;;; Copyright (c) 1991-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see licence.txt for conditions (in-package :lkb) ;;; not loaded in tty mode (defvar *type-fs-display* nil) ;;; Top level functions ;;; ;;; "Load" ;;; all in various input files ;;; apart from (defun read-script-file nil (with-package (:lkb) (let* (#+:allegro (excl:*libfasl* nil) (file-name (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Script file?"))) (with-output-to-top () (read-script-file-aux file-name))))) ;;; "View" ;;; ;;; "Type hierarchy" show-type-tree (defparameter *last-type-name* '*top*) (defun show-type-tree nil (multiple-value-bind (type show-all-p ignore-limit-p) (ask-user-for-type nil '("Show all types?" . :check-box) '("Ignore 300 descendant limit?" . :check-box)) (when type (if (or ignore-limit-p (< (length (ltype-descendants (get-type-entry type))) 300)) (create-type-hierarchy-tree type nil show-all-p) (show-message-window (format nil "Type has ~A descendants, display stopped~%Use check box to override" (length (ltype-descendants (get-type-entry type))))))))) ;;; "Type spec" show-type-spec (defun show-type-spec nil (let ((type (ask-user-for-type))) (when type (display-type-in-tree type t) (show-type-spec-aux type (get-type-entry type))))) (defun show-type-spec-aux (type type-entry) (let ((*type-fs-display* t)) (display-fs-and-parents (ltype-local-constraint type-entry) (format nil "~(~A~) - definition" type) (loop for parent in (ltype-parents type-entry) append (let ((parent-entry (get-type-entry parent))) (if (ltype-glbp parent-entry) (list parent (remove-duplicates (get-real-types parent))) (list parent)))) type))) ;;; "Expanded type" show-type (defun show-type nil (let* ((type (ask-user-for-type)) (type-entry (if type (get-type-entry type)))) (when type-entry (display-type-in-tree type t) (show-type-aux type type-entry)))) (defun show-type-aux (type type-entry) (if (ltype-tdfs type-entry) (let ((*type-fs-display* t)) (display-fs (ltype-tdfs type-entry) (format nil "~(~A~) - expanded" type) type)) (format t "~%No tdfs for type ~A" type))) ;;; "Type hierarchy" show-type-hierarchy ;;; "Word entries" show-words (defun show-words nil (show-word-aux t)) (defun show-word-defs nil (show-word-aux nil)) (defun show-word-aux (exp-p) (loop with word-string and orth-list and lex-entries and prompt = "" for word-entry in (loop do (setf word-string (ask-user-for-word prompt)) (if word-string (setf orth-list (split-into-words (string-upcase word-string))) (return nil)) (if orth-list (setf lex-entries (get-lex-entry (car orth-list)))) (if lex-entries (return lex-entries) (setf prompt (format nil "(~a is not defined)" (string-upcase word-string))))) do (when (equal (mapcar #'string-upcase (lex-entry-orth word-entry)) orth-list) (if exp-p (display-fs (lex-entry-full-fs word-entry) (format nil "~(~A~) - ~A - expanded" word-string (lex-entry-id word-entry)) (lex-entry-id word-entry)) (display-unexpanded-lex-entry word-string word-entry (lex-entry-id word-entry)))))) ;;; "Lex entry" show-lex (defun show-lex nil (let* ((lex (ask-user-for-lex)) (lex-entry (if lex (get-lex-entry-from-id lex)))) (when lex-entry (display-fs (lex-entry-full-fs lex-entry) (format nil "~(~A~) - expanded" lex) lex)))) (defun show-other nil (multiple-value-bind (other-id other-entry) (ask-user-for-other-id) (when other-entry (display-fs (psort-full-fs other-entry) (format nil "~(~A~) - expanded" other-id) other-id)))) (defun display-unexpanded-lex-entry (lex lex-entry &optional id) (display-fs (lex-entry-local-fs lex-entry) (if id (format nil "~(~A~) - ~A - definition (indef)" lex id) (format nil "~(~A~) - definition (indef)" lex)))) (defun show-grammar-rule nil (let* ((rule-entry (ask-user-for-rule))) (when rule-entry (display-fs (rule-full-fs rule-entry) (format nil "~(~A~)" (rule-id rule-entry)) (rule-id rule-entry) )))) (defun show-lex-rule nil (let* ((rule-entry (ask-user-for-lexical-rule))) (when rule-entry (display-fs (rule-full-fs rule-entry) (format nil "~(~A~)" (rule-id rule-entry)) (rule-id rule-entry))))) (defparameter *last-lex-id* 'kim_1) ;;; ;;; View utilities (defun ask-user-for-type (&optional qstring check-box-spec show-all-types-spec (prompt "")) (let ((res (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" (append (list (cons (format nil "~a~%~a" prompt (or qstring "Type?")) *last-type-name*)) (if check-box-spec (list check-box-spec) nil) (if show-all-types-spec (list show-all-types-spec) nil)) 150 *type-names*)))) (when res (let ((type (car res)) (check-1-p (cadr res)) (check-2-p (caddr res))) (setf *last-type-name* type) (eval-possible-leaf-type *leaf-types* type) (let ((type-entry (get-type-entry type))) (unless type-entry (setf type (ask-user-for-type qstring check-box-spec nil (format nil "(Type ~A is not defined)" type)))) (values type check-1-p check-2-p)))))) ;;; display-fs is in outputfs.lsp (defun ask-user-for-lex (&optional (prompt "")) (let* ((possible-name (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `((,(format nil "~a~%Lex-id?" prompt) . ,*last-lex-id*)) 150)))) (when possible-name (let* ((lex (car possible-name)) (lex-entry (get-lex-entry-from-id lex))) (setf *last-lex-id* lex) (unless lex-entry (setf lex (ask-user-for-lex (format nil "(Lexical entry ~A is not defined)" lex)))) lex)))) (defparameter *last-other-id* 'root) (defun ask-user-for-other-id (&optional (prompt "")) (let ((possible-name (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `((,(format nil "~a~%Entry id?" prompt) . ,*last-other-id*)) 150)))) (when possible-name (let* ((id (car possible-name)) (id-entry (get-other-entry id))) (setf *last-other-id* id) (unless id-entry (setf id (ask-user-for-other-id (format nil "(~A is not defined)" id)))) (values id id-entry))))) (defparameter *last-rule-id* 'head-specifier-rule) (defun ask-user-for-rule nil (let ((rule-names nil)) (declare (dynamic-extent rule-names)) (maphash #'(lambda (name value) (declare (ignore value)) (push name rule-names)) *rules*) (setf rule-names (sort rule-names #'string-lessp)) (let ((possible-name (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `(("Rule?" . ,*last-rule-id*)) 150 rule-names)))) (when possible-name (let* ((name (car possible-name)) (rule-entry (get-grammar-rule-entry name))) (unless rule-entry (format t "~%~A is not defined" name) (setf rule-entry (ask-user-for-rule))) (when name (setf *last-rule-id* name)) rule-entry))))) (defparameter *last-lex-rule-id* nil) (defun ask-user-for-lexical-rule nil (if *lexical-rules* (let ((rule-names nil)) (declare (dynamic-extent rule-names)) (maphash #'(lambda (name value) (declare (ignore value)) (push name rule-names)) *lexical-rules*) (setf rule-names (sort rule-names #'string-lessp)) (let ((possible-rule-name (if *last-lex-rule-id* (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `(("Lexical Rule?" . ,*last-lex-rule-id*)) 150 rule-names)) (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `(("Lexical Rule?" . ,(car rule-names))) 150 rule-names))))) (when possible-rule-name (let* ((name (car possible-rule-name)) (rule-entry (get-lex-rule-entry name))) (unless rule-entry (format t "~%Lexical rule ~A is not defined" name) (setf rule-entry (ask-user-for-lexical-rule))) (when name (setf *last-lex-rule-id* name)) rule-entry)))))) (defparameter *last-word* "the") (defun ask-user-for-word (prompt) (let ((possible-name (ask-for-strings-movable "Current interaction" `((,(format nil "~a~%Word?" prompt) . ,(or *last-word* (car (lex-words *lexicon*))))) 150))) (when possible-name (let* ((lex (car possible-name)) (lex-string (if (stringp lex) lex (format nil "~S" lex)))) (when lex-string (setf *last-word* lex-string)) lex-string)))) ;;; Lexical rule application (defun apply-lex (&optional id) (let* ((lex (or id (ask-user-for-lex))) (lex-entry (if lex (get-lex-entry-from-id lex))) (lex-entry-fs (if lex-entry (lex-entry-full-fs lex-entry)))) (when lex-entry-fs (let ((lex-rule (ask-user-for-lexical-rule))) (when lex-rule (let ((result (apply-lex-interactive lex lex-entry-fs lex-rule))) (cond (result (display-fs result (format nil "~(~A~) + ~A" lex (rule-id lex-rule)) (rule-id lex-rule))) (t (format t "~%Lexical rule application failed"))))))))) (defun apply-lex-rules (&optional id) (let* ((lex (or id (ask-user-for-lex))) (lex-entry (if lex (get-lex-entry-from-id lex))) (lex-entry-fs (if lex-entry (lex-entry-full-fs lex-entry)))) (when lex-entry-fs (apply-or-reapply-lex-rules lex-entry-fs lex)))) (defun apply-or-reapply-lex-rules (fs lex) (setf *number-of-applications* 0) (let* ((*maximal-lex-rule-applications* (if *lex-rule-show-one-step* 1 *maximal-lex-rule-applications*)) (result-list (try-all-lexical-rules (list (cons nil fs))))) (if result-list (draw-active-list (mapcar #'(lambda (result-pair) (let* ((done (format nil "~(~A~) ~{+ ~A~}" lex (reverse (car result-pair)))) (string #+:bmw (format nil "~(~A~) = ~A" (extract-orth-from-fs (cdr result-pair)) done) #-:bmw (format nil "~A = ~(~A~)" done (extract-orth-from-fs (cdr result-pair))) )) (cons string (cons string (cons done (cdr result-pair)))))) result-list) "Lexical rule results" (list (cons "Apply all lex rules" #'(lambda (display-res) (apply-or-reapply-lex-rules (cddr display-res) (cadr display-res)))) (cons "Feature structure" #'(lambda (display-res) (display-fs (cddr display-res) (car display-res)))))) (progn (lkb-beep) (format #+:clim clim-user::*lkb-top-stream* #-:clim t "~%No applicable lexical rules"))))) ;;; "Parse" ;;; ;;; "Parse Input" do-parse (defparameter *last-parses* '("the dog barks")) (defun do-parse nil (let* ((sentence (ask-for-strings-movable "Current Interaction" `(("Sentence" . ,(cons :typein-menu *last-parses*))) 400))) (when sentence (setf *sentence* (car sentence)) (close-existing-chart-windows) (let ((str (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\newline) (car sentence)))) (setq *last-parses* (butlast (cons str (remove str *last-parses* :test #'equal)) (max 0 (- (length *last-parses*) 12)))) ; limit number of sentences retained (with-output-to-top () (parse (split-into-words (preprocess-sentence-string str)))))))) ;;; "Generate" generate-from-edge ;;; this is in mrstoplevel.lsp ;;; Unification checking (defun interactive-unification-check nil ;;; I've made this just work on FSs since the default ;;; stuff won't fail anyway (let* ((check-details (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Check unification" '(("fs1" . head-specifier-rule) ("path1 in ()s (optional)" . (args first)) ("fs2" . sleeps_1) ("path2 in ()s (optional)" . nil) ("name for result (optional)" . nil))))) (fs1-id (car check-details)) (path1 (cadr check-details)) (fs2-id (caddr check-details)) (path2 (cadddr check-details)) (resname (cadddr (cdr check-details)))) (when check-details (if (and fs1-id fs2-id) (let ((fs1 (get-fs-given-id fs1-id)) (fs2 (get-fs-given-id fs2-id))) (if (and fs1 fs2 (listp path1) (listp path2)) (let ((resdag fs1)) (when (setq resdag (unify-paths-with-fail-messages (create-path-from-feature-list path1) resdag (create-path-from-feature-list path2) fs2 fs1-id path1 fs2-id path2)) (format t "~%Unification successful") (if resname (store-temporary-psort-entry resname resdag)))) (cond ((null fs1) (progn (cerror "~%Try again" "~%~A is not a valid FS identifier" fs1-id) (interactive-unification-check))) ((null fs2) (progn (cerror "~%Try again" "~%~A is not a valid FS identifier" fs2-id) (interactive-unification-check))) (t (progn (cerror "~%Try again" "~%Paths are not lists") (interactive-unification-check)))))) (progn (cerror "~%Try again" "~%Need to specify both feature structures") (interactive-unification-check)))))) ; The corresponding menu item should get disabled - it shouldn't available and ; quietly not do anything ;#-(or :clim :www) ;(defun compare-parses (&optional edges) ; (declare (ignore edges)) ; nil) ;; ;; Interactively set parameters ;; (defun get-parameters () (setq *lkb-user-params* (sort *lkb-user-params* #'string<)) (let* ((*print-readably* t) (params (mapcan #'(lambda (p) ;; Skip things we won't be able to read back in ;; (bmw) these skipped params are _lost_ when saving to file (handler-case (list (cons (format nil "~S" p) (write-to-string (symbol-value p)))) (print-not-readable () nil))) *lkb-user-params*)) (result (ask-for-strings-movable "Set options" params))) (when result (loop for p in params for r in result do (setf (symbol-value (read-from-string (car p))) (read-from-string r))) (unless *user-params-file* (setf *user-params-file* (ask-user-for-new-pathname "File to save parameters?"))) (when *user-params-file* (handler-case (with-open-file (ostream *user-params-file* :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format ostream ";;; Automatically generated file - do not edit!") (loop for p in params for r in result do (format ostream "~%(defparameter ~S '~S)" (read-from-string (car p)) (read-from-string r)))) (file-error (condition) (format t "~%Parameters not saved to file ~A ~A" *user-params-file* condition))))))) ;; ;; Save and load shrunk paths in display settings file ;; (defvar *display-settings-file* nil) (defun output-display-settings nil (let ((filename (or *display-settings-file* (ask-user-for-new-pathname "Save type display settings to?"))) (*print-pretty* nil) (*print-readably* t)) (when filename (with-open-file (stream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print *shrunk-types* stream))))) (defun load-display-settings nil (set-up-display-settings (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "Load type display settings from?"))) ;;; debugging - finding maximal type (defun find-type-from-features nil (let ((feature-list (with-package (:lkb) (ask-for-lisp-movable "Current Interaction" `(("Feature(s)" . (,*diff-list-list*))) 150)))) (when feature-list (when (listp (car feature-list)) (setf feature-list (car feature-list))) (let ((type (maximal-type-of-list feature-list))) (if type (format t "~%Maximal type for ~A is ~A" feature-list type) (let ((bogus-features (loop for f in feature-list nconc (if (not (maximal-type-of f)) (list f))))) (if bogus-features (format t "~%Features ~A not found in this grammar" bogus-features) (format t "~%Features ~A not mutually compatible" feature-list)))))))) ;;; various fns moved to utils.lsp, because they are relevant in tty mode