;;; basic file with realistic morphophon patterns ;;; see comments in lexicon file about what should and should not work %(letter-set (!c bdfglmnprstz)) %(letter-set (!s abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz)) %(letter-set (!t bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz)) %(letter-set (!v aeiou)) ed-suffix := %suffix (* ed) (!ty !tied) (e ed) (!t!v!c !t!v!c!ced) [ CATEG cat2, ARGS < [ CATEG cat1 ] > ]. ;;; note that this pattern overgenerates - `hated' gets one analysis ;;; corresponding to `hate' and another for `hat' - unless the ;;; *most-specific-only-p* global is set to t s-suffix := %suffix (!s !ss) (!ss !ssses) (ss sses) (!ty !ties) (ch ches) (sh shes) (x xes) (z zes) [ CATEG cat2, ARGS < [ CATEG cat1 ] > ]. un-prefix := %prefix (* un) [ CATEG cat3, ARGS < [ CATEG cat2 ] > ].