;;; Deliberately buggy file for ;;; testing documentation of syntax errors ;;; (don't worry about positions matching documentation) feat-struc : *top*. #| Syntax error at position 273: \\ Syntax error following type name FEAT-STRUC\\ Ignoring (part of) entry for FEAT-STRUC |# agr-cat := feat-struc & [ PER per, NUM num, GEND gend . #| Syntax error: ] expected and not found in AGR-CAT at position 343\\ Inserting ] |# foo-cat := feat-struc & [ PER per, NUM num, GEND gend ] pos : feat-struc & [ FORM form-cat ]. bar-cat := feat-struc & [ PER per, NUM num GEND gend ]. head-feature-principle := hd-grule & [ SYN [ HEAD #head ], H [ SYN [ HEAD #headd ] ] ].