;;; -*- Mode: TDL; Package: DISCO -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright Emily M. Bender 2003-2005 ;;; All Rights Reserved. ;;; No use or redistribution without permission. ;;; ;;; mal-types.tdl ;;; ;;; mal-types for Arboretum project. ;;; ;; Type for bare_np_sg rule. I want this to be different ;; from the one already in the grammar, because I want to ;; give it a distinguished quant rel that we can generate ;; from. mal_bare_np_sg_phrase := generic_bare_np_phrase & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.DIV -, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY implicit_q_rel ], MODIFD #modif ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ DIV -, PNG.PN 3sg ], CAT [ VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY udef_q_rel ] >, HEAD.KEYS [ KEY norm_nom_rel ] ] ], MODIFD #modif ], POSSCL - ] >, C-CONT.RELS , ROBUST + ]. mal_bare_np_sg_rule := rule & mal_bare_np_sg_phrase. ;; Type for quant-rel: mal_bare_div_q_rel := implicit_q_rel & some_q_rel. ;; Mal NI (but not CE) rules, for lack of do support: mal_adv_addition := basic_adv_addition & [ DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.AUX - ]. mal_sai_synsem := basic_sai_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.AUX - ]. ; (ERB 2003-08-15) sai seems to be constraining its input ; to be INV +, rather than AUX +. So, moving that constraint down ; to sai, and putting the opposite thing on mal_sai. ; (ERB 2003-08-15) Adding AUX - to DTR to keep auxiliaries out ; of this mal-rule. mal_sai := basic_sai & [ SYNSEM mal_sai_synsem, DTR.SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ AUX -, INV - ] ]. ; (ERB 2003-10-17) For verbs like "allow" taking a CP[to] ; complement with the PRO bound to arbitrary reference. Regenerate ; with gerunds instead. (Might need another class where we ; regenerate with an inserted pronoun "one", if there are verbs ; that show up in this pattern but can't take gerund complements.) ; (ERB 2003-10-17) This is going to be a fairly strange verb type. I ; can't think of any true English verbs off hand that take an ; infinitival CP complement and allow arbitrary control of the subject ; of that complement. Furthermore, this type is also putting in some ; extra semantics, in order to allow the right string to come back ; from the generator. So, we're not inheriting from the usual places ; in the hierarchy. For example, main_verb is constrained to have a ; single element RELSs list. main_verb_mliszt will do, though, ; although this isn't what it was intended for. Likewise, I don't ; think any of the linking types lower in the hierarchy will do what ; we want. Took some constraints from subj_equi_inf_lt to try to ; restrict what can show up as the complement. ; (ERB 2003-10-23) Can't currently generate with these entries, ; and I don't know why. Can generate from the produced MRS at all, ; in fact. The MRS produced isn't the same as the MRS for the target, ; because of gerunds are built from progressives and therefore have ; a different value for PROGR. (There are some other mismatches, ; but they are compatible, so maybe it would work otherwise.) ; While we might consider changing the analysis of gerunds, I ; think the main conclusion to draw is that we will need some kind ; of a transfer component. Maybe put everything there rather than ; trying to map from mal-formed syntax to well-formed semantics in ; the grammar itself? If not everything, how to decide when to do ; which? mal_v_inf_cp_comp_verb := inf_intrans_subst & arg1_subj_lt & basic_two_arg & basic_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < unexpressed >, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind, LTOP #larg ], MSG no_msg ] ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG2 #ger ] ]. mal_v_inf_from_cp_comp_verb := inf_intrans_subst & arg1_subj_lt & basic_two_arg & basic_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < unexpressed >, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind, LTOP #larg ], MSG no_msg ] ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg12_relation & [ ARG2 #ger ] ]. _they+that_q_mal_rel :< demonstrative_q_rel. mal_finvp_rule := basic_unary_phrase & rule & [ INFLECTD +, ROBUST +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD #head, VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ], MC + ], CONJ cnil, CONT.MSG #msg ], NONLOC non-local_none ], ARGS < [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD #head & verb & [ VFORM fin, INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < unexpressed_reg >, COMPS *olist* ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #event, XARG #arg0 ], AGR.PNG #png ], NONLOC [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ], POSSCL #posscl, ROBUST - ] >, C-CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #lbl, INDEX #event ], RELS , HCONS ], POSSCL #posscl ]. double_det_rule := head_valence_phrase & head_final & rule & [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT #cat, CONT.MSG #msg, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC #nonloc, MODIFD #modif, LEX #lex ], HD-DTR [ INFLECTD +, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT #cat & [ HEAD det ], CONT [ HOOK #hdhook, MSG #msg ], CONJ cnil ], NONLOC #nonloc, MODIFD #modif, LEX #lex ] ], NH-DTR [ SYNSEM lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #nhindex, CONJ cnil ], NONLOC non-local_none, LKEYS.KEYREL.RSTR #rstr ] ], C-CONT [ HOOK #hdhook, RELS , HCONS ], ROBUST + ].