;;; Deliberately buggy file for testing error checking ;;; of the type hierarchy ;;; different cases are intended to be read in separately ;;; ;;; error messages should match those shown (as documentation) #| ; 1 - undefined type feat-struc := *toptype*. ;;; FEAT-STRUC specified to have non-existent parent *TOPTYPE* ; 2 - redefinition feat-struc := *top*. agr-cat := *top*. feat-struc := agr-cat. ;;; Type FEAT-STRUC redefined ; 3 - connectedness agr-cat := [ PER *top* ]. ;;; Error: Two top types *TOP* and AGR-CAT have been defined ; 3b - connectedness / cyclicity feat-struc := agr-cat. agr-cat := feat-struc. ;;; Error: AGR-CAT not connected to top |# ; 4 - cycles feat-struc := *top*. agr-cat := feat-struc & tv_pred. tv_pred := agr-cat. ;;; Cycle involving AGR-CAT #| ; 5 - redundancy feat-struc := *top*. agr-cat := feat-struc. tv_pred := feat-struc & agr-cat. int1 := agr-cat. int2 := int1 & tv_pred. int3 := int2 & agr-cat. ;;; Redundancy involving TV_PRED |#