;;; Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 ;;; Ben Waldron, Ann Copestake, Fabre Lambeau, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. (in-package :lkb) ;;; ;;; Miscellaneous functions ;;; (defun absolute-namestring (format str) (namestring (pathname (format nil format str)))) (defun normalize-orthkey (x) (string-downcase x)) (defun normalize-orthkey! (x) (nstring-downcase x)) ;; RECORD (defun get-val (field raw-record cols) (let ((position (position field cols))) (unless position (error "internal error: ~a not found in ~a" field cols)) (nth position raw-record))) ;; STRING TO LIST (defun string-2-mxd-list-on-spc (&rest rest) (mapcar #'str-to-mixed (apply #'string-2-str-list-on-spc rest))) (defun string-2-str-list-on-spc (string &key (esc t)) (string-2-str-list string :sep #\Space :esc esc)) (defun string-2-str-list (string &key (sep #\Space) (esc t)) (loop with res with flag with word-chars for c in (explode-to-chars string) if flag do (push c word-chars) (setf flag nil) else do (cond ((eq sep c) (push (implode-from-chars (reverse word-chars)) res) (setf word-chars nil)) ((and (eq #\\ c) esc) (setf flag t)) (T (push c word-chars))) finally (return (reverse (push (implode-from-chars (reverse word-chars)) res))))) (defun 2-symb-or-list (x) (if (and (stringp x) (eq (aref x 0) #\()) (work-out-rawlst x) (2-symb x))) ;; LIST TO STRING (defun mixed-list-2-str (str-list &optional (separator " ")) (unless (listp str-list) (error "list expected")) (cond ((null str-list) "") (t (apply 'concatenate (cons 'string (cons (escape-char #\Space (encode-mixed-as-str (pop str-list))) (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (list separator (escape-char #\Space (encode-mixed-as-str x)))) str-list))))))) ;;; ;;; misc ;;; ;;? (defun un-keyword (keyword-symb) (str-2-symb (symb-2-str keyword-symb))) #+:null (defun split-on-char (string &optional (char #\Space)) (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j) as j = (position char string :start i) collect (subseq string i j) while j)) ;;; ;;; lexport ;;; #+:null (defun subseq-from-end (seq rev-end &optional (rev-start 0)) (let* ((len (length seq)) (start (- len rev-end)) (end (- len rev-start))) (subseq seq start end))) ;;; ;;; temp ;;; #+:bmw20 (defun time-parse (str) (time (parse (split-into-words (preprocess-sentence-string str))))) ;;; ;;; ;;; #+:bmw20 (defvar *rc-file* nil) #+:bmw20 (defun rc (&optional file) (if file (setf *rc-file* file)) (lkb::recomp *rc-file*)) ;;; ;;; misc ;;; #+:null (defun get-assoc-val (x assoc-list) (cdr (assoc x assoc-list))) ;;; ;;; generate TDL code for MWE entries ;;; #+:null (defun mwe-build-P-list (type keyrel-list) (append (list (list type)) (list (cons 'SEM (list (cons 'IDRELS (build-PD-list keyrel-list 1))))))) #+:null (defun build-PD-list (d-list coindex) (append (list (cons 'LAST (build-PD-list-aux-LIST nil coindex))) (list (cons 'LIST (build-PD-list-aux-LIST d-list coindex))))) #+:null (defun build-PD-list-aux-LIST (d-list coindex) (cond ((null d-list) (list (list (str-2-symb (get-coindex-symb coindex))))) (t (append (list (cons 'FIRST (list (car d-list)))) (list (cons 'REST (build-PD-list-aux-LIST (cdr d-list) coindex))))))) #+:null (defun get-coindex-symb (i) (format nil "#~a" i)) ;; ;; misc ;; (defun ordered-symb-val-list (ordered-symb-list symb-val-list) (if (null ordered-symb-list) (error (format nil "non-null list expected"))) (loop while ordered-symb-list collect (assoc (pop ordered-symb-list) symb-val-list))) ;; pairwuse cons of lists (defun dot (a b) (unless (or (null b) (= (length a) (length b))) (error "unequal input list lengths")) (loop while a collect (cons (pop a) (pop b)))) #+:null (defun myremdup (list pred< pred=) (when list (loop with slist = (sort (copy-list list) pred<) with last = (not (car slist)) for x in slist unless (funcall pred= x last) collect x do (setf last x)))) #+:null (defun add-w-empty (val list-w-empty) (if (or (null list-w-empty) (equal :empty list-w-empty)) (list val) (cons val list-w-empty)))