;; Copyright (c) 2003--2004 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. ;;; ;;; Temporary expedient until we can link up with the fine system (in-package :mrs) ;;; ************* Temporary !!!! ************************ (defparameter *rmrs-test-suite* '( ("It rained." . 1) ; 1 ("Abrams barked." . 1) ("The window opened." . 1) ("Abrams chased Browne." . 1) ("Abrams handed Browne the cigarette." . 1) ; 5 ("Abrams handed the cigarette to Browne." . 1) ("Abrams bet Browne a cigarette that it rained." . 1) ("Abrams knew that it rained." . 1) ("Abrams intended to bark." . 1) ("Abrams intended Browne to bark." . 1) ("Every cat barked." . 1) ; 11 ("Every cat chased some dog." . 2) ("My cat barked." . 1) ("It barked." . 1) ("The cat chased it." . 1) ("The cat chased itself." . 1) ; 16 ("The cat chased one." . 4) ("Mine barked." . 1) ("That opened." . 1) ("Cats bark." . 1) ("Tobacco arrived." . 1) ; 21 ("Some bark." . 1) ("Some of the cats bark." . 1) ("No cat barked." . 1) ("Did the dog bark?" . 1) ("Which dog barked?" . 1) ; 26 ("Whose dog barked?" . 1) ("Chase Browne!" . 1) ("Abrams wondered which dog barked." . 1) ("Abrams wondered whether Browne barked." . 1) ("The dog that Browne chased barked." . 1) ; 31 ("The dog to chase is barking." . 1) ("The dog was chased by Browne." . 2) ("The dog chased by Browne barked." . 2) ("The dog is barking." . 1) ("The dog has barked." . 1) ; 36 ("The dog has been barking." . 1) ("The dog had been barking." . 1) ("The dog will bark." . 1) ("The dog is going to bark." . 2) ("The dog could bark." . 1) ; 41 ("The dog couldn't bark." . 1) ; ("The old dog barked." . 1) ("The dog barked softly." . 1) ("The dog probably barked." . 1) ("The dog barked in the garden." . 1) ; 46 ("The dog barks now." . 1) ("The garden dog barked." . 1) ("The tobacco garden dog barked." . 2) ("The cat is old." . 1) ("The cat is in the garden." . 1) ; 51 ("The barking dog chased Browne." . 1) ("Chased dogs bark." . 1) ("Chasing the cat is old." . 1) ("That the cat chases Browne is old." . 1) ("Dogs chase whatever barks." . 1) ; 56 ("The dog barked every day." . 1) ("When did the dog bark?" . 2) ("Three of the dogs bark." . 1) ("Three bark." . 1) ("Browne's dog barks." . 1) ; 61 ("Browne's barks." . 2) ("Twenty three dogs bark." . 1) ("Two hundred twenty dogs bark." . 1) ("Abrams arrived by car." . 1) ("Abrams kept barking." . 2) ; 66 ("Browne squeezed the cat in." . 1) ("Browne squeezed in the cat." . 1) ("The picture of Abrams arrived." . 1) ("Abrams wiped the table clean." . 1) ("Abrams put Browne in the garden." . 1) ; 71 ("The dog will bark if Browne arrives." . 1) ("Abrams and Browne arrived." . 1) ("Abrams, Browne and the dog arrived." . 1) ("The dog arrived and barked." . 1) ("The dog arrived and Browne barked." . 1) ; 76 ("The dog barked didn't it?" . 1) ("It is obvious that the dog barked." . 1) ("Abrams promised Browne to bark." . 1) ("Abrams seems to bark." . 1) ("Abrams believes Browne to be barking." . 1) ; 81 ("It bothered Abrams that Browne barked." . 1) ("It took Abrams ten minutes to arrive." . 2) ("Abrams left it to Browne to bark." . 2) ("Abrams strikes Browne as old." . 1) ("Browne considers Abrams old." . 1) ; 86 ("Abrams liked the idea that Browne could bark." . 1) ("Abrams barked from ten to three." . 1) ("Abrams was very old." . 1) ("Nearly every dog barked." . 1) ("Abrams barked very softly." . 1) ; 91 ("Browne's chasing of cats bothered Abrams." . 1) ("It bothered Browne that Abrams chased cats." . 1) ("June third arrived." . 1) ("Abrams arrived at three twenty." . 1) ("Browne arrived on Tuesday morning." . 1) ; 96 ("The cats found a way to bark." . 5) ("The happier dog chased Browne." . 1) ("There were cats in the garden." . 1) ("That dog chased Browne." . 1) ("Somebody chased Abrams." . 1) ; 101 ("How happy was Abrams?" . 1) ("The number five bothers Browne." . 1) ("Abrams could." . 1) ("Browne tried to." . 1) ("Don't bark!" . 1) ; 106 ("The dog arrived barking." . 1) ;;; new test suite items after here ("The dog liked barking." . 2) ; contrast with `kept barking' ("The dog barks if Browne arrives." . 1) ; variant on 72 without `will' ("Abrams bet Browne a cigarette that it barked." . 1) ; variant on 7 and 8 ("Abrams knew that it barked." . 1) ; because we can't get the expl it ("The dog is the cat." . 1) ; identity form of be ("The dog has the cat." . 1) ; non aux have ("The dog does the cat." . 1) ; non aux do ("The dog was chased." . 1) ; passive without `by' )) #| (defun output-sem-test-suite nil (with-open-file (ostream "semtest-erg.rmrs" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (output-rmrs-xml-file-header ostream :standard) (let ((num 1)) (dolist (eg *rmrs-test-suite*) (let ((sentence (car eg)) (parsenum (cdr eg))) (format ostream "~%" num) (setf num (+ 1 num)) (if sentence (format ostream "~%~%~S~%" sentence) (format ostream "~%")) (format ostream "~%") ;;; for rasp output compatibility (let ((rmrs (rmrs-for-sentence sentence parsenum))) (if rmrs (mrs::output-rmrs1 rmrs 'mrs::xml ostream) (format ostream "~%"))) (format ostream "~%"))) (output-rmrs-xml-file-end ostream :standard) (finish-output ostream)))) |# #| ;;; Temporary ;;; FIX this to read from ERG file? (defun compare-eg (egnum strpos-p) (let* ((eg (nth (- egnum 1) *rmrs-test-suite*)) (input (car eg)) (parse-number (cdr eg)) (rasp-rmrs (nth (- egnum 1) (mrs::read-rmrs-file "rmrs/rasp3/annlt.rmrs" :rasp))) (erg-rmrs (rmrs-for-sentence input parse-number))) (dolist (comparison-record (mrs::compare-rmrs erg-rmrs rasp-rmrs strpos-p)) ;;; (pprint comparison-record) (lkb::show-mrs-rmrs-compare-window erg-rmrs rasp-rmrs comparison-record input)))) ;;; test cases for making sure the comparison code is doing what it's ;;; expected to (defparameter *comp-test-suite* '( ("It rained." 1 "It rained." 1) ("Abrams barked." 1 "Browne barked." 1) ("The cat chased the cat." 1 "The cat chased the cat." 1) ("The cat chased the cat." 1 "The cat chased the dog." 1) ("The dog chased the cat." 1 "The cat chased the dog." 1) ("The big dog chased the cat." 1 "The big cat chased the dog." 1) ("The cat barked." 1 "The dog barked." 1) ("The fat cat barked." 1 "The fat dog barked." 1))) (defun test-eg (egnum same-source-p) (let* ((eg (nth (- egnum 1) *comp-test-suite*)) (input1 (first eg)) (parse-number1 (second eg)) (input2 (third eg)) (parse-number2 (fourth eg)) (rmrs1 (rmrs-for-sentence input1 parse-number1)) (rmrs2 (rmrs-for-sentence input2 parse-number2))) (dolist (comparison-record (time (mrs::compare-rmrs rmrs1 rmrs2 same-source-p))) (show-mrs-rmrs-compare-window rmrs1 rmrs2 comparison-record (concatenate 'string input1 " / " input2))))) |# #| ;;; qa question preparation 0) null .tsdbrc 1) Remove Ersatzing from preprocessing 2) Parse the QA questions till satisfied and Annotate trees (make sure to set the Process | Variables Chart to a safe size) If need to update with existing parse selection - middle button on old (gold), select new and `Trees Update' (setting Trees | Switches | Automatic Update off, perhaps) 3) Set the LKB to *recording-word* mode 4) define output-rmrs-from-itsdb as below 5) add the following to redwoods.lisp export-tree (when (smember :qa *redwoods-export-values*) (mrs::output-rmrs-from-itsdb (+ parse-id offset) (or (get-field :o-input item) (get-field :i-input item)) mrs)) (setf tsdb::*redwoods-export-values* '(:qa)) 6) Trees Switches Thinning Export should be set 7) Trees Export |# #| (defun output-rmrs-from-itsdb (i-id sentence mrs) (let* ((rmrs (mrs::mrs-to-rmrs mrs)) (filename (format nil "q~A.rmrs" i-id))) (with-open-file (ostream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (output-header-blah ostream) (format ostream "~%" i-id) (if sentence (format ostream "~%~%~S~%" sentence) (format ostream "~%")) (format ostream "~%") ;;; for rasp output compatibility (if rmrs (mrs::output-rmrs1 rmrs 'mrs::xml ostream) (format ostream "~%")) (format ostream "") (output-end-blah ostream) (finish-output ostream)) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "xmlnorm -Vs " filename " 2>| " (format nil "q~A.errors" i-id))))) (defun output-header-blah (ostream) (format ostream "

")) (defun output-end-blah (ostream) (format ostream "

~%")) |# ;;; tsg15 testing #| (rasp3-out (make-pathname :device "c" :directory "/d/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" :name "annlt.trees") (make-pathname :device "c" :directory "/d/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" :name "annlt.rmrs")) (rasp3-out (make-pathname :device "c" :directory "/d/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" :name "me0196.trees") (make-pathname :device "c" :directory "/d/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" :name "me0196.rmrs")) ;;; (make-pathname ;;; :directory "/homes/aac10/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" ;;; :name "robust.trees") (defun rasp3-out (ifile ofile) (let ((*rasp-rmrs-gram-file* "rmrs/rasp3/gram15-general.rmrs") (*rasp-rmrs-tag-file* "rmrs/rasp3/lex15.rmrs") (*rasp-xml-word-p* t) (*renumber-hack* t) (*rasp-xml-type* :none)) (setf *algebra-rule-instructions* nil) (setf *algebra-tag-instructions* nil) (clear-rule-record) (read-rmrs-grammar *rasp-rmrs-gram-file*) (read-rmrs-tag-templates *rasp-rmrs-tag-file*) (with-open-file (istream ifile :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream ofile :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format ostream "~%") (loop (let* ((tagged (read istream nil nil)) (number (read istream nil nil)) (tree (read istream nil nil))) (declare (ignore number)) (unless tree (return)) (when tree ;;; (pprint tree) (construct-sem-for-tree tree :rasp ostream tagged)))) (format ostream "~%"))))) |# #| algebra testing 1. rule conversion (progn (let ((*rasp-rmrs-gram-file* "rmrs/rasp3/gram15-general.rmrs") (*rasp-xml-word-p* t) (*renumber-hack* t) (*rasp-xml-type* :none)) (clear-rule-record) (read-rmrs-grammar *rasp-rmrs-gram-file*)) (dolist (rulename '("S/np_vp" "NP/det_n1" "N1/ap_n1" "AP/a1" "A1/a")) (let ((rule (find rulename *rule-instructions* :key #'rmrs-rule-name :test #'equal))) (when rule (convert-rmrs-rule rule)))) (show-algebra-rules) ) (convert-rmrs-rule (find "S/np-nt-adv_s" *rule-instructions* :key #'rmrs-rule-name :test #'equal)) (convert-rmrs-rule (find "S/np_vp" *rule-instructions* :key #'rmrs-rule-name :test #'equal)) (convert-rmrs-rule (find "V1/v_inf" *rule-instructions* :key #'rmrs-rule-name :test #'equal)) (setf *anchor-rmrs-p* nil) (rasp3-out "rmrs/rasp3/single.trees" "foo1") (setf *anchor-rmrs-p* t) (rasp3-out "rmrs/rasp3/single.trees" "foo2.rmrs") (rasp3-out (make-pathname :device "c" :directory "/d/rasp-rmrs/test-sets/" :name "annlt.trees") "annlt.rmrs") (rasp3-out "rmrs/rasp3/selected.trees" "rmrs/rasp3/annlt.rmrs") |# #| (defun process-citation-files nil ;;; clear and load the grammars (let ((*rasp-xml-word-p* t) (*anchor-rmrs-p* t) (*rasp-rmrs-gram-file* "rmrs/rasp3/gram15-general.rmrs") (*rasp-rmrs-tag-file* "rmrs/rasp3/lex15.rmrs") (*renumber-hack* nil)) (setf *algebra-rule-instructions* nil) (setf *algebra-tag-instructions* nil) (setf *initial-rasp-num* nil) (clear-rule-record) (read-rmrs-grammar *rasp-rmrs-gram-file*) (read-rmrs-tag-templates *rasp-rmrs-tag-file*) (let* ((ifiles (directory "~/citation/xml-parsed/*"))) (loop for ifile in ifiles do (let* ((namestring (file-namestring ifile))) (format t "~%Processing file ~A" namestring) (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gunzip -c < " "~/citation/xml-parsed/" namestring "> /tmp/pfile")) ; (format t "~%File ~A unpacked" namestring) (let ((new-file (concatenate 'string "~/citation/xml-reparsed3/" (subseq namestring 0 (- (length namestring) 3) ))) (err-file (concatenate 'string "~/citation/xml-errs/" namestring))) (declare (ignore err-file)) (with-open-file (istream "/tmp/pfile" :direction :input) (with-open-file (ostream new-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (let ((in-rmrs-p nil) (in-tree-p nil) (tree-lines nil)) (loop (let ((new-line (read-line istream nil nil))) (unless new-line (return)) (cond ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-tree-p t) (write-line new-line ostream)) ((line-matches new-line "*** Error") ;;; ignore errors in parse (write-line new-line ostream)) ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-tree-p nil) (write-line new-line ostream) (finish-output ostream) (handler-case (progn (format ostream "~%") (construct-sem-for-tree (read-from-string (apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse tree-lines))) :rasp ostream) (format ostream "~%") (finish-output ostream)) (storage-condition (condition) (progn (format ostream "~%" condition) (format ostream "~%~%"))) (error (condition) (progn (format ostream "~%" condition) (format ostream "~%~%"))) (serious-condition (condition) (progn (format ostream "~%" condition) (format ostream "~%~%") )))) ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-rmrs-p nil)) ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-rmrs-p t)) ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-rmrs-p nil)) ((line-matches new-line "") (setf in-rmrs-p nil)) (t (when in-tree-p (push new-line tree-lines)) (unless in-rmrs-p (write-line new-line ostream))))))))) (excl::shell "rm /tmp/pfile") (when (probe-file new-file) ;;; validate the XML ;;; (excl::shell ;;; (concatenate 'string ;;; "xmlnorm -Vs " new-file " 2>| " err-file)) ;;; note we're redirecting std err ;;; gzip the file (excl::shell (concatenate 'string "gzip " new-file))))))))) (defun line-matches (new-line match) (let ((ml (length match))) (and new-line (>= (length new-line) ml) (string-equal (subseq new-line 0 ml) match)))) |#