;;; Copyright (c) 1991-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see licence.txt for conditions ;;; Graphical fs drawing ;;; CL dialect specific ;;; This version for Allegro CL - CLIM2 (in-package :lkb) (eval-when (compile load eval) (proclaim '(special clim-user::*lkb-top-frame* clim-user::*lkb-top-stream*))) (defmacro with-output-to-top (() &body body) (let ((func (gensym))) `(let ((,func #'(lambda () ,@body))) (declare (dynamic-extent ,func)) (if clim-user::*lkb-top-stream* (clim-user::invoke-with-output-to-top ,func) (funcall ,func))))) ;;; SIMPLE DRAWING ;;; All these position functions only affect the text-cursor in CLIM ;;; CLIM2 manual 1994 ed 19.3 (defun move-to-x-y (stream x y) (clim:stream-set-cursor-position stream x y)) (defun current-position-y (stream) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream) (declare (ignore x)) y)) (defun current-position-x (stream) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream) (declare (ignore y)) x)) (defun current-position (stream) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (clim:stream-cursor-position stream) (clim:make-point x y))) (defun position-y (point) (clim:point-y point)) (defun position-x (point) (clim:point-x point)) ;;; added for RMRS output (defun make-position-record (x y) (clim:make-point x y)) ;;; RECTANGLE DRAWING #| ;;; not used ? (defun make-box-relative-from-corner (start-position w h) (cons start-position (make-point (+ (point-x start-position) w) (+ (point-y start-position) h)))) |# (defun frame-text-box (stream start-pos end-pos) ;;; given a start position and an end position from ;;; some text output, draws a suitable frame round it (let* ((start-x (position-x start-pos)) (start-y (position-y start-pos)) (x1 (- start-x 1)) ; upper-left point's x (y1 (- start-y 1)) ; upper-left point's y (x2 (+ (position-x end-pos) 1)) ; lower-right point's x (y2 (+ start-y 1 (text-font-height stream)))) ; lower-right point's y (clim:draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2 :filled nil :line-dashes t :line-thickness 2))) ;;; actually draw-rectangle* is more efficient, but leave for now (defun draw-box (stream box) (clim:draw-rectangle stream (car box) (cdr box) :filled nil)) #| ;;; not used ? (defun inside-box-p (position box) (let ((xpos (point-x position)) (ypos (point-y position))) (and (>= xpos (point-x (car box))) (<= xpos (point-x (cdr box))) (>= ypos (point-y (car box))) (<= ypos (point-y (cdr box)))))) |# ;;; FONT HANDLING (defun actual-text-style (stream) ;;; check that this stream supports text styles ;;; otherwise just return NIL (if (clim:extended-output-stream-p stream) (if (clim:medium-text-style stream) (clim:merge-text-styles (clim:medium-text-style stream) (clim:medium-default-text-style stream)) (clim:medium-default-text-style stream)))) #| ;;; not used ? (defun font (stream) (actual-text-style stream)) ;;; can't do this one, because in CLIM all text styles ;;; are relative to a medium (defun font-height (font-spec) (error "Untranslatable function")) |# (defun text-font-height (stream) (clim:text-style-height (actual-text-style stream) stream)) (defun font-ascent (stream) (clim:text-style-ascent (actual-text-style stream) stream)) (defun font-descent (stream) (clim:text-style-descent (actual-text-style stream) stream)) #| ;;; luckily it's not used - can't do it in CLIM apparently (defun font-leading (stream) (error "Untranslatable function")) |# (defun stream-string-width (stream string) (clim:stream-string-width stream string)) ;;; The functions called from format statements won't work, because ;;; it appears that Allegro CL hasn't implemented user-defined ;;; format-directives. ;;; We also have to be careful, ;;; because we apprently can't change text-style ;;; on some windows. So the stuff that uses ;;; FB etc will all have to be rewritten (defmacro with-bold-output (ostream body) `(clim:with-text-style (,ostream '(nil :bold nil)) ,body)) (defun lkb-y-or-n-p (strg) ;;; define so it uses y-or-n-p-dialog (y-or-n-p-general strg)) ;;; ======================================================================== ;;; Macros for pop-up menus (defmacro pop-up-menu (menu &body cases) (let ((command (gensym))) `(let ((,command (clim:menu-choose ,menu))) (when ,command (handler-case (ecase ,command ,@cases) (storage-condition (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition))) (error (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Error: ~A~%" condition))) (serious-condition (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Something nasty: ~A~%" condition)))))))) ;;; ======================================================================== ;;; Define general frame class for LKB frames (clim:define-application-frame lkb-frame () ((class-frames :initform nil :accessor class-frames :allocation :class) (selected :initform nil :accessor frame-selected) (doc-pane :initform nil :accessor lkb-window-doc-pane))) (defparameter *lkb-frame-lock* (mp:make-process-lock)) ;; Register frames of each class when they are created (defmethod clim:run-frame-top-level :before ((frame lkb-frame) &key) (mp:with-process-lock (*lkb-frame-lock*) (push frame (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame))))) ;; Find and raise the most recently created frame of a given class (defun reuse-frame (class) (let ((frame (clim:find-application-frame class :create nil :activate nil))) (when frame (mp:with-process-lock (*lkb-frame-lock*) (let ((latest (car (getf (class-frames frame) (find-class class))))) (when latest (clim:enable-frame latest) (clim:raise-frame latest) latest)))))) ;; Disable right button (clim:delete-gesture-name :menu) ;; Add a [Close] button (define-lkb-frame-command (com-close-frame :menu "Close") () (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (unhighlight-objects frame) (mp:with-process-lock (*lkb-frame-lock*) (setf (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame)) (delete frame (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame)) :test #'eq))) (clim:frame-exit frame))) ;; Add a [Close All] button (define-lkb-frame-command (com-close-all-frame :menu "Close All") () (mp:with-process-lock (*lkb-frame-lock*) (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (dolist (f (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame))) ;; Make sure we close ourself last (unless (eq f frame) (clim:execute-frame-command f '(com-close-frame)))) (clim:execute-frame-command frame '(com-close-frame))))) ;; Add a [Print] button (define-lkb-frame-command (com-print-frame :menu "Print") () (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (with-output-to-top () (multiple-value-bind (dest orient scale filename) (get-print-options) (case dest (:printer (format t "~%Printing to printer not implemented yet.")) (:file (when (or (not (probe-file filename)) (clim:notify-user clim-user::*lkb-top-frame* (format nil "File ~a exists.~%Overwrite?" filename) :style :question)) (handler-case (with-open-file (ps-stream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (clim:with-output-to-postscript-stream (stream ps-stream :scale-to-fit (not scale) :multi-page scale :orientation orient) (funcall (clim-internals::pane-display-function (clim-internals::find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'clim:application-pane)) frame stream))) (storage-condition (condition) (format t "~%Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition)) (error (condition) (format t "~%Error: ~A~%" condition)) (serious-condition (condition) (format t "~%Something nasty: ~A~%" condition)))))))))) (defmacro define-lkb-frame (frame-class slots &rest pane-options &key (info-bar nil) &allow-other-keys) `(clim:define-application-frame ,frame-class (lkb-frame) ,slots (:command-table (,frame-class :inherit-from (lkb-frame) :inherit-menu t)) (:panes (display (clim:vertically () (clim:outlining (:thickness 1) (clim:spacing (:thickness 1) (clim:scrolling (:scroll-bars :both) (clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane :name :lkb-pane :text-cursor nil :end-of-line-action :allow :end-of-page-action :allow :borders nil :background clim:+white+ :foreground clim:+black+ :display-time nil ,@pane-options)))) ,@(when info-bar '((clim:spacing (:thickness 1) (clim:make-pane 'clim:application-pane :name :path :text-cursor nil :end-of-line-action :allow :end-of-page-action :allow :borders nil :height 1 :record nil :scroll-bars nil))))))) (:layouts (default display)))) ;; Provide a way to describe an object when the pointer is over it (defmacro define-info-bar (type vars &body body) #+:allegro `(clim:define-presentation-method clim:highlight-presentation ((dummy ,type) record stream state) state (multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff) (clim:convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates stream (clim:output-record-parent record)) (let* ((,(first vars) (clim:presentation-object record)) (,(second vars) (lkb-window-doc-pane (clim:pane-frame stream)))) (if (eq state :highlight) ,@body (clim:window-clear ,(second vars)))) (clim:with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) record (clim:draw-rectangle* stream (+ left xoff) (+ top yoff) (+ right xoff) (+ bottom yoff) :filled nil :ink clim:+flipping-ink+))))) ;; Highlight a list of objects (defun highlight-objects (things frame) (let ((stream (clim:frame-standard-output frame))) (unhighlight-objects frame) (setf (frame-selected frame) (list (clim:with-new-output-record (stream) (clim:with-output-recording-options (stream :record t) (dolist (thing things) (when thing (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1 x2 y2) (clim:bounding-rectangle* (clim:output-record-parent thing)) (clim:draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2 :ink clim:+flipping-ink+ :filled t)))))))))) ;; Highlight a list of objects, making the first one red (defconstant +magenta-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+green+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defconstant +cyan-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+red+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defconstant +blue-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+yellow+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defconstant +green-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+magenta+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defconstant +red-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+cyan+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defconstant +yellow-flipping-ink+ (clim:make-flipping-ink clim:+blue+ clim:+foreground-ink+)) (defun highlight-objects-mark (things frame) (let ((stream (clim:frame-standard-output frame))) (unhighlight-objects frame) (highlight-objects (cdr things) frame) (push (clim:with-new-output-record (stream) (clim:with-output-recording-options (stream :record t) (when (car things) (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1 x2 y2) (clim:bounding-rectangle* (clim:output-record-parent (car things))) (clim:draw-rectangle* stream x1 y1 x2 y2 :ink +red-flipping-ink+ :filled t))))) (frame-selected frame)))) ;; Clear highlighting from a particular frame (defun unhighlight-objects (frame) (with-slots (selected) frame (when selected (dolist (record selected) (clim:erase-output-record record (clim:frame-standard-output frame) nil))) (setf selected nil))) ;; Clear highlighting all frames of a particular class (defun unhighlight-class (frame) (mapc #'unhighlight-objects (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame)))) ;; Find a frame of this class with something highlighted (defun highlighted-class (frame) (find-if #'frame-selected (getf (class-frames frame) (class-of frame)))) ;;; Search the display list for an object (defun find-object (stream test) (catch 'find-object (find-object-1 (slot-value stream 'clim:output-record) stream test))) (defun find-object-1 (rec stream test) (clim:map-over-output-records #'(lambda (rec) (when (clim:presentationp rec) (if (funcall test (clim:presentation-object rec)) (throw 'find-object rec))) (dolist (q (clim:output-record-children rec)) (find-object-1 q stream test))) rec)) ;;; Center the viewport on object (defun scroll-to (record stream) (let* ((vp-width (clim:bounding-rectangle-width (clim:pane-viewport-region stream))) (vp-height (clim:bounding-rectangle-height (clim:pane-viewport-region stream))) (x-pos (clim:point-x (clim:bounding-rectangle-center (clim:output-record-parent record)))) (y-pos (clim:point-y (clim:bounding-rectangle-center (clim:output-record-parent record)))) (x-max (clim:bounding-rectangle-max-x stream)) (y-max (clim:bounding-rectangle-max-y stream))) (clim:scroll-extent stream (max 0 (min (- x-pos (floor vp-width 2)) (- x-max vp-width))) (max 0 (min (- y-pos (floor vp-height 2)) (- y-max vp-height)))))) ;;; Generic message window ;;; ;;; To replace some of the messages which appear in the LKB Top ;;; etc and get lost ;;; (define-lkb-frame message-window ((message :initform nil :accessor message-window-message)) :display-function 'draw-message-window :width :compute :height :compute) (defun show-message-window (message) (mp:run-function "Message" #'show-message-really message)) (defun show-message-really (message) (let ((frame (clim:make-application-frame 'message-window))) (setf (message-window-message frame) message) (setf (clim:frame-pretty-name frame) "Message") (clim:run-frame-top-level frame))) (defun draw-message-window (frame stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (format stream "~%~A~%" (message-window-message frame)))