;;; see LKB manual 6.6 for spec ;;; infl-form infl-lex-rule root " are NON3SG-V_IRULE be were NON3SG-V_IRULE be is 3SG-V_IRULE be was PAST-V_IRULE be been PAST-PART-V_IRULE be ;;; `am' not covered has 3SG-V_IRULE have it SG-NOUN_IRULE it there SG-NOUN_IRULE there gave PAST-V_IRULE give given PAST-PART-V_IRULE give tries 3SG-V_IRULE try tried PAST-V_IRULE try ate PAST-V_IRULE eat #| cf /textbook irregs.lsp |# "