FreeLing: Natural language analysis libraries ============================================= The FreeLing package consists of a library providing language analysis services (such as morfological analysis, date recognition, PoS tagging, etc.) Apart from the functionalities present in previous versions (tokenizing, sentence splitting, morphological analysis, named entity detection, date/number/currency recognition, PoS tagging, and chart-based shallow parsing), the current version (1.3) of the package provides not only improved performance and debugged linguistic data, but also new features, such as physical magnitudes detection, named entity classification, WordNet based sense annotation, and dependency parsing. The distributed version includes the following morphological dictionaries. Although the dictionaries for some latin languages may seem small, it must be taken into account that many more forms than those in the dictionary are reconginzed thanks to a powerful suffix analysis module able to detect enclitic pronoun verbal forms and diminutive/augmentative suffixed nouns and adjectives. * The English dictionary was automatically extracted from WSJ, with minimum manual post-edition, and thus may be a little noisy. It contains over 160,000 forms corresponding to some 102,000 different combinations lemma-PoS. * The Spanish and Catalan dictionaries are hand build, and contain the 6,500 most frequent open-category lemmas for each language, plus all closed-category lemmas. The Spanish and Catalan dictionaries try to maintain the same coverage (that is, the same lemmas are expected to appear in both dictionaries). The Spanish dictionary contains over 81,000 forms corresponding to more than 7,100 different combinations lemma-PoS, and the Catalan dictionary contains near 67,000 forms corresponding to more than 7,400 different combinations lemma-PoS. Spanish and catalan dictionaries are expected to cover over 80% of open-category tokens in a text. For words not found in the dictionary, all open categories are assumed, with a probability distribution based on word suffixes, and the tagger makes a choice based on most likely tag sequence. * Italian dictionary contains over 355,000 forms corresponding to over 36,000 lemma-PoS combinations. * Galician dictionary contains more than 90,000 forms, corresponding to near 7,400 lemma-PoS combinations. This version also includes WordNet-based sense dictionaries for languages which it is available for: * The English sense dictionary is straightforwardly extracted from WN 1.6 and therefore is distributed under the terms of WN license. You'll find a copy in the LICENSE.WordNet file. * The Catalan and Spanish sense dictionaries are extracted from EuroWordNet, and the reduced subsets included in this FreeLing package are distibuted under Gnu LGPL, as the rest of the code and data in this package. Find a copy of the license in the COPYING file. See for details on WordNet, and for more information on EuroWordNet. 1. Requirements --------------- To install FreeLing you'll need: * A typical Linux box with usual development tools: bash make C++ compiler with basic STL support (e.g. g++ version 3.x) * Enough hard disk space (about 40Mb) * Some external libraries are required to compile FreeLing: [pcre] (version 4.3 or higher) Perl C Regular Expressions. Included in most usual Linux distributions. Just make sure you have it installed. Also available from [db] (version 4.1.25 or higher) Berkeley DB. Included in all usual Linux distributions. You probably have it already installed. Make sure of it, and that C++ support is also installed (may come in a separate package). Also available from Do not install it twice unless you know what you are doing. [libcfg+] (version 0.6.1 or higher) Configuration file and command-line options management. May not be in your linux distribution. Available from, follow installation instructions provided in the libcfg+ package. Note that you'll need both the binary libraries and their source headers (in some distributions the headers come in a separate package tagged -devel, e.g. the libpcre library may be distributed in two packages: the first, say libpcre-4.3.rpm, contains the binary libraries, and the second, say libpcre-devel-4.3.rpm, provides the source headers) Note also that if you (or the library package) install those libraries or headers in non-standard directories (that is, other than /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib for libraries, or other than /usr/include or /usr/local/include for headers) you may need to use the CPPFLAGS or LDFLAGS variables to properly run ./configure script. For instance, if you installed BerkeleyDB from a rpm package, the db_cxx.h file may be located at /usr/include/db4 instead of the default /usr/include. So, you'll have to tell ./configure where to find it: ./configure CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/include/db4' The BerkeleyDB package is probably installed in your system, but you may need to install C++ support, which (depending on your distribution) may be found in a separate package (such as db4-cxx.rpm, db4-cxx-devel.rpm, or the like). See next section and INSTALL file for further details. 2. Installation --------------- Installation follows standard GNU autoconfigure installation procedures. See the file INSTALL for further details. The installation consists of a few basic steps: * Decompress the FreeLing-1.3.tgz package in a temporary subdirectory. Issue the commands: ./configure make make install The last command may be issued as root. You may control the installation defaults providing appropriate parametres to the ./configure script. The command: ./configure --help will provide help about installation options (e.g. non-default installation directory, non standard locations for required libraries, etc.) The INSTALL file provides more information on standard installation procedures. 3. Executing ------------ FreeLing is a library, which means that it is a tool to develop new programs which may require linguistic analysis services. Nevertheless, a simple main program is included in the package for those who just want a text analyzer. This small program may easily be adapted to fit your needs (e.g. customized input/output formats). Next chapter describes usage of this sample main program. 4. Porting to other platforms ----------------------------- The FreeLing library is entirely written in C++, so it should be possible to compile it on non-unix platforms with a reasonable effort (additional pcre/db/cfg+ libraries porting might be required also...). Success have been reported on compiling FreeLing on MacOS, as well as on MS-Windows using cygwin (