;;; Copyright (c) 1991-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see licence.txt for conditions ;;; Most of the functions in here are implementation specific ;;; This has been extensively modified for MCL (in-package :lkb) ;;; Dialogs ;;; Some general purpose functions ;;; This is a function so users can change font sizes after code has loaded (defun lkb-dialog-font nil (if (ccl:osx-p) (ccl::sys-font-spec) (list "Chicago" *dialog-font-size* :srccopy :plain))) (defun ask-user-for-existing-pathnames (prompt) ; scruffy (let ((pathnames nil)) (loop (let ((pathname (ask-user-for-existing-pathname prompt))) (unless pathname (return)) (push pathname pathnames))) (nreverse pathnames))) (defun ask-user-for-existing-pathname (prompt) ; to match Procyon def (declare (ignore prompt)) (let ((filename (catch-cancel (choose-file-dialog)))) (if (eql filename :cancel) nil filename))) (defun ask-user-for-new-pathname (prompt &optional protected) (declare (ignore protected)) ; to match Procyon def (let ((filename (catch-cancel (choose-new-file-dialog :prompt prompt)))) (if (eql filename :cancel) nil filename))) (defun y-or-n-p-general (query-string) ;;; to avoid dialect specific stuff going in main files (let ((response (catch-cancel (y-or-n-dialog query-string)))) (not (or (null response) (eql response :cancel))))) ;;; ask-for-strings-movable takes a title and a list of ;;; prompt . initial-value pairs ;;; A dialog is built which contains two buttons ;;; :ok and :cancel and a series of non-editable editable text ;;; pairs corresponding to the argument list ;;; When the ok box is clicked the amended vales are returned ;;; when the cancel box is clicked nil is returned ;;; The dialog box built is sized appropriately (defun ask-for-strings-movable (title prompt-init-pairs &optional (expected-width 100)) (with-package (:lkb) (let* ((font (lkb-dialog-font)) (ascent (font-info font)) (spacing (+ ascent 4)) (button-height 20) (button-width 74) (prompt-width (+ 20 (find-maximum-string-width font (mapcar #'car prompt-init-pairs)))) (value-width (+ 20 (max (find-maximum-string-width font (mapcar #'cdr prompt-init-pairs)) (or expected-width 0)))) (count 0) (prompt-init-items (loop for prompt-init-pair in prompt-init-pairs append (make-prompt-init-dialog-items 0 button-height prompt-width spacing value-width (incf count) (car prompt-init-pair) (cdr prompt-init-pair) font)))) (ask-for-strings-dialog title prompt-init-items prompt-width value-width button-width button-height spacing font)))) (defun find-maximum-string-width (font items) (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (val) (if (stringp val) (string-width val font) 0)) items))) (defun make-prompt-init-dialog-items (offset button-height prompt-width spacing value-width count prompt init font) (declare (special *choice-default*)) (list (make-dialog-item 'static-text-dialog-item (make-point spacing (+ spacing (* (1- count) (+ spacing button-height)))) (make-point prompt-width button-height) prompt nil :view-font font) (let ((top-left (make-point (+ offset spacing prompt-width spacing) (+ spacing (* (1- count) (+ spacing button-height)))))) (cond ((eq init :check-box) (make-dialog-item 'check-box-dialog-item top-left (make-point value-width button-height) nil)) ((and (consp init) (eq (car init) :typein-menu)) (if (and (find-class 'typein-menu nil) (< (length (cdr init)) 100)) (make-dialog-item 'typein-menu top-left (make-point value-width (+ button-height 3)) (if (and (boundp '*choice-default*) *choice-default*) *choice-default* (cadr init)) nil :view-font font :menu-position :right :menu-items (mapcan #'(lambda (s) (when (< (length s) 256) (list (make-instance 'typein-menu-item :menu-item-title s)))) (cdr init))) ; MCL 2.0.1 doesn't have typein-menu (make-dialog-item 'editable-text-dialog-item top-left (make-point value-width button-height) (if (and (boundp '*choice-default*) *choice-default*) *choice-default* (cadr init)) nil :view-font font))) (t (make-dialog-item 'editable-text-dialog-item top-left (make-point value-width button-height) init nil :view-font font)))))) (defun ask-for-strings-dialog (title prompt-init-items prompt-width value-width button-width button-height spacing font) (let* ((request-dialog nil) (return-values nil) (title-width (+ 40 (string-width title font))) (ideal-width (max title-width (+ spacing spacing spacing (max (+ prompt-width value-width) (+ button-width button-width))))) (ideal-height (+ spacing (* (1+ (truncate (length prompt-init-items) 2)) (+ spacing button-height)))) (window-width (min ideal-width (- *screen-width* 100))) (window-height (min ideal-height (- *screen-height* 100)))) (setf request-dialog (make-instance 'dialog :window-type :document :window-title "" :view-position (make-point (truncate (- *screen-width* window-width) 2) 60) :view-size (make-point window-width window-height) :view-font font :back-color (if (ccl:osx-p) *tool-back-color* *white-color*) (if (ccl:osx-p) :theme-background :ignore) t :close-box-p nil :view-subviews (list* (make-dialog-item 'button-dialog-item (make-point (- window-width (* 2 (+ spacing button-width))) (- window-height (+ spacing button-height))) (make-point button-width button-height) "Cancel" #'(lambda (item) (setf return-values :cancel) (window-close (view-container item)))) (make-dialog-item 'default-button-dialog-item (make-point (- window-width (+ spacing button-width)) (- window-height (+ spacing button-height))) (make-point button-width button-height) "OK" #'(lambda (item) (dotimes (n (length (view-subviews request-dialog))) (when (> n 1) ; skip the two buttons (let ((d-item (aref (view-subviews request-dialog) n))) (setq return-values (nconc return-values (cond ((typep d-item 'editable-text-dialog-item) (list (dialog-item-text d-item))) ((and (find-class 'typein-menu nil) (typep d-item 'typein-menu)) ; old MCL won't have this type (list (dialog-item-text (ccl::typein-editable-text d-item)))) ((typep d-item 'check-box-dialog-item) (list (check-box-checked-p d-item))))))))) (window-close (view-container item)))) prompt-init-items))) (let ((loop-return (loop (event-dispatch) (sleep 0.2) (when (null (wptr request-dialog)) (if return-values (return return-values) (return :cancel)))))) (if (eql loop-return :cancel) nil loop-return)))) (defun ask-for-lisp-movable (title prompt-init-pairs &optional expected-width choices) ;; Procyon version called a special dialog item - no known equivalnet in MCL ;; so coerce the cdrs of the prompt-init pairs to strings and coerce the ;; results back to s-expressions (let* ((*choice-default* nil) (new-prompt-init-pairs (mapcar #'(lambda (p-i-p) (cons (car p-i-p) (cond ((eq (cdr p-i-p) :check-box) :check-box) ;; ugly way of passing in multiple choices - convert ;; to a typein-menu ((and choices (< (length choices) 100)) (setq *choice-default* (format nil "~A" (cdr p-i-p))) (cons :typein-menu (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~A" x)) choices))) (t (format nil "~A" (cdr p-i-p)))))) prompt-init-pairs))) (declare (special *choice-default*)) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ((symbolp x) x) ((equal x "") nil) (t (read-from-string x)))) (ask-for-strings-movable title new-prompt-init-pairs expected-width)))) ;;; Bernie kludgy code rewritten for MCL ;;; ;;; ask-user-for-multiple-choice uses buttons - previous incarnations ;;; had an other button if there were > nine choices but it would ;;; be better to use a sequence dialog in that case ;;; - this never arises in the LKB currently anyway (defun ask-user-for-multiple-choice (question-string &rest args) (with-package (:lkb) (let* ((font (lkb-dialog-font)) (remainder (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (format nil "~S" arg)) args)) (button-width (max 60 (+ (if (ccl:osx-p) 40 10) ; take account of rounded ends (find-maximum-string-width font remainder)))) (spacing 10) (button-height 20) (request-dialog nil) (return-value nil) (value nil) (count 0) (max-width 0) (buttons nil) (current-width 0) (current-height 0)) ;;; First item is the default ;;; Arrange subsequent items in a table ;;; up to 4 items - all across ;;; > 4 - in rows of 4 (could make this neater) (loop (when (null remainder) (return)) (setf value (car remainder)) (setf remainder (cdr remainder)) (when value (incf count) (setf current-width (if (eql (mod count 4) 1) spacing (+ current-width spacing button-width))) (setf max-width (max current-width max-width)) (when (and (not (eql count 1)) (eql (mod count 4) 1)) (setf current-height (+ button-height current-height spacing))) (push (make-dialog-item 'default-button-dialog-item (make-point (+ spacing current-width) (+ spacing current-height)) (make-point button-width button-height) value #'(lambda (item) (setf return-value (dialog-item-text item)) (window-close (view-container item))) :default-button (eql count 1)) buttons))) (setf request-dialog (make-instance 'dialog :window-type :document :window-title question-string :view-position '(:top 60) :view-size (make-point (max (+ max-width button-width spacing spacing) (+ (string-width question-string font) 20)) (+ current-height button-height spacing spacing)) :view-font font :back-color (if (ccl:osx-p) *tool-back-color* *white-color*) (if (ccl:osx-p) :theme-background :ignore) t :close-box-p nil :view-subviews (nreverse buttons))) (loop (event-dispatch) (sleep 0.2) ; process other guff (when (null (wptr request-dialog)) (if return-value (return (read-from-string return-value)) (return nil))))))) #| (ask-user-for-multiple-choice "Well?" "foobar" "wombat" "aardvark" "arrdwolf" "weeble") (ask-user-for-multiple-choice "Well?" 'foobar 'weeble) (ask-user-for-multiple-choice "Well?" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) returns the lisp object corresponding to the button |#