--------------------------------------------------------- COPYING FreeLing: Open-Source Suite of Language Analyzers --------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this package are distributed under different open licenses. If you want to redistribute this software, part of it, or derived works based on it or on any of its parts, make sure you are doing so under the terms stated in the license applying to each of the involved modules. The licenses applying to the modules contained in FreeLing are the following: 1.- English WordNet synset data, contained in file data/en/senses.dat in this package are distributed under the original WordNet license. You can find it in the file LICENSES/WN.license included in this package or at http://wordnet.princeton.edu 2.- Italian dictionary contained in the file data/it/dicc.src in this package is straightforwardly extracted from Morph-it! lexicon developed at the University of bologna (see http://sslmitdev-online.sslmit.unibo.it/linguistics/morph-it.php), and is distributed under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons license. You'll find the license in the file LICENSES/CC-BY-SA.license included in this package or at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ 2.- Galician dictionary contained in the file data/gl/dicc.src in this package is straightforwardly extracted from the OpenTrad project (http://www.opentrad.org) and has been developed by the Seminario de Lingüística Informática (http://sli.uvigo.es) at Universidade de Vigo. It is distributed under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons license. You'll find the license in the file LICENSES/CC-BY-SA.license included in this package or at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ 3.- All other data and code modules in this package are distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). You can find it in the file LICENSES/LGPL.license included in this package or at http://www.gnu.org/licenses