; -*- Mode: TDL; Coding: utf-8 -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; file: fundamentals.tdl ;;; written by: Melanie Siegel ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; author | date | modification ;;; -----------------|--------- ---|------------------------------------------ ;;;Melanie Siegel(MS)| | Emily Bender (ERB), Francis Bond (FCB), ;;; | | Sanae Fujita (SF), Takaaki Tanaka (TT), ;;; | | Akira Ohtani (AO), Chikara Hashimoto (CH) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; specify this a bit further valence :+ [UNSAT bool, SUBJ 0-1-list, SPR 0-1-list]. formal := avm & [SHON bool, AHON bool]. ;(MS 2003-07-08) replaced MOD mod_synsem with MOD 0-1-list, in order to adapt to Matrix standards. head :+ [POS category, MARK 0-1-list, MOD 0-1-list, C-MOD 0-1-list, J-SPEC 0-1-list, FORMAL formal, J-POSTHEAD posthead, SMOD smod, QUANTIFIABLE bool, H-TENSE tense, FIN bool, AUX aux, COP bool, VN bool, ADJ bool, LIGHT bool, EMPTY bool, MAIN-PRD bool, COP-ARG bool, MODUS mood]. c-indices := avm & [SPEAKER index, ADDRESSEE index]. honor_rel := avm & [HONORER index, HONORED index, POLARITY bool, BEARER individual]. subj-honor_rel := honor_rel. obj-honor_rel := honor_rel. addr-honor_rel := honor_rel. ;;; More details for context ; indices, background and empathy ctxt :+ [C-INDICES c-indices & [SPEAKER #sp], BACKGROUND diff-list & [LIST list], EMPATHY empathy_rel & [EMPER #sp]]. empathy_rel := avm & [EMPER index, EMPEE index]. cat :+ [HEAD head, VAL valence]. ; (ERB 2002-01-24) Change value of NUCL from bool to nucl in order ; to be able to keep phrases built by conj-rule from being modified. ; FCB local :+ [CAT cat, CTXT ctxt, NUCL nucl, BAR bool]. ;;; Do we use these additions? non-local :+ [ROBUST bool, UNDERSPEC_ARG bool, SLASH 0-dlist, AFFIX diff-list]. ;;; Redefine these (unused in JACY as we have no slash) extracted-adj-phrase := basic-extracted-adj-phrase. basic-head-filler-phrase := binary-phrase & phrasal. gap := expressed-non-canonical. ;;;;;;;;;(MS 2002-11-12) Matrix approach to subcategorization;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2-comps-list := 1-plus-list & < synsem, synsem >. ;;; (DPF and FCB 2009-02) Allow saturated valences to include zero pronouns saturated := valence & [SUBJ zlist, COMPS zlist, SPR null]. super-saturated := saturated & [SUBJ null, COMPS null, SPR null]. ;;; ensure that we can unify even with lex thingies sat-sbj-arg := sbj-arg & saturated. sat-ga-wo_transitive := ga-wo_transitive & saturated. sat-ni-ga_transitive := ni-ga_transitive & saturated. sat-ga-to-ni_transitive1 := ga-to-ni_transitive1 & saturated. sat-intransitive :=intransitive & saturated. sat-ditransitive := ditransitive & saturated. sat-ga-wo-toni-ditransitive := ga-wo-toni-ditransitive & saturated. sat-mental_state_transitive := mental_state_transitive & saturated. sat-adj_sc := adj_sc & saturated. ;sat-or-opt-arg := olist. ;sat-arg := sat-or-opt-arg & onull. opt-1-arg := olist & 1-list & [FIRST.OPT + ]. opt-2-args := olist & 2-comps-list & [FIRST.OPT + , REST.FIRST.OPT + ]. obl-arg := cons. obl-1-arg := obl-arg & 1-list & [FIRST.OPT - ]. obl-2-args := obl-arg & 2-comps-list & [FIRST.OPT - , REST.FIRST.OPT - ]. ; A list of zero pronouns zlist := olist. zcons := zlist & cons & [ FIRST.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX zpro_ref-ind, REST zlist ]. zopt-1-arg := zcons & opt-1-arg. zopt-2-args := zcons & opt-2-args. znull := zlist & null. canonical-synsem :+ [ MODIFIED.PERIPH bool]. opt_synsem := canonical-synsem & [OPT + ]. obl_synsem := canonical-synsem & [OPT - ]. ; (MS 2003-07-09) changed due to the sign definition in matrix.tdl ; Idiom Implementation (CH 060804) sign :+ [ IDIOM bool, LMORPH-BIND-TYPE morphbind, RMORPH-BIND-TYPE morphbind, J-NEEDS-AFFIX bool]. ; So, I'm going to take the constraint off of lexical_sign, make ; three subtypes of lexical_sign (lexical_sign-word, lexical_sign-affix, ; and lexical_sign-rule) and make the constraint live on the first ; of these. lexical_sign := word & [SYNSEM lex-synsem & [LOCAL [CAT.VAL.UNSAT +], LEX +], STEMTYPE stemtype]. ;;; Most words should share their lable lexical_sign-word := lexical_sign & [ SYNSEM [LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.LTOP #label, LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #label]]]. ;;; abnormal words don't lexical_sign-aword := lexical_sign. lexical_sign-affix := lexical_sign. ;;; ;;; Idiom Implementation (CH 060804) ;;; lexical_sign-rule := lexical_sign & phrase-or-lexrule & [IDIOM #idiom, ARGS <[IDIOM #idiom]>]. ;lexical_sign-rule := lexical_sign & phrase-or-lexrule. wg-handel-lex-mrs-basic := mrs. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) Not all lexical sem types inherit the constraints ; that MOD-IND = INDEX and MOD-HAND = LTOP. I'm going to move these ; constraints out of this type. ; (MS 2003-07-09) This has to be changed due to the matrix!!! wg-handel-lex-mrs := wg-handel-lex-mrs-basic. mod-id-mrs := mrs. mod-id-wg-handel-mrs := mod-id-mrs & wg-handel-lex-mrs. wg-handel-id := relation & [ID *top*, LBLS list, WORD string]. ; (MS 2004-11-18) We want some hint about passivization in the MRS (and RMRS)! tam :+ [ PASS bool ]. never_unify_rel := relation. ; For fragments (DPF FCB 2005-08-22) expect to appear in the Matrix any moment now unknown_relation := arg0-relation & [ PRED unknown_rel, ARG0 event, ARG semarg ]. unknown_rel := predsort. unknown_cop_rel := predsort. unknown_cop_relation := arg12-ev-relation & [ PRED unknown_cop_rel ]. ;;; ;;; information from what was mrsbasic.tdl (merged 2009-07-05) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CONT type nothing := individual. ; (ERB 2001-08-06) Added ALTKEY for number names. I suspect it will be useful ; elsewhere as well. KEY, ALTKEY, and MESSAGE should probably be pulled out ; into a KEYS feature like in the LinGO grammar. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CONT values (MRS semantics) ;; ;; The basic semantic objects are all sub-types of thing. Right now, the only ;; type of thing that has an internal structure is index, but that will ;; probably change. For example, an event might have various times associated ;; with them or a handle may include a list of "subhandles" which are in its ;; scope. Indices are classified in the familiar HPSG way. ; (ERB 2001-08-02) Adding type conj_non_expl-ind to help MRS machinery ; deal with coordinated NPs. (MRS machinery doesn't require indices ; of this type to be bound by a quantifier.) Verbs are enforcing ; "full"ness of the indices of their arguments, but this needs to ; be compatible with being a conj_non_expl-ind, so we cross-classify. ; (MS 2003-07-09) Adapted these to matrix. ; (MS 2003-09-25) And again adapted to matrix ver.0.5 full := event-or-ref-index. full-or-zpro-ref-ind := full & index. full_ref-ind := full-or-zpro-ref-ind & ref-ind & [PNG png]. zpro_ref-ind := full-or-zpro-ref-ind. ; (MS 2004-12-13) The conj-ref-ind should be under full_ref-ind ; in order to match the type hierarchy including zero pronouns. ; This overrides the Matrix type. conj-ref-ind := conj-index & full_ref-ind. ;;; Japanese values for PNG png :+ [PN pn, GEN gender]. ; The basic semantic structure, a CONT, is just something with a handle. ; Conts are further classified into mrss (i.e., things with liszts) and ; relations (i.e., things that go on liszts). Conts are divided into psoas ; (with a distinguished event) and nom-objs (with a distinguished index). ; We use a polymorphic attribute name INDEX for both of these, to simplify ; manipulation of these objects; for example, modifying PPs assign as their ; ARG's value the INDEX of the phrase they modify, whether it's an N-bar ; (with a ref-ind value) or a VP (with an event value). Similarly useful ; for coordination. ; ERB (03-10-96) Along with implementing embedded questions, I am ; removing the feature CL-MODE in favor of message (=another name ; for psoa) for the same distinctions. (Plus the use of [MOD none] ; to distinguish and exclude relatives from certain positions.) ; Ultimately, I hope to use the type message for this purpose, but ; until certain changes are made to the internal structure of CONT ; (notably, bundling everything else as opposed to the RELS), this ; isn't possible because the hcomp-nc rule needs to copy this information ; up from head-dtr to mother. So, it will be a feature MESSAGE for now. ; The intermediate types ques-prop-msg and prop-com-msg represent the ; natural classes needed for selection by know, announce, care, check, ; etc. and the analysis of THAT (see lextypes.tdl) and the ; forthcoming analysis of tags on imperatives, respectively. ; Relations are classified according to the types of arguments they take. All ; relations have a handle. In addition, quantifier relations have a bound ; variable and a restriction, nominal relations have an instance, and event ; relations have an event. Furthermore, nominal relations and event relations ; can have additional roles, depending on their meaning. ; Since some temporal nouns can be either arguments or VP modifiers, their ; rel's ARG0 value (coindexed with INDEX of the containing MRS) must remain ; unspecified for type. Consider "Kim arrived Tuesday" vs. "Tuesday comes ; after Monday"; in the first, Tuesday must have an ARG0 index, while in the ; second, it must have a REF-IND index. ; (MS 2003-12-03) no-relation seems to be useful again, as Emily wants to ; use it in nominal-numcl-rule-nomod. no-relation := relation. ; Nominal relations ; (ERB 2001-11-05) For k2y purposes, making a supertype that ; groups together excl_rel and greeting rel. ; (ERB 2001-12-10) and interj_rel. abstr-excl_rel := relation. ;excl_rel := abstr-excl_rel. ; (ERB 2001-12-10) Let individual interjections provide ; the REL. ;interj_rel := abstr-excl_rel. ;hes_rel := relation. ;greeting_rel := abstr-excl_rel. ; (ERB 2001-10-31) Trying to keep nmod-p の from modifying ; nominalizations, so I need a top level distinction between ; contentful and other nom_rels that will allow me to say ; that の only modifies things whose KEY is contentful-nom_rel. ; (Can't use reg-nom_rel for this, because の can modify things ; that are locable_rel, and I can't make locable_rel a subtype of ; reg-nom_rel; see below.) ; (ERB 2001-10-31) This almost works, but I need a way to distinguish ; between の nominalizations and vns used as ns. For now, I'm ; going to try making a separate type for the vn nominalizations. contentful-nom-relation := noun-relation & [ARG0 full_ref-ind]. ; (ERB 2001-11-05) For k2y purposes, I need all of the nominalise ; relations to have a common supertype. ;basic-nominalise_rel := noun-relation. ;nominalise-relation := noun-relation. ;arg-nominalise_rel := basic-nominalise_rel & arg1-relation. ;nominalise-pred_rel := arg-nominalise_rel. ;nominalise-vn_rel := contentful-nom_rel & arg-nominalise_rel. reg-nom-relation := contentful-nom-relation. ; (ERB 2001-10-03) None of the subtypes of temp_rel are being used, ; so I'm going to comment them out for now, and redo as necessary. ; Likewise for most subtypes of name_rel. ; (ERB 2001-10-03) Reorganizing the type hierarchy for times to ; create types that the PP -> NP rule and に can select for. ; (ERB 2001-10-03) locable_rel is the requirement of the rule ; that makes expressions like 来月 and 2001年 into COP-ARG + ; elements, with an added unspec_loc_rel. ; modable is the requirement of the further rule that ; gives these guys a MOD value, so they can modify without に. ; (ERB 2001-10-03) Experimenting with making locable_rel a subtype ; of reg-nom_rel because dofw will also inherit from name_rel. ; (ERB 2001-10-04) That doesn't work because then any reg-nom_rel ; can be compatible with locable_rel. So, I need to introduce ; the feature NAMED outside of reg-nom_rel. locable-relation := contentful-nom-relation. niarg-relation := locable-relation. not-niarg-relation := locable-relation. modable-relation := locable-relation. nonmodable-relation := locable-relation. ; ERB (2001-08-28) For compositional analysis of dates ; ERB (2001-10-03) Working numbered-np_rel into the new ; hierarchy below locable_rel. numbered-np-relation := nonmodable-relation & niarg-relation & noun-arg1-relation & [ ARG0 full, ARG1 handle]. ; (MS 2004-12-02) For generation, these need PRED values. dofm-relation := numbered-np-relation & [PRED "dofm_rel"]. mofy-relation := numbered-np-relation & [PRED "mofy_rel"]. yofc-relation := numbered-np-relation & [PRED "yofc_rel"]. numbered-hour-relation := numbered-np-relation & [PRED "numbered_hour_rel"]. numbered-minute-relation := numbered-np-relation & [PRED "numbered_minute_rel"]. ; ERB (2001-10-03) For days of the week, which are like ; the numbered-np_rels, but have a name instead of a number. ; (MS 2005-11-30) I want the others to have distinguished relations as well, ; which is used to disambiguate the ni particle attached to them. dofw-relation := const-value-relation & nonmodable-relation & niarg-relation & [ PRED "dofw_rel", CARG *top* ]. loc-relation := named-relation. inst-relation := named-relation. personname-relation := named-relation. productname-relation := named-relation. ; ERB (2001-10-03) Types for other kinds of date expressions. future-date-relation := niarg-relation & modable-relation. non-future-date-relation := not-niarg-relation & modable-relation. ; (ERB 2001-08-06) Changing card_rel to look more like the LinGO ; grammar. Decided to call it integer_rel instead, since it's ; not clear to me that we want to use different numbers for cardinals ; and ordinals. ... but then it doesn't make sense to have ; times_rel and plus_rel as subtypes of integer_rel. So ; there will be integer_rel, const_rel, times_rel and plus_rel. ; Just like the LinGO grammar! ; (ERB 2004-1-16) Another update to integer-relation and its subtypes ; to synch up with the ERG. ;integer-relation := relation. integer-relation := arg1-ev-relation & [ ARG1 individual ]. ; (ERB 2002-02-14) For current version of k2y code, need const_rel ; to have an event variable. ; (MS 2003-12-10) This is now CARG (RMRS construction and matrix). ; But what should we do about ARG0? ;const_rel := integer_rel & event_rel & ; [ CONST_VALUE *top*, ; PRED 'const, ; ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense ]. ;const-relation := named-relation. const-relation := integer-relation & const-value-relation & [ PRED "card_rel" ]. ;;; FCB 2006-08-18 harmonize with ERG times-relation := integer-relation & arg123-ev-relation & [ PRED "times_rel" ]. plus-relation := integer-relation & arg123-ev-relation & [ PRED "plus_rel" ]. ; (ERB 2001-11-14) To keep the numbers-qua-numcls out of the ; first two nominal numcl rules. quantity-relation := arg1-relation & [ AMOUNT handle ]. reg-quantity-relation := quantity-relation. card-relation := quantity-relation. ; (ERB 2001-11-14) Type for the relation in numbers acting as ; labels for things, as in: ; ; 口座番号は12345です named-card-relation := card-relation & contentful-nom-relation & [PRED "named_card"]. ; (ERB 2001-10-29) I need a value for REL for integers that get ; promoted to NumClPs by the empty-cardinal-rule. I want it to ; be atomic, and to contrast with string. So, here it is: ; (ERB 2001-10-29) The REL names, written 'relation, are actually ; treated as atoms, not strings, by cheap. This means I need to ; move this contrast one level up. ; (ERB 2001-11-01) Switching to a different strategy: Three separate ; numcl2n rules. I still need to distinguish between types of numeral ; classifiers, but now I can do it based on the entire ALTKEY. So, ; I want no_rel to be a kind of mod_relation that contrasts with everything ; else. ; (MS 2003-10-05) Not used any more. ;quantifier_rel := reg-nom_rel & [QUANTITY *top*]. ; (ERB 2001-11-15) Special type for loc-names used to ; leverage Chasen's recognition of place names in YY's ; product. ;named-place_rel := named_rel. ; Pronouns pron-relation := reg-nom-relation. ;zero-pron-relation := pron-relation. real-pron-relation := pron-relation. generic-nom-relation := pron-relation & [PRED generic-nom_rel]. place-relation := pron-relation & [PRED place_rel]. ;ad_rel := relation. ; (ERB 2001-10-18) I'm trying to get rid of argmod1_rel. ; so adj_rel will now be a subtype of the new type adj_rel-general. ; (ERB 2002-01-14) The k2y machinery still isn't recognizing ; these. Maybe add TENSE no_tense? (Originally put this on ; adj_rel-general, but that caused problems for na-adjectives ; in prenominal position. Need to think about whether we really ; want to use a subtype of adj_rel-general for those guys, but ; moving the constraint here for now.) ; (MS 2003-09-26) Adapting to Matrix Ver.0.5: There is no ARG any more. adj-relation := arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense ]. na-adj-relation := arg1-ev-relation. ;scoped_rel := relation & ; [ SCOPE handle ]. ;scope_rel := scoped_rel. ;mood_rel := scope_rel. ;dim_rel := relation & ; [ DARG individual ]. ;ordinal_rel := ad_rel & ; [ ORD integer ]. ;arg_rel := relation & ; [ ARG mrs-thing ]. ; (ERB 2001-10-18) Getting rid of a GLB type. ; (MS 2003-09-26) Adapting to Matrix Ver.0.5: There is no ARG any more. ;arg-event_rel := arg_rel & event_rel. ; (ERB 2001-09-03) I'm trying to get wa to take an event as its ; ARG3, so I need a supertype that doesn't require non_expl-ind. ; I think we might really need some reorganization of the upper ; part of this hierarchy, so that events are non_expl-inds anyway, ; but that wouldn't immediately solve this problem. ; (ERB 2001-09-06) In an MRS meeting with Dan, we decided that ; the topic_rel should be an arg_rel only. That is, no ARG3. The ; value of ARG is either the ARG0 of a noun or the ARG0 of a PP. ; Undoing this arg3_rel-super stuff and reverting to original ; definition above. ; (ERB 2001-10-01) It turns out that making topic_rel arg_rel only ; leads to MRSs that don't scope when wa marks NPs. So, going ; back to making it an ordinary arg_rel, with the features ARG and ; ARG3. The value of ARG3 has to be possibly an event. Reinstating ; arg3_rel-super. ; (ERB 2001-10-03) The wa that attaches to complementizer to needs to be ; able to take a handle, so I will loosen this up from [ ARG3 index ]. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) We need to distinguish the relations belonging to ; prepositions, adverbs and na-adjectives from those belonging to ; verbs and adjectives for the k2y translation. In order to do this, ; I'll need two subtypes of event_rel: v-event_rel and non-v-event_rel. ; arg1, arg2 and arg4 will all be under v-event_rel, but arg and ; arg3_rel-super will just be under v-event_rel. ; (ERB 2001-10-11) For k2y conversion, we need a supertype that includes ; all verbs and no prepositions/modifiers. Since Ps have ARG3, this can't ; in a subtype of v-event_rel. The specialization to ARG3 full for ; Ps will be on argmod3_rel. ; (MS 2003-09-26) Adapting to Matrix Ver.0.5: There is no ARG any more. ;argmod_rel := arg_rel & arg1-relation. ; (ERB 2001-10-18) I can't think of a reason that any relation ; should have both the features ARG and ARG1, so I am removing ; this type. ;modal_rel := arg12-relation & ; scope_rel. ;(MS 2003-09-26) Switched to Matrix unspec_compound_rel ;unspec_rel := arg12-relation & [PRED "unspec_rel"]. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) For time NPs used as adverbs. ; (MS 2003-09-26) Switched to Matrix unspec_compound_rel ;unspec-loc_rel := arg12-relation & [PRED "unspec-loc_rel"]. ;(MS 2001-10-23) if we're not including ZPRO's into the MRS, we should not say too much about the index of ARGs. equal-relation := arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG1 full, ARG2 event-or-ref-index, LBL handle]. ;; used in mai want2-relation := arg12-relation & [PRED "want2_rel"]. ; Preposition relations ; (MS 2003-07-09) This is different to the matrix definition. We have to see, whether it is necessary to keep it. ;j-prep-mod_rel := arg12-relation. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) We want a special type for no-nmod and ; compounds that the downstream machinery can recognize. ; (MS 2003-09-26) Switched to Matrix prep-mod-relation. ;no_nmod := prep-mod-relation & [PRED 'no]. ;kara_nmod := prep-mod-relation. ;ni_nmod := prep-mod-relation. ;tloc_rel := prep-mod-relation. ; (ERB 2001-09-03) I want the ARG3 of the topic_rel to ; be potentially an event, so I'm changing this type. (see ; further notes above at arg2_rel-super. ; (ERB 2001-09-06) In an MRS meeting with Dan, we decided that ; the topic_rel should be an arg_rel only. That is, no ARG3. The ; value of ARG is either the ARG0 of a noun or the ARG0 of a PP. ; Can't constrain ARG to be an event then. ; (ERB 2001-10-01) It turns out that making topic_rel arg_rel only ; leads to MRSs that don't scope when wa marks NPs. So, going ; back to making it an ordinary arg_rel, with the features ARG and ; ARG3. The value of ARG is the event of the main verb. ; (ERB 2001-10-31) It seems that the reason for keeping the topic_rel ; separate from prep-mod_rel may have gone away, and it would be ; useful for k2y purposes for topic_rel to be a prep-mod_rel. So, ; seeing if that works. (If it does, it may be possible to simplify ; some things in this part of the hierachy and in the relevant ; lexsem types.) ;topic_rel := prep-mod-relation & ; [ ARG2 semarg ]. ; (ERB 2001-10-11) No one was using this type, and adverbs were getting ; the type of their relations from type inference from the features. ; It was a glb type, too. I'm going to make adv-relation a subtype of ; arg_rel & event_rel, and declare it on the adv-sem-type. ; (ERB 2001-10-18) I added arg-event_rel which inherits from ; arg_rel & event_rel and eliminates a glb type. ;modadv-relation := adv-relation & arg1-relation. ; (ERB 2001-10-22) Negation isn't working in k2ys, so I'm going ; to try making it a subtype of adv-relation for the moment, just for fun. ; (ERB 2001-10-24) It wasn't working because it wasn't using this ; rel. Instead, it was an arg_rel with REL 'neg_rel. So, I'm going ; to make nai actually use this rel. ; (ERB 2001-10-25) Changing spelling of neg_rel to neg_rel to ; match the English grammar. ; (MS 2002-12-03) neg_rel needs an arg1 that can be accessed, e.g. in tabenaide morau. ; (MS 2003-07-11) For the Japanese analysis, it also needs an ARG2 ; (MS 2004-02-20) and also an ARG3, in the case of passive? neg-relation := adv-relation & arg1-relation & [ARG0 individual]. ;cant_help_rel := j-neg_rel. objchange-relation := arg12-relation. tai-relation := objchange-relation & [PRED tai_v_want_rel]. ; (MS 2001-11-22) RARERU needs an ARG1, if it shall be able to combine with TAI. rareru-relation := arg12-ev-relation & [PRED rareru_v_can_rel]. pass-relation := arg12-relation & [PRED "passive"]. adversative-relation := arg12-relation & [PRED "adversative"]. ; Degree relations ;degree_rel := relation. ; (ERB 2001-08-02) Changed type of C-ARG to conj_non_expl-ind to ; help MRS machinery scope sentences with coordinated NPs. This ; probably means that we'll need a different type of conjunction_rel ; for S coordination. (Or this constraint will need to be lowered.) ; (ERB 2001-08-02) Added features L-LBL and R-LBL so that ; the quantifiers won't be allowed to scope independently. ; (ERB 2001-09-12) Turns out those features were superfluous... the ; grammar shouldn't be imposing those constraints. It really belongs ; in the scoping machinery. ; (ERB 2002-02-14) In case this helps with k2ys. ; (MS 2003-09-25) Adapted this to matrix ver.05 ;discourse-relation := subord-or-conj-relation & [PRED "if-then-rel"]. ;in-order-to_rel := subord-or-conj-relation & [PRED "in-order-to_rel"]. ; for k2ys it is helpful for the unspec rel for noun noun ; compounds to not be a prep-mod-relation. Giving it the same ; features as the English grammar. ; (MS 2003-09-25) there is a new definition in matrix version 0.5 appos-id-relation := arg12-relation & [PRED "appos-id_rel"]. title-id-relation := arg12-relation & [PRED "title-id_rel", ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense]. scopal-adv-relation := arg1-ev-relation & [ARG1 handle]. ;;; FCB 2006-01-26 --- made into arg0-relation so that RMRSs can be built interj-relation := arg0-relation. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; predsorts quant_rel := predsort. udef_q_rel := quant_rel. def_q_rel := udef_q_rel. indef_q_rel := udef_q_rel. which_q_rel := def_q_rel. hes_rel := predsort. pron_rel := predsort. generic-nom_rel := predsort. place_rel := predsort. quantity_rel := predsort. date_rel := predsort. yofc_rel := date_rel. mofy_rel := date_rel. person_n_rel := predsort. adv_rel := predsort. noun_rel := predsort. no_rel := predsort. tai_v_want_rel := predsort. rareru_v_can_rel := predsort. garu_v_seem_rel := predsort. pass_v_rel := predsort. ; FCB relations for numbers ;card_rel := named_rel. ;plus_rel := card_rel. ;times_rel := card_rel. ;(MS 2005-11-29) these were still not defined. ; Recognized when trying to generate. degree_rel := predsort. unspec_adj_rel := predsort. compound_rel := predsort. unspec_rel := predsort. number_rel := predsort. ; (ERB 2004-1-18) Copied from ERG for measure NP numeral ; classifier phrases. ; (FCB 2005-08-09) changed DARG to ARG1 ; (trying to reduce the types of arguments) ; ARG1 is the attribute being measured ; ARG2 is the unit of measure degree-relation := arg12-relation. ; (CH 2004-09-09) ; introduce vv-relation, which is the supertype of all relations holding between ; V1 and V2 of lexical V-V compound. vv_rel := predsort. vv-manner_rel := vv_rel. vv-relation := arg12-ev-relation & [PRED vv_rel]. ; (CH 2004-09-09) ; introduce vv-prefix-v1-relation. vv-prefix-v1_rel := predsort. vv-prefix-v1-relation := arg1-ev-relation & [PRED vv-prefix-v1_rel]. ;;; ;;; (FCB & DPF 2008-08-06) New types for topic/focus markers ;;; focus_d_rel := predsort. ;;; (MWG 08-10-30) Added wa_d_super and other_focus_d_rel, and revamped ;;; the hierarchy (so things like _equal_d_rel are not subtypes of _wa_d_rel) wa_d_super := focus_d_rel. other_focus_d_rel := focus_d_rel. _wa_d_rel := wa_d_super. _mo_d_rel := wa_d_super. _colon_d_rel := wa_d_super. _comma_d_rel := wa_d_super. _equal_d_rel := wa_d_super. ;;; (TK 08-08-28) Added following _dake_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _shika_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _bakari_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _nado_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _made_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _koso_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _sura_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _demo_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _nomi_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _sae_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _datte_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. _ga_d_rel := other_focus_d_rel. ;;; try to say more about pronouns ref-ind :+ [ PRONTYPE prontype ]. prontype := predsort. refl := prontype. std_pron := prontype. zero_pron := prontype. ;;; ;;; Information from what was values.tdl (merged 2009-07-05) ;;; ; Values category := sort. p := category. n := category. adj := category. v := category. adv := category. card := category. interj := category. det := category. temp_mod := category. noun_mod := category. pp_mod := category. idiom := category. utt := category. turn := category. sap := category. comp := category. prep := category. ;card_mod := category. hes := category. punct := category. prefix := category. numcl := category. ;aspect := sort. terminative := aspect. prospective := aspect. perfective := aspect. progressive := aspect. inceptive := aspect. perfect_progressive := aspect. modal := aspect. ;;; the value for sentences with no special marking default_aspect := aspect. ;tense := sort. tensed := tense. ; (ERB 2001-12-13) For runon_s rule. present-past-or-future := tensed. present-or-past := present-past-or-future. present := present-or-past. past := present-or-past. fut := present-past-or-future. te := tensed. no_tense := tense. ; (MS 2003-09-10) already contained in matrix.tdl ;mood := sort. uttmodus := mood. nonuttmodus := mood. passive := mood. nonpassive := mood. operative := mood. nonoperative := mood. imperative := nonuttmodus & nonpassive & nonoperative. simple-imperative := imperative. polite-imperative := imperative. infinitive := nonuttmodus & nonpassive & nonoperative. negative := operative & uttmodus. conditional := operative & uttmodus. voluntative := operative & uttmodus. indicative := nonoperative & uttmodus & nonpassive. subjunctive := indicative. consultative := nonoperative & uttmodus. ;potential := uttmodus & nonpassive. potential := uttmodus & operative. causative := uttmodus & nonpassive & operative. pot-neg := negative & potential. pot-pass := potential & passive-basic. pot-caus := potential & causative. pot-cond := potential & conditional. pot-vol := potential & voluntative. ;pot-ind := potential & indicative. neg-caus := negative & causative. neg-pass := negative & passive-basic. neg-vol := negative & voluntative. vol-pass := voluntative & passive-basic. vol-caus := voluntative & causative. conditional-basic := conditional & nonpassive. pass-cond := passive-basic & conditional. neg-cond := conditional & negative. caus-cond := causative & conditional. passive-basic := passive & operative & uttmodus. consult-caus := consultative & causative. ;sase-rare-tai pot-caus-vol := pot-caus & vol-caus. ;sase-rare-nai pot-neg-caus := pot-neg & pot-caus. ;sase-rare-taku-nai caus-pot-vol-neg := pot-caus-vol & pot-neg-caus. ;taku-nakere-ba vol-neg-cond := neg-vol & neg-cond. ;(MS 2004-11-26) sase-rareru pass-caus := passive-basic & causative. smod := sort. unmarked := smod. marked := smod. decl := marked. quest := marked. cond := marked. imp := marked. ;Particles ptype := sort. overt := ptype. empty := ptype. sentence-particle := ptype. topic := overt. nontop := overt. case := nontop. mod := case. temp-no := case. no-case := case. con := case. kara-case := ni-or-kara. ; (ERB 2002-02-14) Complementizer to and postposition to should ; be distinguished. For now, give complementizer to its own case ; value. (Probably need more fundamental change to analysis -- ; perhaps when we overhaul the clause analysis.) ; (MS 2004-12-13) Why was made in topic? This lead to unwanted unifications! ; took that out (犬などの動物 got a reading, where the nado got PTYPE made). to-comp := case. ni-or-to := case. ni-or-kara := case. ga-or-wo := case. ni-or-ga := case. ga-or-coparg := case. wo-or-ni := case. ga := ga-or-wo & ni-or-ga & ga-or-coparg. wo := ga-or-wo & wo-or-ni. ni := ni-or-ga & ni-or-to & ni-or-kara & wo-or-ni. to := ni-or-to. coparg := ga-or-coparg. postp-case := nontop. mo := topic. koso := topic. comma := topic. nattr := nontop. parmod := nontop. de := nontop. wa := topic. shika := topic. dake := topic. demo := topic. datte := topic. nanka := postp-case. he := postp-case. sonota := postp-case. tomo := postp-case. ;nado := nontop. nado := topic. made := postp-case. made_d := topic. kara := postp-case. bakari := postp-case. bakari_d := topic. kurai := postp-case. igai := postp-case. toshite := postp-case. yori := postp-case. nitsuite := postp-case. nikaNshite := postp-case. nikakete := postp-case. niyotte := postp-case. nisotte := postp-case. ;sae := postp-case. sae := topic. tou := postp-case. zutsu := postp-case. toka := postp-case. kamo := postp-case. toiu := nontop. niokeru := nontop. notame := topic. ; (TT 2003-09-04) for ijou, igai ijou := postp-case. ika := postp-case. modify := sort. n-modified := modify. not-modified := modify. modified := modify. ; (MS 2003-07-09) Not used any more? ;word-status := sort. ;word := word-status. ;stem := word-status. ; (FCB 2005-05-05) Not used any more? ;vref := sort. ;he := vref. ;sp := vref. ;sp_he := vref. ;top := vref. ;third := vref. ;thirdpl := third. ;firstpl := sp. vtype := sort. std-or-demon := vtype. std := std-or-demon. zero := vtype. demon := std-or-demon. morphbind := sort. morphbindtype := morphbind. nomorphbind := morphbind. vstem-morph := morphbindtype. cstem-morph := morphbindtype. v-or-c-stem-morph := vstem-morph & cstem-morph. o-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. u-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. inf-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. ;cond-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. i-or-t-or-a-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. a-or-aa-morph := i-or-t-or-a-morph. a-morph := a-or-aa-morph. ;;; (FCB 2003-08-12) type for "se zu" very irregular suru ending before zu aa-morph := a-or-aa-morph. nd-morph := cstem-morph. mai-beki-morph := morphbindtype. mai-morph := mai-beki-morph. beki-morph := mai-beki-morph. imp-morph := cstem-morph. cond-morph := cstem-morph. ; (MS 2004-12-21) Maybe we don't need this one any more? ;e-morph := vstem-morph. pass-morph := morphbind. pass-c-stem-morph := pass-morph & cstem-morph. pass-v-stem-morph := pass-morph & vstem-morph. ere-morph := cond-morph. cond-exceptional-morph := cond-morph. ;(MS & FCB 2003-10-29) fixed the definition. i-or-t-morph := i-or-t-or-a-morph. i-morph := i-or-t-morph & i-or-shortadj-morph. t-morph := i-or-t-morph. ; ; FCB distinguish for adjective inflection ; te-morph: 古かった ; ta-morph: ta-morph := t-morph. te-morph := t-morph. i-or-shortadj-morph := v-or-c-stem-morph. shortadj-morph := i-or-shortadj-morph. stemtype := sort. regular-stem := stemtype. cons-stem := regular-stem. c-stem := cons-stem. c2-stem := cons-stem. v-stem := regular-stem. ; (ERB 2002-01-22) To keep te (and possibly other tense ; endings) out of the i-adj-inflectional rule. otherstem := stemtype. irregular-stem := stemtype. cop-stem := irregular-stem. da-stem := cop-stem. desu-stem := cop-stem. adj-stem := irregular-stem. kurusuru-stem := irregular-stem. infinitive-stem := stemtype. nominal-stem := stemtype. noun-stem := nominal-stem. poss-adv-stem := nominal-stem. pn := sort. person := pn. number := pn. ; (ERB 2001-11-12) For the experiment I'm doing with -tai, ; I need a type one-or-two. ;one := person. one-or-two := person. two-or-three := person. one := one-or-two. two := two-or-three & one-or-two. three := two-or-three. sg := number. pl := number. onesg := one & sg. twosg := two & sg. threesg := three & sg. onepl := one & pl. twopl := two & pl. threepl := three & pl. ; (MS 2005-03-01) andro should be fem or masc, but not neut (彼ら) gender := sort. andro := gender. fem := andro. masc := andro. neut := gender. ; (MS 2004-11-30) I want to distinguish between relatives and others, ; such that the others don't go into the relative clause rule. ; (MS 2005-03-29) intersective is not used any more. ; (MS 2005-07-04) we need something for compounds posthead := sort. nonrels := posthead. left := nonrels. right := nonrels. ;;intersective := nonrels. rels := posthead. coord := nonrels. compound := nonrels. ; (ERB 2002-01-24) To keep phrases produced by the conj-rule ; from being modified. The multiple layers here allow for ; te-conjunction to either side of other kinds of conjucntion, ; while still forcing one order of combination within a kind ; of conjunction. nucl := sort. fin_conj := nucl. not_fin_conj := nucl. te_conj := not_fin_conj. nucl_bool := not_fin_conj. nucl_plus := nucl_bool. nucl_minus := nucl_bool. ; (MS 2004-11-09) We need to divide auxiliaries into aspectual and others to ; be able to state where zpros can be inserted. aux := sort. aux_plus := aux. aux_minus_or_complex := aux. aux_minus := aux_minus_or_complex. aspect_aux := aux_plus. complex_aux := aux_plus & aux_minus_or_complex. ;;; ;;; Information from newlexsem-types.tdl (merged 2009-07-05) ;;; ; (ERB 2001-09-13) Moved LTOP = KEY.LBL constraint to MRS, so I'm taking it ; out of all of these types. ; (MS 2001-11-5) I'm afraid I have to undo this for the treatment of HAYAKU NEREBA YOI. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) I don't want nominal-sign-sem-type to inherit ; the constraints identifying its MOD-IND with its INDEX and its ; MOD-HAND with its LTOP because this is incorrect for the subtype ; nom-vn-sem-type. Making a subtype of nominal-sign-sem-type which ; does inherit all of these constraints. ; (MS 2003-07-09) changed due to matrix nominal-sign-sem-type := wg-handel-lex-mrs. mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type := nominal-sign-sem-type & mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. common-noun-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [ RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST reg-nom-relation ]]. ;date-noun-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & ; [ KEY #key & locable_rel, ; RELS 1-dlist & [LIST.FIRST #key ], ; HCONS ]. date-noun-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [ HCONS ]. ; (TT 2003-08-14) temporarily added nadv-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [ HCONS ]. ; pron-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [HOOK [LTOP #handle, INDEX #i], RELS diff-list & , HCONS ]. ppron-sem-type := pron-sem-type & [RELS ]. ; (ERB 2001-09-13) This type identifies LTOP with the LBL of ; the arg_rel. This has the happy consequence that the LBLS of ; the arg_rel and the place_rel are the same. lpron-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [HOOK [LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind], RELS , HCONS ]. personal-pronoun-sem-type := ppron-sem-type & [RELS.LIST.REST.FIRST.PRED def_q_rel]. det-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. lex-det-sem-type := det-sem-type. nom-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST noun-relation]]. nom-pred-sem-type := mod-id-nominal-sign-sem-type & [RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST noun-arg1-relation]]. ; (ERB 2001-10-31) I want to disallow NO from modifying NO ; nominalizations while still allowing it to modify vns used as ns. ; I'm doing this based on the KEY, so I've introduce a new kind ; of nominalise_rel for this type. (Replacing nominalise-pred_rel ; with nominalise-vn_rel.) ; (ERB 2001-11-26) We want to expose the event of the embedded ; verb as a target for modification. This means that the MOD-IND ; and the INDEX shouldn't be identified for this type. See notes ; at the vn2n rule in rule-types.tdl. ; nom-vn-sem-type := nominal-sign-sem-type. ; (FCB 2005-06-30) Move this inside the lexical rule ; [SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL noun-arg1-relation]. adj-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ HOOK.INDEX #inst, RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST adj-relation & [ ARG1 #inst]]]. ;(MS 2004-06-25) added the linking of LBL to LTOP. na-adj-sem-type-basic := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ HOOK [INDEX #event, LTOP #handle], RELS ]. na-adj-sem-type := na-adj-sem-type-basic & [ HCONS ]. ; (ERB 2001-08-06) In Smith-style number names, the numbers sometimes ; have to also provide the times_rel and the plus-relation. ; (ERB 2004-1-16) See notes at card-lex: exposing the ARG1 as the XARG. ; (FCB 2006-06-20) no MOD-IND/MOD-HAND ; FIXME check the semantics card-sem-type := mrs & [HOOK [INDEX #ind, XARG #xarg], HCONS , RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST const-relation & [ARG0 #ind, ARG1 #xarg]]]. ; card-sem-type := mrs & ; [MOD-IND #ind, ; MOD-HAND #hand, ; HOOK [INDEX #ind, ; LTOP #hand, ; XARG #xarg], ; HCONS , ; RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST const-relation & [ARG0 #ind, ; ARG1 #xarg]]]. ; (ERB 2001-08-28) Date expressions date-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [HCONS , HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST numbered-np-relation & [ ARG0 #ind ]]]. simple-adj-sem-type := adj-sem-type. dim-adj-sem-type := adj-sem-type & [ RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST adj-relation], HCONS ]. ;(MS 2004-06-24) As the n-conjunction gets an index, it should be quantified and therefore ; needs something in its HCONS. Therefore I erased the [HCONS ] condition. n-conj-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. ; (ERB 2001-09-13) Nothing is identifying KEY.LBL and LTOP for ; these guys. This constraint might belong somewhere higher up. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) In order for the k2y code to recognize PPs as modifiers, ; they need to be ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) This should inherit constraints identifying ; MOD-IND/HAND with INDEX/LTOP. ??? prep-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. ; (ERB 2001-09-03) For wa, which isn't quite like the other Ps. ; (ERB 2001-10-01) ... but not as different as I thought. Adding ; back constraint that ARG = INDEX. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) In order for the k2y code to recognize PPs as modifiers, ; they need to be ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense. topic-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. ; (MS 2003-07-09) This seems not to be used. ;preposition-sem-type := prep-sem-type & ; [ KEY #key, ; RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST #key]]. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) For constructing k2ys it's helpful to have ; the unspecified relation between nouns in an nn compound not ; be an instance of prep_mod_rel. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) This should inherit constraints identifying ; MOD-IND/HAND with INDEX/LTOP. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) It also can't identify its KEY's LBL with ; its LTOP, since KEY.LBL = MOD.MOD-HAND, and we don't want ; LTOP and MOD.MOD-HAND identified. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) Experimenting (as we so desire) with using ; a prep-mod_rel again here to allow compounds with nominalizations ; as the head. ; (ERB 2001-11-26) It seems to work. We'll use a special relation ; type (same as for genitive modifiers) so that the downstream machinery ; recognize this and posit a role. nncompound-sem-type := wg-handel-lex-mrs-basic. ; (ERB 2001-11-08) On the other hand, for n+vn compounds (used ; as vns) it's useful to have it be prep_mod_rel. ; (MS 2003-07-09) This seems not to be used. ;nvncompound-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & ; [KEY #key & prep-mod_rel & ; [ ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense ], ; RELS diff-list & [ LIST.FIRST #key ]]. appos-id-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [RELS ]. greeting-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ HCONS ]. excl-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ HCONS ]. ; (ERB 2001-12-10) Making these more like discourse adverbs like ; "well" and "so" in the LinGO grammar. (Existing analysis gives ; them only a LBL and doesn't link that handle up to anything. ; In a sufficiently long sentence, this leads to non-scoping MRSs.) ; (ERB 2001-12-10) This can't be mod-id-wg-handel mrs or even ; wg-handel-lex-mrs because its LTOP isn't its KEY.LBL. ; (ERB 2002-02-14) Try making discourse_rel a real type, not just ; REL name on subord_rel. ; (FCB 2006-06-20) Removed MOD-HAND interj-sem-type := wg-handel-lex-mrs-basic & [ HCONS ]. hes-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [RELS , HCONS ]. pred-sem-type := wg-handel-lex-mrs-basic. verb-sem-type := pred-sem-type. ;(FCB 2005-04-09) no one seems to be using this ; aux-sem-type := pred-sem-type & ; [MOD-IND #ind, ; MOD-HAND #hand, ; HOOK [INDEX #ind, ; LTOP #hand]]. ; (FCB 2006-06-20) lose the MOD-IND/MOD-HAND; I think we are linking this up elsewhere. simple-verb-sem-type := verb-sem-type. ; & ; [ HOOK [INDEX #ind, ; LTOP #top], ; MOD-IND #ind, ; MOD-HAND #top]. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) In order for the k2y code to recognize adverbs as modifiers, ; they need to be ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense. ; (ERB 2001-10-11) No one was saying the type of the relation for adverbs, ; it was being given as arg_rel & event_rel by inference from the features. ; Fixing this by making it adv_rel. i-sect-adv-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ HCONS ]. ; (ERB 2001-09-06) wh adverbs will have more than one element ; on the liszt. So scopal-adv-sem-type can't be RELS 1-dlist. ; I have some more things to add to the sem type for wh adverbs, ; so I'll just a supertype without that constraint... ; (ERB 2001-10-10) In order for the k2y code to recognize adverbs as modifiers, ; they need to be ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense. ; (ERB 2001-10-11) No one was saying the type of the relation for adverbs, ; it was being given as arg_rel & event_rel by inference from the features. ; Fixing this by making it adv_rel. possibly-wh-scopal-adv-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. scopal-adv-sem-type := possibly-wh-scopal-adv-sem-type. ; (ERB 2001-09-06) Here's my attempt at the sem type that gives ; the decompositional semantics for wh adverbs. ; (ERB 2001-09-06) Going on the assumption for now that these ; things are actually intersective modifiers. ; (ERB 2001-10-10) In order for the k2y code to recognize adverbs as modifiers ; they need to be ARG0.E.TENSE no_tense. ; (MS 2001-10-17) That leads to problems for e.g. dou suru. ; (MS 2001-10-18) I took the identification of INDEX.ARG0 and KEY.ARG0 out. ; (ERB 2001-10-17) Like other modifiers, wh adverbs pass up the index ; of the heads they modify. This index should not infact be identified ; with their own event. ; (ERB 2001-12-05) We're not finding dou in role tables, possibly ; because the altkey has no label. Try identifying WLINK of KEY & ; ALTKEY. ; (MS 2004-12-02) For generation, these need PRED values on the prep-mod-relation. wh-adv-sem-type := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & [ RELS , HCONS ]. ;(MS 2003-07-09) This seems not to be used. ;i-adj-sem-type := pred-sem-type & ; [ KEY #key & adj-relation, ; MOD-IND #ind, ; MOD-HAND #hand, ; HOOK [INDEX #ind, ; LTOP #hand], ; RELS [LIST.FIRST #key]]. ;simple-i-adj-sem-type := i-adj-sem-type & ; [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, ; RELS 1-dlist & [LIST.FIRST.ARG0 #ind], ; HCONS ]. ;pci-adj-sem-type := pred-sem-type & ; [ KEY #key & scope-adj-relation & [SCOPE #sc], ; MOD-IND #ind, ; MOD-HAND #hand, ; HOOK [INDEX #ind, ; LTOP #hand], ;; RELS diff-list & [LIST.FIRST #key], ;; HCONS.LIST ]. ;simple-pci-adj-sem-type := pci-adj-sem-type & ; [HOOK.INDEX #ind, ;; RELS 1-dlist & [LIST.FIRST.ARG0 #ind], ; HCONS ]. ;cond-pci-adj-sem-type := pci-adj-sem-type & ; [ LBL #op-hand, ; LTOP-H #scope, ; KEY.LBL #hand, ; RELS diff-list & [LIST [FIRST [ARG0.E.TENSE tense], ; REST [FIRST subord_rel & [R-HNDL #h2, ; L-HNDL #h1, ; LBL #hand]]]], ; HCONS ] . ; (ERB 2001-08-09) ; (ERB 2001-12-05) Need to enrich this to deal with 半 where the numeral ; classifier is going to add another plus-relation. ; (ERB 2004-1-16) I'm going to be introducing some H-CONS constraints now, because ; the numeral classifier is going to introduce the quantifier for the modified ; noun. ;num-cl-sem-type-super := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs & ; [ HCONS ]. num-cl-sem-type-super := mod-id-wg-handel-mrs. num-cl-sem-type := num-cl-sem-type-super. ; (FCB 2005-10-02) added so that vn2n's can become adverbial PPs reg-nom-arg1-relation := reg-nom-relation & noun-arg1-relation.