;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: MAKE -*- (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") ;;; ;;; apparently, contemporary versions of CMUCL come with a newer, incompatible ;;; version of defsystem(); make sure we always load our own (and look into the ;;; newer version at some point in the future). (13-aug-03; oe) ;;; (setf *features* (delete :mk-defsystem *features*)) ;;; ;;; load the portable defsystem() from CMU ;;; #-:mk-defsystem (load (make-pathname :directory general-dir :name "defsystem")) (in-package "MAKE") (defvar %binary-dir-name% (or #+:hppa ".huf" #+(and :x86 :linux) ".luf" #+:sparc ".suf" #+:alpha ".auf" #+(and :x86 (not :linux)) ".wuf" ".cuf")) ;;; ;;; determine the system type (in terms of hardware and os) in order to set ;;; `bin-dir' (the location of external platform-specific executables) ;;; accordingly (6-feb-96 -- oe@csli) ;;; (defvar %system-binaries% #+:hppa "hppa" #+(and :x86 :linux) "linux" #+:sunos "sunos" #+:solaris "solaris" #+:alpha "osf" #+(and :x86 (not :linux)) "windows" #-(or :hppa :x86 :sunos :solaris :alpha) (error "~&loadup: unable to determine system type; see file ~ `cmucl-patches.lisp'.~%"))