;;; Copyright (c) 1991-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see LICENSE for conditions (in-package :lkb) ;;; Displaying FSs in a variety of ways ;;; Window functions are in activefs.lsp which is not ;;; Lisp-independent ;;; Jan 1997 - made lisp-independent again ;;; - make compatible with YADU ;;; Display-dag etc are defined to keep the actual printing ;;; operations seperate from the process of walking over the dag ;;; structure. This is done by setting *display-structure* ;;; to be a structure containing the functions which are appropriate ;;; for the particular output device. (defvar *reentrancy-pointer* 0) (defvar *display-structure* nil) (defun def-print-operations (class indentation stream box) (setf *display-structure* (make-instance class :indentation indentation :stream stream :box box))) ;;; ;;; Generic output-type class ;;; (defclass fs-output-type () ((indentation :initform 0 :initarg :indentation) (stream :initarg :stream) (box :initform nil :initarg :box) (max-width :initform 0))) (defmethod fs-output-error-fn ((fsout fs-output-type) dag-instance) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~%::: ~A is not a dag...~%" dag-instance))) (defmethod fs-output-max-width-fn ((fsout fs-output-type)) (with-slots (max-width) fsout max-width)) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-endfn ((fsout fs-output-type)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-shrinks ((fsout fs-output-type)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-no-need-to-display ((fsout fs-output-type) rpath) (declare (ignore rpath)) (values nil nil nil nil)) (defmethod fs-output-record-start ((fsout fs-output-type) rpath flag pointer) (declare (ignore flag pointer rpath)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-record-end ((fsout fs-output-type) rpath) (declare (ignore rpath)) nil) ;;; ********** linear operations *********** ;;; - for cheap readable display of dags during tracing etc (defclass linear (fs-output-type) ()) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout linear)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout linear)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout linear) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "<~A>= " reentrant-pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout linear) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "<~A>" reentrant-pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout linear) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~s" atomic-value))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout linear) type depth labels) (declare (ignore depth labels)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "#D[~(~a~)" type))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout linear) label depth old-x old-y path) (declare (ignore depth old-x old-y path)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream " ~a: " label))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout linear) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "]"))) ;;; linear print is used by the following (defparameter *pprint-abbreviate-dags-p* t) (defmethod print-object ((object dag) (stream t)) ;; default dag structure output during lisp code tracing etc ;; effectively ignores *print-level* etc since control never passes out ;; to lisp printer again (cond (*print-readably* ;; print so object can be read back into lisp (call-next-method)) (*pprint-abbreviate-dags-p* (format stream "#D[~(~a~) ...]" (dag-type object))) (t ;; usual case (display-dag1 object 'linear stream)))) ;;; ****** TDL printing operations ********** (defclass tdl (fs-output-type) ((new-fs-p :accessor tdl-new-fs-p :initform t) (indentation-vector :accessor edit-indentation-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout tdl)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout tdl)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout tdl) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "~VT#~A & " indentation reentrant-pointer) (setf indentation (cond ((> indentation 53) (terpri stream) 3) (t (+ 12 indentation)))))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout tdl) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "~VT#~A" indentation reentrant-pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout tdl) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (if (stringp atomic-value) (format stream "~VT~S" indentation atomic-value) (format stream "~VT~A" indentation (string-downcase atomic-value))))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout tdl) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector new-fs-p) fsout (if (eql type *toptype*) (format stream "~VT[ " indentation) (if (stringp type) (format stream "~VT ~S & [ " indentation type) (format stream "~VT ~A & [ " indentation (string-downcase type)))) (setf new-fs-p t) (setf (aref indentation-vector depth) (+ indentation 2)))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout tdl) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector new-fs-p) fsout (setf indentation (aref indentation-vector depth)) (unless new-fs-p (format stream ",~%~VT" indentation)) (setf new-fs-p nil) (format stream "~A " label) (setf indentation (+ indentation 7)) (when (> indentation 65) (terpri stream) (setf indentation 1)))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout tdl) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream " ]") (incf indentation))) ;;; ****** compact TDL format (inspired by Chris Manning :-) ****** (defclass compact (fs-output-type) ((initialp :accessor initialp :initform t))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout compact)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout compact)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout compact) value) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "#~a & " value))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout compact) value) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "#~a" value))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout compact) value) (with-slots (stream) fsout (if (stringp value) (format stream "~s" value) (format stream "~(~a~)" value)))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout compact) type foo bar) (declare (ignore foo bar)) (with-slots (stream indentation initialp) fsout (if (eq type *toptype*) (format stream "[ " indentation) (if (stringp type) (format stream "~s & [~%" type) (format stream "~(~a~) & [~%" type))) (incf indentation 2) (setf initialp t))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout compact) label depth foo bar baz) (declare (ignore depth foo bar baz)) (with-slots (stream indentation initialp) fsout (unless initialp (format stream ",~%")) (setf initialp nil) (format stream "~vt~a " indentation label))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout compact) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream " ]") (setf indentation (max (- indentation 2) 0)))) ;;; ******* LiLFeS printing operations *********** (defclass lilfes (fs-output-type) ((new-fs-p :accessor lilfes-new-fs-p :initform t))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout lilfes)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout lilfes)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout lilfes) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "($~A & " reentrant-pointer))) ;; no terpris (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-endfn ((fsout lilfes)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream ")"))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout lilfes) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "$~A" reentrant-pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout lilfes) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream) fsout (if (stringp atomic-value) (format stream "~S" atomic-value) (format stream "'~A'" (string-downcase (convert-lilfes-type atomic-value)))))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout lilfes) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels depth)) (with-slots (stream new-fs-p) fsout (if (eql type *toptype*) (format stream "(") (if (stringp type) (format stream "(~S & " type) (format stream "('~A' & " (string-downcase (convert-lilfes-type type))))) (setf new-fs-p t))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout lilfes) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore depth stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (stream new-fs-p) fsout (unless new-fs-p (format stream " & ")) (setf new-fs-p nil) (format stream "~A\\" (convert-lilfes-feature label)))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout lilfes) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream ")"))) ;;; ***** simple print operations ************ ;;; used by tty display (defclass simple (fs-output-type) ((indentation-vector :accessor edit-indentation-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout simple)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout simple)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout simple) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "~VT<~A> = " indentation reentrant-pointer) (setf indentation (cond ((> indentation 53) (terpri stream) 3) (t (+ 12 indentation)))))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout simple) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "~VT<~A>" indentation reentrant-pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout simple) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "~VT~A" indentation atomic-value))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout simple) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector) fsout (format stream "~VT[~A" indentation type) (setf (aref indentation-vector depth) (+ indentation 2)))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout simple) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector) fsout (setf indentation (aref indentation-vector depth)) (format stream "~%~VT~A: " indentation label) (setf indentation (+ indentation 7)) (when (> indentation 65) (terpri stream) (setf indentation 1)))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout simple) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream indentation) fsout (format stream "]") (incf indentation))) ;;; ***** `edit' print operations ************ ;;; are used by graphical display (defclass edit (fs-output-type) ((type-label-list :accessor edit-type-label-list :initform nil) (indentation-vector :accessor edit-indentation-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))))) (defmethod fs-output-error-fn ((fsout edit) dag-instance) (declare (ignore dag-instance)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~%No feature structure~%"))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout edit)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout edit)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout edit) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation max-width type-label-list) fsout (move-to-x-y stream indentation (current-position-y stream)) (with-bold-output stream (let ((start-pos (current-position stream))) (add-active-pointer stream start-pos reentrant-pointer type-label-list t))) (setf indentation (current-position-x stream)) (setf max-width (max indentation max-width)))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout edit) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation type-label-list max-width) fsout (move-to-x-y stream indentation (current-position-y stream)) (with-bold-output stream (let ((start-pos (current-position stream))) (add-active-pointer stream start-pos reentrant-pointer type-label-list nil))) (setf max-width (max (current-position-x stream) max-width)) (pop type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout edit) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream indentation type-label-list max-width) fsout (let ((y-pos (current-position-y stream))) (move-to-x-y stream indentation y-pos) ; make start-pos the actual place where the type label starts!! (let ((start-pos (current-position stream))) (add-type-and-active-fs-region stream start-pos type-label-list atomic-value nil t) (setf max-width (max (current-position-x stream) max-width)) (pop type-label-list))))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout edit) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector type-label-list max-width) fsout (let ((y-pos (current-position-y stream))) (move-to-x-y stream indentation y-pos) (write-char #\[ stream) (let ((start-pos (current-position stream))) (add-type-and-active-fs-region stream start-pos type-label-list type nil nil) (setf max-width (max (current-position-x stream) max-width)) (setf (aref indentation-vector depth) (+ indentation (stream-string-width stream "["))))))) (defmethod fs-output-shrunk-fn ((fsout edit) type) (with-slots (stream indentation type-label-list max-width) fsout (let ((y-pos (current-position-y stream)) (start-pos (current-position stream))) (move-to-x-y stream indentation y-pos) (add-type-and-active-fs-region stream start-pos type-label-list type t nil) (frame-text-box stream start-pos (current-position stream)) (setf max-width (max (current-position-x stream) max-width)) (pop type-label-list)))) (defmethod fs-output-shrinks ((fsout edit)) t) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout edit) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector type-label-list max-width) fsout (push label type-label-list) (setf indentation (aref indentation-vector depth)) (terpri stream) ;; write-char #\newline goes wrong on PC (if (and stored-x stored-y) (move-to-x-y stream stored-x stored-y) (move-to-x-y stream indentation (current-position-y stream))) (store-fs-record-data-label stream rpath) (let ((output-label (concatenate 'string (symbol-name label) ": "))) (write-string output-label stream)) (setf indentation (current-position-x stream)) (setf max-width (max indentation max-width)))) (defun make-output-label (real-name) ;;; removed feature abbreviation facility - probably never used (write-to-string real-name :case :upcase)) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout edit) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream type-label-list indentation max-width) fsout (setq type-label-list (cdr type-label-list)) (write-char #\] stream) (setf indentation (+ indentation (stream-string-width stream "]"))) (setf max-width (max (current-position-x stream) max-width)))) ;; following are to speed up redisplay e.g. when scrolling (defmethod fs-output-no-need-to-display ((fsout edit) rpath) (with-slots (stream box) fsout (store-fs-redisplay stream rpath box))) (defmethod fs-output-record-start ((fsout edit) rpath flag pointer) (with-slots (stream) fsout (store-fs-record-data stream rpath flag pointer))) (defmethod fs-output-record-end ((fsout edit) rpath) (with-slots (stream) fsout (store-fs-record-data-end stream rpath))) ;;; ********* outputting Antonio's TeX macros *********** #| macro definitions \newcommand{\avmplus}[1]{{\setlength{\arraycolsep}{0.8mm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \left[ \begin{array}{l} \\[-2mm] #1 \\[-2mm] \\ \end{array} \right] }} % \newcommand{\att}[1]{{\mbox{\small {\bf #1}}}} \newcommand{\attval}[2]{{\mbox{\small {\sc #1}}\ =\ {{#2}}}} \newcommand{\attvaltyp}[2]{{\mbox{\small{\sc #1}}\ =\ {\myvaluebold{#2}}}} \newcommand{\attvalshrunktyp}[2]{{\mbox{\small{\sc #1}}\ =\ {\boxvaluebold{#2}}}} \newcommand{\myvaluebold}[1]{{\mbox{\small {\bf #1}}}} \newcommand{\boxvaluebold}[1]{{\fbox{\small {\bf #1}}}} \newcommand{\ind}[1]{{\setlength{\fboxsep}{0.5mm} \: \fbox{{\small #1}} \:}} |# ;;; \ has to be inserted into the format as a character ~C (defclass tex (fs-output-type) ((indentation-vector :accessor edit-indentation-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))) (bracket-stack :accessor tex-bracket-stack :initform nil) (unoutput-label :accessor tex-unoutput-label :initform nil))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout tex)) ;; $ (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "$"))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout tex)) ;; $ ;; (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "$") (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout tex) reentrant-pointer) ;; \attval{label}{\ind{number}}\\ (with-slots (stream indentation unoutput-label) fsout (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attval{~A}{\\ind{~A}}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) reentrant-pointer) (setf unoutput-label nil) (setf indentation (cond ((> indentation 53) (terpri stream) 3) (t (+ 12 indentation)))))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout tex) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream indentation unoutput-label) fsout (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attval{~A}{\\ind{~A}}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) reentrant-pointer) (setf unoutput-label nil))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout tex) atomic-value) ;; \attvaltyp{label}{value}\\ (with-slots (stream indentation unoutput-label) fsout (if unoutput-label (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attvaltyp{~A}{~A}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) (convert-values-for-tex atomic-value)) (format stream "\\ \\ \\myvaluebold{~A}" (convert-values-for-tex atomic-value))) (setf unoutput-label nil))) (defmethod fs-output-shrunk-fn ((fsout tex) type) (with-slots (stream indentation unoutput-label) fsout (if unoutput-label (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attvalshrunktyp{~A}{~(~A~)}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) (convert-values-for-tex type)) (format stream "\\ \\ \\boxvaluebold{~(~A~)}" (convert-values-for-tex type))) (setf unoutput-label nil))) (defmethod fs-output-shrinks ((fsout tex)) t) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout tex) type depth labels) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector bracket-stack unoutput-label) fsout (cond ((and unoutput-label labels) (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attval{~A}{\\avmplus{\\att{~(~A~)}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) (convert-values-for-tex type)) ;; \attval{label}{\avmplus{\att{type}\\ (push 2 bracket-stack) (setf unoutput-label nil)) (labels (format stream "~VT\\avmplus{\\att{~(~A~)}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex type)) ;; \avmplus{\att{label}\\ (push 1 bracket-stack)) (unoutput-label (format stream "\\\\~%~VT\\attvaltyp{~A}{~(~A~)}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex unoutput-label) (convert-values-for-tex type)) (setf unoutput-label nil) (push 0 bracket-stack)) (t (format stream "~VT\\ \\ \\myvaluebold{~(~A~)}" indentation (convert-values-for-tex type)) (push 0 bracket-stack))) (setf (aref indentation-vector depth) (+ indentation 2)))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout tex) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (stream indentation indentation-vector unoutput-label) fsout (setf indentation (aref indentation-vector depth)) (setf indentation (+ indentation 7)) (setf unoutput-label label))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout tex) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (stream bracket-stack) fsout (dotimes (x (pop bracket-stack)) (format stream "}")))) ;;; TeX support functions (defun convert-values-for-tex (at-val) (let ((value (format nil "~A" at-val)) (char-bag nil)) (loop for char in (coerce value 'list) do (when (char= char #\_) (push #\\ char-bag)) (push char char-bag)) (coerce (nreverse char-bag) 'string))) ;;; ********** Paths ************* ;;; Output paths in notation defined for types etc ;;; this is the original LKB version, with the type feature ;;; notation in the paths (defclass pathout (fs-output-type) ((reentrant-vector :accessor pathout-reentrant-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))) (type-label-list :accessor pathout-type-label-list :initform nil))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout pathout)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream "~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout pathout)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream ".~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout pathout) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (reentrant-vector type-label-list) fsout (setf (aref reentrant-vector reentrant-pointer) type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout pathout) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream type-label-list reentrant-vector) fsout (output-typed-list stream type-label-list) (format stream " = ") (output-typed-list stream (aref reentrant-vector reentrant-pointer)) (pop type-label-list) (format stream "~%"))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout pathout) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream type-label-list) fsout (output-typed-list stream type-label-list) (format stream " = ~A~%" atomic-value) (pop type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout pathout) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels depth)) (with-slots (type-label-list) fsout (push type type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout pathout) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore depth stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (type-label-list) fsout (push label type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout pathout) terminal) (with-slots (stream type-label-list) fsout (when terminal (output-typed-list stream (cdr type-label-list)) (format stream " = ~A~%" (car type-label-list))) (pop type-label-list) (pop type-label-list))) ;;; support function (defun output-typed-list (stream type-label-list) (let ((ordered-list (reverse type-label-list))) (format stream "< ~A ~A " (car ordered-list) (cadr ordered-list)) (when (cddr ordered-list) (format stream "~{: ~A ~A ~}" (cddr ordered-list))) (format stream ">"))) ;;; **** another version of paths ****** ;;; this is a simpler version, with no types on ;;; paths (defclass pathout2 (fs-output-type) ((reentrant-vector :accessor pathout2-reentrant-vector :initform (make-array '(3000))) (type-label-list :accessor pathout2-type-label-list :initform nil))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout pathout2)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout pathout2)) (with-slots (stream) fsout (format stream ".~V%" 1))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout pathout2) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (reentrant-vector type-label-list) fsout (setf (aref reentrant-vector reentrant-pointer) type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout pathout2) reentrant-pointer) (with-slots (stream type-label-list reentrant-vector) fsout (format stream "~%") (output-typed-list2 stream type-label-list) (format stream " = ") (output-typed-list2 stream (aref reentrant-vector reentrant-pointer)) (pop type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout pathout2) atomic-value) (with-slots (stream type-label-list) fsout (format stream "~%") (output-typed-list2 stream type-label-list) (format stream " = ~A" atomic-value) (pop type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout pathout2) type depth labels) (declare (ignore labels depth)) (with-slots (type-label-list) fsout (push type type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout pathout2) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore depth stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (type-label-list) fsout (push label type-label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout pathout2) terminal) (with-slots (stream type-label-list) fsout (when terminal (format stream "~%") (output-typed-list2 stream (cdr type-label-list)) (format stream " = ~(~A~)" (car type-label-list))) (pop type-label-list) (pop type-label-list))) ;;; support fn (defun output-typed-list2 (stream type-label-list) (let ((ordered-list (reverse type-label-list))) (format stream "< ~A " (cadr ordered-list)) (when (cddr ordered-list) (do* ((feat (cadddr ordered-list) (cadr rest)) (rest (cddddr ordered-list) (cddr rest))) ((null feat) nil) (format stream ": ~A " feat))) (format stream ">"))) ;;; ******** Output shrunkenness ********* ;;; eg the way a feature structure is displayed is defined by ;;; specifying a series of paths (defclass shrunk (fs-output-type) ((label-list :accessor shrunk-label-list :initform nil) (shrunk-list :accessor shrunk-shrunk-list :initform nil))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fn ((fsout shrunk)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-end-fn ((fsout shrunk)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-value-fn ((fsout shrunk) reentrant-pointer) (declare (ignore reentrant-pointer)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-reentrant-fn ((fsout shrunk) reentrant-pointer) (declare (ignore reentrant-pointer)) (with-slots (label-list) fsout (pop label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-atomic-fn ((fsout shrunk) atomic-value) (declare (ignore atomic-value)) (with-slots (label-list) fsout (pop label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-shrinks ((fsout shrunk)) t) (defmethod fs-output-shrunk-fn ((fsout shrunk) type) (declare (ignore type)) (with-slots (label-list shrunk-list) fsout (let ((ordered-list (reverse label-list))) (push ordered-list shrunk-list) (pop label-list)))) (defmethod fs-output-start-fs ((fsout shrunk) type depth labels) (declare (ignore type depth labels)) nil) (defmethod fs-output-label-fn ((fsout shrunk) label depth stored-x stored-y rpath) (declare (ignore depth stored-x stored-y rpath)) (with-slots (label-list) fsout (push label label-list))) (defmethod fs-output-max-width-fn ((fsout shrunk)) ;;; need to return a value (nothing to do with max-width ...) (with-slots (shrunk-list) fsout shrunk-list)) (defmethod fs-output-end-fs ((fsout shrunk) terminal) (declare (ignore terminal)) (with-slots (label-list) fsout (pop label-list))) ;;; ;;; ************* Shrinking paths in types ********** ;;; (def-lkb-parameter *shrunk-types* nil) (defvar *shrunk-local-dags* nil) (defvar *not-shrunk-local-dags* nil) #| (defun set-up-display-settings (file-name) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (loop for setting in-stream istream do (unless (get-type-entry (car setting)) (error "Type ~A not found" (car setting))) (loop for path in (cdr setting) do (unless (listp path) (error "~A is not a valid path" path)) (pushnew (nconc (reverse path) (list (car setting))) *shrunk-types* :test #'equal))))) |# (defun set-up-display-settings (filename) (when (and filename (probe-file filename)) (with-open-file (stream filename :direction :input) (setf *shrunk-types* (read stream nil nil))))) (defun set-dag-display-value (fs f-list action type-fs-display) (let* ((sub-dag (if (tdfs-p fs) (existing-dag-at-end-of (tdfs-indef fs) f-list) nil)) (type (type-of-fs (if (tdfs-p fs) (tdfs-indef fs) fs))) (spec (nconc (reverse f-list) (list type)))) (if (eql action :shrink) (progn ;; shrink a currently expanded node - remove any block on this particular ;; node being shrunk, add it to the local list of shrunk nodes, and ;; if this is a type definition record the path to the root of the fs ;; as a shrunk path (when sub-dag (setf (tdfs-not-shrunk fs) ; override any globally-set shrunk path (remove sub-dag (tdfs-not-shrunk fs) :test #'eq)) (pushnew sub-dag (tdfs-shrunk fs) ; in addition to any globally-set shrunk paths :test #'eq)) (when type-fs-display (pushnew spec *shrunk-types* :test #'equal))) (progn ;; expand a node which is currently shrunk - remove it from the local list ;; of shrunk nodes, block any path saying that this node should be shrunk, ;; and if this is a type definition remove any record of the path to root ;; being a shrunk path (when sub-dag (setf (tdfs-shrunk fs) (remove sub-dag (tdfs-shrunk fs) :test #'eq)) ;; we maybe don't quite get the expected behaviour if a user has unshrunk ;; a local node, shrunk a matching path in a type definition, and comes ;; back and redisplays this dag: the local node won't be shrunk because ;; it's on the local not-shrunk list (pushnew sub-dag (tdfs-not-shrunk fs) :test #'eq)) (when type-fs-display (setq *shrunk-types* (remove spec *shrunk-types* :test #'equal))))))) ;;; ;;; *********** Display functions ************ ;;; (defun display-dag (dag-instance device &optional file-name) (flet ((display (dag-instance device stream) (cond ((dag-p dag-instance) (display-dag1 dag-instance device stream)) ((tdfs-p dag-instance) (display-dag2 dag-instance device stream)) (t (error "Not a feature structure"))))) (if file-name (with-open-file (stream file-name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (display dag-instance device stream)) (display dag-instance device t)))) (defparameter *no-type* nil "if this is set via optional argument to display-dag1 instead of using the real first type in a feature structure, the code in print-dag-aux is called on *toptype*. This is for conversion of type constraints for PAGE and LiLFeS") (defun display-dag1 (dag-instance device stream &optional x-pos no-first-type box) (def-print-operations device (or x-pos 0) stream box) (let ((*no-type* no-first-type)) (cond ((dag-p dag-instance) (invalidate-visit-marks) (mark-dag-for-output dag-instance) (setf *reentrancy-pointer* 0) (fs-output-start-fn *display-structure*) (print-dag dag-instance 0 nil) (fs-output-end-fn *display-structure*) (fs-output-max-width-fn *display-structure*)) (t (fs-output-error-fn *display-structure* dag-instance))))) (defun mark-dag-for-output (dag-instance) (let ((real-dag (follow-pointers dag-instance))) (cond ((dag-visit real-dag) (setf (dag-visit real-dag) 'double)) (t (setf (dag-visit real-dag) 'single) (dolist (arc (dag-arcs real-dag)) (let ((label (dag-arc-attribute arc))) (mark-dag-for-output (get-dag-value real-dag label)))))))) (defun print-dag (dag-instance depth rpath) (let* ((real-dag (deref-dag dag-instance))) (multiple-value-bind (dont-display-p stored-flag stored-pointer stored-label-pos) (fs-output-no-need-to-display *display-structure* rpath) (unless dont-display-p (let ((new-rpath (cons (type-of-fs real-dag) rpath)) (flag-value (or stored-flag (dag-visit real-dag)))) (declare (dynamic-extent new-rpath)) (fs-output-record-start *display-structure* rpath flag-value *reentrancy-pointer*) (cond ((eq flag-value 'double) (setf (dag-visit real-dag) (or stored-pointer *reentrancy-pointer*)) (incf *reentrancy-pointer*) (fs-output-reentrant-value-fn *display-structure* (dag-visit real-dag)) (print-dag-aux real-dag depth new-rpath stored-label-pos) (fs-output-reentrant-value-endfn *display-structure*)) ((eq flag-value 'single) (print-dag-aux real-dag depth new-rpath stored-label-pos)) (t (fs-output-reentrant-fn *display-structure* flag-value))) (fs-output-record-end *display-structure* rpath)))))) (defun print-dag-aux (real-dag depth rpath stored-label-pos) (cond ((not (has-features real-dag)) (fs-output-atomic-fn *display-structure* (type-of-fs real-dag))) ((and (fs-output-shrinks *display-structure*) ;; shrink it if it is locally specified as shrunk, or it's ;; globally specified and not overriden locally (really ;; should test for shrunk-fn method being defined first) (or (member real-dag *shrunk-local-dags* :test #'eq) (and (find rpath *shrunk-types* :test #'print-dag-shrunk-match-p) (not (member real-dag *not-shrunk-local-dags* :test #'eq))))) (fs-output-shrunk-fn *display-structure* (dag-type real-dag))) (t (let* ((type (if *no-type* *toptype* (type-of-fs real-dag))) (labels (top-level-features-of real-dag)) (start-x nil) (start-y nil)) (setf *no-type* nil) (if labels (progn (fs-output-start-fs *display-structure* type depth labels) (loop for label in (canonical-order type labels) do (when stored-label-pos (setf start-x (caar stored-label-pos)) (setf start-y (cdar stored-label-pos)) (setf stored-label-pos (cdr stored-label-pos))) (fs-output-label-fn *display-structure* label depth start-x start-y (cdr rpath)) (let ((new-rpath (cons label rpath))) (declare (dynamic-extent new-rpath)) (print-dag (get-dag-value real-dag label) (+ 1 depth) new-rpath))) (fs-output-end-fs *display-structure* (null labels))) (fs-output-atomic-fn *display-structure* (list type)))))) (setf *no-type* nil)) (defun print-dag-shrunk-match-p (x y) ;; x is an alternating list of types and features representing the current place ;; in the fs, y is a shrunk path spec consisting of a list of features followed by ;; a type. Both are in 'reverse' order (i.e. deeper features first). Return true ;; if y an initial segment of x, modulo type subsumption at the end of x ;; e.g. true for x = (VERB HEAD CAT CAT LOCAL LOCAL PHR_SYNSEM SYNSEM ROOT_CLAUSE), ;; y = (HEAD CAT LOCAL CANONICAL_SYNSEM) if PHR_SYNSEM < CANONICAL_SYNSEM ;; and for x = (ROOT_CLAUSE), y = (CANONICAL_SYNSEM), and for ;; x = (*DIFF-LIST* H-STORE BASICMRS C-CONT HCOMP_RULE), y = (*DIFF-LIST*) (cond ((null (cdr y)) (or (eq (car x) (car y)) (subtype-p (car x) (car y)))) ((eq (cadr x) (car y)) (print-dag-shrunk-match-p (cddr x) (cdr y))))) ;;; We want a standard order on the features - otherwise the output becomes ;;; very difficult to read. (defun canonical-order (type dag-attributes) (let* ((type (get-type-entry type)) (ordered-attributes (when type (ltype-appfeats type)))) (stable-sort (copy-list dag-attributes) #'(lambda (x y) (member y (member x ordered-attributes))))))