[9001a] +Turmuligheter fra Gjevilvasshytta [9001b] Hike choices from Gjevilvasshytta [9001c] +Excursion opportunities from Gjevilvasshytta [9029a] Ved nordøst-enden av tjørna ligger 3 fangstgraver for rein ca 100 m fra vannkanten. [9029b] At the northeast end of the tarn there are 3 pitfalls for reindeer about 100 m from the waterside. [9029c] At the northeast end of the pond, there are 3 hunting pits for reindeer about 100 m from the water's edge. [9057a] Ta inn til bandet mellom heime og midtre kammen. [9057b] Go to the col between Heime and Midtre Kammen. [9057c] Cut across to the strip between the lower and middle pond. [10020a] Ta herfra nordvestover og opp på Blåhåmmårkleppen. [10020b] From here, go northwestward and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen. [10020c] From here, hike northwest and up onto Blåhåmmårkleppen. [11003a] +Trollheimen på tvers med «vårski» [11003b] Trollheimen crosswise on "spring skis" [11003c] +Across Trollheimen on «spring skis» [11031a] Det anbefales to dager på Trollheimshytta for en dagstur til topps. [11031b] Two days are advisable at Trollheimshytta for a day hike to the summit. [11031c] Two days at the Trollheim Lodge are recommended for a day trip to the summit. [11059a] Du kan korte inn denne turen noe ved å ta av mot nord etter Litlkudalen ned til Mausetsetra. [11059b] You can shorten the tour a bit by turning north after Litlkudalen and down to Mausetsetra. [11059c] You can shorten this trip somewhat by turning off to the north after Litlkudalen and then down to Mausetsetra. [12008a] 1. Til Tovdalsberga og Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, stort sett utenom merking. [12008b] 1. To Tovdalsberga and Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, mostly away from marked trails. [12008c] 1. To Tovdalsberga and Grønlitjønna, 12 - 14 km, mainly along the marked trail. [12036a] Vardinga mot Trollheims-hytta fortsetter bratt over de to andre og høgere toppene. [12036b] The cairned route towards Trollheims-hytta continues steeply over the two other, higher summits. [12036c] The stone markers leading toward Trollheim Lodge continue on the steep inclines over the two other, taller peaks. [13012a] Til Festa kommer du lett med tog/buss eller bil. [13012b] You can get to Festa easily by train, bus or car. [13012c] You can easily reach Festa by train/bus or car. [13039a] Langt mot sør kan man i klar sikt se både Galdhøpigg-massivet, Storjuvtinden og Skardstind i Jotunheimen. [13039b] Farther south, when the view is clear, you can see the Galdhøpigg massif, Storjuvtinden and Skardstind in Jotunheimen. [13039c] Far to the south, on a clear day, one can see the Galdhøpiggen massif, Storjuvtinden and Skardstind in the Jotunheimen mountains. [13067a] +Kart: [13067b] Maps: [13067c] +Map: [14023a] På turen mot Trollheimshytta, betjent (selvbetjent utenom betjent sesong), TT, starter vi opp langs ruta mot Gjevilvasshytta til Skrikhøa. [14023b] For the tour to Trollheimshytta, staffed (self-service out of staffed season), TT, we start up along the route towards Gjevilvasshytta to Skrikhøa. [14023c] On the trip toward Trollheimshytta, attended (self-service during the non-staffed season), TT, we begin up along the route toward Gjevilvasshytta to Skrikhøa. [14051a] Men usikten og ikke minst nedrennet som venter, gjør at vi får mye igjen for turen oppom toppen. [14051b] But the view and not least the downhill run that awaits, give us much for our tour to the summit. [14051c] But the view, as well as the descent that awaits us, make this a rewarding trip for the effort to get to the top. [14079a] For detaljerte rutebeskrivelser for de merkete rutene mellom hyttene og noen av de vanligste turene utenom de merkete rutene anbefales TTs bok Sylene og Trollheimen og nettsidene: www.tt.no [14079b] For detailed route descriptions of the marked routes between lodges and some of the most common hikes away from the marked routes, see the TT Guide, Sylene and Trollheimen and the website: www.tt.no [14079c] For detailed route descriptions for the marked trails between the lodges and some of the most common trips off the marked trails, TT's book Sylene and Trollheimen and the websites: www.tt.no are recommended. [14107a] Herfra startet de i 4-tida om morgenen, passerte Grut i Meldal kl. 11, Jølvatnet i 6-tida på ettermiddagen og nådde Foldalshytten (Trollheims-hytta) 11 om kvelden. [14107b] From here they departed at 4 in the morning and passed Grut in Meldal at 11 am, Jølvatnet around 6 pm, and reached Foldalshytten (Trollheims-hytta) at 11 in the evening. [14107c] From here, they set out at about 4 a.m., passed Grut in Meldal at 11, Jølvatnet at about 6 in the afternoon and reached Foldalshytten (Trollheim Lodge) at 11 in the evening. [15019a] I godt vær anbefales andre å gå over Sæthøa og Gjerdhøa til bandet mellom Fagerlidalen og Svorunddalen. [15019b] In good weather, others are advised to go over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the col between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen. [15019c] When the weather is good, others are recommended to hike over Sæthø and Gjerdhøa to the valley link between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen. [15047a] Herfra har en flere muligheter. [15047b] From here, there are several choices. [15047c] From here, one has several alternatives. [16010a] Det kan også legges inn en ekstra dag på Trollheimshytta med dagstur til Snota. [16010b] An extra day also may be worked in at Trollheimshytta for a day tour to Snota. [16010c] An extra day at Trollheim Lodge can also be added, with a day trip to Snota. [16038a] Det er tre merka ruter mellom disse to hyttene, langs Svartåa gjennom dalen, 5 t, over Geithetta, 6 t og over Trollhettas tre topper, 9 t. [16038b] There are three marked routes between these two lodges: along Svartåa through the valley, 5 hours; over Geithetta, 6 hours; and over Trollhetta's three summits, 9 hours. [16038c] there are three marked trails between these two lodges, along Svartåa through the valley, 5 hrs, over Geithetta, 6 hrs and across Trollhetta's three summits, 9 hrs. [17014a] Til Gjevilvasshytta, ubetjent kvarter utenom sesonger, TT, kan du komme deg med kombinasjon av tog til Oppdal og buss til Festa. [17014b] You can get to Gjevilvasshytta, no-service lodging out of season, TT, with a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa. [17014c] You can get to Gjevilvass Lodge, unstaffed accommodations off-season, TT, by a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa. [17042a] +Kart: [17042b] Maps: [17042c] +Maps: [18011a] Turen kan også gås ved å ta en av eggene på kamman. [18011b] The tour can also go via one of the ridges on the spur. [18011c] The trip can also be done by visiting one of the crests of the kamman peaks. [18040a] +Vassendsetra [18040b] Vassendsetra [18040c] +Vassendsetra [19022a] Turen til Østre Somrungsnebba er en forholdsvis lett tur, men med noen bratte partier. [19022b] The tour to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy tour, but with a few steep parts. [19022c] The trip to Eastern Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip, but with some steep portions. [19049a] Evt. kan turen tas som en rundtur opp Londalen til Tohatten og tilbake om Storbekkhøa og Halsbekkhøa eller over disse toppene. [19049b] Possibly, the tour can be taken as a round trip up Londalen to Tohatten and back via Storbekkhøa and Halsbekkhøa or over their summits. [19049c] As an alternative, the trip can be done as a round trip up Londalen to Tohatten and back via Storbekkhøa and Halsbekkhøa, or across these summits. [19077a] Turen opp og ned på Kråkvasstind tar på bra føre 5 - 6 timer. [19077b] The tour up and down Kråkvasstind takes, with good conditions, 5 - 6 hours. [19077c] The trip up and down Kråkvass Peak takes 5 - 6 hours, with good snow conditions. [19105a] Men til fots er aksjonsradiusen langt mindre enn på godt skiføre. [19105b] But on foot, your range is far less than with good ski conditions. [19105c] But on foot, the radius of action is considerably less than on good skiing surfaces. [19134a] +Nils Røv [19134b] Nils Røv [19134c] +Nils Røv [20027a] Her er det ikke merka, men lett å orientere. [20027b] Here there are no markings, but it's easy to find the way. [20027c] The route is not marked here, but it is easy to find one's bearings. [20055a] Da var det desto viktigere å ta vare på de gjenværende urørte områdene. [20055b] Then it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas. [20055c] At the time, it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas. [21021a] Vi tar bratt opp ryggen på den høgeste toppen på Storlifjellryggen, 1582 m, en ikke så mye besøkt topp. [21021b] We go directly up the ridge of the highest peak of Storlifjellryggen, 1582 m, a not often visited summit. [21021c] We climb steeply up the ridge to the crest of the highest summit of Storlifjell, 1582 m, a mountaintop that is not frequently visited. [21049a] Snota gås samme dagen som turen fra Naustådalen. [21049b] Snota is skied on the day of the tour from Naustådalen. [21049c] Snota is climbed the same day as the trip from Naustådalen. [22011a] "Trekanten" er fin å starte opp både fra Gjevilvasshytta og Jøldalshytta, men kan også startes fra Trollheimshytta. [22011b] The "Triangle" starts well both from Gjevilvasshytta and from Jøldalshytta, but it also may start from Trollheimshytta. [22011c] for "The Triangle", it's good to start from both Gjevilvasshytta and Jøldalshytta, but it can also have Trollheimshytta as a starting point. [22039a] +Vinter: [22039b] Winter: [22039c] +Winter: [23017a] Høyden på fossen er omkring 15 meter. [23017b] The height of the waterfall is about 15 meters. [23017c] The elevation of the waterfall is about 15 meters. [23045a] +Kart: [23045b] Maps: [23045c] +Maps: [24025a] Det er skilting til flere av bruddstedene. [24025b] There are signs to several of the quarry sites. [24025c] Several of the quarries are posted with signs. [24053a] +1:50 000 Tydal, Flornes og Stjørdal. [24053b] 1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal. [24053c] +1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal. [25026a] Turens siste etappe går gjennom skardet mellom Nørdsfjellet og Midtfjellet til Holmtjønna hvor man tar av østover mot Hevertjønna og ned til Heverfallsetra, 9 km. [25026b] The last stretch of the tour goes over the saddle between Nørdsfjellet and Midtfjellet to Holmtjønna, where you turn eastwards towards Hevertjønna and down to Heverfallsetra, 9 km. [25026c] [25054a] Fjellområdet brukes i dag aktivt til skogsdrift og til beite for sau, storfe og rein. [25054b] The range today is actively used for logging and as pasture for sheep, cattle and reindeer. [25054c] The mountain area is used actively today for forestry and as grazing land for sheep, cattle and reindeer. [26023a] Melandsøya er mye benyttet som teltplass og kan være et godt utgangspunkt for turer i dalen. [26023b] Melandsøya is a much used campsite and can be a good starting point for hikes in the valley. [26023c] Melandsøya is often used as a tent site and is a good starting point for trips in the valley. [26051a] I følge vernebestemmelsene er alt dyre- og planteliv vernet. [26051b] According to the protection regulations, all animal and plant life is protected. [26051c] In accordance with conservation regulations, all animal and plant life is protected. [27017a] Toppunktet (1218 m) er ikke særlig markant, men er godt vardet og utstyrt med gjestebok. [27017b] The summit (1218 m) is not particularly pronounced, but has a good cairn with a visitor's register. [27017c] The highest point (1218 m) is not especially striking, but has impressive stone markers and a guest book. [27046a] Iglfjellet ligger synlig til fra mange kanter, bl.a. flere steder i marka rundt Trondheim og f.eks. fra Heimdal. [27046b] Iglfjellet lies visible from many aspects, including several places in the lands around Trondheim and, for instance, from Heimdal. [27046c] Iglfjellet is visible from most directions, including several places in the countryside around Trondheim and, for example, from Heimdal.