;;; Copyright (c) 2003--2004 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. (in-package :mrs) ;;; reading in an rmrs file as specced in rmrs.dtd ;;; ;;; some of the fns are similar to those in readgram ;;; but there are sufficient differences to make it preferable ;;; to handle them separately #| (read-rmrs-file "test.xml") (read-rmrs-file "rmrs/annlt-test/test-select.rmrs" :rasp) |# (defun read-rmrs-file (file-name &optional origin) ;;; ;;; (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (let ((rmrss (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (unless (equal (car rmrss) '|rmrs-list|) (error "~A is not a valid rmrs file" file-name)) (loop for rmrs in (cdr rmrss) unless (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs) collect (read-rmrs rmrs origin)))))) (defun read-single-rmrs-file (file-name &optional origin) (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs) (read-rmrs rmrs origin)))))) (defun read-single-rmrs-from-string (str) ;;; currently called from emacs interface - ;;; lkb::display-rmrs-from-string in lkb-acl-rmrs.lisp ;;; and also generate etc ;;; this takes a string containing an rmrs (we hope) and ;;; reads it in (let ((*package* (find-package :mrs))) (with-input-from-string (istream str) (let ((rmrs (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p rmrs) (read-rmrs rmrs :rasp)))))) (defun read-rmrs (content origin) ;;; ;;; FIX - attributes not dealt with ;;; (let ((top-h nil) (eps nil) (rargs nil) (ings nil) (h-cons nil) (tag (car content))) (unless (eql (car tag) '|rmrs|) (error "~A is not an rmrs" content)) (setf content (cdr content)) (loop (let ((next-el (car content))) (if (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (pop content) (return)))) (when content (setf top-h (read-rmrs-label (car content))) (loop for next-el in (cdr content) do (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (let* ((next-tag (car next-el)) (body (cdr next-el))) (cond ((eql next-tag '|rarg|) (push (read-rmrs-rarg body) rargs)) ((eql next-tag '|ing|) (when *anchor-rmrs-p* (error "ing should not be present")) (push (read-rmrs-in-g body) ings)) ((atom next-tag) (error "Unexpected element ~A" next-el)) ((eql (car next-tag) '|ep|) (push (read-rmrs-ep next-el) eps)) ((eql (car next-tag) '|hcons|) (push (read-rmrs-hcons next-el) h-cons)) (t (error "Unexpected element ~A" next-el)))))) (make-rmrs :top-h top-h :liszt (nreverse eps) :h-cons (nreverse h-cons) :rmrs-args (nreverse rargs) :in-groups (nreverse ings) :origin origin)))) (defun read-rmrs-ep (content) ;;; ;;; or (in version 2) ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (unless (and (eql (first tag) '|ep|) (eql (second tag) '|cfrom|) (eql (fourth tag) '|cto|) (or (not (sixth tag)) (eql (sixth tag) '|surface|)) (or (not (eighth tag)) (eql (eighth tag) '|base|))) ;;; base is allowed but ignored (error "Malformed ep ~A" content)) (setf body (loop for x in body unless (xml-whitespace-string-p x) collect x)) (if *anchor-rmrs-p* (make-rel :pred (read-rmrs-pred (first body)) :handel (read-rmrs-label (second body)) :anchor (read-rmrs-anchor (third body)) :flist (list (read-rmrs-var (fourth body))) :cfrom (parse-integer (third tag)) :cto (parse-integer (fifth tag)) :str (seventh tag)) (make-rel :pred (read-rmrs-pred (first body)) :handel (read-rmrs-label (second body)) :flist (list (read-rmrs-var (third body))) :cfrom (parse-integer (third tag)) :cto (parse-integer (fifth tag)) :str (seventh tag))))) (defun read-rmrs-pred (content) (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (cond ((eql tag '|pred|) (make-dummy-pred)) ((eql tag '|gpred|) (string-downcase (car body))) ;;; ((atom tag) (error "Unexpected element ~A" content)) ((eql (car tag) '|realpred|) (read-rmrs-real-pred tag)) (t (error "Unexpected element ~A" content))))) (defun read-rmrs-real-pred (tag) ;;; ;;; ;;; (unless (and (eql (first tag) '|realpred|) (eql (second tag) '|lemma|)) (error "Malformed realpred ~A" tag)) (let ((pos-rest (member '|pos| tag)) (sense-rest (member '|sense| tag))) (make-realpred :lemma (string-downcase (third tag)) :pos (cadr pos-rest) :sense (cadr sense-rest)))) (defun read-rmrs-label (content) ;;; ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (unless (and (eql (first tag) '|label|) (eql (second tag) '|vid|) (null body)) (error "Malformed label ~A" content)) (create-new-label-with-id (parse-integer (third tag))))) (defun create-new-label-with-id (idnumber) (make-var :type "h" :id idnumber)) (defun read-rmrs-anchor (content) ;;; ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (unless (and (eql (first tag) '|anchor|) (eql (second tag) '|vid|) (null body)) (error "Malformed anchor ~A" content)) (create-new-label-with-id (parse-integer (third tag))))) (defun read-rmrs-var (content) ;;; ;;; (read-rmrs-simple '|constant| content)) (defun read-rmrs-rarg (content) ;;; (let ((name nil) (label nil) (arg nil)) (setf name (read-rmrs-simple '|rargname| (car content))) ;;; (setf label (read-rmrs-label (cadr content))) (let* ((argval (caddr content)) (argvaltag (car argval))) (setf arg (if (eql argvaltag '|constant|) (read-rmrs-constant argval) (read-rmrs-var argval)))) (make-rmrs-arg :arg-type name :label label :val arg))) (defun read-rmrs-in-g (content) ;;; ;;; ;;; (let ((ing-a-xml (car content)) (ing-b-xml (cadr content))) (unless (and (eql (car ing-a-xml) '|ing-a|) (eql (car ing-b-xml) '|ing-b|)) (error "Malformed ing ~A" content)) (make-in-group :label-a (read-rmrs-var (cadr ing-a-xml)) :label-b (read-rmrs-var (cadr ing-b-xml))))) (defun read-rmrs-hcons (content) ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (unless (and (eql (first tag) '|hcons|) (eql (second tag) '|hreln|) (eql (first (first body)) '|hi|) (eql (first (second body)) '|lo|)) (error "Malformed hcons ~A" content)) (make-hcons :relation (third tag) :scarg (read-rmrs-var (second (first body))) :outscpd (read-rmrs-label (second (second body))))))