;;; Copyright (c) 1993-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, ;;; John Bowler - see licence.txt for conditions ;;; The class of a pop-up field. This is implemented as a "pop-up-menu" which has menu items ;;; as given by the passed in list (a menu-items list). The instance arguments are:- ;;; ;;; item-display - text to display in the window (defines size of window) ;;; menu-items - list of things to put on the menu ;;; view-container - where to put the menu ;;; view-position - the start of the string ;;; ;;; The pop-up is automatically positioned in the *current-view* at the current point. (in-package :ccl) (defclass pop-up-field (pop-up-menu) ((shrunk-p :initform :shrunk-p :initarg nil :accessor shrunk-p) (other-junk :initform :other-junk :initarg nil :accessor other-junk)) ;; other-junk is for random junk that doesn't affect the display (:default-initargs :view-size #@(1 1) ;;; to allow the pop-up-menu code to evaluate the size :view-font '("Helvetica" 9 :bold))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self pop-up-field) &rest initargs &key item-string item-font view-position shrunk-p other-junk) (declare (ignore initargs view-position)) (setf (other-junk self) other-junk) (setf (shrunk-p self) shrunk-p) (when (> (length item-string) 120) (setq item-string (subseq item-string 0 120))) ; avoid running into an internal menu width limit (set-view-size self (+ (string-width (or item-string "") (or item-font (view-font self))) 5) ; kludge so active region long enough (+ (lkb::font-ascent self) (lkb::font-descent self)))) ;;; Annie wants not a triangle (defmethod view-draw-contents ((self pop-up-field)) (declare (ignore self)) nil) #| (erase-rect self (view-scroll-position self) (view-size self)) (when (shrunk-p self) (frame-rect self (view-scroll-position self) (view-size self))) (move-to self 0 (lkb::font-ascent self)) (let* ((item-display (pop-up-menu-item-display self)) (my-string (if (stringp item-display) item-display (format nil "~A" item-display)))) (princ my-string self))) |# #| TEST CASES (setq *my-pop-up-1* (make-instance 'pop-up-field :item-display "Lexical blaney" :view-position #@(20 20) :shrunk-p t :menu-items (list (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item one" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 1))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item two" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 2))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item three" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 3))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item fourteen" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 14)))))) (setq *my-pop-up-2* (make-instance 'pop-up-field :item-display "Gooey" :view-position #@(30 50) :menu-items (list (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item one" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 1))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item ninety nice" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 99))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item three hundred and three" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 303))) (make-instance 'menu-item :menu-item-title "item fourteen fourteen (is this French?)" :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print 1414)))))) (setq my-dial (make-instance 'dialog :view-size #@(200 200) :window-title "Pop-up Field Test" :view-subviews (list *my-pop-up-1* *my-pop-up-2*))) |# "PICFIELD.LSP"