;;; Copyright (c) 2003--2004 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. (in-package :mrs) (defparameter *valid-hook-elements* '("INDEX" "LABEL" "ANCHOR")) ;;; Reading (defun read-rmrs-grammar (file-name) ;;; (setf *rule-instructions* nil) (setf *algebra-rule-instructions* nil) (clear-rule-record) (with-open-file (istream file-name :direction :input) (let* ((*package* (find-package :mrs)) (rules (parse-xml-removing-junk istream))) (unless (equal (car rules) '|gram|) (error "~A is not a valid rules file" file-name)) (loop for rule in (cdr rules) do (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p rule) (let ((next-rule (read-rmrs-rule rule))) (when next-rule (add-rmrs-rule next-rule))))))) (setf *rule-instructions* (nreverse *rule-instructions*)) nil) (defun add-rmrs-rule (rule) (let* ((rule-name (rmrs-rule-name rule)) (rule-set (find rule-name *rule-instructions* :test #'equal :key #'rmrs-rule-set-name))) (if rule-set (setf (rmrs-rule-set-alternatives rule-set) (append (rmrs-rule-set-alternatives rule-set) (list rule))) (push (make-rmrs-rule-set :name rule-name :alternatives (list rule)) *rule-instructions*)))) (defun read-rmrs-rule (rule) ;;; (let ((tag (car rule))) (if (eq tag '|rule|) (let ((name nil) (condition nil) (dtrs nil) (head nil) (head-pos nil) (semstruct nil) (eqs nil) (inherit nil)) (loop for next-el in (cdr rule) do (unless (or (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (not (listp next-el))) ;;; empty comments appear as atoms - just ;;; ignore this (let* ((next-tag (car next-el)) (tag-content (cdr next-el))) (ecase next-tag (|condition| (setf condition (car tag-content))) (|comment| tag-content) (|name| (setf name (car tag-content))) (|dtrs| (setf dtrs (read-rmrs-rule-dtrs tag-content))) (|inherit| (setf inherit (car tag-content))) ;;; dtrs must appears before equalitiess (|head| (setf head (car tag-content))) (|semstruct| (setf semstruct (read-rmrs-semstruct tag-content))) (|equalities| (push (read-rmrs-rule-eq tag-content dtrs) eqs))) (when head (if (string-equal head "RULE") (setf head-pos -1) (progn (setf head-pos (position head dtrs :test #'string-equal)) (unless head-pos (error "~%Head ~S is not a member of dtrs ~S in ~A" head dtrs name)))))))) (if inherit (make-inherited-rule name dtrs inherit) (make-rmrs-rule :name name :condition condition :dtrs dtrs :arity (length dtrs) :head head-pos :semstruct semstruct :eqs (nreverse eqs))))))) (defun make-inherited-rule (name dtrs inherit) ;;; for now, inheritance is from a previously specified rule ;;; this would be trivial, except that we want to allow for ;;; optional daughters, which may involve remapping the pointers ;;; e.g. 1 a rule with D1 OPT D2 D3 inherits from ;;; a rule with OPT D1 D2 OPT OPT D3 ;;; then the desired mapping is 0->? 1->0 2->2 3->? 4->? 5->3 ;;; e.g., 2 a rule with OPT D1 D2 OPT OPT D3 inherits from ;;; a rule with D1 OPT D2 D3 then ;;; 0->1 1->? 2->2 3->5 (let* ((inherit-struct-set (find inherit *rule-instructions* :test #'equal :key #'rmrs-rule-set-name)) (inherit-struct (if inherit-struct-set (car (rmrs-rule-set-alternatives inherit-struct-set))))) (unless inherit-struct (error "Undefined rule ~A" inherit)) (let ((inherited-dtrs (rmrs-rule-dtrs inherit-struct)) (number-map nil) (next-dtr-pos 0) (next-dtrs dtrs) (new-eqs nil)) (dotimes (n (length inherited-dtrs)) (push (cons n n) number-map)) (setf number-map (nreverse number-map)) (loop for inherited-dtr in inherited-dtrs and ;;; e.g., OPT D1 D2 OPT OPT D3 mapping in number-map do (setf (cdr mapping) (if (string-equal inherited-dtr "OPT") nil (loop (unless next-dtrs (return nil)) (if (string-equal (car next-dtrs) "OPT") (progn (incf next-dtr-pos) (pop next-dtrs)) (let ((pos next-dtr-pos)) (progn (incf next-dtr-pos) (pop next-dtrs) (return pos)))))))) (setf new-eqs (loop for eq in (rmrs-rule-eqs inherit-struct) collect (make-equality :eq-els (loop for eq-el in (equality-eq-els eq) collect (if (pointer-p eq-el) (let ((new-dtr (cdr (assoc (pointer-dtrnum eq-el) number-map)))) (unless new-dtr (error "Optional daughter not optional")) (make-pointer :dtrnum new-dtr :hook-el (pointer-hook-el eq-el))) eq-el))))) (make-rmrs-rule :name name :dtrs dtrs :arity (length dtrs) :head (if (eql (rmrs-rule-head inherit-struct) -1) -1 (cdr (assoc (rmrs-rule-head inherit-struct) number-map))) :semstruct (rmrs-rule-semstruct inherit-struct) :eqs new-eqs)))) (defun read-rmrs-rule-dtrs (content) (loop for dtr in content when (eql (car dtr) '|dtr|) ; unless (string-equal (cadr dtr) "OPT") collect (cadr dtr))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct (content) ;;; (let ((hook nil) (features nil) (slots nil) (eps nil) (rargs nil) (ings nil) (h-cons nil)) (loop for next-el in content do (unless (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) (let* ((next-tag (car next-el)) (tag-content (cdr next-el))) (if (and (listp next-tag) (eql (car next-tag) '|hcons|) (string-equal (third next-tag) "qeq")) (push (read-rmrs-semstruct-qeq tag-content) h-cons) (ecase next-tag (|features| (setf features (list (car tag-content)))) (|hook| (setf hook (read-rmrs-semstruct-hook tag-content))) (|slots| (setf slots (read-rmrs-semstruct-slots tag-content))) (|ep| (push (read-rmrs-semstruct-ep tag-content) eps)) (|rarg| (push (read-rmrs-semstruct-rarg tag-content) rargs)) (|ing| (push (read-rmrs-semstruct-in-g tag-content) ings))))))) (make-semstruct :hook (or hook (make-default-hook)) :features features :slots slots :liszt (nreverse eps) ;; binding-list is constructed when the ;; real semstruct is created :h-cons (nreverse h-cons) :rmrs-args (nreverse rargs) :in-groups (nreverse ings) :bindings nil))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-hook (content) ;;; (let ((index nil) (label nil)) (setf index (construct-grammar-var (read-rmrs-grammar-var (car content)))) (setf label (construct-grammar-var (read-rmrs-simple '|label| (cadr content)))) (make-indices :label label :index index))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-slots (slots) ;;; (let* ((content (first slots)) (tag (first content)) (body (second content))) (ecase tag (|noanchor| :none) (|anchor| (construct-grammar-var body))))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-ep (content) ;;; (let ((pred nil) (label nil)) (setf pred (read-rmrs-pred (car content))) (setf label (read-rmrs-simple '|label| (cadr content))) (multiple-value-bind (arg extras) (read-rmrs-grammar-var (caddr content)) (make-rel :pred pred :handel (construct-grammar-var label) :flist (list (construct-grammar-var arg extras)))))) (defun read-rmrs-grammar-var (content) ;;; ;;; (let ((tag (car content)) (body (cdr content))) (unless (or (eql tag '|var|) (and (listp tag) (eql (first tag) '|var|)) (eql tag '|index|) (and (listp tag) (eql (first tag) '|index|))) (error "Malformed variable ~A" content)) (values (first body) (if (listp tag) (construct-rmrs-var-extras (rest tag)))))) ;;; read-rmrs-pred is in input.lisp ;;; construct-rmrs-extras is in input.lisp (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-rarg (content) ;;; (let ((name nil) (label nil) (arg nil)) (setf name (read-rmrs-simple '|rargname| (car content))) (setf label (read-rmrs-simple '|label| (cadr content))) (let* ((argval (caddr content)) (argvaltag (car argval))) (setf arg (ecase argvaltag (|lemma| (make-dummy-constant)) (|constant| (read-rmrs-simple '|constant| argval)) (|var| (multiple-value-bind (arg extras) (read-rmrs-grammar-var argval) (construct-grammar-var arg extras)))))) (make-rmrs-arg :arg-type name :label (construct-grammar-var label) :val arg))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-in-g (content) ;;; (let ((ing-a nil) (ing-b nil)) (setf ing-a (read-rmrs-grammar-var (second (car content)))) (setf ing-b (read-rmrs-grammar-var (second (cadr content)))) (make-in-group :label-a (construct-grammar-var ing-a) :label-b (construct-grammar-var ing-b)))) (defun read-rmrs-semstruct-qeq (content) ;;; (let ((hi nil) (lo nil)) (setf hi (read-rmrs-grammar-var (second (car content)))) (setf lo (read-rmrs-grammar-var (second (cadr content)))) (make-hcons :relation "qeq" :scarg (construct-grammar-var hi) :outscpd (construct-grammar-var lo)))) (defun read-rmrs-rule-eq (content dtrs) ;;; ;;; (let ((processed-eqs (loop for next-el in content unless (xml-whitespace-string-p next-el) collect (let* ((next-tag (car next-el)) (tag-content (cdr next-el))) (ecase next-tag (|rv| (construct-grammar-var (car tag-content))) (|dh| (read-daughter-hook tag-content dtrs))))))) ;; want to end up with a list of either integer+index (representing ;; daughter hooks) or rule variables (make-equality :eq-els processed-eqs))) (defun read-daughter-hook (dh dtrs) ;;; ;;; given a dh containing a dtr and a hook-element ;;; and a list of dtrs containing dtr ;;; this returns (integer hook-element) where integer is the position of ;;; dtr on the dtrs (let* ((dtr (read-rmrs-simple '|dtr| (car dh))) (hook-element (read-rmrs-simple '|he| (cadr dh))) (dtr-number (position dtr dtrs :test #'string-equal))) (if (and dtr-number (member hook-element *valid-hook-elements* :test #'string-equal)) (make-pointer :dtrnum dtr-number :hook-el hook-element) (error "~%Invalid args to read-dtr-hook ~S ~S" dh dtrs)))) ;;; Outputting rules (defun write-rmrs-rules (filename) (with-open-file (ostream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format ostream "~%") (loop for rule-set in *rule-instructions* do (loop for rule in (rmrs-rule-set-alternatives rule-set) do (output-rmrs-rule rule ostream))) (format ostream "~%~%"))) (defun output-rmrs-rule (rule ostream) (let ((dtrs (rmrs-rule-dtrs rule)) (semstruct (rmrs-rule-semstruct rule)) (head (rmrs-rule-head rule))) (format ostream "~%") (format ostream "~%~A" (rmrs-rule-name rule)) (format ostream "~%~{~A~}" dtrs) (when head (if (eql head -1) (format ostream "~%RULE") (format ostream "~%~A" (elt dtrs head)))) (when semstruct (output-rmrs-semstruct semstruct ostream)) (loop for eq in (rmrs-rule-eqs rule) do (output-rmrs-eq eq dtrs ostream)) (format ostream "~%~%"))) (defun output-rmrs-semstruct (semstruct ostream) ;;; (format ostream "~%") (internal-output-rmrs semstruct 'gramxml ostream) (format ostream "~%")) (defun output-rmrs-eq (eq dtrs ostream) ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; (format ostream "~%") (loop for eq-el in (equality-eq-els eq) do (if (pointer-p eq-el) (format ostream "~A~A" (elt dtrs (pointer-dtrnum eq-el)) (pointer-hook-el eq-el)) (format ostream "~A" (var-id eq-el)))) (format ostream ""))