[6402a] Det er bare isbreer som kan lage et slikt trauformet lengdeprofil. [6402b] Only glaciers can create this kind of trough-shaped length profile. [6402c] Only glaciers can make such a trough-shaped longitudinal profile. [6402d] It is only glaciers that are capable of forming such tub-shaped elongated bodies of water. [6408a] Landskapet er enestående, både i norsk og internasjonal sammenheng - og Preikestolen og Kjerag er kjent verden over. [6408b] The landscape is exceptional by any standard, and Pulpit Rock and Kjerag are world famous. [6408c] The landscape is unique, both in Norwegian and in international context - and Preikestolen are Kjerag world renowned. [6408d] The landscape is unique, both by Norwegian and by international standards - and Preikestolen and Kjerag are renowned the world over. [6410a] Men Lysefjordområdet er ikke bare stein, det er også gamle kulturlandskap, levende gardsbruk og skjelloppdrett. [6410b] However, the area around the Lysefjord consists of more than just stone; it also contains an old cultural landscape, vital farms that are still in operation and shellfish farms in the fjord. [6410c] But the Lysefjord are isn't just stones: it's also old cultural landscape, viable farming and shellfish farming. [6410d] But the Lysefjord area is not only stone; it is also old cultural landscape, working farms and shellfish aquaculture. [6414a] ^Prøv "Fjordhopping" [6414b] Try Fjord hopping [6414c] Try "fjord hopping" [6414d] ^Try "Fjord hopping" [6418a] Det er mulig å hoppe på og av de to båtene som trafikkerer fjorden og lage ditt eget reiseopplegg. [6418b] There you can hop on and off the two passenger boats that run in the fjord and plan your own itinerary. [6418c] It's possible to board and disembark from the two ships that ply the fjord, and make your own itinerary. [6418d] It is possible to jump on and off the two boats that serve the fjord, and to design your own tour. [6426a] Og vil du gå for deg selv, loser spesiallaget orienteringskart deg trygt forbi trollskog, mosegrodde steiner og idylliske småtjern. [6426b] If you want to go for a walk by yourself, our special orienteering map will guide you safely through troll-inhabited forests, past moss-covered stones and idyllic small tarns. [6426c] And if you wish to find your own way, a special orienteering map will guide you safely past troll forests, mossy stones and idyllic tarns. [6426d] And if you prefer to hike on your own, specially designed orientation maps will guide you safely past troll forests, stones overgrown with moss and idyllic ponds. [6428a] Som avslutning på dagen kan du ta en rotur, fiske litt, ta en svømmetur - eller spille fotball på fotballbanen. [6428b] At the end of the day, you can go out in a rowboat, do a little fishing, go for a swim or play a game of football on our football pitch. [6428c] To wind up the day, you can row a boat, fish a little, go swimming - or play soccer on the soccer field. [6428d] To end your day, you might take a rowboat trip, fish a little, go swimming - or play some soccer on the soccer field. [6430a] ^Turforslag: [6430b] RECOMMENDED HIKES: [6430c] Recommended hikes: [6430d] ^Suggested trip: [6432a] ^3 timer tur/retur [6432b] 3 hour round trip [6432c] 3 hours to/from [6432d] ^3 hours round-trip [6436a] Rundtur 3 timer. [6436b] 3 hour round trip [6436c] Round hike, 3 hours. [6436d] round trip 3 hours. [6438a] De som ønsker det kan ta en avstikker ned til Lysefjorden ved Refså. [6438b] If you like, you can take a side trip down to the Lysefjord at Refså. [6438c] Those who wish can take a side trip down to Lysefjorden at Refså. [6438d] Those who wish may take a detour down to Lysefjord at Refså. [6440a] ^Moslifjell [6440b] Mt. Moslifjell [6440c] Moslifjell [6440d] ^Moslifjell [6442a] Fra den 718 meter høye toppen er det fantastisk utsikt over Jæren, Boknafjorden og Ryfylke. [6442b] From this 718 metre high peak, you have a fantastic view of the Jæren plain, the Boknafjord and the Ryfylke district. [6442c] From the 718 meter high peak, there's a fantastic view of Jæren, Boknafjorden and Ryfylke. [6442d] From the 718-meter-high summit, there is a fantastic view over Jæren, Boknafjord and Ryfylke. [6444a] ^Vastnerinda [6444b] The Vatnerinda ridge [6444c] Vastnerinda [6444d] ^Vastnerinda [6446a] Skogstur i området ovenfor hytta. [6446b] Forest walk in the area above the cabin. [6446c] Forest hike in the area above the lodge. [6446d] A trip through the forest in the area above the lodge.