;;; Copyright (c) 1991--2004 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, Frederik Fouvry; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. ;;; ACL version (in-package :lkb) ;; Dialect specific stuff (defparameter *parse-window-width* 400 "Initial width of tree window") (defparameter *parse-window-height* 400 "Initial height of tree window") (defparameter *parse-tree-font* nil) (defun lkb-parse-tree-font nil (list :sans-serif :roman (or *parse-tree-font-size* 9))) (defun lkb-summary-tree-font () (list :sans-serif :roman (or *summary-tree-font-size* 7))) ; replaces *ptree-text-style* (def-lkb-parameter *ptree-node-sep* 6 "Spacing between nodes in a single generation.") (def-lkb-parameter *ptree-level-sep* 12 "Spacing between levels in the tree.") ;;; Globals used to keep track of parse chart (defvar *main-chart-frame* nil) (defvar *sub-chart-window-frames* nil) ;;; globals are set in chartout which is therefore read in ;;; after this file ;; ;; Define a frame class for our parse tree window ;; (define-lkb-frame parse-tree ((nodes :initform nil :accessor parse-tree-nodes) (current-chart :initform nil :accessor parse-tree-current-chart)) :display-function 'draw-parse-tree :width *parse-window-width* :height *parse-window-height*) (defun draw-new-parse-tree (topnode title horizontalp &optional counter) (declare (ignore horizontalp)) (mp:run-function title #'draw-new-parse-tree-really topnode counter title)) (defun draw-new-parse-tree-really (topnode counter &optional title) (let ((pframe (clim:make-application-frame 'parse-tree))) (setf (parse-tree-nodes pframe) topnode) (setf (parse-tree-current-chart pframe) (or counter *chart-generation-counter*)) (setf (clim:frame-pretty-name pframe) (or title "Parse Tree")) (clim:run-frame-top-level pframe))) (defun draw-parse-tree (ptree-frame stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((node-tree (parse-tree-nodes ptree-frame))) (clim:with-text-style (stream (lkb-parse-tree-font)) (clim:format-graph-from-root node-tree #'(lambda (node stream) (multiple-value-bind (s bold-p) (get-string-for-edge node) (clim:with-text-face (stream (if bold-p :bold :roman)) (if (get node 'edge-record) (clim:with-output-as-presentation (stream node 'symbol) (write-string s stream)) (write-string s stream))))) #'find-children :graph-type :parse-tree :stream stream :merge-duplicates nil :orientation :vertical :generation-separation *ptree-level-sep* :within-generation-separation *ptree-node-sep* :center-nodes nil)))) ;;; menus ;; ;; Make nodes active ;; (define-parse-tree-command (com-parse-tree-menu) ((edge-symbol 'symbol :gesture :select)) (let* ((edge-record (get edge-symbol 'edge-record)) (edge-fs (get edge-symbol 'edge-fs)) (item (edge-rule edge-record)) (rule-name (if (rule-p item) (rule-id item) item))) (pop-up-menu `( ("Feature structure" :value fs) ("Unfilled feature structure" :value ufs) (,(format nil "Feature structure - Chart edge ~A" (edge-id edge-record)) :value edge-fs) (,(format nil "Unfilled feature structure - Chart edge ~A" (edge-id edge-record)) :value edge-ufs) ("Show edge in chart" :value edge :active ,(and (not (g-edge-p edge-record)) (or (not (parse-tree-current-chart clim:*application-frame*)) (eql (parse-tree-current-chart clim:*application-frame*) *chart-generation-counter*)))) (,(format nil "Rule ~A" (or rule-name "")) :value rule) ("Sement" :value sement :active ,(mrs::algebra-available-p)) ("Rule sement" :value rule-sement :active ,(mrs::algebra-available-p)) ("Check algebra" :value check-algebra :active ,(mrs::algebra-available-p)) ("Generate from edge" :value generate :active ,(and *mrs-loaded* (not (g-edge-p edge-record)))) ;;; FIX - actually crashes Lisp to select this with a generator edge (,(format nil "Lex ids ~A" (edge-lex-ids edge-record)) :value nil)) (fs (display-fs edge-fs (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Tree FS" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))) (ufs (display-fs (unfilled-tdfs (copy-tdfs-completely edge-fs)) (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Tree Unfilled FS" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))) (edge-fs (let ((tdfs (and (edge-p edge-record) (edge-dag edge-record)))) (when (tdfs-p tdfs) (display-fs tdfs (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Edge FS" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))))) (edge-ufs (let ((tdfs (and (edge-p edge-record) (edge-dag edge-record)))) (when (tdfs-p tdfs) (display-fs (unfilled-tdfs (copy-tdfs-completely tdfs)) (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Edge Unfilled FS" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))))) (edge (progn (cond ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :enabled)) nil) ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :shrunk)) (clim:raise-frame *main-chart-frame*)) (t (show-chart) (mp:process-wait-with-timeout "Waiting" 5 #'chart-ready))) (highlight-edge edge-record *main-chart-frame* :scroll-to t))) (rule (let* ((item (edge-rule edge-record)) (rule (and (rule-p item) item))) (if rule (display-fs (rule-full-fs rule) (format nil "~A" (rule-id rule)) (rule-id rule)) (let ((alternative (get-tdfs-given-id item))) (when alternative (display-fs alternative (format nil "~A" item) item)))))) (sement ;;; we have to use the tdfs as used by the parser here, because ;;; otherwise we have things on the rels list that shouldn't be ;;; there because of the diff list (let ((parse-tdfs (and (edge-p edge-record) (edge-dag edge-record)))) (when (tdfs-p parse-tdfs) (show-mrs-sement-window parse-tdfs edge-fs edge-record (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Sement" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))))) (rule-sement ;;; this is to get the contribution of the rule - for cases where ;;; it has a c-cont (let ((rule-tdfs (and (edge-p edge-record) (rule-p (edge-rule edge-record)) (rule-full-fs (edge-rule edge-record))))) (when (tdfs-p rule-tdfs) (show-mrs-rule-sement-window rule-tdfs (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - Rule sement" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))))) (check-algebra (let ((parse-tdfs (if (edge-p edge-record) (edge-dag edge-record)))) (when (tdfs-p parse-tdfs) (show-mrs-sement-check-window parse-tdfs edge-fs edge-record (format nil "Edge ~A ~A - algebra check" (edge-id edge-record) (if (g-edge-p edge-record) "G" "P")))))) (generate (funcall 'really-generate-from-edge edge-record))))) ;;; ***** Single parse display window ******** ;;; because it's very annoying to get zillions of windows when there's ;;; a highly ambiguous sentence, the following code displays a ;;; single window with lots of little parse trees. It is ;;; based on Rob's compare code (see compare.lsp) (eval-when #+:ansi-eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) #-:ansi-eval-when (load eval compile) (defstruct prtree ;; Top node of parse tree top ;; Output record of tree output-record ;; edge edge)) (define-lkb-frame parse-tree-frame ((trees :initform nil :accessor parse-tree-frame-trees) (current-chart :initform nil :accessor parse-tree-frame-current-chart)) :display-function 'draw-res-trees-window :text-style (clim:parse-text-style (lkb-summary-tree-font)) :width :compute :height :compute) (defun invalidate-chart-commands nil ;;; this function should be redundant now because of *chart-generation-counter* nil) #| (clim:map-over-frames #'(lambda (frame) (when (and (eql (clim:frame-name frame) 'parse-tree-frame) (member (clim:frame-state frame) '(:enabled :shrunk))) (setf (clim:command-enabled 'com-multiple-tree-menu frame) nil) (setf (clim:command-enabled 'com-show-chart-from-tree frame) nil))))) |# (defun show-parse-tree-frame (parses &optional (title "Parse results")) (mp:run-function title #'show-parse-tree-frame-really parses title)) (defun show-parse-tree-frame-really (parses &optional title) (let ((frame (clim:make-application-frame 'parse-tree-frame))) (set-up-parse-tree-frame parses frame) (setf (clim:frame-pretty-name frame) (or title (format nil "~{~a ~}" (edge-leaves (car parses))))) (clim:run-frame-top-level frame))) (defun set-up-parse-tree-frame (parses frame) (setf (parse-tree-frame-current-chart frame) *chart-generation-counter*) (setf (parse-tree-frame-trees frame) (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (make-prtree :top (make-new-parse-tree p 1) :edge p)) parses))) (defun draw-res-trees-window (window stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (dolist (tree (parse-tree-frame-trees window)) (setf (prtree-output-record tree) (clim:with-text-style (stream (lkb-summary-tree-font)) (clim:with-new-output-record (stream) (clim:with-output-recording-options (stream :record t) (clim:with-output-as-presentation (stream tree 'prtree :single-box t) (clim:format-graph-from-root (prtree-top tree) #'(lambda (node stream) (multiple-value-bind (s bold-p) (get-string-for-edge node) (clim:with-text-face (stream (if bold-p :bold :roman)) (write-string s stream)))) #'find-children :graph-type :parse-tree :stream stream :merge-duplicates nil :orientation :vertical :generation-separation 5 :move-cursor t :within-generation-separation 5 :center-nodes nil))) (terpri stream)))))) (define-parse-tree-frame-command (com-multiple-tree-menu) ((tree 'prtree :gesture :select)) (let ((command (clim:menu-choose `(("Show enlarged tree" :value show) ("Highlight chart nodes" :value chart) ("Partial chart" :value partial-chart) ("Generate" :value generate :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("MRS" :value mrs :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("Prolog MRS" :value prolog :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("RMRS" :value rmrs :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("DMRS" :value dmrs :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("Indexed MRS" :value indexed :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("Scoped MRS" :value scoped :active ,*mrs-loaded*) #+:logon ("UTool MRS" :value utool :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("Dependencies" :value dependencies :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("FOL approximation" :value fol :active ,*mrs-loaded*) ("Rephrase" :value rephrase :active ,*mrs-loaded*) )))) (when command (handler-case (ecase command (show (draw-new-parse-tree (prtree-top tree) "Parse tree" nil (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*))) (chart (if (or (not (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*)) (eql (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*) *chart-generation-counter*)) (progn (cond ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :enabled)) nil) ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :shrunk)) (clim:raise-frame *main-chart-frame*)) (t (show-chart) (mp:process-wait-with-timeout "Waiting" 5 #'chart-ready))) (display-edge-in-chart (prtree-edge tree))) (lkb-beep))) (partial-chart (if (or (not (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*)) (eql (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*) *chart-generation-counter*)) (multiple-value-bind (root subframe-p) (cond ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :enabled)) (values (chart-window-root *main-chart-frame*) t)) ((and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :shrunk)) (values (chart-window-root *main-chart-frame*) t)) (t (values (construct-chart-no-display) nil))) (display-partial-chart root (prtree-edge tree) subframe-p)) (lkb-beep))) ;; funcall avoids undefined function warnings (generate (funcall 'really-generate-from-edge (prtree-edge tree))) (mrs (funcall 'show-mrs-window (prtree-edge tree))) (indexed (funcall 'show-mrs-indexed-window (prtree-edge tree))) (prolog (funcall 'show-mrs-prolog-window (prtree-edge tree))) (scoped (funcall 'show-mrs-scoped-window (prtree-edge tree))) #+:logon (utool (funcall 'show-mrs-utool-window (prtree-edge tree))) (rmrs (funcall 'show-mrs-rmrs-window (prtree-edge tree))) (dmrs (funcall 'show-mrs-dmrs-window (prtree-edge tree))) (dependencies (funcall 'show-mrs-dependencies-window (prtree-edge tree))) (fol (funcall 'show-mrs-fol-window (prtree-edge tree))) (rephrase (let ((symbol (when (find-package :mt) (find-symbol "REPHRASE" :mt)))) (when (and symbol (fboundp symbol)) (funcall symbol (prtree-edge tree)))))) (storage-condition (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition))) (error (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Error: ~A~%" condition))) (serious-condition (condition) (with-output-to-top () (format t "~%Something nasty: ~A~%" condition))))))) (defun chart-ready nil (and *main-chart-frame* (eql (clim:frame-state *main-chart-frame*) :enabled))) (define-parse-tree-frame-command (com-show-chart-from-tree :menu "Show chart") () (if (or (not (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*)) (eql (parse-tree-frame-current-chart clim:*application-frame*) *chart-generation-counter*)) (show-chart) (lkb-beep))) (define-parse-tree-frame-command (com-compare-from-tree :name "Compare" :menu t) () (clim:with-application-frame (frame) (let ((edges (loop for tree in (parse-tree-frame-trees frame) collect (prtree-edge tree)))) (compare-parses edges))))