;;; Copyright (c) 2003--2004 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. (in-package :mrs) (defparameter *anchor-rmrs-p* t) #| (process-rasp-files-2008 "/usr/groups/mphil/qa08/parses-new/" "/usr/groups/mphil/qa08/rmrs/ans-new/")) |# (defun process-rasp-files-2008 (idirectory odirectory) ;;; clear and load the grammars (let ((*rasp-xml-word-p* nil) (*anchor-rmrs-p* t)) (clear-rule-record) (read-rmrs-grammar (make-pathname :directory "/homes/aac10/lingo/lkb/src/rmrs/rasp3/" :name "gram15-general.rmrs")) (read-rmrs-tag-templates (make-pathname :directory "/homes/aac10/lingo/lkb/src/rmrs/rasp3/" :name "lex15.rmrs")) (let* ((ifiles (directory idirectory)) (ofiles (directory odirectory)) (ofile-qnos (loop for ofile in ofiles collect (extract-qa-file-identifier (file-namestring ofile))))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile)) (qno (extract-qa-file-identifier namestring))) (format t "~%Processing file ~A" namestring) (when (and (not (member qno ofile-qnos :test #'string-equal)) (equal (subseq namestring (- (length namestring) 2)) "gz")) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gunzip -c < " idirectory namestring "> /tmp/pfile")) (format t "~%File ~A unpacked~%" namestring) (let ((new-file (concatenate 'string odirectory "top_docs." qno "." "rmrs")) (err-file (concatenate 'string "~aac10/rmrs-errs-new/" "top_docs." qno "." "errors"))) (rmrs-from-file-2008 "/tmp/pfile" "/tmp/rfile" :qa) (excl::shell "rm /tmp/pfile") (when (probe-file "/tmp/rfile") (excl::shell (format nil "cp /tmp/rfile ~A" new-file)) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "xmlnorm -s " new-file " 2>| " err-file)) ;;; note we're redirecting std err ;;; gzip the file (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gzip " new-file)) (excl::shell "rm /tmp/rfile"))))))))) (defun rmrs-from-file-2008 (filename output xml-type) ;;; xml-type control if/how input is xmlified. ;;; The wrappers etc are determined ;;; by the value of xml-type - currently :standard, :qa or :none ;;; when xml-type is :none, the input isn't xml ;;; (or only has xml-type tags for characters), and we construct a ;;; rmrs-list file as output (with-open-file (istream filename :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (let ((sentence-count 0)) (loop (when (scan-for-string "" istream ostream) (format ostream "Error: Ill-formed arborescence") (return)) (handler-case (progn (construct-sem-for-tree tree :rasp ostream nil) (finish-output ostream)) (storage-condition (condition) (format ostream "~%Error: Memory allocation problem: ~A~%" condition)) (error (condition) (format ostream "~%Error: ~A~%" condition)) (serious-condition (condition) (format ostream "~%Error: Something nasty: ~A~%" condition))))))))) (defun scan-for-string (str istream ostream) (let* ((str-seq (coerce str 'list)) (remainder str-seq)) (loop (when (null remainder) (return)) (let ((chr (read-char istream nil nil))) (unless chr (return t)) ;;; return t at end of file (when chr (princ chr ostream) (if (char= chr (first remainder)) (setf remainder (rest remainder)) (setf remainder str-seq))))))) ;;;; converting Dan's output to RMRS #| (convert-fine-system-output "~/qa2008/quesmrs/questions/result-corrected.ques" "/usr/groups/mphil/qa07/ques.txt" "~/qa2008/quesrmrs/trec8/") (convert-fine-system-output "~/qa2008/quesmrs/questions/test1.ques" "/usr/groups/mphil/qa07/ques.txt" "~/qa2008/quesrmrs/trec8-new/") |# #| (dolist (f (directory "~/qa2008/quesrmrs/trec8/")) (excl::shell (format nil "xmlnorm -s ~/qa2008/quesrmrs/trec8/~A 2>| ~/qa2008/quesrmrs/trec8/~A.err" (file-namestring f) (file-namestring f)))) |# (defparameter *var-extra-conversion-table* '( ((pers 1) . (pers 1)) ((pers 2) . (pers 2)) ((pers 3) . (pers 3)) ((div -) . (div -)) ((div +) . (div +)) ((ind -) . (ind -)) ((ind +) . (ind +)) ((num sg) . (num sg)) ((tense untensed) . (tense u)) ((tense basic_tense) . (tense u)) ((tense no_tense) . (tense u)) ((tense nontense) . (tense u)) ((tense future) . (tense future)) ((tense present) . (tense present)) ((tense past) . (tense past)) ;;; ((e.tense nonpresent) . (tense non-present)) ((tense nonpresent) . (tense u)) ;;; my version of the DTD doesn't have `non-present' ;;; replace this with line above if using a DTD that does ((tense nonpast) . (tense non-past)) ;;; note the interpretation is intended to be that the ;;; first match is taken. For RMRS->MRS conversion, there's ;;; a sl problem in that nontense and no_tense are ;;; both possible values corresponding to (tense u) ;;; and that this also corresponds to the `don't know' ;;; case. We therefore need to translate the RMRS `u' ;;; into `basic_tense' )) (defun convert-fine-system-output (ifile qtxt odir) (let ((*anchor-rmrs-p* t) (qlist nil)) (with-open-file (qstream qtxt :direction :input) (loop (let ((next-q (read-line qstream nil nil))) (unless next-q (return)) (push next-q qlist))) (setf qlist (nreverse qlist))) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (loop (let ((fsout (read-line istream nil nil))) (unless fsout (return)) (let ((scount (extract-fine-system-number fsout)) (mrs-string (extract-fine-system-mrs fsout))) (when (and (integerp scount) (stringp mrs-string) (not (equal mrs-string ""))) (let ((q (elt qlist (- scount 1)))) (when q (with-input-from-string (mstream mrs-string) (let* ((mrs (read-mrs mstream)) (rmrs (mrs-to-rmrs mrs))) (when rmrs (let ((ofile (format nil "~Aq~A.rmrs" odir scount))) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format ostream "~%" scount) (format ostream "~%~%~S~%" q) (output-rmrs1 rmrs 'xml ostream) (format ostream "~%") (finish-output ostream))))))))))))))) (defun extract-fine-system-mrs (str) ;;; compare extract-fine-system-sentence (if (find #\@ str) (let ((ampcount 0) (sstart nil) (send nil)) (dotimes (n (length str)) (let ((char (elt str n))) (when (eql char #\@) (setf ampcount (+ 1 ampcount)) (when (eql ampcount 13) (setf sstart (+ 1 n))))) (when (eql ampcount 14) (setf send n) (return))) (if (and sstart send) (subseq str sstart send) str)) str)) (defun extract-fine-system-number (str) ;;; compare extract-fine-system-sentence (let ((apos (position #\@ str))) (if apos (parse-integer (subseq str 0 apos) :junk-allowed t))))