;;; Copyright (c) 1998-2001 John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen ;;; see licence.txt for conditions (in-package :lkb) ;;; Input from lexical rule and construction files ;;; in TDL format ;;; This uses many of the functions from tdltypeinput.lsp ;;; Syntax for TDL lexical entries, rules etc is effectively ;;; the same as for type entries, so the functions in this file ;;; are basically concerned with handling the structures appropriately ;;; rather than reading them in ; *ordered-rule-list* is in main/rules.lsp (defun read-tdl-grammar-file-aux (file-name &optional ovwr) (if ovwr (setf *grammar-rule-file-list* (list file-name)) (pushnew file-name *grammar-rule-file-list* :test #'equal)) (when ovwr (setf *ordered-rule-list* nil) (clear-grammar)) (read-tdl-lex-or-grammar-rule-file file-name nil)) ; *ordered-lrule-list* is in main/rules.lsp (defun read-tdl-lex-rule-file-aux (file-name &optional ovwr) (unless (member file-name *morphology-rule-file-list* :test #'equal) (if ovwr (setf *lexical-rule-file-list* (list file-name)) (pushnew file-name *lexical-rule-file-list* :test #'equal))) (when ovwr (setf *ordered-sprule-list* nil) (setf *ordered-lrule-list* nil)) (when ovwr (clear-lex-rules) ) (read-tdl-lex-or-grammar-rule-file file-name t)) (defun read-tdl-lex-or-grammar-rule-file (file-name lexical) (let ((*readtable* (make-tdl-break-table))) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (format t "~%Reading in ~Arules file ~A" (if lexical "lexical " "") (pathname-name file-name)) (read-tdl-rule-stream istream lexical)))) (defun read-tdl-rule-stream (istream lexical) (loop (let ((next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (when (eql next-char 'eof) (return)) (cond ((eql next-char #\;) (read-line istream)) ; one line comments ((eql next-char #\%) (read-morphology-letter-set istream)) ; Bernie morphology ((eql next-char #\#) (read-tdl-comment istream)) (t (catch 'syntax-error (read-tdl-rule-entry istream lexical))))))) (defun read-tdl-rule-entry (istream lexical) (let* (#+:allegro (position (1+ (file-position istream))) (id (lkb-read istream nil)) (next-char (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (unless (eql next-char #\:) (lkb-read-cerror istream "~%Incorrect syntax following rule name ~A" id) (ignore-rest-of-entry istream id)) #+allegro (record-source id istream position) (read-char istream) (let ((next-char2 (peek-char t istream nil 'eof))) (unless (eql next-char2 #\=) (lkb-read-cerror istream "~%Incorrect syntax following rule name ~A" id) (ignore-rest-of-entry istream id)) (read-char istream) (let* ((next-char3 (peek-char t istream nil 'eof)) (orthographemicp (eql next-char3 #\%))) (when orthographemicp (read-morphology-affix id istream)) (multiple-value-bind (non-def def) (read-tdl-lex-avm-def istream id) (check-for #\. istream id) (add-grammar-rule id non-def def *description-persistence* lexical orthographemicp))))))