;;; Copyright (c) 1995-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see licence.txt for conditions (in-package :lkb) ;;; TDFS display ;;; Jan 1997 - moved from yadu.lsp ;;; relies on yadu structs ;;; display-dag2 ;;; called from activefs.lsp ;;; display the indef structure ;;; put a slash after it about half way down ;;; display the def structure ;;; put another slash after it ;;; display the tail in path notation ;;; return the maximum width this has taken (defun display-dag2 (tdfs device stream &optional box) (let* ((*shrunk-local-dags* (tdfs-shrunk tdfs)) (*not-shrunk-local-dags* (tdfs-not-shrunk tdfs)) (indef-dag (tdfs-indef tdfs)) (def-dag (yadu-winner tdfs)) (tail (tdfs-tail tdfs)) (indef-width (display-dag1 indef-dag device stream nil nil box)) (def-width 0) (tail-width 0)) (when tail (format stream "/") (setf def-width (display-dag1 def-dag device stream 0 nil box)) (format stream "/") (setf tail-width (apply #'max (loop for tail-element in tail collect (display-tail tail-element stream))))) (apply #'max (cons 0 (loop for val in (list indef-width def-width tail-width) when (integerp val) collect val))))) ;;; tails are displayed as ;;; specificity: < path > = type ;;; or ;;; specificity: < path > = < path > ;;; types are bold, lower case, as usual ;;; ;;; * indicates non-lexical persistence ;;; ;;; the new fs display type 'tail is in outputfs.lsp ;;; *description-persistence* is in globals.lsp (defun display-tail (tail-element stream) (format stream "~%") (let ((start-pos (current-position stream)) (pers (tail-element-persistence tail-element)) (spec (tail-element-spec tail-element))) (unless (equal pers (list *description-persistence*)) (format stream " *")) (add-type-and-active-fs-region stream start-pos nil spec nil t) (format stream ": ") (let ((path-rep (tail-element-path-rep tail-element))) (if (yadu-pv-p path-rep) (let ((path (path-typed-feature-list (yadu-pv-path path-rep))) (value (yadu-pv-value path-rep))) (output-tail-features stream path) (let ((new-start-pos (current-position stream))) (add-type-and-active-fs-region stream new-start-pos nil value nil t))) (loop for path in (yadu-pp-paths path-rep) do (output-tail-features stream (path-typed-feature-list path)))) (current-position-x stream)))) (defun output-tail-features (stream label-list) (if label-list (progn (format stream "< ~A " (car label-list)) (when (cdr label-list) (let ((remainder (cdr label-list))) (loop (unless remainder (return)) (format stream " ~A " (car remainder)) (setf remainder (cdr remainder))))) (format stream ">")) (format stream "<>")) (format stream " "))