;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: TSDB -*- ;;; ;;; [incr tsdb()] --- Competence and Performance Profiling Environment ;;; Copyright (c) 1996 -- 2005 Stephan Oepen (oe@csli.stanford.edu) ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License for more details. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: ;;; module: ;;; version: ;;; written by: ;;; last update: ;;; updated by: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; author | date | modification ;;; ------------------|-------------|------------------------------------------ ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "TSDB") (defun compute-report-string (types) (let* ((types (substitute "\"%s\"" :string types)) (types (substitute "\"%s\"" :date types)) (types (substitute "%d" :integer types))) (concatenate 'string "(" (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string x " " y)) types) ")"))) (defun select (attributes types relations condition &optional (language *tsdb-data*) &key absolute unique quiet ro meter status file (format :lisp) (readerp t) sort (efs *tsdb-efs*) sourcep) (declare (special *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (let ((virtual (virtual-profile-p language))) (when virtual (return-from select (select-virtual virtual attributes types relations condition :absolute absolute :unique unique :quiet quiet :ro ro :meter meter :status status :file file :format format :readerp readerp :sort sort :efs efs :sourcep sourcep)))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (when status (status :text (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ..." language))) (let* ((condition (if (equal condition "") nil condition)) (attributes (if (listp attributes) attributes (list attributes))) (types (if (null types) (let* ((schema (read-database-schema language :absolute absolute)) (fields (map 'list #'rest schema)) (fields (reduce #'(lambda (foo bar) (union foo bar :key #'first :test #'string=)) fields)) types unknown) (dolist (attribute attributes) (let ((field (find attribute fields :key #'first :test #'string=))) (cond (field (push (second field) types)) (t (unless quiet (format *tsdb-io* "~&select(): ignoring unknown attribute `~a'.~%" attribute)) (push attribute unknown))))) (dolist (attribute unknown) (setf attributes (delete attribute attributes :test #'equal))) (nreverse types)) (if (consp types) types (list types)))) (relations (if (listp relations) relations (list relations))) (sattribute (when sort (if (eq sort t) (intern (string-upcase (first attributes)) :keyword) (typecase sort (string (intern (string-upcase sort :keyword))) (keyword sort) (symbol (intern sort :keyword)) (t (intern (string-upcase (first attributes)) :keyword)))))) (stype (when sattribute (position sattribute attributes :test #'string-equal))) (stype (when stype (nth stype types)))) (if (not (= (length attributes) (length types))) (format *tsdb-io* "~&select(): `attributes' vs. `types' mismatch (~d vs. ~d).~%" (length attributes) (length types)) (let* ((rmeter (madjust * meter 0.5)) (dmeter (madjust + (madjust * meter 0.5) (mduration rmeter))) (keys (map 'list #'(lambda (foo) (intern (string-upcase foo) :keyword)) attributes)) (sattributes (format nil "~{~a ~}" attributes)) (relations (when relations (format nil "~{~a ~}" relations))) (report (compute-report-string types)) (query (format nil "select ~a~@[from ~a~]~@[where ~a ~]report ~s" sattributes relations condition report)) (result (call-tsdb query language :absolute absolute :format :lisp :unique unique :quiet quiet :ro ro)) data) (when rmeter (meter :value (get-field :end rmeter))) (loop for line in result for item = (pairlis keys line) when sourcep do (nconc item (acons :source language nil)) do (push item data)) (when (and readerp (find-attribute-reader :i-input)) (loop with reader = (find-attribute-reader :i-input) for tuple in data for value = (get-field :i-input tuple) for new = (and value (funcall reader value)) when (and new (stringp new) (not (string= new ""))) do (setf (rest tuple) (acons :o-input new (rest tuple))))) (when dmeter (meter :value (get-field :end dmeter))) (when status (status :text (format nil "retrieving `~a' data ... done" language) :duration 10)) (when sort (setf data (sort data (if (eq stype :integer) #'< #'string<) :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field sattribute foo))))) (case format (:lisp data) ((:ntcl :ascii) (let* ((stream (if file (create-output-stream file nil) *tsdb-io*)) (width (length attributes)) (length (length data)) (*print-circle* nil) (totals (make-array (length attributes) :initial-element 0))) (when (eq format :ntcl) (format stream "viewer fast~%~ noofrows ~d~%noofcols ~d~%~ titlerows 1~%tilecols 1~%" (+ length 2) width) (loop for attribute in attributes do (format stream "{~a}~%" attribute))) (loop for item in data do (loop for attribute in attributes for key = (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) for field = (get-field key item) for i from 0 by 1 when (and (integerp field) (not (= field -1))) do (incf (aref totals i) field) when (eq format :ntcl) do (format stream "{~a}~%" field))) (loop for attribute in attributes for key = (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) for type in types for i from 0 by 1 for total = (aref totals i) when (member key *tsdb-id-attributes* :test #'eq) do (format stream "{~a}~%" length) else when (and (eq type :integer) (not (member key *tsdb-coded-attributes* :test #'eq))) do (format stream "{~a}~%" total) else do (format stream "{-}~%")) (force-output stream) (when file (close stream)) length)) (:tcl (let* ((stream (if file (create-output-stream file nil) *tsdb-io*)) (width (length attributes)) (length (length data)) (*print-circle* nil) (totals (make-array (length attributes) :initial-element 0))) (when *statistics-tcl-formats* (format stream *statistics-tcl-formats*)) (format stream "flags 0~%~ layout col def -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout row def -m1 5 -r 0 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout row 0 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row 1 -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j left~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%~ layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 -c black -j center~%" width (+ length 1) (+ length 2)) (do ((types types (rest types)) (i 1 (+ i 1))) ((null types)) (when (member (first types) (list :integer :data)) (format stream "layout col ~d -m1 5 -r 1 -m2 5 -c black -j right~%~%" i))) (do ((attributes attributes (rest attributes)) (i 1 (+ i 1))) ((null attributes)) (format stream "cell 1 ~d -contents ~s -format title~%~ region 1 ~d 1 ~d -contents ~s -format title ~ -hor_justify center~%" i (first attributes) i i (first attributes))) (loop for item in data for i from 2 by 1 do (loop for attribute in attributes for key = (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) for field = (get-field key item) for i-id = (get-field :i-id item) for j from 1 by 1 when (and (integerp field) (not (= field -1))) do (incf (aref totals (- j 1)) field) do (if (and i-id (eq key :i-input)) (let ((o-input (get-field :o-input item)) (tag (intern (gensym "") :keyword))) (when o-input (setf (get :source tag) language) (setf (get :i-id tag) i-id) (setf (get :i-input tag) o-input) (setf (get :field tag) :o-input) (setf (get :value tag) field)) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents {~a} ~ -format data -key ~d -source {~a}~ ~:[~*~; -action browse -stag ~a~]~%" i j (tcl-escape-braces (or o-input field)) i-id language field tag)) (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~:[{~a}~;~:d~] ~ -format data~%" i j (integerp field) (tcl-escape-braces field))) finally (when (zerop (mod (- i 1) 10)) (format stream "layout row ~d -m1 5 -r 2 -m2 5 ~ -c black -j center~%" i)))) (loop for attribute in attributes for key = (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) for type in types for i from 0 by 1 for total = (aref totals i) when (member key *tsdb-id-attributes* :test #'eq) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~:d -format total~%" (+ (length data) 2) (+ i 1) (length data)) else when (and (eq type :integer) (not (member key *tsdb-coded-attributes* :test #'eq))) do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents ~:d -format total~%" (+ (length data) 2) (+ i 1) total) else do (format stream "cell ~d ~d -contents \"-\" -format total~%" (+ (length data) 2) (+ i 1))) (force-output stream) (when file (close stream)) length))))))) (defun select-virtual (data attributes types relations condition &key absolute unique quiet ro meter status file (format :lisp) (readerp t) sort (efs *tsdb-efs*) sourcep) (declare (ignore meter status)) ;; ;; _fix_me_ ;; in order to correctly get :tcl (or other formatted output) and enforce ;; sorting of tuples, we will have to separate tuple assembly and generation ;; of output one day. (6-dec-05; erik & oe) ;; (when (or file (not (eq format :lisp))) (error "select-virtual(): functionality temporarily unavailable; ~ see `tsql.lisp'.")) (when (probe-file data) (with-open-file (stream data :direction :input) (let* ((sattribute (when sort (if (eq sort t) (intern (string-upcase (first attributes)) :keyword) (typecase sort (string (intern (string-upcase sort :keyword))) (keyword sort) (symbol (intern sort :keyword)) (t (intern (string-upcase (first attributes)) :keyword)))))) (stype (when sattribute (position sattribute attributes :test #'string-equal))) (stype (when stype (nth stype types))) (result (loop for name = (read stream nil nil) while name append (select attributes types relations condition name :absolute absolute :unique unique :quiet quiet :ro ro :format :lisp :readerp readerp :sort nil :efs efs :sourcep sourcep)))) (if sort (sort result (if (eq stype :integer) #'< #'string<) :key #'(lambda (foo) (get-field sattribute foo))) result))))) (defun tcount (data relation &key absolute quiet) (let* ((query (format nil "count ~a" relation)) (result (call-tsdb query data :absolute absolute :ro t :quiet quiet)) (colon (and result (position #\: result))) (result (and colon (subseq result (+ colon 2)))) (count (and result (read-from-string result)))) (and (numberp count) count))) (defun insert (data relation tuples &key absolute meter (normalize t)) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let* ((path (if absolute (namestring data) (find-tsdb-directory data))) (status (verify-tsdb-directory path :absolute t)) (schema (when status (read-database-schema path :absolute t))) (relation (if (stringp relation) relation (string relation))) (attributes (rest (find relation schema :test #'string= :key #'first))) (ntuples (length tuples)) (increment (when (and meter (> ntuples 0)) (/ (mduration meter) ntuples)))) (cond ((null status) (format *tsdb-io* "insert(): invalid database `~a'.~%" data)) ((eq (get-field :status status) :ro) (format *tsdb-io* "insert(): read-only database `~a'.~%" data)) ((null attributes) (format *tsdb-io* "insert(): invalid relation `~a' for `~a'.~%" relation data)) (t (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :directory path :name relation) :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :append) #+:allegro (when *tsdb-encoding* (setf (stream-external-format stream) *tsdb-encoding*)) (loop for tuple in tuples for i from 1 by 1 do (loop for (attribute type) in attributes for start = t then nil for key = (intern (string-upcase attribute) :keyword) do (let* ((value (or (get-field key tuple) (if (eq type :integer) -1 ""))) (value (if (eq type :string) (normalize-string value :escape t :normalize normalize) value))) (unless start (write-char *tsdb-ofs* stream)) (if (eq type :integer) (write value :stream stream) (write-string value stream))) finally (format stream "~%")) (when increment (meter-advance increment)))) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) tuples)))) ;;; ;;; (overtly naive) functions borrowed from introductory Common-Lisp course ;;; by janal@dfki.de and \me; i always used to say this code can be made ;;; useful. (22-may-97 - oe@coli) ;;; ;;; ;;; iterative select() function: loop through .relation., extract current value ;;; for .field., funcall() .test., accumulate .result. destructively (push()). ;;; (defun iselect (relation field value &key (test #'equal)) (do* ((relation relation (rest relation)) (record (first relation) (first relation)) (result nil result)) ((null relation) result) (let ((comparison (get-field field record))) (when (and comparison (funcall test comparison value)) (push record result))))) ;;; ;;; lazy combine(): fails to check for value compatibility in common fields; ;;; compact coding, though :-). ;;; (defun lcombine (record-1 record-2) (union record-1 record-2 :key #'first)) ;;; ;;; iterative join() function: traverse .relation-1., extract .value. for ;;; .key., select() correspoding (equal .key. value) records from ;;; .relation-2., compute .record. x .records. cross product, accumulate ;;; .result. destructively; not the most efficient algorithm, though. ;;; (defun join (relation-1 relation-2 key &key meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (do* ((relation-1 relation-1 (rest relation-1)) (record (first relation-1) (first relation-1)) (value (get-field key record) (get-field key record)) (records (iselect relation-2 key value) (iselect relation-2 key value)) (result nil result)) ((null relation-1) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :end meter))) result) (dolist (foo records) (push (lcombine record foo) result)))) ;;; ;;; once the database access has been optimized, the join() function suddenly ;;; shows up in the time profile; here is an alternate implementation (that we ;;; probably will not teach in the introductory course). ;;; ;;; _note_ njoin() assumes .relation-1. and .relation-2. to be sort()ed on ;;; .key. ;;; (defun njoin (relation-1 relation-2 key &key meter) (when meter (meter :value (get-field :start meter))) (let ((test= (if (numberp (get-field key (first relation-1))) #'= #'string=)) (test< (if (numberp (get-field key (first relation-1))) #'< #'string<)) result) (loop while (and relation-1 relation-2) for record-1 = (first relation-1) and record-2 = (first relation-2) for key-1 = (get-field key record-1) and key-2 = (get-field key record-2) do (cond ((funcall test= key-1 key-2) (push (append record-1 record-2) result) (loop for record-2 in (rest relation-2) for key-2 = (get-field key record-2) while (funcall test= key-1 key-2) do (push (append record-1 record-2) result)) (pop relation-1)) ((funcall test< key-1 key-2) (pop relation-1)) (t (pop relation-2)))) (nreverse result)))