boolean := *top*. true := boolean. false := boolean. string := *top*. diff-list := *top* & [ LST list, LAST list ] . list := *top*. e-list := list. ne-list := list & [ HD *top*, TL list ]. ;;; L+C section 2. verb := *top* & [ PAST /l #pp, PASTP #p /l #pp, PASSP #p /l #pp ]. regverb := verb & [ PAST /l "ed" ] . ;;; note that the contrast between regverb and pst-t-verb ;;; with slash position before or after feature is for testing ;;; purposes - the effect should be basically the same ;;; given that PAST is an appropriate feature ;;; In following examples, the slash is at the latest possible ;;; point pst-t-vb := regverb & /l [ PAST "t" ] . ;;; L+C 3.6.1 c := *top*. a := c. b := c. fgtype := *top* & [ F *top*, G *top* ] . t1 := fgtype & [ F /l #1, G /l #1 ] . t := t1 & [ F /l a, G /l b ] . ;;; L+C 3.6.2 t-a := fgtype & [ F /l a, G /l b ] . t1-a := fgtype & [ F /l #1, G /l #1 ] . t2-a := t-a & t1-a. ;;; L+C 3.6.3 fftype := *top* & [ FF *top* ]. u := *top* & [ GG b ]. t1-b := fftype & [ FF /l u ]. t-b := t1-b & [ FF /l a ] . ;;; L+C section 3.7 ac := *top*. bc := *top*. cc := *top*. tc3 := fgtype & [ F /l cc ]. tc2 := tc3 & [ F /l ac, G /l bc ]. tc1 := tc2 & [ F /l #1, G /l #1 ] . ;;; L+C 4.1 modals sign := *top* & [ SYNSEM synsem ]. synsem := *top* & [ HEAD head, VAL val ]. head := *top* & [ AUX boolean, VFORM vform ] . vform := *top*. bse := vform. inf := vform. val := *top* & [ COMPS list ]. modal := sign & [ SYNSEM [ HEAD.AUX true, VAL.COMPS [ HD [ VAL.COMPS e-list, HEAD.VFORM /l bse ], TL e-list ]]]. ;;; more examples ;;; ;;; default reentrancy deeply nested nested := ne-list & [ HD /l #1 & a, TL [ HD /l #1, TL [ HD [ HD /l #1, TL e-list ], TL e-list ]]]. ;;; Nixon overriding higher value n1 := *top* & [ NULL boolean /l false ]. n2 := n1 & [ NULL boolean /l true ]. n3 := n1 & [ NULL boolean /l false ]. n4 := n2 & n3.