_lets-imp_le := v_vp_pseudo-imp_lexent & """ Cmps VP(bse), hd_imp_c Let's sing. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel, LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 1p ] ]. v_vp_lemme-imp_le := v_vp_pseudo-imp_lexent & """ Cmps VP(bse), hd_imp_c Lemme sing. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel, LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 1s ] ]. v_vp_dont-imp_lexent := lex_imperative & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chand, CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN non_conj_rel ], OPT - ] >, AGR.PNG png & [ PN 2 ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #neghand, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ] ]. v_vp_dont-imp_le := v_vp_dont-imp_lexent & """ Cmps VP(bse), hd_imp_c, neg Don't sing. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse_only, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ]. v_vp_do-imp_le := v_vp_pseudo-imp_lexent & """ Cmps VP(bse), hd_imp_c Lemme sing. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel, LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 2 ] ]. ; 09-09-97 Added ARG0 and BODY attributes temporarily for VM2, since the ; whq external relation for how_about is like a quantifier, needing four args. ; Had to change the relation introduced by "how about" to '_which_q_rel' ; rather than '_how_about_rel' because of some property of vitADT. Similar ; change made to the 'frag-msg' instance in syntax.tdl. ; 06-Oct-98 DPF - Changed MC value from na to +, to allow "okay, how about kim" ; DPF 25-sept-04 - Changed SUBJ, SPR, and MOD from < > to < anti_synsem_min > ; so these can conjoin with ordinary clauses. ; DPF 18-aug-08 - But SPR for clauses is now empty, so change here. ; DPF 25-jun-09 - Added LEX - to prevent these from appearing as e.g. head ; in n-nh_vorj-cpd_c, and added PRD - to prevent them in pred coord like ; "why Kim and happy" ;; DPF 2016-11-07 - Generalized MC + to MC bool in order to admit ;; *Kim quipped, "how about Browne"* where we maybe don't want to relax all ;; of these verbs of saying to take MC + clauses. ;; DPF 2020-12-11 - Re 25-sept-04: Changed SUBJ from < anti_synsem_min > to ;; *anti_list* so we can get these embedded as in "Kim worried what if no one ;; approved", while still allowing S coordination. Check for unwanted ambiguity. ;; basic_how_about_word := word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < anti_synsem_min >, MINORS.MIN how+about_r_rel, VFORM fin, AUX -, INV -, PRD -, TAM.TENSE real_tense ], VAL [ SUBJ *anti_list*, SPR < > ], MC bool, HC-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #rhand, RELS.LIST < event_relation & [ PRED generic_verb_rel, LBL #arghand, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], relation & #keyrel & [ LBL #rhand, ARG0.SF prop-or-ques, ARG1 #arg, CFROM #from, CTO #to ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, LEX -, LKEYS.KEYREL norm_adj_relation & #keyrel, PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. how_about_word := basic_how_about_word & root_marker_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD indicative, VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN independent_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], CTXT #ctxt ], PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF #pred ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF #pred, CTXT #ctxt ] ]. ; DPF 12-Apr-03 - Constrained COMPS..VAL.COMPS to be < > to avoid spurious ; ambiguity due to application of hdn_optcmp_c rule (e.g. "how about sometime"). ;; DPF 2011-05-29 - Constrained COMPS..VAL.SUBJ to be empty, to exclude NPs ;; derived from sentences, as in "why is the sky blue? Malia asked." ;; DPF 2022-06-03 - Generalized COMPS..HEAD from n_or_p to n_or_p_or_adv to ;; also get "how about never". But don't want vocative analysis of ;; "how about Kim" ;; And exclude degree specifiers: "*how about too" via SPEC *anti_list* comp_how_about_n_or_p_lexent := how_about_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_p_or_adv, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC *anti_list* ]]]]>, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #event & event, RELS.LIST < relation, [ ARG0 #event ], ... > ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-05-02 - Restrict complement to [PRD +] to exclude subordinate ;; clauses, including *why you strict?* ;; DPF 2016-08-07 - Re 2016-05-02: But this also blocks *how about two to ;; three* ;; so let's draw the distinction instead using SUBJ *synnull* since subord adv ;; phrases are SUBJ *anti_null*. ;; DPF 2018-08-01 - Re 2016-08-07: No longer always the case, so let's use ;; AUX - to exclude subord phrases. ;; ; how about x_xp_howabt-n-p_le := comp_how_about_n_or_p_lexent & """ WH-about, NP or PP comp How about rice? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.AUX -, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ] ], OPT - ] >, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ] ]. ; how long before the end? how long before kim arrives? x_pp_howabt_le := comp_how_about_n_or_p_lexent & """ WH-about, only 'how long' How long before C arrives? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD prep & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #mtop ] ]>], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], OPT - ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. x_cp_howabt_le := how_about_word & """ WH-about, CP comp How about we leave now? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ TAM.MOOD #mood ], MC + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #event, RELS ] ] ]. ; DPF 25-Nov-01 - Removed INDEX..TENSE no_tense since root_strict requires ; real_tense. comp_how_about_or_why_vp_lexent := how_about_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM.MOOD #mood, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ TAM.MOOD #mood ], VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], OPT - ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & event, RELS ] ] ]. ; DPF 17-Apr-01 - Changed COMPS.FIRST..SUBJ from canonical_synsem to synsem ; since the former blocked "Why be late" x_vp_howabt_le := comp_how_about_or_why_vp_lexent & """ WH-about, VP comp How about leaving now? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM prp ] > ]. x_vp_why_le := comp_how_about_or_why_vp_lexent & """ WH-about, only 'why', VP comp Why leave now? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse_only ] > ]. x_-_why_le := basic_how_about_word & """ WH-about, no comps Why? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & event, RELS ] ] ]. ; Discourse-related sentential adverbs ; (e.g. 'then, but') ; DPF 06-Oct-98 - Added MC + to MOD, to block "Kim says but sandy left" ; DPF 15-Oct-98 - Changed HEAD from adv to root-marker, to get "yes, okay" ; DPF 22-Oct-98 - Added MC + to the SYNSEM itself to block the relative clause ; in "a programmer but he hired". ; DPF 09-Jun-99 - Added SLASH.LIST < > to MOD, to block e.g. "when yes Kim left" ; DPF 03-Oct-99 - Added SUBJ *olist* to MOD specific. - why wasn't it here ; before? ; DPF 17-Apr-00 - Removed CONJ cnil to enable e.g. "yes and Kim left" ; DPF 22-Nov-01 - We have to make sure that disc_adv_words propagate the MC ; feature of their modifiee, to block e.g. yes-no parse for "I would like to ; arrive" ;; DPF 2012-08-09 - Added SPR *olist* to prevent spurious attachment of ;; `like' adverbs to both N-bar and NP, as in *Kim though though arose.* ;; DPF 2016-09-15 - Re 2012-08-09 - But we do (for now, at least) want to ;; allow some subtypes to attach to N-bar, such as *or so* of *ten feet or so* ;; in order to get *[75% or more] reliable*. So push this down to subtypes. basic_disc_adv_synsem := synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC #mc ] > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ], MC #mc ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ]. disc_adv_synsem := basic_disc_adv_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD root-marker & [ PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD disc_adverbee & [ TAM.TENSE real_tense ], VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPEC < > ] ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] > ] ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2015-03-16 - Removed MOD..SLASH.LIST < > in order to allow ;; *Today, Kim, we will arise* ;; DPF 2022-06-03 - Constrain SPEC to be *synnull* so we can distinguish ;; vocative phrases (HEAD adv) from ordinary adverbs, for example as complement ;; of comp_how_about_n_or_p_lexent as in "how about Kim?" ;; disc_adv_phr_synsem := basic_disc_adv_synsem & phr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT.VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ] ] > ], VAL.SPEC *synnull* ] ]. ;; DPF 24-Oct-98 Removed [MC +] from disc_adv_word, since this runs afoul of ;; the carefully balanced constraint on head-modifier structures which requires ;; [MC na], to allow relative clauses as modifiers while preventing ordinary ;; finite clauses from being modifiers. disc_adv_word := non-qr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM disc_adv_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN abstr_excl_rel, CONJ cnil, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand & handle, INDEX #cind ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel, [ LBL #chand, PRED discourse_rel, ARG0 #cind ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ] ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT comma_or_clause_or_no_punct ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED abstr_excl_rel ] ] ]. adv_disc_preh_lexent := disc_adv_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #mltop ] > ], CONT.RELS ], PUNCT [ RPUNCT no_punct, PNCTPR ppair ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. av_-_dc-pr_le := adv_disc_preh_lexent & """ Disc adv, pre-hd Folks, B won. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED excl_rel ]. av_-_dc-grt-pr_le := adv_disc_preh_lexent & """ Disc, greeting, pre-hd Hello, B is here. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED greet_rel, MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. av_-_dc-mc-pr_le := adv_disc_preh_lexent & """ Disc adv, pre-hd -- the cat. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb_or_frag, MC + ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED excl_rel ] ]. av_-_dc-nmc-pr_le := adv_disc_preh_lexent & """ Disc adv, pre-hd, only non-main clause We believe that -- unlike Kim -- he can sing. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.SUBJ *anti_list*, MC - ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED excl_rel ] ]. ; DPF 18-aug-07 - Constrain the modifiee to be comma-marked, to avoid ; spurious ambiguity for e.g. "The goal brought more cheers." ;; DPF 29-sept-11 - Move this down to more specific subtype, so we can still ;; admit *I'm taking off bye-bye* ;; DPF 18-04-30 - We now make main-clause declaratives be POSTHD +, so remove ;; MOD..POSTHD - here. adv_disc_posth_lexent := disc_adv_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #mltop ] ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. av_-_dc-po_le := adv_disc_posth_lexent & """ Disc, post-hd B won, folks. """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED excl_rel, PUNCT [ RPUNCT no_punct, PNCTPR ppair ] ] ]. av_-_dc-po-cma_le := adv_disc_posth_lexent & """ Disc, post-hd, head must be comma-marked. B won, cheers! """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED excl_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_no_punct ] >, PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_clause ] ]. av_-_dc-grt-po_le := adv_disc_posth_lexent & """ Disc, greeting, post-hd We're leaving, bye. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED greet_rel ]. ; This is like really necessary disc_adv_like_synsem := basic_disc_adv_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD root-marker & [ PRD -, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT.HEAD subst_or_adv, CONT.HOOK #hook ] ] >, MINORS.MIN abstr_excl_rel ], CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED abstr_excl_rel ]. basic_adv_disc_like_lexent := noncqr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM disc_adv_like_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX basic_non_expl ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED excl_rel ] ] ]. adv_disc_like_lexent := basic_adv_disc_like_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] > ]. ;; DPF 2012-10-23 - Generlized LPERIPH from na to na_or_+ in order to also ;; get *Kim, that is, the hero, arrived* av_-_dc-like-pr_le := adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, 'like'-type, pre-hd B found like the best cat. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, POSTHD - ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ] ]. av_-_dc-like-unk_le := adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc adv, generic, matches "UH" PTB tag B found like the best cat. av_-_dc-like-pr_le """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, POSTHD - ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. av_-_dc-like-phr_le := adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, 'like'-type, pre-hd, not main clause mod. B found like the best cat. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < >, MC na_or_- ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, POSTHD - ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ]. av_-_dc-spch-pr_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Only *\*delete\** token found in some speech lattices """ [ SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD no_head & [ MOD < [ LOCAL scopal_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb_or_frag, VAL [ SUBJ *olist*, SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPEC < > ], MC #mc ], CONT.HOOK #hook ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, MINORS.MIN no_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ], MC #mc ], CONJ cnil, CONT [ HOOK #hook, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LEX -, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ] ] ]. ; 'i think' av_-_dc-like-po_le := adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, 'like'-type, post-hd B sent C, I think, to D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. ; 'though' av_-_dc-like-po-pnct_le := basic_adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, 'like'-type, post-hd, must have comma-marked target The cat, though, chased dogs. We act as though Kim chased deals. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_punct, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR *olist* ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. av_-_dc-like-po-func-pnct_le := basic_adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, 'like'-type, post-hd, must have comma-marked target, only modify nonsubst The cat, though, chased dogs. We act as though Kim chased deals. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_punct, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD func, VAL.SPR *olist* ] ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. ; 'ten minutes or so' av_-_dc-meas-po_le := basic_adv_disc_like_lexent & """ Disc, just 'or so' B fell ten feet or so. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ --MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL.SPR.FIRST.OPT - ], PUNCT.RPUNCT comma_or_pair_or_no_punct ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. ; Speech filler tokens like *delete* ; speech_filler_synsem := basic_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD spfill & [ MINORS [ MIN never_unify_rel, ALTMIN never_unify_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONJ cnil, CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED no_rel ]. av_-_spfill_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Another type for *\*delete\** token in speech lattice """ [ SYNSEM speech_filler_synsem ]. ; Tell me please if my account is closed ;; DPF 2018-10-14 - Removed MOD..SLASH.LIST < >, since we need this entry for ;; *during the performance, please smile* with extracted-adj. ;; av_subst_mod_lexent := noncqr-h-nab & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT [ HEAD subst, VAL [ COMPS < >, SUBJ *olist* ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #modind ]]]>, MINORS.MIN abstr_excl_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.KEYREL #rel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #ind, ARG1 #modind ] ] ]. av_-_dc-pls_le := av_subst_mod_lexent & """ Disc, just 'please' Please leave. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.SPR *olist*, MC #mc ] ] > ], MC #mc ], LEX +, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED polite_rel ] ]. ;; DPF 22-12-31 - Replaced av_-_dc-meas-po_le with this type for "ten feet or so" ;; to also get "ten or so feet" ;; av_-_approx_le := av_subst_mod_lexent & """ Modifier of approximation ten feet or so """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD n_or_a_or_det, VAL.SPR *cons* ] ], POSTHD + ], LEX - ] ]. x_-_wh-the-hell_le := noncqr-h-nab & """ Emph, comp of WH-words Who the hell told you? """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD wh_adv & [ MOD < >, MINORS.MIN wh_the_hell_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED wh_the_hell_rel, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Temporal nouns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Extend to COMPS of temporal nouns the hack blocking extraction of subjects of ; inverted auxiliaries, which exploits CASE value. ; Block N-N compound of "a two meeting" by stipulating that hour_words are ; PRD +, incompatible with requirement of compound rule. In contrast, e.g., ; day_of_week words are unmarked for PRD. ; ; Made CONT.HOOK.LTOP be the handle of the numbered_hour_rel rather than that ; of the implicit def_implicit_q_rel, since hour_words can be modified, as in ; "two o'clock on the sixteenth". Since the PP unifies its LTOP handle with ; the ; LTOP handle of the phrase it modifies, that handle can't be the handle ; of the quantifier, so must be that of the numbered_hour_rel. ; DPF (18-Oct-98) - Removed PRD + from hour_word, so it can combine with its ; minute or am-pm complements and still be a prenominal adjective, as in ; "a ten thirty am meeting" ; DPF (22-Dec-98) - SYNSEM is typed phr_synsem in order to block ; "a two meeting" while admitting "a two o'clock meeting" - this works because ; "two o'clock" combines with "meeting" using the noun-noun compound rule, ; which requires the left member to have SYNSEM of type lex_synsem. ; DPF 13-May-01 - Added [RPERIPH +] to prevent hour words from being modified ; (especially by relative clauses), and therefore added optional prd-pp ; complement to still get e.g. "three in the morning" ; DPF 9-Oct-02 - Can't have these be phr_synsem, since that prevents them from ; undergoing the (necessary) hdn_optcmp_c rule (which is constrained to lex_synsem ; dtrs in order to prevent spurious ambiguity from n-n-cmpnds). So instead ; make it LEX - without commitment to the synsem type. ; DPF 27-Oct-02 - Changed HC-LEX from + to +* so we can get coordination of ; "two and two thirty". ; DPF 30-Apr-03 - Considered adding ALTMIN no_rel to prevent these from ; appearing as left member of np-n compounds after getting a specifier, as in ; "*the at least two chairs", but this fails because the entry for 'from' ; as in "from ten to two" requires the first comp to have non-empty ALTMIN. ; So look for a more general reason to block the above. ; DPF 05-dec-03 - Added SPEC < anti_synsem_min > to prevent these from being ; specifiers of the sp-hd_n_c rule; preferring instead the sp-hd_hc_c rule for "nine ; to ten pm'. Can't say SPEC < > since particle preps want NP complement ; which is SPEC < anti_synsem_min >. ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - These can't be stamped INFLECTD + because we also see ;; them as nonheads in compounds, as in *the six o'clock news*. So change to ;; INFLECTD -, and count on the AGR..PN 3s to exclude plural inflection. ;; DPF 2015-05-18 - Added PRD + to prevent these as non-heads in N-N compounds, ;; now that INFLECTD no longer stops them. ;; DPF 2016-08-06 - Removed MODIFD notmod since this prevented the phrase ;; *ten to twelve* from undergoing npadv rule (because MODIFD value of spec-hd ;; phrase is identified with MODIFD value of left dtr, and npadv rule requires ;; dtr to have a MODIFD value of hasmod). Let's see what happens. FIX? ;; And RE 13-May-01: We do want *eleven in the morning* to be ordinary modif, ;; so instead add NORM no_rel to prevent modification by relative clauses. ;; DPF 2016-08-26 - Re 2015-05-18 - But we want *the ten thirty departure*, ;; and already have the LEX feature to prevent *the ten departure*, so remove ;; PRD constraint. ;; basic_hour_synsem := count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ POSS -, MINORS [ MIN numbered_hour_rel, ALTMIN implicit_q_rel ], MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, XARG #index ] ], OPT + ] >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min >, KCMP synsem & [ --MIN am_pm_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD no_head, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, XARG #index ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT +, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] ], HC-LEX +, HS-LEX - ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #rhand, LARG #nhand ], ... >, ICONS ], AGR #index, ARG-S < > ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL [ LBL #nhand, PRED basic_numbered_hour_rel, ARG0 #index & [ PNG.PN 3s, SORT time ] ], ALT2KEYREL [ PRED def_implicit_q_rel, ARG0 #index, RSTR #rhand ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-08-07 - These were INFLECTD na_or_-, but now that we used n-modif ;; to admit *eleven in the morning*, we would get spurious ambig since that ;; rule only constrains the dtr to INFLECTD na_or_+. So change to INFLECTD -, ;; and see what the na was for. ;; DPF 2016-08-26 - Re 2016-08-07: The INFLECTD na would be necessary to let us ;; admit *the ten thirty departure* since the head-comp rule requires the head ;; to be na_or_+. But since we now have a lexical rule applying to *ten* to ;; add the complement, we'll have the rule change INFLECTD, so we can continue ;; to avoid the above ambiguity. ;; abstr_hour_word := noncqrs-m & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM basic_hour_synsem ]. basic_n_-_pn-hour_lexent := abstr_hour_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #kcmp >, KCMP #kcmp ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. n_-_pn-hour_lexent := basic_n_-_pn-hour_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LEX - ]. n_-_pn-hour_le := n_-_pn-hour_lexent """ Named hour of day B won at noon. """ . ; sixish n_-_pn-hour-apx_le := abstr_hour_word & """ Approximate named hour B won at eightish. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < #ampmcomp >, KCMP #ampmcomp ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #arg0, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. n_-_pn-hour-gen_le := basic_n_-_pn-hour_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry """ Named hour, generic B arose at 6:00. n_-_pn-hour_le """ . ;; Since these appear in *three o'clock* where the *three* has already undergone ;; a lexical rule to add the minute_n_rel wrapped around the card_rel, these ;; should also only supply a card_rel. ;; abstr_minute_word := np_word_no_aff & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD intadj2 & [ MINORS.MIN minute_rel, PRD + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ], HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, PRED card_rel, ARG0 #index, ARG1 #xarg ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. aj_-_i-mnt-pr_lexent := abstr_minute_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.POSTHD -, CONT.RELS ] ]. aj_-_i-mnt-pr_le := aj_-_i-mnt-pr_lexent """ Adj, named minutes, pre-hd It is half past three. """ . aj_-_i-mnt-po_le := abstr_minute_word & """ Adj, named minutes, post-hd It is three o'clock. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.POSTHD +, CONT.RELS ] ]. ; am/pm xp_suffix_lexent := np_word_no_aff & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD no_head, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0 & ref-ind, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL const_arg0_relation ] ]. ; AD/BC xp_suffix_quant_lexent := np_word_no_aff & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD no_head, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #cpdtop, INDEX #arg0 & ref-ind & [ PNG.PN 3s, IND + ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg0_relation, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. x_-_am-pm_le := xp_suffix_lexent & """ Time expr, only 'am/pm' B arrived at ten pm. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN am_pm_rel ]. x_-_bc-ad_le := xp_suffix_quant_lexent & """ Time expr, only 'bc/ad' It was built in 500 A.D. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN bc_ad_rel ]. ; DPF 01-dec-05 - Constrain these to only appear as complements of preps, ; to avoid spurious ambiguity with the ordinary noun of same spelling in ; each case. ; DPF 20-mar-06 - Also exclude these from modification by relative clauses, ; to avoid e.g. "*dinner that I had yesterday was late." n_-_pn-mealtm_lexent := noncqrs-hm-nab & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ POSS -, MINORS [ MIN gen_hour_rel, ALTMIN #altmin, NORM mealtime_rel ], MOD < >, CASE obliq ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < [ --MIN just_only_deg_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, XARG #index ] ], OPT + ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK [ INDEX #index & [ SORT time ] ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], ARG-S < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_pn-mealtm_le := n_-_pn-mealtm_lexent """ Mealtime noun We met at breakfast. """ . ; DPF 16-Apr-03 - Finally added type for odd entries "October the" as in ; 'October the fifth'. Duplicates much of what is in date_det_lr type, but ; not easy to see how to abstract (cf. HCONS for example). ;; DPF 2013-09-25 - Constrained SPEC to dofm_ord_rel, to block **April the two* ;; DPF 2019-10-11 - Replaced seemingly redundant defdate_q_rel with the_q_rel, ;; and similarly in lexrules.tdl's month_det_lr, so we get more consistency ;; in the MRSs for *February the fifth* and *the fifth of February* ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added sem link for SPEC XARG, and RELS as per trunk ;; DPF 2020-03-28 - Re 2019-10-11, restored defdate_q_rel, so we can get ;; *the September 11 event* where the NP-N compound rule constrains the NP's ;; ALTMIN, and we don't generally want "the"-NPs there. ;; det_date_synsem := norm_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ POSS -, MINORS.MIN defdate_q_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPEC < [ --MIN dofm_ord_rel, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #spind ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & diadic_nom_relation & [ LBL #mltop, PRED mofy_rel, ARG0 #spind & ref-ind ] ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], MODIFD hasmod ]. d_-_month_le := que_word & """ Det, month plus 'the' October the tenth arrived. """ [ SYNSEM det_date_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.ALTMIN mofy_rel, POSS - ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2016-08-07 - This type seems to be necessary for non-head of compounds ;; as in *my Monday the tenth appointment*, but we don't want the spurious ;; ambiguity under normal conditions, as in *Monday the tenth is good*. So ;; let's constrain the spec nominal to be [CASE no_case]. ;; d_-_dow_le := abstr_det_word & """ Det, day-of-week plus 'the' This Friday the 13th party began. """ [ SYNSEM det_date_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_rel, VAL.SPEC.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE no_case ] ] ]. common_noun_nomod_comp_synsem := basic_count_noun_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & two_arg. ; DPF 22-May-01 Added LPERIPH + constraint to block these from beings heads of ; n-n compounds. ; DPF 24-mar-06 For now, require SPR to be unexpressed, to avoid generating ; '*Kim arrived in the 1997.' So we lose e.g. 'I imagine that your 1997 ; was more enjoyable.' In general, want to avoid 'the' as spr of unadorned ; proper names. FIX ... ; DPF 28-jun-07 - Added REL.LIST < >. ; DPF 2010-09-17 - Removed the recently added ALTMIN meas_nom_rel, since it ; blocks "the 2010 yearbook". Not sure what it was intended to do... ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Generalize LPERIPH from + to bool, so can still get ;; *fiscal 1989* ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; n_-_pn-yoc_lexent := basic_word & [ SYNSEM temp_noun_comp_two_arg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN yofc_rel, ALTMIN proper_q_rel, NORM norm_rel ], CASE real_case ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST unexpressed & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det ], COMPS < [ --MIN bc_ad_rel, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD no_head, CONJ cnil, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, XARG #ind ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT + ] > ], HC-LEX -, MC na ], AGR [ DIV -, PNG.PN 3s ], CONJ cnil, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #ind & [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ] ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT no_punct ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED yofc_rel, LBL #nhand ], ALTKEYREL.PRED abstract_q_rel ], MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH bool ] ] ]. n_-_pn-yoc-gen_le := n_-_pn-yoc_lexent & """ Named year of century - generic B won in generic-year. """ [ INFLECTD -, TOKENS.+LIST < [ +TNT null_tnt, +CARG #carg ] >, SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL const_arg0_relation & [ CARG #carg ] ] ]. ; 'the first', 'October first', 'the first of October' ; Need to find way to block '*October first of October' ; DPF 20-Nov-99 - Added PRD + to block membership in N-N-compounds ; DPF 23-Oct-03 - Instead of PRD +, (which is now not consistent with making ; all non-measure NPs [PRD -]), use ALTMIN no_rel to block ordinals as ; heads of n-n-compounds. ; DPF 25-aug-04 - Try adding LPERIPH - to prevent these from appearing as ; heads of n-n-compounds. Can't be LPERIPH + since 'May 23 to 25' uses 'to' ; which requires complement to be LPERIPH na_or_- (for reasons no longer ; clear). ; DPF 24-sept-04 - But LPERIPH - prevents application of np_adv_c rule, as in ; 'we arrived the tenth', and anyway that LPERIPH constraint for 'to' is no ; longer used, so we make these LPERIPH +. ; DPF 26-jun-10 - Removed NORM never_unify_rel since we want *June 24 event* ;; DPF 2015-05-06 - We want to analyze *the December 6, 2004, event* with the ;; NP-N compound rule, yet we don't want to generally allow post-head-modified ;; NPs as non-hds in this rule, so we can't treat the year in *December 6, 2004* ;; as a modifier. Hence it must be an optional complement of the dom. Because ;; of our analysis of *6 December 2004* as head-initial, we also make use of ;; a KCMP2 feature here, to get the desired generality of US and Euro dates. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Added XARG binding as per trunk. ;; generic_dom_synsem := basic_noun_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN dofm_rel, ALTMIN #spmin ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST #spr & synsem & [ --MIN #spmin & quant_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist*, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand]>]], LEX + ], COMPS #comps, SPEC < anti_synsem_min >, KCMP2 [ --MIN yofc_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #cindex ], OPT + ] ] ], AGR #agr, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #agr, XARG #cindex ], RELS.LIST < generic_named_nom_relation & [ LBL #hand, PRED dofm_rel, ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ], ARG1 #cindex ], ... > ], ARG-S < #spr . #comps > ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-03-26 - To still get generic-proper "First" as in "First Boston", ;; HEAD cannot be `noun', so to block bare-npq rule for "first", make ;; SPR.FIRST be expressed_synsem, and to block bare-npq rule for ;; "October first", make second SPR synsem be OPT +. ;; DPF 2014-04-02 - Re 2014-03-26: But if SPR.FIRST is expressed, then cannot ;; admit "(May) 23 to 25" since here the "23" does not have an overt specifier. ;; So let's try setting RPERIPH -, since these should not be post-modified, ;; unlike the inputs to the bare-npq rule. ;; DPF 2015-05-04 - Re 2014-04-02: But we really don't want these as stand-alone ;; NPs (too much spurious ambiguity), and anyway we now parse *May 23-25* with ;; *23-25* as an interval, the way we should, so let's go back to expressed SPR. ;; DPF 2015-05-12 - Re 2015-05-04: SPR cannot be expressed, because we want to ;; admit *25 - 30* via the sp-hd_hc_c rule, which constrains its left dtr to ;; be *unexplist*. Happily, even without this constraint, these guys do not ;; undergo the plural/mass bare-NP rule because they are DIV -, and not the ;; bare-NP num rule because their MIN value is incompatible. ;; DPF 2016-08-06 - Added SPR expressed_synsem to avoid ;; *eleventh in the morning* from becoming bare-NP, even though its HEAD value ;; is partn. ;; basic_dom_synsem := generic_dom_synsem & count_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel, LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, OPT - ], [ OPT + ] >, COMPS < #kcmp2 >, KCMP2 #kcmp2 ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIV - ], MODIFD hasmod & [ LPERIPH +, RPERIPH - ] ]. basic_dom_ord_synsem := basic_dom_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN dofm_ord_rel, ALTMIN basic_def_explicit_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN def_q_rel, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.POSS - ], anti_synsem_min > ] ]. ;; DPF 2013-06-13 - The OPT - on the second (anti_synsem) SPR prevents these ;; from serving as nominal adverbials, as in *We arrived May ten*. So remove, ;; and be reminded of what that constraint was doing for us. Same for ;; dom_card_synsem below ;; dom_ord_synsem := basic_dom_ord_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS ] ] ]. ; DPF 31-May-02 - Changed SPR..MIN from implicit_q_rel to def_q_rel, ; to make sure these dom's don't undergo the robust bare_pl_sg rule. basic_dom_card_synsem := basic_dom_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN dofm_card_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN def_q_rel, ALTMIN mofy_rel ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL relation ]. dom_card_synsem := basic_dom_card_synsem & nonpro_nomod_synsem & two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN temp_abstr_rel, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < [ OPT - ], anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT time, RELS ] ] ]. ;; 12 october (2003) ;; DPF 2020-03-23 - Changed MOD notmod to hasmod, so we can get ;; *They arrived 12-feb-20* ;; dom_euro_synsem := generic_dom_synsem & abstr_noun_npcomp_synsem & basic_mass_or_count_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST unexpressed & [ --MIN udef_q_rel ], COMPS < #keycomp & expressed_synsem & [ --MIN mofy_rel, LOCAL [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, CONJ cnil ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT hyphen_sgl_or_no_punct ], #keycomp2 >, KCMP #keycomp, KCMP2 #keycomp2 ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX [ PNG png & [ PN 3s ], DIV +, IND - ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop, MODIFD hasmod ]. abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent := noun_hclex_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM generic_dom_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] ]. n_-_pn-dom-ord_lexent := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & [ SYNSEM dom_ord_synsem ]. n_-_pn-dom-ord_le := n_-_pn-dom-ord_lexent """ Named day of month - ordinal B won on the tenth. """ . n_-_pn-dom-card_lexent := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & [ SYNSEM dom_card_synsem ]. n_-_pn-dom-card_le := n_-_pn-dom-card_lexent """ Named day of month - cardinal B won on June 10. """ . n_-_pn-dom-euro_lexent := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & [ SYNSEM dom_euro_synsem ]. n_-_pn-dom-euro_le := n_-_pn-dom-euro_lexent """ Nmd day of month - europe - pre B won on 10 June. """ . n_-_pn-dom-gen_le := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Named day of month - generic B won on generic-dom. n_-_pn-dom-card_le """ [ SYNSEM dom_card_synsem ]. n_-_pn-dom-o-gen_le := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Named day of month, ordinal - generic B won on the generic-dom. n_-_pn-dom-ord_le """ [ SYNSEM dom_ord_synsem & [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. ; 'Tuesday (the first (of October))', 'Tuesday (October first)' ; 'Tuesday of that week' ; DPF 31-Jul-99 - Made SYNSEM be nonpro_nomod_onearg_synsem instead of ; nomod_basic_onearg_synsem since they can appear in noun-noun compounds, ; and also in appositive constructions. n_-_pn-dom-e-gen_le := abstr_n_day_of_month_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Nmd day of month - europe - generic B won on 10 June. n_-_pn-dom-euro_le """ [ SYNSEM dom_euro_synsem ]. ; 'morning' of 'each morning', 'Tuesday morning' ; DPF 19-Oct-02 - Broke this up into two entries, one with empty COMPS ; that excludes "the" to block "I arrived the morning"; and the other with ; PP-of to allow "I arrived the morning of the fifth." ; DPF 23-Apr-03 - Moved MODIFD from basic_n_day_part_lexent to the nocomp ; subtype, to continue to block "*I arrived the morning" (where the temp_np ; rule requires the dtr to be [MODIFD hasmod], and where the determiner "the" ; passes up the MODIFD value of its SPEC) while allowing "I arrived the ; morning of the third" where this pp-comp 'morning' is unmarked for MODIFD. ; DPF 26-Apr-03 - Note that this awkward machinery for three entries (at least) ; for day-part words like "morning" will have to be generalized, since the same ; constraints hold for a few non-temporal nouns like "way" as in ; 'Kim sang the way you did' and 'Kim sings that way' but '*Kim sang the way'. ; Also "time" as in "I fell the time he was here" but "*I fell the time". ;; DPF 2017-09-29 - Added [SORT time] consistent with other temporal nouns. ;; basic_n_day_part_lexent := noncqrs-hm & basic_noun_word & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN day_part_rel ], VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN abstract_q_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ], --SIND #ind, OPT - ] > ], AGR #ind, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind & [ SORT time ] ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #ind ] ] ]. onearg_count_n_synsem := nonpro_nomod_onearg_synsem & count_noun_synsem. twoarg_count_n_synsem := noun_two_arg_nomod_synsem & count_noun_synsem. ;; DPF 2022-06-21 - Changed MODIFD notmod to notmod_or_rmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_-] ;; to get "we slept evenings" but block npadv_mnp rule n_-_c-dpt_lexent := basic_n_day_part_lexent & """ Icn, part of day B won on Friday afternoon. """ [ SYNSEM onearg_count_n_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr >, CAT.VAL [ SPR < #spr & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN dofw_or_poss_q_rel ] >, COMPS < > ] ], MODIFD notmod_or_rmod & [ LPERIPH na_or_- ] ] ]. n_-_c-dpt_le := n_-_c-dpt_lexent """ Icn, part of day B won on Friday afternoon. """ . n_-_c-dpt-cap_le := n_-_c-dpt_lexent """ Icn, part of day, capitalized B won on Friday afternoons. """ . n_day_part_ppcomp_lexent := basic_n_day_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM twoarg_count_n_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr . #comps >, CAT.VAL [ SPR < #spr >, COMPS #comps & < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN _of_p_sel_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #ind & ref-ind ]], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, OPT - ] > ], AGR [ DIV - ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #nhand, ARG1 #ind ] ] ]. n_pp_c-dpt-sg-of_lexent := n_day_part_ppcomp_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ] ]. n_pp_c-dpt-sg-of_le := n_pp_c-dpt-sg-of_lexent """ Cn, part-of day, sg, PP-of comp B won the night of the 2nd """ . n_pp_c-dpt-pl-of_le := n_day_part_ppcomp_lexent & """ Cn, part-of day, pl, PP-of comp Nights of May 10 and 11 do """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ]. ; 'Advent', 'summer', 'Christmas' ; DPF 20-jan-08 - Removed NORM norm_rel since this blocked e.g. "summer day" ; DPF 27-jan-08 - Remoevd LPERIPH na since this blocked "Paris summer day" ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - With the changes to measure-NPs, add CASE real_case here ;; to prevent these from undergoing np_adv-mnp rule. ;; basic_basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent := basic_noun_word & nonc-hm & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM mass_noun_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CASE real_case, VAL.SPR < unexpressed_reg > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent := basic_basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent & noun_word & [ SYNSEM.MODIFD notmod ]. ; 'winter, summer' - "in winter", "*at winter" ;; DPF 2020-05-08 - Considered blocking "in long winter" via LPERIPH +, but ;; we want *in late winter* and *in early spring*, so leave as is. Also failed ;; for *many [summer dairies]*. ;; n_-_m-ssn_lexent := basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN season_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED season_rel ] ]. n_-_m-ssn_le := n_-_m-ssn_lexent """ Mass, season name B won in winter. """ . ; 'Advent, Christmas' - "at Christmas" ;; DPF 2019-09-14 - Allow lexical blocking of premodif as in ;; *celebrating Thanksgiving* n_-_m-hldy_lexent := basic_basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN holiday_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED holiday_rel ] ]. n_-_m-hldy_le := n_-_m-hldy_lexent """ Mass, holiday name B won at Christmas. """ . ; DPF 21-dec-05 - Removed MODIFD.LPERIPH na, since it prevented e.g. ; NP-N-N compound 'Avdalen summer farm' ; DPF 29-jun-07 - But now getting 'summer farm' via making 'summer' a ; bare meas-NP, so add NORM norm_rel to prevent spurious N-N-cmpnd. ;; DPF 2017-10-04 - Note that the name is misleading, since we can also get ;; *a good Christmas*, as count noun. ;; DPF 2020-04-24 - To get *summer and winter routes*, remove NORM norm_rel, ;; noting that the problem of 29-jun-07 no longer surfaces. But we don't ;; want *winter routes* to also use this entry for *winter*, so let's constrain ;; LOCAL to force inflection. ;; ;; n_-_m-ssn-spr_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL sing_or_plur_noun & [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN season_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED season_rel ] ]. n_-_m-ssn-spr_le := n_-_m-ssn-spr_lexent """ Mass or count, season w/ oblig specifier B won in the winter. """ . ;; DPF 20-04-24 - Without rethinking the existing inventory of lexical types ;; for season and holiday nouns, just add a type to allow bare plurals, as in ;; *chilly winters began* ;; DPF 2020-10-12 - Changed NORM from norm_rel to quantity_or_norm_rel, so we ;; can get "they arrived three some summers ago" ;; n_-_c-ssn-pl_lexent := basic_basic_intr_noun_word & [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL plur_noun & [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN season_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel, NORM quantity_or_norm_rel ], VAL.SPR < unexpressed > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], AGR.PNG.PN 3p ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED season_rel ] ]. n_-_c-ssn-pl_le := n_-_c-ssn-pl_lexent """ Mass or count, season w/ oblig specifier B won in the winter. """ . n_np_m-ssn_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_npcomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN season_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ --MIN yofc_rel ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED season_rel ] ]. n_np_m-ssn_le := n_np_m-ssn_lexent """ Mass, season, NP comp (yoc) B won in winter 1993. """ . n_np_m_lexent := noun_word & [ SYNSEM mass_noun_npcomp_nocpd_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN norm_nom_rel, ALTMIN abstract_q_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG png & [ PN 3s ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_np_m_le := n_np_m_lexent """ Mass, NP comp Divide by log Kow. """ . n_-_m-era_le := basic_n_-_m-ssn_lexent & """ Mass, era name B wrote on the early years and WWII. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN season_rel, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED era_rel ] ]. ; "the morning" etc. ; DPF 14-Oct-02 - Added ALTMIN relation to prevent these entries from ; appearing as complements of "per", to avoid spurious ambiguity for e.g. ; "per night" ; DPF 15-Apr-03 - Removed strange constraint SPR..CONT.RELS , ; which blocked (among other things) "my mornings". Instead, made ; SPR..MIN be def_explicit_q_rel to allow only "the" and possessive pronouns. ;; DPF 2011-12-14 - Removed LPERIPH na_or_-, since this blocked *we arrived ;; the night before*. ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - Made SPR expressed_synsem to prevent spurious ambiguity for ;; *I am free afternoons*. Also considered generalizing SPR..MIN from ;; basic_def_explicit_q_rel to def_or_demon_q_rel, to get *in those mornings*, ;; but that makes *this morning* ambiguous, so leave as is. ;; n_def_day_part_lexent := noncqrs-hm-nab & basic_noun_word & [ SYNSEM nomod_onearg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ ARG-S < #spr >, CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS [ MIN def_day_part_rel, ALTMIN norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < expressed_synsem & #spr & [ --MIN basic_def_explicit_q_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], --SIND #inst, OPT - ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ], POSTHD + ], AGR #inst, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #inst & ref-ind ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #inst & [ SORT time ] ], ALTKEYREL relation ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_c-dpt-df-sg_lexent := n_def_day_part_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0 [ PNG png & [ PN 3s, GEN neut ], DIV - ] ]. n_-_c-dpt-df-sg_le := n_-_c-dpt-df-sg_lexent """ Day part, sg, def B enjoyed the evening. """ . n_-_c-dpt-df-pl_le := n_def_day_part_lexent & """ Day part, pl, def B spent the nights. """ [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG0.PNG png & [ PN 3p ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Degree specifiers for adjectives ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; 'very, really, much, a lot, almost'; ; Treated as measure phrases, selected as specifiers by adjectives. ;; DPF 27-Aug-01 - Removed INDEX ref-ind constraint, which was blocking ;; e.g. "kim is just behind the door" ;; DPF 8-Sep-01 - Added MODIFD.LPERIPH na to make sure that "about two weeks" ;; has this value, to block its appearing as head in n_n_compounds. ;; DPF 25-Sep-01 - Block specification of conjoined phrase for now, since we ;; don't know what to do with the semantics anyway. ;; DPF 10-Apr-03 - Made HEAD simply adv rather than old adv_or_partn, since ;; no need to treat these phrases as noun-like - solves several problems, ;; including avoiding these appearing as complements of prepositions. ;; Can probably get rid of LPERIPH specification now - check later. ;; DPF 26-sept-04 - Moved [XARG individual_min] down to lex_degree_spec ;; subtype, in order to allow measure-NPs (with phr_degree_spec_synsem) to ;; appear in appositive constructions like "three meters (10')". (Can't ;; remember what this constraint is meant to exclude, but it's probably useful) ;; DPF 8-oct-05 - Yes, that constraint helps to block the spurious use of ;; the nonhead-compos variant of the head-specifier rule to pick up ;; degree-specifiers, as in "at least part of ..." (since the nonhead-compos ;; variant requires its XARG to be a handle). basic_degree_spec_synsem := canonical_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR.FIRST [ --MIN degree_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD n_or_adv, VAL [ SPR *olist*, SPEC < synsem > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #spind ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST [ LBL #khand, ARG0 #spind ] ] ]. ; DPF 11-Feb-02 - Can't have this be POSTHD - (and why did we want it?), ; since the spec-head rule takes the value of POSTHD from the head's spr ; value, which blocked "kim arrives really soon". ; DPF 25-May-03 - Need POSTHD of specifier to be that of its SPEC, to make ; sure that "maybe in Berlin" is still POSTHD +. ;; DPF 2011-09-23 - Added identity of SPEC..HS-LEX and SPEC..LEX, to preserve ;; LEX property of adjective (phrases), as in *probably easy to hire*, in order ;; to block **the probably easy to hire consultant*. But note that this ;; requires treating the degree-spec "how" differently, since we use this ;; mechanism to distinguish "how many cats" from "*the how tall cats". So ;; push down to subtypes, and exclude "how", as well as "so", "too", etc. ;; DPF 2022-06-03 - Constrain SPEC.FIRST to be synsem, so we can distinguish ;; degree-specifiers from ordinary adverbs (both are HEAD adv), for example ;; as complement of comp_how_about_n_or_p_lexent as in "how about never" but ;; "*how about too". basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem := basic_degree_spec_synsem & lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SPEC < synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHD #ph ] >, SPR < synsem_min > ], POSTHD #ph ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG individual_min ], RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. lex_degree_spec_synsem := basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN degree_rel, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif, LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex, LEX #hslex ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], XARG #xarg ], RELS.LIST.FIRST [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #xarg ] ] ], MODIFD #modif ]. ; For measure_nps as in "two foot tall" ; DPF 4-Nov-02 - Removed [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG nothing ], since now identify ; XARGs of modifier and modifiee. Why was it added before? ;; DPF 2014-04-27 - This type wrongly required its SPEC..COMPS to be the empty ;; list: need nonempty for *10% more cats than dogs*, so remove constraint, ;; and make SPCMPS empty. ;; phr_degree_spec_synsem := basic_degree_spec_synsem & lex_phr_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN just_only_very_deg_rel, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS.LIST.FIRST.ARG1 #xarg ] ] ]. ; For "as" of "as soon as possible" and "too" in "too good to miss" ; basic_comp_degree_spec_synsem := basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD comp_spec_able, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #xarg ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 event & [ E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ] ], ARG1 #xarg ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ]. ;; DPF 2014-10-13 - Removed reentrancy of SPCMPS.FIRST and COMPS.FIRST, since ;; this prevents *more like Kim than Sandy* (because "like" wants its SPR to be ;; COMPS *olist*), and because there does not seem to be a structure where the ;; COMPS can be used. (In *more than ten feet tall* the analysis currently is ;; with *more than* as a deg-spec of the MNP *ten feet* analogous with ;; *at least ten feet tall*.) ;; DPF 2020-04-30 - Generalized SPCMPS..LPUNCT to pair_or_no_punct, so we ;; can get *...so upset "that you complained"* ;; ;; was HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_enough_rel, basic_comp_degree_wcomps_synsem := basic_comp_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_more_less_rel, VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem, SPCMPS < synsem & [ LOCAL.CONJ cnil, OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct ] >, COMPS < > ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-03-13 - For some reason, recently added MODIFD notmod, but this ;; blocks *We arrived as soon as Kim left*, so remove. comp_degree_wcomps_synsem := basic_comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_enough_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_a_or_adv_or_det ] >, SPCMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS + ] ], CONT [ RELS ] ] ]. comp_degree_spec_synsem := comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], NONLOC non-local_none ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG2 #ind ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-12-07 - Change LPERIPH from na_or_+ to +, to block ;; *tall as many cats as mice* ;; as_degree_spec_synsem := comp_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _as_p_comp_rel, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS < > ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED comp_equal_rel ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-31 - To block *nothing is tougher than lose*, add NORM norm_rel. ;; to complement than-PP. ;; basic_more_degree_spec_synsem := basic_comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN just_only_much_deg_rel ] >, SPCMPS.FIRST [ --MIN _than_p_compar_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NONLOC non-local_none ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ]. more_degree_spec_synsem := basic_more_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_enough_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN much_deg_rel ] >, SPCMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #ind ]. basic_too_degree_spec_synsem := basic_comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_a_or_adv_or_det ] >, SPCMPS.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT s_or_vp_inf_cat, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED _too_x_comp_rel, ARG2 #ltop ] ]. too_degree_spec_slash_synsem := basic_too_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS -, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < [ CAT np_cat_acc_min & [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, MOD < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] > ], SPEC < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ] > ] ]. too_degree_spec_synsem := basic_too_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.--SLPASS +, NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ]. ; DPF 15-aug-07 - Removed HEAD comp to allow "He was so late we couldn't wait" so_degree_spec_synsem := comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT s_cat_fin_v_c, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED _so_x_comp_rel, ARG2 #ltop ] ]. ; *not so tall as to scare you* so_degree_spec_as_synsem := comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ MINORS.MIN _as_p_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF prop-or-comm ] ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED _so_x_comp_rel, ARG2 #ltop ] ]. ; DPF 28-Apr-03 - Until we move to always discharging optional complements, ; we have to split 'as' into two lexical entries, one with an as-comp and one ; without, in order to be able to coordinate "as early and as late" where ; the top_coord_nom rule requires COMPS to be empty (since this 'as' pushes ; its complement to 'as early'). ;; basic_comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem := basic_comp_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPCMPS #spc, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc, COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS ] ]. comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem := basic_comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST synsem ]. comp_degree_spec_enough_synsem := basic_comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN enough_deg_rel, VAL [ SPCMPS < >, SPR < anti_synsem_min > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _enough_x_comp_rel ]. #| ;; Add lexical entry for |enough| + comp, eventually -- FIX ;; most likely with lexical rule that directly adds the VP|CP complement ;; comp_degree_spec_enough_wcomps_synsem := comp_degree_wcomps_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN enough_deg_rel, VAL [ SPCMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL [ CAT s_or_vp_inf_cat, CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ], OPT - ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED _enough_x_comp_rel, ARG2 #ltop ] ]. |# basic_degree_spec_word := que_word & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. norm_degree_spec_word := basic_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT [ HCONS , ICONS ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. degree_spec_word := norm_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ;; DPF 2013-05-10 - Preserve HS-LEX value from SPEC value, so that degree-specs ;; of degree-specs retain transparency, to block erroneous analyses with ;; double degree specifiers, as in **the way too difficult to hire cat* ;; basic_adv_degree_spec_lexent := norm_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN non_event_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc ] >, SPEC.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HS-LEX #hslex, SPCMPS #spc ], HS-LEX #hslex ] ]. adv_degree_spec_lexent := basic_adv_degree_spec_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; DPF 18-feb-08 - Changed MIN deg_rel to MIN much_or_very_deg_rel to avoid ; spurious spr-hd analysis for e.g. "under Berlin". av_-_dg_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Degree spec (deg) B is incredibly rich. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_or_very_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LEX + ] > ] ]. av_-_dg-v_lexent := adv_degree_spec_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN very_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LEX #lex ] >, HS-LEX #lex ] ]. av_-_dg-v_le := av_-_dg-v_lexent """ Deg, very-type B is very rich. """ . av_-_dg-v-nonlex_le := basic_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN very_deg_rel, ALTMIN non_event_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc ] >, SPCMPS #spc, SPEC < [ MODIFD #modif ] > ], HS-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD #modif, NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. av_-_dg-m_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, much-type B is much richer. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel ]. ; This type allows unification with very_deg_rel, while the next does not. ; DPF 22-may-09 - Changed MIN just_only_degree_rel to just_only_very_deg_rel ; to block e.g. "around Kim" as spr-hd. av_-_dg-jov_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only-very B won just the first race. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_very_deg_rel ]. ; DPF 22-may-09 - Added this type for deg specs which can appear both with ; proper names and with 'very' and 'much' -taking heads av_-_dg-jomv_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only-very-much B was notably red(der). """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_degree_rel ]. av_-_dg-jo_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only B won only the first race. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_deg_rel ]. ;; 2020-04-21 - Maybe on for "most" - deg-spec only for det and adv, not NP, ;; so we av_-_dg-jo-spr_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only B won only the first race. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_deg_rel ]. av_-_dg-jo-num_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only, for numbers B won over fifty races. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_degree_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_a_or_adv_or_det & [ MINORS.MIN meas_or_numq_rel ] ] > ] ]. av_-_dg-notj_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, not for adjectives: e.g. `twice' B is twice as tall. *B is twice tall. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN very_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det_or_adv ] > ] ]. ; 'this much' 'this tall' ; DPF 18-mar-06 - To block "*my this tall chairs", allow SPEC to unify HS-LEX ; value '-', so "this tall" will be LEX -, and hence cannot modify ; prenominally. While 'tall' does this unification, 'many' does not, so we ; can still get "this many chairs' ;; DPF 16-jul-2010 - Re: 18-mar-06: With revised analysis of degree specs, ;; instead make the SPEC value PRD + to allow *the chair is this tall* but ;; block **the this tall chair appeared*. ;; DPF 2024-05-06 - Removed MODIFD notmod since we want to get "Kim usually ;; isn't this late" with np-adv "this late". ;; av_-_dg-tt_le := que_word & """ Deg, this-that B isn't that rich. """ [ SYNSEM comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN this_that_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD n_or_a_or_adv_or_det, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] >, HS-LEX - ] ] ]. ; This type requires unification with much_deg_rel, so cannot be used with ; e.g. determiner 'the', as in "straight (into ...)" or "up to (ten ...)" av_-_dg-jom_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just-only-much B ran straight into C. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_much_deg_rel ]. ;; For *light/dark blue*, *pale/bright red* av_-_dg-color_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, for color adjectives B is light blue. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN very_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LEX #lex, --MIN color_rel ] >, HS-LEX #lex ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-10-31 - Changed HS-LEX + to bool since + prevents *cats most likely ;; to laugh* and leaving it underspecified as bool still allows "most likely" ;; in LEX + contexts. ;; DPF 2018-02-20 - Re 2017-10-31: But we still want to block *cats most likely* ;; so make the same move as for ordinary "very", namely to identify HS-LEX of ;; the adverb's SPEC with its own. ;; av_-_dg-sup_lexent := basic_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN this_that_deg_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN very_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD a_or_adv, HS-LEX #hslex ] ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ], HS-LEX #hslex ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < > ] ]. av_pp_dg-sup_lexent := basic_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN this_that_deg_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ --MIN very_deg_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD a_or_adv ] >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < [ --MIN #cmin & _of_p_sel_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD prep & [ PRD -, TAM.TENSE nontense ], VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX non_expl ], NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] > ], HS-LEX + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E [ TENSE no_tense, ASPECT no_aspect ], XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. ; Set [HS-LEX +] which adj_synsem identifies with the spr's SPEC..HS-LEX, ; which is what the head-spec rule uses to set LEX on phrase, so we block ; '*the lake most beautiful' but allow 'the most beautiful lake' av_-_dg-sup_le := av_-_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl The most famous dog won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel ]. av_-_dg-sup-lst_le := av_-_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl The least happy dog won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_superl_rel ]. av_pp_dg-sup_le := av_pp_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl, PP-complement The most famous dog of all won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_superl_rel ]. av_pp_dg-sup-lst_le := av_pp_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl, PP-complement The most famous dog of all won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN comp_or_superl_rel ]. av_-_dg-sup-av_le := av_-_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl, for adverbs only Who sang the most beautifully? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ]. av_pp_dg-sup-av_le := av_pp_dg-sup_lexent & """ Deg, superl, PP-complement, for adverbs only Who sang the most beautifully of all? """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] > ]. ; Only for degree specs of determiners: 'not all, not many, not every, not a' ;; But block *we admire not the/some cat* via NEGPOL +. av_-_dg-det_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, modify det Not every runner won. Not the runner won. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_degree_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det_or_partn, NEGPOL + ] ] > ] ]. ; Degree specs of directional preps: "all over New York" ;; DPF 2012-02-01 - Generalize slightly to locatives: *all at the same time* ;; DPF 2014-07-08 - Generalize further to ordinary PPs: *all alone*, ;; *all out of rice*. It's true that "all" only occurs with some PPs, but ;; hard to say which ones. ;; av_-_dg-pp_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, modify PP B sank well into the sand. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD prep, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ] ]. ; 'due' only for directions av_-_dg-dir_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, 'due north' B ran due north. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ --MIN place_n_rel ] > ] ]. ; 'roughly', 'wide(-spread)', 'jam(-packed)' av_-_dg-ap_le := degree_spec_word & """ Deg, modify AP The race is wide open. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN very_this_that_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc, SPCMPS #spc ] ] ]. ; 'all the' av_-_dg-adv_le := degree_spec_word & """ Deg, modify comparative adv They studied all the harder. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc, SPCMPS #spc ] ] ]. ; 'any' av_-_dg-any_le := degree_spec_word & """ Deg, just 'any' B isn't any richer. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LEX + ] >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc, SPCMPS #spc ] ] ]. ; "how tall" ; DPF 21-Jul-03 - Will want opt comp of-PP or indef-NP to get "how good (of) a ; player is he" ; DPF 07-mar-06 - Made semantics analogous to that of "To what degree is Kim ; tall?", thereby relating the degree index to Kim's index. ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Removed ALTMIN no_rel, since positive adj's now have ; ALTMIN norm_rel so 'most beautiful' can be treated as superlative in ; partitives like "the most beautiful arrived." ;; DPF 2022-06-15 - Added HEAD..ALTMIN non_event_rel so we don't get ;; partitive adj for "how tall", just as we don't for "very tall" ;; adv_wh_degree_spec_lexent := basic_degree_spec_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN degree_rel, ALTMIN non_event_rel ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS *obllist*, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #sphand ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < > ] >, COMPS < >, SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPCMPS #spc, SPCMPS #spc ], HS-LEX - ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #spind, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC.QUE.LIST < param >, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. ;; Non-WH 'how' as in *How tall you are.* ;; Exclude *how tall* from subord-adj via SPEC..TENSE. ;; And block coord of *who arose and how tall you are* via SF constraint on ;; SPEC's --SIND.SF. ;; And block in conj-mod *[and how tall] you are* by making SPEC's MOD be ;; unexpressed ;; DPF 2024-04-11 - Re: excluding *how tall* from subord-adj above, this ;; TAM.TENSE real_tense constraint also sadly blocks "how tall you are!". ;; ;; av_-_dg-v-nwh_le := av_-_dg-v_lexent & """ Deg, very-type, only non-wh 'how' How tall you are! """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST unexpressed, --SIND.SF prop ] ]. ; How tall av_-_dg-v-wh_le := adv_wh_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, WH very-type B saw how rich C is. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN very_deg_rel ]. ; How much taller av_-_dg-m-wh_le := adv_wh_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, WH much-type B saw how much richer C is """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel ]. av_pp_dg-as_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'as', PP-as comp B is as rich as C. """ [ SYNSEM as_degree_spec_synsem ]. av_vp_dg-too_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'too', inf VP-CP comp B is too poor to win. """ [ SYNSEM too_degree_spec_synsem ]. av_vpslnp_dg-too_le := que_word & """ Deg, 'too' with VP/NP comp B is too big to hide. """ [ SYNSEM too_degree_spec_slash_synsem ]. ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Also use for `such' as in *such detailed images that they ;; could see the numbers* ;; av_cp_dg-so_le := que_word & """ Deg, 'so', CP comp B is so fast that he won. """ [ SYNSEM so_degree_spec_synsem ]. av_cp_dg-so-as_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'so', as-VP comp B is not so rich as to scare you. """ [ SYNSEM so_degree_spec_as_synsem ]. av_pp_dg-more_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'more', PP comp B is less rich than C. """ [ SYNSEM more_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN more_comp_rel, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_pp_dg-less_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'less', PP comp B is less rich than C. """ [ SYNSEM more_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. #| av_pp_dg-cmp_le := que_word & """ Deg, PP comp B is farther from Kim than Browne. """ [ SYNSEM basic_more_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, VAL.SPCMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #spind ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ;; Instances closer_deg2, farther_deg2 |# av_-_dg-cmp_le := basic_adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, comparative, no comp B ran further away. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN just_only_much_deg_rel, CONT.RELS ] ]. ; DPF 13-Nov-03 - Constrained SPEC value to be PRD + to prevent "The as tall ; player ..." or "the too beautiful chair ..." ; DPF 16-mar-06 - But this is in conflict with our revised treatment of ; 'many' as an adjective, as in "too many chairs". So instead constrain ; the SPEC's HS-LEX to be -. ; DPF 31-dec-08 - Require SPEC to be not right-modified, to avoid spurious ; analysis of "as [tall as Kim]", but allow "as completely crazy as Kim". ;; DPF 2012-09-20 - Removed MODIFD notmod, since this blocked ;; *Kim arose too soon*, since the npadv rule requires its dtr to be hasmod, ;; and sp-hd-hc rule takes MODIFD value from specifier. ;; DPF 2018-05-25 - Now that we analyze "way too" of *way too old* as spr-hd, ;; the constraint on HS-LEX is in conflict with np-adv entries like *late*, ;; so we don't get *he is way too late*. FIX someday. ;; DPF 2020-08-04 - Tried blocking scopal adverbs as in "*too possibly" via ;; constraint on SPEC..MOD list, but independent anti* constraints on MOD ;; compete for the list type, and the scopal-nonscopal distinction is in any ;; case too blurry. Could consider adding constraint SPEC..XARG individual, ;; where one might expect scopal modifiers to have XARG handle, but currently ;; scopal adverbs just pass up their mod target's XARG. ;; DPF 2020-09-10 - Can't recall why SPEC includes nouns, but we don't want ;; "We admire as everyone", so change SPEC..HEAD from n_or_a_or_adv_or_det ;; to a_or_adv_or_det. Hmm, the reason for including (some) nouns is to ;; get "We waited for too long" where "long" is HEAD grad_n, a subtype of ;; partn. ;; DPF 2023-02-01 - Added PRD - to prevent not_prdp from modifying. ;; av_-_dg-cmp-so_le := que_word & """ Deg, 'so/as/too' no comp B is so fast. """ [ SYNSEM comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN comp_as_too_degree_rel, PRD - ], VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD a_or_adv_or_det, MODIFD notmod_or_lmod ] >, HS-LEX - ], MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. ; DPF 12-jul-06 - Changed MIN much_or_very_deg_rel to more_deg_rel ; to block "more many" but still allow "very many" ;; DPF 2018-03-23 - Added SPR..MIN just_only_much_deg_rel to avoid ;; *fairly more cheerful* or *very more cheerful*. ; av_-_dg-cmp-more_lexent := que_word & [ SYNSEM comp_degree_spec_nc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN more_deg_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN just_only_much_deg_rel ] ] ]. av_-_dg-cmp-more_le := av_-_dg-cmp-more_lexent & """ Deg, 'more' no comp B is more cheerful. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN more_comp_rel ]. av_-_dg-cmp-less_le := av_-_dg-cmp-more_lexent """ Deg, 'less' no comp B is less rich. """ . av_-_dg-enough_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'enough' B is rich enough. """ [ SYNSEM comp_degree_spec_enough_synsem ]. #| av_vp_dg-enough_le := que_word & """ Deg, just 'enough' plus VP/NP complement B is rich enough to admire. """ [ SYNSEM comp_degree_spec_enough_wcomps_synsem ]. |# ;; DPF 2024-05-05 - Removed SPEC..COMPS < >, since we also want to get ;; "many more cats than dogs" analogus to "much more rice than cereal" ;; av_-_dg-many_le := adv_degree_spec_lexent & """ Deg, just 'many more' 'many more (cats) arrived' """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN much_deg_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LEX +, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD compar_adj & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ]> ] ] > ] ]. ; For measure-np ersatz ; NORM norm_rel prevents these from also appearing in noun_n_cmpnds, ; leaving only the np-hdn_cpd_c we want for "200m climb" ; DPF 7-mar-05 - Removed MODIFD notmod since this prevented "200m away" from ; undergoing the np_adv_c rule, and its motivation remained obscure. ; DPF 29-mar-05 - Changed MIN to deg_rel so we get "half an hour before Kim ; arrives" ;; DPF 2012-03-03 - Removed identif. of INFLECTD and PRD, since we want to ;; allow *Stocks fell _meas_ne_* which needs to be INFL + but PRD - in order ;; to meet demands of the npadv_meas rule that makes the meas_np adverbial. ;; DPF 2017-05-27 - Changed SPR from unexpressed to ordinary det, so we can ;; get *the 5kg is here*. ;; n_-_meas-gen_lexent := noncqrs-hm & generic_lex_entry & [ TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] >, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD det, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR *olist* ] ] ], anti_synsem_min >, SPEC < > ] ], AGR.PNG.PN 3s, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #nindex & nonconj_ref-ind ], RELS.LIST < #keyrel & named_nom_relation & [ PRED meas_np_rel, LBL #nhand, ARG0 #nindex, CARG #carg ], ... >, HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, QUE.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. n_-_meas-gen_le := n_-_meas-gen_lexent & """ Measure noun - generic C is generic-meas tall. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ RELS ] ] ] ]. n_np_meas-gen_le := n_-_meas-gen_lexent & """ Deprecated, for measure noun - generic, with NP complement Trip 1c - 4-6 days - """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < expressed_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_acc_min & [ --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #cindex ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #cindex ] > ], CONT [ RELS ] ], MODIFD notmod ] ]. n_-_meas-n-gen_le := basic_noun_word & generic_lex_entry & """ Measure noun - generic C is 42 generic-meas-noun tall. n_-_c-meas_le """ [ INFLECTD bool, SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS [ MIN meas_nom_rel, NORM quantity_rel ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation & [ LBL #ltop, PRED string ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Numbers ;; ;; DPF 14-Apr-01 - Numerals combine with their complements and specifiers as ;; laid out in Smith 2000, but since the specifier-head rule makes the TOP ;; handle of the phrase be that of the spr dtr, we can't have numerals simply ;; identify their LTOP value with their KEY.LBL value or something similar. ;; Hence, numerals combine using the LBL of the attribute ALTMIN, which ;; points to the MIN for simple numerals like "two", but to the plus_rel or ;; the times_rel for more interesting numerals like "hundred". ;; The LTOP handle is identified with the SPEC's handle, so when a numeral is ;; built using the specifier-head rule, the resulting LTOP handle will be the ;; same as the LTOP handle of the head-dtr. This is useful because of two other ;; regularities: ;; (1) the MOD's handle is identified with the ALTKEY's handle; and ;; (2) the intersective modifier-head rule identifies the MOD's handle with ;; the modifier's LTOP handle. ;; This ensures that the LTOP handle of a numeral modifier will be identified ;; with the ALTKEY's handle, as desired. ;; DPF 2017-10-04 - Not all number adjectives are POSTHD -, since we want ;; *the person third in the line*. So push this down to cardinals. ;; ; For numerals anycard_norm_num_synsem := canonical_synsem & basic_zero_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj, VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG non_expl, RELS.LIST < integer_relation, ... > ], CONJ cnil ] ]. ; DPF 6-Jun-01 - Added MODIFD.LPERIPH - to avoid unwanted reading for ; "two hundred three chairs". ; But this blocks "two competent programmers", so make [LPERIPH na]. ; DPF 28-Apr-03 - This PERIPH feature is overloaded since it does not ; distinguish directionality - the two uses clash for examples like "the ; first chair that I bought arrived" where for ordering of thatless and ; full relatives we want "chair that I bought" to be (right) [PERIPH +] but ; to avoid double ordinals we want it to be (left) [PERIPH -]. So change to ; two features LPERIPH and RPERIPH. ; DPF 16-oct-03 - Since now making adj+N be [LPERIPH +], change this type so ; it asks for a MOD..LPERIPH bool but projects LPERIPH na so we can still ; block unwanted parse for "two hundred three chairs" but allow "two hundred ; big chairs". ; Pushed this down to cards, not ords, so we can get "the first seven chairs... ; DPF 06-jun-06 - Moved constraint MOD..SPR expressed_synsem down to cards, ; since this wrongly rejected "many second homes", "some third floors". ; 24-aug-06 - Re: 16-oct-03: Making "three chairs" be LPERIPH na sadly means ; they can appear within N-N compounds, as in "*mountain first hotel". Happily ; we aren't actually claiming that adj-N be [LPERIPH +] now, so we can go ; back to requiring that these numerical adjectives modify something which ; is LPERIPH - (could probably also be na, but leave out for now), but they ; themselves are LPERIPH +, still preventing recursion. ; DPF 27-jun-10 - Prevent integers from directly modifying measure nouns, ; to avoid spurious ambiguity for "ten inch nails" ; DPF 2010-09-17 - Moved the recently added MOD..NORM norm_or_no_rel down to ; cardinals, since it blocked e.g. *the first kilometer* ;; DPF 2020-05-15 - Push LPERIPH na_or_+ down to subtypes, so we can leave ;; generic cardinals underspecified, to get *the 1.9 release* while still ;; blocking *the three release* ;; norm_num_synsem := anycard_norm_num_synsem & zero_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT basic_basic_nbar_cat & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger_or_nadj & [ MINORS.MIN nonpro_rel, --COUNTED + ], VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN quant_or_deg_rel ], ... > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg, CONJ cnil ] ] >, HC-LEX + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index, ARG1 #xarg ], MODIFD notmod_or_rmod ]. ; DPF 05-apr-05 - Moved PRD - to norm_card_word since it blocks "Kim was third" norm_num_word := noncqrs-m-nab & [ SYNSEM norm_num_synsem ]. ;; some norm_card-words must remain unspecified for CARDINAL ;; DPF 10-Apr-02 - Moved MOD..DIV +* from norm_num_word to norm_card_word ;; since ordinals don't require this: "the eleventh child" ; DPF 27-nov-04 - In fact, DIV value must come from the same source as ; the value for CARDINAL: "twenty ninth" isn't DIV + but "twenty nine" is ; DPF 17-jun-07 - Enabled cardinals to be specifiers of 'more' as in ; 'ten more cats arrived'. ;; DPF 2016-10-16 - For some reason, this type identified its SPCMPS and ;; SPEC..COMPS, but this runs afoul of the more recent head_spec_hc_cmp_phrase ;; which expects no such identity. Can't just now reconstruct what this ;; identity was for, so drop it, and make SPCMPS < >, then FIX as needed. ;; DPF 2018-03-10 - Changed MOD..LPERIPH from - to na_or_-. ;; DPF 2020-05-18 - Removed MOD..NORM norm_or_no_rel, since this excludes the ;; desired analysis of *those 200 tons are a lucrative target* ;; norm_card_word := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_-, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < expressed_synsem & [ --MIN explicit_q_rel] > ] >, PRD -, MINORS.MIN card_rel ], VAL [ SPCMPS < > ], POSTHD - ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST [ PRED basic_card_rel, ARG1 individual ] ] ] ]. ;; those cardinals that take no complements may be safely specified as ;; +CARDINAL, and as plural (since they're normal) ;; DPF 17-may-09 - Moved PNG.PN constraint to AGR, to enable coordination of ;; "one or two cats" card_only_word := norm_card_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ CARDINAL +, MOD < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] > ] ]. ; should be POSTHD - ; These are adjectives only ; DPF 25-apr-04 - Added SPEC < anti_synsem_min > to prevent ordinals from ; undergoing the partitive_num rule, which is designed to handle not only ; cardinal numbers but also superlatives as in "the best arrived", and ; measure phrases ("ten feet of rope"), while excluding ordinary NPs. ; --FIX-- This won't scale up to complex ordinals like "twenty-second" ; which are different from "twenty-two" only in the CARDINAL feature, so ; CARDINAL would have to be introduced higher up than on the type intadj. ; DPF 26-aug-04 - Added variant of partitive rule for cardinals and ordinals, ; (which produces a sign that like common nouns requires a determiner), ; still using SPEC < anti_synsem_min > to distinguish the two. basic_ord_word := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ CARDINAL -, MINORS.MIN basic_ord_rel ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD basic_adj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel ], VAL.COMPS #comps ] ] >, SPCMPS #comps ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED basic_ord_rel ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ] ]. ord_word := basic_ord_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. ;; Specifiers and modifiers will agree with heads on the value ;; of the head feature CARDINAL -- this allows propagation ;; of such a feature from complements, where (on the current account) ;; the CARDINAL feature gets a value from the lexicon. ;; distribution of CARDINAL: ;; ordinal lex_entries are CARDINAL - ;; complement_free lex_entries are CARDINAL + ;; all lex_entries for "one" are CARDINAL + ;; other lex_entries are unspecified for CARDINAL ;; Since (the HEAD feature of) the determiner "one" is outside this ;; hierarchy, it can't appear as a specifier or complement. ;; The sorts below refer only to lexical entries, so there's presumably no ;; harm in making conventions about the order of the RELs on their RELSs ;; No particular order is assumed for any phrase containing these entries. ;; It will be hard to do optional complements here and get the RELSs to ;; come out right. Another problem with optional complementation is that ;; entries with complements must be -ORD, while their complement-taking ;; counterparts must be underspecified for ORD ;; (cf. "twenty" vs. "twenty one" vs. "twenty first") ;; DPF 19-aug-08 - Removed KCMP lex_synsem since the head-complement rule now ;; stamps nonlex_synsem on mother, and this was blocking "hundred fifty". ;; Instead, use feature LEX +, and see if this is still okay. complement_free_number := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. ;; DPF 2018-03-10 - Curiously, this type was identifying its MOD..DIV with ;; that of its KCMP's MOD..DIV, but now that we are propagating the MOD's AGR ;; constraint to SPEC in the num-det rule, it's clear that this can't be right ;; since it blocks *twenty-one cats* since we rightly block **one rice* due to ;; the DIV mismatch. Let's remove this identity, and see if we overgenerate ;; somewhere. ;; complemented_number := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.CARDINAL #card, VAL.KCMP [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj & [ CARDINAL #card ], VAL [ SPR *olist*, COMPS < > ], --SLPASS + ], NONLOC.SLASH.LIST < >, --MIN integer_rel, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < relation, [ PRED plus_rel, ARG0 individual, ARG1 individual ], ... > ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+, LEX + ] ]. ; Non-identity stipulated for handle of SPR and handle of CONT in order to ; prevent the regular head-spec rule (non-head-compositional) from applying. ; Need head-compositional since the handle of the phrase "two hundred" must ; be the handle of the times_rel from the head "hundred" (which contains as ; arguments the other two handles). ;; DPF 2015-09-05 - Added CASE real_case to the SPR, now that REPP is producing ;; two generic entries for each decimal number: one ordinary cardinal used ;; here, and a decimal one used in compounds, where CASE is not constrained. ;; DPF 2020-03-24 - Changed SPR..MIN from basic_card_rel to card_or_interval_rel ;; so we can get *1-2 million* ;; DPF 2020-04-12 - Add another anti-synsem element to SPR, so that once we've ;; picked up the normal specifier for e.g. *five million*, we can still ;; coordinate these phrases via attrib-adj coord rule, which insists on still ;; having a specifier that can be constrained to OPT + (see discussion there ;; on why OPT + instead of the expected *olist*). ;; specified_number := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj & [ CARDINAL +, CASE real_case, MINORS.MIN card_or_interval_rel ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR *olist*, SPCMPS < > ] ] ], NONLOC non-local_none ], anti_synsem_min >, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ] ]. ; DPF 01-Feb-03 - Removed the degree specifier, since we don't want to parse ; "*the exactly five chairs arrived". We'll ignore "the nearly fifty people". ; DPF 10-dec-03 - Made SPR be < anti_synsem_min > so we can still use the ; normal adjective-coordination rule. ; DPF 21-sept-04 - But we also want "exactly five people arrived". Seems to ; support the idea of ambiguous 'five': (1) an adjective which takes no ; specifier and which always co-occurs with a determiner; and (2) a ; determiner which can have a degree specifier. Already have this ambiguity ; for 'one' (necessarily, to get "one chair arrived"), but degree sprs give ; reason to do it consistently for cardinals. Note that only the cardinals ; would have the determiner entry; ordinals are only adjectives, and don't ; occur with degree specifiers. So added num_det syntactic rule, and removed ; the idiosyncratic lexical type (and entries) for determiner "one". ; DPF 22-sept-04 - Removed SPEC < anti_synsem_min > which was preventing ; "(exactly) two of the chairs arrived" unspecified_num := norm_num_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min > ]. ; DPF 17-jun-07 - Removed SPEC..COMPS < > since this blocks e.g 'ten more ; cats than dogs', and can't remember why it was here. unspecified_num_without_complements := complement_free_number & unspecified_num & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS.MIN const_rel, CONT [ RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. approx_unspecified_num_without_complements := complement_free_number & unspecified_num & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN const_rel, VAL.SPEC < anti_synsem_min > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. unspecified_num_with_complements := complemented_number & unspecified_num & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN const_rel, VAL.KCMP [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chandle ] ], CONT [ RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. specified_num_without_complements := complement_free_number & specified_number & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN const_rel, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #shandle, INDEX event ], SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ] ]. specified_num_with_complements := complemented_number & specified_number & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.MIN const_rel, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #shandle, INDEX event ], SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] >, KCMP #kcmp, COMPS < #kcmp & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #chandle ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel, ALT2KEYREL #alt2keyrel ] ] ]. basic_adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent := card_only_word & unspecified_num_without_complements & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED card_rel ]. ;; DPF 2017-12-08 - Tried making LPERIPH + rather than na, to block ;; *black four cats* and *red four more cats*. But this is wrong: ;; *the original four friends* *the planned seven houses* *the best three cats* ;; But we can still block **tall five more trees* where the LPERIPH value of ;; *five more* comes from *five*, by making LPERIPH be na_or_+ and further ;; unifying that value with the LPERIPH of *five*'s SPEC..LPERIPH, since *more* ;; says LPERIPH + to block **tall more cats*. ;; adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPEC.FIRST.MODIFD.LPERIPH #lper, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ & #lper ] ]. adj_bare_unspecified_card_wcomps_lexent := card_only_word & unspecified_num_with_complements & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ KCMP #kcmp, COMPS < #kcmp & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD fractadj, CONJ num-conj ] ] > ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED card_rel ] ]. ; DPF 12-aug-07 - Add variants to enable named numbers in compounds, as in ; "the 280 freeway", while still blocking spurious parse for "the five cats" aj_-_i-crd-one_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj1, PHON.DIGIT - ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-one_le := aj_-_i-crd-one_lexent """ Adj, card, 1 digit, no cmp Eight cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-two_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2, PHON.DIGIT - ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-two_le := aj_-_i-crd-two_lexent """ Adj, card, 2 digit, no cmp Thirty cats ran. """ . #| aj_-_i-crd-thr_le := adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & """ Adj, card, 3 digit, no cmp 1000 cats ran. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3, PHON.DIGIT - ] ]. |# ;; DPF 2023-01-07 - Make MOD anti_synsem to prevent these from undergoing ;; partitive rule, or serving as modifiers ;; aj_-_i-rom-pl_le := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & """ Adj, roman numeral, greater than one 6 is even. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj1 & [ MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] >, CASE real_case ], MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. aj_-_i-rom-one_le := norm_card_word & unspecified_num_without_complements & """ Adj, roman digit I only (also letter *I*) We study type I. We study type I diabetes. We study I. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD intadj1 & [ CARDINAL +, MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s, --MIN generic_nom_rel ] >, CASE real_case ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED card_rel ], MODIFD.LPERIPH + ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-one_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_card_wcomps_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj1 ]. aj_np_i-crd-one_le := aj_np_i-crd-one_lexent """ Adj, card, 1 dig, comp Two and a half teams ran. """ . aj_np_i-crd-two_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_card_wcomps_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2 ]. aj_np_i-crd-two_le := aj_np_i-crd-two_lexent """ Adj, card, 2 dig, comp Twelve and a half teams ran. """ . ;; DPF 2020-05-16 - Added RPERIPH - to enable blocking *hundred years elapsed* ;; adj_bare_specified_card_lexent := card_only_word & specified_num_without_complements & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPEC *anti_list*, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED card_rel ], MODIFD [ LPERIPH na, RPERIPH - ] ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-hnd_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj3, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-hnd_le := aj_-_i-crd-hnd_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'hundred' Two hundred cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-dzn_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj2, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-dzn_le := aj_-_i-crd-dzn_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'dozen' Two dozen cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-thd_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj6, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-thd_le := aj_-_i-crd-thd_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'thousand' Two thousand cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-mln_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj9, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-mln_le := aj_-_i-crd-mln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'million' Two million cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-bln_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj12, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-bln_le := aj_-_i-crd-bln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'billion' Two billion cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-trln_lexent := adj_bare_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj15, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-trln_le := aj_-_i-crd-trln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'trillion' Two trillion cats ran. """ . aj_-_i-crd-apprx_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj2 & [ PRD -, MOD < expressed_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ --MIN def_q_rel ] > ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ], VAL.SPEC *anti_list*, POSTHD - ] ]. aj_-_i-crd-apprx_le := aj_-_i-crd-apprx_lexent """ Adj, card, approx without num specifier The dozen cats we found ran. """ . ;; DPF 2020-04-30 - Changed COMPS.HEAD from intadj to intadj1, to avoid ;; *thirty twenty* while keepingn *thirty two*. ;; aj_np_i-crd-nsp_lexent := card_only_word & unspecified_num_with_complements & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj2, VAL [ KCMP #kcmp, COMPS < #kcmp & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD intadj1 & [ MINORS.ALTMIN norm_rel ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED card_rel ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-nsp_le := aj_np_i-crd-nsp_lexent """ Adj, crd, 2 dg, comp,no sp Thirty-two cats ran. """ . aj_np_i-ord-nsp_lexent := basic_ord_word & unspecified_num_with_complements & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj2, VAL [ KCMP #kcmp, COMPS < #kcmp & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD intadj & [ MINORS.ALTMIN norm_rel ], CONJ cnil ] ] > ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED ord_rel ] ]. aj_np_i-ord-nsp_le := aj_np_i-ord-nsp_lexent """ Adj, ord, 2 dg, comp,no sp The thirty-second cat ran. """ . adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent := norm_card_word & specified_num_with_complements & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED card_rel ]. aj_np_i-crd-hnd_lexent := adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj3, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2-, COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2-, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ] ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-hnd_le := aj_np_i-crd-hnd_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'hundred' Two hundred ten cats ran. """ . aj_np_i-crd-thd_lexent := adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj3, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3-, COMPS.FIRST [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3-, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ] ] ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-thd_le := aj_np_i-crd-thd_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'thousand' Two thousand ten cats ran. """ . aj_np_i-crd-mln_lexent := adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj9, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3-, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj6- ] ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-mln_le := aj_np_i-crd-mln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'million' Two million ten cats ran. """ . aj_np_i-crd-bln_lexent := adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj12, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3-, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj9- ] ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-bln_le := aj_np_i-crd-bln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'billion' Two billion ten cats ran. """ . aj_np_i-crd-trln_lexent := adj_complemented_specified_card_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj15, VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3-, COMPS.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj12- ] ] ]. aj_np_i-crd-trln_le := aj_np_i-crd-trln_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'trilln' Two trillion ten cats ran. """ . ;; DPF 2018-03-11 - This type is nearly redundant, but is used for e.g. *0* (see ;; *0 cats appear* with plural agreement), and for *1,,* and other oddly ;; punctuated numbers. Anyway, changed LPERIPH from na to na_or_+ so we can ;; get *code 0* as title compound. ;; aj_-_i-crd-unk_le := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & basic_unknown_word & """ Adj, card, 2 dig - unknown B has unknown-card cats. aj_-_i-crd-two_le """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG #carg, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. ;; DPF 2018-05-30 - Removed LPERIPH na_or_+ so we can use this type also for ;; *the 8-ball* ;; DPF 2022-06-21 - Added PHON.DIGIT + so we can block these as input to ;; minute-noun lexical rule ;; aj_-_i-crd-gen_le := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Adj, card, 2 dig - generic B has generic-card cats. aj_-_i-crd-two_le """ [ SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED card_rel, PHON.DIGIT + ] ]. ;; DPF 2022-06-21 - This type appears to be unused, so comment out #| aj_np_i-crd-gen_le := aj_np_i-crd-nsp_lexent & generic_lex_entry & """ Adj, crd, 2 dg, np comp,no sp Thirty-two cats ran. aj_np_i-crd-nsp_le """ [ SYNSEM [ MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.CARG #carg, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. |# ;; DPF 2022-06-21 - This type appears to be unused, so comment out #| aj_-_i-two-gen_le := adj_bare_unspecified_card_lexent & generic_lex_entry & """ Adj, card, 2 dig - generic B has generic-card cats. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. |# basic_adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent := ord_word & unspecified_num_without_complements. adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED ord_rel ]. aj_-_i-ord-one_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj1 ]. aj_-_i-ord-one_le := aj_-_i-ord-one_lexent """ Adj, ord, 1 digit, no comp The ninth cat won. """ . aj_-_i-ord-two_lexent := adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2 ]. aj_-_i-ord-two_le := aj_-_i-ord-two_lexent """ Adj, ord, 2 digit, no comp The thirtieth cat won. """ . adj_bare_specified_ord_lexent := ord_word & specified_num_without_complements & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED ord_rel ]. aj_-_i-ord-hnd_lexent := adj_bare_specified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj3, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-ord-hnd_le := aj_-_i-ord-hnd_lexent """ Adj, ord, only 'hundredth' The hundredth cat won. """ . aj_-_i-ord-thd_lexent := adj_bare_specified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj6, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj3- ] ]. aj_-_i-ord-thd_le := aj_-_i-ord-thd_lexent """ Adj, ord, only 'thousandth' The thousandth cat won. """ . aj_-_i-ord-mln_lexent := adj_bare_specified_ord_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD intadj9, VAL.SPR.FIRST.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj6- ] ]. aj_-_i-ord-mln_le := aj_-_i-ord-mln_lexent """ Adj, ord, only 'millionth' The millionth cat won. """ . aj_-_i-ord-unk_le := basic_adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent & basic_unknown_word & """ Adj, ord, 1 digit, unknown The unknown-ordth cat won. """ [ INFLECTD + ]. aj_-_i-ord-gen_le := adj_bare_unspecified_ord_lexent & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Adj, ord, 1 digit, generic The generic-ordth cat won. aj_-_i-ord-two_le """ [ SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET unk_onset ]. aj_-_i-crd-app_le := card_only_word & approx_unspecified_num_without_complements & """ Adj, card, approx, 2 dig B has thirtyish cats. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj2, MODIFD.LPERIPH na, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED card_rel ] ]. ;; the constraints appropriate for all lexical entries for "one" ;; DPF 2-Feb-01 - Removed [ SPEC..OPT - ], since blocked "the one year old boy" ;; and it's not clear what it was for. ;; DPF 17-Nov-01 - Added LPERIPH na like with other numbers. Don't know why ;; a_one_sing and a_one_plur were marked [LPERIPH -], but need LPERIPH + to ;; block application of nominal modifier rules to measure_nps including ;; "an inch" ;; DPF 25-Jun-03 - Tried making this [DIV -] to block "*one tobacco ;; arrived" but this is the same "one" used in "one dozen chairs arrived". ;; Would want something fancier, where [DIV +] implied plural number, ;; to just exclude mass nouns. ;; DPF 17-may-09 - Moved RELS.ARG1 [ DIV -] to AGR, to enable coord as in ;; "one or two cats arrived" ;; DPF 2017-11-29 - Moved SPR < anti_synsem_min > down to subtypes, so we ;; can exclude adj_one_an_lexent, in order to block "a/an" as heads in ;; head-mod phrases such as *a in the park*. basic_one_num_synsem := anycard_norm_num_synsem & zero_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj & [ CARDINAL +, MINORS.MIN card_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT basic_nbar_cat & [ HEAD noun_or_nomger_or_nadj & [ MINORS.MIN nonpro_rel ], VAL.SPR < synsem & [ --MIN quant_or_deg_rel], ... >], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ] > ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps ] >, SPCMPS #comps ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0, XARG #index ], RELS.LIST.FIRST.PRED card_rel ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #index ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT no_punct, PNCTPR ppair ] ]. one_num_synsem := basic_one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min >, CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.CARG "1" ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-08-29 - Added missing OPT - on complement, presumably intended. ;; one_num_fract_synsem := one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL.COMPS < canonical_synsem & [ --MIN fraction_rel & #min, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD fractadj, VAL.COMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #fhand, INDEX event ], AGR.PNG.PN 3p ], OPT -, PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct ] > ], CONT [ RELS ] ], MODIFD.LPERIPH +, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, --+COMPKEY #min ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-04-07 - Changed LPERIPH from + to na_or_+ so we can still get ;; *two hundred one*. one_word := word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < anti_synsem_min >, MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_+ ] ]. ; DPF 29-May-02 - Made adj_one_lexent be HEAD intadj1 not intadj, to ; avoid "let's meet at five one" meaning "five oh one" ; DPF 13-May-03 - Managed to get by with just one entry for adj "one", even ; though we need "forty one chairs" to sustain plural number on the semantic ; index for "one", by making the 3s constraint on the AGR of the modified ; noun, so when "one" is directly a modifier, it will only modify 3s nouns. ; (This simplification also required modifying the part-num rule to unify the ; daughter's MOD..AGR value with the dtr's own AGR. ; DPF 31-May-02 - Added PRD stipulation to distinguish "one" from "a/an" for ; e.g. partitive-num and num-noun rules. ; DPF 30-sept-06 - Removed MOD..INDEX.PNG.PN 3s since this prevents making ; "one hundred" since "hundred" modifies plural noun. ;; basic_basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent := word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj1 & [ PRD -, MOD < [ --MIN nonpro_rel, LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT basic_nbar_cat, CONJ cnil, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ], MODIFD.LPERIPH na_or_- ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ cnil, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent := basic_basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent & one_word & [ SYNSEM one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.DIV - ] ] ]. aj_-_i-one_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent & [ SYNSEM.PHON.DIGIT - ]. aj_-_i-one_le := aj_-_i-one_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'one', not digit One cat ran. """ . aj_-_i-one-d_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent. aj_-_i-one-d_le := aj_-_i-one-d_lexent """ Adj, card, only 'one', digit We spent 1 dollar. """ . aj_-_i-one-frct_lexent := basic_basic_aj_-_i-one_lexent & one_word. ;; DPF 2017-09-15 - For *we received one-half share.* ;; aj_-_i-one-frct_le := aj_-_i-one-frct_lexent & """ Adj, card, "one-half" fract One-half share was received. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < expressed_synsem > ]. basic_aj_np_i-frct-one_lexent := one_word & [ SYNSEM one_num_fract_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj1 & [ MOD < [ --MIN nonpro_rel, LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT basic_nbar_cat, CONJ cnil ], MODIFD.LPERIPH - ] > ], VAL.COMPS < lex_synsem >, HC-LEX + ] ] ] ]. aj_np_i-frct-one_lexent := basic_aj_np_i-frct-one_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ]. aj_np_i-frct-one_le := aj_np_i-frct-one_lexent """ First half of fraction w/'one' One and one third eggs are """ . ; 'a/an' of 'the string is an inch long' ; DPF 21-May-03 - Even though these are PRD + to keep them out of partitives ; and num-nouns, we still don't want them showing up as predicative complements ; and so we make them MOD anti_synsem_min, so they are incompatible with ; prd_cat. ; DPF 5-jul-04 - While these are MOD < anti_synsem_min >, we still want to ; prevent them from combining with plural nouns in measure-NP constructions ; which are indifferent to PRD value, namely as complements of PPs - e.g. to ; block *Kim arrives in a weeks". So add AGR constraint to MOD value, which ; the measure-NP rule already enforces. ; DPF 28-aug-04 - Since no longer using PRD to distinguish types of NPs (see ; note by nomp_cat), constrain these to combine with lexically marked ; measure-nouns to keep an artificial lid on spurious ambiguity. So ; allowing "an inch is enough" with MNP, but not "an engineer is enough". ; DPF 12-oct-05 - These were PRD + (see 21-May-03), but this meant we were ; parsing "*Kim found it a" analogous to "Kim found it pleasant". So instead, ; make these [PRD -] and constrain the rules for partitives and num-dets to ; exclude anti_synsem MOD values. (The num-noun rule is already blocking due ; to the ALTMIN value.) ; DPF 26-apr-08 - Re 21-may-03: removed MOD < anti_synsem_min ... > because ; the num-n_mnp_c rule requires MOD < synsem >. These no longer undergo ; hdn_np-num_c rule because of ALTMIN no_rel. ; DPF 27-apr-08 Added MODIFD hasmod to prevent these from undergoing ; partitive_num rule. ;; DPF 2015-05-09 - Since we now treat sub-one decimals with a subtype of this ;; one, and we want to allow partitives for these (as in *0.5 of NP*), push ;; [MODIFD hasmod] down to subtypes. Likewise for ALTMIN no_rel. ;; DPF 2017-07-10 - Pushed MOD..--MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel down to most subtypes, ;; to allow the generic decimal entry to undergo the num_det rule for the odd ;; singular *prices rose 0.3 cent*. adj_one_an_lexent := nonconj & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM basic_one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD intadj1 & [ MOD < [ LOCAL intersective_mod & [ CAT.HEAD noun, AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] ] > ] ] ]. ; DPF 27-apr-08 - Tried adding MODIFD lmod but this also blocks "a hundred", ; which we want. So instead, constrain num_det rule ;; DPF 2020-04-24 - Added SPR < anti_synsem_min > so meas-NP *a foot* will still ;; undergo the mnp_deg-adv rule, to give *a foot taller*. ;; adj_one_prd_lexent := adj_one_an_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.PRD -, VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-04-29 - Added MOD..LPERIPH + to block *tall a foot* ;; aj_one_nomod_lexent := adj_one_prd_lexent & """ Adj, only 'one' cannot modify The cat weighs a kilo. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed, MODIFD.LPERIPH +, --MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.PT zero, RELS.LIST.FIRST.CARG "1" ] ], MODIFD hasmod & [ LPERIPH na ] ] ]. aj_-_i-one-nmd_le := aj_one_nomod_lexent & """ Adj, only 'a' cannot modify The cat weighs a kilo. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] >, VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. aj_-_i-an-nmd_le := aj_one_nomod_lexent & """ Adj, only card 'an', no modif The cat weighs an ounce. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] >, VAL.SPEC < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] >, POSTHD + ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-06-30 - To avoid spurious ambiguity for *3.56 points*, constrain ;; this one to only modify singular nouns. ;; aj_-_i-one-gen_le := adj_one_prd_lexent & basic_basic_unknown_word & """ Adj, generic sub-one fract or decimal, singular agreement, no mod The cat weighs 0.3 ounce. aj_-_i-one-nmd_le """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ CASE no_case, MOD < anti_synsem & [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG #carg ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. ; For 'several thousand' 'a few dozen' ; DPF 3-May-08 - Add MOD..NORM norm_rel to block "a few cat" from being ; left member of n-n-cmpnd. basic_aj_-_i-num_lexent := word & [ SYNSEM basic_one_num_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD intadj1 & [ PRD -, MOD < anti_synsem_min & [ --MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MINORS.NORM norm_rel, VAL.SPR.FIRST unexpressed ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3s, DIV - ] ] ] > ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. ;; DPF 2017-11-29 - Removed ALTMIN no_rel because it's inconsistent with ;; newly added constraint on more_adj's specifier, which was added to block ;; *a more* while admitting *one more*. ;; aj_-_i-num_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-num_lexent & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN meas_adj_rel ]. aj_-_i-num_le := aj_-_i-num_lexent """ Adj, only 'several/a few' Cats weigh several kilos. """ . aj_-_i-num-plus_lexent := basic_aj_-_i-num_lexent & [ INFLECTD + ]. aj_-_i-num-plus_le := aj_-_i-num-plus_lexent """ Adj, only 'plus', `minus' Cats weigh five-plus kilos. """ . aj_-_i-num-nifl_le := basic_aj_-_i-num_lexent & """ Adj, non-inflected, only 'a couple of' Cows weigh a couple of hundred kilos. """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel ]. ; 'a/an' of 'a meter and a half of snow' ; DPF 10-dec-03 - The 'and a half' synsem cannot be represented as a COMP ; since it can't be discharged until after 'a/an' has combined with the noun ; using the measure-NP rule, unlike say 'twenty' of 'twenty two foot'. So ; this synsem is treated as a SPEC value, and is propagated by the MNP rule ; onto the COMPS list of the phrase. ; [HC-LEX -] prevents "*an and a half hours" since MNP rule requires left dtr ; to be LEX +, so get "one and a half hours". ; DPF 05-may-05 - Re 10-dec-03: corrected, and now put the complement on COMPS. adj_one_fract_lexent := adj_one_an_lexent & [ SYNSEM one_num_fract_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.ALTMIN no_rel, MOD.FIRST.--MIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ], VAL.COMPS < phr_synsem >, HC-LEX - ], CONT.RELS.LIST.FIRST.CARG "1" ], MODIFD hasmod & [ LPERIPH + ] ] ]. aj_np_i-frct-a_le := adj_one_fract_lexent & """ Cardinal adj combining with con-N and then fraction A day and a half """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ PHON.ONSET con_or_unk ] > ]. aj_np_i-frct-an_le := adj_one_fract_lexent & """ Cardinal adj combining with voc-N and then fraction An hour and a half """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ PHON.ONSET voc_or_unk ] > ]. ; 'a half' ;; DPF 2019-11-20 - Added MOD.FIRST expressed_synsem to block as input to ;; num-det rule as in **a half cats* ;; DPF 2020-04-19 - Removed ALTMIN fraction_rel so we can get partitive as in ;; *3 1/2 arise* or *we saw 20 1/2 bid*. CHECK. ;; Also, re 2019-11-20: But this blocks *2 1/2 cats appear*, and instead add ;; constrain MOD..AGR..PN on subtypes to block wrong agreement for num-det as ;; in **2 1/2 cat arises* ;; DPF 2020-04-25 - Changed SPR from < > to < anti_synsem_min > so meas-NP ;; with fract can undergo pred mnp_degadv, as in *1/4 point larger*. ;; fraction_num_synsem := anycard_norm_num_synsem & abstr_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD fractadj & [ CARDINAL +, MINORS.MIN fraction_rel ], VAL [ SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS < >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps ] >, SPCMPS #comps & < > ], POSTHD - ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg0, XARG #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel, MODIFD.LPERIPH na ]. fraction_word := word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM fraction_num_synsem & [ PUNCT no_punctuation_min ] ]. aj_-_i-frct_le := fraction_word & """ Adj, fraction Two and a half arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ]. aj_-_i-frct-gen_le := fraction_word & generic_ne_lex_entry & """ Adj, fraction - generic Two and generic-f arrived. aj_-_i-frct_le """ [ SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET unk_onset, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD.FIRST.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] ]. ; Types for unknown and generic words basic_generic_lex_entry := nonque & nonrel. ; For form-derived generics like an email address generic_lex_entry := basic_generic_lex_entry & [ TOKENS.+LIST < [ +TNT null_tnt ] > ]. generic_ne_lex_entry := generic_lex_entry & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG #carg, TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. ; For POS-tag-derived generics like unknown proper names basic_basic_unknown_word := basic_generic_lex_entry & nonconj & mcna. basic_unknown_word := basic_basic_unknown_word & [ SYNSEM.PHON.ONSET unk_onset ]. norm_unknown_word := basic_unknown_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED #pred ] ], TOKENS.+LIST.FIRST.+PRED #pred ]. unknown_word := norm_unknown_word & [ INFLECTD + ]. generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry := unknown_word & basic_main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED string ] ] ]. v_np*_unk_le := basic_main_verb & norm_unknown_word & """ v_np*_le """ [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED "generic_v_rel" ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-12-17 - Changed this generic entry to serve both for uninflected ;; base form and inflected pres-non3sg, parallel to the treatment of normal ;; inflectional rules in the current grammar. This overcomes a tendency for ;; POS taggers like TnT to assign the base-form "VB" tag much more readily ;; than the pres-non3sg "VPB" tag. ;; v_np*_bse-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, bse B can unk-verb. v_n3s-bse_ilr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_verb ] v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ]. v_np*_pr-3s-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, 3sing B unk-verbs. v_3s-fin_olr v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL third_sg_fin_verb ]. ;; DPF 2017-11-04 - Generalized just like for v_np*_bse-unk_le to serve for ;; both base and pres-non3sg. v_np*_pr-n3s-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, non3s We unk-verb. v_n3s-bse_ilr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL non_third_sg_fin_verb ] v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ]. v_np*_pa-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, past We unk-verbed. v_pst_olr v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL past_or_subj_verb ]. v_np*_psp-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, psp We have unk-verbed. v_psp_olr v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL psp_verb ]. v_np*_prp-unk_le := generic_v_np*_trans_lex_entry & """ Cmps NP(opt), generic unk, prp We are unk-verbing. v_prp_olr v_np*_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL prp_verb ]. v_-_pas-unk_le := unknown_word & basic_main_verb_sans_key & """ No cmps, psv - unknown B was generic-verbed. v_-_psv_le """ [ SYNSEM passive_unerg_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MINORS.MIN nonaux_event_rel ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED string ] ] ]. ; DPF 15-may-08 - Don't identify AGR with HOOK.INDEX, since we want uninflctd ; mass-or-count to be modifiable by plural adjectives, as in "six glump house" ; generic_n_intr_lex_entry := basic_unknown_word & [ SYNSEM unsp_common_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED string ] , MODIFD notmod & [ LPERIPH na ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. n_-_c-sg-unk_le := generic_n_intr_lex_entry & unknown_word & """ Icn for unknown sing.nouns B bought an unk-noun. """ [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL sing_noun ] ]. n_-_c-sg-gen_le := generic_n_intr_lex_entry & generic_lex_entry & """ Icn for generic sing.nouns B bought a generic-noun. """ [ SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL sing_noun ] ]. n_-_m-unk_le := generic_n_intr_lex_entry & unknown_word & """ Mass, unknown B won noununk. """ [ SYNSEM mass_noun_synsem & [ LOCAL mass_noun ] ]. ; DPF 12-may-08 - Let's try restricting this to singular, letting the ; tagger predict plural nouns separately n_-_mc-unk_lexent := generic_n_intr_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM basic_mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL noun_local & [ CAT [ HEAD.--BARE -, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, AGR.PNG.PN 3s ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. n_-_mc-unk_le := n_-_mc-unk_lexent & norm_unknown_word """ Mass-count, unknown B won the noununk. n_-_mc_le """ . n_-_c-pl-unk_le := generic_n_intr_lex_entry & unknown_word & """ Icn, unknown plur B won noununks. n_pl_olr n_-_mc_le """ [ SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL plur_noun ] ]. ;; DPF 2014-04-15 - Change INFLECTD from + to na_or_+ in order to admit ;; *the 1960s car* ;; n_-_c-pl-gen_lexent := generic_ne_lex_entry & [ INFLECTD na_or_+, SYNSEM mass_or_count_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL plur_noun & [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel ], VAL.SPR < [ --MIN abstract_q_rel ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & generic_named_nom_relation & [ PRED year_range_rel, LBL #lbl, ARG0 #arg0 ], PUNCT no_punctuation_min, MODIFD notmod, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ] ]. n_-_c-pl-gen_le := n_-_c-pl-gen_lexent & """ Icn, generic plur used for *'70s*, *1800s* Kim arrived in the 1800s. n_pl_olr n_-_mc_le """ [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR.FIRST expressed_synsem ]. ; Inflected noun, unmarked for number or div, used for 'ersatz' nouns like ; OSCARCOMPOUND n_-_mc-ifl_le := nonc-hm & basic_noun_word & """ Mass-count noun, inflected, generic, only for NE `OSCARCOMPOUND' OSCARCOMPOUND n_-_mc_le """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM noun_nocomp_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.MIN norm_nom_rel, --BARE - ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS.KEYREL reg_nom_relation ] ]. ; DPF 12-sept-07 - Restrict these to attributives, since the predicatives ; give rise to too much ambiguity (esp. with depictives and robust-np-sg). ; DPF 11-may-08 - But we need these in predicative position as well, so ; block from depictives via MINORS.NORM ; DPF 24-mar-09 - Don't know why SPR was anti_synsem, but this blocked any ; degree specifiers, including 'very' and 'most'. ; DPF 24-apr-09 - Re 11-may-08: But this blocks adjectives in n_vora_cmpnds, ; sigh, so instead constrain to POSTHD -, still blocking unknown adj ; depictives, but allowing n-nh_vorj-cpd_c. ; DPF 30-apr-09 - But then unknown adjs can't be the complement of "be". ; So let's just try letting them be depictives, since it's not easy to block. ; DPF 07-jun-09 - Can't remember what trick motivated the COMPS , ; but it does not play well with aj-hdn_adjn_c, since that complement gets ; passed up from adj to mother. Let's drop it and see what we lose ... ;; DPF 2011-10-22 - Added MODIFD notmod to avoid spurious application of ;; partitive_intadj rule. ; aj_-_i-unk_le := unknown_word & """ Adj, unknown positive The adjunk dog ran. aj_-_i_le """ [ SYNSEM adj_onearg_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj & [ MOD < synsem_min & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD basic_nom_or_ttl & [ POSS - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN quant_or_deg_rel ], COMPS < > ], MC na ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #ind ] >, MINORS.MIN abstr_adj_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST synsem & [ --MIN more_or_very_deg_rel ], COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED string, ARG1 #ind ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC non-local_none ] ]. aj_-_i-cmp-unk_le := unknown_word & """ Adj, unknown comparative The compadjunk dog ran. aj_pp_i-cmp_le & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < unexpressed > ] """ [ SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN comp_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN much_deg_rel, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ PRED more_comp_rel ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC non-local_none ] ]. ;; DPF 2012-09-26 - Constrained HEAD to be superl_adj to avoid spurious ambig ;; aj_-_i-sup-unk_le := unknown_word & """ Adj, unknown superlative The supadjunk dog ran. aj_-_i-sup_le """ [ SYNSEM adj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD superl_adj & [ MOD < [ --SIND #ind ] >, MINORS.ALTMIN superl_rel ], VAL [ SPR.FIRST.--MIN much_deg_rel, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #ind, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel & [ PRED superl_rel ], MODIFD notmod, NONLOC non-local_none ] ]. av_-_i-unk_le := unknown_word & noncqrs & """ Adv, int, unknown C arrived advunk. av_-_i-vp_le """ [ SYNSEM intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD v_or_g_or_a_or_p ] > ], VAL.SPR.FIRST.--MIN more_or_very_deg_rel ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED string ] ] ]. generic_quoted_word := basic_generic_lex_entry & nonconj & mcna & [ INFLECTD na_or_+, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ MOD < >, PRD - ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < >, SPEC < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX basic_non_expl & #index ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED "quoted_rel", LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index ] ] ] ]. ;; Generic quoted word for foreign-word sequences ;; n_-_gq_le := norm_unknown_word & generic_quoted_word & """ Generic quoted word for foreign-word sequences the ``chevalier'' award """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD fw & [ MINORS.MIN no_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL.CARG #carg, PHON.ONSET unk_onset ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CARG #carg ] > ]. n_-_quoted_le := generic_quoted_word & """ Generic quoted word for special-case lexical entries, as noun Go to "/". """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ MINORS [ MIN nonpro_rel, ALTMIN def_q_rel ] ], PHON.ONSET con_or_voc ] ]. fw_-_quoted_le := generic_quoted_word & """ Generic quoted word for special-case lexical entries, as part of larger fw seq They used "s/he" for the pronoun. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD fw & [ MINORS.MIN no_rel ], PHON.ONSET con_or_voc ] ]. basic_punct_word := basic_word & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD punct_hd & [ PRD -, MOD < >, MINORS.MIN punct_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, SPEC < >, COMPS < expressed_synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD subst_or_func ] > ]], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX basic_non_expl, RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED punct_rel ] ]. punct_word := basic_punct_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < abstr_lex_or_deriv_synsem > ]. basic_punct_right_word := punct_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD + ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT punct_mark ] ] ]. punct_right_word := basic_punct_right_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RCLSTR #rclstr, PUNCT.RCLSTR #rclstr ] ]. ;; DPF 2019-11-25 - COMPS has to be abstr_lex_or_deriv_synsem in order to ;; admit left-italic *⌊/ happy /⌋ cat* where "happy" has to have first undergone ;; attr_adj rule. ;; basic_punct_left_word := punct_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ PUNCT.RCLSTR [ RPAREN #rparen, RFP #rfp ] ] >, POSTHD - ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT punct_mark, RPUNCT no_punct, RCLSTR [ RPAREN #rparen, RFP #rfp ] ] ] ]. punct_left_word := basic_punct_left_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ PUNCT.LCLSTR #lclstr ] >, PUNCT.LCLSTR #lclstr ] ]. ; Sentence-ending dash, for informal writing ;; DPF 2024-04-15 - Removed [PNCTPR no_ppair, PAIRED no_ppair] since they ;; prevented paired s-dashes as in "the stipulation – that he arise – remained" ;; pt_-_s-dash_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, sentence dash B arrived - C left. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT s_dash_punct ] ]. pt_-_s-dash-clstr_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, sentence dash cluster B arrived [— just] yesterday — near Paris. """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ PNCTPR no_ppair, PAIRED no_ppair, LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT s_dash_punct ], PHON.ONSET.--TL < [ +TNT null_tnt ], [ +TNT null_tnt ] > ] ]. ; Sentence-ending threedots pt_-_3dots-rgt_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, three dots S-final B arrived ... """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT 3dots_punct ]. #| pt_-_dbl-hyphn_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, double hyphen B arrived -- C left. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT [ RPUNCT hyphen_dbl, PNCTPR no_ppair ] ]. |# ;; DPF 2019-11-21 - Removed PNCTPR no_ppair since we also want to use this dash ;; with *to* of *day-to-day*, where hcomp doesn't want no_ppair on head. ;; pt_-_hyphn-rgt_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, single hyphen B - the winner - arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT hyphen_sgl ]. colon_copula_synsem := norm_two_arg_subst & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, MOD < >, MINORS [ MIN be_v_id_rel, ALTMIN nonpass_rel ], PRD -, AUX -, INV -, TAM #tam & [ ASPECT [ PRF -, PROGR - ] ] ], POSTHD -, HC-LEX -, VAL [ SUBJ < canonical_synsem & #subj & [ --MIN nom_or_mnp_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.CASE nom ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id1ind & non_expl-ind, OPT - ] >, SPR < anti_synsem_min >, COMPS #comps & < [ --MIN nom_or_mnp_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL.SPEC *cons*, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id2ind & non_expl-ind, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & [ E #tam ], XARG #id1ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil, AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3 ], ARG-S < #subj . #comps > ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT colon_punct ], MODIFD hasmod, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & arg12_relation & [ PRED _colon_v_id_rel, LBL #ltop, ARG0 #event, ARG1 #id1ind, ARG2 #id2ind ] ]. ; For colon copula with NP subject, as in "Owners: Abrams and Browne" v_np_colon_le := mcna & """ Cmps NP(obl), only colon Owners: C and D """ [ INFLECTD +, ALTS.ADVADD -, SYNSEM colon_copula_synsem ]. colon_copula_nb_synsem := basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, MOD < >, MINORS.MIN be_v_id_rel, PRD -, AUX -, INV -, TAM #tam & [ TENSE real_tense, ASPECT [ PRF -, PROGR - ] ] ], POSTHD -, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem_min & [ --MIN norm_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat & [ VAL.SPCMPS < >, HEAD.CASE nom ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nltop, INDEX #nind ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV - ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id1ind & non_expl-ind, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN nom_or_mnp_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nomp_cat_min & [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL.SPEC *cons*, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop, CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id2ind & non_expl-ind, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] > ], MC + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & [ E #tam ], XARG #id1ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil, AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3 ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT colon_punct ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED _colon_v_id_rel, LBL #ltop, ARG0 #event, ARG1 #id1ind, ARG2 #id2ind ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ; For colon copula with nbar subject, as in "Owner: Abrams" ; Only for uninflected nouns, since cannot force inflection on singular nbars. v_np_colon-nb_le := hc-to-phr & """ Cmps NP(obl), nbar-sbj - colon Owner: C and D """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM colon_copula_nb_synsem ]. colon_copula_nb_nb_synsem := basic_two_arg & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin, MOD < >, MINORS.MIN be_v_id_rel, PRD -, AUX -, INV -, TAM #tam & [ TENSE real_tense, ASPECT [ PRF -, PROGR - ] ] ], POSTHD -, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < synsem_min & [ --MIN norm_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat & [ VAL.SPCMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #nltop, INDEX #nind ], AGR [ PNG.PN 3p, DIV - ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id1ind & non_expl-ind, NONLOC non-local_none, OPT - ] >, COMPS < [ --MIN reg_nom_rel, LOCAL [ CAT nbar_cat & [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL.SPCMPS < >, --SLPASS + ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ctop, INDEX #cind ], CONJ cnil ], --SIND #id2ind & non_expl-ind, NONLOC [ SLASH.LIST < >, REL.LIST < > ], OPT - ] > ], MC + ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event & [ E #tam ], XARG #id1ind ], RELS , HCONS , ICONS ], CONJ cnil, AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3 ] ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT [ LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT colon_punct ], MODIFD notmod, LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED _colon_v_id_rel, LBL #ltop, ARG0 #event, ARG1 #id1ind, ARG2 #id2ind ], ALTKEYREL #altkeyrel ] ]. ; For 'owner: young consultant' v_nb_colon-nb_le := hc-to-phr & """ Cmps Nbar(obl), nbar-sbj - colon Owner: young manager """ [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM colon_copula_nb_nb_synsem ]. ;; For idioms with a simple non-passivizing transitive verb, such as ;; *kick the bucket* ;; v_np_idm_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ], IDIOM + ]. never_unify_lex := word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD fw & [ MINORS.MIN never_unify_rel, MOD < > ], VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ]. never_unify_le := never_unify_lex & """ For overwriting to block existing lex entries, as in educ, and missing tenses He bewares the dog. """ [ INFLECTD -, ARGS < never_unify_lex & [ INFLECTD + ] > ]. ;; DPF 2014-08-01 - Added type for a generic "bridging" lexical entry to fill ;; lexical gaps in the chart when doing robust full-forest treebanking ;; x_-_bridge_le := noncqrs & mcna & """ Generic `bridging' lexical entry for robust parsing """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD bridge_head & [ MINORS.MIN never_unify_rel, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < >, SPCMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LEX +, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, PRED #pred, ARG0 #ind ], PHON.ONSET unk_onset ], TOKENS.+LIST < [ +CLASS bridge_class, +PRED #pred ] >, INFLECTD na ]. ;; Patches for experiment with Pacman bridging ;; ;; Prevent bridged analysis of *the cat* basic_det_word :+ [ SYNSEM.--BRDG na ]. aj_-_i-att-nsp_le :+ [ SYNSEM.--BRDG na ]. norm_adj_word :+ [ SYNSEM.--BRDG na ]. punct_right_clause_word := punct_right_word & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RPUNCT clause_or_pair_or_no_punct, PUNCT [ PAIRED no_ppair, RPUNCT clause_punct ] ] ]. pt_-_period_le := punct_right_clause_word & """ Punct, period B arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF punct-prop-comm ]. pt_-_qmark_le := punct_right_clause_word & """ Punct, question mark B arrived? """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF punct-ques ]. pt_-_bang_le := punct_right_clause_word & """ Punct, bang B arrived! """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.RPUNCT.PSF punct-prop-comm ]. ;; DPF 2020-07-22 - Tried changing COMPS..RPUNCT from pair_or_no_punct to ;; clause_or_pair_or_no_punct so we can be more robust about misplaced periods ;; as in "We arrived on Nov. 20., happily". But this leads to systematic ;; unwanted ambiguity for "Acme Inc., the ...". So undo here, and overwrite ;; for educ to gain more robustness. ;; pt_-_comma_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, comma B arrived, yesterday. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, PUNCT [ PNCTPR no_ppair, PAIRED no_ppair, LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT comma_punct ] ] ]. pt_-_comma-informal_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, comma, informal B knows, we arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, PUNCT [ PNCTPR ppair, RPUNCT rbcomma_punct ] ], GENRE nonformal ]. pt_-_semicolon_le := punct_right_word & """ Punct, semicolon B arrived; we left. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT [ PAIRED no_ppair , RPUNCT semicol_punct & [ PSF prop-or-pol-ques-or-comm ] ] ]. pt_-_rparen_le := basic_punct_right_word & """ Punct, right parenthesis B arrived (today) """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT [ PAIRED no_ppair, LCLSTR.LPAREN - ], PUNCT [ RPUNCT rparen_punct, RCLSTR.RPAREN na_or_+ ] ] ]. pt_-_lparen_le := basic_punct_left_word & """ Punct, left parenthesis B arrived (today) """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT lparen_punct, LCLSTR.LPAREN na_or_+ ] ] ]. pt_-_dqright_le := basic_punct_right_word & """ Punct, right double quotes B arrived "today" """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT [ PAIRED no_ppair, LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT.PSF #psf, RCLSTR.RPAREN #rparen ], PUNCT [ RPUNCT dq_punct & [ PSF #psf ], RCLSTR [ RITAL +, RPAREN #rparen ] ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2020-05-12 - Constrain ORTH.RB to ensure attachment of right dq before ;; left one. ;; pt_-_dqleft_le := punct_left_word & """ Punct, left double quotes B arrived "today" """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.LPUNCT pair_or_no_punct, PUNCT [ LPUNCT dq_punct, RCLSTR.RITAL - ] ] ]. pt_-_sqright_le := basic_punct_right_word & """ Punct, right single quote B arrived 'today' """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT [ LPUNCT dq_or_no_punct, RCLSTR.RPAREN #rparen ], PUNCT [ RPUNCT sq_punct, RCLSTR [ RITAL +, RPAREN #rparen ] ] ] ]. pt_-_sqleft_le := punct_left_word & """ Punct, left single quote B arrived 'today' """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT sq_punct, RCLSTR.RITAL - ] ] ]. pt_-_asterisk-pref_le := punct_left_word & """ Punct, asterisk prefix The *cat arrived. """ [ SYNSEM.PUNCT.LPUNCT asterisk_punct ]. ;; DPF 2019-11-20 - These next four are not tested yet. ;; pt_-_italleft_le := punct_left_word & """ Punct, left italics The ⌊/ cat /⌋ arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT [ LPUNCT lital_punct, RCLSTR.LITAL + ], LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RCLSTR.RITAL - ] ]. pt_-_italright_le := basic_punct_right_word & """ Punct, right italics The ⌊/ cat /⌋ arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT [ LPUNCT lital_or_no_punct, RPUNCT #rpunct, RCLSTR.RPAREN #rparen ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT lital_or_no_punct, RPUNCT #rpunct, RCLSTR [ RFP +, RPAREN #rparen, RITAL + ] ] ] ]. pt_-_drop-italleft_le := punct_left_word & """ Punct, left italics The ⌊/ tall /⌋ cat arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ PUNCT.LPUNCT no_punct_dropped, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT.RCLSTR [ IGNOREQ -, RITAL - ] ] ]. pt_-_drop-italright_le := basic_punct_right_word & """ Punct, right italics The ⌊/ tall /⌋ cat arrived. """ [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.PUNCT [ LCLSTR #lclustr, LPUNCT no_punct, RPUNCT #rpunct & clause_or_no_punct, RCLSTR.RPAREN #rparen ], PUNCT [ LCLSTR #lclustr, LPUNCT lital_or_no_punct, RPUNCT #rpunct, RCLSTR [ RFP -, RPAREN #rparen, IGNOREQ +, RITAL - ] ] ] ]. ;; 2020-05-12 - Block in vmod phrase via NORM no_rel. ;; adv_word_internal_punct := word_or_punct_rule & [ ORTH [ LB bracket_null, RB bracket_null ], INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ PHON.ONSET.--TL #tl, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MINORS [ MIN adv_rel, NORM no_rel ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, PUNCT no_punctuation_min, LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, CFROM #from, CTO #to ] ], ORTH [ CLASS #class, FROM #from, TO #to, FORM #form ], TOKENS [ +LIST #tl & < [ +CLASS #class, +FROM #from, +FORM #form ] , ... >, +LAST.+TO #to ] ]. ;; For *(b)* of *You can (a) stay or (b) leave.* ;; av_-_s-vp-intpnct_le := adv_word_internal_punct & [ SYNSEM scopal_vp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD v_or_g_or_a, VAL [ SUBJ *synlist*, COMPS < > ] ], MODIFD [ LPERIPH na_or_-, RPERIPH na_or_- ] ] >, MC na ] ] ]. av_-_s-cp-pr-intpnct_le := adv_word_internal_punct & [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_nospec_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.MC bool ] > ] ] ]. ;; Salutations treated as subjectless sentences ;; "Dear John" "Sincerely Mary" v_np_salut_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM imp_vform, VAL.COMPS < canonical_or_unexpressed > ] ] ]. v_adv_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ SYNSEM adv_verb, INFLECTD - ]. v_ap-pp_about_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM seq_prdp_pp_about_verb ]. v_ap-pp_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM seq_ap_pp_verb ]. v_ap_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_adj_verb ]. v_ap_seq_idm_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_adj_verb, IDIOM + ]. v_-_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM unerg_verb ]. v_-_bse_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM unerg_bse_verb ]. v_cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_intrans_verb ]. v_cp_comp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_intrans_verb_comp ]. v_cp_prop_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_prop_intrans_verb, ALTS.CPFRAG - ]. v_cp_bse-prop_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_prop_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ], ALTS.CPFRAG - ]. v_cp_no-inv_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_intrans_verb, ALTS.INVQ - ]. v_cp-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_cp_cp_verb ]. ;; DPF 2023-01-24 - Prevent extraction of non-main-clause WH-S for verbs such as ;; "wonder", to avoid "*Who she hired, Kim wondered." v_cp_fin-inf-q_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST canonical_synsem ] ]. ;; DPF 2023-01-24 - Added type for verbs such as "know" and "say", which allow ;; non-MC questions to extract, as in "What he said, we'll never know." v_cp_fin-inf-q-mob_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_ques_fin_inf_intrans_verb ]. v_cp_fin-inf-q-mc_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_ques_fin_inf_mc_verb ]. v_cp_inf-only_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM for_to_verb ]. v_cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_cp_verb ]. v_cp_like_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_like_intrans_verb ]. v_cp_nfin_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_prop_intrans_nfin_verb ]. v_cp_rkey-bse_lexent := v_cp_prop_raise_key_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_verb ]. v_cp_rkey-n3sg_lexent := v_cp_prop_raise_key_lexent & [ SYNSEM cp_prop_raise_key_n3sg_verb ]. v_cp_sbjnct_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_bse_intrans_verb ]. v_cp_bse-sbjnct_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_bse_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ] ]. v_-_imp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM unerg_imp_verb ]. v_-_it_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM atrans_verb ]. v_it-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_obj_cp_verb ]. ;; 'take it (that) ...' v_it-cp_prop_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_obj_cpprop_verb ]. v_it-pp-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_expl_pp_cp_verb ]. v_it-pp-vp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_pp_inf_oeq_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. #| ; 'make it clear that ...' v_it-prd_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM expl_obj_prd_verb ]. |# v_nb_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM nbar_verb ]. v_nb_quote_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM nbar_quote_verb ]. v_nb_idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_nb_verb, IDIOM + ]. v_nb-np*_imp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM ditrans_nbar_np_verb ]. v_np-adv_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_adv_verb, INFLECTD - ]. v_np-ap_oeq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_prd_adj_verb ]. v_np*_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_verb ]. v_np_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. v_np-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ] ] ]. v_np-cp_fin-inf_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_fin_or_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT s_cat_v_c ] > ] ]. v_np-cp_fin-inf-q_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_fin_or_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ --SIND.SF ques ] > ] ]. v_np-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_cp_verb ]. v_np-cp_prop_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_prop_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ] ] ]. v_np-cp_q_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_ques_verb, ALTS.CPFRAG - ]. v_np-cp_q-mc_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_cp_ques_mc_verb, ALTS.CPFRAG - ]. v_np_id_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. v_np_it_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM atrans_np_verb ]. v_np_locinv-be_lexent := basic_loc_inv_be_word & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ VFORM bse, TAM.TENSE no_tense ] ]. v_np_locinv-mv_lexent := loc_inv_mv_word. v_np*_n3s-bse_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ] ]. v_np_n3s-bse_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb & [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. v_np-nb_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM ditrans_np_nbar_verb ]. v_np_noger_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS [ NGER -, VADJ - ], SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun ] > ] ] ]. v_np*_noger_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS [ VADJ -, NGER - ], SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD supnoun ] > ] ] ]. v_np-np_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-np*_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_np*-np_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_np-np-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_np_cp_verb ]. v_np-np-cp_it-ob_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_verb ]. v_np-np-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_np_cp_inf_verb ]. v_np-np_idm_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.DATIVE -, SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ], IDIOM + ]. v_np-np_only_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.DATIVE -, SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. ;; cost v_np*-np_only_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.DATIVE -, SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np*-np*_only_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.DATIVE -, SYNSEM ditrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_np*-np-vp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_np_vp_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ], [ ] > ] ] ]. v_np-np*-vp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_np_vp_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], unexpressed, [ ] > ] ] ]. v_np-np-vpslnp_tgh_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_vpslash_four_arg_verb ]. v_np_ntr_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.VADJ -, SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. v_np*_ntr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_non_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_np-p_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #ocmin, --+COMPKEY #ocmin ] ], ALTS.NPPART - ]. v_np-p-cp_idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_cp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ], IDIOM + ]. v_np-p-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_ptcl_cp_verb ]. v_np-p_idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_idiom_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #ocmin, --+COMPKEY #ocmin ] ], ALTS.NPPART -, IDIOM + ]. v_np_pl-idm_lexent := v_np_idm_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3p ] > ]. v_np-p-np_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_np_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_np_poss_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM poss_verb ]. v_np-pp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM prep_trans_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np*-pp-cp_it-s-inf_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_pp_cp_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ], [ ] > ] ] ]. v_np-pp*-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_pp_cp_verb ]. v_np-pp_dir_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM prep_trans_dir_noprop_verb ]. v_np*-pp_e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_e-idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD basic_noun ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ], IDIOM + ]. v_np-pp*_e-imp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_verb & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ], AGR #ind ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #ind & [ PNG.PN 1 ] ] ] ]. v_np-pp_e-ntr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_non_trans_verb ]. v_np-pp_e-refl2-idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_refl_refl_idm_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_e-refl-idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_trans_refl_idiom_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_nmod_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM prep_trans_verb_nmod & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_oeq-as_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_as_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp*-ppfor_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_double_ppfor_verb ]. v_np*-pp*-ppto_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_double_ppto_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT + ] ] ]. v_np-pp*-ppto_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_trans_double_ppto_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ] ] ]. v_np-pp_prop_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM prep_trans_dir_verb ]. v_np-pp_seq-as_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM np_as_seq_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np*-pp_to_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_to_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-pp_to_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_to_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np*-pp*_to_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_to_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_np-prd-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_np_prdp_cp_verb ]. v_np-prd_oeq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_prd_verb ]. v_np-prd_oeq-ntr_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_non_trans_prd_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-prd_sor_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM sor_prd_verb ]. ;; Also allow PP second complements v_np-prd_sor-pp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM sor_prd_pp_verb ]. v_np-p-vp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_vp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.KCMP.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_np_refl-idm_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM np_trans_refl_verb, IDIOM + ]. v_np_sg-idm_lexent := v_np_idm_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN 3s ] > ]. v_np_thr-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM there_verb_nohc_synsem ]. v_np-vp_aeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM anom_equi_trans_verb ]. v_np-vp_aeq-noel_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM anom_equi_oblig_verb ]. v_np-vp_aeq-ntr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM anom_equi_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT + ] ] ]. v_np-vp_aeq-prp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM anom_equi_prp_verb ]. v_np-vp_aeq-psv_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM anom_equi_psv_verb ]. v_np-vp_bse_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM sorb_verb ]. v_np-vp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_verb ]. v_np-vp_oeq-bse_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_bse_verb ]. v_np-vp_oeq-from_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_from_verb ]. v_np-vp_oeq-ntr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_non_trans_verb ]. v_np-vp_oeq-psv_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_trans_psv_verb ]. v_np-vpslnp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM obj_equi_vpslash_prd_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np-vp_sor_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM sor_verb ]. v_np-vp_sor-ntr_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM sor_non_trans_verb ]. v_p_3only_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_3only_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_cp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_prtcl_cp_verb ]. v_p-np_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-np-pp_for_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_ppfor_verb ]. v_p-np-pp_in_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_ppin_verb ]. v_p-np-pp_to_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_ppto_verb ]. v_p-np-pp_as_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM np_particle_ppto_verb ]. v_pp_arg_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_event_verb ]. v_pp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp*_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. ;; was slept in v_pp_psv_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_psv_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp*-cp_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM pp_cp_fin_prop_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT + ] ]. v_pp-cp_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM pp_cp_fin_prop_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT -, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ], ALTS.CPFRAG - ]. v_pp*-cp_fin_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp*_cp_fin_verb ]. v_pp-cp_fin_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp_cp_fin_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ], ALTS.INVQ - ]. v_pp*-cp_fin-imp_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD -, SYNSEM pp_cp_fin_unspec_verb ]. v_pp*-cp_inf_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp*_cp_inf_verb ]. v_pp*-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_pp*_cp_verb ]. v_pp-cp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_pp_cp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp-cp_it-s-e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_ppnoto_cp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp*-cp_it-unsp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_pp_cp_unsp_verb ]. v_pp*-cp_like_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_pp_cp_like_verb ]. v_pp*-cp_unsp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp_cp_fin_pq_verb ]. v_pp*_dir_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_dir_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_pp_dir_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_dir_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. v_pp_dir-noj_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_dir_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ], ALTS.VADJ - ]. v_pp_e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_intrans_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. ;; Exclude e.g. "*was come of", and especially "outcome of" with prefix v_pp_e-nopsv_lexent := main_verb & [ ALTS.PASSIVE -, SYNSEM empty_prep_intrans_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp_gap_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_gap_verb ]. v_pp-it-cp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp_expl_cp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-pp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_pp_verb ]. v_p-pp_e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_empty_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_p-nb_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_nbar_verb ]. v_pp-pp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM double_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_pp*-pp*_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM double_pp_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ] ] ]. v_pp-pp_e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM double_pp_empty_pp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. ; think of Kim as a friend v_pp-pp_e-e_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM double_pp_both_empty_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin, --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_pp-pp_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM seq_pp_pp_verb ]. ;; think of Kim as capable v_pp-pp_oeq-as_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp_pp_as_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_p-prd_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_prd_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp_refl-idm_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM empty_prep_intrans_idiom_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_prep_verb ]. v_pp_seq-e_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_empty_prep_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp_as_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM pp_as_verb ]. v_pp_unacc_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM prep_intrans_unacc_verb ]. v_pp-vp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM oeq_pp_inf_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp-vp_oeq-bse_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM oeq_pp_bse_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS.FIRST.OPT - ], LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp*-vp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM oeq_pp_inf_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp-vp_seq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM pp_inf_seq_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] >, LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_pp-vp_ssr_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM ssr_pp_inf_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_prd-pp_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM seq_aorp_pp_verb, ALTS.VADJ - ]. v_prd_seq_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_verb ]. v_prd_seq-idm_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_adj_verb, IDIOM + ]. v_prd_seq-va_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prd_v_a_verb ]. v_prd_ssr-va_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM ssr_prdp_verb ]. v_-_psv-ncnh_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM passive_unerg_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ MINORS.NORM norm_rel ], OPT - ] ]. v_p-vp_oeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_oeq_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-vp_prp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM particle_prp_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-vp_seq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM particle_inf_verb & [ LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ] ]. v_p-vp_ssr_lexent := ssr_particle_v_lexent & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS [ --COMPKEY #cmin, --+COMPKEY #cmin ] ]. v_-_unacc_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM unacc_verb ]. v_vp_seq-and_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_and_fin_verb ]. v_vp_seq-and-bse_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_and_bse_verb ]. v_vp_seq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_verb ]. v_vp_seq-bse_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_bse_verb ]. v_vp_seq-but_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_but_verb ]. v_vp_seq-from_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_from_verb ]. v_vp_seq-go_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_bse_or_n3sg_verb ]. v_vp_seq-prp_lexent := main_verb_mliszt & [ SYNSEM subj_equi_prp_verb ]. v_vp_sorb-psv_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ SYNSEM sor_psv_verb, INFLECTD - ]. v_vp_ssr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ssr_verb ]. ;; DPF 2024-04-30 - Duplicates constraints of v_vp_mdl-n_le #| v_vp_ssr-n3sg_lexent := main_verb_newltop & [ SYNSEM subj_rais_bse_n3sg_verb ]. |# v_vp_ssr-n3sg-r_lexent := aux_verb_word_super & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM subj_rais_bse_n3sg_adv_verb ]. v_vp_ssr-nimp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ssr_noimp_verb ]. v_vp_ssr-prp_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM ssr_prp_verb ]. v_cp_sbjnct-xtr_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_bse_intrans_xtra_verb ]. v_cp_sbjnct-fin_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_sbjnct_intrans_verb ]. v_cp_bse-sbjnct-fin_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_sbjnct_intrans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM bse ] ]. v_it-np-vp_aeq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_np_inf_aeq_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_vp_it-s_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_it_subj_vp_verb ]. v_it-cp_prop-c_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_obj_cpcmp_verb ]. v_cp_psv_lexent := norm_basic_main_verb & [ SYNSEM cp_comp_psv_verb, INFLECTD - ]. v_it-pp-vp_seq_lexent := main_verb & [ SYNSEM expl_pp_inf_seq_verb & [ LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ocmin, --+OCOMPKEY #ocmin ] ] ]. v_np_inflected := main_verb_inflected & [ SYNSEM np_trans_verb & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ] ]. ;; DPF 2024-06-03 - Let's try using these inflected forms to cope with verbs ;; such as "costed" which with a specific meaning take regular rather than ;; irregular inflected forms. v_np_bse_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ]. v_np_pr-3s_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL third_sg_fin_verb ]. v_np_pr-n3s_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL bse_or_non3sg_verb ]. v_np_past_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL past_or_subj_verb ]. v_np_psp_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL psp_verb ]. v_np_prp_lexent := v_np_inflected & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL prp_verb ].